四百九十五章 breathless2013-10-06 08:00:00 下了楼,直奔女生公寓,远远的路灯下,林婉儿、东城月已经站在那里了, การแปล - 四百九十五章 breathless2013-10-06 08:00:00 下了楼,直奔女生公寓,远远的路灯下,林婉儿、东城月已经站在那里了, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

四百九十五章 breathless2013-10-06 08:00:0

四百九十五章 breathless
2013-10-06 08:00:00































































you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

you're everything good in my life 你就是我生命里的真谛

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

i still can't believe that you're mine 我仍不敢相信已拥有你


















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter 495-breathless2013-10-06 08:00:00 Down the stairs, went straight to the girls apartment, street, Lin Waner, Dongcheng months had stood there, clothes were woolen cloth coat + skirt, looking pure and two suyanxiaomei women do look pleasing, I went straight to the parking lot, A4 and soon came downstairs, two MM on the bus, go to our destination for today. Dinner was Hunan style porch, has set the boxes, and is one of the 15 large tables, does not know who but few of us. After more than 10 minutes into the Hunan style porch on the second floor of the box, when I opened the door and immediately hear the Matcha MM sweet laughter: "boss, you're finally here! ” I was dumbfounded, in addition to killing the Dragon Studio 4 people, if the rain, the King will be there in two, and there are two other don't know MM and a boy of about 20 years. "......" I was stunned. Lin Waner, Dongcheng months followed in, Dong Cheng Lei immediately stepped forward with a smile: "the Moon, here you are at last! ” "Cock! ” East side monthly smile went to the East side of mine and sat down beside holding the East and Lei Chin looked at, frowned: "brother, what happened to your face hurts? Deep wound...... " Dong Cheng Lei Han Han a smile: "yesterday's awe-inspiring and accidentally shoot iron bar, hit the face......" 我:“……” East side monthly silent: "after careful, you know? ” East mines: "well, see, I will. ” Song Han stood up and said, "happy brother sit here and tell you about it? Oh no, not introduced, you know, you can look at three key members of our long recognized! ” Lin Waner gave me a push, said with smile: "go, leader! ” I staggered to the front of Song Han, a MM stood next to him, some formal, bow bow smiled at me: "boss, know who I am? ” I read it carefully, her brow reveals a young and naïve, he smiled: "Moon feathers! ” She laughed: "boss was amazing, I change the appearance of 10% is also able to recognize! ” Then another MM stand up, sweet smile: "boss, which one do you think I am? In fact ... ... I was small dance well, without looking at it? ” I laid eyes on her chest shirt raised degree, smiled: "come on, little chest at least 36C dance, your most B+, Tang Xin you, right? ” Don MM big mouth: "I, the eldest wise, rely on chest can recognize people, this is SSS skill level? ” I laughed: "hum, you enough! ” At this time, Tang Xin around a guy stood up, smiled at me and some green: "happy, can you recognize me? ” I explain away, saying: "Star blade, right? ” "Amazing! ” Stars edged smiled: "worthy of our boss, parade of Kung Fu is good. ” I nodded smiling, hands said, "not at all, sit down and talk, by the way, did you guys not in the provinces? How to have time to go to Hangzhou? ” Tang Xin: "Moon feathers that wants to get together in Hangzhou, a photo with the boss, so I bought the air ticket to come over in the morning, the stars edged heard of Hangzhou, we would like to see long Studio masters, so I just came by to see, he didn't, and is said to be very rich look at hand......" Month Ling said, "is said to be the star's father said of his living expenses each month is 100W......" I stare: "local tyrants, we be friends okay?! ” Stars edge but smiled: "boss and you mock me, things that are not, that is just a dad to my venture capital, but I don't know what you're doing me a favour, so has invested a lot in the game......" I nod and smile: "Hmm, gathering is the edge, sits down to chat again! ” "Okay!" ” …… Soon, the food. Wang Jiang, and if rain two a people sat in with, King will in quietly said with what, make have if rain also show has trace smile, in Qin Meng died zhihou, Qin Yu actually has been into grief among, so more days passed, can has King will accompany in she side also let people rather pleased, after all we are