第400章 黑月总会纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “什么……两万丈!?”云澈大吃一惊。 两万丈,这纵然在地面距离上,都不是一个小 การแปล - 第400章 黑月总会纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “什么……两万丈!?”云澈大吃一惊。 两万丈,这纵然在地面距离上,都不是一个小 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第400章 黑月总会纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “什么…

第400章 黑月总会




































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 400 Dark Moon AssociationOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "What ... the ... 20,000 feet!? "Yun Che by surprise. 20,000 feet, even on the ground, not a small number, but in height, can only be described as terrorist. At least, Yun Che since the two, let alone 20,000 feet, is the lofty altitude could not touch. Yun Che has never seen a black boat can reach such heights, even that height alone greatly, even if Wang xuanlan's strong, could never reach. It is no wonder that pale said among thousands, so Gu Xuanzhou on, you want to leverage the power of BA Huang ... ... Turns out such terror in the air. So the height of the eyes of black shadow remains in huge, its true size is understandable.But the crowd around and not many people stop to look up to, after all, the mysterious too Gu Xuanzhou, there has been a few months of time. "Molly, you can see that this ' too Gu Xuanzhou ' what things? "Yun Che threw back his head and asked. Through too far, yet, with layer upon layer of cloud cover, as he can see, and only a huge shadows and contours. Detail could not see any. "It should be a black boat. Black boat of the same size, I have seen many, but this black boat gives me the feeling ... ... It is very strange. "Molly pondering a way. "Strange? "Although this is the second time Jasmin said such words, but Yun Che is still a startling ... ... Big black boat on this scale, she's seen a lot ... ... That tone is common even looks like! Where she was born, grew up, exactly what a horrible existence."Black boat after the thousands years history of evolution, now increasingly unified and have a perfect structure. For example, in order to reduce the consumption of black stone, black crystal, and even God Shi Shenjing, black front of the boat will be long and pointed, the whole line is particularly smooth, and so can greatly reduce drag in flight, but the black boat, is the opposite, but rather is a product of ancient times ... ... Most bizarre is that such a big black boat, floating in the sky, each card will consume enormous amounts of energy, but I absolutely do not feel there are traces of energy flow! It was supposed to be impossible! ” Yun Che: "......""If you can solve the grievances of and Phoenix Shenzong, successful completion of the seven-nation qualifying fight, climb to the top three, then it was Gu Xuanzhou look. I suddenly want to know what this is. "Molly is a serious road. Clearly, the mystery of her that even she cannot understand Hyun had a keen interest in boats. "The better. "Yun Che nods:" hopefully all goes well. ” "You seem to have had plenty of plans? ” “…… Sort of. But the plan it, forever is planned, then what's going to happen, no one can be expected. "Yun Che said, but the look is very calm and indifferent. "Distance ranking still has half a month's time, this period of time, what are you going to? "Jasmine asked."Time to become familiar with the Phoenix God of the 30%, and if it were to escape, nor like a headless fly. 70% time left, of course, are used to enhance the strength. "Yun Che slightly convergence up eyebrow angle, eyes half narrowed:" this several months has been in practice ice Yi martial art, Xuan force of upgrade is completely falls has, seven country row bit war is whole days Xuan city most top young strong of event, far not pale wind row bit war can than of, to I now of strength, also no how many top Qian three of confidence...... These days, I must use special methods to enhance black power. ” "Now, my hands Wang Xuanlong heart, Wang Xuanlong, Devils burn blood kongtong grass, jade, Crystal, Yu ye ... ... Only jade and Phoenix day van Gogh sunflower, mysterious universe