外室中的气氛十分压抑,皇帝面无表情的看着带血的榔头,皇后面色难看的站在旁边,连带着淑贵妃等人更加不敢贸然开口了。 “这后宫之中事务繁杂,朕本 การแปล - 外室中的气氛十分压抑,皇帝面无表情的看着带血的榔头,皇后面色难看的站在旁边,连带着淑贵妃等人更加不敢贸然开口了。 “这后宫之中事务繁杂,朕本 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Atmosphere was depressing in the outer Chamber, Emperor's deadpan look bloody hammer, Queen pale and ugly stood, along with Sue Goodfriend, who dare not rashly spoke. "This harem among Affairs complex, I this thought you can management good harem, results is make out so more things out," seal would like to xinqier not shun, hand put with of blue-and-white porcelain tea lamp again was sweep falls in to, he slammed of station up, see with four a woman, then on Queen road, "I regardless of you with what method, must to put such of HIV woman find out, I this harem among, capacity down such of woman. ” Queen's blessing, "I completely surely found this thing. "Your Majesty take it to her, at least show that this has nothing to do with her, as for everyone else ... ... Queens with eyes down, she would like to know, who is really hurt her harem right instability. "All of you down," I have waved, do not want to see a few more people. Several others bowed silently exiting day House, Queen's hand holding and jade, sighs: "that this House did not think the harem had thought such a vile man, real scared. ” "More than Empress accident and concubines concubine is very frightened," Sue chaise longue with a smile, "Unfortunately, Zhao Yin Rong is a crime, if she had not been the wrong trap, so canceled brands, might be able to forgive the crime. ” "Happening in the world who can anticipate," Yin tone chaise longue with distressed, "blame blame that evil man obsessed with Zhao Yin Rong wanted framed, poor Zhao Yin Rong young, we suffered so much suffering, fortunately, have their lives, or ... ... Alas. ” 皇后看了眼淑贵妃,上了步辇,“本宫定会好好查此事,望那歹人不要心存侥幸之心。” “恭送皇后娘娘,”淑贵妃微笑着目送皇后离开,待步辇离开几步远后,面上的笑渐渐淡了下来,转头似笑非笑的看向贤贵妃,“贤贵妃倒是心疼昭贤容。”说完,也不待贤贵妃说话便上了步辇离开。 宁妃沉默的看着三人言语交锋,待三人都离开后,才上了自己的步辇,回头看了眼熙和宫的大门,宫灯在夜风中微微摇晃,有种说不出的清冷。 熙和宫再度安静下来,封谨坐在外室的椅子上,直到新上的茶再也冒不出热气,他也没有动一下。 “皇上,夜深了。”作为皇帝身边的贴身总管,尽管高德忠知道皇上心绪难平,也要出言劝慰。 “朕知道,”封谨站起身,就在高德忠以为他要离开时,却见到他转身又进了内室。 高德忠以往常来这里,往日这里带着各种香味,唯独没有药味。今日这里确是什么香味都没了,唯一有的就只有刺鼻的药味。墙角架子上摆着的罗汉松依旧青翠,而睡莲却看不到一丝绿意了。 正在床边伺候的云夕见到皇帝进来,无声的福了福身,往后退了几步。 封谨在床沿坐下,伸手轻轻触碰那苍白的脸颊,只觉得手下的肌肤一片滚烫,当下面色微变,“怎么开始发热了?” 云夕眉头难展:“回皇上,太医说,娘娘受伤严重,晚上定会发热的,就是怕热气不退。” “既然如此,就让太医院的人今晚在外面候着,”封谨拿过云夕手中的毛巾,轻轻放在庄络胭的额头上,“叫人送一壶烫过的烈酒来。”他记得幼时高热不退,他的奶娘便是用酒给他的退的热,虽说是民间的土方法,但却是十分有用。 待烈酒送来,封谨也不要云夕等人上前帮忙,小心的替庄络胭额头、手心脚背后背都擦了酒,把被子捂得严严实实后,才道:“小心伺候着你们家娘娘,有什么事马上给朕汇报。” 时间已近四更,他不能再留在熙和宫,只好不放心的嘱咐了熙和宫的宫女,又派了几个有经验的嬷嬷来伺候,才放心的离开。 下朝后,封谨没有回乾正宫,而是去熙和宫看昭贤容,见其高热已退,才又往皇后的景央宫赶去。 “这些就是哪些宫借过熙和宫的奴才?”封谨翻着小册子,面上没有多少表情。 皇后听着那加重的“借过”,声音平稳的答道,“回皇上,所有的名单都已经在上面了。” “畅天楼、和乐宫、临月轩、宜湄阁……”封谨一个个念出来,然后把小册子随手扔到小几上,“看来徐昭容、柔妃、嫣贵嫔、苏修仪身边的奴才还不够使唤,朕竟是苛待了她们。” “把她们召来问问,朕倒也很想知道,究竟哪里苛待了她们!”封谨语气蓦地加重,“就连奴才也要向别宫借着使唤了!” 皇后沉默了一下,才道:“妾也不曾想到,她们会向熙和宫借用奴才。” 当天便有消息传出,柔妃被皇上撤一个月的牌子,嫣贵嫔与苏修仪被撤三个月的牌子,徐昭容更是被皇上当着景央宫的奴才责骂,罚了三个月牌子不说,还罚了一年俸禄,皇上甚至在盛怒下,说出其不堪昭容之位的话。 庄络胭再度醒来的时候,已经近午时,睁开眼看到的便是毛太医一张老脸,她还没来得及说话,就见毛太医一脸激动的噗通跪下,说着什么大福吉利之类的话,随即又有几个太医涌了进来,俱是对她又是磕头又是说吉祥话的。 “你们都起来好好说话,本宫头疼得很,”庄络胭话一出口,才觉得自己声音小的可怜,喉咙也有些干哑。 不过几个太医倒是都听见了庄络胭的话,一个个忙安静了下来。 勉强喝了几口贡枣桂圆汤,庄络胭有了些许精神,只是头疼得厉害,她也不敢乱动,这脑子若是出了什么问题,在这后宫中不死也要死了。 “娘娘,奴婢已经让人汇报给皇上了,”听竹把碗递给身后的宫女,小心给庄络胭擦净脸,“上午皇上下朝便来看了娘娘,只是娘娘还没有醒,皇上坐了一会儿便走了。” "Is it? "Luo yan was a touch on the complexity of a smile," I think the emperor would not come here again. ” "I will not come again. "At the same time, sealing the move came in March, ignoring a stack of greeting people, hold wants to sits up Luo yan Zhuang," you do not move, head injuries so severe, also to, but do not bear? ” Luo yan head shape, move under the soft voice said, "I didn't see you these days, I know you're miserable, I won't do it again in the future, you also want to stop to scare me out of these things. ” "Harem many sisters, that is, how do I, the emperor ... ..." "Nonsense!" "Would like to sink the soundtrack," other people are other people, I want you take good care of my body, don't think about others. ” "But the Emperor, you know, I would not go to the kite, why don't you believe me?! "Luo yan Zhuang red eyes looked to the Emperor," King said free them together, how do I get them back again. ” Cures at the scene and the eunuch Palace maid eunuch wish at the moment he has no ears, which complained to Zhao Yin Rong said, they are afraid to listen to it. Would like some closure can not see this pair to Redden eyes away silence for a moment and then said, "is I think bad, heal your body, I will treat you right. ” Zhuang envelope scented with the eyes closed his eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, and then into the temple. Hand wipe hot tears, Feng Jin was bored with some uncomfortable, Zhuang Luo yan, he pressed quilt, "I'll take a good look about it, you know, I looked distressed. ” 紧闭的双眼睫毛颤了颤,终究还是没有睁开。 叹息一声,封谨转身看向身后的诸人,平淡的开口:“该怎么伺候昭贤容,你们已经知道,若是昭贤容又什么不是,你们也就没有必要站着了。” 不去看诸人惊恐的神情,封谨又多看了庄络胭几眼,可惜对方一直没有睁眼睛,他站了一会儿才离开。 待皇帝离开后,庄络胭睁开眼睛,明明是哀戚的神情,眼中却有着一丝笑意。 有些东西来得太容易,人们往往不懂得珍惜,可若是这件东西要失去了,人才会惊醒这物件有多可贵,有多让人舍不得。女人给男人的爱情同样如此,若是一味的沉默付出,男人会从原本的愧疚变得理所当然,只有让他有失去的危机感后,他才明白,这份感情有多可贵。 封谨虽然是个男人,但同时又是一个皇帝,所以女人对他来说,太容易得到。女人的爱情于他或许可贵,但是得到了也算不得多精贵的东西,只有这份爱情被他亲手伤了,他才蓦然发现,爱情有多难得。这种心理,又何尝不是一个贱字作怪呢? 出了熙和宫,封谨的脸色沉了下来,他心里不好受,别的人自然别想好受,“查出来了没有,昨天晚上哪些宫里的人出现过熙和宫周围。” “回皇上,昨儿晚上出现在熙和宫周围的奴才很多,在昭贤容出事当天,皇后娘娘、两位贵妃娘娘,柔妃、宁妃、徐昭容、苏修仪、嫣贵嫔、蒋贵嫔、林嫔的奴才都靠近过熙和宫。”高德忠顿了一下道,“奴才觉得,单这样并不能查出是何人害昭贤容。” “自然查不出,若是有心害人,可以让人提前到熙和宫四周某个地方躲着,害了人也不必马上离开,待第二天事情闹大了,趁乱离开才是上策,”封谨冷笑,“后宫这个地方,谁没有个吃人害人的心。” 高德忠心头一惊,皇上既然说了这话,那么究竟是什么意思? “不管有多少人经过,全部给朕细细的查,这些人中哪些耽搁了当职,或者莫名其妙的失踪了半个时辰以上,只要有半点可疑,就全部给朕好好盯着。”封谨冷冷的开口,“朕想要弄清一件事,那就谁也没本事瞒着。” 高德忠背脊一寒,皇上这次是真的发怒了。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Outside the chamber atmosphere is very depressed, the emperor looked blankly bloody hammer, standing beside the Queen looking ugly, even with the Royal et al Shu more dare speak. "This temple complex transactions being, I think you can manage this temple, the result is sudden, so many things out," closed heart qi children would like to ring true, blue and white porcelain tea cup placed on hand once again been Saola, he shoved stood up, looked at the four women, then to Queens Road, "I am no matter what method you use, be sure to take this drug women to find out, I this temple being, can not tolerate such a woman." Queen Fook, "concubine must thoroughly good to find out about it." The emperor these things to her, at least prove that this has nothing to do with her, the other person ...... Queen's cold eyes down, she would like to know, what is the who hurt her right temple instability. "You have to step down now," Feng honor waved, I did not want to look at a few people. Hee salute a few people quietly quit and Palace, Queen leaning and jade hand, sighed and said:. "The palace did not expect much after the palace thought so vicious person, really