can see have out, King will this boy is really like if rain, or also not such not away from not abandoned accompany with she in Hangzhou had has so more days. Beer, red wine, and then I stood up, raised his glass and said to us: "I respect everybody the first glass of wine! ” They have promised to stand up. Box in exception quiet, everyone are quietly of see with I, I wants to has wants to, long laughed: "said truth, purple magic forest a war, here of members except I hewan son, and East should are off has 10 level, asked sword combat we cut Dragon of purpose has reached has, and this all are is I along the due to, let everyone suffered such of loss, is I Lee unfettered was revenge dazzled has head, in that moment I no do a wise of leader the do of things, so today, I with this cup wine to everyone apologized, martyrs ' camp of people no in here, I can respect them a drink, you are all my Li xiaoyao's brothers and sisters, violet magic forest battle, I feel ashamed of you! ” With that, I look up and drank a glass of white wine. Wipe tea bite with red lip, silently road: "boss, actually purple magic forest a war really of cannot blame you, because edge, and gates those Guild of people are has rushed into has purple magic forest, we in that moment is absolute advantage, if you too too discreet and command cut Dragon all in purple magic forest outside standby, so edge, and gates, Guild all was ambush out off, bahuang city of people will how view we cut Dragon? All players will think of us? So I think, purple magic forest battle, we have to die, in a level 10 for Dragon, 10 class in Exchange for the respect of allies and opponents, isn't it? ” Ran Min laughed: "I don't talk, but green tea these words when it comes to my heart, Lee boy, we trust you will let you be the leader, without remorse, if even you cannot as a long chain of command, and who is qualified? ” Matcha chuckled: "anyway, I think my ability is not enough......" King will teether road: "actually purple magic forest a war, asked sword does has is tricks has, backlash God arrows, this arrows Crossbow of features is toxic vine traction, and purple magic forest of trees tall and while they be folden together, that formed has backlash God arrows of HIV vine tight in two tree tree Zhijian, makes we of people cannot move, or lethality will big discount, up killed we 1000 people and not 4000 people, leader, purple magic forest a war no people complained you, we trust you, this is forever not change, those complained you of people, Was I and Wang Jian had...... " "I'm going to......" Lin Waner almost sprayed. I nodded: "still want to thank you, thank you ... ..." …… More than an hour, eating and drinking, a group of people drunk go to KTV across the street, this is a pretty upscale KTV, a group of people to a large box, then go in to sing. I sat in the corner, holding a bottle of beer, Bang Bang Bang filling his these days either in game or reality was too much pressure, for once, I have relaxed moments. Song Han, green tea in the Duet "because of love", next to the old k booing, Wang Jiang, rain, who laughed up into a ball. “哗……” I stood up, carrying a bottle of beer stood in the doorway, quietly against the wall, listening to everyone's laughter, but also out of watching people tick, and must protect the Lin Waner's security, it's what I do, but not in a moment of happiness and forget them. "Rustling......" Under the Dim light, Lin Waner holding a bottle of beer came, blurred light lit her face even more stunning, she looked at me smiling: "what's the pig, not happy? ” I shook his head: "no, no, very happy. ” "Then why don't you sing? ” "I have no ear for......" "Well ... ..." Lin Waner reached out and held my hand, warm feeling came, her shallow laughed: "not one boring, and I sing a song for you, OK? ” I can't help but smile: "well, our Lady is finally willing to sing? Time's heart? ” "No, I sang a song in English for you, OK? ” "Well, well......" My soft voice, Lin Waner beautiful eyes glinting in the affection I can understand, although we did not say anything, but all care about each other, and that's enough. …… Lin Waner stepped forward, a song, and I sat next to song, mouthful of drinking beer, Lin Waner a pair of eyes looking at me, picked up the receiver, with the sound of music sings a Breathless, sweet voice echoed in the box – You leave me breathless you I can't breathe