第二百章 靠山readx(); “如果继续用法则之力淬炼身体,个时间说不定能让肉身达到级别。”聂离暗自心想道,肉身强大,那保命无虞。就像段剑 การแปล - 第二百章 靠山readx(); “如果继续用法则之力淬炼身体,个时间说不定能让肉身达到级别。”聂离暗自心想道,肉身强大,那保命无虞。就像段剑 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第二百章 靠山readx(); “如果继续用法则之力淬炼身体,个时间说

第二百章 靠山
readx(); “如果继续用法则之力淬炼身体,个时间说不定能让肉身达到级别。”聂离暗自心想道,肉身强大,那保命无虞。就像段剑样,那龙血之身砍都砍不进去。

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 200 backersreadx(); "If you continue to use the force of law tempered the body, time may even bring the body to achieve level. "Nie Li secretly thought road, body strong, alive and secure. Like a sword, cut down all of the Dragon's blood will not go in. Close the General after a long cultivation, NIE that opened my eyes. Nie Li practice speed, plume is completely drained of any words, Nie Li understanding of laws of force, than she was on the high side. "Nie Li, you reshaping what is what? "The plume finally asked of God.Nie Li see has see feather flame, feather flame finally Ken believes has Ah, he-{m laugh has laughed: "law of force of basic constitute actually is some Ming lines, understanding has law of force on is equal to control has which a system of Ming lines, you God grid collapse broken, equivalent to Ming lines of rules was beat has, I as long as remodeling Ming lines of rules, you of God body on will slowly enhanced, world between of of law of power, on will again irrigation into you of God body inside. ” Plume seems to understand, but also don't understand is, why is the basic structure of the laws of the Ming lines? Nie Li was not willing to explain more and said, "anyway, you know, I can help you with your remodeling is God! ” "God if remodeling, you will name into my body, right? "The plume pondered the question for a moment and said. "Well. "NIE nodded."Well, I can try. "The plume had nodded. "Helping you build Ming lines again after the system in the body, and the power of the law would automatically come to you, but the scope is small, if you stay inside the black spring, around the power of the law is that you suck, God rebuild speed is very slow. But if you can travel around to absorb the power of the law, God speed body remodeling, it will be a lot faster. ” Hear what Nie Li, plume frowned slightly: "once I leave the heiquan, hidden in the depths below a few legendary beasts will feel. My strength, not against it! If you help me reinvent God, my strength for the time being can only reach legend level at best. ”"Wasn't difficult to get out of here. "Nie Li light laughs, but is planning to open up, the plume of God while living for tens of thousands of years, but indulge in the practice, is simple. Reshaping the divine can only reach legend level, but, after all, is a legendary powerhouse! If can bring God plume, that could at least more legend-class fighter. Plume and God knows if Nie Li think. Estimated to be vomiting blood, she is a spiritual God, Nie Li left her when the thugs! Of course, Nie Li to do something, is good for both sides. Plume for God to restore power as soon as possible, and from which I could reap the benefits. "Oh, really? Your approach? "The plume pick asks God's eyebrows slightly. "I can use the Ming lines, layout strategies, imitate your scent. Then Ming tattoo cover up your body to breath, to take you out. "Nie Li smiled slightly. "However, more trouble, that is wronged God sister. ”Under the plume to think, nodded: "Yes, you helped me reshape God's body. "Although depressing God must be Nie Li to look at light, but has been renewed. Those are not important. She raised to save lines for Terran life. "Good, then I go on. "NIE nodded road and head into the black spring. Swim straight into the depths of the heiquan again reached the Red inflammation next to the ball. Looked saw plume that tiny body of God was lying quietly among the Red inflammation ball of light, although very small, but exquisite to figure. But at this point, the Nie Li didn't think carefully only Palm condensation trails Ming lines.Various tattoo Nie Li-Ming of the Palm change, Nie Li, slowly right hand covered in the plume on the God, feel the plume Ming structure in the body of God. Although the plume of the flesh is very small, Nie Li hands, can cover most, but Palm, there was that smooth skin and delicate to the touch, feeling caused by the rough, Nie Li couldn't help but slightly embarrassed. Plume God after all, not wearing body points. Under the calm mood, NIE troublesome Ming lines. Boom! DAO Ming lines was Nie Li went into the plume of the body of God. This God in Ming lines into the plume, rapid integration, as if the natural fit.Plume above the heiquan suddenly opened his eyes, although the only soul, but God's reaction, she can still feel it. Powerful forces directly from her chest and abdomen into, like electric, instantaneous poured all over the body, so she was kind of a strange feeling. “嗯。”