玉平殿早已坐满诸位夫人小姐,几乎都是有诰命在身的达官贵人亲眷,宫中也多有贵人照应,此刻俱是优雅而小声的寒暄,既不会显得太过拘谨,也不会太过放 การแปล - 玉平殿早已坐满诸位夫人小姐,几乎都是有诰命在身的达官贵人亲眷,宫中也多有贵人照应,此刻俱是优雅而小声的寒暄,既不会显得太过拘谨,也不会太过放 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Yuping already filled all of you ladies of the House, almost all have rich relatives of Imperial mandate, had to take care of a nobleman in the Palace, furniture is elegant and quietly exchanged greetings at the moment, neither seems too stiff, not too extravagant.Queen in the middle on the high seat, four Princess smiles, then sat in the front. Ladies under the smiling watching at the moment, and occasionally a few pleasantries, Lo is also very kind.Herald young eunuchs sing: "Shang Shu Fu wife to--"All eyes all looking towards the door.Bingbu Jiang Quan heyday in Beijing recently, not because of anything else, just because Putin's gentleman Chiang Kam promotion is now the fastest, youngest Lieutenant. Putin repeated crimes, heard that his Majesty quite fancy, should in future be unobstructed Guan Lu, promising Phoenix. Doing wife more or less on weekdays to listen to one or two sentences on his master said, the presence of Miss there marriageable age, some thought in the heart with the Chiang family climbed to the top of a door. Jiang Shang, said family members to hear at the moment, will cast will come naturally.Xia Yan a few people really think that lady was looking at her, I will back more upright, smile was gentle and demure on the surface along the way is very sound.They watched in silence, Xia Yan and Jiang Susu is soft, elegant, Jiang Li high spirits but slightly frivolous, Jiang Danjiao small and timid when no spectacle, was walking behind Xia Yan Jiang Ruan pace unhurried, lips smiling, bright and charming smile pretty, just move reveals a strong talent in some noble wind instrument.这么一看,众人又想了起来,夏研到底不是蒋信之的亲娘,这蒋阮和蒋信之却是实打实的亲兄妹,若是日后蒋信之升官发财,蒋阮也跟着水涨船高,再看蒋阮进退得宜,便是出入宫宴这样的大场面也丝毫不见紧张,哪里像是山野庄子上长养出来的人物。