711.第711章 收徒一事11 他们一个个都是东陵国有数的炼药师,最低的也是中级炼药师,但是现在,却败在一位初级炼药师身上,这叫他们情何以 การแปล - 711.第711章 收徒一事11 他们一个个都是东陵国有数的炼药师,最低的也是中级炼药师,但是现在,却败在一位初级炼药师身上,这叫他们情何以 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

711.第711章 收徒一事11 他们一个个都是东陵国有数的炼药师,最

711.第711章 收徒一事11


































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
711.第711章 收徒一事11 他们一个个都是东陵国有数的炼药师,最低的也是中级炼药师,但是现在,却败在一位初级炼药师身上,这叫他们情何以堪? 甚至,他们根本就不明白,容云大师怎么就让那丫头入围了? 比起别人,景帝的震撼更大。 此时他整个人僵坐在龙椅上,看着苏落的眼神极其复杂。 此时,他脑海中浮现出南宫流云临走前说的话。 他说,在苏落身上,任何不可能的事发生在她身上都不要惊讶,因为她就是有那样的运气。如果他胆敢为难苏落,等他回来,会将整个帝国拆成稀巴烂。这是南宫流云的原话。 景帝至今还记得南宫流云说这句话时,室内寒霜笼罩,温度降至冰点,让他有一种见到死神的错觉。 景帝傻傻地看着苏落,艰难地咽下口水。 这么多中级炼药师,高级炼药师都被容云大师鄙视成那样,但苏落这枚小小的初级炼药师,竟然……入围了? 这不是运气是什么? “皇上,要不要去瑶池李家……”太监总管暗暗提示景帝。 刚才景帝已经吩咐下去准备聘礼了的,现在聘礼已经准备好,是时候去下聘了。 这种事,宜早不宜迟啊。 此时景帝脑子里一片混乱,纠结的很,一时间不知道该如何是好。 他想来想去,还是决定静观其变,等容云大师选出真正的弟子再说,那样的话,总不会再错了。



















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
711. Section 711 Chapter 11 Shoutu regarding
them one by one is the number of state-owned refining pharmacists Dongling, also the lowest secondary refining pharmacists, but for now, but lost in a primary refining pharmacists who called them feel then? Indeed, they do not understand, let cloud master how to let that girl finalist? Compared to others, the greater the shock of the emperor. At this point his whole stiff sitting on the Throne, watching the fall of the Soviet Union look extremely complicated. At this point, he pops out of clouds before leaving the palace said. He said that in the Soviet Union off the body, any impossible happened to her are not surprised, because she is to have that kind of luck. If he dared to embarrass the Soviet Union fell, so he came back, the whole empire would split into smashes. This is a palace clouds exact words. Emperor Palace clouds still remember saying this, the indoor frost enveloped, the temperature dropped to freezing point, so he has a saw death illusion. Emperor innocently watching Su fall, difficult to swallow saliva. So many mid-refining pharmacists, pharmacists have been advanced refining capacity cloud master contempt like that, but the Soviet Union fell While small primary refining pharmacists, even ...... a finalist? What it's not luck? "The emperor, want to go to Yao Chi Li ......" eunuch secretly prompted emperor. Just go emperor has ordered the preparation of dowry, dowry ready now, is the time to Xiapin. Such a thing, sooner rather than later ah. At this emperor mind in turmoil, it is tangled, for a time did not know what to do. He much deliberation, decided to wait and see, isometric cloud elect true disciple masters say, in that case, it would not be wrong. At that time, with Yao Chi Li Xiapin, presumably palace can understand. "Or wait it ......." And so the results are the safest. Not that I believe the Soviet Union fell emperor win his trust Palace clouds vision. This message has been passed soon. Su fall back to the House yet, the news will spread like a virus to the Soviet palace. Suzi An originally thought it would be absurd to go down the throne room on the Soviet Union, is not worried, but suddenly came out to hear such good news, suddenly the whole people are ignorant. what? Su drop even a finalist? But also in the many senior refining pharmacists are accommodated cloud master contempt disdain, and Su fall or in the case of late arrival, this can be nominated? God how so favor her! This is the girl in the end how many secret without telling him? First quo secret practice. After refining pharmacists conceal her identity of the wearer. If it is the capacity of the cloud master apprentice, I'm afraid that his father will not know next life, or even his daughter refining pharmacists. Sue looked down back to the House, Suzi An originally wanted to meet her immediately. But he thought, I feel like a father too lost his dignity and the shelf, so he cleared cough cry, sit in the lobby, waiting for the Soviet Union to Meet him off. However, he is left to wait to the Soviet Union, which do not fall. Servant is not to say that the girl back to the House yet? So most of the day, even if the climb also climbed this hall came from House door. Suzi An Lian-rong, stare from the housekeeper hurried glance: "Four Miss it, how come she has not seen?" flashed a look of embarrassment between the butler: "Four, four Miss Wisteria Court went directly back ......" In other words, the Soviet Union child sit here waiting is wishful thinking? Suzi An complexion suddenly darkened.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
711. Chapter 711 Shoutu a 11
them one by one is number of state-owned Dongling Lian pharmacists, lowest also is intermediate Lian pharmacists, but now, but was defeated in a primary Lian pharmacists, this call their feeling why Campbell?

