小k撇撇嘴,刚想要说什么,却陡然瞪圆了那双猫眼,它的瞳孔猛然收缩成一条直线,大量的数据流从它瞳孔中闪过。 “小心,已经进入中心区域。马上开启 การแปล - 小k撇撇嘴,刚想要说什么,却陡然瞪圆了那双猫眼,它的瞳孔猛然收缩成一条直线,大量的数据流从它瞳孔中闪过。 “小心,已经进入中心区域。马上开启 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Small k pie pie, just wanted to say what was suddenly staring at a pair of cat-eye, its pupil suddenly contracted into a straight line, went through massive amounts of data streaming from its pupils. "Be careful, have entered the Center. Immediately open the energy channels. "Krystkowiak said suddenly. "What?" "Qinan has time to react, feet bare, all falling. The remaining three are falling, they just walk through the channel fell apart in an instant, reveal black hole. After their fall, the hole comes back on a film of energy and energy film, setting out a thick layer of rock, the whole passage looks just the same, don't think just seconds before, there are four people here. "Ouch! ” "Ah!" ” Luoxiuze fell at the same time has tried to take to slow down speeds, but very smooth metal walls all around, not even one can leverage points. One second before finally falling on the ground, his volley took a turn around the walls, barely maintained one knee down when she's on the ground, look at the remaining three mess on the floor and rolled into a ball, luoxiuze, though this in not so handsome, but so much better than other people. "Killing me ... ... Damn what the hell is this? "Qinan rubbed themselves poor, and stood up from the ground, poor eyes staring at the small k, as a pressure below the most unlucky, he felt he had good reason to question the small k. Krystkowiak a look of guilty conscience in his MEW two ... ... He just forgot, after so many years, has run out of energy, no energy suspension lift ... ... Ahem, naturally, has no effect. "What is this place? "Freckled man rubbing his head, above the prototype metal channel, showed how much magic in the eyes. Masked man is climbing up the first time he took up arms, in the context of any unknown, vigilance is the only capital they can soon. "The line. "Freckled boy waved his hand toward the masked man:" you really want to have enemies, we fall down in the process of being resolved. ” If not finished, freckled man behind metal walls will suddenly open the door, suddenly everybody jump. "Bing! ” After a loud snapping, one old passionate voice in the speakers. "Welcome! You are welcome, my children! "The old man seemed very excited:" HA HA, don't be surprised, you hear is reserved in advance of a recording. Rest assured, kids, there is no danger, pain, only a few ... ... Well, small test? You have to understand the mood of an old man, when I studied hard for so many years when placed in the reference room of the outcome, I fantasized about, was going to be what people get pampered for their sky-high confused wife. I think the children of those families, mercenary rude, an elegant scholar, I think a lot, but I think, off-color, don't understand are not worthy of a great ideal and get my treasure! Study of my life! ” 老者的语气到了最后变得异常激烈,从语气中推断,这位老人似乎受到了极大的迫害,特别是当他提到那些‘无法理解他伟大理想的人’时,语气中的恶意几乎满满的快要溢出来了。 “所以!我做了一个决定!我要给我的后来者留下一点小小的考验,是的,很小的一个考验,只要你们通过了这个考验,就能拿到我的研究成果。我想,你们一定对这颗全新的能量星球特别的感兴趣对不对?而这里——就是我制造出来的,是我一个人,通过数十年艰苦不懈的努力研究出来的,想要获得这些能植的秘密,就来寻找我的宝藏吧,只要你们通过了我的考验,就能拿到最宝贵的东西!” 嘹亮的余音还在金属通道中回响,洛修泽的表情十分冷静,对于这老者所谓的考验也疑虑颇多,可雀斑男却已经彻底的兴奋起来。 这么大的一颗能量星球竟然是被人为制造出来的?这简直太不可思议了! 如此优秀的学者留下的资料会是什么东西?雀斑男只要想想都觉得自己快要呼吸不畅了。 无数的星币,无数的宝石,美女,烈酒,高居人上——一幅幅画面如同走马灯一般在雀斑男的眼前闪现,让他呼吸都急促了几分。 “醒醒吧,要做梦回去再做。”面具男一脚踹在雀斑男的膝盖上,成功的让他一个趔趄从幻想中醒来。 Notes that other people look at her in a strange, freckled boy wonder: "why are you looking at me? ” Masked man under the mask's mouth slammed a whip he made a clean mouth movements. Freckled man doubts wipe with sleeves and wiped my mouth –! Actually have saliva, no wonder He Qi Luo classmates students see themselves, really a shame! Freckled man and a clean mouth face embarrassing, but even if feelings of shame was unable to hide his excitement: "Let us go to the test, as long as the test, we can get the information, when the time comes to sell the information......" Freckled man in the eyes of the symbols begins to emerge the Singapore dollar, qinan is silent and patted him on the shoulder: "honestly, I think you're just flowers, but even so the silly white sweet. ” "Huh? What did you say? "Freckled man frowns at him. Qinan watched with a look of disdain: "even I failed out of