有些夫人心中也跟着起了别的思量,只想要不要将蒋家这个大小姐早早的定回自家去。夏研几人上前向皇后贵人见礼,皇后年过不惑,保养得当倒不显得很老,常年身居高位却没有高高在上的气息,许是并不受宠,只有皇帝的尊重和太子这个儿子,一眼看上去竟与寻常官家妇人没什么两样,她笑着令夏研他们起身,神情十分敦厚亲切。贤妃年纪稍显年轻一些,显得娇憨可人,有种不谙世事的天真,难怪生了四皇子宣朗那样资质平平的儿子。德妃年长,坐的端庄贤淑,当得起一个“德”字,五皇子宣华在朝中的风评也是十分稳妥,忠孝勇毅,至少是个贤德之人。淑妃生的美艳娇媚,若说陈贵妃是江南一隅的蒙蒙烟雨,淑妃就是异域草原上的一抹亮色。她性子也十分任性泼辣,生的和怡郡主继承了她的美貌,也继承了她的脾性,同样任性跋扈。而坐在皇后身边显得最为温软最美丽的,却是陈贵妃。若说皇后和其余几个妃子还有一些皇宫之中贵人的风仪,这一位却若普通的江南少女一般,毫无一丝一毫的雕琢之气,坐在这里便与皇宫格格不入,仿佛将这一带都带入了江南蒙蒙的烟雨中。蒋阮含笑拜将下去,心却似乎在那一瞬间滞住了。这座上的人都是上一世的老熟人,只不过她太过低微,并不能时常见到这些妃子。然而陈贵妃是个例外。她不仅不会如其他的宫妃一般嘲笑她,贬低她,反而时常召她去思梦殿说话。陈贵妃性情温柔,又是宣离的生母,上一世,蒋阮心中将她当做挚友,也当做姐姐。是在冰冷的宫殿中值得信任的亲人。然而这位陈贵妃在背后做的事情,到头来却令她觉得一切仿佛是个笑话。她就像一尾阴毒的美人蛇,温柔里藏着致命的陷阱。她和宣离都是一种人,彻底的凉薄,毫无保留的利用,然后弃而杀之。陈贵妃瞧着夏研几人,突然开口道:“你就是蒋大小姐吧,上前来让本宫看看。”皇后一怔,若有所思的看了一眼蒋阮。蒋俪不甘的看了蒋阮一眼,眼中难掩嫉妒,蒋丹低着头不敢抬眼。蒋素素面色一僵,似是有些不敢置信。蒋阮慢慢的抬起头来,在抬头的一瞬间,将唇角的笑容收起,一抬首便是一张稍显冷淡的面容。陈贵妃细细的打量她,似乎没瞧见她面色的不快,微笑道:“果真是个美丽的孩子。”周围的诸位夫人见此情景,都开始小声议论起来。坐在边上的董盈儿有些不安,想起之前自家母亲说过的陈贵妃有心要为八皇子选妃,不由得为蒋阮捏了一把汗。蒋阮淡淡道:“多谢娘娘谬赞,阮娘愧不敢当。”她的话语里谈不上热络,甚至连基本的恭敬也无,只有一种淡淡的抗拒。这抗拒的姿态听在陈贵妃耳中,便是轻轻一顿。片刻,她笑容越发亲切起来:“不知蒋夫人,大小姐可有婚配?”夏研身子一僵,心底顿时冒出了一股无名之火。蒋阮,又是蒋阮!这陈贵妃何许人也,宫中如今皇帝最为圣宠的女子,第一句要打听的蒋家女儿却是蒋阮,而不是蒋素素。这些人难不成都是瞎了眼不成?蒋阮生的一张狐媚子脸,一看就不是个安生的主。然而纵使她心中千般思量,面上却是一丝一毫也不显。仍是谦恭的答道:“回娘娘的话,阮娘今年方十一,还不曾许过人家。”“啊,那就好。”陈贵妃美丽的脸上笑容更加诚挚,那张洁白光滑的脸上似乎蒙上了一层淡淡的烟雾,情绪竟是让人无从猜测。她语出惊人:“这般可人的孩子,自当不能随随便便的婚配了。本宫瞧着很是喜欢蒋大姑娘,真想要亲自为她指婚呀。”这话说的太过露骨,周围的夫人面上都忍不住露出惊讶又了然的复杂表情。贤妃饶有兴致的看着蒋阮,德妃不动声色,皇后微笑不动,淑妃却是忍不住开口,道:“陈姐姐这是说哪儿的话,这婚配嘛,到底还是要看人家小姐自个儿喜欢才是。陈姐姐难不成也是年纪大了,也爱做这些冰人才做的事情?”淑妃与陈贵妃向来不对付,淑妃看不惯陈贵妃伏低做小一副红尘之外的模样,当然更重要的是,她嫉妒陈贵妃有宣离这样一个惊才绝艳的儿子。而她肚子里爬出来的偏偏是个女儿,这就意味着,无论她有多得宠,她都不会有一个作为储君的儿子。五皇子虽然也呼声颇高,可德妃却并不得宠,甚至算得上十分低调,比起来,淑妃最讨厌的便是陈贵妃。陈贵妃但凡说些什么,淑妃都会呛上几句。陈贵妃听了淑妃的话,却并不生气,只是看着蒋阮笑而不语。她本就生的五官柔和,这般温柔的看着一人笑,不知道的,只当她是真心喜爱蒋阮,看的爱不释手才是。蒋阮眸光微低,并不与陈贵妃对视。外人瞧着她是害羞,却无人知道她此刻心中恨意汹涌。短短的几刻钟,犹如高手过招一般,在场的夫人小姐瞧不出什么,只有蒋阮自己知道,她到底在想什么。陈贵妃的目光哪里是温柔,分明就是看中了猎物的毒蛇。


























การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Yuping had filled the house of Mrs. Miss gentlemen, almost all have Patent life in the body of dignitaries Qinjuan, take care of the palace are also more elegant, now all is fine and whispered greetings, neither seem too stiff, it will not too presumptuous. Queen living in the middle of the high seat, four Princess sat smiling in turn ends up respectively. Smiling at the moment under Mrs. Miss, occasionally a few pleasantries, also looked very cordial appearance. Small eunuch to be heralds loudly sings: "Book House lady to -" everyone's eyes looked toward the door to shoot straight. Bingbushangshu Jiang right in the limelight recently in Beijing heyday, it's not because of anything else, just because Fang Jiang young master back to Beijing is now the fastest growing large Jinchao promotion, the youngest lieutenant. Moreover, a return to Beijing on repeatedly meritorious, listen to people say that His Majesty drew fancy, presumably in the future should be the official road unobstructed, promising the people a great dragon. Lady of you are doing more or less on weekdays will listen to one or two sentences on their own master he said, there is also the presence of the lady to be married to a young, some consider the heart of Chiang wanted to climb on a pro. Now hear people say Jiang Shang family that will spotlight will naturally come. Summer Institute a few who'd really think ladies are looking at her, could not help but be very straighter back, smile face both gentle and dignified, extremely safe way to go. Everyone quietly watching, summer research and Jiangsu Su Wen Wan Qingli seemed, Jiang Li spirits but slightly frivolous, Jiang Dan waited Qieqie not be a big scene when, actually go in the summer research behind the Chiang Mai Ruan Buzi's unhurried, lips smile, smile vivid colors and tender, hath every move reveals a talent and some noble palace wind instrument. Such a look, everyone wants up, summer letter of inquiry in the end is not Jiang's mother, Nguyen this Chiang and Chiang faith is the real deal siblings, if faith fortune future promotion Jiang, Jiang Nguyen has continued to rise, look Jiang Nguyen advance and retreat properly, the palace is a feast such a big scene also did not see the tension, such as the mountain where Zi Yang out of character long. Some lady from the heart also followed other thoughts, just do not want this eldest Chiang set back early to go home. Summer Institute a few people came up to the Queen honored Jian Li, Queens over middle age, proper maintenance is not quite looked very old, perennial high-ranking but not superior flavor, and perhaps not favored, only the emperor's respect and Prince Edward, the son, At first glance actually no different and unusual Authoritative woman, she smiled so summer grind them up, and looked very honest and kind. Xianfei slightly older younger, seem Jiaohan pleasant, kind of worldly innocence, wonder had four princes Xuan Lang qualified as mediocre son. Defei older, sitting side Zhuangxian Shu, deserve a "virtue" word, five princes declared China moving in wind assessment is also very safe, Zhongxiao Brave, at least be a virtuous person. Shufei raw glamorous flirtatious, if that is the southern corner of Royal Chen misty misty rain, a touch of the exotic prairie Shufei is bright. She is also very wayward temper pungent, raw and Yi Princess inherited her beauty, but also inherited her temperament, the same capricious and despotic. While sitting beside the Queen seemed most gentle of the most beautiful, but it is Chen concubine. If we say that the Queen and the rest of the palace several concubines and some elegant wind instrument, but if this a common southern girls, generally, there is no shred of carving the air, sitting here and the palace will be out of tune, as if this area They are brought into southern misty misty rain. Jiang Nguyen smile thanks to it, the heart seems to lag at that moment live. This is the man on I, an old acquaintance, but she was too low, and not often seen these concubine. Chen is an exception, however Goodfriend. She not only does not like other Palace Princess general ridicule her, belittle her, but she was often