孤饮的心都碎了…… 虽然从数量上来说他们依然占着上风,但质量上有差别啊!他们轮回这边五个人对付 JunMoxiang 和流木两个已经很吃力了 การแปล - 孤饮的心都碎了…… 虽然从数量上来说他们依然占着上风,但质量上有差别啊!他们轮回这边五个人对付 JunMoxiang 和流木两个已经很吃力了 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

孤饮的心都碎了…… 虽然从数量上来说他们依然占着上风,但质量上有差别啊


虽然从数量上来说他们依然占着上风,但质量上有差别啊!他们轮回这边五个人对付 JunMoxiang 和流木两个已经很吃力了,还坚持全是因为指望着其他公会的赶紧围上来的夹击。结果呢,其他公会此时却也同样受到了袭击, JunMoxiang 团队的家伙居然统统都赶到了。












去之前她也有给 YeXiu 去了消息, YeXiu 并没有阻止他,他支持唐柔这样试一试,大不了失败再掉个10%的经验嘛, YeXiu 看来也没什么了不起的。他同意唐柔这样做,当然也是有原因的,就因为寒烟柔的职业是战斗法师。

虽然 YeXiu 被称为荣耀教科书,精通全职业,但战斗法师,无疑还是这24个职业中他强的一个。




战斗法师的种种优点, YeXiu 再清楚不过了。

如果唐柔不是这个职业, YeXiu 会帮她想个适合的方法。但是,作为战斗法师,合适的方法就是硬闯。战斗法师,就该有这样的霸道,


唐柔的那种股子冲劲和意志, YeXiu 看来本就和战斗法师这个职业很契合。否则早她选择职业时, YeXiu 会有合理的***,就像给乔一帆***阵鬼一样。

所以此时, YeXiu 绝不会阻止唐柔去做这种别人眼中或许只是去送死的举动。哪怕真得是就这样死掉, YeXiu 看来也值得一试,这是对职业精髓的领会,职业气质的养成。

终唐柔出现这里,无疑是因为她全做到了。对此 YeXiu 也觉得精神一振。







他们本不是为了某一个人某一个对手做拦截的准备,他们甚至是等着拦截从空积城里复活的整支 JunMoxiang 小队。但是结果,只是一个寒烟柔,就用这样一种高姿态的方式直接杀开一条路就跑出去了。他们存的意义被狠狠地抹杀了一把。








空知林里,孤饮明里暗里地算是指挥了一次行动。这样明晰的思路下,二十来名玩家的作用都被充分发挥,他本是可以完成对 JunMoxiang 和流木的一次***的。

只可惜, JunMoxiang 小队其他人突如其来的赶到彻底破坏了他的计划。

“哈哈,来了啊!都来了啊!咦,有人呢?召唤师啊?我靠,你这哪找来的坑爹的召唤师,这什么乱七八糟的?哎呀,他跳起来撞树了诶!看到没有看到没有?你的那个召唤师撞树了,这人会不会玩啊?”黄少天一边砍人一边喋喋不休。和 JunMoxiang 一起面对着五个对手,他居然还有功夫转视角去留意其他人。

“老大!”包子入侵这边一砖拍晕了一名对手后和 YeXiu 打着招呼。 YeXiu 转过去看他的时候,那个召唤师乱七八糟的表现也是让他一阵恶心,但是,随后那家伙头顶的id却是让他很是惊讶。


“老大这是我井底认识的一兄弟。”包子入侵向 YeXiu 介绍昧光。

“你好。” YeXiu 和昧光打了声招呼。

结果昧光好像根本没听到,角色那边直泛哆嗦, YeXiu 一看就知道这人正手忙脚乱地搞着***作。看着他那些宠物断断续续地举动, YeXiu 狂汗了一把。他大胆断言,这可能是一个连快捷键都没记熟的人,一些技能***作怕是还要低头去键盘上确认字母,而且经常***作失败,导致角色那抽风一样地只是哆嗦,却不见任何技能出来。

“哎哟我靠,偷袭!”包子入侵这和 YeXiu 说话,结果背后被人放了一黑枪。连忙跳过身去抓人,一边埋怨昧光:“你搞什么啊!你这个样子我怎么能放心让你守护我的后背?”