college students know there is no pie in the sky thing, you would think someone could be so generous, giving away valuable information just for you? ” Freckled man: "......" says good sense I was speechless ... ... Luoxiuze smiled and took in qinan, homeopathic freckled man up with a knife: "don't say that, in the face of so much temptation, fall is a normal thing. ” Freckled man: "......" don't think I don't see you being sarcastic I mad about money. Masked men and one could not bear to look directly at his face, a mercenary who tried and still no two students my mind ... ... Tut, really want to act like I don't know this guy! "Come on, no matter what the tests are, since you have come, one to see the rebirth of commercial female Emperor. "Luoxiuze patted on the dust, metal doors and walked out. His spirit in this base completely unable to expand, it is estimated that each other in time to build a base, fusion of material into the isolated mentality, so rich ... ... Really now also for bio-Mech base material and troubling ' poor people ' luoxiuze feeling very uncomfortable too! Metal doors is a long corridor, Dim lighting so that the corridors look very obscure, set foot in a split second, giving people a sense was swallowed by darkness. "Oh, I know, people who come here will certainly not be intimidated by my own little test. So, dear children, you are ready for your first challenge yet? ” Corridor renewed rumours that old man that on top of a passionate voice. Krystkowiak lying on the shoulder of qinan, not curled, whispered: "this old bastard is always so fond of spooky manner. You watch, this old man is not a simple character, even in the midst of the crazy, this guy is one of the most crazy people, who knows what he will get. ” "Everyone will take. "Spirit of luoxiuze cannot be expanded, fighting instinct is still there, when the old man say to meet the first challenge when his heart and he had a bad feeling about this. Rustle of sand ... ... Close to where the sound made everyone's heart was in my mouth, the Zerg unique sound familiar to everyone. “斯坦族人?”洛修泽觉得很奇怪,能够安排的考验很多,可对方怎么会选择斯坦族人?要知道斯坦族人虽然强悍,可他们那庞大的体型注定了在这种狭窄的通道中根本发挥不出自己的实力,选择斯坦族人作为考验,这种想法实在让人难以理解。 可很快,洛修泽便明白他错了! 来的不是斯坦族人,或者说,不是他印象中的斯坦族人。那是一种混合了人类和虫族基因的产物,从体型上看,他们保持着人类的外形,拥有人类的五官和四肢,可他们的后肢比起人类来说短小的许多,这导致他们只能在地上爬行。 他们的前后肢是类人形的,两肋上却生出了许多细密的螯足,可以辅助他们在地上快速的爬行。 这些‘虫人’全身覆盖着一层厚厚的甲壳,仅从表面上看,似乎不逊色于斯坦族人那具有良好防御能力的甲壳,不仅如此,他们那酷似人类的脑袋上还有着两个尖利的像是角一样的凸起,在他们爬行的过程中,洛修泽惊讶的发现,他们头上的尖角竟然可以发射出类似精神力探查一样的波动。 只不过这种波动和人类的精神力根本比不了,只能作为一种辅助的雷达使用,不像人类那样多变,可仅仅这一点就足以让洛修泽惊讶不已了。 You know, people have no concept of the spirit of Stan, but this apparent fusion monsters possess the mental strength of the Stein family genes!! Even if it's just spirit like radar also caused great shock in the Earth Federation. Stan has no spirit and Earth Federation has close, if the enemy has a mental strength, luoxiuze simply dare not imagine what will be the result. "These......" qinan surprised mouth can't close. Since luoxiuze after the learned mental skills, as long as there is time, he will be mentally free. Despite his mental strength and compared to the luoxiuze, as the difference between the river and the sea, can exercise more, sooner or later, Beck can be evolved into the sea.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Small k curled his lip, what was about to say, but suddenly Dengyuan pair of cat's eye, its pupil suddenly shrink into a straight line, a large number of data streams from its flash pupil. "Be careful, has entered the central region. Immediately open energy channels." Small k suddenly began. "What?" Qinan could react, they feel a foot of space, the people began to fall down. The remaining three are also followed fall down, they just walked even at the moment of passage fell apart, exposing the underlying swarthy hole. Until after they fall, on that hole has emerged membrane layer of energy, and energy on the film, setting out a thick layer of rock, and just across the channel looks exactly the same, it just do not think in a few seconds before, there are four people walking in here. "Ah!" "Ah!" Luo Xiuze in fall while trying to seize what had to slow falling speed, which know all around are very smooth metal walls, not even a can of leveraging point nothing. Finally in the fall before the second floor, the walls of his marching volley in a circle, this barely kept one knee posture