第二百四十三章 黑炎淬炼黑炎之塔矗立在旷野之中,那熊熊的烈焰将周围的岩石都给烤红了。 苍冥、暮夜、花火等人看到那座塔,互相看了一眼之后,都流 การแปล - 第二百四十三章 黑炎淬炼黑炎之塔矗立在旷野之中,那熊熊的烈焰将周围的岩石都给烤红了。 苍冥、暮夜、花火等人看到那座塔,互相看了一眼之后,都流 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百四十三章 黑炎淬炼黑炎之塔矗立在旷野之中,那熊熊的烈焰将周围的岩

第二百四十三章 黑炎淬炼





















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 243 black patients with temperedBlack tower stands in the wilderness of the inflammatory, roaring flames around the rock to red. Pale ghost, night, Hua Huo, who saw the Tower, after the eyes looked at each other, have showed indomitable look, for me, being a-class family's own, they all have learnt a little, in that case, give it a try, why not. Swish! Three figures took the lead at the black tower of the inflammatory snatched. Shortly thereafter, all the ethnic groups in the strong tower that flew away. More close to the Tower, the more feel the searing hot gases rushing, it is impossible to resist. Inflammation of this dark force, sea of souls, complete disregard for everyone's fix for some soul less toughness, even if it is God's strong level, were unable to resist.Some people feel that black is not inflammatory they could stop, hurriedly stepped down. Others force wore black inflammatory to rush in, but moments of shrill shrieks, whole body burned black inflammation. Seeing this scene, Nie Li heart sigh a sigh, these strong souls enough toughness, forced to rush the black inflammation inside the Tower, the black patients with burning soul, put into a basket case. "Let us go. "NIE looked at the others and said. Nie Li, who is also black tower inflammatory direction.Dark Hades, night, Hua Huo, who headed into the black tower of inflammation, followed by other people have entered, about five hundred or six hundred people can't bear burning black inflammatory, and retreat from the inside out. More close to the black tower of the inflammatory, Nie Li, who feel a wave of searing hot gases coming to this hot blast straight to the soul of the sea. Even the Nie Li, also feel the soul of the sea Grill, glanced at the others and asked, "How are you? ” Assists Yun shook his way: "I'm fine! ” Xiaoning, also said: "I'm fine! ” Others should have a voice.Although the inflammation of this black burning, but they practice, is a very powerful method of high power, so in the soul on the toughness, absolutely belongs to the genius of miles one. So here's the black disease, although they feel some pressure, but not to make them like those people, burned in sea of souls. Close to the towering black tower of inflammation, this black fiery tower one layer at a time, a total of seven layers, the flame a little bright red at the bottom, more on, the deeper the color of the flame, flame top, will be regarded as black as ink. Inflammation of the black top, its purest level, Nie Li also feel scared, the black tower of inflammation did not know who stayed, really very powerful. Feel the heat of it seep, a group of people came into the black tower of the inflammation.Black fiery tower one, sitting here with many strong men of all ethnic groups, many strong men of all ethnic groups after coming to this layer, soul and it has a feeling about to burn, they can't continue to go up, quickly in the black tower of the inflammation first floor sitting down on the ground, and understand that mood. But some people continued to go up, visiting the black tower of the inflammation of the second tier. A sudden inflammation of the body burning hot black Duan Jian. "Sword, what's going on with you? "All in for a surprise, have asked with interest, with those people, they thought the sword, soul and burn up! Duan Jian who burned black of inflammation, other ethnic groups in the Hall look of regret came pouring from the strong, and have a person to waste away.However, the surprise is that look of Duan Jian did not reveal any trace of pain, but on the contrary is very excited. Seeing this scene, Douzet, 6 float and others are looking a bit dull, burning black inflammation on other people, because the sea of burning souls, in great pain, why swords now but Ecstasy look like? "Sword, you would not loony ... ..." 6 said the drift mouth less. Duan Jian glumly at a glance 6 float, then turned to Nie Li said: "my Lord, I do not know why this Black Sea of inflammation on my soul, like some bonus, come in here now, inflammation of the black absorbed more soul sea improve faster! "Sword with a delight on the faces of color.Nie Li nodded slightly, and Duan Jian has a heritage of black blood of the Dragon, Black Dragon, is the Black Rider inflammatory, where inflammation of the Black Sea to Duan Jian's soul plus, also belong to the normal things. Duan Jian was burned black disease, rather than a shrill scream like other people, instead of kicking, nice appearance, uniting all the strong who hunkered down on the ground froze, this inflammation of burning all over black guys, what the hell is it? In the first layer