她望着苏落,笑意盎然,声音清悦,却对南宫流云道:“三师兄,苏姑娘受伤未愈,还是先放开她,让我来照顾吧。”  南宫流云星眸里蕴含着淡淡柔情,清 การแปล - 她望着苏落,笑意盎然,声音清悦,却对南宫流云道:“三师兄,苏姑娘受伤未愈,还是先放开她,让我来照顾吧。”  南宫流云星眸里蕴含着淡淡柔情,清 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
她望着苏落,笑意盎然,声音清悦,却对南宫流云道:“三师兄,苏姑娘受伤未愈,还是先放开她,让我来照顾吧。” 南宫流云星眸里蕴含着淡淡柔情,清明俊雅,温润和蔼,颔首道,“瑶瑶说的对,是本王太性急了。” 他话虽如此,但握住苏落的手却不松开,他的眸光泽透亮,透着阴冷的锋芒,带着绝世的邪气,勾起的红唇如同赤红的血色蔷薇,杀气甚浓。 瑶池仙子目光寒星地盯着对面那紧握在一起的手,缱绻迷离的美眸中有一抹寒光一闪而过。 她素净绝美的容颜绽放一抹浅笑:“对了,苏姑娘这一路上可有看到我那几位侍女?” 苏落笑望着她,眼底是毫不掩饰的嘲讽。 瑶池仙子这一招先发夺人用的可真妙,直接让自己处于两难境地。 若是她承认见过那几位侍女,那么,现在的她们在哪里?为什么不同苏落一起出现? 若是她不承认见过,那么,当有充足的证据证明那几位侍女是她所杀时候,到时候的她又如何自辩? 一句话,犹如将苏落架在火上烤,而做尽恶事的瑶池仙子却如悠闲地在边上饮茶观赏。 苏落心中暗生警惕,眼前这位瑶池仙子绝对不止容貌不凡,她的心计城府也绝非一般人可比,不然,南宫流云又怎么会如此信任她?对她非同一般? 据翠羽说,瑶池仙子一共派出四位侍女,前面三位都死在苏落面前,至于最后一位,应该就是射箭之人吧,也不知道她如何了…… 然而,还未等苏落回答。 忽然,一道黑袍身影出现在南宫面前,毕恭毕敬地禀报:“回主人,在不远处的山坳里找到一位嫌疑人,他身上背负着这张长弓。” 黑袍杀手垂眸而立,恭敬地双手捧着一张长弓递上。 那是一张做工精致的上品弯弓,弓上泛着淡淡的光泽,一看就价值不菲。 “押上来!”南宫流云浑身上下透着浓浓的威严,深眸怒气勃发,泛起妖邪般的光芒,整个人看起来诡异嗜血,凶残而冷冽。 待看到躺在地上双眸紧闭的时,苏落的眼眸微微一皱。 这个人竟然是刘维明。 怎么会是他?苏落似笑非笑地望向瑶池仙子,而对方则回以她一记浅淡而温婉的笑意。 似乎,追杀她这件事,瑶池仙子完全不知情,也根本没有做过。 “死了?”南宫流云一双冰眸则深邃嗜人,眼里透着浓浓杀意。 “是,找到的时候就已经是一具尸体。”黑袍人恭敬道。 南宫流云摸着长弓上面的痕迹,可以确定,凶手确实是用这张弓杀的人,但是…… “他的杀人动机是什么?”南宫流云整个人杀气腾腾,严肃而嗜血。 琴宁悄无声息地出现在瑶池仙子身边,她忽然插口道:“奴婢曾听柳姑娘说过,她们曾追杀过苏姑娘,苏姑娘,这是真的吗?” 言下之意,刘维明的杀人动机就只有苏落知道了?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
She looked at the Soviet Union fell, lively smile, sound Qing Yue, but then clouds Palace said:. "Three brothers, Su injured girl healed, or to let her go, let me take care of it," Shadows in the clouds xingmou contains a touch of tenderness, Qingming Junya, gentle and kind, nodded and said, "Yao Yao said, right, yes this Mrs Wong impatient." He said that, but hold off the Soviet Union did not release the hand, his eye luster translucent, reveals a cold edge, with peerless evil, brought back lips as crimson color rose, murderous very strong. Han Xing Yao Chi fairy eyes staring opposite the clasped hands, tempting blurred Meimou flashed a touch of coldness. Her beautiful face sober touch blooming smile: "? Yes, Sue girl this way may have seen a few of my maid," Sue smiled down at her, eyes are undisguised sarcasm. Jade Pool Fairy wins this trick starting with really wonderful, direct yourself in a dilemma. If she admits seen that several maid, then where are they now? Why appear together different Soviet fall? If she does not recognize seen, then, when there is sufficient evidence to prove that she killed several maid time to time, she and how self-defense? In short, like the Soviet Union landing gear on fire, and did all the evil fairy Jade Pool was as leisurely tea on the side watching. Su drop dark hearts precaution, definitely more than the front of the Jade Pool Fairy looks extraordinary, her scheming Ayutthaya also not generally comparable, otherwise, how would such a palace clouds trust her? Unusual for her? According to Cui Yu said, the Jade Pool Fairy maid sent a total of four in front of the three died before the Soviet Union fell, as the last one, it should be the archery person, she did not know how the ...... however, not so the Soviet fall Reply. Suddenly, a black robe appeared at the front of the palace, respectfully report it:. "Back to the owner, to find a suspect not far from the cove, this Longbow him saddled with" eye black robe hanging the killer standing respectfully hands holding a longbow handed. That is an exquisite top grade bow, glowing light sheen on the bow, one look valuable. "Risking come!" Palace clouds covered reveals a deep majesty, deep anger thrive eye, thrown Yaoxie like light, the people look strange bloodthirsty, cruel and cold. When to be seen lying on the ground eyes closed, the Soviet Union fell slightly wrinkled eyes. This man turned out to be Liu Weiming. How is he? Su nearest approach to look down the Jade Pool Fairy, while the other is back with a mind of her pale and gentle smile. It seems to kill her about it, Jade Pool Fairy completely unaware, or simply not done. "Dead?" Palace clouds one pair of deep ice eye is addicted people, eyes reveals a deep intention to kill. "Yes, it is already time to find a corpse." The man in black respectful. Palace above the clouds touched the longbow traces can be determined, the murderer really is this bow kill people, but ...... "What is his motive?" Palace murderous clouds the whole person, serious and bloodthirsty. Qin Ning quietly appeared in the Jade Pool Fairy side, she suddenly jack said: "? Slaves heard the girl Liu said, they had to kill the girl over the Soviet Union, Soviet girl, is this really" The implication, Liu Weiming The motive is only the Soviet Union fell know?