dropped to the ground, take a look at the remaining three awkward on the ground in a heap, Luo repair Ze think, even though this action is not very handsome, but compared to other people already much better. "This is killing me ...... in the end is how the hell's going on?" Qinan rubbing his poor waist, stood up from the ground, eyes staring at poor small k, is pressed against the bottom as a hapless, he felt he had good reason to question the small k. Small k toward him look guilty meow twice ...... he just forgot, after so many years, there have been depleted of energy, and no energy to support a suspension lift ...... Keke, naturally, did not a role. "What is this place?" Freckles male rubbing his head, look at the head of the prototype of a metal channel, the eyes reveal a dash of weird. The mask M is in the climb up the first time they took up arms in any unknown environment, vigilance is the only capital they can save your life. "All right." Freckles masked man waved toward men: "I have an enemy, then we just fell off the process to be solved it." If not finished, the metal wall behind it suddenly freckles M open a door, suddenly everyone was shocked. "Bite!" After the sound Cui Xiang, the speaker came the voice of a man of passion. 'Welcome to you, my children!! "The old man seemed very excited:." Haha, do not be surprised, you hear only the remaining period of the prior recordings assured that their children, there is no danger, no suffering, only Some ...... Well, a little test? you want to understand the feelings of a man, when I worked so hard for so many years studied the results placed in the data room, I fancied, the future is what kind of people they get confused wife coddled the price. I thought that a family of children, rude mercenary, elegant scholar, I like a lot, but I think that's vulgar, I can not understand the great ideal of people not qualified to take to my treasure! Study my life! " the old man to the last tone has become fierce, inferred from the tone, the old man seems to have been a great deal of persecution, especially when he mentioned that" he can not understand the great ideal people ', the tone about malicious almost full overflowed. "So! I made ​​a decision! I want to give my little later to leave a test, yes, a little test, as long as you pass the test, you can get the results of my research. I think you necessarily Fengyun new energy planet and not particularly interested in here? - that I made ​​out, I am a person, through decades of hard and unremitting efforts to come up, I want to be able to get these planting secret, to find my treasure, as long as you passed my test, you can get the most precious thing! " loud metal still lingering echo channel, Luo Xiuze expression was calm, for this the old man also called the test a lot of doubts, but men can have freckles thoroughly excited. A planet so much energy turned out to be artificially manufactured? This is simply amazing! Such an outstanding scholar left data will be what? Male Just think freckles are going to feel a shortness of breath. Countless star coins, countless gems, beauty, spirits, the highest man - a picture looks like a revolving door in front of the general male freckles flashed him a little shortness of breath. "Wake up, do you want to go back to dreaming." Mask man kick in the knee freckles male, success made ​​him wake up from a reel fantasy. Notes that other people have a strange looked at myself, freckles male wonder said: "? Why do you not look at me ' mouth and shoved a smoke masked man under the mask, he made ​​a movement Cazui . Freckles male puzzled sleeve rubbed his mouth - rub! Even really have saliva, no wonder Luo Qi students and students themselves think so, really shameful! Freckles M look of embarrassment of the mouth clean, but could not hide his shame even excitement: "We go and what that test it, as long as through the test, we can get information to sell when the data ...... " seeing the eyes of the men began to emerge freckles stars currency symbol, Qinan very silent on his shoulder:" really, I always thought you just mouth flower only, but also did not think that such a silly white sweet. " " Well? What did you say? "freckles M frown at him. Qinan face contempt looked at him: "Even my students out of school did not fall in your lap a good thing to know, and you could still think someone would be