王秋儿 对他那焦急未名交友-全球 的样子看的 华人征婚中心 很清楚,心 中微动之 下,右脚猛 一跺地,人 已经电射而 出。在短距 离的爆发力 การแปล - 王秋儿 对他那焦急未名交友-全球 的样子看的 华人征婚中心 很清楚,心 中微动之 下,右脚猛 一跺地,人 已经电射而 出。在短距 离的爆发力 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

王秋儿 对他那焦急未名交友-全球 的样子看的 华人征婚中心 很清楚,心

王秋儿 对他那焦急




很清楚,心 中微动之 下,右脚猛 一跺地,人 已经电射而 出。

在短距 离的爆发力 方面,同级



轻海外华人 人气





的飞行魂导 器也要有一 个加速的过 程,他这边 才刚一加 速,王秋儿


就已经到了 他背后,一把就抓在了他的肩膀

“王秋儿,你别闹。我真的 有急事。”霍雨浩怒声喝道。

王秋儿自己还一肚子火儿 呢,“我闹?你少找借口。你昨天 占了我那么大便宜,就这么算 了?”

霍雨浩在她的力量压制下不 得不重新落回地面。身体猛地一 挣,脱离了王秋儿抓住他的手。

“王秋儿,我真的有急事。 我都说了,等我回来,认打认罚 还不行么?”霍雨浩声色俱厉的 说道。

王秋儿愣了愣,这种表情的 霍雨浩她也还是第一次见到,疑 惑的道:“到底是什么事儿,你 脸色怎么都变了?”

霍雨浩的脸色确实是很不好 看,白里透着青的样子,气色差 到了极点。

霍雨浩摇了摇头,道:“这 件事和你没关系,我要去一个地 方,马上就要走。半点也耽搁不 得。就这样吧。”一边说着,他 转身就走。

王秋儿一闪身,挡在他面 前,道:“不说清楚了别想走。

霍雨浩双拳紧握,声音几乎 是从牙缝里挤出来的似的,“王秋 儿,人的忍耐都是有限度的。你 别以为我真的就不能对付你。

王秋儿冷哼一声,“你有战胜 我的自信?那就来啊!”

霍雨浩滞了滞,他现在还真 不能和王秋儿动手,因为他要保 留着体力去给冬儿寻找仙草啊! 深吸口气,用力的压下自己心中 怒火,尽可能让自己的声音柔和 几分,沉声道:“好,我告诉 你。我有个朋友受了重伤,需要 一种草药救命。救命,你懂吗? 我必须要去找到这种草药带回 来,如果晚了,她随时都有可能 面临生命危机。所以,现在,我 请求你,让开!”

说道最后两个字的时候,他 已经几乎是吼出来的。

听了他的解释,王秋儿愣了 愣,眉头微皱,道:“那你此去 会不会有危险?”

霍雨浩斩钉截铁的道:“就 算是刀山火海我也要去,我已经 告诉你了,别再拦着我。否则, 我再也不会把你当成是朋友。 ”一边说着,他再次起步。

“霍雨浩!”王秋儿一横身, 又一次挡在了他身前。

这一次霍雨浩真的是怒了, 灵眸武魂瞬间就释放了出来,而 且是伴随着命运之眼一同出现的 口想要击败王秋儿,他必须要依 靠命运之眼的力量才行。




人,总多一份照应。把你那能飞 的玩意儿给我一套。”王秋儿说

霍雨浩差一点就释放出来的 灵魂冲击这才停了下来,看着眼 神诚挚的王秋儿,也没多想,



他取出一道备用的飞行魂导器扔 给王秋儿。

王秋儿接过飞行魂导器,却 有些不好意思的道:“这叮个、 这个怎么穿?”

霍雨浩无语了,这姑娘看来 是对魂导器一点研究都没有啊! 他现在心里是急得不行,可眼前 这位姑奶奶他还真得罪不起,别 说他昨天刚占了人家便宜心中本 就理亏,就算是硬拼的话,他也 未必能够打得过王秋儿啊!