called to speak Qusi dream temple. Chen Royal gentle temperament, is declared from the mother, the, Jiang Nguyen mind her as a close friend, but also as a sister. Is a trusted loved ones in the icy palace. Chen, however Goodfriend behind the doing, in the end forced her feel as if everything is a joke. She is like an insidious snake beauty, gentleness hidden deadly traps. She is a kind of propaganda from people completely cold-blooded, unreserved use, then abandoned to kill. Chen looked at the Royal Institute of summer a few people, suddenly opening: "You are Miss Jiang Tai Bar, come on lets take a look at the palace." Queen hesitated, looked thoughtfully Jiang Nguyen. Jiang Li Jiang Nguyen looked unwilling one, in the eyes conceal his jealousy, Jiang Dan looked up and head down, afraid. Jiangsu Su looking for a stiff, seems somewhat staggering. Chiang Nguyen slowly looked up at the rise of the moment, the lips smile away, a Taishou is a slightly cold face. Chen Royal looked thin, she did not see her complexion seemed unhappy, smiled and said: "really is a beautiful child." Gentlemen Mrs. surrounding Seeing began whispered together. Dong Ying child sitting on the edge of a little uneasy, think before Chen's own mother said Royal Prince really wanted to eight selected Princess, Chiang Nguyen could not help but to sweat. Jiang Nguyen lightly: "Thank Goddess Miuzan, Nguyen Mother humility." Her discourse mention warm, respectful even basic no, only a hint of resistance. This attitude listen to resist Chen chaise ears, is gently meal. Moment, she smiles more and more warm up: "? I do not know Madame Chiang, the eldest may have marriage" Summer Institute a stiff body, the heart suddenly emitted a wave Wumingzhihuo. Jiang Nguyen, and Nguyen Chiang! This is the sort of person Chen Royal, the palace now grace the Emperor most women, the first sentence should inquire about the Chiang Chiang daughter is Nguyen instead Jiangsu Su. These people do the authors are not blind? Jiang Hu Mei Ruan born a child face, one look is not a quiet home. However, even though her ​​heart all the answers ponder, but the surface is not significant shred. Remains humble replied: "Goddess back then, Nguyen Mother eleven year party, it has not yet promised the people. " " ah, so much the better, "Chen Royal sincere smile more beautiful face, smooth face goes white. on seems to cast a hint of smoke, the mood was actually people unable to guess. She stunned the world: "such a pleasant child, since when can casually looked at the marriage of the palace it is like Jiang big girl, I really want to die for her personally that marriage.." This is saying too explicit, could not help his wife around the exposed surface expression surprised and clear understanding of the complex. Xianfei watching with great interest Chiang Nguyen, Defei quietly, Queen smile does not move, but could not help opening Shufei, said: "This is to say where Chen sister, then this marriage thing, in the end will depend on People like myself is Miss Chen also do the older sister, also love to do these ice talent to do something? " Chen chaise Shufei not always deal with, Shufei frown Royal Books, a small pair of Chen Red looks outside, of course, more importantly, she has a jealous concubine Chen Xuan from such a shock only change my life son. And her stomach happens to climb out of a daughter, which means that, no matter how she died, she did not have a son as crown prince. Five princes Although high voice, but can not Defei graces, even regarded as very low-key, compared to Shufei most annoying is Chen concubine. Chen Royal Whenever say something, Shufei will choke a few words. Chen listened Royal Shufei words, but not angry, just looked at Chiang Nguyen laughed language. This gave birth to her facial features soft, so gentle look at a person laugh, do not know, just when she was really like Jiang Nguyen, look at love is. Jiang Nguyen Mouguang micro low, not with Chen concubine in the eye. Outsiders looked at her shy, but no one knows her mind at the moment raging hatred. Just a few quarters of an hour, like a master blows in general, do not see what Mrs. Miss presence, only Chiang Nguyen know, she was in the end in mind. Chen chaise