玩家死亡时爆出东西的机率,虽然没有明确的数据,但普通区确实谈不上有多高。不过至少有一点:玩家死亡掉落,不会像b一样会因为物品的品质有机率上的 การแปล - 玩家死亡时爆出东西的机率,虽然没有明确的数据,但普通区确实谈不上有多高。不过至少有一点:玩家死亡掉落,不会像b一样会因为物品的品质有机率上的 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



即便如此,Huang Shaotian这想爆个武器出来,结果还真就爆个武器出来,这也绝对是难得一见的人品,和打b爆到橙武的难度恐怕也差不到哪去。

大剑剑客倒也看到了Huang Shaotian后打出的文字泡,但这样的话又哪会去信?他看来依然是嘲讽而已。一边吐血复活,一边把这噩耗通知公会其他哥们。至于把剑再爆回来?普通区的这点爆率,让人真的不敢抱有什么期望。这也是大剑剑客郁闷的原因之一,他得是多衰啊!才能一下就把这25级橙武强袭之剑给爆了出去。

追杀Jun Moxiang的一行玩家本是不太想理会Huang Shaotian的流木的。但这家伙也忒嚣张,人不犯他还要主动犯人,连杀了两人,还爆了其中一个的橙武。不可否认当中不少人对这样的消息是比较心中窃喜的,但是,不能再把这个家伙视若不见,这个共识却也总算是达成了。

“我爆到了我爆到了我爆到了!”Huang Shaotian 这边正朝 Ye Xiu 吆喝呢!

“爆到什么了?”Ye Xiu问。

“25级橙武强袭之剑!看哥们这人品!”Huang Shaotian挺欢快。

“不错,继续努力。”Ye Xiu说道。

“你的位置。”Huang Shaotian问坐标。

“1645,1866。”Ye Xiu报上坐标。荣耀里的坐标其实也是区域性的,一个坐标值横竖都有许多个身位的距离。

“干掉了几个?”Huang Shaotian问。


“一样,决胜负吧!”Huang Shaotian消息。

“你输了。”Ye Xiu说。

“为什么!”Huang Shaotian果断不服。

“你药不够。”Ye Xiu淡定回应。

Huang Shaotian无语了。能让他无语真得是件不容易的事。也只有这样果断的事实才有可能征服他……的确,当前情况下,他的流木包裹里只有一些Ye Xiu救济他的食物药水,想进行这样一个长期持久杀人游戏,明显补给跟不上。

“先杀到我没药算。”Huang Shaotian到底还是有主意的,一边回了消息一边已经朝着Ye Xiu给出的坐标方向冲了过去。








Ye Xiu会把这里定为大家碰头的地方,并把他身后的追兵直接带到这边来,自然有着他的考虑。Huang Shaotian只是一个意外,Ye Xiu当然不可能料到这家伙这个时间又突然冒上来。可以说,Ye Xiu一个人就有信心空知林这个地方利用地形把这些团队玩家逐个击破。Huang Shaotian的出现,只是帮他加节约了一些时间。





他们空知林兜兜转转了十数分钟,Jun Moxiang的行踪时隐时现,带着他们不住地奔波。除此以外还有那个区区27级却很多事的剑客流木,也是时不时地就要跑出来冒个泡。有这么一个家伙就附近,空知林变得异常的呱噪,这家伙喋喋不休的声音似乎一直就没间断过。







无论Jun Moxiang还是流木,跑来跑去都不是以脱身为目的的,是为了带乱他们的阵形,找落单较玩的玩家下手。




“我们原本是有32人,但现,只有22人!人多的时候对方都能办到的事情,现只会加的轻而易举。我们不能再这样继续下去,我们需要改变我们的方式。我们的散乱给了对方可乘之机,我认为当务之急我们要像一个真正的整体一样行动。”曾被Jun Moxiang气到暴躁的孤饮,这个时候却没失去理智。冷静地分析形势,判断对手实力。话也说得很谦逊得体,并没有什么会长身份的派头。他显然很清楚,对于这里的绝大多数人而言,他啥也不是。








