第二百九十三章你的头颅是我的了“晕……这BOSS是什么样的攻击啊……” 抹茶张大了小嘴,惊愕无比:“那些八荒城的NPC不是在战斗,而是被屠杀 การแปล - 第二百九十三章你的头颅是我的了“晕……这BOSS是什么样的攻击啊……” 抹茶张大了小嘴,惊愕无比:“那些八荒城的NPC不是在战斗,而是被屠杀 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด























说着,李青猛然怒吼一声,空中一道怒雷而下,直接轰在了李青的身上,却又更像是被李青召唤了一样,雷电顺着铁链四处游走,那些手里牵扯着铁链的赤芒弓骑应变不及,迅速被雷电触及! !

















空间防御凝固了一般,震耳欲聋的爆鸣声在耳边回荡着,而空中,罗烈巍然而立,脚下气流盘旋,正在缓缓的落下! 祭坛已经被罗烈的一斧头劈成了废墟,一个深深的大坑出现在城池内,大坑中心,李青手持长剑跪坐在那里,长发飘扬,颓然的低垂下手臂,一缕缕鲜血顺着剑刃向下流淌。




































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
第二百九十三章你的头颅是我的了“晕……这BOSS是什么样的攻击啊……” 抹茶张大了小嘴,惊愕无比:“那些八荒城的NPC不是在战斗,而是被屠杀嘛……我觉得上古之城版本彻底坑爹了,那么强的最终BOSS,我们谁能杀得掉啊……” 李牧提剑走来,淡淡道:“先等等吧,现在的情况是……谁上谁就是炮灰!” 我点头:“嗯,先观望,枪打出头鸟,我们不触那霉头!” …… “轰……” 远方,又是一扇城门崩碎,上古之城正式被攻破,四面八方的玩家涌入了城中,玩家人数还有7W+一些,按理说那么多人堆死BOSS是没有问题的,只不过大家都不是笨蛋,谁也不愿意先上。 城池之中,八荒城的首席统帅罗烈提着战斧,目光中满是傲然,猛然笑了起来,手指着城中孑然的不灭绝望李青,哈哈笑道:“你以为杀几个喽啰就能让八荒城的勇者们知难而退吗?做梦去吧,我会立刻让你知道八荒城的真正精锐是什么!” 说着,罗烈战斧一扬,大喝道:“赤芒弓骑,上,用铁索绞死这个上古鬼魂!” 城门打开,数十头战骑飞驰而入,是一种浑身覆盖着赤红色铁甲的骑士,就连战马也披着甲胄,铁蹄践踏在大地上发出轰隆隆的响声,并且,每个骑士除了佩剑之外,身后还背负着一柄巨型长弓,纯钢铸造,弓弦玄黑色,不知道是什么材质! “起弓!” 为首的一个将领大声命令,一群赤芒弓骑纷纷拿起身后的长弓,抓出一枚箭矢,那箭矢的翎羽后缀着一条红色铁链,肩头如同拳头那么大,锋芒毕露,看起来非常吓人! “斗气提升!” 又是一声大喝,一共28名铁骑纷纷低吼着,手臂之上萦绕着一道道气流,将自身的斗气贯注到了长弓与利箭之中。 “放!” 28枚沉重的铁箭一起射出,顿时形成了绚丽的攻击画面,铁箭头带着赤红色铁链纷纷穿透了李青的罡墙,“噗噗噗”的刺穿了李青的铠甲,黑色鲜血迸溅,铁骑纵横围绕,李青迅速被捆成了一个粽子一般,并且,铁索之上带着针刺荆棘,刺入皮肤,更是让这位上古名将忍受了无尽的痛苦。 “哈哈哈……” 罗烈提着战斧,猛然跃下城池,“啪”一声坐在一头黑色战牛背上,策动坐骑向前,低喝道:“李青,你真的以为带着你的一群死物就能征服大地吗?现在你也该明白,八荒城的魔武学院早就培养出了一群天资卓越的战士,有他们在,你只有死路一条!” “啊啊啊啊……” 李青不断的惨嚎着,手中的长剑雷光窜动,他目光一寒,看着罗烈的方向,嘴角忽地扬起,笑了:“我忍受了千万年不灭的绝望,我忍受了千万年的痛苦折磨,我早就无法再感觉到痛苦,既然这些骑士是你的心血,那么……我适当的给他们提高一下体温,你应该不会介意吧?” 