where gentle eyes, clearly is a fancy snakes prey. What snakes, since she is also a way to deal with. Chen chaise so "love" Jiang Nguyen, summer research extremely oppressed mind, the next will be some perfunctory answer, in the end still showing a bit reluctantly. If it fills usual, Hui Jue master may have said before Tianshaguxing things when they asked her former fitted out virtuous generosity will have a suspect, now she Zhefan as everyone is even more sure, the Book Lady is actually a surface sweetheart bitter, otherwise specifically inquire about Jiang Chen Ruan Goodfriend, why not look how happy she was, and even some displeasure. Chen concubine asked a few words, then waved Jiang Queen Nguyen withdrew. Jiang Nguyen just as summer research in the seat to sit down, then got up and walked Dong Jiang Ying child Nguyen sat down beside a small channel: "Just really worried about you die, you all right." He finished and some admiration and said: "Sister Nguyen You can be really bold, just to see you and speak Royal empress also no trace of tension, if for me, fear is already scared speechless, " Jiang Nguyen smile: "Nothing terrible, I did not do anything, not will be penalized. " Dong Ying children some hesitation: "But ...... Royal Empress seems to be like you, she is not trying to take your finger to eight Highness" Aware of these words some insurmountable, Dong Ying Jiang looked disturbed children Ruan, see. Jiang Nguyen looked unchanged, only slightly relieved, said: "Royal empress weekdays so few people got the idea that today happens to pull you say a long while, Nguyen sister blame me suspicious, Mrs. hearts of you are afraid now here ? and I generally play the same thoughts, if that were the case, you should be how to " "? Which is really" Jiang Nguyen asked: "It will not." Her tone is not as normally mild, with a hint of chill Dong Ying children hear heart jump. Only when Chiang Nguyen angry, unwilling to marry the prince was eight says, busy:. "You do not have to worry too much, all my wild guess maybe Royal Empress simply like you, you now have such a small age, , that is really not at all anxious. " It is too feeble consolation, Dong Ying children themselves feel guilty. But Jiang did not exhibit Nguyen throughout any particular mood, others sit on the sidelines as if things in general. After a child, saw almost an hour, the queen then got up, called Miss Lady of you together to begin the main hall of the palace feast. The main hall, the emperor and male dependents seats have been in place since just after the floods, disaster relief has become a little nervous because the treasury, banquet things simple, not extravagant, with the past in the gorgeous pomp different. Is the feast on dishes pastries are very simple. The women were sitting in the women sit down, the Emperor and Empress sitting on the seat, sitting next to today's Queen Mother, Queen Mother Esther. Esther the Queen Mother now sixty years of age, have a star point graying temples. Turquoise gold inlaid jade Jixiang Yun Wen Pankou luxurious atmosphere. Esther is now the Queen Mother's face, but also vaguely see the original wind-induced. Esther the Queen Mother had had large Jinchao first beauty said. Her facial features slightly British Gas, a young man with late emperor fathered two sons and a daughter, entropy wins in eight king, the king of chaos vindicated, all the way to the emperor Bao boarded the throne, at the expense of his own son, and even his daughter Yuan Yung princess and kiss him country, Kill large brocade to support the new emperor ascended the throne. Esther the Queen Mother can say no, there is no big Jinchao today, there is no emperor. Esther Queen Mother is a vigorous and resolute person, even slightly cold. She looked pale beneath the crowd, ruby armor finger pressing exudes luster. When the women of seats to be seen in one person, the Queen Mother Esther suddenly startled, involuntary sat up, looked at the man. It is a still seem immature girl, as seen sitting under the seat face is unclear, but only get the top black hair. Giving her a simple single Luo Ji, surmounted a magnificent color roses step shake. One simple peach pink dress warmly, it is particularly