丛林中,树叶动摇,一人提着长枪跃出,一身精致铠甲,手中提着一枚泛着橙色光泽的巨盾,正是英雄冢第一分盟的盟主——汪泽诚! “步步向前的推进,焦 การแปล - 丛林中,树叶动摇,一人提着长枪跃出,一身精致铠甲,手中提着一枚泛着橙色光泽的巨盾,正是英雄冢第一分盟的盟主——汪泽诚! “步步向前的推进,焦 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด








































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
In the jungle, leaves shaken, one carrying a lance out, a delicate armor, carrying a glowing orange shiny large shield, heroes Tomb, first union leader – Wang Zecheng! "Step by step-forward propulsion, scorched-earth tactics! "Wang Zecheng Yue raised gun, slight chuckle:" Archer seven arrows the way Mage fire roaring crush ice, musketeer bombardment cleared, push all the way in the past, don't give them any life opportunities! Today, we long to know what is the real King, let them know that heroes Tomb, to be settled in the forest beautiful magic, who couldn't stop! ” The sound of gunfire, long front-row players almost fell into pieces, and no chance of resurrection, because the other side of the fire is too strong, hero graves at least thousands of remote team ambush in the dense jungle, Wang Zecheng nearly separated from the remote to most, this tactic is very smart and very bold. …… "Boom boom......" Ice water roaring by, back Matcha MM with shield, divine shield to emerge in weeks, there was concern a pair of eyes look at me: "boss is now coming under attack, and so we shall soon be hanging out, what should I do? ” I bite teether: "regardless of has, first killed light million people mound of people say, million people mound is pure soldiers Department of Association, no a hanging pot who, died a less a, let we of hanging pot who are bullish has, hanging off immediately up died, who are don't treasure grade, grade can again practice back, here of positions if fall has, cut dragon on will cannot in bahuang City based! ” "Okay!" ” "Brush brush ... ..." Front row with back light flickers, long members of the battalion killed at least 200 people, but quickly resurrected, detonating equipment seized by the equipment again, carry the weapon continued to hack, this trade-off, mass graves of the player have been killed, the less 700+ who then killed more than half, and soon will be regarded as long rhythm. "Carefree brother to tie in, kill, Deputy leader of the mass graves, the Horseman......" lean months light loud team channel. I far see past, crowd in the a Knight are waving sword everywhere split cut, 61 level three turned Knight, shoulder Shang with million people mound deputy leader of emblem, head Shang floating with ID: blood blade, side attack side shout with command: "don't back, continues to keep attack situation, leader soon on will with killed off of brothers are to resurrection, we of task is intercept live cut Dragon of core main, as long as we in here bite they, hero mound there on can quickly cleared they of another a unit main! ” Lean months pale hands carrying a dagger, the body sinks, sneak behind to blood blade, suddenly launched an ambush between bleeding + double-edged combination of breaking wind, but at least 6000 + blood this blood blade, sword raised in the lean months pale shoulders out of the blood! "Pow!" ” Gouge is successful, lean months light not backsliding, dagger emerge above the result of blinding, "managed" broke him again with a 1000+ of qi and blood, I see in the eyes, opportunity came, while blood blade loss of vision when, the hand is a remote attacks-prehistoric world! “啪嚓!” 剑刃穿透了这个副盟主的胸口,带出灼热的鲜血——2329! 鲜血刀锋惨嚎一声跪倒在地,身后一群万人冢的玩家也脸色一寒,大概没有想到在自己的凶猛攻势下,斩龙的反击却依旧那么凌厉而有杀伤力。 …… “沙沙沙……” 丛林颤抖,很快的,又是一大群等级超高的玩家冲出了丛林,带头的是一个背着铁伞的美丽少女,手中提着橙色匕首,脸蛋精致雪腻,整个人就像是生活在原始丛林里的高等精灵,美丽而高贵,一双秀眉看着远方,她微微嗔怒道:“汪泽诚,你够了!” 没错,来的正是林婉儿,在她身后,东城月也带着200人英雄冢的精锐来了。 汪泽诚擎着透岳枪,看向林婉儿,惊愕道:“婉儿,怎么了?” 