无奈之下,他只得上前,帮 王秋儿将飞行魂导器穿好,又简 单的指点了她几句如何使用飞行 魂导器,这才腾身而起,魂力全 面输出,全速朝着东方飞去。

人飞出来,霍雨浩的感觉就 好多了。至于王秋儿能不能跟 上,那就不在他的考虑范围了。 跟不上最好,省得麻烦。跟上的 话,以王秋儿的实力,也会有不 小的帮助。他现在只想快速抵达 目的地,至于其他的,什么都顾 不上了。

王秋儿虽然是第一次接触魂 导器,但不得不说,她的适应能 力极强,刚开始的时候,在空中 飞的有些不稳定。但很快,她就 掌握了飞行魂导器的使用方式。 这时候,霍雨浩已经在远处天边 变成一个小黑点了。

但是,不要忘记,王秋儿可 是魂帝级强者,论修为比霍雨浩 高了不少。找到窍门之后,她也 开始了全力加速,认准霍雨浩飞 行的方向迅速追去。

空中又没有什么遮挡物,霍 雨浩也没有故意要隐藏自己身形 的意思。王秋儿全速飞行了一段 时间后,果然逐渐拉近了她和霍 雨浩之间的距离。

“这个什么魂导器,也挺有 意思的嘛,居然能够以如此之快 的速度在空中飞行。有趣、

”王秋儿此时完全是一脸好 奇的模样,在加速中也不断感受 着自己身上飞行魂导器的变化。

霍雨浩飞在前面,不需要回 头去看,精神探测一开,他就感 受到了后面跟上来的王秋儿。

适应能力蛮强的嘛?跟着就 跟着吧。

不去理会跟随的王秋儿,他 自己则开始琢磨起那张地图来

那张地图很清晰的标明了此 行目的地和史莱克学院的位置关

目的地就在天魂帝国境内。 从史莱克学院一直向东,一直到 天魂帝国首都天斗城,再继续向 东北方。那里有一片魂兽栖息之 地,名叫落日森林。

这落日森林和星非大森林相 比,自然是小巫见大巫了。无论 是面积还是名声,都比星斗大森 林差了许多。但是,无论怎么 说,那也是一片生活着魂兽的森 林啊!而地图上标明的地点,就 在这片落日森林之中。

霍雨浩根本就没有半点要休 息的样子,魂力全面输出的同 时,他自己也用奶瓶恢复着魂 力。后面的王秋儿魂力浑hòu, 凭借着修为的强悍,到了第二个 时辰的工夫,终于追到了霍雨浩 身边。

“喂,你不需要休息的 吗?”王秋儿没好气的问道。

这种急速飞行的状态中,就算是 说话都变成了一件很困难的事 情。必须要先释放出魂力护住自 己正面。

霍雨浩瞥了她一眼,将一个 奶瓶递给她,道:“你用魂力缓 缓注入其中,然后里面会有魂力 反弹回来,你吸收就可以了。


王秋儿有了飞行魂导器的经 验,对于魂导器也并不排斥,接 过奶瓶按照霍雨浩教的方式一 试,果然感觉到纯净的魂力输入 到自己体垩内,快速补充着自己 的消耗。

“这、这个居然能够补充动 力?你们、你们的魂导器居然已 经研究到这个程度了?”王秋儿 一脸震惊的说道。

霍雨浩此时哪有心情给她解 释那么多,没好气的道:“没吃 过猪肉,总看过猪跑吧。你竟然 连奶瓶都不知道吗?”



霍雨浩伸出两根手指 道:“两只。”

“你!你才是猪。”王秋儿脸 有些涨红。

霍雨浩闭口不言,他要节约 自己的体能,努力多飞一些。从 史莱克城到天斗城的距离着实不 近呢。持续飞行了一个多时辰, 虽然有奶瓶补充,但他已经感觉 到了疲惫。

王秋儿见他不理自己,狠狠 地瞪了他一眼,冷哼一声, 道:“你要救的到底是什么人 啊?”




这可是在高速飞行之中,霍 雨浩吓了一跳,差点就失去了平 衡,顿时怒视向她道:“你要想 弄死我你就直接出手。少说点废 话行不行?我烦着呢。”

“你……,”王秋儿想要发作, 但不知道为什么,终究还是忍住


此时,天色已经大亮,新的 一天开始了。而史莱克学院内 院,却一下就少了两个重要人

“雨浩?没看见啊!昨晚不 是你送他回去的吗?”贝贝疑惑 的看着面前一脸焦急的王冬儿说

王冬儿一大早起来,就去霍 雨浩的房间找他,一个是看他恢 复的如何了,另一个也是希望能 听他对昨天的事情解释清楚。

可谁知道,到了霍雨浩房 间,她看到的却是空空如也。床 铺还是凌乱的,也没有整理。但 霍雨浩人却已经是鸿飞冥冥,不 见了踪影。

“大师兄,房间里他也不在 啊!我在内院找了一圈了,哪儿 都没有他的影子。”王冬儿急切 的说道。伤心归伤心,可她更加 担心霍雨浩的安危。这突然不见 了踪迹,也没留下一言半语的, 她怎能不急?

