第411章 大恩eadx(); 纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “她昏过去了。”云澈道。 花洺海全身颤抖,牙齿紧咬,拼命遏制着即将 การแปล - 第411章 大恩eadx(); 纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “她昏过去了。”云澈道。 花洺海全身颤抖,牙齿紧咬,拼命遏制着即将 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第411章 大恩eadx(); 纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访

第411章 大恩
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 411 goodnesseadx(); Online reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "She fainted. "Yun Che Road. Hua 洺hai whole body trembling, teeth clenched, trying to curb the upcoming gushing tears, he turned away, holding his head, pain said: "I know that she hurts all these years, died, and for her it is a relief ... ... But ... ... But how can I watch as she will never go away...... " "This is a cruel and helpless choice, regardless of which one to choose, are right, and both are wrong ... ... This feeling, people without experience, will never understand. "Yun Che channel and tone of a turn:" However, because of me, you select and insist that it is right. ” "Ah!"? "Hua 洺hai all of a sudden looked up at himYun Che turned, looked him in the eye: "your wife's symptoms, I have seen a few, has an idea. To keep you out, don't let anyone come in here unless I make a noise, you cannot come in. You should also know that the more dangerous illness, healing in less any bother. ” See Yun Che unabashed eye, Hua 洺hai excited: "... ... Does that mean that you have a way ... ... Save the small ... ... Do you really have a way to save small?! ” "Not absolutely sure. "Yun Che glared at him with one eye:" If you can disappear in front of my eyes, sure of success probably ascend to 99%. ” Whoosh! Bang! Yun Che a gust of wind blew, Hua 洺hai has disappeared out of sight in front of him, ear ring along with door was closing the in a hurry.This rate is definitely the surprise corner, zzzzzzzzz, Yun Che Leng Xiao long time did not return to God. This guy, what exactly is the practice of rapidly!? Xuan Xuan in the sky late, his horror to such an extent! Yun Che Hua 洺hai out, certainly not upsets, but that he saw his own healing ways as lesser. After all, to do displacement on HIV within the shortest time, use poison Pearl to days. Without HIV beads, Yun Che to relieve her cold poison, to several thousand on effort ... ... Because of her cold virus has existed for as long as five years, and her blood and Meridian are fused together to completely get rid of not only trouble, it also comes with a very high risk.Her body in addition to HIV, there is still a severe internal injuries ... ... Because of the cold virus, these internal injury in five years instead of healing, become increasingly worse, Yun Che, her life failed, much more trouble than the cold virus. Yun Che in the small bed, stretching out the left hand, put it on top of her chest, HIV slowly beads green Ray reflected, and a little bit of spread to her entire body. Inside her raged for five years of cold poison, poison beads under the force of the, without the slightest resistance were quickly removed. Hua 洺hai like a cat on hot bricks, pacing back and forth outside, and were afraid to let themselves out in the least footsteps.A cool breeze blowing, flower Ming Yuan, the brain suddenly clarified some of the sea. He is a man of careful to the extreme, or I wouldn't have brought lesser Enron at the present, today, who's taking a first meeting to their hiding place, let alone close to such lesser, in retrospect, he felt incredible ... ... Perhaps, Yun Che have the sort of mysterious atmosphere, let him produce a sense of hope. Half hour in the past, have not heard any voice in the House, which Hua 洺hai heart is no bottom, want to fling open the door several times, but each time he tried to hold back. Then, suddenly came the voice Yun Che not light not heavy: "come on in. ” Hua 