第339章 潜入囚龙狱 在精神领域,有一种可怕的能力叫做“搜魂术”,可以将自己的精神力侵入到另一个人的精神之中,强行掠夺其灵魂中的记忆。不过 การแปล - 第339章 潜入囚龙狱 在精神领域,有一种可怕的能力叫做“搜魂术”,可以将自己的精神力侵入到另一个人的精神之中,强行掠夺其灵魂中的记忆。不过 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第339章 潜入囚龙狱 在精神领域,有一种可怕的能力叫做“搜魂术”,可

第339章 潜入囚龙狱








































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 339 sneak into the prison long prison In the spiritual realm, the eerie ability called "soul search", his spirit can be invasive to another person's psyche, forced to plunder its memories of the soul. However, searching souls not only mobilized is tough and can only act on the spiritual force is much weaker than their own, or in a State of extreme mental weakness on the target, along with a great deal of risk, once the other party the opportunity to bash, the consequences would be disastrous.And Xuan gang not only is can injury enemy of power body, also can into purely of soul body invaded a a people of soul, natural also on can completed "found soul operation" can completed of all, but in consumption and difficult easy degrees Shang, to far than found soul operation low, and due to Xuan gang is separation exists, so even failed, also flatly not has bash of dangerous. Present not only mental strength is far weaker than that of Yun Che, and in a State of near-death, black gang memory reads exceptionally smoothly easily. Gang were soon Hyun Yun Che recovered, the man lying there staring eyes, and none of that happened. The names for the burn at home, is burning heavenly gate 72nd belonging under eight elders, age 45, size and Yun Che similar and, more importantly, is his mysterious force levels, and now the same Yun Che, occult is six. Purpose of his night out, as he said earlier, is to quietly enter the city of pale fire, ascertain whether Yun Che town hidden in Pale fire."It was an unexpected gift. "Yun Che heavy eyebrow sneer, he made a careful observation of the free-burning face, and then coat chops down his body, thrown into the poison Pearl. Then casually blew a hole, buried the bodies of two people playing. Standing there, Yun Che re-release of the black gang, and then looked deep Orange, slightly stunned. He's in a State of the most common, even the evil soul is not open. While in this State, he released Black gang are red, but at this time, releasing a black gang, but is orange!!He remembered, when the burning heavenly gate, his strong open hell in order to save Xiao Lingxi, out into the mysterious gang ... ... Then the black gang, is a shocking and Grandpa cloud sea green! What's going on? Black gang in the same State, why is advanced? Could it be because ... ... OTO of spinal cord? Thought here, Yun Che suddenly found the most likely answer. The strength of the black gang, half and related by blood, and half related to Xuan Mai. With evil-border control at the opening, black pulse-power surge, black gang color sublimation occurs. But with the Dragon Lord after spinal cord, also changed his veins ... ... OTO gift of blood, changed his blood components, while the dragon gods gift of marrow, change is the essence of his blood! Blood into blood, cord blood! Enter the Dragon God of pulp in him, will make his veins become more and more powerful dragon blood ... ...And, of course, will force black with the blood gang stronger!! Now let the State of black gang from red to orange. In future, perhaps more than just elevated to orange so simple! With his evil black veins and OTO veins become more powerful, his black gang, perhaps evolved to a very high level! Yun Che returned to the cave, and Xiao Lingxi threw up, clinging to him: "Che, you have nothing, right? Are you injured?"HA HA, don't worry. "Yun Che easily laughed:" blue wind hurts me as a whole person, a slap in the face came, just the two fishes are not fit. We continue to enjoy our delicious, never mind just happened. ” Xiao Lingxi heart