没有钱的爱情能爱多久我的女友很优秀,很出色,她的优秀让我对所有感情的诱惑都不屑一顾,我们深深地倾情于对方,在校园那段美丽而又浪漫的日子里,我 การแปล - 没有钱的爱情能爱多久我的女友很优秀,很出色,她的优秀让我对所有感情的诱惑都不屑一顾,我们深深地倾情于对方,在校园那段美丽而又浪漫的日子里,我 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด
























当初,为了你我留了下来,如今,为了你我要离开,我的背包里装满了让人心醉的回忆,也许有一天我还会回来,因为我爱你。没有你,我的生命便没有色彩,可是现在让我走吧,那样你会轻松一点,我们都会轻松一点,好吗? 照顾好自己。

“是啊!没有钱,我们还能爱多久?” 在她走后,我反复地吟念这句让人心酸的台词,眼泪再次无声地滑落……
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Love without money or how long it willMy girlfriend is very good, very good, her excellent shrugged off the temptation to let my feelings for all, we deeply love to each other, a beautiful and romantic days on campus, we are surrounded by the eye and envy. Like my girl had a borderline angry that our love is not forever, she made a face at her, saying that we are the happiest couple. Time at school to be happy and handsome, almost every time we're all holding hands together at night, no matter how cold and hot weather we will change with time in the other quarters downstairs waiting. Day she cool for me to learn how to knit scarves, result hand punctured, for which I'm showing off a lot of happier days. We went to the dining hall food, watch movies, go shopping, all the time together that we are not to be missed. I love to play table tennis when she was around carrying clothes to cheer me like, remembered her sitting in my old bike back gently to rely on feel, I stole the roses in the garden for her, for her and others to play football, kick my glasses were broken. That day was the happiest day of my life. After graduation, we wanted to get together, she and her family are falls out, they say we are not happy, but it doesn't even matter, no one can stop us. 可是,我们从搬进租来房子的第一天起,就默不作声坐了半天,因为我们第一次知道了什么都没有的滋味。她的父母是高级知识分子,她是他们唯一的女儿。我的父母虽是普通职员,但我自小就寄养在外婆家,衣来伸手,饭来张口的待遇一去不复返,好在我们是相爱的,我们是真心的,于是相视着笑了,拍拍手,开始了新的生活。 社会给我们上了生动的一课。我们真正知道了有学历找工作也并非那么事随人愿。从起初的高不成低不就惭惭变成能挣钱的都干,体会了生活的艰辛,领教了现实的残酷,然而我们很开心,因为我们能在一起。 第一个月发工资我给她买了条围巾,买了份烤鸡和饺子,她却哭了,像个委屈的孩子在我怀里泣不成声,我的心酸透了,那一刻,我很难过。 在寒冬的夜里,我们围着电暖器取暖,她作出忆苦思甜状靠在我的肩头,她美丽的大眼睛里的那种眼神让我感觉很忧伤,我伏在她耳边说一定要让她过上好日子,我们一定会像从前那样让人羡慕的。她说能相爱已经是很幸福的事情了,我们还奢求什么呢?只要你能留在我的身边,只要我们永远都能这样相偎着互相取暖,只要你发工资还能记得给我买烤鸡和饺子,我就是世上最幸福的女人,再说那些有钱人未必会像我们这样相亲相爱。记住,我们是最幸福的一对,无论发生什么事情我都不要你离开我! Her words made my mind a hot, tight around her, I couldn't let her see my tears, because she liked the strong boy. I was thinking again and again telling myself to work hard, we once again vows that night, that night we dream of the future, not abandon that night we meet in life. I thought our love was vigorous enough, I think we have enough to make moving heaven and Earth. But at night the landlady was urging us to rent our happiness touched her, but her eyes were more of sympathy and doubtful. We are poor at a time when they can't help that romantic time in school, we were not happy just walking on the footpath in the charming campus in hand just fine. On Christmas eve of that year, I ran all the boutiques of the city to find her favorite music box he had been, at that time, she loves to give me the story of the Prince and Princess, when my skin is even skinned piece of leather that she will love to tears. But now, I can give her happiness only when paid to buy a plate of roast chicken and dumplings. Even though life becomes increasingly better, but this so-called progress compared with previous shabby. We have had a steady job, save some money, but at the moment we are talking about most is how to buy a House, dreamed that one day we can have our beautiful cars. She said she took a fancy to a Pierre Cardin suit for me, she said she would cast me as a perfect man. But I know that every time, when passing the beauty shop she was sad, when I saw her beautiful face sadly from lack of maintenance when I suddenly felt myself in this society's small, but he can only gave a wry smile. So that day I spend 600 bucks to get her the beauty of things, she's as happy as a kid and jumped, this day, the only thing I can do is perhaps only a sigh relief now! I went to her Office's brokerage firm, some beautiful woman who carried Italy leather handbags and wearing thousands of dollars of suits. I also went to her colleague's home, these beautiful houses with large screen rear-projection TV, can bury an entire people, comfortable sofas, romantic lighting, red wine, even a rare dog. Hostess shows off her brand-name socks and her valuable jewellery. All this, just because they are looking for a rich husband, facing a roomful of fashion, I secretly blushed. They were happy to talk about a latest imported blockbuster, and I thought of his girlfriend in a vegetable market in order to enjoy bargaining power two cents and a penny of, others say such a beautiful girl and so stingy she grovels. Remember the day she secretly tears in the mirror because she had a slender, delicate hands for laundry and become pale, because ... ... but, I don't know