第413章 玄罡暴露纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 还有十几天就是七国排位战,神凰城的人流量可谓一天比一天巨大,在这种时候,怎么会 การแปล - 第413章 玄罡暴露纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 还有十几天就是七国排位战,神凰城的人流量可谓一天比一天巨大,在这种时候,怎么会 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第413章 玄罡暴露纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 还有十几

第413章 玄罡暴露










































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 413 black gang exposedOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit There are more than 10 days was ranked of seven wars, Phoenix City of God from day to day a huge flow of people, at a time like this, how could suddenly blocked the gates? Most likely, is being countered by FUNG Chi anger anxious hearts, after searches most of the night and he could not be found, is that the yifochushi erfoshengtian, so by Feng XI-Chen issued a temporary block gates, only in not out of order. Yun Che stepped back two steps, flashed in my head after a few ideas, speed suddenly accelerated, tyrannical hit two guards, straight away. "Stop him!!Yun Che's move amounts to poking a hornet's nest, near the city of dozens of guards came all of a sudden. Yun Che grabbed a long que and not look around and a sword swipe that raging force of EPEE live storm, siege of city guards sweep flew out, all for a long time unable to stand up, even the destroyed weapons were in the hands of an instant. Just light the sky, plus no one dares at the Phoenix God permitted, so the gate guard was relatively weak, in spite of the city's command, but the gate is still open, not closed. Yun Che sweep after stumbling to open, before they continue to react and has speed out of the gate, riding out of town on land, then call out the snow Phoenix beasts, sped off. "Faster ... ... Notice the red fire. "A fallen city guards tried ROAR road.Minutes later, a wave of fire screamed in the gate and, catching up with Yun Che DUN, Phoenix red fire. Feng XI-Chen to his command was to assassinate his Yun Che has not let anyone know, can't even leave no trace. But obviously, Phoenix red fire is crazy, in order to completely kill Yun Che, or even out of the news. After all, being a junior played only the occult crumpled, it was humiliation as never before. Not to kill Yun Che, his hard heart hatred! Snow Phoenix beasts a lot on the course faster than Yun Che, chicken red fire even if the direction, 1:30, could not catch up. But Yun Che Huang terrain completely unknown outside the city of God, dark months on a map for him, only from blue imperial city to city Phoenix God of the wind the course and the basic structure of the Phoenix City, and there is no God outside of Phoenix terrain identification, if he could find the right completely get rid of Red Fire Phoenix terrain, all depends on fate and luck.Phoenix red fire being a