settled down, she looked at Yun Che, gently: "my little Che, was already fully grown, has become so powerful ... ... But, Hey, it doesn't make me feel strange at all. ” "Of course, no matter what happens, we are the most close person, how strange ... ... And open your mouth. "Yun Che Xiao Lingxi lips moving spoon to lightly and spoon in the soup, mixed with Yun Che quietly sprinkle of grey powder. Xiao Lingxi drink, a sleepy suddenly struck. Her eyes blink slightly, then lay the lid: "Che, I suddenly ... ... Some stuck ... ... ""Sleepy, good sleep, here I am. "Yun Che gently way. "Well ... ..." Xiao Lingxi dough should be a whole body relax, completely immersed in the dream. Soon, Xiao Lingxi breath becomes smooth, sleep soundly. Yun Che took out a blanket on the floor, gently up Xiao Lingxi, watching her sleep like: "sorry, my aunt ... ... But you may rest assured, I'll be back soon. I promise you, when you wake up and open your eyes, will for the first time to see me, and grandfather. ” Xiao Lingxi was rescued, but grandfather Xiao Lie still in the hands of burning heavenly gate. 每多留在那里一秒,萧烈就会多受一分凄苦,多一分危险。所以他必须竭尽所能,以最快的速度把他救出,一分一秒都不想等。救他的方法,此刻也已在他心中成型,但他自然不能带萧泠汐一起,而如果留下她一个人在这里,她一定会担心害怕,所以他只能选择让她沉睡过去。 云澈出了洞穴,花了半刻钟的时间将洞口进行了掩饰,思索一会儿后,他从天毒珠中取出五滴王龙之血,混合了十几种药材,快速淬炼出了五滴冰玄玉液。 唤出雪凰兽,将五滴冰玄玉液全部喂给了它。顿时,本精神萎靡到极点的雪凰兽在饮下冰玄玉液后不久,便一声低鸣,双翅高高的招展起来。 “婵儿,过一小段时间,又要辛苦你了。不过这次不会太久,一定要坚持住。”云澈抚摸着雪凰兽的翎羽,有些愧疚的道。冰玄玉液能让雪凰兽快速恢复部分力量,但恢复不了它的元气,借助外来的力量再度极速飞行,还会对它的元气造成进一步损伤……但云澈今天也只能再度依赖于它。 把雪凰兽收入玄印,云澈换上焚自在的衣服,头发也整理一番,戴上他的空间戒指,伸手在脸上一阵抹动,很快,一张和焚自在一模一样的面孔出现在云澈的脸上。随之,云澈调整了一番走路的姿势,大摇大摆的走向焚天门的方向。 Dead of night, burning heavenly gate is still a mess at the moment, didn't recover from yesterday's disaster. Once majestic and powerful, the main door is gone, instead it is in ruins. On the ruins of more than 10 people are still on guard in the guard position before, someone yawned from time to time. At this time, a figure hurried footsteps trot over. Keep the "gate" the burning spirit of the disciple suddenly strike one, snapped: "who! ” "Me!" "The pace slowed, the sound takes on a sort of arrogance and harsh. "Turned out to be 72, faux pas! "See the station to burn day disciple hastened to make way for the body, head bowed. Another burn day disciple: "72, 73 and didn't you just leave to go to pale fire her? Why come back? ”"Is, of course, get an important message and quickly reported to the elders. "" Burn free "half fast half of impatience:" you keep here, now is a time of crisis, must not let anyone get close to! ” With that, he would hurry to enter, went straight to the eight elders residence. Burning door people are practicing fire burnt day and swings will more or less have the element of fire to move around the body. In this connection, has the evil Yun Che of fire is very easy to do. Although the black breath, unable to really do and burn exactly the same day, but unless it is to focus serious recognition, it is hard to tell. Together with Yun Che Xuan under the normal breath strength and burn exactly the same comfortable, you can almost without flaw. 虽然已是夜深,但焚天门巡逻弟子众多,但没有一个怀疑照面而过的焚自在已经被掉包。 云澈一路畅通无阻的进入八长老居住的楼阁,在声称有重大消息汇报后,便如愿见到了八长老焚莫迟。 焚莫迟并未入睡,见到“焚自在”,他沉声道:“怎么回事?不是让你和正志趁夜潜入苍火城,去查探云澈是不是逃亡那里了吗?你怎么这么快就回来了?你说有大事汇报,又是什么事?” “焚自在”连忙道:“回长老,苍火城那边已根本无需探查……半路之上,我传音询问了苍火城的几个故交,他们告知,就在昨日下午,他们都看到了一只遍体雪白,气势不凡的大鸟从苍火城上飞过,然后大致落在了城北方位……此后没有再见那只大鸟飞离,可以断定,云澈目前就藏匿在苍火城中。”“果然如此!”焚莫迟“呼”的站起身来,随之脸上露出怒色:“哼!竟然如此明目张胆的落入苍火城,这是在藐视我们焚天门,以为我们不敢主动追过去吗!现在太上门主与太上长老皆在,我看他还如何嚣张!” “焚自在”默然冷笑,然后接着道:“长老,虽然确定云澈就藏身苍火城之中,但苍火城毕竟太大,而云澈也必定很是谨慎,想要确定他的藏身之处极为不易。我和正志商量之后,由他先继续前往苍火城,弟子极速赶回,向长老请示一件事。” “何事?”焚莫迟侧目道。“焚自在”用力吞咽了一口口水,一副紧张的样子:“云澈的一个亲人,目前还在囚龙狱之中,据说是在最底一层。弟子想在此人身上取一件东西……衣物也好、坠饰也好,然后马上连夜赶往苍火城,将之悬于显眼位置,或许有可能引云澈出现。而他一旦进入我们视线,我们便可借此知道他的行踪和隐匿之处……这只是弟子一些不成器的想法,还请长老指示。” “唔……”焚莫迟低头沉吟,许久后,缓缓道:“这种手段太过明显,极难让人上钩,不过,云澈虽然实力极强,但毕竟年轻,血气方刚,做事冲动极端,或许对他会很有效……好!那就依你之言。不过,云澈现在虽然负伤,但绝非你和正志所能对付,警觉性也决然不会低,你们务必万分小心,如果找到他的落脚之处,务必马上传音给我。