昧光哪顾得上理包子入侵,他现能控制他的那些宠物不要撞树就很不容易了。 YeXiu 第十区这么久,这么烂的***作,就见过两个人,一个是那人姑娘沉玉,一个就是这召唤师昧光了。想想这家伙那细碎的傻瓜攻略, YeXiu 现一百个确认:这货肯定是看攻略看视频写出的攻略。就他这水平,下副本去没有自己这样的大神坐镇的话,百分百的团队杀手,下几次团灭几次。也亏这小子敢写那么琐碎的攻略,他唠叨的那些东西,他自己能做到吗?

“哎呀一段时间没见烟柔妹子又厉害了,一个打三个还这么威武啊!我们两个是不太丢人,半天没有拿下这五个,你加把劲啊!哎哟我去,你怎么跑了?我靠,混账你,重色轻友!”黄少天这边又开始说个不停,结果 YeXiu 的 JunMoxiang 突然一个飞枪倒飞了出去,却是闪到了风梳烟沐背后一个踏射踩翻了正绕向她背后的一人。

苏沐橙的风梳烟沐此时半转了身,却是一个反坦克炮轰向了 JunMoxiang 原本攻击的对象。两人瞬间交换了一下攻击目标,却丝毫不见攻势的中断。

“把人全轰过来!” YeXiu 站当中喊了一声。




唐柔、乔一帆也是听从 YeXiu 指示,各去追击对手朝圈子中间轰。大公会这十八人本是个包围圈的,从苏沐橙这些人一一到阵后就圈不成圈,到处是缺口。此时配合也是完全没有,各自为战。有些人早发现虽人多却肯定不敌,开始萌生退意。 YeXiu 早看出这一点,这才提醒了大家一声。

他那边原本的五个对手全部留给了黄少天,他的 JunMoxiang 飞回了当间帮苏沐橙挡了一下后,立刻去了包子入侵的方向援手。

“喂,把你的宠物都收了吧!” YeXiu 的 JunMoxiang 冲到这边后,先对昧光说了一句。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Solitary drinking heart broken ... ... Although they still prevailed, in quantitative terms, but there is difference in quality! They cycle five deal with JunMoxiang wood two to have to wade through and flow, also insisted that all because of counting on other Association quickly gathered around double-teams. What other guilds at this time has also been attacked, and Guy were all rushed to the JunMoxiang team. Drink said it is not clear how strong these people alone, but never worse than wood sword of the 27 passenger flow, right? Looking at on the screen because the stream of wood everywhere, constantly text bubble, solitary drinking heart suddenly sank. Tang ROU cold smoke soft flower and Palm blow triple play is very powerful. Tang ROU was tough, get tough. Others are dodgy, directly from an empty plot in town and she just killed it. After the town turns on recover endangered status, Tang ROU also places few people pay attention to always be yourself guys around, it is surely the Association took note of her players, but more than one. But Tang ROU isn't in this, to buy a parcel after some pharmaceutical, straight out of the empty product through to the. Strolling outside the major Association of players is really quite a lot and it is not just waiting for Don soft, they also prepare any one will be killed back to the main city. Johor died back to the main city of the cold smoke, which as we all know, you can cold smoke soft one to enter, that almost no one would have thought. Their point of view it is of course a very dumb move. The results Tang rou, a sister, but did. She gave YeXiu to the news before, YeXiu did not stop him, he supported Tang ROU try, fail and then a 10% experience, YeXiu also appears to be no big deal. He agreed with Tang ROU do, of course, is a reason for that, because cold smoke soft job is a Mage. Although YeXiu is called the glory of textbooks, proficient in all classes, but the Mage, is no doubt the 24 vocational he is one. Some bright lines have strengthened. Long weapons range and scope of the offensive. Reasonable *** you can hit a lot of powerful blow effects. Advantages of the Mage, YeXiu clear. If Tang ROU not profession, YeXiu will help her find a suitable method. However, as a mage, and appropriate way is the hard way. The Mage, the overbearing, Play a role, sometimes not just *** and, sometimes, you need a temperament. Tang ROU that share drive and will YeXiu and Mage this is very fit. Her choice of career or early, YeXiu will have a reasonable amount of ***, just like Jo *** capable ghost. So at this point, the YeXiu will never stop Tang ROU from doing this in the eyes of others may be to die. Even if it really is dead, YeXiu is also worth a try, this is a professional grasp of the essence and cultivation of professional qualities. Don soft appears here, undoubtedly because she did it. This YeXiu also feel a vibration. 他可以想象当这妹子提着战矛单枪匹马冲出空积城时,那些留守城外的大公会玩家是多么的瞠目结舌。 他们当然会试图击杀寒烟柔,要从他们的围攻中脱围当然很困难。但是,越困难的事,唐柔做起来就越起劲。 城外这一次突围,对来她来说也是一次超水平的发挥。以突围为目的,她注意到了每个细节,虽然没有彻底击杀每一个对手,但战斗法师的霸气已经完全从她的手中被演绎出来了。 当她狠狠地从包围中撕裂一道绝尘而去的时候,那些被突围了的玩家,只有一个词能形容他们此时心中的感受:一片狼藉。 没错。 他们没有任何一个人牺牲,甚至没有什么人下降多少生命,但是每个人心中却都有一种“狼藉”的感觉。 他们本不是为了某一个人某一个对手做拦截的准备,他们甚至是等着拦截从空积城里复活的整支 JunMoxiang 小队。但是结果,只是一个寒烟柔,就用这样一种高姿态的方式直接杀开一条路就跑出去了。他们存的意义被狠狠地抹杀了一把。 他们甚至不知道该追还是不该追。 因为这是一个他们根本没有思考过的命题,他们的意识中根本就没有出现过从主城里出来的角色会有逃出他们包围的可能,顶多就是再退回主城的安全区而已,他们一直是这样认为的。