scared people," "Queen Goddess more than an accident, Bin concubine also very frightened, "Shu Royal smiled take it," Unfortunately, this Zhaoxian Rong was a crime, if she had not been Dairen framed, so that was dismissed brand, this crime might be forgiven. " " world matter of who can be expected to, "Yin Royal tone with a distressed," blame blame the man obsessed with thoughts of malicious want framed Zhaoxian Rong, Zhao Xianrong poor young age, they suffer so much suffering, but fortunately saved his life, or else ...... Oh. " Queen glanced Shu Royal, on the Pacers, "the Palace will certainly take the investigation the matter, do not expect that luck Dairen heart." "escort the Queen Goddess," Shu Royal smiled and watched the Queen left, Pacers After leaving a few steps away, laughing face gradually faded down, turned around to see the Yin Royal faint smile, "Yin Royal touches distressed Zhaoxian Rong." Then, too wait Yin Royal talk Pacers will be on the left. Ning Fei looked at three verbal confrontation silence, until three are left, only to step on his chariot, looked back at the palace gates hee and lanterns in the night wind gently swaying, kind of speechless cold. Gong Xi and quiet again, sealing the honor to sit on a chair outside the room until a new take on the tea could not heat, he did not move a muscle. "The emperor, late at night." As a personal manifold around the emperor, the emperor mood despite the high Dezhong know it hard, but also verbally comfort. "I know," Feng would like to stand up, in high-De-zhong thought he was going to leave, but turned around and saw him into his chambers. High Dezhong come here often in the past, the past here with a variety of flavor, just not Smell. Today is indeed what the smell here is gone, the only others only pungent Smell. He stood on the corner shelf Podocarpus still green, but do not see a trace of green water lilies of. Under the bed to wait to see the emperor evening clouds come in, silent blessing Fook, go back a few steps. I have the honor to sit in the bed closure, hand gently touch the pale cheeks, I just feel a hot men's skin, looking slightly changed the moment, "how began to heat up?" cloud evening brow difficult exhibition: "Back to the emperor, the imperial doctor said empress were seriously injured, the evening will certainly heat, is the fear of heat reclaim. " "So, let too hospital tonight waiting outside," Feng Yun Xi took the honor in the hands of the towel and gently placed Network rouge on the village's forehead, "as people used to bring me a pot burns spirits." He remembered childhood high fever, his wet nurse is hot wine to his back, although the method is private land, but it is very useful. Spirits to be sent, closed and do not wish to cloud Xi, who came forward to help, careful network for village rouge forehead, palms feet back rub wine, after the quilt cover tightly, she said: "Be careful to wait on your family Goddess, I have nothing to report right away. " Time for almost 40 more, he could no longer stay in Hee and the Palace, had not assured and asked the hee palace maidens, also sent several experienced Mother to serve, was assured to leave. Rear Lower North Korea, did not wish to return to dry seal palace, but to see昭贤容Hee and Palace, reflected fever has retired, went before the central palace queen scene rush. "These are what the Palace and the Palace of borrowed Hee