洺hai electrocuted and pushed the door and rushed in. He saw medicines without any change in the room, such as small yayiran was lying there, and even the location has not yet moved, he quickly stepped forward, excited: "lesser what happened to her......" No sooner had the words export, his eyes hard to enlarge ... ... He was surprised to see, such as the lesser piece of dark blue on his forehead, has completely disappeared.Hua 洺hai excited the whole body trembling, he held out his hand, in the heart of the lesser parts, mysterious force carefully into the ... ... In her body, he is does not feel the existence of the cold virus ... ... Shred the residual are not. "Cold virus in her body is completely solved. "Yun Che Road. Poison Pearl to cast off as lesser body of cold poison, for half an hour, but if it is too fast, it was amazing, so Yun Che sat, leaving time to half an hour. Hua 洺hai was exciting fall for both of them is the cold virus was tortured for five years, is the nightmare they fear most, they know better than anyone how terrible this cold virus. Even this cold poison, they despair, there is no hope of a cure, taking Ming Yun Che kelp to also do not expect miracles happen, but unwilling to give up it's a ray of hope ... ... Unexpectedly, miracle, incredibly real show in front of him."The small ... ... Lesser ... ... "flower Ming sea hold lesser hands, excited incoherent:" did you hear ... ... Your HIV has been ... ... Complete solution ... ... Xiao Ya ... ... Did you hear ... ... " "Well, don't fight her, we get out of here. "Yun Che said:" Although cold virus solution, but be eroded by Han with HIV for five years, all her mysterious collapse of five Zang-organs failure, were it not for this large number of purple-veined Crystal nourished over the years, cold virus solution, she to die. She is not entirely out of danger at the moment, will make a full recovery, but takes a very long time, she needs most at the moment, is to have a good rest. ” Hua 洺hai immediately shut up, help cover bedding such as lesser and tread lightly, as Yun Che go.Yun Che took a small bottle, to Hua 洺hai, in full bloom with a small amount of liquid Scarlet: "this is a fire and Wang xuanlan's Dragon's blood, can be good to break up her coldness of the accumulation in the body over the years, and to restore her strength. Dragon blood altogether ten drops, you get a release into three litres of water, and then, from tomorrow, every day to feed her three, each a month, daily take one drop will be more ... ... Remember, there must be more, or her body will stand. ” 纯正的龙之气息,即使隔着玉瓶,以花洺海强大无比的灵觉,依然感知的清清楚楚。他更是知道,真龙的血,还是一直火属性的王玄龙血,对于身体虚弱,遍体寒气的如小雅,无异于天丹。 花洺海接过龙血,已是激动的说不出话来。“你照顾了她五年,该怎么逐渐治愈她的内伤和恢复她的元气,你应该知道的很清楚,不需要我多说。但有一点我必须提醒你,三个月内,一定不要撤开紫脉天晶,她现在生命力太脆弱,若是离了紫脉天晶,任何一点小的差池就有可能让她失命。”云澈郑重的说道。救死扶伤……曾经的他做过很多,而且以之为乐,但如今,他却再也不复曾经的心情。因为他救过的人,比起他杀过的人的数量……差的太远太远。 “谢谢你……恩公!”花洺海一声哽咽,然后猛的跪下……这一跪,比之前更加的用力。之前的一跪,他心中无限不甘,但这次,他跪的心甘情愿:“你的大恩,我花洺海终生铭记在心,还请恩公告知大名,我花洺海,必定以毕生之力报答。”“不用了,我也只是偶尔尽了一次医者的本份而已。”云澈有些唏嘘的道:“至于名字……我之前已经说过了,我叫凌云。” 对于这个名字,花洺海不为所动,反而道:“恩公的真实名字,可是……云澈?” “……”云澈的眉角剧烈抽搐了一下……我靠!什么情况?我在神凰城就报过两次名字,每次都报的“凌云”,但每次却被对方一口喊出真名……难道我的名声在神凰帝国已经大到人人皆知的程度了?看到云澈半天没有言语,花洺海知道自己猜对了,他马上道:“之前我潜入凤凰神宗时,刚好听人提到‘云澈’这个名字,谈及‘云澈’是苍风国人,不属凤凰神宗,却拥有凤凰血脉。恩公来自苍风国,却可以使用凤凰炎……所以,我便一直怀疑恩公就是那个‘云澈’。” 原来如此……云澈总算是放下心来。显然,“云澈”这个名字不算什么,但“凤凰神宗之外拥有凤凰血脉的人”,却足以让人高度关注。“我的确就是你口中的云澈,这次来神凰城,也是为了解决和凤凰神宗之间的事,这也是为什么我不肯把凤凰葵给你的原因。”看了一眼夜空,云澈把花洺海扶起来,道:“好了,回去照顾你的妻子吧,你不用想着谢我。等她身体恢复元气,你应该带她离开神凰城,去一个更加安定的地方。” 花洺海斩钉截铁的道:“我虽然是个贼,但从不会忘记知恩图报。我之前也说过,若能救我妻子,我的命便是你的。今后,恩公若是有用的着我的地方,尽管开口,刀山火海,我绝不会皱一下眉头!尤其是恩公想要得到什么东西……哪怕是在圣地之中,我也愿为恩公一闯。” 花洺海的最后一句话,让云澈心中一动,他嘴唇张开,但话未出口,便被他咽了回去……在这神凰城,他最想得到的东西,无疑是凤凰神宗的《凤凰颂世典》,若能得到《凤凰颂世典》的总诀和前四重玄诀,他的凤凰玄力便可融会贯通。但,《凤凰颂世典》是凤凰神宗的核心功法,也是《凤凰颂世典》,让凤凰神宗成为天玄第一大宗门。凤凰神宗对于《凤凰颂世典》的保护,一定是强到了极致,若是花洺海真的强行去窃取,极有可能会有性命之威……那毕竟是凤凰神宗,《凤凰颂世典》,又绝非寻常东西可比。 刚为如小雅解了寒毒,如果花洺海真的因为自己栽在了凤凰神宗,等于彻底害了两个人。 看到云澈脸上分明闪过犹豫,然后又把要出口的话收回,花洺海马上道:“恩公,你是不是有什么想要的东西,你尽管说出来,我一定帮你拿到……不报此恩,我终生不安。” 云澈想了一想,道:“你能不能告诉我,你用的是什么身法?” 花洺海稍稍愕然,微微犹豫后,道:“是我花家祖传身法——‘幻光雷极’。”r1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 411 kindness