那种酸痛和电麻的感觉,令她点难以忍受。 就在聂离轰入铭纹的时候,羽焰的神体来回地扭动了起来。 “真是要命啊。”聂离不禁想着,如果不是因为身体很小犹如婴儿般,羽焰神绝对是倾国倾城。 轰!聂离再次将第道铭纹轰入,边感应着羽焰神体的变化,突然之间,聂离感觉到股股意念的洪流贯穿进了聂离的脑海里面。聂离看到了幕幕闪而过的画面。 那是……羽焰神潜藏在意识深处的记忆? 画面的开始,是颗灼热的流星,在天空中飞快地划过,它后面拖出两道长长的尾焰,就像是翅膀般,羽焰就这么蜷缩在流星之中。这道流星绚丽夺目,落了下来,轰然砸在了地面上,在地面上形成了个巨坑。 两个年轻的夫妇走了过来,他们抱起了深坑之中的羽焰。 “我们应该叫她什么字好呢?”其中年轻的妇人开口问道。“飞羽落焰,就叫她羽焰好了!”年轻的丈夫想了想,便道。 “嗯,就叫她羽焰好了。” “小羽焰,你定要快快长大!” 在年轻夫妇的照料下,羽焰开始长大。 这些意念涌入聂离的脑海,聂离皱了皱眉头,点疑惑,原来羽焰是伴随着颗流星来到这个世界的,这让聂离颇些好奇,这羽焰神到底是什么来历和身份? 聂离感觉到,除了重塑的铭纹之外,羽焰的体内还存在着道殊的色光芒,这道色光芒,若隐若现,悬浮在铭纹的中间,聂离试图用意念接近,只见那道色光芒陡然间变得其耀眼刺目。 聂离的感觉到阵刺痛,赶紧把意念收了回来。 聂离点明白了,这道色光芒,才是羽焰神的本命所在,只要这道色光芒还在,就算羽焰神神格崩碎,法则被夺,也不会死掉。因为这道色光芒,比之法则要高深玄奥得多。 聂离隐约地感觉到,羽焰神的身上定然隐藏着大的密。 “先帮你修复神体吧。”聂离想了想,这些密不是目前的他能够接触和解答的。 轰轰轰!次又次地把道道之法则的铭纹轰入羽焰的神体之内,羽焰神体里面的铭纹结构越来越完整了,最终达到了个其完美的状态,仿佛个阵法样运转了起来,周围的之法则的力量疯狂地朝着羽焰的神体涌去。 聂离长出了口气,帮羽焰神重构铭纹,令他灵魂海中的法则之力几乎耗尽,累得气喘吁吁。 不过总算是完成了。聂离低头看去,只见羽焰神的神体,愈发地晶莹剔透了,那光洁的肌肤,仿佛全天下间最纯净的美玉,发出莹莹的光泽,那惊人的曲线,紧绷修长的美腿,傲挺的翘臀,无处不透着诱惑。 黑泉上方,羽焰神的意念陡然睁开了眼睛,流露出丝难以置信的神色,喃喃地道:“没想到他真的能做到!” Reshaping the body God, before this thing even God can't do several of the most powerful spirit, Nie Li. Plume does not know how to describe it in words. Heiquan, plume of Red inflammation inside the light slowly floating, her God, pure, noble and pure, let mortal can't afford any desecration of the heart. Her eyes closed, slowly rising, the posture like a graceful Swan dance, as far as I could see, everything is illuminated. Plume rise, flew over the heiquan's, with her ideas and complete integration, and finally opened his eyes.But her body didn't change at all, only about two feet in height, exquisite pocket. After opened her eyes, her body quickly turned into a silk dress, her body some private place wrapped up, but that silk looms, still to race the deadly temptation. Nie Li came to the surface, jump on to the shore. "Nie Li, thank you help me God body recovery process much better than I thought. "The plume watching Nie Li, sound mild euphemism, is listening to bone are soft. "You're welcome. "Nie Li smiled and stretched himself, had to say, continuous bang into the plume of God so much inscription lines, he is less tired, sleepy hit. Plume was silent for a moment, she just God, it seems nothing can be given to Nie Li, thank, was silent for a moment: "I owe you a favor, if you later need help, just ask! ” Hear what plume, Nie Li laughed laughed: "o God sisters so polite, thank you very much. Those of us mortals, a God, can go sideways after that! ” Hear what Nie Li, plume, can't help but smile smile. ~ ~ Out a picture in my head, plume comic image of God, what can it be? (Not to be continued ... ...)Chapter error, click here to report (no registration) within 5 minutes of processing, reports please wait patiently, and refresh the page. If not solved please email us within 20 minutes. Thank fans for their support!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Article Chapter backing
readx (); ". If you continue to use the power of law grown up on the body, maybe allow time to reach the level of flesh" from secretly thought Nie Tao, flesh strong, that could save your life without fear. Like the sword-like segment, the cut that body dracaena are not cut into it. After closing the knowledge to practice for a long time, Nie from this opened his eyes. Nie from practice for speed, the plume has been completely without any words, and Nie away to comprehend the power of the law, it seems that some even higher than her. "Nie away, you say remodeling, in the end is what way?" Plume God could not asked. Nie looked away from the plume, the plume finally willing to believe, ah, he - {m smiled and said: "the basic structure of the force of law is actually some inscription pattern, and understand the power of law which is equivalent to a system control Ming pattern, you godhead chipping, equivalent ming pattern rules are broken up, and I just want to reshape the rules of Ming Wen, your body will gradually enhance God, the power of the law between heaven and earth, will re-filling God into your body inside. " plume seems to some to understand, but some do not know is how the basic structure of the force of the law would be more ming pattern? Nie from reluctant to explain more, and