Phoenix Shenzong person, you must be familiar with this area to the extreme. Meanwhile, snow Phoenix beasts speed very quickly, but wherever, leaving a plume of cold, it is easy to become track marks were. Under the control of Yun Che, snow Phoenix beasts of speed to the extreme, such as a bolt of lightning shining from the sky fast pass, bingo has been far off dozens of Phoenix City. The way, Yun Che's face was calm and somber, and God most of the region near the city of Phoenix open, it's hard to hide herself. However more than half an hour in the past, but were not chasing the feeling behind, but Yun Che did not relax his 10,000 determined, chicken red fire will never give up the hunt. I still haven't overtaken, the main reason is the speed of the snow Phoenix beasts than Phoenix red fire, nor how much slower.Yun Che could not help but think of Hua 洺hai ... ... Round black strength, his less than chicken red fire one-tenth, but fast, it was chicken red fire seriously lacking and. If he can practice his "magic Ray", they can easily get rid of Phoenix red fire. He currently of rapidly Xuan technical, only a star God broken shadow, but star God broken shadow although mysticism very, but is only limited to fighting among, it of exists, perfect of make up has EPEE maximum of defects, let Yun Che handheld tens of thousands of pounds of EPEE still can body if charm shadow, but star God broken shadow of each a times launched, are is short distance of moments shift, never is for usually of high-speed mobile. Yun Che's Southwest side, missing one big chain of mountains appear in the sight of the marginal, mountains mountains are many, one of the highest peaks and ridges, cliffs high enough, his move, change direction, and galloped in the direction of the chain of mountains, soon as Meteor crashed into the mountains.Into the mountains, a stream of abnormal burning oncoming, bird was startled, to fly around and go ... ... These birds are a red feather, systemic release of flame breath. 一处山脉,本该是绿草遍布,山风微寒,但云澈越是深入,却感觉到空气分明越是灼热,这里也长满了各种树木植被,但植被的颜色大多为赤色,且基本都释放着火焰的气息,一路上所遇到的玄兽,也九成都是火系玄兽。 难道是因为临近神凰城,与神凰城过于浓烈的火元素有关?在山脉中飞行了近一个时辰,身后始终没有出现凤赤火的踪影,似乎已经彻底甩掉了。云澈的速度慢了下来,随之雪凰兽从空中降下,一直降到不足百丈之高,如此以来可以层叠的山峦遮蔽身影。这时,云澈的脑海中忽然响起茉莉有些低沉的声音:“这个地方,似乎有些不同寻常。” “不同寻常?你指的是哪里?”云澈马上问道。 “我本来以为这里的灼热,是因为处在火山,或者火元素密集的地带。但刚才我随意探视了一下,却发现这里异常活跃的火元素,却是来自一个隐匿在极深下方的巨大玄阵……整个山脉,都被笼罩在这个玄阵之中。如果我没有猜错,这个巨大的玄阵,应该是凤凰神宗所设,年代至少有八千多年,同时也说明,这个山脉,应该是属于凤凰神宗的地盘……“你似乎……进入了一个最不该进入的地方!” “小子,这次我看你往哪里跑!” 茉莉的声音刚落,云澈的耳边,互相响起了一声愤怒的大吼。而声音的来源……竟是在自己前方。 云澈一抬头,在自己正前方的一处矮山山顶上,凤赤火一身红袍,负手而立,虽然隔着很远,但依然能感觉到他全身汹涌释放的怒意。原本,凤熙铭让他一个八级王座亲自去暗杀一个地玄境的人,他只觉得牛刀杀鸡,简直辱没了自己的身份和能力,若不是凤熙铭亲自下令,他绝不会愿意出手。但,这么一个辱没身份,简单到极点的任务,他竟是在找到目标后,折腾了半夜都没能得手,反而被对方一个灭天雷崩的灰头土脸……这数个时辰中,凤赤火的怒气就没消停过,要不是他躯体足够强韧,估计胸腔都被气炸了几十次。云澈暗暗吃惊,若是被凤赤火从背后追上,他并不会太惊讶,因为凤赤火的速度不但快过雪凰兽,而且对神凰土地的熟悉程度更是远胜于他。但让他无法不吃惊的是,凤赤火不但在前方出现,而且已临近他如此近的距离,他居然一直都没有发觉。 