fresh and beautiful young lady dressed everyone in the congregation. Separated too far, but it seems suddenly felt maiden Esther the queen mother's eyes, suddenly looked up. When Esther wait to see the Queen Mother's eyes, they did not panic. After a little surprised then back to the Queen Mother Esther a smile, that smile clean and clear, but also do not meet a sensible calm her age. Esther the Queen Mother and the memory actually another person overlap of. She only with great difficulty they have to hold back the urge to go grab maiden, maiden After laughing and spoke with Miss Zhou Weide, it seems completely did not notice this. Esther Queen Mother is sitting on the seat slightly straight absences. Nguyen and Dong Jiang Ying child while speaking, but involuntary lips slightly hook, peripheral vision saw Esther the queen mother sitting motionless on the seat, can feel her eyes always told himself. Jiang Nguyen put that cup of tea in front of the shallow discretion of a mouthful, it looked at the original purpose be achieved, you know just for this simple purpose, a simple action, the same night she also mirror to practice several ten times. Male dependents over the gallery wanted to have raised him, seeing the smile Mouguang Chiang letter should be very rich reward. Jiang right face is not how good. Men and women sit separately dependents, Gu Yi will be a long time since the last time after Chiang Nguyen had not seen, and now see the women sitting in the seats in Chiang Nguyen, longer life out of moving, watching her eyes very enthusiastic. Vision from the lips glowing gentle smile, seems no different with the past. But the left hand did not consciously caress them, when this action he felt uneasy when often do. Obviously, the prime minister the government concerned, is that he desperately wants to seem clear sky, or Yu color conceal hearts. Xiao Shao Han Guan sit next to, today he was a black brocade silk clothing Huanhua, clothes embroidered neckline golden unicorn riding wind burnt, become increasingly cool temperament, looks pretty no-chou, the number of women of seats in her home secretly secretly look him. A little while, since off-again a beautiful girl, this girl might be about fourteen years old, wearing a blue feather floral gold everywhere Jixin Ling breasted straight collar silk clothing, meandering mopping Obscure engraved silver red silk dress in drag and all the best, body Phi multicolored flowers pattern brocade chiffon ten samples. The dress is very beautiful, yet so dress to wear on her hybridity does not appear, but a kind of gorgeous beauty. Her features a deep green, a kind of exotic customs, he came up and smiled and said:. "Fu Huang," "and Yi, how come now" Emperor blame road, but the tone is very intimate?. And Princess Yue won the emperor favor. "Er Chen pick clothes pick dazzled, not to lose face Fu Huang ah." Princess Yi dynasty emperor and blinked. Emperor laughed, her eyes glanced at the male dependents seats, see Xiao Shao is the heart jump when, however Luohuayouyi water ruthless, Xiao Shao never seen her, and Princess Yue Mouzhong it flashed lost. Chiang Ying Dong Nguyen touched child's arm: "? Nguyen sister, like you say, and Yi Xiao Royal Highness Princess, is not really" Dong Ying is very fond of children never listen to gossip things. Now has ready-made materials, naturally will not miss. Jiang Nguyen smiled, past and Xiao Shao Yi Princess Chilian things already no secret, almost to the point where large Jinchao well known. And Princess Yue Xiao Shao has vowed not to marry non-life, and even wanted to persuade the emperor gave marriage Shufei be emperor in his love and Princess Yue and Xiao Shao, and yet chose Xiao Shao, first asked the meaning of Xiao Shao ʱ?? Xiao Shao man deserted, naturally refused. After Xiao Shao refused to hear the news and daily Xunsimihuo Princess Yue, Kam Ying palace even personally went to find an explanation, can other naturally stone stays. We on the end, and Princess Yue and Xiao Shao, have not had any results. Jiang Nguyen Mouguang falls, and Princess Yue experiences cause for regret, but that does not include her. Just because, and the Princess Yue in the palace, no less for her to make the trip