of the black tower of the inflammatory, they did not feel any pressure, they deliberated, together in the second layer of the black tower of the inflammatory. Rotating staircase, constantly circle up.Nie Li went ahead, feeling the dark intensity of inflammation become increasingly popular, and every step I went up stairs, black patients with burning would more strongly, even the Nie Li also had to be careful against the soul of the sea. Of all people, only Duan Jian feel exception easily, still quickened, black patients with the more pure, more for his practice and achievements. Down the spiral stairs all the way up. When Nie Li the group entered the black tower of the inflammation when second-tier, second layer some of the strongest of all ethnic groups of the black tower of the inflammatory, instantly Nie Li, all eyes were focused on the human body. Stepping into the Fiery towers the number of second-tier, only two hundred or three hundred people. The two hundred or three hundred people, it is the entire underworld domain of the elite, more or less between them is known, but the NIE from this group of people are very strange.But most of the people took back their eyes, black patients with inflammation of the black tower of the second tier, has made them feel a lot of pressure, and they take into account other, survey Nie Li's identity. Even the pale ghost, night and Hua Huo, who, 1:30, dare to try to, in the second floor of the black tower of the inflammation found a place to sit down, start practicing quietly. Nie Li, who also found a place together, ready to sit down and condensed sea of souls. Suddenly felt something, not far from the Nie Lichao looked and saw a Yao Yi youth hunkered down there, his face pale, there is a mysterious sickness, binocular eyes, covered with blood. From this same youth body, Nie Li felt a terrorist force.The strong degree of force, far after this group of people. The youth also perceive what Yao Yi, Nie Li came on the side. After both parties looked at each other eye, that Yao Yi young closed his eyes and began practicing. Any conflict in the black tower of inflammatory, it is an unwise Act, already struggling against black inflammatory, if fighting black inflammation may be consumed at any time by either party. Nie Li's eyes narrow slightly up, don't know why, Nie Li from each other, and feel a sense of hostility, so watch out for a few minutes."My Lord, your peace of mind cultivation. "Duan Jian Nie Li, humane, Tower of patients here in the dark, he did not have people like Nie Li, sitting practice, but also improve practice black inflammation can greatly tempered his body and soul of the sea. A sword on the side there, it can ease a lot! Nie Li nodded slightly, and began to close practice. Others began to devote to practice. Nie Li feel the black around the hot breath of inflammatory, past life when he already knew without me is a kind of realm, is just the beginning in this life there is no cultivation, with this black and inflammatory stress, practice more easily. Was infiltrating the black inflammation, the body constantly tempered by black on 1.1.聂离的肉身不断地变强,灵魂海中三种法则之力,在黑炎的激之下,不断地澎湃汹涌了起来。 虽然是三种不同的法则之力,但是在聂离的掌控之下,倒也井水不犯河水,不断地凝练。 渐渐地,聂离慢慢进入了忘我的修炼状态,处在一种淡然的状态之中,外面黑炎灼烧的感觉,似乎也减轻了很多。 修为不断地巩固,渐渐地稳固在了黑金五星境界,慢慢地开始向传奇境界冲击。从黑金五星到传奇,是初级修炼时比较难的一关,不过聂离修炼了天道神诀,又有了空冥大帝的那句真言,催动三种法则之力不断地冲击,很快地,晋阶壁障就有那么一丝丝破裂的迹象。聂离的修为马上就能踏入传奇境界了,一旦踏入传奇,修炼的层次就会有一个极大的蜕变。 黑炎之塔第二层,除了段剑之外,所有人都静静地盘坐修炼着。 黑炎之塔外的天空之中,那位身穿金甲的侍神静静地凝视着。 “这些人当中,有那么几个还真是不简单呢!”这位金甲侍神将黑炎之塔里面的一切,都看得一清二楚,他的目光从段剑等人的身上扫过,最终落在了那个皮肤白皙得诡异的妖异青年身上,“他应该是所有人中,天赋最强的一个了吧!不过还有几个人,也没有差太多!” 那个金甲侍神的目光从聂离身上扫过,却没有停留,在他看来,聂离的天赋跟旁边的叶紫芸、肖凝儿等人相比,还要差了那么一些。 盘坐修炼的时候,聂离感觉到,他们这群人的灵魂海连结到了一起,一个灵魂法阵迅地形成,就像是漩涡一般,不停地吞噬着黑炎之力,所有人的实力都在疯狂地增强着。 这座黑炎之塔,将会激他们的修为,迈入一个全新的层次! 那是光辉之城无数人梦寐以求的境界!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Two hundred and fortieth chapters black inflammation grown
black inflammation tower stands in the wilderness, that raging flames around the rocks gave roasted red. Cangming, twilight night, fireworks, who saw the tower, and then looked at each other, are showing the unyielding look, for without me mood, as the direct descendant of a family level, they are little heard of, since So, then why not give it a try. Whiz! Three figures lead towards the tall tower of black inflammation snatched. Then, all the ethnic groups of the strong toward the tall tower skimming away. The closer tall tower, the more feel the hot blast blowing, could not resist. This black inflammation of power, soul Zhitou sea, completely ignoring everyone repair, some souls toughness poor, even if it is the strong level of God, also resist no longer. Some people feel it is not their shares in the black inflammation can be blocked, Ganjin Wang back down. There are also some people wore black inflammation forcibly rushed inside, but the moment the shrill screams, the body burning from the black inflammation. Seeing this, Nie centrifugation sigh