第410章 传说中的雪公主纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 夜幕逐渐降下,云澈跟随男子,一起走向了神凰城南的一处边缘区域。 “你…… การแปล - 第410章 传说中的雪公主纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 夜幕逐渐降下,云澈跟随男子,一起走向了神凰城南的一处边缘区域。 “你…… อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第410章 传说中的雪公主纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 夜

第410章 传说中的雪公主






















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 410 the legend of the snow PrincessOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit Night is gradually lowered, Yun Che followed men together to God a marginal area of the South of Phoenix. "You ... ... Why'd you cover for me? "After a moment of silence, man asked cautiously. Like Yun Che, he was had survived numerous hunting and people on the edge of life and death, awareness and spiritual awareness, and not let anything Yu Yunche. So one does he have maliciously or attempt, he can be seen at a glance. Yun Che's body, he could see a hint of malevolence and plotting."Just as, is the heart of the doctors I have been quiet suddenly woke up. "Yun Che Road, while secretly sigh ... ... Love the world, hanging pot in every facet of the hospital's heart, all that used to be his soul, is the core of his master on his teaching section. However, since the master was forced to death, heart of his doctor, he was replaced by endless hatred, after that, dark blue Cloud City, he could use his medical skills to save any of them. "Uh......" the answer, let men confused. "You say, before you ever got more than half of strains of Phoenix in Kwai? "Yun Che casually asked.“是啊。”男子点头:“凤凰葵每年长出的数量本就极少,而基本又都会被凤凰神宗第一时间霸占,所以前段时间,我只好潜入了一次凤凰神宗的一个宝物殿,但那里分布着很多的守护玄阵,我才刚进去,就不小心触动了一个玄阵,不得不逃跑……但好在逃跑前抓到了那半株凤凰葵。我之所以能这么容易拿到,估计是因为那半株凤凰葵药力损失太重,被随手丢在了一个玉柜顶上。” 云澈脚步一缓,惊讶道:“你……潜入了凤凰神宗?” “对啊。”听出云澈声音中蕴藏的震惊,男子拍拍胸脯,傲然点头:“这个世界上,除了四大圣地和黑月商会,还没有我不能潜入的地方。虽然被他们发现了,但是……嘿嘿,他们连我的屁股都没能摸着,就被我跑的没影了。”