said: "! Anyway, you know I can help you reshape the Godhead wants" ? "if remodeling Godhead, you have to be some inscription lines into my body right" feather Yan thought for a moment, he said. "Yes." Nie nodded off. "Well, I can try." Plume nodded. "After the body to help you re-build ming pattern system, the power of the law among the world will automatically flock to you, but the range is relatively small, if you stay in this Heiquan inside straight, strength around the law is you suck, the Godhead remodeling speed is very slow. But if you can travel at, to absorb the force of law everywhere, then God body remodeling speed will be much faster. " Nie hear from, then a slight plume frowned and said:! "Once I left the black spring, following the abyss hidden a few legendary Wicked will certainly feel in my current strength, even if you can not confront God help me reshape the body, I The strength of the temporary maximum level can only be reached legendary. " " To get out of here pretty easy. "Nie from faint smiles, my heart is open plan, although this plume God lived thousands of years, but straight to indulge in practice, thought relatively simple. Remodeling Godhead although only reach legendary status, but after all, is a legend of the strong ah! If God can bring the plume, it can at least a plurality of the legendary class thugs. If the plume away from the idea of God know Nie heart. Is estimated to be angry and vomiting blood, and she was a spiritual God, Nie actually put her away when thugs! Of course, Nie from doing things that are double Fang Duli's. Plume God can restore power as quickly as possible, while he also reap the benefits from. "Oh? You way?" Plume asked God to pick eyebrows slightly. "I can use the Ming pattern, arranged a matrix method, imitate your breath. Then cover your body with breath-ming pattern, take you out." Nie from smiled slightly. "However, the point is too much trouble, and that is under God sister was wronged." Plume think the next, nodded his head and said:. "can you help me reshape the Godhead it." Although the point to be depressed body Nie from God to see light, but compared to able reborn. Those are not important. Only her back to life and his family saved line. "Well, I go." Nie nodded off, head into spring headlong into the black. Heiquan depths swam straight, once again arrived at the red inflammation that ball of light side. And he looked in, and saw the tiny plume of Godhead, is quietly lying among the red ball of light inflammation, although small, but exquisite body caused. But this time, Nie Actually, I'm off to reflect on, just gather up round after round of inscription tattooed on the palm. I saw all kinds of Ming Nie isolated palm patterns changing, Nie away slowly in the upper right hand covering plume of Godhead, feeling the plume of Godhead Ming grain structure. Although the plume is very little flesh, Nie hands away, can cover a part of it, but palm Department, came the skin that smooth and delicate touch, feel footmarks caused by irregularities, Nie away can not help but slightly more awkward. After plume God now, who did not wear the point. Under calm state of mind, Nie Wen Ming pushed away. boom! Nie Tao-ming pattern from boom into a plume of Godhead being. This Road Ming grain into the plume of Godhead, quickly converged, as if naturally fit. Heiquan plume above the suddenly opened his eyes, although just soul of the state, but the reaction produced Godhead, she still can be felt. Powerful shares, directly from her chest and abdomen sink, like the current-like, and instantly flooded all over the body, so she kind of strange feeling. "Ah." Kind of numb feeling sore and electricity, so she points unbearable. Nie from the boom in the Ming pattern when the plume of Godhead twist back and forth again. "Really terrible ah." Nie away can not help thinking, if not because the body is very small like a baby, God is absolutely plume Empress Dowager. boom! Nie Tao-ming from the first groove again bombers into, while sensing the change plume of Godhead, suddenly, Nie felt shares ideas from the flood through into the Nie mind from the inside. Nie from the screen to see the screen flash and off the screen. That is ...... Plume God hidden deep in the consciousness of memory? Start screen is the stars burning meteor, quickly across the sky behind it out of two long plume, like the wings like, plume so huddled among meteor. This meteor brilliantly, fell down, crashing hit the ground, on the ground to form a giant pit. Two