说着,李青猛然怒吼一声,空中一道怒雷而下,直接轰在了李青的身上,却又更像是被李青召唤了一样,雷电顺着铁链四处游走,那些手里牵扯着铁链的赤芒弓骑应变不及,迅速被雷电触及! ! “啪啪啪……” 恐怖的雷击效果下,一群弓骑兵一一化为废墟,修为略高一些的则全身焦黑的落马而亡,果然是略微提升了一下体温,当然,那些修为不足的,直接在雷电的肆虐下直接就灰飞烟灭了,什么都没有剩下,就连战马也一起消失了。 瞬间的突变让罗烈几乎无法反应,看着一地的飞灰,他浑身颤抖:“这……这不可能……他们,他们都是魔武学院的天才啊!怎么会这样……怎么会这样?!” 说着,罗烈猛然抬起头,眼睛血红,战斧之上涌起耀眼的火焰,火焰斗气灌注,怒吼一声:“李青,老子要你的狗命!” “嘭!” 气流激荡,罗烈猛然跳离了坐骑,整个人拔地而起,战斧在空中划过冷艳的弧线,直接劈砍向了李青! “呵呵……” 李青笑了,长剑横起格挡,“铿”一声火焰与雷电交织,天空几乎都已经一片昏暗了,两大强者的攻击让气流都变得急促起来,整个上古之城为之猛然一颤! “下去吧!” 罗烈低吼一声,第二次挥动斧头,用力下压,这次就连李青也挡不住了,身体向下一沉,落在了祭坛之上! “诸天的战神啊,赐予我上古之力,火焰吞噬黑暗,我罗烈以正义之名召唤——烈焰狼魂!” “洪”一下火焰暴涨,一颗火红色的狰狞狼头形象凝聚在战斧之上,罗烈轰然而下,浩然一击直接轰向了李青的头顶,看来这位八荒城的第一勇者确实已经要拼命了! “该死!” 李青浑身一震,急忙举起长剑,一手按在剑身之上,雷电汹涌,怒吼道:“来,老子看你的上古武诀到底有多厉害,是否青出于蓝!!” 烈焰铺天盖地而下,罗烈几乎豁尽了所有的力量,而李青一样擎着长剑,雷电交织成一张大网来抵御对方的上古武诀! “轰!” 空间防御凝固了一般,震耳欲聋的爆鸣声在耳边回荡着,而空中,罗烈巍然而立,脚下气流盘旋,正在缓缓的落下! 祭坛已经被罗烈的一斧头劈成了废墟,一个深深的大坑出现在城池内,大坑中心,李青手持长剑跪坐在那里,长发飘扬,颓然的低垂下手臂,一缕缕鲜血顺着剑刃向下流淌。 …… “呼……呼……” 罗烈喘着粗气,手中战斧微微颤抖,喝道:“不灭绝望李青,难道你就只有这点能力了吗?哈哈,你还真是愧对上古之城的统御者之名啊……” “啪嗒……” 黑色鲜血滴溅在泥土之中,李青握剑的手微微一紧,猛然站起身来,剑刃拔出泥土,脸上尽是烧伤痕迹,却一脸傲然的哈哈大笑道:“后世的小子,如果你只有这点本事的话,那我……那我只好现在就杀掉你了,因为我觉得——很无趣了!” 罗烈浑身一颤,身后黑压压的步兵群持剑冲了过来:“保护统领大人!全部杀过去,保护统领大人,杀死上古之城里的妖孽!” …… “啪!” 一声轻踏地面,李青身如闪电的冲了过去,剑刃横扫! “铿!” 第一剑,罗烈手中的战斧格挡不住,脱手翻飞,落在远远的荒土之中,罗烈更是被震得右臂之上鲜血迸溅,惊愕的看着对方。 李青近距离的看着罗烈,微微一笑:“八荒城,是我的了……你的头颅,也是我的了!” “啊?什么!!!” 罗烈微微一颤,却只觉得脖颈一阵凉意,下一刻,他的头颅已经被李青一剑砍了下来,李青一手抓住,高举着罗烈的头颅,怒吼道:“八荒城的蝼蚁们看好了!你们的统帅已经被我砍下了头颅!立刻滚开,否则你们将会沦为下一个牺牲品!” “吓!?” 一群八荒城的NPC士兵看得目瞪口呆,心惊胆寒道:“罗……罗烈大人居然被杀了!罗烈大人被杀了!天啊,那是一个恶魔,居然杀死了强大的罗烈大人!”



