云澈:“……” 这个男人说他的一个先祖曾经闯入过日月神宫,这让他心中震惊不已,而身边的这个人……他竟能潜入凤凰神宗,被发现后,居然毫发无伤的逃出…… 这个人……到底是…… 男子声音压低声音,一脸苦恼的道:“本来吧,我潜进去还想偷偷见识一下传说中的雪公主,但她那天却偏偏不在,我听到有人交谈……好像是去了一个叫栖凤谷的地方。” “雪公主?”云澈侧目:“是凤凰神宗的某个公主吗?”云澈这句话一说完,便看到男子的两只眼睛瞪大,那眼神……仿佛如同在审视天外来客。 “难道……你不知道雪公主?”男子瞪大眼睛道。 “这个雪公主……很出名?”云澈反问道。 云澈那毫无动荡的神色,没有半点虚假做作的成分,男子目光上下扫动,用一种怪异到极点的眼神重新打量了一遍云澈,那目光……简直都不是在看一个活人的目光:“我靠!你是认真的?你真的不知道雪公主?你你你你你……你果然不是神凰帝国的人!啊不对!就算不是神凰帝国,就算是其他国小山沟沟里的人,也不可能没听过雪公主的名字啊啊啊!” 云澈:“……”雪公主这个名字,他的确是第一次听说。 “那你……有没有听说过‘花洺海’这个名字?”男子眼光闪闪的道。 “花洺海?没听说过,也是很有名的人吗?”云澈道。 “我靠!!”男子直接蹦跳了起来,龇牙咧嘴的咆哮道:“你你你你……你不知道雪公主也就罢了,你居然连花洺海的大名都没听说过!他可是传说中的‘鬼影圣手’,整个天玄大陆最牛逼的人物……咳咳,之一,这个大名别说是人类,就算是泥巴里的泥鳅都应该如雷贯耳,怎么可能有人没听说过!!” “鬼影圣手?好挫的外号。”云澈撇了撇嘴。“~!@#¥%……”男子脸上的肌肉抽搐,一副恨不能上去和云澈拼命的样子:“你……你该不会是从其他世界穿越来的吧?” 云澈转过脸,很是认真的点头:“你可以这么认为。” “靠!” “你该不会……就是那个什么‘鬼影圣手’花洺海吧?”云澈重新打量了他一眼。 “没错,就是我!”花洺海一拍胸脯,随之眼角一阵不受控制的抽搐。妈淡……第一次光明正大还是近距离跟一个人喊出自己的名字……这人却居然没听说过他!“哦,知道了。”云澈很是平淡的道:“那我是该喊你小花,还是小海?” “……还是小海吧。”花洺海都快哭了。老子怎么说也快三十岁了,这小子明明二十岁都不到的样子。 “跟我说说雪公主的事吧,为什么她会那么出名?”云澈有些好奇的问道。 “咳咳,你不想先听听鬼影圣手的伟大事迹吗?” “不想。”“!@#¥%……”花洺海深吸了一口气,用尽全部的意志才淡定下来,道:“雪公主,被称作神凰帝国的瑰宝、凤凰神灵的宠儿、苍天赐予神凰的奇迹。曾经都是只闻其名,不见其人,雪公主十三岁那年,因某一个仪式而在神凰城楼上露面,那一天,万年不见点雪的神凰城竟然天降瑞雪,雪公主现身时,整个现场变得一片静寂,所有见到她的人都是当场失魂落魄,如见仙女临尘……第二天,她便被传做天玄第一美女,而且足以空前绝后,连有资格与之相提并论的人都不会存在。” “十三岁?天玄第一美女?” “没错,当年雪公主只有十三岁,今年应该十六岁了,肯定是更加的美绝人寰。只可惜,自三年前的那唯一一次露面之后,她就再也没有在人前出现过,谁也不知道现在的雪公主已经出落的什么样子。”花洺海一脸向往的道。 “三年前,你见过?”云澈问道。“没有,我也是听人说的……” 云澈一撇嘴:“那你怎么就知道她真能美到那个程度,对一个女人来说,十三岁嘛,别说成熟,甚至都没长开,再怎么好看,又能好看到哪里去?”说到这里,云澈的声音顿了一下,因为他想起了茉莉……他初遇茉莉时,茉莉也只有十三岁,而她对云澈造成的冲击,还要胜过夏倾月…… 但茉莉,是个无法用这个世界的规则来审视的异类,那个所谓的“雪公主”,又怎么能和她相提并论。 “至于天降瑞雪,就更扯淡了,神凰城四季皆夏,哪来的雪?估计第一美女的称号也好,降雪也好,都是凤凰神宗为了巩固威望而自编自导的而已。”“可是,所有人都这么说……” “我只相信自己亲眼看到的,听来的就算了。”云澈慢悠悠的道:“要说天下第一美女,我倒是觉得只有我老婆配得上这个称号……自封谁不会。” “切……”花洺海小声的哧鼻,然后道:“我听说,这一届的七国排位战,雪公主也会到场,到时候我一定要混进去看看雪公主到底长什么样子,你有兴趣不?” “没兴趣。” “……”神凰城最边缘处的一个角落,花洺海的脚步在一处临近废弃的小房子前停了下来。他收敛呼吸,灵觉快速的扫了一番四周,然后小声道:“就是这里了……跟我进来吧。” 房门打开,一股浓烈的药材味道扑鼻而来。这里明显是个临时居所,布置非常的简单,最靠里的那张小床上,铺满着紫光闪闪的紫晶,这些紫晶的光芒深邃而梦幻,紫晶上面,安静的躺着一个消瘦的女子,听到开门时,那个女子的身体动了动,发出虚弱而急切的声音:“夫君……你……回来了……”
