“是!” “这是我的令牌,凭此令牌,可自由出入囚龙狱,速去。”焚莫迟将一块赤红令牌丢给云澈,淡淡的道。 而这块令牌,正是云澈最想拿到的东西。在他完美的易容之下,一切都进行的比想象的还要顺利。云澈拿起令牌,告退而去,直奔囚龙狱。 焚莫迟站在原地沉吟一会儿,隐约觉得似乎哪里不对劲,却又想不出究竟是什么地方不对劲。少顷后,他拿起传音玉,出声道:“门主,已确认云澈就藏身在苍火城…… 囚龙狱,焚天门的内部监狱。其中关押着犯了大错或重罪的弟子,亦有仇家、结怨之人,自然也还有一些焚天门单纯限制其自由,或将之秘密隐藏而关入其中的人。囚龙狱一共七层,越是向下,越是阴暗阴森,关押的,也越是一些重要、重罪之人。 “这里是囚龙狱重地,不得擅闯!”云澈刚靠近囚龙狱的大门,便被一个守卫弟子厉声拦了下来。 云澈拿出令牌,昂首道:“奉八长老之命,前往囚龙狱第七层,取一犯人身上的东西。” 守卫弟子看了一眼令牌,然后点了点头,亲自带路在前:“请随我来。” 凭着焚莫迟的令牌,云澈如愿以偿,无惊无险的踏入了囚龙狱之中。而虽然他手持令牌,但进入之时,前后依然有四个持刀守卫紧步跟随。毕竟,囚龙狱这种地方,都会关押着一些一旦被外人知道,就会引来切齿仇恨,甚至遭世人鄙夷谩骂的“特殊人物”,比如为了夺取某个大宗门的玄功或秘密而悄然掳来的宗门核心人物…… 又或者萧烈这等足以让焚天门尊严扫地的“诱饵 进入囚龙狱,一股刺鼻的腐臭味扑面而来。越是向下,这股腐臭味就越是浓重,直让云澈大皱眉头。想到爷爷竟然被关在这样的地方,他心中的怒火就蹭蹭而起。他忍着怒气和急切,脚步不急不慢的跟着守卫弟子一路向下,一顿周转后,终于来到了囚龙狱的第七层。 到了第七层,云澈一眼就看到了萧烈,因为他就被关押在第七层狱门正对面的那个狱笼中。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 339 sneaked Long prison inmates
in the spiritual realm, there is a terrible ability called "Souhun technique", their spiritual power can invade another person's spiritual being, forced to plunder their soul memory. However, Souhun surgery not only mobilized quite difficult, and can only be applied to the spiritual power is far weaker than their own, or in a state of extreme mental weakness of the target body, accompanied by a great danger, once the other party the opportunity to bite , the consequences would be disastrous.
The strength of the body not only can hurt the enemy mysterious gang, but also turned invade a person's soul pure soul body naturally can do everything, "Souhun technique" can be done, but on consumption and difficulty, Souhun surgery is far more low, and because the presence of mysterious gang are separate, so even if the failure, also categorically there is no risk of backfire. In front of the people not only of spiritual power is far weaker than the cloud Che, and in the near-death state, mysterious gang of memory read easily performed exceptionally well. Hyun Chul Yun Gang was quickly retracted, that people Yuandeng eyes lying there, no sound. This man called Brahman comfortable, is burning Tianmen seventy second Tangtang Zhu, under the command of eight elders, age 45, Che similar size and clouds, and more importantly, his mysterious force levels, and now cloud Che exactly, they are mysterious territory to six. His purpose to go out at night, but also as he said before, is to quietly into the city pale fire, to ascertain whether cloud Che fire hidden in dark green city. "It's an unexpected gift." Shen Yun Chol eyebrow sneer, his careful observation of some of the burning free face, then coat the chops him down and thrown into the sky poison beads. Then pick a dent, will kick into two bodies buried. Standing there, Che Yun Xuan Gang released again, then looked deep orange Nama slight daze. Today, he is in the most common state, even evil soul are not enabled. And in this state, he released this mysterious gang is red red, but this time, the release of mysterious gang, but clearly is orange! ! He thought, in the burning days of the door, he was to save Xiao Ling Xi and strong open purgatory, threw Xuan Xuan Gang Gang ...... Then, shocking and grandpa like cloud blue sea! What's going on? Mystery Gang same state, why is there Adv? Is it because the marrow ...... Dragon? Thought of this, cloud Che suddenly found the most likely answer. Xuan Gang strength, half and blood-related, half and mysterious pulse related. With the surge of Cthulhu territory off the opening, mysterious pulse power, the mysterious gang color will appear sublimation. And with Dragon marrow after, his blood also changed ...... Dragon's Blood bestowed, altered the composition of his blood, and the marrow Dragon bestowed, change is the essence of his blood! Blood thaw blood, but marrow and blood! Dragon into the marrow of his body will let him become more and more blood so powerful Dragon blood ...... So, naturally with the mysterious gang will force more powerful flesh and