茉莉知道云澈心中所想,低声道:“看起来,你马上就要有大麻烦了,这个至少八千多年的玄阵,绝不是那么的简单。” 云澈眉头沉下,然后一抓雪凰兽背后的雪羽,低吼道:“小婵……走!!”雪凰兽飞行的方向迅速调转,化作一道极速的白影,向后方狂掠而去,身后,随之传来凤赤火的大吼声:“还想跑!到了这个地方,你就算是有一百条命,也别想逃出去!” Snow Phoenix beasts of speed to the Acme, height while flying downhill ski racing, rapid back side of a hill and mountain, front, there have been two adjacent narrow canyons. Yun Che see has behind a eye, hands Xia pressure, will snow Huang beast of flight height abruptly of suppressed to not to ten Zhang, in near Canyon Shi, he ice Yi martial art shipped up, moments opened "ice Yi magic mirror", will himself and snow Huang beast while shrouded which, very significantly of will breath isolated, with of arm out, released Xuan gang fly shoot has which a Canyon, itself fly into has another Canyon among. This is when he is hunting, was chased by other disorders approach ... ... Always worked, never failed. Rear, Phoenix red fire in a not too fast pace to catch up with, and he's standing in front of, there is an array of strange fire red black slowly turning, black, there is a white spot in the slow-moving, staring at the white dot, Phoenix red fire playful smile on her face ... ... At this time, his eyebrows suddenly moved, because he suddenly felt in black white dots moving direction, direction and Yun Che breath go, there are considerable deviations. "What's the matter? Phoenix how deviations might occur? ” Phoenix red fire stopped, arm lift, suddenly, floating in front of his Red Sea slowly enlarged, along with Phoenix Chi feng Huang Xuan, a beam into the fire, black fast rotation, along with it, slowly with two clear pictures ... ...A picture of snow Phoenix beasts is to harness the fast-flying Yun Che ... ... Another picture is a shocking ... ... Speed flying Orange shade shadow. 凤赤火所感觉到的云澈的气息……赫然是来自这道光影。它的气息,和云澈的气息完全一模一样。 看着这束橙色的光影,凤赤火先是一愣,随之,他的眼瞳缓缓收缩,脸上露出深深的震惊和难以置信,过了好一会儿,带着深深震惊的两个字从他口中溢出…… “玄……罡!!”雪凰兽飞快的穿出峡谷,一眼望去,这个山脉的最高山峰已是近在眼前,目测之下,其高度大概有一千五百多丈。后方,凤赤火并没有追来,但云澈并没有松一口气,反而开始觉得有点不对劲。 这种一直被一双眼睛牢牢盯着的感觉……是怎么回事? 难道是错觉? “跑啊,接着跑啊,让我看看你究竟能跑到哪里去。” 凤赤火的声音忽然传来,方向,依然是前方。云澈脸色微变,抬起头来……他前方不到三十丈的高空之上,凤赤火悠然飘浮在那里,眼神中满是戏虐,但云澈从他的身上,却意外感觉不到了杀气,就连怒气,都消散了许多。这次,云澈已经是完全确定,那种时刻被盯着的感觉绝不是错觉,眼前的凤赤火,分明在以某种方法时刻锁定着他的动向,而他借助的,极有可能便是茉莉所说的那个笼罩整个山脉的“玄阵”。 这次,云澈没有再马上遁离,他冷眼看着凤赤火,道:“你在用这里的玄阵追踪我?”“哦?你居然能感觉到这里的凤凰大阵?哦……我倒是忘了,你也是有凤凰血脉的人,否则,也不可能进入到这里。”凤赤火步步逼近,冷笑一声:“你隐匿行踪的能力当真是让我意外,居然让我直到天亮却连个影子都没摸到,你如果逃向其他的方向,或许还真有可能被你逃脱了,但你却偏偏闯到了这里……我活了百年,从来没有见过如此完美的自投罗网。” “凤凰大阵?这里到底是个什么地方?”“这里是凤凰山脉,是我凤凰神宗用来历练考核年轻一代弟子的地方。”到了此时此刻,凤赤火已完全不担心云澈有从他手掌心逃走的可能,他好整以暇的道:“也只有拥有凤凰血脉的人,才能进入这里,其他人类靠近,都会被凤凰大阵弹开。既然是历练考核之地,自然要监视所有历练与考核弟子的一举一动,而我,恰恰又是这凤凰山脉的考核监督者之一,借助这里的凤凰大阵,我可以随时掌握这里的一切,甚至可通过凤凰大阵的力量穿梭这里的空间。” 云澈:“!!”“在你进入凤凰山脉的那一刻,我便已经知道。只不过,你比想象的要狡猾的多,所以我没有马上出手,以免你逃出凤凰山脉,而是让你自己深入……一直深入到这里。”凤赤火目光直视着云澈,伸出手掌:“你现在,已经是瓮中之鳖,做梦都别想再逃出去。不过你不用担心,我忽然不想杀你了,因为你的身上,可是出现了足以让宗主,还有四大圣地都感兴趣的东西……嘿嘿,没想到,你不但是窃我凤凰血脉的杂种,居然还是幻妖界的妖人!你所使用的玄罡,我可是看的清清楚楚!”





การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 413 mysterious gang exposed
Text Read online site domain synchronous read phone visit there ten days is seven countries qualifying war, the flow of people God can be described as huge Phoenix Park every day, at this time, how would all of a sudden blocked the gates? Most likely, is the plot of the phoenix red anger Jigong heart, searching most of the night and could not find him, but gas Yifochushi two Buddhist heaven, so by Feng Xi Chen issued a temporary blockade of the gates, only enter can not command. Yun Chol after two steps back, the brain quickly flashed a few thoughts, speed suddenly accelerated, broke the tyranny of two city guards, straight away. "Stop him! Che cloud move, tantamount to poke a hornet's nest, near the city of dozens of guards suddenly welling up. Clouds Che grabbed Long Que, without looking around, sword sweep, violent heavy the force of the sword as doomsday storm, the siege from the city fiercely guards fly sweep, all half-day can not stand up, and even their weapons are instantly destroyed. sky just micro-light, plus no one has ever dared in God Phoenix, rash, guards the gates of the relatively weak, although the city received a seal of command, but the gate is still wide open, not closed. Yun Chol swept away obstructions, it did not wait for them to continue to react, has speed punch out of the city, standing on the land outside the city, then conjured snow beast Phoenix, speeding away. "Fast ...... fast notice red fire adults. "A city fell to the ground screaming guards fully exhausted Road. A quarter of an hour later, a fire roaring waves over the gates, catching Che fled in the direction of cloud, red fire is the phoenix. Phoenix Xi Chen gave his orders is to carry out the assassination of his cloud Che, not only can not let anyone know, not even leave any traces. But clearly, phoenix red fire has been carried away by air, in order to completely kill the cloud Che, and even come up with a big movement After all, being a junior only to the mysterious territory tease find any, which is never insult. Clouds do not kill Che, hate him Nanxiao my heart! Snow phoenix beast natural speed a lot faster than the cloud Che phoenix red fire even find the right direction, 1:30 would chase the impossible. But for God Huang Yun Chol completely unfamiliar terrain outside the city, Cang month to prepare on the map, and only the wind to Imperial from Cang God Phoenix, routes, and Phoenix, the basic structure of God, but not God Phoenix logo on terrain outside the city, he can not find a suitable completely get rid of the red fire phoenix terrain, it all depends on fate and luck. The red fire phoenix As Phoenix Shenzong person must be familiar with this area it is extreme. At the same time, although the speed of the snow beast Phoenix fast, but wherever he went, leaving a plume of cold will easily become the track marks. In the cloud Che under control, snow beast phoenix speed boost to the extreme, such as a bolt of lightning from the sky streamer rapid passing, has been away from God Phoenix, dozens instant. All the way over, cloud Che's face calm and gloomy, God Phoenix Most of the open area near the city, hard to conceal herself. But more than half an hour in the past, has not been behind the chase feeling, but Yun Chol has not been relaxed, his ten thousand OK, phoenix red fire never give up the kill. has not been to catch up, the main reason is the snow faster than the beast Huang Feng red fire, there is not much slower. Cloud could not help but think of Che Ming Hai ...... round flower mysterious force strength, he is less than the red phoenix One of the fire is, but its speed, but it is difficult and kissing phoenix red fire. If he is able to practice his mouth "magic light ray pole", it can easily get rid of red phoenix fire. His current body Law mysterious technology, there is only one God broken shadow star, but the star of God broken shadow though very mysterious, but it is limited to the fighting, it's there to make up the perfect epee biggest flaw, so the number of kilograms of cloud Che handheld If you still can epee body Phantom, but the star of God broken shadow of every launch, are instantly shift a short distance, it is not for the usual fast-moving. southwest side of the cloud Che, but not a large chain of mountains appear marginal in sight, countless mountain range mountains, the highest that a rise amid high enough to have little knowledge of, his mind a move, change direction, toward the mountains chain galloped away, soon as meteor into the mountain range . one into the mountains, an abnormal burning sensation oncoming, only a few were startled birds, flying away to the surrounding ...... These birds are a red feather, the body releases the breath of flame. a mountain range, this This is green all over, mountain slightly cold, but the deeper cloud Che, but felt more clear air burning, which also covered a variety of trees and vegetation, but mostly for the red color of vegetation and the release of basic flame breath, mysterious beast encountered along the way, the fire