“见过皇上,皇后。”孙容华颓然的跪在地上,熙和宫冰凉的地板让她在夏季也打了一个寒噤。微微抬头想看皇帝的表情,还未看清就是一个滚烫的茶杯砸在她 การแปล - “见过皇上,皇后。”孙容华颓然的跪在地上,熙和宫冰凉的地板让她在夏季也打了一个寒噤。微微抬头想看皇帝的表情,还未看清就是一个滚烫的茶杯砸在她 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด







































我也要谢谢你们对她的关心。 [本章结束]

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
“见过皇上,皇后。”孙容华颓然的跪在地上,熙和宫冰凉的地板让她在夏季也打了一个寒噤。微微抬头想看皇帝的表情,还未看清就是一个滚烫的茶杯砸在她身边,水溅在她手背上,烫得生疼,她微微一抖,不知怎么的原本的麻木化作了无尽的恐惧。 这杯茶原是封谨刚刚从宫女手中接过的,茶杯并不是名贵瓷器,但是做工却非常精致,砸在地上,碎裂开来,把满屋子的人都惊了一场。 皇后心头也是微微一跳,她心里清楚皇上并不爱后宫这种事情,而后宫诸位妃嫔虽说各有算计,但是明面儿上也都是客客气气的,即便是死了谁,那面上也都是好看的,突然闹出这种事情来,虽然愚蠢,但是昭充仪如今昏迷着,便足以证明事情的严重了。 “朕原因着皇后之故,宠你两分,倒不曾想竟是个丑陋毒妇,”封谨接过高德忠手中的手绢子,细细的擦着手,看也不看跪着的孙容华,“善妒歹毒,后宫中容不下这样的女子,孙家倒是教养出好女儿,原本你也只该得白绫三尺,不过念着昭充仪无性命之虞,便夺取妃嫔之衔,贬至冷宫伺候里面主子吧。” 诸位妃嫔后心一凉,这做后宫的奴才,不比死还难么?而皇上话里话外竟还提到孙家,竟是让孙容华自去权利也没了。 “皇上,皇上,不是我,不是我,”孙容华听完这些话,激动的跪直身子,“是她自己跳进去的,我没有推她!她陷害我!” 孙容华此言一出,诸位妃嫔神情各异。 淑贵妃微微勾起嘴角,似怜悯似嘲讽的看了辩解的孙容华一眼,这事儿谁对谁错已经不重要了,重要的谁更受宠,谁还昏迷着。www.yawen8.com更何况这个孙容华本身就不干净。 “你的言下之意是昭充仪先推了你下去,再自个儿跳了进去?”封谨冷笑,“你这个先下水的没有淹着,倒是昭充仪昏迷过去了,倒真是有趣了。” 孙容华张张嘴,犹豫了良久,最后似乎下定了决心把真相说出来时,突然听到屋子里一个宫女叫着主子醒来之类的话,这个宫女她认得,是昭充仪身边的大宫女之一。 看着皇上注意力全部落在了床上之人身上,孙容华面色惨白的瘫坐下来,仿佛是看到了自己注定的未来,全身微微颤抖起来,这幅样子落在别人眼中,倒有了几分做贼心虚的味道。 所谓舍不得孩子套不着狼,庄络胭这一次呛得有些惨,只是孙容华被带进来时,她便醒了,这个时候再不睁眼睛,有些事就反倒美了。 “皇上怎么来了?”庄络胭声音沙哑,说了这么一句便咳了起来,一脸不明白的样子。 封谨伸手拍了拍她身上盖着的被子,“爱妃醒了?听闻你落水,朕便来瞧瞧你。” “妾不是落水,”庄络胭说话还是有些难受,就着听竹的手用了些蜂蜜水润嗓子后,才继续道,“方才路上遇着孙容华,也不知她怎么的突然推开妾便往水里跳,当时妾吓住了,以为孙容华有什么想不开的,便稀里糊涂跟着跳下去,哪知一入水便有什么拉住了妾的脚。不知孙容华怎么样了?” “她倒是没事,有事的是你,”封谨神情又柔和几分,给高德忠打了一个脸色,高德忠立时退了出去。 皇后诸人倒没有庄络胭会说这种话,这话里没有半分孙容华陷害她的意思,倒是真是一个单纯的意外了。可是这后宫里哪有那么多意外,更何况孙容华即便真的有什么想不开的,也不至于跑至熙和宫外跳水。 这话,说得倒是极其漂亮,漂亮得足以让皇上原本对她那点怀疑都会化作赞叹。 “孙容华怎么在这里?”庄络胭似乎才看清屋子里的众人般,想要起身行礼,被皇帝按了回去,他看了孙容华一眼后道:“孙容华陷你于险境之中,自然该罚的。” 庄络胭先是一愣,随即像是想到了什么般,有些恍然,又有些后怕,看孙容华的眼神也没有那般友好起来。连原本求情的话,也全部吞了下去。 没有故作善良,也没有一直装作无知,倒显得真实。 原本觉得庄络胭心机深沉居然将计就计算计孙容华的重任,此时见到庄络胭这副模样,反倒有些弄不清庄络胭是真被算计还是假被算计了。 原本抱着来看热闹心思的嫔妃们,顿时有些失望,这么大的闹剧,总该有些乐子瞧的,怎么就这么不咸不淡的开场了? 约莫一炷香的时间过去,庄络胭神情已经恢复了不少,前后也说了几句话,就见到高德忠进来了,身后还跟着几个太监,只是瞧着脸色不怎么好。 原本神色已经有所缓和的皇后看清几个太监手捧的托盘中的东西时,微微一愣,随即便变了脸色。 托盘中并不是别的东西,只是一些环绕纠结在一起的水草以及一些杂乱的草绳,这些东西上还带着水,不用多想便知道是刚从水里打捞出来的。 “启禀皇上,皇后娘娘,奴才从荷花池中打捞出这些杂物。” 宫里荷花池没隔一段时日便有人打理,就是为了避免水太死有异味,又或者水污浊了影响主子们观赏的兴致,这些杂草乱绳本就不该有的东西,怎么会在荷花池里打捞起来。 想到昭充仪方才说,自己跳进水后便被什么缠住脚,众位妃嫔面色一变,看着孙容华的眼神便不同了。 便说后宫没有这么蠢笨的陷害方法,原来孙容华尽是一箭双雕,若是只有她一人落水,那么昭充仪便落得推她入水的罪名,若是庄络胭跟着跳下去,不定会淹死,倒是少了一个对手,毕竟她知道水草乱绳的位置,昭充仪确是不知道的。 “这倒是有意思了,荷花池里何时有这些东西了,”封谨冷笑着看了跪在地上的孙容华一眼,淡淡的开口,“还愣着做什么,把这个贱婢拖下去。” “皇上,皇上,妾是冤枉的,是……”孙容华话还没有说完,便被几个老姑姑们捂着嘴,拖了下去,哪里还能瞧见主子的体面。 皇后见状,起身跪在皇帝面前,“皇上,妾管理后宫不力,请皇上责罚。”话中,全然没有替孙容华求情的意思,自然也不提二人表姐妹的关系。 封谨平静的看着她,慢慢的开口:“此时与皇后无干,不必自责。” 皇后微微松了口气,只是站着的淑贵妃瞧得分明,皇上的眼神比往日冷了几分。 至于当事人,已经体力不支的再次睡了过去。 作者有话要说:今天代更,作者让我谢谢大家,她用电脑时间很少,邮件还没有看完没有回完,让我给所有的好心读者道谢与道歉。 我也要谢谢你们对她的关心。 [本章结束](亲:通过百度搜索妃嫔这职业 雅文可快速直达本书,同时可以过滤弹窗广告哟!)温馨提示:亲爱的书友,强烈建议您,方便下次从本章继续阅读!(喜欢本书,请点击推荐给其他书友一起分享!)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Seen the emperor, empress." Sun Ronghua slumped on his knees, and the Palace Hee cold floor to let her in the summer with a shiver. Slight rise to see the emperor's face, yet to see is a hot cup hit her, splashing water on her back, too hot stinging, slight flick of her, I do not know how the original turned into endless numb fear. This tea was originally just seal the honor from the ladies took over, the cup is not rare porcelain, but the workmanship is very fine, hit the ground, broken off, the roomful of people are scared of the match. Queen's heart is slightly jump, she was clearly not in love with the emperor harem kind of thing, and although harem concubines of you have calculated, but on the bright side children are also polite, even dead, who, that surface also are good-looking, and suddenly sudden, this kind of thing, though silly, but Zhao charging instrument now unconscious, it is sufficient to prove a serious matter. "Queen of the reasons it is I, your pet two points, wanted to talk about was actually pour poison ugly woman," Feng took the honor in the hands of high Dezhong