minions?" Seal the honor turned booklet, face little face. Queen Listening aggravated "borrowed" a smooth voice replied, "Back to the emperor, all have been on top of the list. " " Chang-day floor, and Le Palace, near Xuan, Yi Mei Ge ...... " closure would like to read out one by one, and then a few small booklets readily thrown on, "it seems Xuzhao Rong, soft Fei, Yan your example, the Soviet revisionists instrument around enough I handle, I was actually ill-treatment of them." "They called the to ask, I pretty curious to know exactly where the ill-treatment of their "seal would like to increase the tone abruptly," Even slaves have to do house by dictating "!! Empress silent a moment, he said: "concubine nor did Unexpectedly, they will borrow to Xi and house slaves. " news of the day there, Princess Sophie was the emperor month withdrawal brand, your example, and Su Yan repair instrument brand was withdrawn three months,徐昭容it is to be the emperor in front of the King Central Palace I scolded, fined sign for three months is not that also fined a year salary, even in the heat of the moment under the emperor, say its bear Zhao Rong of the place of words. Chuang network rouge again woke up, already nearly noon, opened his eyes to see is an old head imperial hair, she has not had time to speak, to see the look of excitement plop hair imperial knees, saying the big Fuji Li that kind of thing, then there are a few imperial flooded in, both for her and bowed again and say auspicious words. "You have a good talk together, the Palace headache enough," Zhuang network rouge outburst, just feel the sound small, poor, and some dry throat dumb. But few actually have heard village imperial network rouge, then a favor quiet. Barely drank Gong date longan soup, with a little village network rouge spirit, just a bad headache, she did not dare tamper with this mind if what's wrong in this temple is not Siyeyaosi up. "Goddess, slaves have been reported to the emperor of the people," Listen bamboo bowl and handed the ladies behind, careful to wipe village network rouge face, "the emperor will run the next morning towards the Goddess, but do not wake the empress, the emperor sit for a while and went. " "Really?" Zhuang envelope hint of rouge face complex smile, "I think the emperor would not come here." "I do not how to come back." At this point, sealing I have the honor to march came greeting disregard bunch child who wants to sit up and hold the envelope village rouge, "Do not move, his head hurt so heavy, still moving around, but do not live?" See Chuang network rouge head down appearance, sealing honor soft voice said next, "I did not see you these days, I know you feel bad, I will not be so in the future, you have good, do these things to scare I now. " " harem many sisters, that is how a concubine, emperor and ...... " "Nonsense!" closed honor Chen Sheng said, "Other people are other people, you have a good Zhenyao guarding his own body, do not think about the other. " "But you knew the emperor, I should not go kite, why do not you believe me?!" Zhuang network rouge red-eyes looking at the emperor, "the emperor said free them together, then how concubine They get it back. " The presence of the imperial eunuch palace eunuchs at the moment he did not wait long ears, which means take blame if Zhaoxian Rong say, they did not dare to listen. Some may wish to seal a pair of red eyes can not