can be tempered days Dan, take after, enough to make me black to occult forces reached ten. Jade and Phoenix day van Gogh sunflower Sofu was not found, but the dark Moon God Phoenix City Federation of Chambers of Commerce, as long as money, should not have to buy less stuff. ”With that, Yun Che get lost in Phoenix City map, eyes quickly locked on the map the curved stands, Black Moon, then straight away. Dark Moon Black Chambers of commerce throughout the days every corner of the city, its business dominance, no one can never shake. As a black month, Federation of Chambers of Commerce, will no doubt be extremely atmospheric qualities, and Yun Che finally came to the dark Moon always door, still stunned by surprised. Chamber of dark Moon aspect for dozens of this scale, comparable to a small town, everyone is hard to believe that just a Chamber of Commerce station. Dark Moon Association a total of eight stories high, though it is eight, but the height of each layer is amazing, and eight layers, sky, top, a huge black bent Moon songruyunxiao, almost no corner of this huge city Phoenix God looked up and could see clearly enough.Walls all the reflections of pure jade will pure brilliance, every piece of brick is expensive, completely to luxury than the Sofu Palace of glass bricks. A unit down the majestic Grand momentum over, people look up at the time of, almost a cult thing. AA Gent so rich ... ... Watch Dark Moon Chamber of Commerce, Yun Che heart sighs. He would like to know who is this dark Moon Chamber of Commerce will be the main character, can control this amazing business empire, is by no means the money can be done alone.At rendering in Yun Che front of, is a great of square, square Shang poly full with crowd, crowd most intensive of place, is a huge of Crystal Taiwan, Crystal Taiwan breakdown with dozens of root Crystal column, each Crystal of ahead are has a slow rotating of vertical Xuan array, these Xuan array is ring uniform of distribution in Crystal Taiwan around, each a Xuan array are flashing with mystery Mo measuring of colorful light, look zhixia, is red, and orange, and yellow, and green, and green, and blue, and purple uniform of alternating reflected. "This is the dark Moon Chamber of Commerce? Too ... ... So ... ... Exaggerate it! "Beside Yun Che, a young man flabbergasted looking straight ahead, his mouth opened wide to the maximum, for a long time could not be closed. His dress should be from his country, Huang Cheng Xuan first came to God."It's just outside, inside is said to be exaggerated. "His companions said. "What these people are around the Crystal, why not enter? Right, didn't see the gate should be where is the entrance? ” "Hey, black month, Federation of Chambers of Commerce, so easy to get into. Even your brother and I, when I came, are not eligible to enter. Look good, still do not expect the inside, what is honest to branch, or other small Chamber of Commerce. Besides, you even went in, something dark Moon will, nor can you afford. ” "Why can't I? They will not? And what kind of person can enter? ”"See that Crystal did not? Crystal 36 black outside, is the only Chamber of Commerce entered the black month! Want to get into, as his forces attack an abstruse, these Hyun played in the power completely, then according to the strength determined level and level display rear entrance array corresponds to the Crystal column ... ... Among them, the Red is the lowest, followed by Orange ... ... Red, Orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple judgment order from low to high levels. Level, which appears at least green, into the dark Moon Chamber of Commerce qualification, but only into the first and second-tier, cyan, can enter the third and fourth floors, blue, into the fifth and sixth floors, while the purple ... ... Can enter the seventh layer! ” Yun Che all these words in their ears, hearts is a sigh. In business, has always been buyers pick sellers and Chamber of Commerce are wooing guests of the empty mind ... ... The dark Moon Chamber of Commerce, is to select guest, does not have sufficient strength, even