eadx (); text reading online site domain synchronous read phone visit , "she fainted." Cloud Che Road. Flowers Ming Hai trembling, teeth clenching, desperate to curb the upcoming gushing tears, he turned away, his hands clutching his head, the pain and said: "I know how painful these years she died, she but in terms of a relief ...... but ...... but how can I watch as she would never leave me ...... " "This is a cruel and helpless choice, regardless of which one to choose, all right, and ...... this feeling is wrong, no personal experience of people, never understand, "says Che sigh channel, then pitch a turn:." However, since I met your choice and insist that it is for . The " "!? ah" Flower ALFA sea suddenly looked up to him cloud Che turned, looked straight into his eyes and said: "Your wife's symptoms, I just glances, have a general understanding. to keep you on the outside, do not let anybody in here unless I say anything, you never can come in. You should also know that the more dangerous illness, the less time healing can not be any bother. " I looked at the cloud Che undisguised eyes, flowers Ming Hai excited: "Do ...... Could it be that you have a way to save Xiaoya ...... ...... you really have a way to save Xiaoya?! " " not absolute certainty. " Yun Chol glared at him: "If you can immediately disappear in front of me, then, would be able to enhance the certainty of success to ninety nine." Whoosh! Bang! Yun Chol front gust blew, flowers Ming before he disappeared in the sea have been vanishing, along with ringing ears were hastily shut the door on the sound. This speed is absolutely shaking, ZZZZZZZZZ to cloud Che stunned the small half did not regain consciousness. This guy, in the end is what agility practice! ? Mysterious force roughly Tianxuan late agility but to the extent possible terror! Let Che Ming cloud flower sea to go outside, of course, not disturb, but the fear he saw his way to heal such as Xiaoya. After all, to do Qudu the shortest possible time, we must use poison bead days. If not days, toxic beads, cloud Che to get rid of her cold virus, to spend a million times the strength ...... because of her cold virus has been in existence for five years, and her body has blood, meridians are integrated together, to completely get rid of, not only extremely troublesome, accompanied by high risk. In addition to poison her, and heavy internal injuries ...... because of the cold virus, and these injuries do not heal not only among the five, but deteriorating cloud Che, the failure of her life than the cold virus to trouble more. Cloud Che stood as Xiaoya bed, stretched out his left hand, on the top of her chest, the day poison green beads reflect light slowly now, and then a little bit of spread to her whole body. In her body raged for five years of cold poison, under the day poison bead force, without any power of resistance is quickly eliminate. Flowers Ming Hai as ants on a hot pan, pacing up and down outside, did not dare let himself trod the slightest footsteps. While the cool night breeze blowing, flowers Ming Hai's mind suddenly awake a little. He usually is an act of extreme caution, otherwise it will not take as Xiaoya Enron until now, but today, with a first meeting actually came to their current hiding place, but also let him alone near as Xiaoya, now think about it, he felt incredible ...... perhaps, is the body that mysterious cloud Che breath, let his heart inexplicable give birth to hope. A full half hour in the past, are not inside the house heard the slightest sound, which makes the hearts of extremely not spend ALFA sea bottom, opened the door a few times you want to, but