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 410 of the legendary snow princess
phone text read online site domain synchronous read please visit the night gradually lowered, cloud Che follow men together toward the edge of a region south of Phoenix God. "You ...... Why did you help me?" Silence for a moment, the man asked cautiously. Yun Chol him, is had experienced numerous people to kill and the edge of death, to prevent a strong sense and spiritual sense, the more is pedaling cloud Che. So a person is not malicious or plot against him, he can be seen at a glance. Che's body from the cloud, he could not see a trace of malice and conspiracy. "You assume that I long-silent healer of the heart suddenly revived it." Cloud Che Road, while heart secretly sigh ...... love the world, Xuanhujishi healer of the heart, which had been all his soul, is teach him among the most central part of his master. However, since the master forced death, his doctor's heart, it was replaced by endless hatred, after that, in Cang cloud continent, he never useless own medicine saved any one person. "The amount ......" The answer, let the man confused. "You said that you had to get more than half of the Phoenix sunflower plants before?" Says Che casually asked. "Yes ah." Man nodded: "Phoenix sunflower this year the number will grow very little, but basically they will be the first time Phoenix Ancestor occupied, so some time ago, I had to dive into a treasure house of a Phoenix Ancestor, but there There are plenty of guardian of mysterious array, I just go in, do not accidentally touched a mysterious array, had run away ...... but fortunately escaped before it caught the strains of Phoenix Kwai half. I was able to be so easy to get, it is estimated that Because the half-strain Phoenix Kwai heavy loss drug is readily lost in a cabinet on top of jade. " Yun Chol a slow pace, surprised: "? you ...... sneaked into the Phoenix Ancestor" ". 对ah" listen to Izumo Che sound hidden in shock, the man shoot each of the offerings, proudly nodded:. "this world, in addition to the four sacred sites and black on the Chamber of Commerce, there is no place I can not sneak though they found, but ...... hey, they even me ass failed to feeling, it was I ran out of sight. " Cloud Che: "......" The man said one of his ancestors who had entered the shrine sun and the moon, which makes his heart shocked, and around The man who could sneak into phoenix ...... Ancestor, was discovered, actually escaped unharmed ...... ...... in the end this man is ...... man voice low voice, look distressed and said: "Originally, I dive into it . would like to see what the legendary secretly snow princess, but she has chosen to absent that day, I heard someone talking ...... seems to be to go to a place called Valley Xifeng " "? Snow Princess," says Che eyebrows: "Phoenix Ancestor of a princess? "The cloud Che finished speaking these words, we can see man's eyes widened, that look as though ...... as in examining extraterrestrial. "Do not you know the snow princess ......?" The man stared road. "The snow princess ...... very famous?" Cloud Che asked. Cloud Che that there is no turmoil look, without the slightest false artificial ingredients, men look up and down sweep, with a strange look extreme cloud Che re-looked again, that look ...... just not looking at a living of eyes: "I rely on you serious you really do not know the snow princess you you you you you ...... You did not God Phoenix Empire, if not God, not man ah Huang empire, even a small ravine in other countries!??!! ditch the people, it is impossible not heard the name Snow Princess ah ah ah! " Cloud Che: "......" snow princess name, he is first heard. "Then you have not heard of ...... 