空知林里,孤饮明里暗里地算是指挥了一次行动。这样明晰的思路下,二十来名玩家的作用都被充分发挥,他本是可以完成对 JunMoxiang 和流木的一次***的。

只可惜, JunMoxiang 小队其他人突如其来的赶到彻底破坏了他的计划。

“哈哈,来了啊!都来了啊!咦,有人呢?召唤师啊?我靠,你这哪找来的坑爹的召唤师,这什么乱七八糟的?哎呀,他跳起来撞树了诶!看到没有看到没有?你的那个召唤师撞树了,这人会不会玩啊?”黄少天一边砍人一边喋喋不休。和 JunMoxiang 一起面对着五个对手,他居然还有功夫转视角去留意其他人。

“老大!”包子入侵这边一砖拍晕了一名对手后和 YeXiu 打着招呼。 YeXiu 转过去看他的时候,那个召唤师乱七八糟的表现也是让他一阵恶心,但是,随后那家伙头顶的id却是让他很是惊讶。


“老大这是我井底认识的一兄弟。”包子入侵向 YeXiu 介绍昧光。

“你好。” YeXiu 和昧光打了声招呼。

结果昧光好像根本没听到,角色那边直泛哆嗦, YeXiu 一看就知道这人正手忙脚乱地搞着***作。看着他那些宠物断断续续地举动, YeXiu 狂汗了一把。他大胆断言,这可能是一个连快捷键都没记熟的人,一些技能***作怕是还要低头去键盘上确认字母,而且经常***作失败,导致角色那抽风一样地只是哆嗦,却不见任何技能出来。

“哎哟我靠,偷袭!”包子入侵这和 YeXiu 说话,结果背后被人放了一黑枪。连忙跳过身去抓人,一边埋怨昧光:“你搞什么啊!你这个样子我怎么能放心让你守护我的后背?”

昧光哪顾得上理包子入侵,他现能控制他的那些宠物不要撞树就很不容易了。 YeXiu 第十区这么久,这么烂的***作,就见过两个人,一个是那人姑娘沉玉,一个就是这召唤师昧光了。想想这家伙那细碎的傻瓜攻略, YeXiu 现一百个确认:这货肯定是看攻略看视频写出的攻略。就他这水平,下副本去没有自己这样的大神坐镇的话,百分百的团队杀手,下几次团灭几次。也亏这小子敢写那么琐碎的攻略,他唠叨的那些东西,他自己能做到吗?