接受建议的众玩家分成五队,分成一个扇形,保证着对区域的观察和控制包抄了上去。所冲的方向自然是之前Jun Moxiang和流木出现过的。两人再高手,移动速度也是个数据,没理由这么快就瞬间移动到别处去。

“他们改变战术了。”Huang Shaotian的流木就潜藏左近,一眼看出了玩家们做出的改变。

“不是改变战术了,是有战术了才对。”Ye Xiu纠正了一下Huang Shaotian,他的Jun Moxiang当然也就附近。

“少的也都是四人一起,各队之间也没有离太远,控制的区域很大……再继续回避下去,我们要被逼出树林了。但四人的话……看来咱们需要联手出击了。”Huang Shaotian说。

“联手出击也未必能对方支援过来之前得手。”Ye Xiu说。

“或者你应该过来看看这一队。”Huang Shaotian说。

“怎么?”Ye Xiu问。

“三个布衣一个皮甲,位置边翼,能快支援到他们的只是一队人而已。”Huang Shaotian说。


“全歼或许不行,但我觉得杀个二到三人没有问题。”Huang Shaotian说。


Huang Shaotian发来坐标,Ye Xiu的Jun Moxiang立刻朝着他观察过的那边过去,两人角色一直都是各自活动,这次罕有碰了一下头。

“我头有点晕。”碰面后Huang Shaotian说着。

“话多到把自己给说得大脑缺氧,你真是个人才。”Ye Xiu说。

“联盟比赛不开语音是正确的……这要一场比赛一直这么嚷嚷下去,对健康很不利啊!”Huang Shaotian感慨。

“放心,没有人会像你那么多话的。”Ye Xiu说。

“我决定一会刷文字泡。”Huang Shaotian说。

“不要挡了我视线。”Ye Xiu说。




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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chances of broke things when the player dies, although there is no definitive data, but how high does not. But at least one thing: the player dies falling not because articles like b difference quality chances. Player death drop, and everything has equal opportunity. Even so, Huang Shaotian a weapon out of this burst, but really burst weapons, this is definitely a rare character, and b bad burst the difficulties of Orange I'm afraid not to go. Big sword swordsman also play text bubble after seeing Huang Shaotian, but who will be going to? He seems to still be ridiculed. Resurrection while vomiting blood, while other guys notice this News Association. Explosive sword back? Burst rate of the General area, so people can't have any expectations. This is one reason big sword swordsman depressed, what a failure he is! Orange wuqiang 25 the House to attack sword to burst out. Kill Jun Moxiang players are less prepared for Huang Shaotian flow of wood. But this guy was the arrogance, people do not make him active prisoners, kill two people, one burst of Orange. There is no denying that many people on the news is pleased, however, no longer depending on if this guy gone, this consensus is finally reached. "I burst into my to I had to! "Huang are Ye Xiu Shaotian here! "Exposed to what? "Ye Xiu asked. "25 Orange wuqiang hit the sword! Look dude this character! "Huang Shaotian very happy. "Yes, continue to work hard. "Ye Xiu said. "Your position. "Huang Shaotian q coordinates. "1645,1866. "Ye Xiu on coordinates. Glory coordinates are also regional, a coordinate value anyway there are many body-length distance. "Kill a few? "Huang Shaotian said. "The two. ” "Just like Lance! "Huang Shaotian news. "You lost the game. "Ye Xiu said. "Why! "Huang refuses to accept the Shaotian decisively. "Your medicine is not enough. "Ye Xiu calm response. Huang Shaotian was speechless. He could hear really is no easy thing. Only such decisive the fact that could bring him ... ... Indeed, under the current circumstances, he flow of wood wrapped in only a few Ye Xiu relief his food medicine, wants to make such a long lasting game, significant supply can't keep up with. "To my myrrh is killed. "Huang Shaotian in the end I still have my mind, back to the news side had dashed past Ye Xiu's direction. Two pros in the top levels of deity. Two top man in glory. At this very moment to kill the Group of ordinary players. The big bullying the small? Bullying? These words are inadequate to describe the horror. Professional level with ordinary players, is a huge gap between each