林婉儿怒道:“立刻放弃对斩龙的攻击,我们英雄冢的发展路线从来就不是攻略他人的练级地,你这样就已经违背了行会发展初衷,何况斩龙与我们英雄冢是友非敌,你这样做只能让问剑陷入不仁不义的境地!” “婉儿……” 汪泽诚咬咬牙,说:“承蒙盟主看得起我才把这第一分盟交给我,我汪泽诚何德何能当这个分盟的盟主,这次,盟主给我的命令就是带着大家入驻八荒城境内的魔踪林,而我带人来到这里的时候,斩龙悍然发动进攻,我也是被逼无奈,希望你能理解,我必须战斗,否则我就不配当这个英雄冢第一分盟的盟主……” Lin Waner shoulders shaking with anger, immediately raised red edges, cried: "Heroes Tomb, first Union all gives me listen immediately withdraw from the evil Zong Lin, Qing-Lin Valley area, the fight, my heroes Tomb, total capacity as Deputy leader of the Union of your order, evacuate immediately! ” A group of Heroes Tomb, first Union player froze there, seemed to faint had wanted to quit fighting. Who would have thought suddenly Yue Wang Zecheng spear fell to the ground and shouted: "who dares to retreat? Don't forget, I'm the first union leader, I carry out is to ask the sword of command, this hero Zhong, ask what the final say, pale eyes has the final say?! To me, eliminate long! Heroes mound needs to be fought, not compromise, we never weak! ” After the sentence, first Union players continued to fight at once, and does not intend to heed Lin Wan. …… "Well ... ... Well...... " Lin Wan, carrying a red blade, a pair of pretty face full of indignant, and raised her and said, "Wang Zecheng and I can't be heroes Tomb, first part in Union hands, but ... ... But I can move in on who is a hero to the Tomb! All of us, turned to the East, the player in front of you is the Association of mass graves, to kill me, an anonymous! ” East side month smirk: "this sentence have been waiting for you, and people began to clear, mass graves Association who kill without forgiveness! Let them bully me carefree brother...... " East side almost came in the first months, Rod dance, suddenly the Earth trembling, many filled with torch flame Shek staged the larger players formed the attack killed, was her Finishing move-flame bursting stone! "MD ... ..." a mass graves holding flags weida anger, rushed to East side month carrying a long knife, Nu way: "this woman actually kill our brothers, taught me, chop off her beautiful clothes, brothers shuangshuang! ” "Scum ... ..." Dong Cheng Yue Xiu-Mei light CU, spread onion-like fingers, suddenly "I" movement with a dynamic, Thunder started, move around in the crowd, hurting digital fly-- "2761! ” "2473! ” "2249! ” …… First of that 70% blood of practice flag Wei directly was seconds killed, behind of several people also was East months followed and to of ice fire roaring killed off, offensive completely was grind pressure, East months behind, beauty big miss mention with dagger rushed has came, graceful of Johnson body like forest between Butterfly dance, red edged "brush brush" of over million people mound players of neck, almost are is exclusively of points killed. 200 heroes Tomb, Yansha with main Union players, it really is almost clear, less than 3 minutes, mass graves of people have left, and long players have all raised. I'm carrying a bloodstained Qin Wangjian, came forward and watched Lin Waner, smiled: "Wan, thank you, love you......" Lin Waner looking down laughing, face flushed, happy talk. Dongcheng months of frustration: "unfettered, thanks, fast take you long camp to attack the main force led by Wang Zecheng and martyrs ' battalion were going to hang out, really dreary......" Lin Waner lifted her head, a double star with stunning light in my eyes, slightly laughed: "Yes, mass graves were handed over to the East side and I here, I'll take a hundred people to help you, help you cut first Union's offensive! ” “嗯,我去了!” “好!” 提着秦王剑,我看看远处,大声道:“出发,增援忠烈营,所有悬壶医者都准备好起死的CD,把忠烈营的兄弟们都拉起来!” …… 丛林开阔地上,碧绿的草地几乎已经被鲜血染红,李牧、王翦、白起等一群人还在浴血奋战,忠烈营从400人变成了不足40人,苦苦支撑着,迎接对方的远程攻击与后方的重甲系砍杀,而我身后是完整的斩龙营兵力,剑锋一指,喝道:“倾浅带一队人去杀他们的重甲系,其余人跟我来,去冲击他们的远程团队!” “沙……” 进入草丛,立刻隐身了,烈焰神虎紧紧跟着我,一人一宠带着近200斩龙营的玩家冲向了汪泽诚所在的阵地,他们清一色的都是远程或者辅助,唯独前排有大约50人的骑士、苦行僧构筑一层防御线来进行保护。 “杀!” 汪泽诚直指我的方向,大声道:“逍遥自在带主力过来了,所有人转移火力方向,杀掉逍遥自在带来的人,不要强行点杀逍遥自在,让他杀人,我们杀光他的人,看他一个人能有什么作为!” 我心底一沉,汪泽诚显然在进攻斩龙之前就已经研究过我的战斗录像了,知道我有赤龙护身,没有那么容易就被集火杀掉,所以才会选择杀更容易被杀的冉闵、东城雷等人。 