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and ninetieth chapters Your head is mine "Halo ...... This is what kind of attack BOSS ah ......" Matcha widened mouth, extremely amazement: "Those glorious city of NPC is not in combat, but Well ...... I think the massacre of the ancient city version completely pit father, so strong final BOSS, we who can kill off ah ...... " Li Mu put the sword coming, lightly: "first, and so right now the situation is ! ...... Who Who is cannon fodder " I nodded: "ah, first wait and see, good deed goes unpunished, we do not touch that mold head!" ...... "H ......" distance, is chipping一扇gates, ancient City official was broken, the influx of players all over the city, the number of players there 7W + some heap of dead stands to reason so many people BOSS is no problem, but we are not stupid, who wants to be on. City among the glorious city of chief commander Luo Lieti Tomahawk, eyes full proudly, suddenly laughed, pointing to the city of eternal solitude despair Li Qing, haha laughed: "You think to kill a few minions ? can make the glorious city of the brave who quit do Dream on, I'll let you know what the real elite is at once glorious city! " said, Lo Lieh Tomahawk Yang, shouted: "Red Mountain bow Ride on, with cable hanged this ancient ghost! " gates open, dozens of head battle riding speeding into the room, is a whole body covered with red red knight armor, and even horses are dressed in armor, cruel oppression at large earth rumbling sound issued, and each knight addition sword, edged behind also saddled with a giant bow, pure steel casting, mysterious black bow, do not know what the material! "From bow!" shouted a general command headed by a group of Red Mountain riding have picked up behind the bow longbow, catch一枚arrows, arrows that Lingyu suffix with a red chain, shoulder like fist , hard-edged looks very scary! "Vindictive upgrade!" is a loud shout, a total of 28 cavalry have growled, arms above the road haunted by a stream, will own grudge absorbed into the bow and an arrow being. "Let!" 28 heavy shot Tiejian together, suddenly formed a brilliant attack pictures with red arrows red iron chains have penetrated the wall Li Qing Gang, "puff puff" pierced Li Qing armor, black blood darting, cavalry aspect around, Li Qing dumplings quickly tied into a general, and the thorns on the cable with a needle, piercing the skin, but also let the ancient star endured untold suffering. "Ha ha ha ......" Luo Lieti the ax suddenly jump off the city, "popping" sound sitting in the back of a black cow war, instigated the horse forward, low shouted: "Li Qing, you really think with you The group will be able to conquer the land of the dead? Now you also understand, glorious city Mowu already trained a group of talented fighters, have them, you will die! " " ah ah ah ah ...... " Li Qing constantly Canhao the hands of the sword Lei ran, his eyes a cold, looking in the direction of Lo Lieh, mouth suddenly raised, and smiled: "I have endured thousands of years of eternal despair, I torment endured thousands of years, I would not be able to feel pain, since these knights are your efforts, then ...... I give them a raise at the appropriate temperature, you should not mind? " said Lee Green suddenly roar loudly, air an angry thunder down, Li Qing direct bombers in the body, but more like being summoned Li Qing, like lightning down the chain to walk around, those involved with the chain of hands Red Mountain bow ride less strain, was quickly hit by lightning! ! "Lovemaking ......" terror lightning effect, a group of cavalry eleven ruins, slightly higher repair of the charred body of the Lok Ma died, it really is a little bit raised body temperature, of course, those repair deficiency directly under the raging lightning directly on the ashes, nothing left over, and even horses have disappeared together. Lo Lieh mutations allow instant reaction is almost impossible, looking at a place of fly ash, he was trembling: "This is impossible ...... ...... it to them, they are geniuses, ah how Mowu ...... how could this be! ?! so, " said, Lo Lieh suddenly raised his head, his eyes blood red, on the Tomahawk filled with bright flame, the flame vindictive perfusion, roar loudly: "Li Qing, I want your pathetic life!" "BOOM!" airflow agitation, Lo Lieh suddenly jumped off the horse, the people stand, ice-ax in the air across the arc, directly to the Li Qing hacking! "Oh ......" Li Qing laughed, sword cross from the block, "hang" sound flame and lightning intertwined, almost all have a dark sky, the two strong attacks allow airflow becomes rapid up, the entire ancient City of whom suddenly shocked! "Go on!" Lo Lieh growled, waving an ax a second time, forced, under pressure, this will not stop even Li Qing, the body sank down, fell on top of the altar! "The heavens Ares ah, grant me the power of ancient, flames engulfed the darkness, I summon Lo Lieh in the name of justice! - Flames wolf spirit" "Hung" about soaring