other, in particular on the PK, ability to copy than brush both sides are worlds apart. From *** to make technical, to experience, to psychology, to the use of the terrain ... ... Sorachi forest. Ye Xiu will place here as we meet, the pursuers behind and put him directly here, has he considered natural. Huang Shaotian was just an accident, Ye Xiu cannot, of course, expect this guy pops up at this time. It can be said that Ye Xiu alone have confidence knowing forests this place use the terrain to break one by one these team players. The emergence of Huang Shaotian, just helped save him some time. One, two, three ... ... Players fall one by one. People think it is to the effect that, the team was filled with many emotions turned out to be gloating. Everyone feels that the deceased must have been too careless, and such a thing would never happen yourself. Until the fall of the players reached a total of ten people, emotions and finally is transformed. This number of accidentally, it was too much. They know the forest turns on for ten minutes, Jun Moxiang tracks appear, they kept running. In addition very much and that only 27 of the wooden sword passenger flow, will have to run out every now and then take a dip. There was a guy near the Sorachi Gung became the forest noise, this guy talking sounds seems to have been no interruption. Ten people have been hanging. All the players finally realized that was wrong. President of solitary drinking decisively back his earlier "look, notify" directives. Under the direction of their cycle Association been heroic for two people. Association of other players apparently have made such a decision, at which point all together, have suspended their hunt. "I think ... ... They don't want to get rid of us, as if to kill us all...... "the dismal atmosphere, and finally a man broke the calm. No one answer, and at this point everyone has some trepidation. Ten people were killed, they are certainly not always knew nothing. Whenever someone is attacked, they will naturally want to help. But it's no use, the other seems to be their distribution seems to knows better than they do, every time you hurry, coordinates are just bodies in the region. There was leaving the other tracks, but now in hindsight, these moves seem to be intentional. Jun Moxiang or stream wood, ran for the purpose here is not to get out was to take their shape, looking for one player to start playing. Array? Actually such things? These people don't know, they only see each other's movements on their own to chase, so random cases, opponents can grasp their rules? It made everyone feel very strange. "Everyone......" solitary drinking as President, talking like a leader at this time, "the current situation dangerous, ten brothers have died, I thought no one would believe that they are losing technology, right? ” All silent. "Originally, we had 32 people, but now, only 22 people! When many other things can be done, it will be easy. We can't go on like this, we need to change our ways. We scattered gave them an opportunity, I think it is imperative that we have to act like a real General. "Moxiang by Jun-tempered solitary drinking, this time is insane. Calmly analyze the situation to determine opponents strengths. It also says a humility decency, and no identity, President of panache. He was obviously very well, for most people here, he was not. "To put it on......" some people came out in support of it. "We formed teams, in associations and in team activities how? Each team I suggest less than 4. "Gu yin said. Solitary drinking ideas have apparently contacted is real. At this point they are miscellaneous there are five Guild. Basically there's left 4, 5, no tangled for group. "Maintain full contact between the various teams, keep the Group informed about how their location? "Gu yin said. To what extent they came loose? 