Then ... ... Let them pay for it! Grass shake directly washed up close to their front line, dashed out I was shocked, slightly fell blade is dash, the "splat" sound, two Knights along the body show chatter, incredibly, was a fatal blow, in which there is also a remarkable attack! "4478! ” "7142! ” Align Align seconds killed, two people moments fell, and I also smooth came to has group bows hand, and Mage camp ahead, Qin Wangjian posted to Yang up, seven broken Yue cut crashing fell, behind Tigers sound bursts, flame God Tiger turned variable big, stepped fire strikes in crowd in the, four claw of flame burning burning other, looked up is once strong sound roar, suddenly I of ahead on has formed has a vacuum zone, near 50 name hero mound first points au of players on so all into has body! …… “天……” The crowd, a beautiful Assassin's big mouth, amazed: "Li xiaoyao attacks now, this is not a person? ” I hand one prehistoric world! "Splat! ” Beautiful assassins fell behind a few archers have also been prehistoric splash effect of residual blood, and I want to kill her, only one reason-she is smoking locked Temptress. Explosive first chapter, seeking to force, asking for click like! Book starting from the 17K fiction network, see copyrighted content the first time!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Jungle, leaves shake, a man jumped out carrying guns, a fine armor, carrying pieces of the hands of the giant glowing orange shiny shield, it is first divided Addison Union chief - Wang Zecheng! ! "Step forward propulsion, scorched earth tactics" Yue Wang Zecheng raised through the gun, a slight chuckle: "Seven arrows to clear the way archer, mage spell roaring crushed musketeers cleared shelling, pushed all the way in the past, do not give them any of revive chance! Today, we want to know what the real slaying the dragon king, let them know, Addison to settled magic forest track, who can not stop! " bursts of gunfire, slaying the dragon in front of the players almost into a piece of fall, and there is no chance resurrection, because the other side of the fire is too strong, the hero mound at least a thousand remote team ambush in the jungle among the Wang Zecheng nearly warfare and remote separating lure, which is indeed very clever tactics, and is very bold. ...... "Hong Honghong ......" under the spell roar, green tea MM carrying shields back again and again, Divine Shield surfaced in the body weeks, a pair of beautiful eyes look reveals a concern to me: "Boss, got hit, this continues we will soon ? should hang over, how do " I gritted teeth: "Regardless, the first mass graves kill people say, mass graves are pure warrior guild system, no one hanging pot who died a little one, let us those who are optimistic about the hanging pot, hang up immediately from the dead, who do not cherish grade rating back to practice again, and if the fall of the positions here, slaying the dragon will not be based in the glorious city! " " Good! " " brush brush ...... " back to life in front of flashing a light, slaying the dragon battalion members killed at least 200 people, but all fast revival, burst on to pick up the equipment to re-equip, carrying a weapon to continue slashing, this elimination He length, mass graves player talks about killing fewer than half of the 700 + people killed in an instant, and soon it would be an offensive rhythm slaying the dragon. "Happy brother, with me, kill the deputy chief of mass graves, the knight ......" team came month poured shallow channel sound. I much look at the past, the crowd being a knight brandishing a sword around hacking, 61 to switch Knight, the deputy chief of mass graves with a shoulder insignia, ID on Fudong Zhao head: blood blade, while the offensive side shout the command: "Do not retreat, continue to maintain an offensive posture, chief soon died out with the brothers to revive, our task is to intercept the main core of slaying the dragon, as long as we are here to bite them, there Addison can quickly eliminate their main other stocks! " pour light hands each month carrying