You're everything good in my life you are the true meaning of my life You leave me breathless you I can't breathe I still can't believe that you're mine I still can't believe that got you …… My English is not too bad, can understand, and this song has English translation. Lin Waner face red red of see with I, a double beautiful of eyes has been gaze with, fundamental on no see screen, on so sing with a sentence sentence moving of melody, she when sing time of heart of Foundation also in, mildly and soft, I stay stay of sat in table Shang, see have almost stay has, hand in of wine bottle falls in there, see with Lin Waner, heart suddenly think good moved, but a thought she of identity, again thought I of identity, more thought I yihou to face of all, I know, I cannot accompany she go to last. Nose-acid, I turned to dare not to look at her. Lin Waner stepped forward, will face on my chest, and then turned and said: "I go to the bathroom......" And I dismay, looking at her, feeling his chest by her tears soaked a shirt ... ... …… About half a minute, Lin Waner didn't come back, I felt both uneasy, he straightened his clothes out of the box. Bathroom is shared by men and women, had just walked in and heard a familiar voice coming from the other side of the bathroom-- "If it rains, from see you first, I loved you, I love you ... ... I'm not talking, I don't know what to say, but I want to be with you, really ... ... " Is the King of voice, good boy, with rain in the WC MM depressed? Rustle of footsteps coming, it seems if the rain is coming, no, can't break somebody else is so warm to say the site, next to the eye sweeps, there is a door ajar, and I quickly pull in, but pulled the door open and instantly have a delicate soft frame jammed into his arms, Lin Waner, she leaned against the glass listened quietly. This guy is listening! I stare: "I go to, you have been gossip, right?! ” Lin Waner red in the face: "you don't feel the same ... ... Also, and I'm listening to, not the gossip! ” "Do you still make sense ... ..." I hissed loudly: "we be quiet ... ... Don't fight people say...... " "Hmm......" So, two people quietly hiding together in the same room "listen" to a King if the rain will be vindicated, at this moment, Deputy leader of the long soul of gossip has been thoroughly revived.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Four hundred ninety five chapters breathless
2013-10-06 08:00:00
downstairs, straight girls apartment, far under lights, Ms Lin, Dongcheng month already standing there, are woolen jacket + Skirt clothes, looks innocent, but two small beauty makeup really looks pleasing, I went straight to the parking lot, A4 start immediately went downstairs, two MM on the train, go to our destination for today. Dinner place is Gordon Spice, we have set a good box, and was a large table of 15 people, in addition to several of us do not know who else. Ten minutes into the second floor of Gordon Spice box, when I opened the door immediately when I heard the sweet green tea MM laughter: "Boss, you finally came!" I surprised a moment, in addition to slaying the dragon studio four people outside, if the rain, the two people are the king, and there are two boys and MM do not know about a 20-year-old up and down. "This ......" I look in amazement. Ms Lin, Dongcheng month with the room, smiled and stepped forward Extremadura Upper East Side: "! May children, you finally come" ! "Brother" walked smiling Dongcheng Dongcheng month sat down beside mine, and then holding the East mine chin looked, frowning: "brother, your face is how injured several deep wounds ......?" Ray East Han Han smile: "yesterday boxing when accidentally hit collapse iron bar, hit the face ...... " me:" ...... " Dongcheng month speechless:" after careful, you know? " Ray East:." ah, you know it, I will, " Han Song stood up and said:" Happy brother sit here, ? introduce to you about it, oh no, can not introduce you to know about yourself, see if you can cut our three main members of the dragon recognize them! " Ms Lin pushed me, smiled and said:" go, ! chief adults " I stagger what went before Song cold body, a MM stand up next to him, a little stiff, I bow red bow smile:"? boss, know who I am Well, " I carefully identify a moment, her brow reveals a tender and innocent, he smiled: "May Ling!" she laughed: "! boss was amazing, I changed 10% actually also