every time they tried to hold back. At this time, there suddenly came a cloud Che not light not heavy voice: "Come in." Flowers Ming Hai as a shock, pushed open the door and ran inside. He saw the room without any change in medicine, such as Xiaoya still lying there, not even the location are not moved, he walked forward, excited: "Xiaoya how she ......" if just one exit His pupil Meng enlarged ...... because he was shocked to see such a piece of blue-black Xiaoya forehead, has completely disappeared. Flowers Ming Hai excitement whole body trembled, he held out his hand, according to her chest in a site such as Xiaoya, mysterious force carefully penetrate ...... in her body, he is no sense of the existence of cold poison ...... shred residue at all. "Her whole body of the cold virus has the solution." Cloud Che Road. Days poison beads to the solution out as Xiaoya body of cold poison, sort of half an hour, but if too fast and too amazing, so called cloud Che way to sit, the time dragged a half hour. Flower Ming Hai is excited not own, both of whom were tortured this cold virus for five years, is their most feared nightmare, they know it better than anyone else how terrible cold virus. Indeed, for this cold virus, they are already in despair, there is no cure for luxury, spend Ming Yun Chol to kelp, also did not expect a miracle occurred, but not willing to give up this ray of hope it ...... I did not expect miracles actually genuineness presented in front of him. "Xiaoya Xiaoya ...... ......" Hai Ming clutching flowers such as Xiaoya hand, excited incoherent: "Do you hear me ...... your poison already complete solution of the solution ...... ...... ...... Xiaoya Do you hear me ...... " . "Well, do not disturb her, and we go out," says Che opening said: "Although the cold virus is the solution, but was cold virus erosion five years, her mysterious force all records, internal organs severely failure, if it is that a lot of purple veins Crystal nourish these years, a solution of cold poison, she must die. She now has not completely out of danger, to be fully recovered, but take an extremely long time, her most immediate needs , that is a good rest. " flower sound Ming Hai closed immediately, to help cover the bedding as Xiaoya, then softly, as cloud Che out of the door. Yun Chol took a vial to spend Ming Hai, which in full bloom with a small amount of liquid scarlet: "This is a property of the king Xuanzhen fire dragon blood, she may well dispel all these years accumulation in the body of cold, and restore her strength. Long a total of ten drops of blood, you take a drop of release into three liters of water, then fed her daily dose from tomorrow three drops, each over a whole month, the service will be more daily drop ...... remember, It must not be much, otherwise her body will bear. " pure dragon breath, even through Yuping, Ming Hai to spend so powerful spiritual sense, still perceive clearly. He is aware that the real dragon's blood, or have blood Wangxuan Long fire properties, for frail, cold air over the body, such as Xiaoya, is tantamount to the days of Dan. Flowers Ming Hai took the dragon's blood, is excited speechless. "You take care of her for five years, which is how gradually heal her injuries and restore her vitality, you should know very clearly, do not need me to say, but one thing I must remind you that within three months, you must not withdraw Crystal purple veins open, she is now too fragile vitality, if from the purple veins, Crystal, any small mistake is likely to lose her life. "Yun Chol said solemnly. Life-saving ...... once he did a lot, and take it as fun, but now, he no longer had complex feelings. Because he saved people, compared to the number of people he killed ...... far far worse. "Thank you ...... benefactor!" Flower Ming Hai soon choked, then shoved his knees ...... the