handle dagger, body sink, sneak came up behind the blade blood between suddenly to launch the ambush, bleeding + double-edged broken Combination wind out of pity which at least 6000 blade blood blood, the blade of a Young took out a month pour blood on flowers in shallow shoulders! "Smack!" Gouge successful month pour light is not retrograde, on the dagger emerge with blinding effect, "Puchi" and then ruined his 1000 + blood, I see in the eyes, for a chance to take advantage of the blood blade lose vision when the mouth, raising his hand is a long-range attack - prehistoric world! "Jenna snapped!" blade pierced the deputy chief of the chest, with a searing blood --2329! Blood Blade Canhao kneel on the ground, behind a group of mass graves players face a cold, probably did not think in their own fierce offensive counterattack slaying the dragon was still so sharp and lethal. ...... "Falling ......" jungle trembling, and soon, is a large group of ultra-high level of the players out of the jungle, carrying Tiesan lead is a beautiful girl, carrying orange dagger hands, face delicate snow tired of the whole person is like living in the jungle where the high elves, beautiful and noble, a pair of eyebrows watching from afar, her slightly angry and said: "Wang Zecheng you enough!" Yes, precisely to Ms Lin, in Behind her, Dongcheng month also with 200 Addison's elite came. Yue Wang Zecheng puts it through gun, look to Ms Lin, amazement and said: "Ms, how?" Ms Lin angrily: "ditched for slaying the dragon's attack, we Addison development path never Raiders others leveling ground You thus have violated the Bank will develop the mind, not to mention our hero slaying the dragon mound is friends nor enemies, you are asked to do so will only make the sword fall into unjust situation! " " Ms ...... " Wang Zecheng wound, He said: "Thanks to the chief and respect me just this first sub-AU to me, I Wangze Cheng Hedeheneng when this sub Union chief, this time, the chief gave me the order is to bring everyone settled in the territory of the magic track glorious city Lin, but when I came here with some people, Killing the Dragon launched a brutal attack, I was forced to, I hope you can understand, I have to fight, otherwise I do not deserve to be the hero of the first sub-mound Union chief ...... " Ms Lin shoulders shaking with anger, immediately raised red edges, loudly: "Addison first sub-AU everyone listen to me, and immediately withdraw from the magic forest track, Lun Valley area, quit fighting, I always heroic mound identity League deputy chief of you ordered evacuated immediately! " Addison first sub-group of the players union and stood, has wanted to quit fighting seemed faint meaning. Who wanted Wangze Cheng Yue suddenly the lens bayonet falls to the ground, shouted:? "Who dares to retreat Do not forget, I'm the first sub Union chief, I was asked to implement the sword of command, this hero mound, in the end Q sword final say, or Aoi Hitomi charge?! Give me offensive, exterminate slaying the dragon! Addison needed is fighting, not compromise, we will never weak! " after a word, the first sub-league players immediately He continued to fight and did not intend to ignore the Ms Lin. ...... "Okay ...... well ......" Ms Lin put the red edge, a pair of pretty face full of indignant, a bayan, said: "Wang Zecheng, I can not start to Addison first sub-AU person, but ...... but I can not start with everyone who Addison, turned to the east, in front of you is a mass grave Players Association, to kill me, one does not leave "!! Dongcheng month Giggles: "you have been waiting for this words, and began to clear the field, and on the mass graves Sanhedrin, no survivors! let them bully me Happy brother ...... " almost the first time, Dongcheng month to fly over, Staves dancing, suddenly the earth tremble, numerous full The torch flames rock emerged, the players formed a large range Xisha state, it is proud of her skill - flames protruding stone! "MD ......" a mass grave of the executed flag Wei was furious, carrying a long knife rushed to the East Side month, angrily: "This little bitch actually kill our brothers, give me, stripped off her clothes in a smart, let brothers cool cool! " " scum ...... " East Qingcu month eyebrows, open onion-like fingers, suddenly "snapped hereby" sound current ran Thunder refers launch, ran around in the crowd, one damage numbers dancing - "! 