'flower Ming Hai' this name?" The man's eyes shining path. "Flower Ming Hai? Heard, is famous people?" Cloud Che Road. "I rely on!" The man jumped straight jump, grimace in pain growled: "You you you you ...... you do not know it when the snow princess, you actually spend Ming Hai's name even heard of him, but a legend! The 'ghost Kathrine', the whole continent Tianxuan Best of character ...... Keke, one, not to mention the name of mankind, even the mud loach should outsize, how could someone heard! ! " "Kathrine ghost? Well setback nickname." Che Pieliaopiezui cloud. "! ~ @ # ¥% ......" man face muscles twitch, a cloud Che desperately wished he could go up and look like: "? You ...... You're not from another world across to the bar" Cloud Che transfer his face, very serious nodded: "You can not think." "by " ! " You do not ...... is that what 'ghost Kathrine' flower Ming Hai, right? "says Che re-looked at him. "Yes, that is me!" Spend a Ming Hai offerings, along with a burst of uncontrolled twitching eyes. Mom pale ...... first openly or close with one shouted his name ...... that people have actually heard of him! "Oh, I know." Cloud Che was very plain: "I was the call you flowers, or small sea? " " ...... or small sea it, "Ming Hai spend almost cried. I say how fast three years old, two years old this kid obviously not to look. "Tell me about the snow princess to do it, why she so famous?" Says Che curious asked. "Keke, you do not want to hear the great stories of ghost Kathrine it? " " do not want to. " "! @ # ¥% ......" flower Ming Hai took a deep breath, exhausted all will only calm down, said :. "Snow White, known as God's treasures Phoenix Empire, Phoenix darling of the gods, heaven gave Phoenix a miracle of God were once only heard his name, but not its people, snow princess thirteen years old, because of a certain ceremony The Phoenix tower appeared on God that day, years seen some snow god heaven Snow Phoenix, even when snow princess appeared, the whole scene becomes a silence, all people are on the spot to see her driven to distraction, such as See fairy dust Pro ...... The next day, she would be transferred do Tianxuan first beauty, and sufficient unprecedented, even qualified to be compared with the people would not exist. " "thirteen years old? Tianxuan first beauty? " "Yes, when the snow princess only thirteen years old, this year should be sixteen years old, and certainly more of the United States must survive. Unfortunately, since three years ago that the only time appearance, she never appeared in front of others too, who do not know the snow princess has been Chula what. "Hai Ming look of longing flower Road. "Three years ago, have you seen?" Says Che asked. "No, I also heard people say ......" cloud Che curl one's lip: "Then how do you know she really Nomi to that extent, for a woman, thirteen-year-old thing, let alone mature, not even long open , no matter how good-looking, but also good to see where to go? "Here, cloud Che's voice paused, because he remembered when he first met Jasmine ...... jasmine, jasmine and only thirteen years old, and her cloud Che shocks, but also pour months than summer ...... but jasmine, is unable to use the rules of this world to examine the heterogeneous, the so-called "snow princess", and how can she be compared. "As heaven Snow, the more crap, God Phoenix, four seasons are summer, but where's the snow? Estimate first beauty title or, snowfall both mean the Phoenix Ancestor to consolidate the prestige and directed the only . " "But everyone is saying ......" "I just believe my eyes to see, listen to, even if the" cloud Che leisurely said:. "to say the world's first beauty, I'd think I was the only wife Who deserves this title ...... not the self-styled. " " Cut ...... "Flower Ming Hai whisper rip nose, then said:" I heard this term seven countries qualifying battle, Snow White will be present, By the time I have to go see snow mix look like a princess in the end, you are not interested? " " not interested. " "......" God in a corner at the edge of the city's most Huang, Ming sea of flowers at a pace close Abandoned little house in front stopped. He convergence breathing, spiritual sense quickly sweep a lot around, and then a small channel: "is here ...... Come with me." door opened, an intense flavor of herbs nostrils. Here it is obviously a temporary residence, layout is very simple, the innermost of that small bed, covered with sparkling purple amethyst, amethyst light of these deep and dreamy, amethyst above, lay quiet a thin woman heard when opening the door, the woman's body moved, issued weak and urgent voice: "Jon ...... you ...... come back ......" The