blood! ! Now let's mysterious gang ordinary state from red becomes orange. In the future, perhaps far more elevated to orange so simple! With his mysterious Cthulhu Dragon blood veins and more powerful, his mysterious gang, probably will evolve to an extremely high height! Yun Chol back to the cave, Xiao Ling Xi suddenly rushed up, clutching him: "Little Che, you did not do it there is not injured?? "Ha ha, rest assured. "Cloud Che easily laughed:" Now the whole Cang wind make me the wounded man, a slap in the face all over the number alone, it is not equipped with two trash. , We continue to enjoy our delicious, just do not control things. " Xiao Ling Xi's heart settled down, she looked at cloud Che, gently said: "My little Che, has been completely grown up, but also become so much ...... but laugh, but he did not let me I feel strange. " "That, of course, no matter what happened, we are the most pro-people, how strange it ...... come mouth. "Cloud Che moved gently spoon Ling Xiao Xi lips, spoon in the soup, mixed cloud Che just quietly spill into gray powder. Xiao Ling Xi drink, while sleepy suddenly hit her eye slight eye blinking, and then close the powerless: "Little Che, I suddenly ...... ...... somewhat sleepy" "sleepy, obediently sleep, I'm here to do. "Cloud Che gently said. "ah ......" Xiao Ling Xi Please dough should be a cry, the body relax, completely immersed into dreamland. A little while, Xiao Ling Xi breathing becomes smooth sleep exceptionally sweet cloud Che out a blanket on the floor, the Xiao Ling Xi gently put up, watching her sleep look and said:. "I'm sorry, little aunt ...... But do not worry, I will soon come back. I assure you, when you wake up open your eyes, will be the first time to see me, and my grandfather. " Xiao Ling Xi though was rescued, but the grandfather Xiao strong, still still burning days door hand. Each stay there more than a second, Xiao strong points will be more affected by a bitter, a little more dangerous. So he must do everything , with the fastest speed to rescue him, a minute do not want, etc. to save his method, now also been forming in his mind, but he can not bring Xiao Ling Xi naturally together, and if a man leaving her here , she will worry and fear, so he can only choose to let her sleep in the past. Cloud Che a cave and spent half quarter of an hour would cover the hole was, after thinking for a moment, he was removed from day five drops of poison beads of WANG blood, mixed a dozen herbs, grown out of the five drops fast ice mysterious Yuye. evocative snow beast Phoenix, the five drops of ice mysterious Yuye all fed up of it. Suddenly, this apathetic extreme snow Phoenix beast under mysterious Yuye after drinking ice soon after heard Diming, fluttering wings high up. "Chan child, over a short time, but also you've worked hard. But this will not be long, we must hold on. "Cloud Che stroking snow beast Phoenix Lingyu, some guilt Road ice mysterious beast phoenix Yuye make snow quickly restore some strength, but can not restore its vitality, with the help of foreign forces once again speed flight, it will be The strength causing further damage ...... but today only cloud Che again depend on it. The snow phoenix mysterious beast revenue stamp, Che put burning cloud comfortable clothes, finishing some hair, put on his space rings, hand move while wiping his face, and soon, a free and burn exactly the same faces in the clouds Che's face. Following this, a lot of clouds Che adjustment walking posture, swaggering toward the direction of the door burning days. late at night at the moment the door is still burning days a messy, totally did not recover from yesterday's catastrophe. once majestic and powerful main door has disappeared, replaced by ruins. above the ruins, a dozen people still waited at the guard position before on, from time to time someone yawned. At this time, a figure