2761" , "2473 " ! " 2249! " ...... brunt of that 70% of blood directly spike execution flag Wei, several people were also behind the East-month spell came roaring immediately killed, offensive completely compacted, Dongcheng month behind, carrying a dagger beauty Missy rushed over, as if the forest graceful Jiaoqu Splendor, red edge "brush brush" of passing graves player's neck, almost all invariably point to kill. 200 Addison surprise attack together the main players from the league, it really is almost cleared up in less than three minutes, mass graves of people already depleted, and slaying the dragon of players all rise again. I put the bloodstained sword king, walked watching Ms Lin, laughing: "Ms, thank you, love you ......" Ms Lin down laughing, face crimson, happily not speak. Dongcheng month frustration: "Happy is thanks, and fast with you slaying the dragon camp went against the leadership of the main Wangze Cheng, who almost Valiant camp to hang the light, really sad ......" Ms Lin raised his head, a pair of full xingmou is charming light, smiled slightly: "! er ah, mass graves here to me and East, and for a while I would take a hundred-person group to help you, help you cut off the first sub-AU offensive," "ah, I ! Away " "Good!" Qin carrying a sword, I look at the distance, loudly: "Go, reinforcements Valiant camp, all hanging pot doctors who are ready to die from the CD, the Martyrs Battalion brothers dragged up! " ...... jungle open ground, green grass has been almost red with blood, Li Mu, Wang Jian, white from the other group of people are still bloody battles, Valiant 400 people into the camp from less than 40 people, struggling to support, to meet each other The long-range attack with heavy armor behind slash line, and behind me is a complete cut dragon battalion, Janus one finger, shouted: "pour light with a team of people to kill their heavy armor system, the rest come with me , to impact their remote teams! " " Sand ...... " into the bushes, immediately stealth, flames God tiger followed me closely, a man with a pet dragon battalion of nearly 200 players rushed to cut their positions汪泽诚located, They invariably are remote or assistant, only about 50 people in front of the knight, monk build one defensive line to be protected. ! "Kill" Wang Zecheng directed in my direction, loudly: "unaffected with the main came, everyone firepower transfer direction, to bring people to kill unaffected, do not force the point of killing unaffected, let him kill, we kill Light him, see him as a person can have any! " my heart sank, Wang Zecheng apparently cut Long before the attack had studied videos of my fights, I know there is the Red Dragon of body, not so easy to be set fire to kill, so will choose to kill more easily killed Ran Min, East Ray et al. ...... Then let them pay it! Grass shaken, directly rushed to the front line near them, I shocked rushed out, the body is slightly sank blade sudden, "Jenna snapped" soon, along the two knights drama trembling body, actually together was a fatal blow, where there is a remarkable attack! "4478! " " 7142! " shouted spike, they instantly fell to the ground, and I came to the group successfully archers, mages camp in front of the King of Qin sword affixed to raised, seven crushed cut crashing crisp mountain behind Tigers sound bursts of flames God tiger turned bigger, riding fire raid in the crowd, four claws flames burning with each other, is a strong upward tone roar, suddenly