so generous to such valuable information simply send to you "? freckles M:" ...... "well said makes sense, I actually speechless ...... Luoxiu Ze smiled and took a look at Qinan, homeopathic freckles M to make a knife:" do not say, in the face so much temptation taken is a normal thing. " freckles M:" ...... "do not think I can not hear you mocking me Caimixinqiao. Mask man can not bear to look directly at his face expression, not even a proven mercenary two students reason ...... Gee, really want pretended not to know this guy! "Come on, no matter what the test will be, have come, go and see the total business woman Emperor rebirth." Luoxiu Ze patted the dust from the metal door and walked out. His mental strength in this base, completely unable to expand, it is estimated that the other party at the time of the construction of this base, put the spiritual power isolation material integration into, so let the rich and powerful ...... really is still the basis of biological material and Mech troubled 'poor' Luo Xiuze feel very uncomfortable too! Outside the metal door is a long corridor, dark corridor lights the whole looks very obscure, in the foot into the moment, giving a feeling swallowed up by darkness. "Oh, I know, to be here who will not be intimidated by my little test. So, my dear children, you ready for your first challenge?" Corridor above the renewed rumors that the old man very passionate voice. Small k lying in Qinan shoulders, disdain curled his lip, whispered: "It's like the old bastard always so careful ah mystify you, this old guy is not a simple character, even among the group of lunatic, this. one guy is crazy most of the few people who knows what he'll come up with something. " " we care. "Luo Xiuze spiritual power can not expand, intuition can still fight, when to say that the old man to greet first time challenge, and his heart will have a bad feeling about this. Falling ...... one kind of fine foot sound of everyone's heart in his throat, the Zerg characteristic sound familiar to everyone. "Stan tribe?" Luo Xiuze find it very strange that the test be able to arrange a lot, how can the other party will choose Stan tribe? You know Stan tribe though tough, that they may be doomed in the huge size of this narrow channel not simply play their own strength, as the test of choice Stan tribe, the idea is really difficult to understand. Can quickly, Luo Xiuze will understand that he was wrong! Stan is not to tribe, or that was not his impression of Stan tribe. It was a mixture of the product of human genes and Zerg, from size point of view, they keep the human shape, with human facial features and limbs can be their hind legs than many humans short, which can only lead them crawling on the ground. Their fore and hind limbs are humanoid, the upper flanks but give birth to many fine chelipeds can help them quickly crawling on the ground. These 'insect' body covered with a thick layer of crustaceans, only from the surface, it seems that is not inferior to Stan crustaceans tribe has a good defense, not only that, their head that resembles a human still has two sharp such as the angle of projection in their crawling process, Luo Xiuze surprised to find, pointed their heads was able to launch a similar exploration of the same spiritual power fluctuations. But such fluctuations and the fundamental forces of the human spirit than not, only as a secondary radar use, not as changeable humans, it can be just enough to let the Luo Xiuze surprised. You know, Stan is the tribe did not have the mental strength of the concept in the Stein family this apparent fusion gene monster but has a spiritual power! ! Even if only as a radar-like mental strength also caused great shock in the Earth Federation. No spiritual power of the family has been able to Stan and the Earth Federation evenly matched, and if the enemy and then have the spiritual power, Luo Xiuze could not imagine that the results would be like. "These ......" Qinan surprised Zuidou Bulong. Since learning of the spiritual power and Luo Xiuze use skill, as long as there is time, he will put the spirit of power released. Despite his mental strength and Luo Xiuze compared, just as the difference between the river and the sea, it can be a lot of exercise, then, sooner or later, the river also can evolve into the sea.

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