entering the dark Moon is always none of the qualifications, even if rich and don't want to get into the dark Moon always deals. Even so, black month Chamber of Commerce tourist far from dying, but every year thousands of people are trying to access.Can the strength and energy of the whole greatly, only the dark Moon Chamber of Commerce. "This is so unfair. "The young black anger:" just to mysterious forces determine eligibility for entering, it is our young people not lose too much! This swing is biased towards those mysterious century person. ” "No, no! "Claiming to be the" brother "shook his head:" Crystal columns determine the standards of qualification are not pure black, but quality! Xuan in the attack when it not only absorb powers, and simultaneous determination of bone age, then combined with bone age and mysterious force strength the common judgment. For example, to your mysterious power, if only ten words, absolute eligibility for entering! If a mighty throne, his bone age is hundreds of years old, that's probably green could not be determined. ” "I see ... ... Brother, did you say top purple to the seventh floor, eighth floor how to get in? ”"The eighth floor is said to be Lord Black month reception where guests that only the very distinguished, such as Phoenix Super characters like sovereign entered the qualification ... ... Even the General of the Huang Emperor's sons of God are not eligible to enter, we don't even think of in my life. ” 旁人的交谈,让云澈总算了解该怎样进入这黑月总会。他目光从云霄之上的黑色残月收回,走向了中间的水晶台。 水晶台周围的人群密密麻麻。神凰城这些天涌入了大量的六国玄者,而能来到这里的人,无一不是本国玄者的佼佼者甚至绝顶天才,他们对于黑月总会,自然有着极大的向往,能进入黑月总会一观,甚至是不少人的来此的最大目的之一。三十六个玄阵前方都站满了人,一个个面色通红,聚足全身玄力攻向玄阵,而一股股强大的力量在碰触到玄阵之后,没有能造成任何的破坏,甚至连声音都很轻微,瞬间便被吸收的一干二净,虽然每次都是二三十个人同时攻击,但周围却感觉不到太强烈的玄力波动。 “喝!!” 一个二十岁出头的青年玄者脸色凝重,腮帮鼓起,在长达近十息的玄力凝聚后,一声大吼,以最强玄技攻向前方的玄阵……攻击玄阵时不能用武器,但可以用玄功玄技。 “天地崩雷拳!!”年轻玄者的拳头狠狠的撞击在玄阵之上,玄阵顿时无声的荡起一环水波般的涟漪,随之,对应的水晶柱顿时闪耀光芒,第一层的赤色点亮,随之继续向上,点亮第二层的橙色,第三层的黄色也随之耀起……但还未闪耀到最明亮,便已定格下来,随之,所有的色彩全部快速暗淡下去。 The confident look young Hyun, who stopped all of a sudden, his hands trembled, cried out of control: "No ... ... Impossible ... ... Impossible ... ... I am black country ranked 37th, is the first day of the North! Impossible, this must be some kind of mistake ... ... " As a top talent, pride all his life and others ' worship, praise and growing admiration, adulation, and at this dark Moon will even enter one of the most basic qualifications line up to, it's a super genius who throughout the country, is a huge blow.Out of control, his face was red with blood, suddenly a shout, all of a sudden pulled out weapons and threw screaming in front of black ... ... But his weapon had just come into contact with black, black suddenly cold light flashes, release and a huge force, young Hyun, who bellows a, being knocked out after landing half a day cannot stand up. "Brother Yin Shi! "Several people came together with him hurriedly gathered up, and helped him up. "HA HA HA HA! A humble small trash dream of entering the dark Moon actually always, also called itself North of generation of ' first day ' ... ... HA HA HA HA! Really make people laugh their heads off, you, the genius of a small country, to me God Phoenix Empire, even ants are not, I feel for you fool. A kind voice sounded from behind the crowd, every word of what he said were harsh, and six black and all of those who insult them. People gathered here are mostly from six countries, heard the voice, glaring at all, but sees the person, they are about to erupt in anger as something rigid block, Leng half a word not a word out. This man in a flaming red dress, embroidered with a Gold Phoenix emblem in the chest ... ... Whether it is red or emblems, are evidence of this person's identity, is a shocking Phoenix Shenzong's disciples! R1058 The fastest updates, no popups read please.Chapter error, click here to report (no registration), report maintenance personnel corrected chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 400th chapter of the text reading online always
this domain name please visit the mobile phone reading "what...... Twenty thousand feet " Be startled at clouds.