徐三石懒洋洋的道:“雨浩 这小子是不是觉得昨天的事儿没 法像你交代啊!所以跑掉了。不 会是跟王秋儿私奔了吧。嘿嘿。

王冬儿怒道:“三师兄,你 再乱说我就跟你断交。”

贝贝也是瞪了徐三石一眼, 道:“你就别在这里火上浇油

小师弟也是的,就算是出去 办事,也应该告诉冬儿一声。这 走的无声无息的,可怎么是好? 冬儿你别着急,这样,我现在去 找玄老,问问他有没有吩咐雨浩 做什么事儿。然后咱们在学院里 再仔细找找。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Wang Qiuer on his anxiousNot dating-global The way Chinese matchmaking Center It is clear that under fretting, shake off the right foot at first, people have been shot out.In short bursts, siblingsHundreds of thousands of high-quality years Wang Qiuer must Light overseas Chinese sentiment To be invincible Very global Chinese . Huo Yuhao Matchmaking platform Soul flight guide also has an accelerated process, he just accelerated, Wang Qiujiaoyou8.... Already behind him, grabbed his shoulder"Wang Qiu, you don't make. I'm really in a hurry. "Huo Yuhao angry voice thundered.Wang Qiuer he goat, "I make? You make excuses. You took advantage of me so much, so well? ”Huo Yuhao under her power to suppress to fall back to the ground again. Body slammed earned, out of Wang Qiuer and took his hand."Wang Qiu, I'm really in a hurry. I said, when I come back, renfa not recognize it? "Huo Yuhao harsh said.Wang Qiu Leng Leng, Huo Yuhao this expression also was the first time I saw her, wondering: "what happened, how you look has changed? ”Huo Yuhao's face is really not a good look, white-appearing green in appearance, look bad to the extreme.Huo Yuhao shook, said: "this thing and ya, I have some place I need to be, soon. Any delay shall not be. So be it. "Say, he turned away.Wang Qiuer duck to stand in front of him and said, "without clearly don't want to go.Huo Yuhao fists clenched, sound almost like squeezed out from between his teeth, "Wang Qiu, people's patience has its limits. You don't think I really can't deal with you.Wang Qiu cold snorted, "you win my confidence? Then came with us! ”Huo Yuhao lag lag, he Wang Qiu and can't do it yourself, because he's going to retain physical donger find grass jelly! Taking a deep breath, forced under the pressure of his anger, as his voice was soft, deep channel: "well, I'll tell you. I have a friend who was seriously injured, needed a herbal medicine for help. Help, you know? I have to go and find the herb back, if late, she could face a life crisis at any moment. So, now, I beg you, get out! ”Says the last two words when he was almost out.Listening to his explanations, Wang Qiu Leng Leng, frowning slightly wrinkled and said, "you will be in danger? ”Huo Yuhao bluntly: "even hell I'll go, I've already told you, don't stop me. Otherwise, I will never think of you as a friend. "Say, he started again."Huo Yuhao! "Wang Qiuer cross body, blocking in front of him again.This time Huo Yuhao is nu, spiritual soul in the eyes and instantly released, and is accompanied by fate's eyes appeared to beat Wang Qiu, he must rely on the power of the eye of fate."Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to stand in your wayMore than one To save people. I'll go with you. People, always more of a reference. Gave me a set of gadgets that you can fly. "Wang Qiuer saidHuo Yuhao nearly released soul impact it just stopped, looking earnest Wang Qiu, also didn't think a lot,"Come said, Said, "it would come on. He took out his soul a standby flight guide threw Wang Qiu.Wang Qiuer soul took flight, but some embarrassed: "this bite, this dress? ”Huo Yuhao speechless, this girl seems to guide a little bit of soul means nothing! His mind is not anxious, but the aunt he really can't afford to offend, not to mention he just took advantage of having the wrong, even fight recklessly, he may not be able to beat Wang Qiuer Ah!In desperation, he has to come forward and help Wang Qiuer soul flight guide wear, simple soul showed her how to use Flight Guide, which was able to clear up, soul full output at full speed towards the East and flew away.People fly out of Huo Yuhao feels much better. Wang Qiuer can keep up with, it would have been outside the scope of his consideration. Keep up with the best save trouble. To keep up, with Wang Qiuer strength, there will be a lot of help. He just want to quickly reach the destination, for the rest, nothing was too.Wang Qiuer is the first contact with spirit guide, but have to say, she's strong ability to adapt, beginning when flying in the air some of the instability. But soon, she mastered flying spirit guide is used. At this time, Huo Yuhao has into a small black dot on the horizon in the distance.But, don't forget, Wang Qiu, but soul-level powerhouse, on the fix for a lot higher than Huo Yuhao. After you get the hang of, she also began to speed up, look for Huo Yuhao flight direction to pursue.Air and