hurried pace trot over to defend "door" disciple suddenly aroused burning days, snapped:. "Who! " "I! "Come to slow the pace, the sound takes on a somewhat arrogant and harsh. "seventy-two originally recruited, rude! "Come to see, the porters quickly get out of the burning day disciples body, bow a ceremony. Another burning days disciples and said: "72 recruited, did not you just leave Flights and seventy-three recruited Cang fire city? How come back so soon? " "Of course, it is to get an important message, make haste to come to the elders report. "" Burning free "half a hurry, half impatient and said:" You keep a good good here, now is a time of crisis were the door, do not let any outsiders away! " Then he hurried to enter, and go straight to the residence of eight elders. burning Tianmen people are practicing fire burning days depending attributes, thus more or less around the body will have the element of fire stirs This, to have a fire in the body of the cloud Cthulhu Che is very easy to do. Although the mysterious force of breath, can not really decide to do exactly the same and the burning of days, but unless it is to concentrate on serious recognition, would be difficult to distinguish. again plus the mysterious force flavor intensity and burning exactly comfortable cloud Che ordinary state, it can be said almost no flaws. Although it is late at night, but the burning of Tianmen patrol many disciples, but no one doubts face to face and had already been burning comfortable Diaobao. unimpeded all the way into the cloud Che eight elders living pavilion, in a major news report claiming that after they saw the eight elders do so late Mo burning. Burning Mo did not go to sleep late, see the "burning free", he Chen Sheng He said: "how is it? Not to make you and Masashi Cang fire by night to sneak into the city, go check it Chul cloud is not runaway house? How do you come back so soon? You said something big report, what happened? " "burning free" quickly said: "Back to the elders, Cang fire side of the city has no need ...... probe above halfway, I asked a few friends or old acoustic pale fire of the city, they told that just yesterday afternoon, they are Bianti saw a white, imposing extraordinary bird flying over the city from the pale fire, then fell on the north azimuth ...... substantially since then no goodbye majestic bird fly, it can be concluded on cloud Che currently hiding in Cang fire the city. " "really the case! "Mo burning late" call "stood up, along with face looking angry:" Well! Is so blatant fall Cang fire city, which is in defiance of our door burn days, that we do not take the initiative to recover the past! Now too the main door and the elders too are in, I think he also How arrogant! " "burning free" silent sneer, and then said: "Elder, though determines cloud Che on hiding pale fire into the city, but the city after the fire is too pale, and cloud Che also must be very cautious, trying to determine where he was hiding The place is very easy. After I Masashi discuss continued by his first visit Cang fire the city, a disciple speed back to the elders consult one thing. " "what? "Mo burning late eyebrows road. "burning free" hard to swallow a mouthful of saliva, a pair of nervous look: "A cloud loved Che, is still among prison inmates dragon is said to be in the bottom layer. Disciple people who would like to take one thing ...... clothing or, pendant or, then immediately fire the night went Cang City, will it suspended in a prominent position, perhaps there may be cited cloud Che appears. And as soon as he entered our sight, we can be able to know his whereabouts and hiding place ...... this is just not a disciple of some of the ideas, but also please the elders instructions. " "Well ......" burning down late Mo pondered, after a long time, slowly: "This means too obvious, is extremely difficult to make the