knees, even more firmly than before. Before kneeling unlimited resigned his mind, but this time, he knelt willingly: "Your kindness, I spent a lifetime in mind Ming Hai, also known name please grace announcement, I spend Ming Hai, will to power of life . repay " "No, I only occasionally to make a doctor's duty only." Yun Chol some regret and said:. "As the name ...... I've said before, I called Gun" for the name, flower Ming Hai unmoved, but said: "Well the public's real name, but ...... cloud Che? " " ...... "Yun Chol Meijiao twitched violently ...... I rely on! what's the situation? The extent of my God Phoenix, reported twice on the name of every newspaper "Gun", but each was the other's real name bite shouted ...... Is my reputation in Phoenix God's empire has large well known the? Che no words for a long time to see the clouds, flowers Ming Hai knew he guessed it, he immediately said: "Before I dive into the Phoenix when Ancestor, just listen to people say 'cloud Che' name, talking about 'cloud Che' Cang wind people, not a phoenix Ancestor, but has Phoenix blood. benefactor from Cang wind country, but you can use the Phoenix inflammation ...... So, I would always wonder benefactor is that 'cloud Che'. " So that cloud Che finally ...... calm down. Obviously, the "cloud Che" is the name of what is not, but the "outside Phoenix Phoenix Ancestor have blood of man", but enough to make attention. "I really was Che cloud your mouth, this time to God Phoenix, but also to solve the matter and Phoenix Shenzong between, which is why I refused to Phoenix Kwai to your reason." Looked at the night sky, cloud Che to help them spend Ming Hai, said:. ". Well, go back to take care of your wife, you do not think I'll wait to thank her body to recover, you should take her out of Phoenix, God, to a more stable place." Flowers Ming Hai categorically said: "Although I was a thief, but never forget to repay the debt I have said before, if we save my wife, my life is your future benefactor if useful. my place, despite the opening, Daoshanhuohai, I will not hesitate! especially benefactor want to get something ...... even in the Holy Land, I also willing benefactor a break. " flower Ming sea The last word, so the cloud Che hearts of a move, he opened his mouth, but the words did not export, it was he swallowed back ...... in Phoenix, this God, the things he most wanted, no doubt Shenzong Phoenix "Phoenix Song Bank Code "If we can get" Phoenix Song Bank Code, "the general tactics and former quadruple mysterious tactics, his Phoenix mysterious force can digest. However, "Phoenix Song Bank Code" Phoenix Shenzong core exercises, but also "Phoenix Song Shi Code," so the Phoenix Tianxuan Ancestor become the first large doors. Ancestor for Phoenix "Phoenix Song Bank Code" of protection, it must be strong to the extreme, if the flower is really forced to steal Ming Hai, is likely to have a life of prestige Phoenix Shenzong ...... after all, "Phoenix Song Shi Dian" , but by no means unusual thing comparable. Xiaoya solution as a cold virus, if you spend Ming Hai really because he planted in the Phoenix Ancestor, equivalent to completely kill the two men just as. Che's face flashed clearly seeing the hesitation, then again if you want to export back to spend on the hippocampus Ming said: "Well well, you is not what they want, even though you say it, I will help you with the ...... do not report this grace, I will never disturbed. " Yun Chol thought for a moment, said: "? Can you tell me, you use what shenfa" flower Ming Hai slightly stunned, after a slight hesitation, said: " I spent a family heirloom agility - 'Magic Ray light pole' "r1058. The fastest update, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 411st chapter (
eadx); but the text reading online this domain name mobile phone reading please visit "she fainted." Clouds road.