look straight in the eye, look away silent for a moment and said: "I think the difference is, and to be healed of your body, I'll be good to you." Chuang network rouge red-eyes closed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks, then not coming into the room. Warm hand to wipe the tears, the closure would like to heart Mende some uncomfortable, he pressed for village networks rouge quilt, "I'll take to check this, you like this, I looked distressed." eyes closed eyelashes flutter flutter, after all, she did not open. Sigh, closed honor turned to look behind the Morohito, plain opening:. "The wait Zhaoxian Rong how, you know, if昭贤容and what is not, you will not need to stand up," do not go Morohito frightened look, saw the addition of Johnson sealed envelope rouge honor glances, but the other party has not Zheng Yanjing, he stood for a moment before leaving. After the emperor left the village rouge envelope opened his eyes, obviously his death look, in the eyes but with a smile. Some things come too easily, people often do not know how to cherish, if this can be something to lose, people will wake up this object how precious, how reluctant people. Women love to men the same is true, if blindly silence to pay, men will become a matter of course from the original guilt, only let him have lost a sense of crisis, he realized, how precious this feeling. Although the closure would like to a man, but they are also an emperor, so the woman for him, too easy to get. Women love him probably valuable, but also a lot of money to get a more refined expensive things, only this love is hurt him personally, and he was suddenly discovered how rare love. This mentality, is it not a cheap word trouble it? Hee and a house, I have the honor of sealing face fell, he was upset, naturally think about other people feel better, "found out that no, what the palace last night who appeared Hee and around the Palace. " " Back The emperor, called yesterday appeared in Hee and Palace minions around a lot at night, in昭贤容accident that day, the Queen Goddess, two Royal Empress, Princess Sophie, Ning Princess, Xuzhao Rong, Soviet revisionism instrument, Yan your example, your example Jiang Lin Bin minions have been near-hee and Palace. "De-zhong paused high road," I felt so alone and can not find out who harm Zhaoxian Rong. " "Nature can not find, if determined to harm, people can advance to the Hee and hiding somewhere around the house, do not harm the people to leave immediately, to be the next big thing downtown, is the best way to leave disarray, "seal would like to sneer," harem this place, who did not kill a man-eating the human heart. " High Dezhong heart started, the emperor since he had said this, then what does that mean? "No matter how many people go through, thin all to the investigation, which delayed when these people post, or somehow disappeared more than half an hour, as long as there is the slightest bit suspicious, I take it all to stare." I have the honor closure cold opening, "I want to clarify one thing, it is no one telling ability." high Dezhong spine of a cold, this is really angry emperor.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The outer room atmosphere is very depressed, Emperor face expressionless looking at with the blood of the hammer, Queen complexion is difficult to see standing beside him, joint Shu imperial concubine, more can't hastily opening.