flames, a fire red image of cohesion in the battle ferocious Langtou on the ax, Lo Lieh crashing down, Hao Ran a direct hit Hong Xiang Liqing's head, it seems the first brave the glorious city really has to be desperate! ! "Damn," Li Qing shuddered, quickly raised his sword in one hand and press on top of the blade, lightning surge, shouted: "Come on, I see your ancient military tactics in the end how much, if excel !!" Flames overwhelming down, Lo Lieh excluded almost exhausted all the power, and Li Qing, as were holding a sword, lightning woven into a big net to protect against the other side of the ancient military tactic! "Boom!" space defense solidification of the general, deafening explosion song echoed in my ears, and the air, however Luolie Wei Li, at the foot of airflow circled is slowly falling! Lo Lieh altar has been split into the ruins of an ax, a deep pit appeared in the city, the center of the pit, Li Qing knelt there holding a sword, long hair flying, slumped falls under the arm, a plume Blood flowed down along the blade. ...... "call ...... call ......" Luo Lie panting, trembling hands Tomahawk, shouted:? "eternal despair Li Qing, do you just this ability yet ha ha, you really are unworthy of the ancient Dominance by the name of the city, ah ...... " "Pata ......" black blood dripping into the dirt, Li Qing Wojian hand slightly tight, suddenly stood up, pulled the blade dirt, his face full of burn marks, but look proudly laughed: "future generations kid, if you only have this ability, then I ...... that I had to kill you now, because I think - very boring ! " Lo Lieh shivers, behind a dense mass of infantry sword rushed over: "Full protection guide adults killed in the past, the protection guide adults to kill the ancient city evildoer"!! ...... "pop!" sound light riding ground, Li Qing body, such as lightning rushed past, the blade sweep! "Hang!" first sword, Lo Lieh grid can not stop the hands of the Tomahawk, sell whipped, falls far Huangtu among Lo Lieh is on the right arm shook blood darting, dismay watching other side. Lo Lieh Li Qing close watching, smiled: "glorious city is mine ...... Your head is mine!" "What ah !!!"? Lo Lieh slightly shocked, only to feel neck a chill, the next moment, his head had been chopped off sword Li Qing, Li Qing hand grasp, holding Lo Lieh head, shouted: "glorious city of ants were optimistic about your commander in chief has been! I cut the head immediately go away, or you will become the next victim. "!! "scared!?" a group of NPC soldiers glorious city of stare, scared terrified and said: "Lo Lo Lieh adults actually is ...... Kill! Lo Lieh adults killed! Oh my God, it was a demon, actually kill a powerful Lo Lieh adults! " moment, tens of thousands of soldiers birds scattered glorious city, no one dared against Li Qing! Li Qing city stood, laughing. Ringing sound system, air maneuver the announcement - "bite!" System Announcement: Because [eternal despair · Li Qing] glorious city killed the commander of [the killings] storm · Lo Lieh, glorious city has now issued an arrest warrant, kill Li Qing dead players will be very lucrative bonus! ...... ! ", the brothers' south direction, a loud shout, cutting edge crowd, the first sub-AU chief if叶书生carrying swords, low shouted: "It's now the first points on the league together with me, exterminate Li Qing, captured providers make God! " order, the influx of nearly 400 people inside the city, Li Qing straight away. "Damn ......" Li Mu eyes of a cold, said: "Janus cold this is to use the first minute alliance to test the extent of BOSS you?" dumping month shallow nodded: "That's it about, and the edge of the first sub-AU There are so many people, the lineup is relatively neat, really have the strength to challenge the BOSS Happy brother, now how do we! "? I pondered loudly: "All the city walls, in the city north of the array, ready to face the BOSS, hum, a 75 days Ling order, I do not believe the edge of the first sub-AU can kill off! " " ah, well! " ...... Soon after, slaying the dragon 300+ people set in the city, the shield array defense, output, supplies in After combat readiness. Distance, if Ye Shusheng has started attacking players command, arrows rain falls BOSS body, but Li Qing defense alarmingly high, as is the tickling, and a jump reached the crowd, a cross cut shredder the other side of the shield array, the earth is so close to sink 50 remote player into flames, plus a world of continuous attacks and India, the moment, the edge of the first sub-AU already killed hundreds of people! "Seven Arrows!" If Ye Shusheng big drinking. "Popping" sound, dozens of pieces of an arrow Seven worked, vertigo BOSS, if Ye Shusheng also a bloody extraordinary man, were holding a sword rushed past, Li Qing shake downthrust boom in the neck, drop-down blade thundered loudly: "I control you are not days Ling order, according to kill is not wrong!" The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 293rd chapter of your head is my halo