a sigh, the soul of these strong enough toughness, forced to inflammation inside the tower tall black red, black inflammation that soul will burn, so that it becomes useless directly. "Let's go." Nie others looked away, he said. Nie, who is also moving away from the black inflammation tower direction of travel. Cangming, twilight night, fireworks, who took the lead into the black inflammation of the tower, followed by others have also entered, probably five or six people because they can not tolerate the burning black inflammation, but from the inside back out. The closer the black inflammation of the tower, from Nie, who has felt a hot blast blowing, this searing blast oncoming sea Watch the soul. Even Nie away, also felt the burning soul of the sea, looked at the others and asked: "how do you like?" Yezi Yun shook his head and said: "! I'm fine," Xiao Ning children side also should be said: "I also all right! " Other people also have to be a cry. This black inflammation burning though powerful, but they practice, are very strong higher power law, so in the soul toughness, absolute genius belong to one in a million. So here's black inflammation, while making them feel some pressure, but still not make them like those who, like before, the soul is burning sea. Gradually close the tall tower towering black inflammation, inflammation of the tower which the black layer by layer, a total of seven, also slightly flames at the bottom of some of the bright red, the more up, the deeper the color of the flames, the top of the flames, it was already dark as ink up. The top of the black inflammation, its purest level, so Nie from felt scared endless, this black inflammation of the tower do not know who to stay, really is very powerful. Feel the heat wave hit TV drama bursts, a pedestrian finally into the black inflammation inside the tower. Inflammation of the black tower floor, where many ethnic groups tray sitting strong, strong after many ethnic groups came to this level, there will be a sea soul soon burning up feeling that they can not continue up, and quickly on the black inflammation sit cross-legged on the ground floor of the first tower down comprehend mood. But some people continue up, go to the second layer of black inflammation of the tower. Suddenly, paragraph sword body burning from the hot black inflammation. "Section sword, how do you?" Everyone was surprised, have asked with concern, they also thought that paragraph sword with just those people, the soul of the sea burning up too! See section sword body burning from the black inflammation, the hall the other ethnic groups are showing a hint of regret strong look, there is a man to destroy the. But, unexpectedly, the segment showing any trace of the sword and did not look painful, but on the contrary is very excited. Seeing this, D'Souza, 6 Gone with the Wind, who look a little dull, burning other people from black inflammation, because the soul is burning sea, very painful, and why it is now the sword segment ecstasy look like? "Section sword, you will not be mad, right ......" Gone 6 owe mouth he said. Sword depressed section 6 floating glance, then turned away Nie said: "Master, I do not know why this black inflammation of my soul the sea, as if there are some bonus action, after coming here now, absorption black inflammation, the more elevated the soul of the sea faster! "segment sword face with joy of color. Nie from slightly nodded his head, the sword segment has a black dragon blood heritage, and Black Dragon, is precisely the black inflammation of pilots, where the black segment of the sword of inflammation can have additive soul sea, it is a normal thing. Burning black sword covered segment inflammation, not only did not like the screaming, like other people, but alive and kicking, very cheerful, so that those sitting on the floor practicing ethnic dish strong they are stunned to see, This whole body inflammation burning black guy, in the end is what? In the first layer of black inflammation of the tower, they did not feel any pressure, the crowd discuss a bit, then together towards black inflammation of the tower of the second layer step to go. Rotating staircase, constantly circling upward. Nie from walking in front of the strength of feeling more and more hot black inflammation, which go up every step of the stairs, black inflammation burning will be more intense, even from Nie had carefully sea defenses soul. Everyone, only the sword segment abnormalities relaxed feel, but also can not help speed up the pace, the more pure black inflammation, the greater his practice to add achievements. Down the spiral staircase all the way up. When these people into the black Nie from inflammation of the tower when the second layer, the second layer of black inflammation of the tower some ethnic groups strong, instantly put all eyes are all focused on the Nie and others from the body. Tower black inflammation number of