department are also ninety mysterious beast. Is it because God near Phoenix City, Phoenix, and God too strong element of fire related? Flying for nearly an hour in the mountains behind the red phoenix has no trace of fire, it seems to have completely got rid of. Yun Chol slow down, along with snow phoenix beast descended from the sky, it has been reduced to less than Baizhang high, so since masked figure may be stacked mountains. In this case, the cloud Che's mind suddenly sounded somewhat muffled voice Jasmine:. "This place seems a bit unusual" ?? "unusual where you are referring to is the" cloud Che immediately asked. "I thought here it is hot, because at the volcano, the element of fire or dense areas. But I have just visited a bit random, but found very active element of fire, but it is hidden in the deep from the bottom of a huge mysterious Array ...... entire mountains are shrouded in mysterious array into this. If I am not mistaken, this huge mysterious array, should be established by the Phoenix Ancestor, dating at least eight thousand years, also shows that the mountains, It should belong to the Phoenix site Shenzong ...... "You seem ...... most should not enter into a place! " "Boy, this time I see you where to go! " Molly's voice faded, cloud Che ear, another roar sounded a cry of anger. The source of the sound ...... actually in their own front. Yun Chol looked up in his office in front of a low mountain top phoenix red fire a red robe, held hands standing, though separated far, but still could feel his body raging anger release. Originally, Feng Xi Ming made ​​him a throne eight places to go and assassinate a mysterious territory man, he just felt overkill, simply unworthy of their identity and ability, if it is personally ordered Feng Xi Ming, he would not be willing to sell. However, such a disgrace identity, extreme simplicity of the task, he was actually in After finding the target, tossing midnight failed to succeed, but was the other one off the collapse of the disgraced ...... This tenrai few hour, the phoenix red fire of anger no corpuscles, but for his body strong enough, it is estimated the chest dozens have been pissed off. Cloud Che secretly surprised if it was red phoenix fire from behind to catch up, he will not be too surprised, because phoenix red fire not only faster than the speed of snow phoenix beast, and the land of God Phoenix Familiarity is far better than him, but he could not without surprise, phoenix red fire appeared not only in the front, and has been close to him so close that he actually has not noticed. Jasmine knew cloud Che's mind, whispered: "It looks like, you are in big trouble soon, the mysterious array of at least eight thousand years, is not so simple. " Cloud Che brow sink, then a catch behind snow snow beast phoenix feather, growled: "Xiaochan ...... go! ! " Snow Phoenix beast turned quickly in the direction of flight, speed turned into a white shadow, rearward swept away mad, behind, along came a big red fire phoenix roar: "wanted to run! To this place, even if you are a hundred lives, and do not bailing out! " Snow Phoenix beast speed boost to the extreme, while altitude rapidly lowered around a seat mountain rapidly receding, the eyes, the emergence of two adjacent the narrow gorge. Yun Chol looked back one, hands pressed under the snow Phoenix beast altitude abruptly suppressed to less than a hundred feet, in the near canyon, he razed the ice transported from the magic, and instantly open "Ice razed Vision", will own and snow phoenix beast while enveloped them, a very substantial will breath isolated, along with arms stretched out, release mysterious gang flying towards one canyon itself flying into another canyon. This is when he was hunted down, let the other direction is the way to catch up confusion ...... tested, never failed. rear, red phoenix fire to a speed not too fast to catch up with, and front of his body, there is a strange mysterious fire red circle slowly rotates among the mysterious array, there is a white spot In slow-moving, staring at the white dot, red phoenix fire face playful sneer ...... At this time, his brow suddenly a move, because he suddenly felt the array direction of movement mysterious white point, and cloud Che The breath going in the direction, actually had a fairly large deviations. "how is it? Phoenix array how can go awry? " phoenix red fire stopped, arms raised, suddenly, floating in front of his body in front of the mysterious red slowly enlarged, with a beam of red fire phoenix Phoenix poured into the mysterious force, mysterious array of rapid rotation, followed by, actually slowly emerged two clear picture ...... a picture, is managing rapid snow beast phoenix flying cloud Che ...... another one picture, a shocking ...... an orange light speed flight. phoenix the red fire Cloud Che felt the breath ...... impressively light from this road. It's the atmosphere, and clouds Che breath completely identical. Look at this bunch of orange light, red fire Feng surprised a moment, with the attendant, his eye pupil slowly shrinking, face deep shock and disbelief, it took a while, with