looks to recognize" another MM and then stood up, sweet smile: "boss, what do you think I was just really ...... in fact I'm a small dance Oh, did not see come??" my eyes swept the degree of T-shirts raised her chest and smiled: "come on, small dance chest at least 36C, you will most B + only, you are right Tang heart? " Tang heart MM Queen mouth:" I went to the boss brilliant, can recognize people by the chest, which is SSS level ? skills it, " I laughed:" Hmmm, you enough! " At this time, a guy stood up beside Tang heart, some Sentimental smile at me:" Happy brother, recognize me "? I differentiate a moment and said: "? Blade stars, right" ! "severe" Star Blade laughed: "worthy is our boss, the parade of effort or bad." I nodded and smiled, his hands a saying: "do not all polite, sit down and talk it, yes, you guys in the provinces do not have time to go Hangzhou, how come "?? Don heart:" May Ling said Hangzhou wanted to get together, with the boss a photo, so I bought the morning flight over, we wanted to hear edge stars Hangzhou see the studio master who cut the dragon, so it just came to see, and he no classes today, and is said to look like a lot of money in hand ...... " month Ling said: "It is said that the stars of the father to his monthly living expenses are 100W to say ......" I stare and said: "?! Tyrant, we really Well friends" Blade stars helpless smile: "boss you teasing me, none of these things, it was my father's only venture capital, but unfortunately I do not know what to do merciful, so put a lot into the game ...... " I nodded and smiled:" Er er, together is the edge, sat Talk to you next! " " good! " ...... soon began serving the. Wang will, if the rain two people sitting together, the king will quietly saying something, amused if the rain also showing a hint of a smile, after Qin Meng dead, Qin rain actually been caught in grief, so many days have passed, to have Wang will stand by her side also makes quite pleased, after all, we can see that this guy is a king if the rain really like, otherwise it will not be so stubbornly persists with her ​​after so many days in Hangzhou. Beer, wine, a variety of wine poured on, and then I stood up, raised his glass, facing us and said: "I came to respect you first cup bar!" People have to stand up cup. Boxes unusually quiet, everyone looked at me quietly, I thought, long laughed: "To be honest, I'm a purple magic war, everyone here except me and Ms, Dongcheng should have lost 10, asked we cut the dragon sword against objective has been reached, and it was all due to me to the effect, so that we suffered such a loss, I was blinded by revenge Li Xiao Yao, at that moment I did not do a wise chief the thing to do, so today, I used this wine to apologize, Valiant camp were not there, and I respect them a cup of distant, you are my brothers and sisters Li Xiao Yao, Lin purple magic war, I ashamed to you! " Then, I drank a glass of white wine looking upward. Matcha biting his lips, quietly said: "Boss, I'm actually a purple magic battle really can not blame you, because the edge, those under siege guild who have rushed into the purple magic forest, we are at that moment of absolute advantage, If you cut too discreet ordered everyone in purple dragon magic outside the forest stand, the edge, the entire line will be under siege and other ambush exterminate, history and a glorious city people will look at how we cut the dragon? world players will look at how we? so I think I'm a purple magic war, we must die, with 10 in exchange for the Dragon, with 10 allies and opponents in exchange for respect, is not it? " Ran Min laughed:" I do not speak, but Matcha these words on the sentence comes to my heart, Li Xiaozai, we trust you will let you when the chief, without remorse, even if you can not serve as commander slaying the dragon, who can be competent? " Matcha chuckle: "anyway, I am conscious of my ability is not enough ......" King of teeth and said: "actually I'm a purple magic war, asked the sword has indeed considered tricks, and punish sky, this feature is the crossbow arrow poisonous vine traction, and purple magic forest trees tall and motley, so that the formation of a poison ivy punish sky tight between two trees, so that our people can not move, otherwise it will be greatly reduced lethality up to kill us 1000 instead of 4000, the chief purple magic'm a war no one blame