young couples came, they picked up the pit among the plume. "We should call her what the word is good?" One young woman asked. "Feathers off flame, called her plume good!" The young husband thought, sidewalk. "Ah, called her a good plume. " " Kohane flame, thou shalt quickly grow! " under the care of a young couple, the plume began to grow. These ideas from the mind influx Nie, Nie away frowned, puzzled point, the original plume was accompanied by meteors came to this world, which makes the NIE from quite some curiosity, which in the end is what God plume origin and Identity? Nie from felt, in addition to remodeling Ming pattern, plume body, there are still road special color light, this road - color light, indeed, suspended in the middle of the Ming pattern of Nie from trying to close with the idea, saw That road between color light suddenly become its glaring. Nie array feel the sting away, and quickly put their ideas resumed. Nie from point to understand, this road - color light, is where the plume natal God, as long as this road - color light still, even if the plume god godhead chipping, the law to be won, it will not die. Because this road - color light, than the law to be advanced much more mysterious. Nie from the vaguely felt plume of God who will certainly big hidden secret. "First to help you fix Godhead." Nie from thought, these dense than the current contacts and he was able to answer. Honghong! Times and times of the laws of the round after round into the Ming grain boom plume of Godhead, the plume Godhead inscription inside the grain structure more complete and ultimately achieve a state of their perfection, as if a kind of running for FIGHTING up force of law around frantically toward the plume of Godhead rushing. Nie took a breath away, God help plume reconstruction Ming Wen, making his soul force of the law of the sea is almost exhausted, tired out of breath. But finally complete. Nie away looked down and saw the body of God plume of God, increasingly to crystal clear, and that smooth skin, as if the whole world among the purest jade, issued Yingying gloss, the amazing curves, tight slender legs, very proud of Bottom, everywhere reveals a temptation. Black above the spring, plume God's thoughts suddenly opened his eyes, showing wire incredible look, murmured: "! Did not think he really can do," reshape the Godhead, this thing even before the strongest Several large Spirit of God can not do, can actually Nie away. Plume do not know how to use language to describe it. Heiquan among the red light group inside inflammation plume floated slowly, at the moment of her Godhead, pure, noble and holy way, so that mere mortals can not arise any desecration of the heart. Her eyes closed, slowly rising, that graceful posture like a swan dance, wherever he went, everything was illuminated. Plume floating, he flew over the black spring, thoroughly blend with her ​​ideas, eventually opened his eyes. But her body did not change, only about two feet tall, look exquisite pocket. After opened his eyes, her body turned quickly out of the pieces of silk clothing, her body some private place wrapped up, but that silk clothing looming, still to race a fatal temptation. Nie emerged from the plane, jump Luedao shore. "Nie away, thank you for helping me restore the Godhead, recovery process much better than I imagined." Plume Nie looked away, sound gentle euphemism, people listened to the bones are soft. "You're welcome." Nie from smiled, stretched, have to say, to a continuous plume Godhead there are so many bombers into Ming Wen, he was so tired point, bursts sleepy hit. Plume silent for a moment, she just resumed Godhead, nothing seems to have something to give away Nie, represents gratitude, silent for a moment and said: "I owe you favors parts, If you need help, despite the opening!" hear plume words, Nie from smiled and said:. "! God sister so polite ah, it would like to thank those of us mortals, god do that since you can walk sideways" Nie hear from it, I can not help but smile laugh plume . ~~ Head cropped pictures, plume caricature God, look like it? 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter two hundred backer
readx (); "if you continue tempered the body with a force of law and a time might be able to let the body to reach level." The Nie thought to himself, the body is strong, the life is no danger. Like Duan Jianyang, the dragon blood body cut cut in. After the closure of general practitioners for a long time. From this, Nie just opened eyes.