deep shock of the word from his mouth overflow ...... "mysterious ...... Gang! ! " Snow Phoenix beast fast piercing Canyon, at first glance, the highest peak of the mountain is just around the corner, under the visual, its height probably have more than one thousand five hundred feet. rear, red phoenix fights no chase, But cloud Che did not relieved, but began to feel a little wrong. This has been a pair of eyes staring firmly feeling ...... how is it? Is it an illusion? "ran, then ran, let me see What can go where you go. " Feng's voice suddenly came red fire, the direction is still ahead. Cloud Che face slightly changed, looked up ...... on his less than three feet in front of the high altitude, the phoenix red fire leisurely floating in there, eyes full is playful, but the cloud Che from his body, but do not feel the murderous accident, and even anger, have dissipated a lot. This time, the cloud Che has been completely determined, the feeling that time was staring never is an illusion, red phoenix in front of the fire, clearly somehow always locked in his movements, and his aid, and most likely is Jasmine said that enveloped the entire mountain range of the "mysterious array." The cloud Che no longer immediately escape from his red phoenix sit and watch the fire, he said: "You are with me here in the mysterious circle track? " "Oh? Here you can actually feel the Phoenix big fuss? Oh ...... I'd forget, you also have the blood of the people of Phoenix, otherwise, it is impossible to enter here. "Feng red fire step by step approach, sneer:" You really are the ability to conceal the whereabouts of my accident, I actually do not even have a shadow until dawn did not touch, if you fled to the other direction, perhaps there really might be You escaped, but has chosen you broke into here ...... I live a hundred years, never seen such a perfect right time. " "Phoenix big fuss? Here in the end is what? " "This is the Phoenix Mountains, it is my assessment of the Phoenix Ancestor to experience the younger generation disciple of the place. "To the moment, phoenix red fire has been completely not worried about cloud Che had escaped from his palm likely that he sit and wait:" The people only have the blood of the Phoenix, to enter here, other human close, will be big Phoenix Array bounce. Since it is the experience that the assessment of the land, naturally you want to monitor all the experience and assessment disciple's every move, and I was one of the assessment supervisor precisely this Phoenix Mountains, with a large array of Phoenix here, I can keep track of everything here, even where the space shuttle through the power of the Phoenix array. " Cloud Che: "! ! " "before you enter the Phoenix Mountains moment, I already know. But, you're better than imagined more cunning, so I did not immediately shot, lest you escape the Phoenix Mountains, but let yourself ...... has been deep into the depth here. "Phoenix fire red eyes looked straight into cloud Che, out of hand:" You now have a rat in a hole, dreaming even think about re-escape. But do not worry, I suddenly do not want to kill you, because of your body, but there have been enough to make sovereign, as well as something of the four holy places are interested ...... hey, I did not expect, you not only steal my blood bastard Phoenix , actually or sorcerer magic demon world! You are using the mysterious gang, but I see clearly! " "! ! ! "Cloud Che's face suddenly clouded over, an intense extreme Murder flashed into his Double Vision. After awakening mysterious gang, cloud Che undoubtedly combat power surge, but after the battle, and that he but never spent too mysterious gang, even if the original was nearly pushed against Ling-day impasse, he never had the idea to use the mysterious gang, because the average person may not know the mysterious gang, but the emperor's sword domain inextricably Contact the Sword Hills, there is very likely to recognize the mysterious gang. And mysterious gang, is a unique cloud nirvana magic demon world's family, as the first twelve magic guardian demon royal family, the cloud's family, is undoubtedly the four holy sites One of the biggest enemies. And magic demon world, have long been demonized four shrines, the mysterious gang once exposed, not only of the four holy sites will be looking for him, people of the seven countries, will regard him as a "magician." At that time, the whole Tianxuan mainland, are never again have his shelter. This Phoenix inflammation than exposure to serious consequences million times. Yun Chol hands clenched, Mouguang become freezing cold. Before, all his effort are made to seeing them. But now, he is absolutely not escape! This knowledge of his mysterious gang of people ...... he must die! Anyway, then a high price to pay, you must kill him! R1058 fastest updates, no Please read pop. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 413 Xuan Gang exposed
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and 10 days is seven qualifying battle, God Phoenix City traffic can be described as a day to day great, at this time, how can suddenly closed gate?