bait, however, although the strength of a strong cloud Che, but after all, young, energetic, work impulse extreme, perhaps he will be very effective ...... good! Then you according to the statement. But now, although cloud Che wounded, but not you and Masashi can deal, vigilance is also decidedly not low, you must be extremely careful, if you find his place to stay, be sure to upload sound horse to me. "Yes! " " This is my token, by virtue of the token, free access to prisoners Long prison, speed to. "Mo burning later threw a piece of crimson cloud Che token, faint Road. And this token, it is cloud Che most want to get something. Under his perfect turning, everything went smoothly than thought it would be. Yun Chul pick up the token, retire and go straight to long prison inmates. Burning late Mo stood pondered for a moment, feel like where it seems wrong, but could not think of what is wrong. After awhile, he picked up the acoustic jade, the channel: "the main door, has confirmed that Che would hide in dark green cloud city fire ...... . Long prison inmates inside the prison gates where burning days detained made ​​a big mistake or a felony The disciple, also enemies, grudges person, naturally there are some burning Tianmen simply limit their freedom, or will the secret hidden and off into one of the people. Long prison inmates a total of seven, more down, more dark dark, imprisoned, and also more important, a felony of the people. "This is the prison inmates Long powerhouse, may not trespass! "Che Yun Long prison inmates just close the door, he was one of the guards snapped disciple stopped. Cloud Che took the token, proudly said: "Bong eight elders of life, went to prison inmates Long seventh floor, take a prisoner who s thing. " disciple guard looked token, then nodded his head, personally lead the way forward: "Please come with me. " With burning late Mo token, cloud Che got his wish, no surprise no insurance entered the prison among inmates dragon. And while he was holding the token, but upon entering, the front still has four knife-wielding guards immediately step follow. After all, this prison where prisoners Long will once held some outsiders to know, will lead Cutting hatred, contempt and even abuse the world was "special characters", such as in order to capture a large Xuangong or secret door And quietly taken captive Munekado central figure ...... Or Hsiao strong enough to burn this and other Tianmen humiliating "bait into the prison inmates dragon, blowing a pungent taste rancid. The more down, which shares the more rancid smell thick, straight to the cloud Che big frown. Grandpa thought is now being kept in a place like this, anger in his heart would Cengceng sky. He endured the anger and anxious, pace and not be slow to follow all the way down to guard disciple, turnover after a meal, and finally came to the seventh layer of prison inmates dragon. To the seventh floor, I saw a cloud Che Xiao strong, because he was being held in the seventh floor of the prison door opposite the prison cages. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Cap 339 sneak into the prison Longyu
in the spiritual realm, a terrible ability called "off", can be their own spiritual force intrudes into another person's spirit, forced to plunder its soul in memory. However, souhun operation not only started quite easy, and only in spirit far weaker on their own, or in extreme mental weak state of a target, accompanied by a great deal of risk, once the other side the opportunity to come back to bite, the consequences will be unimaginable.
and the Xuan Gang not but enemy forces, but also turned into a pure soul invades a person's soul, nature also can complete everything souhun operation can be completed,But in consumption and difficulty to is far lower than its operation, and the Xuan Gang is isolated, so even though I fail, also categorically not bite.