voice that spend Ming Hai body startled, hastily rushed in, all of a sudden flew bed, excited: "Xiao Ya, you wake up ...... I'm sorry, when you wake up and I do not at your side, certainly makes you fear a ...... how do you feel like there is no pain?? " Cloud Che went softly, standing behind flower Ming sea, looked at the woman's face ...... her whole person thin horrendous, a face without the slightest color white, her half-closed eye pupil, Mouguang is showing a misty eyes ...... this has basically not see anything. And her face, the most prominent is her brow ...... there is clearly printed on a touch deep blue-black. Look at this wipe blue-black cloud Che brow slightly wrinkled up. "There is no relationship ...... I was just waking up ...... ...... I feel a lot better ......" woman trying to smile, then she caught the corner of the eye a vague silhouette, she gently said: "Jon ... ... Is there ...... guests do? " No other flower ALFA sea aloud, cloud Che has opening:. "Hello ...... I called Gun, is to spend Ming Hai friends' "friends ......" Che casually and cloud out of the word, has allowed the woman's eyes suddenly lit a strange glory, she was excited and said: "You really are the husband's friend Jon ...... ...... ...... he really is your friend? ? " Yun Chol slightly stunned, but spend Ming Hai know why she would be so excited, he forced a nod, said: "! ah Xiaoya, he is my friend on the outside know ...... if not friends, how could he Knowing I spend Ming Hai's name yet, " "friend of a friend ...... ...... husband," she laughed, pale and happy smile, gently recites: "The husband has a friend of a friend ...... husband really ...... a ...... " "......" cloud Che secretly breath, step forward and said:. "I am not only a small sea of friends, this time I was a healer and a small sea come together, but also want to see if you can treat your injuries ...... small sea, you let the open position, let me look at her situation. " Hearing this, spend Ming Hai quickly get out, eyes looking straight cloud Che: "! Brother beg you must make every effort to save Xiaoya, if you really can save her ...... " Xiaoya in front of face, Hai Ming spent the latter half of the sentence failed to go on. Although he knew his older than Che larger cloud nearly ten years old, but the sound of "Big Brother" is called the bottom of the soul, if the cloud Che really can save her, not to mention the call "Big Brother" is shouted lifetime Grandpa, he willingly. And he was alone with his willingness to come here, he has a heart of gratitude. "I shall make every effort." Che cloud calm road, and then the woman went to bed, his eyes fell on her forehead ...... blue-black eyebrows, and reveals her body in the terrible cold virus, it has been forthcoming invasion her brain. Purple crystal under her body, each piece is priceless ...... because each piece is the most pure purple veins Crystal! Her body is very heavy loss, but also under the terrible cold virus can get through so many years, the most important reason, is that half of her body wrapped in purple veins Crystal. "My name is ...... as Xiaoya, may I call you brother ...... husband, like it?" In the cloud Che staring at her, she suddenly with a weak voice said. "...... Ah." Cloud nodded Che crashed. "Thank you, Big Brother ...... ......" "Why thank me?" says Che Road. "Thank you ...... willing to become a small sea of friends." As Xiaoya sincere gratitude and said: "Over the years I have continued to give Jon ...... ...... hesitate to abandon family life only Robin Hood, the principle of ...... Happy go around the world steal a lot of elixir and purple veins Crystal ...... ...... He has no friends because I can not ...... ...... ...... friend " "I do not want to be so dragged him ...... but I very afraid of death because ...... My husband is dead ...... he really left alone finally ...... ...... ...... He now has a big brother ...... ...... ...... really good ...... " as Xiaoya voice getting smaller and smaller, finally so sleeping in the past. Her body was too weak, so much time, then, for her enormous consumption. R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
This domain name mobile phone reading please visit