“哎呀一段时间没见烟柔妹子又厉害了,一个打三个还这么威武啊!我们两个是不太丢人,半天没有拿下这五个,你加把劲啊!哎哟我去,你怎么跑了?我靠,混账你,重色轻友!”黄少天这边又开始说个不停,结果 YeXiu 的 JunMoxiang 突然一个飞枪倒飞了出去,却是闪到了风梳烟沐背后一个踏射踩翻了正绕向她背后的一人。

苏沐橙的风梳烟沐此时半转了身,却是一个反坦克炮轰向了 JunMoxiang 原本攻击的对象。两人瞬间交换了一下攻击目标,却丝毫不见攻势的中断。

“把人全轰过来!” YeXiu 站当中喊了一声。




唐柔、乔一帆也是听从 YeXiu 指示,各去追击对手朝圈子中间轰。大公会这十八人本是个包围圈的,从苏沐橙这些人一一到阵后就圈不成圈,到处是缺口。此时配合也是完全没有,各自为战。有些人早发现虽人多却肯定不敌,开始萌生退意。 YeXiu 早看出这一点,这才提醒了大家一声。

他那边原本的五个对手全部留给了黄少天,他的 JunMoxiang 飞回了当间帮苏沐橙挡了一下后,立刻去了包子入侵的方向援手。

“喂,把你的宠物都收了吧!” YeXiu 的 JunMoxiang 冲到这边后,先对昧光说了一句。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Solitary drinking a broken heart ...... although the number of terms they are still the upper hand, but there are differences in the quality of ah! They reincarnation here five against JunMoxiang and driftwood two already very difficult, also insisted all because counting other guild quickly came up with the attack. The result, other associations at this time but also was attacked, JunMoxiang team guy actually all have arrived. These people do not know how strong solitary drink, but how can not be worse than this 27 swordsman driftwood, right? On looking at the screen because driftwood continue to walk all over the place floating text bubble, isolated drink heart suddenly cold half. Han Yan Tang soft flexible one falling palm blow fly three appearances, it is seems very impact. Sophie Tang came sturdy, get out of the way too sturdy. Others are evasive, and she simply is directly from the empty plot to kill out of the city. After going around the city to restore the endangered status, Tang Sophie also a place few people noticed the guy always occur in the vicinity of their own, no doubt that the Great Society attention to her whereabouts players, and not just one. But Sophie Tang did not even control them, to buy a parcel of some pharmaceutical later, went straight out of the air volume to pass through the city to go. Stroll outside the major associations really a lot of players, this is not just waiting for Don soft, they are also ready to meet at any time any one person will be killed back to the main city. Han Yan Sophie back to the main city of the dead, which we all know, a person can actually Han Yan Sophie came checkpoints, which almost no one would have thought. For them this is certainly a very non-brain move. Results Don Sophie, a sister, but why it did so. Before going she went there to YeXiu news, YeXiu did not stop him, so he supported Don soft try, fail big deal out of a 10% re-experience Well, YeXiu seems no big deal. He agreed to do so Sophie Tang, of course, is also a reason, because the occupation is soft Han Yan Battle Mage. Although YeXiu is called glory textbook, proficient whole career, but Battle Mage, no doubt, that in his 24 career strong a. Hyun strengthen various lines of property. Long distance and range offensive weapons. *** Reasonable as you can play a lot of powerful blow fly effects. Master of all the advantages of fighting, YeXiu clear enough. If not this career Sophie Tang, YeXiu will help her think of a suitable method. However, as the Battle Mage, a suitable method is to insist forcing. Battle Mage, in respect of such a high-handed, Fun a role, sometimes not just rely *** for and awareness, and sometimes, you need a temperament. Don soft kind of dice momentum and will, YeXiu opinion in this respect and fighting the Master of this job is very fit. Otherwise she chose early career, YeXiu have reasonable *** *** like to乔一帆array ghost. So this time, YeXiu will never stop doing this in the eyes of others Sophie Tang maybe just to die move. Even if it really is just so dead, YeXiu seems worth a try, this is the essence of understanding of occupational, professional qualities to cultivate. Don eventually appear soft here, no doubt because she did a whole. This YeXiu also feel aroused. He can imagine when this sister single-handedly carrying out war spear empty plot when the city, those staying outside of the Great Society players how dumbfounded. Of course they will try to kill Han Yan soft, off from their siege around the course, very difficult. However, the more difficult things to do, the more vigorously Sophie Tang. Outside this time to break through, to come she is also a super level of play. To break through for the purpose, she noticed every detail, although not completely kill every opponent, but the fighting has been completely domineering Master deduced from her hands. When she mercilessly surrounded by a tear from running away, the player who was to break up, only one word can describe the feelings of their hearts at this time: the ruins. Yes. They do not have to sacrifice any one person, no one even decline many lives, but everyone has a heart, but a kind of "messy" feeling. They present not for an individual to do a particular rival intercept ready, they even are waiting to intercept the resurrection of the city from the empty plot JunMoxiang entire squad. But the result is just a Han Yan soft, use of such a high-profile directly kill to open a road ran out. Meaning they are fiercely denied save one. They do not even know or should not chase chase. This is simply because they have not thought about a proposition, their consciousness is simply collected from the main town does not appear out of the role they might have escaped surrounded, at most, is the main city and then returned to a safe area only, they always