how many because to recite, but I know all this, just because we don't have to lead a life like the one at home, because we don't have the money. I take a glance at his girlfriend, her cheeks red and after a while she got something to leave, I know she's there for me, and I will also remember, that night, we couldn't sleep. From then on she was happy but not happy with the girl, she, like me, work very hard, fight in the real society, looked at her once innocent and now filled with tired faces, looking at her so as not to hurt my feelings and strong self smiling faces, I'm heartbroken. So I go out to make money, like cattle farming stopped, pulled our feelings go. There is hope for our cause, because we've got talent, because we worked hard, but it is a long process. Life is better now, but we all know that circle in our work, we are still as lower-middle peasants. One night, she left, leaving behind a letter breaks my heart but there was nothing, she said, baby, I love you very much, you know, I love you very much! For you, I don't care. For you, I can not hesitate to sacrifice myself, you're my whole life, my happiness. It is because of this love I decided to leave you, I will leave all the tears in this room, and I put all my friendship is engraved in my heart, but I could not bear to look at you in order to make my day better and don't work so hard, I can't bear to see you fading under the pressure weight, you know? Every time you sneak a drink back, my heart is in pain! I am helpless, we're helpless, because I don't know, but no money, how long can we love? At first, I stayed on for you, now, for you, I'm leaving, my backpack is full of memories of fascinated people, maybe one day I will come back, because I love you. Without you, my life will not have color, but now let me go, so you it'd be easier, we will relax a little, OK? Take care of yourself. "Yes! No money, how can we love? "When she's gone, I repeatedly chant to this poignant line, tears falling silently again ... ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
No money, how long can love love my girlfriend very good, very good, the best in her made ​​me temptation all the feelings are dismissed, we are deeply portrait on the other side, that part of the campus beautiful and romantic days around us are all envious eyes. I had a girl like gas Bottled say our love will not be forever, his girlfriend at her and made ​​a face, that we are the happiest couple. Time flies fun at school but chic, almost every time we are holding hands to go on the study, regardless of the weather hot and then cold then we will change with time in each other's dormitory downstairs to wait. Cold weather, when she was to me to learn woven scarves, hand the results were punctured, and this, I was happy to show off for several days. We went to the cafeteria Dafan, watching movies together, shopping together, we can be together all the time we did not miss. I liked when she was carrying at the next table tennis clothes cheering for me the way, miss her sitting on my old bicycle lightly rely feeling back, I stole over her rose garden, as she and others play football game The results I was kicked glasses broken. In those days of my life the happiest day. After graduation, we have to be together, she and her family have had a falling out, they said we will not be happy, but that simply does not help, no one can stop us. However, we moved into a rented house from the first day, I sat in silence for a long time, because the first time we did not know what the taste. Her parents are intellectuals, she was their only daughter. Although my parents are ordinary staff, but I was brought up in foster grandmother, clothing to hand out food to mouth treatment gone, but fortunately we are in love, we are sincere, then phase as a laugh up, clap your hands, start a new life. Society has given us a vivid lesson. We know that there really is not looking for work qualifications so do people's wishes. From the beginning of underachievement Cancan become able to make money are doing, experience the hardships of life, to experience the cruel reality, but we are very happy, because we can be together. The first month wages I bought her a scarf, bought copies of chicken and dumplings, she was crying, like a wronged child crying in my arms, my sad enough, that moment, I'm sorry . In the cold winter night, we warm around the heater, she made ​​Yikusitian like on my shoulder, her beautiful big eyes kind eyes made ​​me feel very sad, I lay in her ear that we must let her live a good life, we will as usual enviable. She said that love can be a very happy thing already, and we still want it? As long as you can stay on my side, so long as we are always able to keep each other warm this way to come forward, as long as you can remember wages to buy me a chicken and dumplings, I was the happiest woman in the world, not