at present not only the spirit of the force is much weaker in Che Yun, and in agonal state, the memory of Xuan Gang reading are particularly easily and smoothly. The Xuan Gang soon be clouds back, the man is staring eyes lying there, no sound.

the names for burn free, burn Tianmen 72nd hall hall, membership under the command of eight elders, 45 year old age, size and cloud Che similar, more important is his mysterious force level, and now the cloud Che exactly the same, are more mysterious territory.He is out in the middle of the night to, as he said, is to quietly into the city of pale fire, ascertain Che Yun is hidden in pale fire in the city.
"is really a gift contrary to expectation." Che Yun Shen eyebrow sneer, he carefully observed some freedom of the burn of face, and then his body coat stripped down and thrown into the poison day bead. And then readily hit a pit, the bodies of two people kick into the buried.

standing there, clouds to release the Xuan Gang, and then look at the spread of deep orange slightly in a daze. Now he is in the most ordinary

state, even the evil spirit are not open. While in this state, he released the Xuan Gang is red,But this time, the release of Xuan Gang, but it is orange!! He remembered in the burning of
, Tianmen, he in order to save and open Lingxi Xiao Xuan Gang out of purgatory...... Then the Xuan Gang, impressively is the same and grandpa cloud sea blue!

what happened? The same state of the Xuan Gang, why advanced? Is it because...... Dragon pulp? Thought of here

, clouds suddenly find the most likely answer. The strength of the Xuan Gang, and about half and half blood, the Xuan mai. With the opening of Cthulhu exit surge pulse power, Xuan Xuan Gang, the color will appear sublimation. And the Dragon pulp,His blood also changed...... Give the dragon blood, his blood is a change in the composition, and the marrow of the Dragon gave, change is the nature of his blood! Blood, blood, but blood! He entered the body of dragon bone, let his blood will become more and more powerful dragon blood......
then, will naturally also have power and blood Xuan Gang more and more powerful!! Now let

normally Xuan Gang from red to orange. In the future, it may be far more than that of orange to orange!

as his Cthulhu Xuan vein and dragon blood is getting more and more powerful, his Xuan Gang, perhaps will evolve to a very high level!

Clouds returned to the cave, Xiao Lingxi suddenly rushed up, hugged him: "little Che, don't you have anything? Are there any injuries? "Ha ha, rest assured." Cloud Che easily laughed: "now the Cang wind let me injured people, a slap in the face number over, by the two fishes are not fit. Come, we continue to enjoy our delicious, do not have the thing to do." Heart of the

Xiao Lingxi settled, she looked at the clouds, gently: "my little Che, has been fully grow up the, also become so powerful...... But, hey, didn't make me feel strange." Of course it

",No matter what happens, we are the most close to the people, how can be strange...... Come, open." Clouds gently spoon moved to the lips of Xiao Lingxi, spoon soup, mixed with gray powder sprinkled into the clouds just quietly.

Xiao Lingxi drink, a sleepy suddenly hit. Her eyes are tiny and weak winking, close: "small Che, I suddenly...... Some difficulties......" "Sleepy, go to sleep, I'm here." Clouds gently road. "Well......" Xiao Lingxi, please just be a sound, body relax, completely immersed in the dream.

not a long time, Xiao Lingxi's breathing becomes smooth,Sleep soundly. Che Yun took out a blanket shop on the ground, the Xiao Lingxi gently up, watching her sleep of appearance: "I'm sorry, small aunt...... But you can be assured that I will come back soon. I promise you, when you wake up and open your eyes, you can see me for the first time, and my grandfather."
although Xiao Lingxi was rescued, but grandfather Xiao strong, still burning hand door. Each stay there a second

, by a strong Xiao will be miserable, more dangerous. So he must do everything he can to save him at the fastest speed. Save his method,Now also has in his heart forming, but he naturally cannot with Xiao Lingxi together, and if you leave her here, she will be afraid, so he can only choose to let her sleep in the past.

clouds out of the cave, spent half an hour to the hole of the cover up, think for a moment, he from the poison day bead removed five drops of Wang lung blood, a mixture of more than ten kinds of medicinal herbs, rapid hardening the five drops of ice Xuan Yuye. Call Phoenix snow
beast, five drops of ice wine all fed to it. Immediately, the apathetic to the pole snow Phoenix beast in drink ice Xuan Yuye shortly after, a loud low Ming, fluttering wings high.

"Chan son,Over a short period of time, but also hard you. But this time will not be too long, we must adhere to live." Clouds touched snow beast phoenix feathers, some guilty road. Ice Xuan Yuye can make snow Phoenix beast fast recovery power section, but recovered its strength, with the help of external forces again speed flight, but also the strength of it caused further damage... But the clouds today can only rely on it again.

the snow Phoenix beast income Xuan printing, Che Yun Fen comfortable clothes, hair finishing some, put on his space ring, hand in the face of a wiping action. Soon, a burn free exactly the same faces appear in the face of Che Yun. Along with it,
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