handkerchief child, rubbing his thin hands and knees without looking Sun Yung Hua, "good Jealous malicious and harem woman can not tolerate this, Sun actually educated a good daughter, had you only deserve three feet of white silk, but remembered Sho charge meter without fear for their lives, they captured the title of concubines, relegated to the limbo wait Inside master it. " Gentlemen concubines after a cold heart, which do harem slave, it's harder than dead? And then inside, then outside the emperor went so far as Sun mentioned, actually go to Sun Ronghua since rights are gone. "The emperor, the emperor, not me, not me," Sun Ronghua listening to these words, the excited kneeling straight body, "is her own jump into, I did not push her! She framed me!" Sun Ronghua remark one, gentlemen concubines look different. Shu chaise slightly evoke the mouth, like a taunt looked like pity Sun Ronghua an excuse, this thing right or wrong is not important, it is important who is more favored, who coma. www.yawen8.com mention the Sun Ronghua itself is not clean. "Your implication is Sho charge instrument before you push down, then he jumped in myself?" Closure would like to sneer, "You're not flooded with water at first, but added Sho charge meter fainting, is indeed interesting. " Sun Yung Hua Zhang mouth, hesitated for a long time, finally seemed determined to speak out the truth when he suddenly heard a ladies room shouting woke master that kind of thing, this ladies she knew, was one of Sho charge meter around Grande Odalisque ʱ?? The emperor looked at all the attention falls on the bed of the man who, Sun Ronghua pale paralysis to sit down, as if to see their future doomed body trembled slightly, the site looks like fall in the eyes of others, the idea has been somewhat guilty conscience taste. The so-called bear a child sets the wolf vain, village network rouge this time choking some miserable, but when Sun Ronghua was brought in, she woke up, and this time do not Zheng Yanjing, some things will actually beautiful. "The emperor how come?" Zhuang network rouge voice hoarse, said such a sentence would cough up, his face did not understand the way. Feng honor hand patted her quilt covered, "Aifei awake? Heard you drowning, I would come to look at you." "concubine is not involved," Zhuang network rouge still speak some uncomfortable, we took a listen to the bamboo Hand throat moist after some honey, before continuing, "just the way you hear Sun Ronghua, I do not know how she immediately went to the water suddenly pushed concubine jump was frightened concubine, that Sun Ronghua what things too hard, they sleepwalk follow the jump, I did not realize what a pulled into the water there concubine's feet. I do not know how Sun Ronghua like it? " "She was quite right, something is you," seal and would like to look a bit soft, to hit a high Dezhong face, high Dezhong immediately back out. Queen Morohito network is no longer the village rouge would say such a thing, not a cent of these words in the Sun Ronghua framed her meaning, it touches really a mere accident. But this house how after so many accidents, not to mention Sun Ronghua even really what things too hard, that does not run to Hee and ectopic diving. Words, to put it touches very pretty, pretty enough for the emperor had her doubts that point will be turned into praise. "? Sun Ronghua how here," village network rouge seem only to see the house all like, you want to get up salute, the emperor pressed back, he looked after the Sun Ronghua one said: "Sun Ronghua trap you in the woods among nature punishable. " Chuang network rouge surprised a moment, then thought of something like a general, somewhat suddenly, and fearful, see Sun Ronghua eyes nor is so friendly and up. Even if the original pleading, but also all swallowed. No pretending goodness, nor been pretending ignorance, pour seem real. Originally