even, they don't understand, let cloud master how to let the girl finalists? The emperor

than others, a greater shock. At this time he froze the

sat on the throne, looking at Su fall look extremely complicated.

at this time, Nangong clouds appear before I left to say in his mind. He said in the Su

, off the body, any impossible things happened to her are not surprised,Because she's just a chance. If he dare embarrass Su fall, waiting for him to come back, will the whole Empire split into pieces. This is the original Nangong clouds.

Jingdi still remember Nangong cloud said this sentence, shrouded in indoor frost and the temperature drops to freezing point, let him a see death of illusion.

emperor staring into the Su Luo, hard to swallow slobber.

so many intermediate Lian pharmacists, senior Lian pharmacists are to be cloud master despised like that, but Su Luo this small pieces of primary refined pharmacists, unexpectedly...... Finalists? What is not luck it? "The emperor,Would you like to go to Li Jia yao......" Chief eunuch secretly hint emperor. Just go to the emperor

have commanded the dowry, dowry is now ready, it is time to Xiapin. Thanks to this kind of thing, sooner rather than later. The emperor

mind is in chaos, very tangled, a time don't know what to do.

he was after much deliberation, decided to wait, let cloud master selected true disciple again, then, never again wrong.

at that time, with Yao Li Xiapin, presumably also can understand Nangong.

"...... And so on." The result is the most insurance.

The emperor was not sure Su fall to win, he is Nangong trust cloud vision. This message has been

travels fast. Fall back is not su

Fu, this news will spread like a virus to sue house.

Su Zian originally thought sue to the throne room will joke, is concerned about the no, but hear outside suddenly heard this good news, suddenly the people are ignorant.

what? Is it a short list of finalists?

and in many middle and senior Lian pharmacists was let cloud master despise disdain, and Sue falls or in case of late, so finalists? God is so good to her!

This smelly girl in the end how many secrets to hide from him? The first is its secret practice

. After telling her identity

the dead cauldron.

if not the volume cloud master apprentice, I am afraid that he is the father of next life don't know his daughter unexpectedly or Lian pharmacists. Looking at Su fall back to the palace. Su Zian, originally wanted to meet him immediately.

but he wanted to think, think that too lost him a father's dignity and shelves, so he Qing cough, sat in the lobby, waiting for Su Luo to homage to him.

but he left is not to fall. Not to say that this girl

people back to the house?So much for a long time, even if it is to climb from the house door to the hall to climb. Su Zian stared in a hurry

to assume a serious expression, the housekeeper, one eye: "four miss, how not to see her here?" The housekeeper look flash

embarrassment: "four, four Miss yuan to go directly back to wisteria......"

- in other words, Su Zian sat here is wishful thinking? Su Zian was suddenly darkened.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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