people able to step into the second layer, it is only two or three hundred people. The two hundred people, can be described as the whole deep domain of the elite, among them are more or less know, but Nie from these people, but very strange. But most people have recovered their eyes, inflammation of the black tower of the second layer of black inflammation, has made ​​them feel great pressure, they inadvertently taking into account other investigation Nie et al from hats. Even Cangming, twilight night and fireworks, et al., 1:30 would not dare to continue up, on the second floor of the tower this black inflammation find a place to sit cross-legged down and began quietly practicing. Nie away, who also found a place together, ready to sit cross-legged down the concise soul sea. Suddenly felt something like, towards not Nie from afar, I saw a young man hunkered branching off there, he was pale, there is a mysterious morbid, among pupil eyes, bloodshot. Branching off from this young body, Nie felt a wave of terror from the force. Strong degree of this force, far more than his own group of people. Youth also aware that branching off what looked over towards Nie from here. After the two sides looked at each other, the youth would close your eyes and start branching off practicing. Students in black inflammation Tarifa any conflict, is a unwise, because against black inflammation has been very difficult, if students fighting, any party may at any time be black inflammation swallowed. Nie fine from the eyes slightly squint up, I do not know why, Nie away from each other's body, felt a hint of hostility, so a little wary. "Master, you have peace of mind to practice it." Nie from paragraph sword against humanity, etc., in which inflammation of the black column, he does not like others from the same Nie, sit cross-legged to practice, but also can improve the repair, black inflammation can greatly grown up on his body and soul sea. There was a sword in the side watching, indeed a lot of peace of mind! Nie from nodded, eyes start to practice. At this point everyone else began to devote themselves practicing. Nie from around feeling the hot breath that black inflammation, previous life, he would already know Selfless exactly what kind of realm, but the world did not start practicing fills, with this black inflammation of the bowel, Indeed easier to practice a little. Covered in a black inflammation infiltration into the body constantly being black inflammation grown up with little by little. Nie flesh from constantly strong, soul force three law of the sea, under the black inflammation of the bowel, constantly surging up. Although the power of three different law, but under the control of Nie away, they do not interfere with each constantly concise. Gradually, Nie away slowly into a state of ecstasy practice, are in a state of being indifferent, outside black inflammation burning sensation, it seems to alleviate a lot. Repair to constantly consolidate and gradually secured in the black gold five-star level, and slowly began to impact the realm of legend. From black gold star to legend, it is more difficult to practice when the primary hurdle, but Nie Heaven God from practicing tactics, there has been an empty phrase mantra Ming Emperor, pushed the three laws of power continue to impact, quickly , Bridging the barrier there is just a faint signs of rupture. Nie from the repair can immediately step into the realm of legend, and once into legend, practicing level will have a great transformation. Inflammation of the black tower of the second layer, in addition to the segment sword, everyone quietly sit cross-legged practicing with. Inflammation of the tower outside the black sky, dressed in shining armor who serve God quietly gazing. "Among these people, there are so few really simple it!" The paternity of God shining armor all black inflammation inside the tower, have a clear picture, his gaze from the segment and others who swept the sword, finally landed that fair-skinned youth who was strange branching off, "he should be all people, one of the strongest talent it! But there are a few people, there is no big change!" The eyes of God shining armor paternity swept him away from the NIE, but did not stay in his view, Nie from talent with叶紫芸beside Shaw et al compared condensate children, even worse for so few. Sit cross-legged practice, when Nie away felt their souls sea link these people together, a soul circle formed fast, like a whirlpool in general, constantly devouring force black inflammation, everyone's strength They are enhanced with crazy. This black inflammation of the tower, will shock their repair, into a whole new level! It is a city of many people dream of glorious realm!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 243rd chapter black inflammation Cuilian
black inflammation of the tower stands in the wilderness, the raging flames surrounding rock to roast red. Pale night,