32 people they had never even group, Association Group, even when this fight is likely to cause injury. Now, under pressure, the Association finally is ***, with a correct attitude of cooperation. Solitary drinking after a proposal to open a mission, the team joined the League, you can share news channel. Solitary drink smart, is what corbelling command did not want to be a big brother, he talks in a recommendation, let people significantly easier to accept a lot. Group, and solitary drinking continues his advice: "we are surrounded in the unified direction right now! If you can take them out of the Woods, that will help a lot of us. Limitations of vision in the Woods is the main reason they haunt. ” Accept the suggested all the players are divided into five teams, into a fan-shaped, guarantees the observation and control of the region surrounded it. Before the rushed nature is in the direction of Jun Moxiang and the wood appeared. Two more masters, speed is one nobody moves away so quickly. "They have changed tactics. "Huang Shaotian flow of wood is lurking around, a glance out of the players to make that change. "Not change tactics, is tactical. "Ye Xiu corrects Huang Shaotian, he Jun Moxiang is near. "Little also is a four-person teams are also not too far away, control of the region ... ... To continue to avoid any longer, we're going to get out of the Woods. But four people ... ... It seems that we need to join hands to attack. "Huang Shaotian said. "Joint attack succeeds before may not help each other support. "Ye Xiu said. "Maybe you should come and look at this one. "Huang Shaotian said. "How? "Ye Xiu asked. "The three commoner a leather, side wings, can support their is just a group of people. "Huang Shaotian said. Cloth means lower defenses, leather, career is only slightly stronger than the commoner, physical attacks, which obviously will quickly damage their lives. And the other is divided into five teams, the Middle three apparently can be supported on either side by two teams who support at any time. But the two side wing detachment, but each only has a team of rapid support. "Wipe out may not work, but I think that kill two or three people there is no problem. "Huang Shaotian said. "That's long-winded, location! ” Coordinates from Huang Shaotian, Ye Xiu Jun Moxiang immediately he observed there in the past, the two roles have always been their activity, rarely touched. "I've got a little dizzy. "Huang Shaotian said after the meeting. "How to put yourself on the oxygen to the brain, you're such a talented person. "Ye Xiu said. "League match without opening the voice was right ... ... This game kept on shouting down is bad for health! "Huang Shaotian feeling. "Rest assured, no one will like you so much. "Ye Xiu said. "I decided to brush text bubbles. "Huang Shaotian said. "Get out of my sight. "Ye Xiu said. "They are coming! ” "From the right on! ” "Walking......" Two roles ashore.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