I think Zhuang envelope popliteal deep effort will actually be counted on the meter Sun Ronghua computing task, this time to see the village rouge look of the envelope, actually figure out some rouge village envelope calculation is true or false is to be framed. Originally thought to hold to watch concubines who, suddenly a little disappointed, so much farce, the total of which some fun look, how it does so is not short of opening the salty? About as big as a stick of incense time in the past, the village has been restored network rouge look a lot, also said a few words before and after, they saw high Dezhong came, also followed behind a few eunuchs, just looking at his face is not very good. When the original look of the Queen has eased things to see tray holding a few eunuchs, and slightly surprised a moment, then immediately his face was downcast. Tray is not something else, just some surround tangled weeds and some messy rope, these things also with water, do not think they know is just out of the water fishing. "Qi Bing emperor, empress empress, I salvaged from the debris lotus pond." Miyazato lotus pond it was not separated for some time to take care of, it is to avoid too dead smelly water, or polluted water, the impact of master They watch interest, these weeds arbitrary justice that this is not some things, how would salvaged in the lotus pond. Just think of Zhao instrument charge he said he jumped into the water after being entangled in what foot, several concubines looking for a change, looking at Sun Ronghua eyes will be different. He said harem not so stupid trap method, the original Sun Ronghua do is double-edged sword, if she was the only one who fell into the water, then SHO charge instrument will end up pushing her into the water charges, if the village network rouge follow jump, uncertain drown, one touches less opponent, after all, she knew the location of plants arbitrary justice, Sho filling instrument really do not know. "That is interesting, when the lotus pond with these things," sneered would like to read letters kneeling Sun Ronghua glance, a touch of the opening, "but also stunned with what to do, put this Jianbi drag." " the emperor, the emperor, concubine is innocent, is ...... "Sun Ronghua would not finish, it was a few old aunts muzzled, dragged down, where can see decent master. Queen seeing this, got up and knelt in front of the emperor, "the emperor concubine harem poor management, please emperor punishment." Words, totally did not plead for Sun Ronghua meaning, is no mention of the relationship between two cousins. Closure would like to calm at her, slowly opening:. "At this point nothing to do with the Queen, do not blame" the Queen slightly relieved, just standing Shu Royal Qiaode clear, the emperor's eyes a little cold than usual ʱ?? As for the party, already tired of once again sleep in the past. Author has to say: Today, on behalf of the more, let me thank you for authors, she little time with the computer, the message has not read did not return to finish, let me thank all the kind readers and apologize. I want to thank you for your concern for her. [End of this chapter] (pro: fast direct access to the book through the Baidu search concubines Masafumi this occupation can, while you can filter pop ads yo!) Tips: Dear book club, we strongly recommend that you continue reading next time from this chapter (! Like the book, please click on the recommendation to other books to share with friends!)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Seen the emperor, queen." Sun Ronghua slumped on his knees, hee palace and the cold floor in the summer but also let her shudder. A slight rise's face to see the emperor, has yet to see is a hot cup of tea hit in her side, splashing water on the back of her hand, hot stinging her slightly trembling, I do not know how the original numbness turned into a endless fear.