for self-discipline speed from the Nie, plume has completely failed any words, understanding the law of force from the Nie seems to than she even higher some.

"Nie from remodeling you said, in the end is what?" At last the plume of flame can not help but ask. The NIE is away from the look at the plume, the plume finally will believe,He - {m smiled to say with smile: "the basic structure of the law actually is some Ming Wen comprehended the law of force is equal to the control of the system of the Ming Wen, your Godhead chipping, quite in the rules of the Ming Wen is scattered, I as long as the rules of remodeling Ming Wen, your God will slowly increase, between heaven and earth the rule of power will re filling into the inside of your God." Some seem to understand the plume

, but also do not understand the basic law of force is, how is some Mingwen? Do not want to explain from

Nie more, said: "anyway, you know I can help you rebuild your body is god!" "If God

remodeling,You have to put some of the inscription into my body, right?" The plume hesitated for a moment, said. "Good." The Nie nodded. "Well, I can try."." The plume nodded.

"help you in vivo to build Ming Wen system after, heaven and earth of the rule's strength will automatically flock to you, but the range is relatively small, if you straight to stay in the black spring inside and around the law of force are you soak up, God to reshape the speed is very slow. But if you can travel, and the power of the law of the law of the body, then the speed of the body of God will be much faster." Hear the words from the Nie,Plume tiny wrinkly to knit the brows a way: "once I left the black spring, down in the pits, the legendary monster will feel. With my present strength, can't fight against it at all! Even if you help me to reshape the body of God, I have the strength of the time being up to the legendary level." It's not hard to get out of here." The NIE is away from light to smile, the heart is actually to be opened, this feather flame God although live for several thousand years, but be immersed in practice, the idea is relatively simple. Remodeling of the body can only reach the legendary level, but it is also a legendary strong ah! If you can put the plume with God, it can at least several legendary class thugs.

If the plume of flame God knows the idea of nie. Estimated to be mad hematemesis, but her spirit from God, Nie left her when thugs! Of course, from

, Nie do, is advantageous to both sides. Feather flame God can recover as soon as possible, but also can obtain the benefit from the. "Oh

? Your way?" Feather flame God show eyebrow slightly to choose to ask. Can I use Mingwen

", a Zhenfa, imitating your breath. And cover up the smell of your body with the inscription, and take you out." Nie is away from a tiny smile. However, the point is more troublesome, it is to have a grievance of God's sister." Think of the plume
, nodded: ",You help me to rebuild the body of God." Although the point of the depression of God to be the NIE to see the light, but compared to the new. Those are not important. Only she can save the life line for resurrection, terran. "Well, I

." Nie is nodded, head into the black spring.

straight black spring swim in the deep, once again reached the next ball aglow. Toward the inside to see, see plume that tiny God is quietly lying in the photosphere (AUS), although very small, but delicate body. But at this time, but also didn't come from the Nie, just in the palm to gather up the road mingwen.
Only a variety of Ming patterns in the palm of the hand changes, Nie slowly will be covered with the right hand in the flame of the God body, feeling the plume of the structure of the flame in the body of the flame. Although the plume of the body is very small, the Nie from the hands, you can cover more than half, but the palm place, spread to the skin that smooth and delicate touch, feel the bump, the Nie can not help but slightly embarrassed. After all,

plume God now, who did not wear.

calm state of mind, Nie Mingwen pushed off.


Daoming lines is blasted into the plume from the Nie God body. This God

Mingwen into the plume, quickly as a natural fit fusion.
Black spring above the plume suddenly opened his eyes, though just the soul of the state, but God's reaction, she was still able to feel. A powerful force, directly from her chest and abdomen, as if the current, and instantly rushed through the whole body, so that she has a strange feeling. "Well." The feeling of pain and electricity makes her a little hard to bear. The Nie from

into H Mingwen when plume God back and forth twist up. "It's terrible ah." From the Nie can not help thinking, if not because the body is very small like a baby, God is absolutely beautiful plume.

The NIE is away from the second to the first inscription of the grain, and the edge of the plume induced changes in the body, suddenly, the sense of the idea of the flow of the shares of the brain into the mind. The NIE is out of the picture that has been seen in the act of. It is...... Plume of flame in the consciousness of God hidden in the memory?

picture, it is the beginning of stars burning meteor, in the sky quickly across the, behind it is dragged out of the two long plume is like like the wings, plume just curled up in the meteor. The meteor dazzling, down, crashing hit the ground, on the ground to form a giant pit.

two young couple walked,They picked up the pit in the plume. "We should call her

what word is good?" And the young woman asked her.
"feather fall flame plume called her well!" The young husband thinks,'. Well, she is called "

good plume."

"small plume, you must grow up quickly!"

young couples in the care, the plume began to grow.

these ideas into the Nie from the mind, Nie from wrinkly knit the brows, confused, the original plume is accompanied by a meteor came to this world, this lets the Nie from quite some curious, the plume God exactly is what the origin and identity? The NIE is to feel,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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