to say that the rich I would like us to love each other. Remember, we are the happiest couple, no matter what happens I do not want you to leave me! Her words made ​​my heart a hot, tightly hugged her, I can not let her see my tears, because she likes strong boy. I told myself over and over again in my heart to work, that night we again eachother, that night we had a vision to the future, that night we meet life stubbornly persists. I think our love vigorous enough, and I think our situation is enough to make heaven and earth moving out. May at night, the landlady urging us to pay the rent, we are very happy she moved, but her eyes more sympathy and suspicion. Every time when we were very poor can not help but talk about romantic time in school, then we are not happy simply charming campus in hand goes a small way on the right. Christmas Eve of that year, I traveled to all the city's boutiques have long to find her favorite music box, then told me she loved the story of the prince and princess, then rub my skin even if she broke a piece of skin I am distressed tears. But now, I can give her happiness only in wages only willing to buy a chicken and dumplings. Although life slowly get better, but this so-called progress is relative to the previous shabby. Gradually we have had a steady job, but also save some money, but since then we talk about most is how to buy a house, we hope that maybe one day have their own beautiful private cars. She said she gave me a fancy set Pierre Cardin suit, she said she'd fight me a perfect man. I know that every passing beauty shop when she is very sad, when I see her beautiful face due to lack of maintenance and some sadness when I suddenly felt his insignificance in this society, but only You can smile. So that day I spent six hundred bucks to buy her a point of cosmetic stuff, so she jumped up and down for joy like a child, a scene that I can do it may only be a heavy sigh! I went to her inaugural brokerage firm, beautiful women who are not carrying Italian leather bags, wearing a thousand dollars suit. I also went to the home of her colleagues, those beautiful houses with large screen projection TVs, with the whole person can be buried in the comfortable sofas, romantic lighting, red wine, even possessor of precious dog. Hostess showing off her socks and her brand value of expensive jewelry. All this, just because they are looking for a rich husband, facing a roomful of fashion, I secretly blushed. They happily talking about the introduction of a latest blockbuster, but I think his girlfriend in the markets for a bargain hair two cents and appearance, others say such a beautiful girl also so stingy when she shame. I remember one day she looked in the mirror secretly tears, but because of her delicate hands and slender and pale because of the laundry, because ...... I do not know how much can be cited as a, but I know all of this, just because we have not been able to live that kind of life like at home, because we had no money. I saw a girl, she Shuangsai bright red, after a child she made ​​something first to leave, I knew she was there for me, and I clearly remember that night, we all sleep. From then on she became happy, but unhappy girl, she, like me, work hard, work hard in the real society, looking at her once innocent and pure now filled with tired face, looking at her to let me sad and strong self smiling face, my heart is broken. So I tried to make money, like cattle Qin Geng stopped working, he took our feelings forward. Our business is promising because we have talent, because we worked very hard, but the success is a long process. We are living a better life, but we all know that the circle of our work, we are still poor peasant. One night, she was gone, leaving a broke my heart and helpless letter, she said: darling children, I love you, you know, I love you! To you, I can despite everything. To you, I can not hesitate to sacrifice yourself, you are everything to me, it is my happiness. It is because of this love can only make me decide to leave you, I will be all the tears are left in this room, I have all the feelings are engraved in the heart, but I can not bear to look at you to let me getting it does not work terribly, I could not bear to see you wasting days ashamed under pressure, you know? Every time you drink secretly back, my heart is in really hurt! I am helpless, we are helpless, because I do not know, no money, we can love long? At first, I stayed for you, now, for you and me to leave my backpack full of people enchanted memories, maybe one day I will come back, because I love you. Without you, my life would not have color, but now let me go, so you can take it easy, we will ease a bit, okay? Take care of yourself. "Yes ah! No money, how long can we love?" In her left, I read the phrase repeatedly recite lines people sad, tears falling silently again ......