This cup of tea is sealing wish just from the hands of the maid took over, the cup is not rare in China, but work is very delicate, hit the ground, cracked open, the room full of people are surprised a. My heart is a jump slightly

the queen,She knew the emperor does not love the harem this kind of thing, and ladies and gentlemen harem concubines although the scheming, but mingmian are also polite, even dead who, on the are also nice, downtown suddenly out of this thing, though stupid, but Zhao instrument now in a coma, was enough to prove something serious.

I reason with the queen, therefore, spoil you two, pour not had to unexpectedly is an ugly women, "seal like took the handkerchief in the hands of the Gao Dezhong, thin, rubbing his hands. See also don't see kneeling Sun Ronghua." jealous vicious, harem can not tolerate such a woman, Sun Jiadao is rearing a good daughter.Originally you are only the three feet of white silk, but read Zhao instrument without the worry of life, and then seize the concubines of the title, and banished to limbo wait inside master it. " After a cold heart you

concubines, the harem slaves, not harder than death? The emperor and the words actually also mentioned the sun, was for Sun Ronghua to have no right.

"the emperor, the emperor, not I, I am not." Sun Ronghua after hearing these words, the excited knelt upright, "she jumped in. I didn't push her! She framed me!"

Sun Ronghua remark, you look different concubines. Shu imperial concubine slightly up the corners of the mouth,Pity like mocking read excuse Sun Ronghua one eye, this thing who is right and who is wrong has not important the, important who is more favored, who is in a coma. Www.yawen8.com not to mention the Sun Ronghua itself is not clean. You

"implication is Zhao instrument to push you down the first charge, then myself jumped into it?" Wish you this letter sneer, "first launched not drowning, but Zhao coma filling instrument, is really interesting."

Sun Ronghuazhang mouths, hesitated for a long time, finally seems determined to tell the truth, suddenly heard house for a maid called master wakes up and the like, the maid she knew,Is one of the great ladies around Zhao filling instrument.

looked at the emperor attention all fall in the bed, Sun Ronghua pale complexion of the slumped down, as if their destined to see the future, the body slightly trembling, like this fall in the eyes of others, but the taste of a bit of a guilty conscience.

the so-called give children set a wolf, Luo Zhuang popliteal this time choking some miserable, just Sun Ronghua was brought in when she woke up, this time to open an eye, some things on the contrary. "The emperor

how come?" Luo Yan Zhuang hoarse, say he coughed, a face not to understand.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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