you, we trust you, it will never change, those who blame you, I have been kicked and Wang Jian ...... " " I'll go ... ... "Ms Lin almost laugh spray. I nodded: "still want to thank you, thank you ......" ...... more than an hour, satiate, destined for a group of people tipsy state across the road KTV, which is a pretty high-end KTV, a group of people to a big box, and then go sing. I sat in a corner, holding a bottle of beer, rattle rattle rattle filling their own, these days, whether the game or reality where the pressure is too great, so I have a rare relaxing moments. Song Han, green tea in duet "because of love", next to the old K booing the king, if the rain and others laughed together. "Wow ......" I gently stood up, carrying a bottle of beer standing in the doorway, quietly leaning against the wall, listening to everyone's laughter, but also people outside watching every move, must protect Ms Lin's security, it is my duty, can not because of momentary joy and forget. "Rustle ......" dim lighting, Ms Lin came over holding a bottle of beer, blurred light lit up her face more exquisite beauty, her smiling at me: "how is it阿猪not happy?" I shook my head:. "no, ah, very happy ' ?" then you do not how to sing " " I carry a tune ...... " " Well ...... "Ms Lin hand holding my hand, warm feeling came, she shallow laughed: "Do a person keep our noses, come, I sing a song to you, okay?" I could not help but smile: "?? well, Missy finally willing to open our heart to sing what of time" "Do not worry, I sing an English brother to you, okay?" "ah, well ......" I dough should be a sound, Ms Lin beautiful eyes blazing affection I can read, although we are did not say anything, but know each other hearts are in care about each other, it was enough. ...... Ms Lin stepped forward, point a song, and I sat next to VOD platform, a mouthful of beer drinking, Ms Lin pair of beautiful eyes looked at me, picked up the phone, along with the music sang Breathless , sweet voice echoed in the box - you leave you breathless me I can not breathe you're everything good in my life you're my life essence you leave me breathless I can not let you breathe i still can not believe that you're mine, I still can not believe that you ...... my English is not too bad actually, almost able to understand, and this song has a Chinese translation. Ms Lin red face looked at me, a pair of beautiful eyes have been staring, simply do not see the screen, you then sang a sentence melody, she then sang the heart of the foundation is still time, melody and soft, I stayed stay sitting on the table, to see almost spent, he falls in the hands of the bottle there, watching Ms Lin, heart suddenly felt touched, but the thought of her identity, and then think of my identity, but I think later all have to face, I know, I can not accompany her to the end. Nose acid, turned away I could not help but afraid to look at her. Ms Lin stepped forward, will face attached to my chest, then he turned and said: "I go to the bathroom ......" I looked at her dismay, but it felt like her chest shirt was wet with tears a piece ...... ...... about half a minute, Ms Lin did not come back, I was a bit nervous, he tidied the clothes out of the box. Toilets are unisex, just went in the bathroom to hear the other side came a familiar voice - "if the rain from the first face you see, I like you, I do not love you ...... talking, I do not know how to express, but I wanna be with you, really ...... " is the king of the sound, big guy, with the WC in if the rain MM declare it? The rustle of footsteps came, it seems is if the rain came, no, not destroy other people's confession scene so sweet, eyes swept away next to a door ajar, I hurried into the room sliding door, but opened the door Jiaoruan moment there is a body to squeeze into his arms, it was Ms Lin, she leaned against the glass quietly listening. This guy overheard! I stare and said: "I go, you are too nosy, right?!" Ms Lin red face: "! Do not you too ...... and, and I was listening, not gossip." "You have handled ......" I hissed loudly: "Let the people hush hush ...... confession ......" "huh ......" so, two people hiding in conjunction with a single room quietly, "listen" to the king if the rain will tell the truth, at this moment , slaying the dragon soul deputy chief gossip already completely revived.

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