without any shelter, Huo Yuhao did not intentionally mean to hide their shape. Wang Qiu, flying at full speed after a period of time, and gradually narrow the distance between her and the Huo Yuhao."What the soul, what was also interesting was able to speed so fast in the air. Interesting,"Wang Qiuer was a face of curious image, also felt himself flying in the accelerated souls guide changes.Huo Yuhao fly ahead, no need to look back to see spirit probe was opened, he feels to followed by Wang Qiu.Quite a strong ability to adapt? Then followed.Didn't bother to follow Wang Qiu, and he himself began to ponder the mapThe map clearly indicating the location of the objective of the visit and the Shrek school closedDestinations in soul territory of the Empire. From Shrek's College to the East, until the day the soul days fighting, the capital city of the Empire, and then continue towards the Northeast. There is a spirit animal habitats, and forest named to the Sun.Compared to the sunset star forest and non-forest, nature is dwarfed. Both area and the reputation are poor forest a lot larger than the stars. But, anyway, it was a forest of the beast live soul Ah! The locations indicated on the map, in the midst of this sunset forest.Huo Yuhao look without any rest at all, soul force overall output at the same time, his own bottle to restore soul force. Wang Qiuer Hun h result of soul force behind u, with a fix for the intrepid, a second time, finally gave in to Huo Yuhao side."Hey, you do not need a rest? "Wang Qiuer snappy asked.In the rapid flight of the State, even the talk becomes a very difficult thing. Must release soul of a force to protect his own face.Huo Yuhao glanced at her face, handed her the bottle and said, "you slowly into the soul and soul of a force will have to bounce back, you can.”Enough to make up for the consumption of the soul.Wang Qiu has a flying experience for the soul, spirit guide also does not exclude, took the bottle, according to Huo Yuhao teaches a try, really feel the pure soul force enters into their chalky quickly added their own consumption."This, this can add power? Your soul, your guide should have come to that point? "Wang Qiuer said a horrified face.Huo Yuhao which are in the mood to explain so much, snappy: "never eat pork, always seen pig run. Do you even know bottle? ”Wang Qiu cold snorted and said, "I” Just saw a pig fly in the sky.Huo Yuhao outstretched fingers: "two. ”"You!" You are a pig. "Wang Qiuer face went red.Huo Yuhao clammed up, he had to save their own physical, hard to fly. From Shrek to r is not really close. Flying for more than a hour, although bottles added, but he has been feeling tired.Wang Qiuer saw him talk to himself, gave him an eye, cold snorted and said, "what do you want to save people? ”Huo Yuhao fell silent."Hey, I'm talking to you with no.Autumn touches him.This is in high-speed flight, Huo Yuhao jump, almost lost his balance, suddenly glared at her: "you want to kill me, you're out. Talk less crap OK? Leave me alone. ”"You ... ...," Wang Qiuer you want to attack, but I do not know why, still hold backLet out a loud, sure enough no longer openAt this point, it's light, a new day begins. Shrek School of the inner court, but two less important person"Rain-HO? Do not see Ah! Do not you send him back last night? "Babe looked in front of an anxious face of a doubt Wang Donger saysWang Donger up early in the morning, go to Huo Yuhao's room to find him, one is seeing how he recovered and another was hoping to listen he yesterday to explain things.Who knows, the Huo Yuhao room, she saw it was empty. Bed was disheveled, did not finish. But Huo Yuhao is already hongfeimingming, and disappeared.“大师兄,房间里他也不在 啊!我在内院找了一圈了,哪儿 都没有他的影子。”王冬儿急切 的说道。伤心归伤心,可她更加 担心霍雨浩的安危。这突然不见 了踪迹,也没留下一言半语的, 她怎能不急?徐三石懒洋洋的道:“雨浩 这小子是不是觉得昨天的事儿没 法像你交代啊!所以跑掉了。不 会是跟王秋儿私奔了吧。嘿嘿。王冬儿怒道:“三师兄,你 再乱说我就跟你断交。”贝贝也是瞪了徐三石一眼, 道:“你就别在这里火上浇油小师弟也是的,就算是出去 办事,也应该告诉冬儿一声。这 走的无声无息的,可怎么是好? 冬儿你别着急,这样,我现在去 找玄老,问问他有没有吩咐雨浩 做什么事儿。然后咱们在学院里 再仔细找找。这一大早的,他应该走不”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Qiu child to his anxious Unnamed Dating - worldwide look to see the center of Chinese marriage very clear mind fretting under, right foot and shoved Yiduo, the people have been shot out. In terms of explosive short distance, the same level of hundreds of thousands of high-quality children absolutely do not Qiu light popularity overseas Chinese to be invincible very busy global Chinese in. Huoyu Hao marriage platform flight soul guides also have an accelerated process, he was here just a acceleration, Qiu children jiaoyou8. ... it has come to his back, one to catch on his shoulder , "Qiu children, you kidding. I really in a hurry. "Huoyu Hao Nu Sheng shouted. Qiu child he still fire in my belly child yet, "I trouble? You little excuses. You occupy me so much yesterday, cheap, just forget?" 