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
No money, love can love how long

my girlfriend is very good, very good, her good let me the temptation to all of the feelings are shrugged it off, we deeply leans the sentiment to each other, in the campus that beautiful and romantic day, are all around us envious eyes. It has a like my girl is angry to say our love is not forever, she washed his girlfriend made a face, that we were the happiest.

in the school time to have fun and handsome, almost every time we are arm in arm and go to evening classes, no cold and hot weather we will change the time in each dormitory downstairs waiting.When I learn to weave a scarf for her, the hands are punctured, therefore, I am happy to show off a lot of day.

we go to the canteen, watching movies, shopping together, all the time to be together, we are not to be missed. I like playing table tennis when she beside carrying clothes to cheer me on the way, miss she sat in the back of my old bike gently rely on feeling, I she stole the roses in the garden, she and others play football. The results of my glasses kicked broken. Those days were the happiest of my life.

after graduation, we can be together, she and her family had a falling out,They say we won't be happy, but it can be of no avail, no one can stop us.

but we moved into a rented house on the first day from the day, silent sit for a long time, because the first time we know what all have no taste. Her parents are intellectuals, she is their only daughter. My parents, although that is the ordinary staff, but I had a childhood foster at my grandma's home, clothing to hand, foot treatment gone. Fortunately, we are to love each other, we are sincere, then smiled a smile, clap your hands, began a new life.

society gave us a vivid lesson.We really know the job is not so with people willing to do. From the first gaobucheng low not ashamed ashamed into money is dry, the experience of the hardships of life, to experience the cruel reality. However, we are very happy. Because we can be together.

the first month of wages I give her bought a scarf, buy a roast chicken and dumplings, she was crying, like a wronged child in my arms crying, my sadness awful, that moment, I am very sad.

in the winter night, we around the heating heater, she made Yikusitian like on my shoulder, her beautiful big eyes that look let me feel very sad.I fell on her ear that must let her live a good life, we would like the envy of people. She said that to love is a very happy thing, we also ask what? As long as you can stay with me, as long as we can always then clung to keep each other warm, as long as pay you can remember to buy me a roast chicken and dumplings, I was the happiest woman, say those rich people may not like we love each other. Remember, we are the happiest couple, no matter what happens I don't want you to leave me!

her words made my heart a hot, tightly hold her,I can't let her see my tears, because she loves strong boy. I over and over again in his heart told myself to hard work, the night of our vows of eternal love again, that night we dream of the future, that night we meet a lifetime buchibuqi.

I think our love can with vigour and vitality, I think our love moved heaven and earth to make. But on that night, the landlady urge us to pay the rent, our happiness is let she touched, but she eyes more is the pity and doubt. When

every time we are very poor to be overcome by one's feelings speaking of the romantic in school time,When we are not happy just in the charming campus road walk hand in hand a right. The Christmas Eve that year, I traveled to the city all the fine house to find her love for a long time the music box, then her favorite told me the story of the prince and princess, then my skin even scraped a piece of skin and she will love dearly to tears.

but now, I can give her happiness just in wages are willing to buy a Roast Chicken and dumplings.

although life slowly better, but this so-called progress is only relative to the previous. We gradually have a stable job, also save some money,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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