When the players broke the probability of death thing, although there is no clear data, but does mention how high the general area. But at least one thing: Players death fall, not because of quality like b as items on the probability of a difference. Drop player dies, the body of every opportunity to have an equal thing. Even so, Huang Shaotian burst weapons that want to come out, the results really would burst a weapon out, it definitely is a rare character, and playing b burst into orange arms of difficulty I am afraid that difference is not where to go. Swordsman sword fall also saw the play after Huang Shaotian text bubble, but then another letter which will go? He seems to still be a mockery of it. While vomiting resurrection, while the bad news this notice guild other buddies. As Zaibao sword back? This burst rate of the general area, people really can not have any expectations. One reason for this is the large depressed sword swordsman, he had to be more bad ah! To what took this 25 orange arms Assault sword to burst out. Jun Moxiang kill row players do not want to ignore this is Huang Shaotian stream wood. But Intuit also arrogant guy, people do not make him have to take the initiative prisoner, Liansha the two, but also one of the orange burst weapons. Admittedly among many people for such a message is more heart chuckle, but this guy can no longer felt invisible, but also the consensus is finally reached. "I burst into burst I burst into me to!" Huang Shaotian Ye Xiu moving here crying too! "I burst into what?" Ye Xiu asked. "25 orange arms Assault sword! Look buddy this character!" Huang Shaotian very cheerful. "Yes, to continue their efforts." Ye Xiu said. "You are here." Huang Shaotian ask coordinates. "1645,1866." Coordinate Ye Xiu newspaper. Glory coordinates is actually a regional, a coordinate value, vertical body position, there are many distance. "Get rid of a few?" Huang Shaotian asked. "Two." "Like showdown bar!" Huang Shaotian message. "You lose." Ye Xiu said. "Why!" Huang Shaotian decisive satisfied. "Your medicine is not enough." Ye Xiu calm response. Huang Shaotian speechless. Let him speechless really is not an easy thing. Only in this way will it be possible to conquer the decisive fact that he ...... Indeed, under the current circumstances, his driftwood wrapped in only a few Ye Xiu his food relief medicine, want to kill the game such a long-lasting, significant supply can not keep up. "I did not kill the drug count." Huang Shaotian in the end still have an idea of, while back side has been moving coordinate direction message given Ye Xiu rushed past. Two professional circles, the god of the top level. Two stations in the top of men glory. At this moment a group of ordinary players to hunt. In big bullying the small? Bullying? These words are not enough to describe the components of the horrors at this time. Occupational level, with ordinary players, the gap between them is enormous, especially on the pk, compared to the ability to brush copy of both sides are worlds apart. *** As from technology to practical experience, to psychological, to use the terrain ...... Sorachi forest. Ye Xiu will meet here to set a place for everyone, and the pursuers behind him directly to come here, naturally has his consideration. Huang Shaotian just an accident, Ye Xiu course not expect this guy this time and suddenly take up. It can be said, Ye Xiu a person have the confidence to take advantage of this place Sorachi forest terrain these teams players one by one break. Huang Shaotian appears, just to help him add to save some time. One, two, three ...... players one by one fall. We think it is the beginning of the effect, the team was filled with many emotions turned out to be gloating. We all feel that the deceased must have been too careless, and such a thing will never happen to them. Until the fall of the players reached a total of ten people, emotions finally completely changed. This careless times, a bit too much already. They know I'm going around empty for over ten minutes, when Jun Moxiang whereabouts hidden, they could not run around with. In addition there is that a lot of things, but a mere 27 swordsman driftwood, but also from time to time will have to run out to take a bubble. There is such a guy nearby, Sorachi forest becomes extremely gung noise, this guy's voice seems to have been no chatter stopped. Ten people have been hanging. Finally all the players are aware wrong. President solitary drink decisively recover previously "looked, there are advisory" instructions. Such instructions, they reincarnation of both the Society has heroic. Other Association players obviously have made ​​such a decision, then all gather together, they turned out to be suspended kill action. "I think ...... They do not want to get rid of us, as if to kill us ......" dull atmosphere, and finally one person to speak to break the calm. Nobody Jiecha, then everyone has some of the fear. Ten people were killed, and they are certainly not have been ignorant. Each time someone was attacked, they certainly would not think to rescue. But to no avail, the other seems to be distributed to their position seemed even better than their own, and each time when rushed, leaving just the coordinates of the area where the bodies. The whereabouts of the other party does have to leave, but now looking back, these moves seem intentional. Whether Jun Moxiang or driftwood, running around is not to get out for the purpose, is to bring chaos to their lineup, look for the more solitary player to start playing. Lineup? In fact, there is such a thing? These people do not know, they just see each other's whereabouts on each their own mind to chase it, under circumstances so random, the opponent can grasp their rules? This makes everyone feel very weird. "It ......" solitary drink as president, this time as to speak like a leader, "The current situation is somewhat dangerous, dead