霍雨浩in her power to suppress had to fall back to the ground. Body jerked earned, from the Qiu child grabbed his hand. "Qiu child, I was really in a hurry. I say, so I came back, hit the recognized fine enough to recognize it?" Huoyu Hao said sternly. Qiu children lengleleng, this expression of Huoyu Hao also was the first time I saw her, puzzled: "What is the thing in the end, look how you have changed?" Huoyu Hao's face is very ugly indeed, white seeped the green way, gas color to the extreme. Huoyu Hao shook his head and said:. ".. It's okay with you, I'm going to a place, immediately leaving the slightest delay can not so be it," he spoke, he turned away. Qiu children a dodge, stand in front of him, said:. "Not that clear even think about walking Huoyu Hao fists clenched, it sounds almost like a squeezed out from between his teeth, "Qiu children, people's patience is limited . You do not think I really can not deal with you. Qiu children Lengheng heard, "You have to overcome my self-confidence? Then come ah!" Huoyu Hao stagnation of stagnation, he really can not, and Qiu children hands, because he wants to retain the strength to give Donger seek immortality ah! Take a deep breath, forced a reduction of their own hearts of anger, as much as possible to make their voice somewhat softer, Chen Sheng said:.. "Well, I tell you I have a friend who was seriously injured, the need for a life-saving herbs help you Okay? I have to go back to find this herb, if late, she could face life crisis at any time. So now, I ask you, get out! " said the last word, he has almost It is shouted out. After listening to his explanation, Qiu children lengleleng, scowled and said: "Then you will not have the risk of this go?" Huoyu Hao categorically said: "Even if I have to go Daoshanhuohai, I already told you, do not then stop me. Otherwise, I will not put you as a friend. "He spoke, he started again. "Huoyu Hao!" Qiu children a cross body, once again stand in front of him. This time Huoyu Hao really angry, spiritual eye WuHun instantly released out, and is accompanied by the eye of fate appeared together mouth want to beat Qiu child, he must rely on the power of the fate of the eye job. "Do not misunderstand, I'm not going to stop you more than save lives. I go with you. man, always more of a care. Can you fly that thing gave me a set. "Qiu said child is released almost霍雨浩out of the soul of the impact of this stopped, looked at the eyes of sincere Qiu children, did not think, "said a Nuisance side, said: "Come, then. He took an alternate flight soul guides throw Qiu children. Qiu children took flight spirit guides, but a bit embarrassed and said: "? This is a bite, how to wear this," Huoyu Hao silent, this girl seems to be a bit of research on the soul guides are not ah! His heart is anxious not now be the front of the aunt he really can not afford to offend, not to mention he just yesterday accounted for cheap people present on the wrong mind, even recklessly, he may not be able to play over Qiu Son! In desperation, he had stepped forward to help Qiu children will fly soul guides dressed, and simply point out a few of her spirit guides on how to use the flight, this free hip into the sky, the soul force overall output, full speed toward the east fly. People fly out, Huoyu Hao feeling much better. As Qiu children can not keep up, it is not in the scope of his consideration. Keep up with the best, to save trouble. To keep up with the words to Qiu child's strength, there will be no small help. He is now just want to quickly reach their destination, the other, what are too busy to think. Qiu is the first contact with the children, although the soul guides, but have to say, her ability to adapt is very strong, the beginning of time in the air flying is somewhat unstable. But soon, she mastered the flying spirit guides is used. At this time, Huoyu Hao has become a black spot in the distance the horizon. But do not forget, Qiu children but the strong level of the soul of God, on the repair of a lot higher than Huoyu Hao. After finding the trick, she also started full speed, flight direction look Huoyu Hao fast chase. Air has no obstructions, Huoyu Hao did not mean to hide their stature meaning. Qiu children full flight for some time, and she gradually narrowed the distance between her and霍雨浩. "What is this spirit guides, but also very interesting thing, was able to so quickly in the air. Interestingly, "Qiu children look at this totally curious