I think so. So when Han Yan soft kill to open the gap and sped away, they have froze. They want to catch, but if you have to catch up, the main town there are other roles resurrection ready out how to do? Hesitate, consult, and then we find there is nothing necessary. Han Yan soft even a ghost are gone. No unified command team, conflicts, even those outside Shoubing very ready, also exists with such problems. So once again, such a situation occurring. Sorachi forest, solitary drinking overtly or covertly, to be directed by an action. Under such clear thinking, twenty players are role into full play, he can do this is to JunMoxiang and flow of wood once ***. Unfortunately, JunMoxiang squad others rushed to the complete destruction of a sudden his plans. "Haha, come ah! Have come ah! Hey, someone it? Summoner ah? I rely on what got you this pit father of Summoner, what a mess this? Oh, he jumped up and hit the tree, eh! see no see? Summoner that you hit the tree, and this one will not play this game? "Huang Shao days while injure side chatter. JunMoxiang together and faced five opponents, and he did as well as the effort to pay attention to other people to switch perspectives. "Boss!" Side of a brick buns invade a faint beat opponents and YeXiu hellos. YeXiu turned to look at him, the Summoner's performance also made ​​him a mess burst of nausea, but then that guy is the id of the head so that he was very surprised. Ignorant of light? There is no coincidence ah! "This is my boss knew a bottom brothers." Buns invasion to introduce ignorant YeXiu light. "Hello." YeXiu and ignorant light say hello. The results did not seem to hear the ignorant light, shaking the pan straight role there, YeXiu to see that these people are scrambling to get a *** for. He looked at those pet intermittently move, YeXiu Kuanghan one. He boldly asserted that this could be a shortcut did not even memorize people, some of the skills *** for fear is also down to confirm the letters on the keyboard, and often *** for failure, leading role just the same way that the ventilation shiver, but I could not see any skill out. "Oh I rely on, attack!" Buns invasion and YeXiu this talk, the result was put behind a illegal guns. Jumping, turning quickly to arrest people, while complaining ignorant of light: "What do you do ah you like this how can I rest assured that you guard my back!?" ignorant of the light which spare some reason buns invasion, he is now able to control him those pets do not hit the tree on the very easy. So long YeXiu tenth district, so bad *** for, had seen two men, one man girl Shen Yu, a Summoner is this ignorant bare. Think about this guy that crushing fool Raiders, YeXiu now one hundred confirmed: This stock is definitely watch the video to see the Raiders Raiders written. To him this level, the next copy to not own such a big word of God sits, full of team killers, a few group off at times. Also lose this kid dared to write so trivial Raiders, those things nagging him, he can do it? "Oh sister Sophie smoke seen for some time yet powerful, yet so mighty a dozen three ah! The two of us are not too ashamed, half did not win five, you work harder ah! Oh I went to, how do you run? I rely on, darn you, Zhongseqingyou! "Huang Shao day here began talking is the result of JunMoxiang YeXiu gun suddenly a fly inverted out, but it is flash to the wind comb Mu smoke riding behind a shot He turned around to a positive step behind her a man. Su Mu orange smoke wind comb Mu half turning around at this time, but it is an anti-tank shelling of the original object JunMoxiang attack. They exchanged instant target, but did not see offensive interrupts. "The people are all over boom!" YeXiu stop them shouted. "Holy crap, Zhenhen ah! A not want them to run away it? But this Zhenghewoyi ah!" Huang Shao-day shouting while flying into the sky right off the edge of silver. His *** for this trick to launch more fast! Players ordinary eyes that he almost did not jump up, exactly like the same cast in situ, simply should not appear bug general. Dodge is less than five people have been toppled, some successful and some uke uke failed. Huang Shao-day driftwood early jump a flash to the front behind them, fired a sword big sword chop. Three by the body, but rather the success of luck, rolling to the sky just are the jianpi to, have to fly the circle in the middle. "Three come, then well, there are two, immediately sent." This guy's mouth is always refused to stop, then many people, plus high spirits. Don soft, Qiao Yifan also obey YeXiu instructions, each to chase the opponent toward the middle of the circle boom. Great Society eighteen people this is encirclement, these people from eleven Su Mu orange circle to circle after unlooped everywhere gap. In this case also did not fit, fighting each other. Some people find that although many people early is certainly lost, start thinking about quitting. YeXiu see this earlier, this reminds everyone cry. His side's five opponents had to leave all the little yellow days when he flew back to the room to help JunMoxiang Su Mu orange block a bit, immediately went to the buns invasion direction help. "Hey, put your pet have received it!" After YeXiu of JunMoxiang rushed here, the first of ignorant just say something.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The heart of the solitary drink is broken......

