„Buzz” arrived here, Chu Feng has then opened own Spirit power, started to search carefully this millennium old city, sought for the unique element, but actually could not feel that any special place, it may be said that did not harvest. “嗡”来到此处,楚枫便张开了自己的精神力,开始仔细搜索这座千年古城,寻找特殊之处,但却感觉不到任何特殊的地方,可谓毫无收获。 And, from the surface, this city is complete, could not look that has lacked part. 并且,从表面来看,这座城池就是完整的,根本看不出来是缺少了一部分的。 However regarding this situation, some Chu Feng also early expectations, therefore he after old city internal circulation, then sudden personal appearance one vertical, such as the spirit monkey is common, steps on the construction, the continual caper, mounts in finally the millennium old cities, top a highest construction. 不过对于这种情况,楚枫也早有预料,于是他在古城内转了一圈后,便突然身形一纵,如灵猴一般,踩踏建筑,连续跳跃,最终登上千年古城内,一座最高的建筑顶部。 Occupies a commanding position, Chu Feng starts to use Heaven’s Eyes, from top to bottom, carefully observes. 居高临下,楚枫开始动用天眼,由上而下,仔细观察起来。 „Oh, this old city also hid part, good fierce method.” “哇塞,这座古城还真是隐藏了一部分,好厉害的手段啊。” Under Heaven’s Eyes, the millennium old cities reveal one's true colors immediately, Eggy also saw that these millennium old cities have lacked part, the present millennium old city, is pieces together, the most important part indeed vanished. 天眼之下,千年古城顿时原形毕露,就连蛋蛋也是看出,这千年古城是缺少了一部分的,如今的千年古城,是拼凑而成,最重要的一部分的确消失了。 „Does Eggy, regarding these millennium old cities, how you see?” Chu Feng and Eggy share the seeing and hearing, all that therefore under Chu Feng Heaven’s Eyes appears, Eggy can see clearly. “蛋蛋,对于这千年古城,你怎么看?”楚枫与蛋蛋共享视听,所以楚枫天眼下所显现的一切,蛋蛋都能清晰看到。 „Very fierce big, hides the core region first, afterward the surplus construction reorganization, this will have formed the present old city, but this big again strong, actually is also formation, formation that among the world could not have broken, seeks its eye, the nature is solvable.” The Eggy analysis said. “一座非常厉害的大阵,先将核心地带隐藏,随后又将剩余的建筑重组,这才形成了现在的古城,不过这大阵再强,却也是阵法,天下间没有破不开的阵法,寻其阵眼,自然可解。”蛋蛋分析道。 „Em, in my opinion, this big at least has eight eyes, needs 11 to explain is good, only then together in these millennium old cities, other seven eyes, all in forest.” “恩,依我看,这座大阵起码有八道阵眼,需要11破解才行,并且只有一道在这千年古城内,其他七道阵眼,皆在森林内。” „What is main, this eye Spirit power is unable to catch, only useful Heaven’s Eyes can observe, in addition now repairs to receive bound, is unable imperial to be spatial and good, has saying that wants to explain this in 10 th, has very big difficulty.” “最主要的是,这阵眼精神力无法捕捉,唯有用天眼才能观察的到,再加上如今修为受到束缚,无法御空而行,不得不说想在十日内破解此阵,有着很大难度。” Eggy looked through this big key to be at incessantly, Chu Feng was thorough that looked, now his utilization to the Heaven’s Eyes, is getting more and more skilled, and ability that analyzed, was getting more and more thorough. 不止蛋蛋看破了这大阵的关键所在,楚枫更是看的彻彻底底,如今他对天眼的运用,越来越熟练,且分析的能力,也越来越透彻。 „Hey, this just, does not probe your control strength to the Heaven’s Eyes.” The Eggy grinning road, a matter does not close the appearance that oneself already does not worry about throughout. “嘿,这不也刚好,试探一下你对天眼的掌控力嘛。”蛋蛋笑嘻嘻的道,始终一幅事不关己既不操心的模样。 „Your this girl.” Chu Feng helpless shaking the head, then jumps down afterward, finally is similar to the sharp sword is ordinary, has inserted above the surface. “你这丫头。”楚枫无奈的摇了摇头,随后便一跃而下,最终如同利剑一般,插入了地表之上。 „Brother Chu Feng, what kind of?” At this moment, Jiang Wushang et al., continuously under waits , after seeing Chu Feng gets down, completely surrounds, they in with that anticipation , and disturbed vision looks at Chu Feng, particularly Jiang Wushang, he indeed places the great expectations to here. “楚枫大哥,怎么样?”此刻,姜无殇等人,一直在下方守候,见楚枫下来后,全部都围拢过来,他们都在以那期待且忐忑的目光看着楚枫,尤其是姜无殇,他对此处的确是寄予厚望。 Facing the vision of people, Chu Feng shows a faint smile, said: „About that Emperor rank bloodline man whether exists, this remained unknown, but I discovered actually that these millennium old cities indeed hid part, and I have the means that looks for part of that hideaway.” 面对众人的目光,楚枫微微一笑,道:“关于那位帝级血脉的男子是否存在,这点无从得知,但是我倒是发现,这千年古城的确隐藏了一部分,并且我有办法,将那隐藏的一部分找出来。” „Brother Chu Feng, what you said is real?” Hears this words, Jiang Wushang is wild with joy, but at the same time, he also feels inconceivable, after all these millennium old cities, is a puzzled riddle. “楚枫大哥,你说的是真的?”听得此话,姜无殇狂喜无比,但与此同时,他也感觉不可思议,毕竟这千年古城,是个不解之谜。 Four Seas Academy many years, were inquiring about throughout, but do not have to attain, but Chu Feng just arrived here, and looked at several casually, suddenly has discovered these many, makes people feel really unbelievable. 四海书院多少年来,始终在探寻,但却毫无所获,而楚枫只是刚到此处,并且随便的看了几眼,竟然就发现了这么多,着实让人感觉难以置信。 : Recommends everybody out of the ordinary profound imaginary novel «Star Mark Record», this is a knight-errant taste very thick profound imaginary novel, the careful taste has characteristics, the friend in book uncultivated land can look, below enclosed link.