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
She looked at Sioux Falls, full of smile, the sound clear Yue, but of Nangong cloud way: "three elder brother, Su girl hurt is healed, or to let her go, let me take care of it."

Nangong Cloud Star Mou contains a hint of tenderness, Qingming handsome, gentle and kind, nodded, "Yao said, is the king of too impatient."

he though, but hold Su Luo hand don't release, his eyes shine bright, reveals a cold edge, with a supernatural evil, evoke lips like the color of the crimson rose, murderous look is very thick. Yoke Senko eyes staring at the stars. The opposite clasped hands,There is a lingering blurred with a flash and had beautiful eyes.

she plain beautiful appearance bloom a smile: "yes, this way can sue see my several maids?" Sue looked at her smile

falls, the fundus is undisguised sarcasm. Yoke Senko first took this trick. People can be really wonderful, let themselves in a dilemma. If

she admitted that the several met maid, so, where are they now? Why did the different Soviet Union come together?

if she did not admit seen, then when there is sufficient evidence to prove that the maid was killed by her when, when it comes to the she how to self - defense?

A word, like the Soviet Union fell on the fire roasted, and do the best thing of the Yoke Senko, such as leisurely in the side of the tea drinking.

Su Luo heart dark guard, in front of the Jade Pool fairy absolute more than appearance is uncommon, and her scheming shrewdness is no ordinary people can than, otherwise, Nangong clouds and how trust her so much? To her not the same general?

according to the kingfisher, Yoke Senko sent a total of four maid, in front of three died in Sioux Falls before, as the last one, should is archery person, also don't know how she... However, before the Su

, down answer. A

suddenly, black figure appeared in front of Nangong,Respectfully report: "back to the master, to find a suspect in the not far from the col, he who burdened with the Zhang longbow." Black

killer hang Mou respectfully standing, hands holding a bow handed.

that is a fine grade bow, bow suffused with light shine, look expensive.

"bet!" Nangong cloud covered through a thick dignity and deep Mou rage thrives, Yaoxie thrown like light, the people looked strange bloodthirsty, brutal and chilly.

be seen lying on the ground when the eyes closed, eyes slightly Yizhou Su falls. This man is Liu Weiming.

How could it be him? Sue Yoke Senko looked at a faint smile on one's face fall back to her, while the other is a pale and gentle smile.

seems to kill her, this thing, Yoke Senko is completely unaware of, is not done.

"dead?" Nangong is a pair of ice cloud eyes deep addicted eyes, thick kill italy. "Yes,

when it has found a corpse." The man in black polite way. Nangong clouds above the longbow

touched traces, can be determined, the murderer did use this bow kill, but...... What is his motive

"?" Nangong clouds all serious and have plenty of fight in sb., bloodthirsty.

Qin Ning quietly appeared in the side of the Yoke Senko, she suddenly socket: "slaves heard Liu girl said, they had to kill over Miss Su, Su girl, this is true??" The motive of

, Liu Weiming only know Sue falls?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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