"...... What kind of attack is BOSS......" Green tea with a small mouth

, surprised: "the glorious city of NPC is not in combat, but were massacred...... I think the city version of the ancient city of the pit father, and then the ultimate BOSS, we who can kill ah......" Li Mu put the sword along

, light way: "first, the current situation is...... Who is who!"

I nod: "well, wait, gun fight bird, we do not touch the trouble!"



distance, is also a fan gate to crumble,The ancient city was officially break, players from all directions into the city, some number of players and 7W, arguably so many people a heap of dead boss is not a problem, but we are not stupid, who is not willing to take.

City, the city's chief commander Luo fierce provided with a Tomahawk, eyes full of proud, suddenly laugh up, pointing to the city of solitude is immortal Li Qing despair, ha ha laugh way: "you think to kill a few minions can make brave to quit the city?? Dreaming, I'll let you know what is the real elite eight city!"

said, luolie Tomahawk Yang, thundered: "the red awn bow riding,On cable, hang the ancient ghost!"

the gates open, dozens of heads of battle riding gallop into, is a is covered with red armored knight, is even the horses also dressed in armor, heel trampling in earth a boom rumbling sound and, each rider in addition to the sword behind saddled with a handle giant long bow, pure steel casting, string the mysterious black, do not know what material!


, led by a general loud command, a group of red long grass archers have picked up behind the longbow, catch a gold arrow. The arrow feathers suffix with a red chains, shoulder like a fist so big, hard edged.It looks very scary!

"grudge upgrade!"

is a loud shout, a total of 28 fighters have low roar, arm haunt a road air, will own Dou spirit pours to the bow and arrow.


28 pieces of heavy iron arrow with injection, immediately formed a colorful picture of the attack, iron arrow with a red chains have penetrated the wall of gang Li Qing, "Puff puff" pierce the Li Qing's armor, black blood splash, cavalry aspect around, Li Qing was quickly bound together in a rice dumplings and cable with thorns acupuncture, piercing the skin,Is to let the ancient star endured endless pain. "Ha ha ha......"

luolie provided with a Tomahawk, suddenly jump City, "bang" sound of sitting in a black head battle cattle back, instigated the horse forward and drink low a way: "Li Qing, you really think with a group of your power will be able to conquer the earth? Now you should understand, the city of the evil martial college early on the train a group of talented fighters, they are in, you only a! "

"ah ah ah ah......"

Dubost constantly miserable howling, in the hands of the sword ray light channeling move, his eyes a cold, looking at Luo strong direction, the corner of mouth suddenly raised, smiling.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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