appearance, during acceleration has also been feeling himself flying soul guides changes. Huoyu Hao flying in front, without looking back, the spirit of exploration opened, he felt the back to keep up with Qiu children. Ability to adapt pretty strong thing? Follow to follow it. Ignore follow Qiu child, he himself began pondering that map to that map very clearly indicate the location and destination of this trip off Shrek college destination on the day the soul empire. From Shrek College has been eastward, to the days of days of fighting spirit imperial capital city, and then continue towards the northeast. Where there is a soul of the beast habitat, called sunset forest. This sunset forest and non-forest compared to stars, nature is unambitious. Both in area and reputation, than the stars big forest a lot of difference. However, no matter how say, that is a living soul of the beast of the forest ah! The location marked on the map, in this sunset forest. Huoyu Hao did not have the slightest way to rest, while overall output of soul force, he was also a bottle recovery with soul force. Qiu child soul force behind the muddy hòu, by virtue of the repair of powerful, to the second hour of work, finally catch up Huoyu Hao side. "Hey, you do not need the rest of it?" Qiu children snappily asked. This rapid flight of the state, even if the words are turned into a very difficult thing. You must first release the front cover your own soul force. 霍雨浩glanced at her, handed her a bottle, said: "You with soul force slowly into it, and then there will be soul force to bounce back, you absorb it. " Enough to make up the soul of exertion. Qiu children have flight experience guides the soul, for the soul of the guide also does not exclude, took the bottle according to霍雨浩way to teach a try, I really felt pure soul force input into their own body chalk, quick to add his own consumption . "This, this was able to add power? You, your spirit guides actually have research to this extent?" Qiu said children look of shock. Huoyu Hao explained to her mood at this time how much, snappily said:. "? Did not eat pork, pig run you should always read the bottle did not even know it," Qiu children Leng Heng, said: "I " I saw a pig fly in the sky. Huoyu Hao two fingers and said:. "Two" !. "You you are the pig," Qiu some children face reddened. Huoyu Hao silent, he wants to save his own physical effort to fly several more. Shrek distance from the city to the days of fighting the city is not really close to it. Sustained flight over an hour, although there are bottles supplement, but he has felt tired. Qiu ignore their own children to see him, gave him a look, Leng Heng, he said: "? You want to save in the end is what people ah" 霍雨浩not say anything. "Hey, I'm talking to you Nuisance. Qiuer touched him. This is the high-speed flight among Huoyu Hao startled, almost lost his balance, suddenly glared at her and said: "You want to kill me you direct shot. Nonsense talked less okay? I'm sick to go. " "You ......" Qiu children want to attack, but I do not know why, after all, still hold grunted, and she no longer open at this time, the sky has a large bright, new day began. And Shrek College within the hospital, but click on the two less important people "Rain-ho? I did not see ah! Last night was not you send him back for it? "Babe looked puzzled look anxiously in front of the king Donger said Wang Donger early in the morning, and went霍雨浩's room to find him, one is to look at how he recovered, and another is hoping to listen to his explanation of what happened yesterday clearly . Who knows, the Huoyu Hao room, she saw it was empty. beds or messy, nor finishing. But people have already Huoyu Hao Hongfei jis, was missing. "Big Brother, he was not in the room what! I looked around the inner courtyard, anywhere without his shadow. "Wang said Donger eager sad sad return, but she is more worried about the safety of this霍雨浩trail suddenly disappeared, leaving no one word, she can not help anxious.? Xu three stone lazily said: "Rain-ho This kid is not that yesterday's thing like you can not explain ah! So run away. Qiu ran away with the children would not be right. Hey. Wang Donger angrily: "Three brothers, I told you you again utter diplomatic relations." babe also stare Xu three stone one, said: "You do not fuel here is the little brother, even if it is out of work, it should tell Donger soon. This is to go silent, how good? Donger Do not worry, so I went to the mysterious old now, and ask if he has commanded rain ho doing child. Then we A closer look at the college. This morning, he should not go . "

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