flowers Minghe sea trembling, clenching of the teeth, desperately trying to curb the upcoming spewing out of tears, he turned to, hands clutching his head, the pain: "I know her these years have much pain and death, to her instead of a free... But...... But what can I do to keep my eyes open......"

"it is a cruel and helpless choice, no matter which one to choose, is to is wrong, and...... This kind of feeling, no one has experienced person,Will never understand." Clouds sigh tone channel, then a turn: "however, because I met, and stick to your choice is right."

"!?" Flowers in Minghe sea suddenly looked up to him
Che Yun turned and looked him straight in the eye and said: "your wife's symptoms. I'm just looking at the eye. Have a general understanding. You go out and don't let anyone come in here, unless I make a noise, you must never come in. You should also know that the more dangerous the disease, the more you can not be bothered by the treatment." Look at the clouds hide eyes

, flower Ming exciting way: "is the sea...... Say,You have a way...... Save ya...... You really have a way to save ya?!"

"is not absolute grasp." Che Yun stared his one eye: "if you can immediately disappear in front of me, sure of success is likely to up to nine to nine."

sou! Bang!

Che Yun in front of a gust of wind blowing, flowers in Minghe sea have been in front of him disappear no shadow, ears sounded the door was hastily closed the sound. The speed, is absolutely amazing, qiguishen, let the clouds is small for a long time did not return to god.

this guy, what is the practice of what body!?

mysterious force roughly in a day later, the body can be scary to such an extent!

Let the clouds Take Ming sea to go outside, of course, is not afraid of trouble, but if he saw himself as the lesser heal. After all, to achieve the most short time of flooding, we must use the days of poison beads. If you do not have poison day beads, clouds to get rid of her cold poison, it takes thousands of times strength...... Because her body cold poison is five years old, and her whole body blood, meridians are fused together, to completely wipe out, not only trouble, accompanied by high risk. She who in addition to drugs, as well as heavy internal injuries...... Because the cold poison exists, these injuries in five years instead of healing, but deteriorating,The clouds, her life failure, much more troublesome than the cold virus.

cloud Che station in such as lesser bed, stretched out his left hand, in her heart, poison day pearl green light slowly mappings and a little bit of spread to her body. In her body in a full five years of cold poison, in the strength of the Pearl of the day, there is no force to resist the rapid elimination of the slightest. Take the sea like

Ming ants on a hot pan on the outside, and paced up and down, afraid to let their on the slightest footsteps.
a cool night breeze blows, the sea flower Ming mind immediately clear some. He is a man who is always cautious and to the extreme,Otherwise would not have to take such as Xiaoya and Enron to now. Today, even with a first meet people came to their current concealed, also let him alone near such as Xiaoya, want to come now, he deeply weird... Perhaps, is the clouds who kind of mysterious atmosphere, let his heart give birth to a sense of hope.

a full half an hour past, inside the house have not heard the slightest sound, this let Hai Hua Ming heart extremely not bottom, times wanted to open the door, but every time he tried to endure. At this moment, it suddenly came clouds not heavy and light voice: "come in." Take Ming sea like an electric shock,A push open the door to go in. He saw the medicinal materials in the room without any changes, such as the lesser still lying there, even the location have never moved, he walked forward, exciting way: "lesser she how......"

then just one exit, his pupil suddenly enlarged...... Because he was seen as a piece of black, Xiaoya on his forehead, has completely disappeared.
flowers Minghe sea emotional body tremble. He held out his hand, to beware the mysterious force, such as the lesser chest area infiltration...... In her body, he has not felt the existence of the cold...... A tiny bit of residual are not.