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Ping Yu Temple already sit full of ladies and gentlemen, ladies, almost all royal edict in the body of dignitaries and relatives, the palace also has noble care, now the club is elegant and whispered greetings, neither is too stiff nor too extravagant.

high seat in the four Queen, Princess smile respectively to sit on the next. Now look beneath the smiling lady, occasionally a few pleasantries, look is very cordial. To be a eunuch

loudly sings: "Mrs. Shang Shufu -- everyone's attention to"

all looked towards the door.

bingbushangshu Jiang right recently in Beijing in the flamboyant, not because of anything else,Just because the party returned to Beijing Jiang master is now the big promotion Jin toward the fastest, most young lieutenant. Besides Beijing repeatedly meritorious, listen to people say quite fancy your majesty, think tomorrow after should be smooth Guan Lu, promising Longfeng. In dear Mrs. ferial more or less will listen to master their own say a word or two, the presence of Miss also there is no lack of to marriageable age, the hearts of some consider to and Jiang Jiapan on one of the kiss. Now listen to people say that Jiang Shangshu will come very naturally to his family, look will come.

summer research several people is really think people husband is looking at her, could not help but the spine straighter, face smile both gentle and dignified,A great way to go.

people quietly watching, Xia Yan and Jiang Susu appears gentle and elegant, Jiang watchers in high spirits, but slightly frivolous, Dan Jiao Jiao Qie Qie when not scenes, but leisurely walk in the summer research behind Jiang Ruan strides, lips smiling, smile brightly and dainty, Sandberg in one fell swoop a moving through the Palace talent some noble Fengyi.

so look and they want to up, Xia Yan in the end not Jiang Xinzhi mother, siblings of the Chiang Yuen and Jiang Xinzhi is a solid, if future Jiang Xinzhi careerism, Jiang Ruan also follow a rising tide lifts all boats, again see Nguyen Chiang behave properly,It is out of that big Palace Banquet also did not see where Chuang-tzu is nervous, like wild long raised characters. Some wife in mind also follow other considerations, just want to go to the big Miss Jiang home early to go back to their own.

summer research several people came to the Queen's elegant Jianli, queen over perplexed, maintain proper didn't seem very old, perennial occupies a high position but not high above the atmosphere, Xu is not favored, only respect and Prince of emperor the son, a glance actually looks and ordinary Guanjia woman didn't like, she smiled that Xia Yan they stood up, and looked very honest and kind.

Xianfei slightly younger age,She is a lovely, unworldly, no wonder the four Prince Xuan Lang as mediocre son. Older queens, sit demure virtuous, when a word of "de", the five emperors the son Xuan Hua in the wind rating is also very safe, commander-in-chief of loyalty and filial piety, at least a virtuous person.

concubine beautiful charming, if Chen Guifei is south corner of the misty rain, the Shu imperial concubine is exotic grassland on the touch of bright colors. Her temper is also very provocative capricious, and Yi Princess inherited the her beauty, but also inherits her temperament, the same wayward domineering. While sitting beside the queen

is the most warm the most beautiful, is the concubine chen.If the queen and several other concubines and some palace noble Fengyi, this one but if ordinary southern girl to general, without a shred of cut and polish gas, sitting here with palace out of tune, seems to be in this area are brought Jiangnan misty misty rain. Jiang Ruan will continue to smile

, the heart seems to live in that moment lag. The men all over the world are old acquaintances, but she was too low, and can not often see the princess. But Chen Guifei is an exception. She does not like the other, Princess general laughed at her, but often belittle her, calling her to think Mengdian. Chen gentle concubine,It is from the Xuan mother, a world, Chiang Ruan heart will her as a friend, as my sister. Is a trusted family in the cold palace. However, the imperial concubine Chen

behind things, only to make her feel as if everything is a joke. She is like a tail insidious beauty snake, gentle hidden in a deadly trap. She and the Xuan is a kind of person, thoroughly cool and thin, without reservation, and then abandoned and killed.

Chen Guifei looked at Xia Yan several people, suddenly said: "you are Miss Jiang, came to the palace to have a look." The queen

A, take a glance as if thinking of sth. Ruan jiang.
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