"this temple complex matters, I thought you can manage the harem, the result is the sudden so many things out," seal sincerely heart qi is not smooth, hand put the blue and white porcelain tea cup was again sweep to fall in the ground, he suddenly stood up, looked at four women and told the queen, "I whether you with what method, we must find out such women, I this temple, let not this woman." The queen blessing body,"I must have thoroughly found out this thing.." The emperor handed over to her, at least not to prove that the matter, as for others...... The queen eyes cooled, she also wants to know, who hurt her harem right instability.

"you are down," seal with bailiaobaishou, don't want to see a few people.

a salute to silence from the city and palace, Queen helped and jade hand and sighs: "the house did not expect harem actually thought so malicious, really let people scared."

"more than the empress empress accident, wives and concubines is also very panic," Shu imperial concubine smiled answer. The only pity Zhao Xianrong being the this crime.If she had not been tried against, that was removed from the brand, may be a crime."

"happening in the world who can anticipate," virtuous imperial concubine tone with a distressed, "blame the mind vicious people obsessed with tried to implicate Zhao Xian volume, poor Zhao Xian volume age gently, will suffer so much suffering, but fortunately saved lives, or... Well."

queen see eye Shu the imperial concubine, the chariot, "the house will thoroughly investigate the matter, hope the Dairen don't cherish the luck of the heart."

"escort queen," Shu imperial concubine smiled and watched the queen left foot, to leave after a few steps away,On the face of smile gradually faded down, turned to see a faint smile on one's face "Yin Xian imperial concubine, concubine Zhao Xian Rong is distressed." Then, do not speak on the Royal taiken foot left.

Ningfei silent looked at three verbal confrontation, three people have left, just on his chariot, look back the eye Xi and the palace gate, palace lantern in the night breeze gently swaying, say a chilly.

hee and the palace again quiet, seal like sitting in the outer room chair, until the new tea again also does not take out heat, he did not move for a while.

"emperor, late at night." As the personal Explorer next to the emperor,Although Gao Dezhong knew that the emperor xinxunanping, also want to speak comfort. "I know,"

seal with rose, while Gao Dezhong thought he was leaving, but see he turned again into the room. Gao Dezhong used to come here. Here, the past with all kinds of flavor, not only taste. Today, here it is not only what flavor, and some only a pungent smell. The corner shelves of Podocarpus still green, water lilies and do not see the trace of green. The bed is served at the cloud Xi

to see the emperor in, silent blessing blessing body, stepped back a few paces. I sat down on the edge of a

,Hand gently touch the pale cheeks, only to find under the skin a piece of hot, when the following color slightly changed. "How to begin to heat up?"

Xi cloud eyebrows difficult Exhibition: "return to emperor, the imperial doctor says, empress seriously injured, night fever, is afraid of heat is not retreated."

"since it is so, so too the hospital tonight in waiting outside," letter I would like to take the cloud Xi in the hands of the towel and gently placed in Luo Zhuang rouge on the forehead, "is to send a pot of burns spirits." He remembered childhood fever is not retreated, his nurse is the hot wine to his back, although it is a private method of soil, but it is very useful. The spirits sent,Letter would also like not cloud Xi et al came forward to help and care for Zhuang Luo popliteal forehead, hands and feet back rub the wine, the quilt cover tightly, just way: "carefully wait upon your house empress, what immediately to my report."

time nearly four more, he can no longer stay in the city and the palace, had to worry about told the city and the palace of the maid, and sent several experienced Mammy to wait, just rest assured leave.

down after sealing wish not dried palace, but to Xi and Miya Aki Yin content, see the high fever returned, only to the Queen's view of the central palace rush to. "These are what house

hee and borrowed house slaves?"The letter is on the side of the booklet and there is little expression on the face.". Queen

to hear that the aggravation of "borrowed", steady voice replied, "return to emperor, with a list of all the are has been in the top of the." "Smooth day, and f

palace, Lin Yuexuan, Yi Mei ge......" Letter sincerely one read out, then the brochures readily thrown into several small up, "seems Xu Zhaorong, soft imperial concubine, Yan your wives, around the Su Xiuyi minions also enough beck and call, I was actually mistreated them." They called to ask "

, I also want to know, where they were mistreated!" I suddenly closed mood aggravating, "just want to don't even the slave house by me!"

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