the maximum possible, is plotted against the Red Phoenix Fire wheeze unquote. Search the most of the night and couldn't find him after, more is the Buddha and two assumption of rare gas. So by Feng Chen Xi issued a temporary seal the gate, not only into the command.

Che Yun back two steps, the brain quickly flashed a few idea, speed suddenly accelerated, tyrannical smashed two city guard, straight.

"Stop him!!
clouds move, is tantamount to stir up a hornet's nest, near dozens of city guards suddenly welling up. Che Yun grabbed dragon que, without looking around, one sword sweeps, violent Epee force as the end of the storm, the siege of the city guards mercilessly swept flying out, unable to stand up all day, even in the hands of the weapons are instantly destroyed.

the sky just micro light, and never dare to the God Phoenix rash, so the guard of the gate of the relatively weak, while receiving the city seal of command, but the gate is still wide open without shutting down the. Clouds and obstacles, so they did not have to react, speed out of the gates,Go to the outside of the land, then called snow Phoenix beast, sped off.

"...... Quick notice red fire adults." A fallen city guards tried to roar road. A moment later, a fire in the gate over the roaring, catching the clouds to escape direction, it is the red fire phoenix. Feng Chen Xi to his command, he wants to assassinate the Che Yun, not only can not let anyone know, even can't leave any traces. But clearly, the red fire phoenix has been the head of gas, in order to completely kill the clouds, and even made a large movement. After all, only by a mysterious territory a trifle which is never be thrown into a panic, the burning shame and humiliation.Don't kill the clouds, he 'hate in my heart!

snow Phoenix beast speed naturally than Che a lot faster, red phoenix fire even find the direction, the momentary half will also is impossible to catch. But clouds for the God Phoenix City terrain completely unfamiliar, Cang prepared to give him a map, only from the Cang breeze imperial to the God Phoenix City route, and God Phoenix's basic structure without a god Phoenix City terrain identification, he can can not find a suitable terrain completely get rid of Red Phoenix Fire, completely to see the fate and luck. And Phoenix red fire as the Phoenix God of the people, to this area is bound to be familiar to the extreme. At the same time, the snow Phoenix beast although the speed is very fast, but everywhere,Will leave a plume of cold, it is easy to become tracked traces.

under the control of Che Yun, Huang snow beast speed upgrade to the extreme, such as a lightning streamer from rapidly across the sky, in the blink of an eye has been away from God Phoenix dozens of miles.

way, clouds look calm and gloomy, near the city of God Phoenix area is mostly empty, it is difficult to conceal the body. But more than a half hour in the past. Behind him, he was not feeling of chase, but Che Yun did not so relaxed, he ten thousand determined Red Phoenix Fire will never give up the hunt. Has not caught up, the main reason is the snow beast faster than the Phoenix Phoenix red fire, nor how much slower.
Clouds can not help but think of the sea flower ming...... Round of mysterious force strength, he is less than the chicken red fire 1/10, but its speed, it is difficult and a red fire phoenix. If he can practice his mouth in the magic ray is very easy to get rid of the Phoenix fire.

he the body Xuan technology, only a star God suiying, but God Star suiying although very mysterious, but only limited to combat, its existence, perfect make up the Epee largest defects, let cloud Che handheld tens of thousands of pounds of Epee can still body if the phantom of the opera, but God Star suiying every time launch are short distance moment shift, not for the usual high-speed mobile.

Che Yun on the southwest side, a large not see marginal serial mountains in sight, mountain Zhongshan Luan countless, the highest that a mountainous, thousands of feet high, the twitch of his heart, changes of direction, toward the serial mountains direction gallop and go, soon will such as meteor general rushed into the mountains. A
into the mountains, a normal burning oncoming, the number of birds were startled, spreading around and go to...... These birds are a red, systemic release of flame breath.

where the mountains, the grass around the mountain, slightly cold, but Che Yun more deeply, but feel the air is more apparent is burning,Here are covered with all kinds of trees and vegetation, but the color of vegetation mostly red, and basic are the release of breath of fire, all the way to meet the mysterious beast, nine Chengdu is fire Xuan beast. Is it because of the approaching God

Phoenix, the element of fire and God Phoenix too strong? When flying in the mountains near an hour, there is no sign of the Phoenix red fire behind, seems to have completely lost. Che Yun speed slow down, along with Phoenix snow beast from the air down, has been reduced to less than a hundred feet high, so can Cascade Mountains cover the figure. Then, suddenly sounded some jasmine deep voice clouds in my mind:"This place, it seems that some unusual."

"unusual? What do you mean?" Clouds immediately asked. I thought here

"hot, because in the volcano, or the fire element intensive zone. But I just visited a random, but found that the unusual active elements of the fire, but it is derived from a hidden in the very deep beneath the huge...... The entire range of the mountain, it is enveloped in the black. If I did not guess wrong, this huge mystery, it should be set up the Phoenix God, in the era of at least eight thousand years, but also shows that the mountains, should belong to the site of the Phoenix god......
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