如果看完【只有你】,心中所想的是,观众们想要即刻去确认那些我们不忍心忘记却又丢失,还不知道有没有人住的‘贫穷’的居住地的那份惭愧和羞耻之心。 การแปล - 如果看完【只有你】,心中所想的是,观众们想要即刻去确认那些我们不忍心忘记却又丢失,还不知道有没有人住的‘贫穷’的居住地的那份惭愧和羞耻之心。 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด





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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
If only you read [],'s mind is that the audience wants to go immediately to confirm those lost but we do not have the heart to forget, do not know no one is living in 'poor' place of residence of the share ashamed heart. Think of this I am very sorry and worried.

Was busy worldly things are driven forward, it is the Ministry that allows you to go back and find the most beautiful precious things first movie. But do not know has been lost, alive alive also know discerned what is precious to us. Watching movies, then perhaps allow us to produce rediscover the impulse, but not everyone will seize this opportunity to go after reflection,This is cause for concern. Now the door has not been shut electric railway, bus not running.

Find a variety of reports, so too there is a feeling to move over and share. Yet we rush to catch the bus to leave the electric iron and bars! Hong Zhongxin national daily news reporter!

Ps: I feel more esoteric, turning Debu fluent words forgive me ha! !
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
If you read [only], the mind is, the audience want to immediately to confirm those we could not bear to forget the but again lost, also do not know to have lived in the 'poor' residence that shame and shame. I feel very sorry and worried about.

was the world's busy things away, this is to let you come back to find the most precious thing first movie. But don't know what has been lost, alive and also recognize nothing is precious and we. The movie might allow us to retrieve the impulse, but not everyone can seize this opportunity to reflect on the following,This is worrying. Now the electric iron door is not closed, the bus has not started.

find all kinds of reports, because too have felt so moved over and share. Electric railway and bus everyone come to take the left! National daily news reporter Zhong letter!

PS: I feel more profound, turn not fluent words you forgive me ha!!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
If after reading "only you", mind is, viewers want immediately to confirm that we bear to forget and lose, don't know if anyone's ' poor ' live with that shame and sense of shame. I think about this I am very sorry and worried about.

Is driven by the busiest in the world, this is to let you go back and look for the first movie of the best precious thing. But you don't know what has been lost, alive, alive, also identifying what is dear to us. Movies may be able to let us rediscover the impulse, but not all people will seize this opportunity to reflect on after,This is worth worrying about. Now iron door has not been closed, the bus has not yet started.

Find a variety of reports, too, so come and share feelings. We quickly went to electric railway and bus ride has not left it! Nationals daily news large Bell reporters!

PS: feel more difficult, over the latter opinion, bear with HA!!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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