"The cold poison in her body has already been solved." Clouds road. Poison day beads off to solutions such as lesser body cold poison, sort of half an hour, but if it's too fast, too amazing, so Che Yun way to play the one sitting, the time delay to half an hour.

flower Minghe sea is excited not. Two of them are the cold poison tortured for five full years, they fear most nightmare, they who know how terrible the cold poison. Even the cold poison, they already despair, did not expect the cure, spend the Minghe kelp cloud Chelai, also did not expect a miracle.Just not willing to give up the ray of hope...... Did not expect, the miracle, unexpectedly, actually the present in front of him.
"xiaoya...... Xiaoya......" Take hold as the lesser sea Ming hand, excited: "do you hear me ramble in one's statement...... Your poison has been solved...... Complete solution...... Xiaoya...... Did you hear that......"

"well, don't quarrel with her, we go out." Che Yun openings way: "although the cold poison have solutions, but the cold poison eroded five years, her mysterious force all scattered, severe failure of the five internal organs, if not this large purple veins Tianjing the nourishment, cold poison a solution, she die.She is not completely out of danger, to complete recovery, but also need a very long time, she is now the most needed, is a good rest." Take the sea immediately stop

Ming, help such as small Yagai bedding, and softly, with clouds out of the door.
cloud Che took a vial and handed over to the Minghe flower sea, containing a small amount of scarlet liquid: "this is the blood of a fire attribute of the king Xuan Zhenlong can well disperse she these years hoarding in the body of the cold, and recovery her strength. A total of ten drops of blood, you take a drop into the release of three liters of water, and then feed her daily from tomorrow take three drops, every month,Take one drop of daily...... Remember, no more, or her body will not be."

pure dragon breath, even across the jade bottle, flower Ming powerful spiritual sea, still perceived clearly. Blood of the dragon, or have been fire attribute Wang Xuanlong blood, for the physically weak, cold all over the body of such as Xiaoya, is tantamount to Tiandan he is aware of. The sea dragon took the flowers

Ming, was speechless.
"you take care of her for five years, how to gradually heal her injuries and recovered her strength, you should know very clearly, do not need me to say. But one thing I have to remind you, three months,Must not withdraw to open purple veins Tianjing, she now life is too fragile, if it's close to the purple veins Tianjing, any little mistake have let her loss of life. " Clouds said solemnly. Heal the wounded and rescue the dying...... Once he has done a lot of, but with the music, but now, he was no longer in the mood. Because he saved the people, the number of people he had killed...... Far too far. Thank you

"...... Benefactor!" Take a sea Ming choked, then suddenly kneel...... This kneeling, more than before the force. Before a kneeling, his infinite unwilling, but this time, he knelt down: "be most willing to your kindness,I remember in the heart flower Ming Hai, please notice well knows Daming, I spend Ming sea, is bound to the life force of reward." "No, I
only occasionally as a doctor's duty." Some clouds sigh: "as for the name...... I have said before, I called lingyun."

for the name, but the sea flower Ming unmoved, said: "the benefactor's real name, but...... Clouds?"

"......" Clouds eyebrows twitched violently...... I rely on! What happened? I in God Phoenix reported two name, every newspaper "lingyun",But when was the other one shouted...... Do I name in God Phoenix Empire has to All the world knows. degree?
see Che Yun long time no speech, Hua Ming Hai know you guess it right the, he immediately said: "before I dive into the Phoenix God Pope, just to hear people mention the name 'clouds', talked about the' cloud 'Che is the Cang breeze country, do not belong to the God Phoenix cases, but have a phoenix blood. From sofu's benefactor, but you can use the Phoenix inflammation...... So, I always doubt is the 'clouds' benefactor." So that is what it is.

...... Clouds is finally relieved. Obviously, the "clouds" of the name is not what,
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