20000 feet, which even in the distance from the ground, are not a small figure and in height, can only use terror to describe. At least, since the two clouds, let alone twenty thousand feet, is a high altitude can not touch. Che Yun had never seen Xuan boat can reach such a height, even the height alone Xuan in the sky, even if it is Wang Xuanqiang, must not may arrive. No wonder it

to the Pacific Wind Cang said, Zhou xuan,To use the power of the tyrant...... It was such a high altitude.

and so the height, the black shadow in sight still called on large, its true size, one can imagine.
but the crowd did not how many people stop looking at, after all, the mysterious primeval Xuan Zhou has emerged months time. Jasmine,

"can you see what is this' Taigu Xuan boat 'what?" Clouds asked. Too far away, there is a layer of clouds, he can see, there is only a huge shadow and rough outline. I cannot see the details on a tiny bit.

"This is indeed a mysterious boat. The same size of the Xuan boat, I have seen a lot, but this is a mysterious boat to bring me the feeling...... Very strange." Jasmine ponders a way.

"strange?" Although this is the second similar words about jasmine, but the clouds still started...... Huge to such a scale of the Xuan boat, she actually saw a lot of...... The tone, even the usual way! Where she was born and grew up, what a terrible existence. The "Xuan boat after the evolution of the history of Wan Wannian, and now has become more and more unified and perfect structure. For example, in order to reduce the black stone,The mysterious crystal even God stone Shenjing consumption, the front end of the mysterious boat will tip length, the whole line will be exceptionally smooth, this way can be in flight greatly reduce the resistance, but the Xuan aboard the boat is anti in the opposite direction, the inverted image is the product of ancient times... The most strange is that such a large boat, floating in the air, each breath will consume a huge energy, but I could not feel the traces of energy flow! It was absolutely impossible!"

"if you can solve and Phoenix Shenzong scores, the successful completion of the seven qualifying battle of words, climb to the top three, then this Swire Xuan boat look.Suddenly I wanted to know what it was." Jasmine is a serious way. Obviously, she had a strong interest in the mysterious, mysterious, which she could not understand. "Good." Clouds nod: "I hope I can all the best."

"you seem to have had a good plan?"

"...... Be considered. But plan this thing, can always be a plan, then what will happen, no one can expect." Clouds in spite of this, but the look is very calm.

"distance is half a month's time qualifying war, this time, you are ready to do what?" Jasmine asked.
"Three of the time used to familiar with the God Phoenix, and if you want to escape, not like a headless fly. The remaining 70% of the time, of course, is used to enhance the strength." Che Yun slightly gathered eyebrows, eyes half Mi: "this a few months has been razed the magic of ice in the training, enhance the mysterious force is completely behind, seven qualifying battle is the day Xuan, the top young strong event, far not Cang breeze qualifying war comparable, with my strength now, there is not much to the summit of confidence... These days, I have to use some special methods to enhance the mysterious force." "Now, I

in the hands of Wang Xuanlong, Wang Xuanlong to the heart,Demon blood crystal, burning grass, Qionghua Yuye kongtong...... As long as another day Fanyu and Phoenix sunflower can be tempered the day Xuan Qiankun Dan, take, enough to make my mysterious force reached the mysterious territory ten level. Day Fanyu and Phoenix sunflower in Cang breeze country although cannot find, but God Phoenix have black chamber of Commerce, always, as long as the money, you should not buy things. "
finished, Che Yun took out a map of the God Phoenix, eyes quickly locking the map that is curved particularly conspicuous black moon, then go straight away.

the chamber of commerce throughout every corner of the business day, Xuan, dominance, no one can shake. As the chamber of Commerce association,It will be extremely spacious, but the clouds finally came to the door there is still scared, terrified.

heiyue chamber of Commerce aspect are fully several miles, on such a scale, comparable to a small town, who find it hard to believe that the this is actually just a chamber of Commerce of resident. Heiyue chamber of Commerce, a total of eight storey, although is eight stories, but each layer height is amazing, eight layers of superposition, unexpectedly is straight top sky, the height, a huge black moon soaring into the sky, in almost any corner of the huge God phoenix rise, can see clearly enough. All the pure jade
wall reflection will be some pure brilliance,
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