in front of me it has become a vacuum, nearly 50 Heroes Otsuka first sub League players so all become corpses! ...... "Heaven ......" crowd, a beautiful assassin widened mouth, amazed: "? Li Xiao Yao is now the intensity of the attacks, this is not a person," I'm one hand a prehistoric world! "Jenna snapped!" assassin beauty lying on the ground, behind a few archers also been sputtering effect prehistoric world became residual blood, but I did kill her, only one reason - she is smoke lock love affair. The first chapter is more critical, seeking to force, seeking Click seek praise! The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Jungle, the leaves shake, a man carrying pike jumped, a body delicate armor, hands provided with a glowing orange lustre giant shield, is the leader of the first hero mound branch Wang Zecheng!

"step by step forward propulsion, scorched earth!" Wang Zecheng raised through Yue gun, a slight smile way: "the archers seven arrows motorcade, the mage addict roaring crush, Musketeers shelling cleared, a push past, don't give them any dead opportunity! Today, we are going to cut a dragon to know what is the real king, let them know, hero mound to be assigned to the evil Zong Lin, who also can not stop! " Bursts of gunfire,Cut the front of the Dragon players almost into a piece of fallen, and there is no opportunity to resurrect. Because the other side of the fire is too strong, all ambush in the jungle hero mound at least thousands of remote teams, Wang Zecheng will melee and ranged from to lure the enemy, this tactic does very clever and non often with bold.



addict roar, Maccha mm carrying shield back again and again, Divine Shield to emerge in the week, a pair of beautiful eyes reveals a concern see to me: "eldest brother, were hit with a double whammy, go on like this we soon to hang up, how to do?"

I bite: "no matter, first kill million people say,Sepulchre is pure warrior guild, no xuanhu, die a little one, let our xuanhu are optimistic, hang up immediately from the dead, who do not cherish the grade and grade can practice again come back, here's position if fall, cut the dragon will not in the city of eight Huangs stand! " "Good!"

"brush brush......"

front constantly flashing the light to bring back the dead, cut long camp members killed at least nearly 200 people, but were quickly revived, pick up the burst out of the equipment was re equipped, carrying a weapon to stabbed, reciprocal, Choeung EK player has more to kill more less, 700 people in the twinkling of an eye array dead, more than half of theEven the rhythm of the attack is the rhythm of the dragon. "Happy with my brother,

, kill million people, the deputy leader, the knight......" The channel team came in shallow voice month.

I far look at the past, the crowd a knight is waving a long sword everywhere chop, 61 three turn knight, shoulders with a million people Zhong, deputy chief of the emblem, head floating ID: Blood blade, the offensive side side shout command: "don't retreat, continue to maintain a state of potential attack, chief soon will take killed off brothers come to life again, our task is intercepted live long, the core of the main cut, as long as we are here to bite them.There will be a hero mound quickly eliminate another main force of their!"

month inclined shallow hands each carrying a sword, body sink, stalking came to the blood blade behind suddenly launched an ambush, bleeding double-edged collusion breaking wind out, but the blood blade at least 6000 blood, brim of sword is one Yang is in the month tilt shallow shoulder to bring out a blood! PA


gouge success, month shallow dipping a step back, dagger emerge blinding effects, "snigger" sound again broken him 1000 blood, look me in the eyes, the opportunity to come, while blood blade lose sight of juncture,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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