, et al. See the tower fireworks, then look at each other, showing the indomitable look for my mood, as class family lineage, they are slightly heard, so why not try.

sou sou sou! Figure three at the first

black inflammation of the tower off.

followed, all the towers flew all over to. The more near the tower

, more feel the hot air blowing, simply can not resist.This black inflammation force into the soul of the sea, completely ignoring everyone for some souls of bad toughness, even times the level of God's strong, also could not resist. Some people feel that this is not a black inflammation they can stop, and quickly back down. There are also some people forcibly

against black inflammation inside, but suddenly a shrill screams, burning up the black body inflammation.

to see this scene, Nie from the hearts can not help but sigh sigh, these strong soul toughness is not enough, forced to the black tower inflammation inside, the black inflammation will burn the soul, it becomes useless directly. "Let's go."The Nie said," the other man said.

Nie toward black Yan et al from tower direction.
cangming, sunset night fireworks, et al. The first to enter the black inflammation of the tower, followed by other people have also entered, there are about five or six people because of unbearable black flame burning, but from the inside out.

are closer to inflammation of the black tower, Nie et al felt from the hot air blowing, the hot blast while avoiding the soul of the sea.

even Nie, also feel the soul of the sea baked, look at other people asked: "how are you?"

Ye Ziyun shook his head and said: "I am fine!"

Xiao Ninger is also on the side of the road: "I'm fine, too!" Other people have to be

1. The black flame burning is strong, but they are higher work practice, very powerful, so the soul of toughness, definitely belongs to the genius. So here's the black Yan, although make them feel some pressure, but still not so that they are like before those who, the soul of the sea is burning.

gradually got closer to the towering black inflammation of the tower, the tower of black inflammation layer by layer, a total of seven layers, the bottom of the flames with some bright red, the flame is up, the darker the color is, on top of the flame,It's dark, like ink. The top of the black

with the pure degree of order from the Nie also feel scared endless, the black tower of arthritis do not know who to leave, it is very powerful.

feeling that heat waves hit a pedestrian, finally entered the black inflammation of the tower.
tower a layer of black inflammation, a lot of people here hunkered down the strong, many ethnic groups in the later came to this layer, the soul of the sea will have a right to burn feeling, they would not dare to continue to go, quickly in the black tower inflammation of the first layer of ground plate to sit down understanding, artistic conception.

but there are also people continue to go in,
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