night gradually lower, Che Yun followed the man reading of chapter 4.1 legend in the snow princess
pure text online, together toward God Phoenix South one at the edge of the area. You

"...... Why do you want to help me?" After a long silence, the man was very careful. He Che Yun, had experienced countless kill and the edge of life and death of people, awareness and spiritual feeling strong, is no lower than Che Yun. So a man is not a malicious or plot, he can see. From the clouds on the body, he could not see a trace of malice and plot. You just as,Is the heart of a doctor who has been silent for a long time." Clouds, the heart secretly sigh...... Love the world, Xuanhujishi the healer, which used to be all of his soul, is his master to his teaching the core part. But since the master was to persecute to death after, his doctor heart, will be replaced by endless hatred, after that, in the cloud Cang mainland. He never used his knowledge of medicine to save any one person.

"amount......" This answer, let the man confused.

"you say, before you have been more than half of the Phoenix Kui line?" Casually asked clouds. "Yes."." Man nodded:"Phoenix sunflower each year the number of the very few, and the basic and will be Phoenix Shenzong first time occupied, so some time ago, I had to sneak into the one of the sect of the God Phoenix a treasure house, but where the distribution of the many Guardian Xuan array, I just go. Be careful not to touch the a Xuan array and had to flee... But it was good to escape before the half strain of phoenix. Why I can be so easy to get, it is estimated that because of the half line Phoenix sunflower potency loss is too heavy, readily lost in the top of a jade cabinet. "

clouds a slow pace, surprised: "you...... Into the Phoenix God?" "Yeah."Listen to the stored in the cloud Che voice shocked, man patted her chest, proudly nodded:" in this world, in addition to the four holy places and black chamber of Commerce, there is no I can't dive into place. Although they found out, but...... Hey, they didn't even touch my butt, and I ran out of the way."

the man said one of his ancestors had broken into the shrine of the sun and the moon, which makes his heart startled, and the people around me...... He could sneak into the Phoenix God Pope, was discovered, had escaped unscathed...... This person...... In the end...... Men's voice sounds,A face of distress of the way: "originally, I dive into the legend of the legendary snow princess, but she was not in the day, I heard someone talk...... It seems like a place called Qi Fenggu."

"Snow Princess?" Look: "clouds is a princess of the Phoenix God?"
clouds this sentence says, he saw the man's eyes stare big eyes...... Just as in examining extraterrestrial. Don

"...... You don't know the snow princess?" The man stares big eyes way. The snow princess "...... Very famous?" Clouds asked. There is no clouds

turbulent look,Without the slightest false and artificial ingredients, men's eyes sweeping, with a kind of weird to pole eyes to conjecture over cloud Che, that look... It's not looking at the eyes of a living person: "I rely on! Are you serious? You really don't know the snow princess? You, you, you, you...... You were not God Phoenix empire! Oh no! If not the God Phoenix Empire, even if it is other country hill gully, nor may not have heard of the name of snow princess ah ah ah! "

clouds:"......" The name of the princess, who is the first time I heard it. You

"...... Have not heard of 'flower Ming sea' this name?"The man's eyes were shining.

"flower Ming Hai? Did not hear, is also very famous people?" Clouds road. I

"!!" The man jump up, show one's teeth growled: "you...... Don't you know the snow princess also just, you even take Ming sea name never heard! He is the legendary 'ghost masters', the whole day, Xuan newbest figure...... Ahem, one of the name alone is human, even in the Mud Loach should reverberate like thunder, how could someone heard!! "

"ghost player? Good and nickname." Clouds bielebiezui. "~!@ $%......" Men face muscle twitching, a pair of hate can't go and clouds like: "you desperately...... You should not be from the other world through it?"

clouds turned, it is serious to nod: "you can think so."

"by!" "You should not...... What is the 'ghost masters' flower Ming Hai?" Clouds re looked at him for a moment. "Yes, I was!" Take a sea Ming offerings, with a corner of uncontrolled seizures. Mama...... The first work in just ways or close to a man shouted his name...... This man has never heard of him! "Oh,Know." The clouds are more prosaic: "then I should call you flowers, or the sea?"

"...... It is the sea." Ming Hoi cried flowers. Lao Tzu said it was almost thirty years old, this boy is not at the age of twenty.

"tell me about the snow princess thing, why is she so famous?" Clouds asked curiously.

"ahem, great deeds you don't want to listen to the master of the ghost?" "Don't want to."

"! @ $%......" Spend the Minghe sea and took a deep breath, the exhaustion of all will just calm down, way: "snow princess, known as the darling of the God Phoenix empire of gems, Phoenix God,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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