ten brothers, I do not think people would think they are technically lose, right?" the crowd silence. "We originally had 32 people, but now, only 22 people! When many people can do other things, will now add the breeze. We can not go on like this, we need to change our approach. We Scattered gave each other an opportunity, I think it is imperative that we want to be like a real action as a whole. "Jun Moxiang been tempered air to solitary drinking, and this time did not lose your head. Calmly analyze the situation, to judge opponents. He also said very modest and decent, and there is no president of the identity of style. He was obviously very clear, for most people here, he is not what yes. "Right ......" someone to stand up support. "Then we have to the Association as a unit composed of teams, how to carry out activities in the squad for the unit? Each team I do not recommend less than four people." Solitary drink said. The idea apparently solitary drinking is contacted practical. It is a hodgepodge of time they have five guild. There are basically left a 4,5 people, not for grouping and tangled. "Keep a sufficient link between the team, at any time regiment informed how their position?" Solitary drink talking. They kill this undisciplined to what extent? They had not even 32 people groups, each guild group, this time to fight the chaos that is likely to cause even accidental injury. At the moment, under pressure, all the associations are finally put *** planes, with a correct attitude of cooperation. After the proposal to open a solitary drink group, the team to join the league, you can share news channel in the group. Solitary drinking clever, that did not want to go when the first pick of what command brother, he was just a suggestion person's identity to speak, so let everyone obviously a lot easier to accept. Tour finished, solitary drinking continued his proposal: "We are moving in the direction of unity outflank them on the go if we can extract this piece of wood, and that the gains we have many limitations woods vision is to make them elusive!. the main reason. " accepted the recommendations of all the players into five teams, divided into a sector, to ensure the observation and control area outflank up. The natural impulse of direction before Jun Moxiang and driftwood appeared. They re-master, the moving speed of the data is also no reason so quickly teleport to somewhere else. "They changed tactics." Huang Shaotian of driftwood on hidden Sakon, at a glance the changes made ​​by the players. "Not to change the tactics, there is a tactical fishes." Ye Xiu corrected a bit Huang Shaotian, his Jun Moxiang course, also nearby. "Less four together are also among the team did not too far away, the control of a large area ...... continue to avoid it, we have to be forced out of the woods, but the four words ...... it seems we need the joint action. "Huang Shaotian said. "Joint action may not be able to come before the other party support to succeed." Ye Xiu said. "Or you should come to see this team." Huang Shaotian said. "How?" Ye Xiu asked. "A three commoner Leather, location winger, can fast support to their just a team of people it." Huang Shaotian said. Commoner means low defense, Leather occupation is only slightly stronger than the commoner, before physical attacks, these occupations will obviously damage quickly out of their lives. While the other consists of a five-person team, three teams at the middle position of both sides apparently can get people ready to support two teams. But the winger's two teams, but had each team can only get a fast support. "Wipe out perhaps not, but I think two to three people kill without problems." Huang Shaotian said. "That's also what winded Hello, location!" Huang Shaotian sent to coordinate, Ye Xiu's Jun Moxiang immediately observed towards him over there in the past, the two roles have always been on their activities, the rare touch his head. "I head a little dizzy." Said Huang Shaotian after meet. "More than words to put yourself to the right brain of oxygen, you're such a talent." Ye Xiu said. "Union speech contest is not open to the right ...... This game has been so yell down, very detrimental to health ah!" Huang Shaotian emotion. "Do not worry, no one will like you in so many words." Ye Xiu said. "I decided a text bubble will brush." ​​Huang Shaotian said. "Do not block my sight." Ye Xiu said. "They're coming! ' 'from the right side of it! " "walking ......" They rushed role.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
When the player dies, the probability of an out of the thing, although there is no clear data, but the general area is not much higher. But at least one thing: the player dies, will not be the same as the B will be the same as the quality of the organic difference. Player death falls, every thing in the body has an equal opportunity.

even so, Huang Shaotian this to burst a weapon out, the results really burst weapon out. This is definitely a rare character, and B burst to the difficulty of orange Wu I am afraid of bad not arrive where go to. Big sword swordsman

also see Huang Shaotian after it hit the global text, but then again which will go to the letter?He seems to be a satire. One side of the hematemesis resurrection, the bad news will inform the public of other. As for the sword and then come back? This general area rate, people do not have what to expect. This is one reason why the big sword swordsman is depressed, he is bad! Can you put the 25 orange Wu strike sword to burst out. After Jun Moxiang

A is the game player do not want to bother with the Huang Shaotian stream. But this guy is too arrogant, people do not make him more active prisoners, even killed two people, but also burst one orange wu.
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ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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