although the number is still prevail, but there is a difference in quality! They cycle here five people deal with JunMoxiang driftwood of two has been very difficult, also insisted that depend on other guilds around quickly up the attack. As a result, the other male will be attacked at this time, the JunMoxiang team of guys actually arrived. These people are lonely

strong drink that is not clear, but could not than this level 27 Musketeers driftwood poor? We are looking at the screen because the driftwood

go floating everywhere text bubbles,Solitary Yin heart sank half. The soft soft Tang

a flower palm blown three appearances, is very impact. Tang was tough

soft, get out of the way too tough. Other people

and avoid being seen, she simply is directly from the empty plot to kill out of the city. The endangered status was restored after the

around town, Tang soft also few people noticed will always be near their guy, is undoubtedly public will pay attention to the whereabouts of her internationally, and not only one.

but Tang did not the soft tube, to buy some medicine package, straight out of the city to pass through the empty area.

Outside the grand duke strolling players really many, this is not waiting for Tang soft, they are always ready to meet will be killed back to the main city of any one person.

chilly soft die back to the main city, which, as everyone knows, chilly soft actually a person to checkpoints the, which almost no one would have thought. It seems they

This is certainly a very mindless move. The results of a soft Tang

, sister, I do.

to go before she had to YeXiu went to the news, YeXiu did not stop him, he supported the Tang soft so try and can't fail again fell 10% experience well, YeXiu it hasn't great.He agreed with Tang Rou do, of course is a reason, because the soft occupation is a battle mage.

although YeXiu was called glory in the textbook, proficient in full career, but a battle mage, is undoubtedly the 24 career he strong one. All

Hyun pattern of strengthening property. Long distance and range of offensive weapons. Reasonable for

can play a lot of * * * strong blow effect. All the advantages of the YeXiu

battlemages, clear. If the occupation is not soft

Tang, YeXiu will help her to think of a suitable method. However, as a battle mage, the right way is hard to break. Battle mage,Should have such a high handed,

fun a role, sometimes not only by * * * as consciousness and, sometimes you need a kind of temperament. The kind of soft drive

Tang and the will, the YeXiu seems to fit well with this occupation and battle mage. Otherwise early in her choice of career, YeXiu will have a reasonable * * *, like Qiao Yifan * * *.

so at the moment, YeXiu will never stop to do this kind of Tang soft eyes of others may be just to die move. Even if it really is so dead, YeXiu seems to be worth a try, this is the understanding of the essence of the occupation, the formation of professional temperament. Tang soft here

end,It's because she's all done. YeXiu also feel the spirit of a vibration.

he can imagine when this girl carrying a spear fighting single handedly rushed out of the empty product city, those left behind outside of the public will be internationally is how stunned. Of course they will try to kill. The soft, from their siege off around is difficult. However, the more difficult things, the more you do the more difficult. Outside this time

to break, she is also a high level of play. In order to break for the purpose, she noted that every detail, although not completely kill every opponent,
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