五百四十五章 李梦瑶2013-11-01 12:00:00 翌日凌晨,一大早就起床了。 选了一套最整洁的衣服穿上,深秋的早上已经相当冷了,披 การแปล - 五百四十五章 李梦瑶2013-11-01 12:00:00 翌日凌晨,一大早就起床了。 选了一套最整洁的衣服穿上,深秋的早上已经相当冷了,披 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

五百四十五章 李梦瑶2013-11-01 12:00:00 翌日凌晨,

五百四十五章 李梦瑶
2013-11-01 12:00:00











































































五百四十六章 土豪金贵宾款
2013-11-02 08:00:00







来到售卖点,是 一个大约25岁上下的MM在值守,一身黑色制服非常好看,天命公司的老板还是挺有眼光的。
















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter 545 Li Mengyao2013-11-01 12:00:00 Next day morning, get up early in the morning. Chose a clean set of clothes to put on, quite cold late autumn morning, donned a black jacket with a white shirt, looking at himself in the mirror, confidence begins to swell. Downstairs, far of, East months, and Lin Waner has waiting for in there has, I deliberately more see has a eye, is found Lin Waner, and East months are wear have is beautiful of like, and Lin Waner of clothes also is most like of that sets leisure loaded, called what brand to forget has, anyway a 3W+, your have hell, but family Torre rich, pocket money are Shang billion, we also cannot said what, only resenting the of at she chest Qian full straight of 34D gave of more see several eye. With two a MM to parking, open with I of A4 out has campus, today is weekend, street side comings and goings of many students, two a MM of mood apparently also good, open Windows blow with wind, in I behind Twitter of chat with days, this familiar of picture let people a enchanted of feel, and I also some fear, once I habits has this life, is heart deep of killing will disappeared no trace has? A fighter, lost his desire to fight, can do better? Ate breakfast on the street, I drove into the distance. Lin Waner blinked: "pigs, where your aunt in Hangzhou? You seem right...... " I coughed and said with smile: "that ... ... My aunt told me, so I took a wild salmon back, so I go to the pond in the distance to see if they can buy...... " "Well ... ..." Soon, driving into the countryside, a Creek there, looking for a good long time and finally found a pollution-free green pond, big, a boat on the water, Fisherman's nets, I slowly in the pool to stop, and get off, much of the wave: "uncle, you got any salmon? ” Fishermen will hold the boat over, kicked the bucket around, haha laughed: "why, the young fish do you want? ” "Well, do you have a salmon? Here ... ... A wild, right? ” "You luck good, I just playing to a article, this tablets water in Qian years was pollution serious, abandoned has, no people governance, this days clear up, no thought also really has fish, here you see, I a morning at least fishing has ten pounds fish, just has a article salmon, at least a pounds half, on 100 block money a pounds of sold you, 150, to don't? ” I nodded, while Lin Waner 150 were quickly taken out of the bag and handed over and smiles: "uncle, you have a bucket, also sold us, home or fish died, 10 bucks and sell not sell? ” "Oh, well......" Soon the beautiful lady carrying barrels half a bucket of water, then crossed, afraid of encrusted salmon in the barrel, open the A4 trunk, filled in, leave, at 9 o'clock in the morning. …… Way speed, passing has city, into has small town, about 10 points more of when, car drove into has a university town, through University City, in University City of next, appeared has rolling of houses, are is some diet, and accommodation, and Internet cafes like of facilities, which, has a four layer small floor, above hanging with greatly of several Word signs--crystal of love hotel! 车子猛然停在了酒店的前方,林婉儿眨了眨眼睛看我,又看看宾馆的招牌,说:“阿猪,你想干什么,停在这里干什么?莫非……婶婶家就是这里?” 我点头:“嗯,婶婶是开客栈的……就是这个宾馆,哈哈,别奇怪,我小时候一直住在这里,还经常帮婶婶干活,洗床单什么的,还时常洗到带血的床单呢……” 林婉儿小脸蛋通红,“啪”的粉拳揍了我一下:“笑你个头!” 一旁东城月也嘻嘻笑:“我还以为逍遥哥哥突然想开了,带着我和婉儿来开房呢……带着两个,你行吗你?” 我瞥了她一眼:“行,但是我不要,我是有原则的人……” “呸……” …… 下车,酒店前台处,熟悉的身影走了出来,婶婶有些老了,却惊愕的看着我:“臭小子,你……你……你……” 她看着我身边的林婉儿、东城月两个大美女,一时间“你”不出来下文了,直接走上前猛拍我的肩膀,压低声音到像是大喇叭一样的说道:“行啊小子,一下子带着两个那么漂亮的女孩回来,婶婶这下一点都不用愁了……” 我脸色木然,东城月、林婉儿则扑哧一笑,林婉儿走上前,彬彬有礼的说:“婶婶你好,我是李逍遥的朋友,我叫林婉儿……” 婶婶点头一笑,又“小声”对我说:“这林婉儿真漂亮啊,身材又好,将来一定能生儿子,而且儿子一定很帅,你们关系进展的怎么样了?” I have a black line. Lin Waner is also red in the face, Dongcheng months Snort and said, "aunt characters haven't a handed you, don't worry ... ... Emotion takes it! My name is Jiro months, how do you like me? ” Ridges and peaks before the girl's chest, though not as Lin Waner, but ... ... Good enough! Aunt beamed: "East side Moon? This is really a nice name, come, sit down, don't stand outside...... " I mention dress with fish of barrels go in, two a MM also only sat in hotel of reception hall in, area is unlikely to, small hotel everyone are understand of, two a MM are slightly some binding, not know said what is good, aunt is obligingly, last only said they two is I by served of company in hired models, then and was aunt slammed praised figure, two a MM of face alone more red has. Aunt to buy dish, I is habitual of in yard in Wash sheets, fortunately this no red, Lin Waner sat in next quietly of see with I, then couldn't help have an itch to, end has a big barrels, help I with wash, East months is in yard in flirt that article aunt raised with of Huskies, this is article good base of Huskies, a see beauty on shake tail, East months touch touch it of head, it are urine has...... …… Has been to near at 11 o'clock of when, aunt back has, in yard in finishing hack of vegetables, and fish and so on, I wearing with two a skin gloves, gas effort contains Yu arm on, almost put washboard to rub broken has, arm Shang also full is bubble, see have East months is unfortunately of shook his head: "alas, Versace on was so spoil, didn't justice Ah......" 正在这时,外面传来刹车声,婶婶伸头看看,说:“你妹妹也该回来了吧?” 还没说完,一个美丽的身影穿过了大堂走来,手里的包“啪”一声落地,长发飘飘的妹妹一脸兴奋的小跑了过来,脸上带着喜悦:“哥!” 我抬头看她:“梦瑶?” 下一刻,李梦瑶张开双臂,“哗”一声扑进我怀里,把我连人带凳子扑倒在地,她靠在我怀里,脸蛋紧紧贴着我的脖颈,笑道:“哥,我好想你啊……” 我手臂上全是泡沫,又不知道怎么推开她,哭笑不得:“好了好了,梦瑶快点站起来,我身上都是肥皂泡,快点快点!” “哦!” 李梦瑶站起身,扶着我的手臂,笑嘻嘻的看着我:“哥,我们有7个月23天没有见面了!” “嗯,记得那么清楚?” “是啊,你每个月给我打钱的时候我都在想,哥哥过得怎么样……” “哈哈……” 我有些尴尬的脱掉手套,摸摸她的头:“哥哥过得很好,不用担心!” 婶婶在旁酸不溜秋的说:“唉,女大不中留啊,回来就只记得哥哥了,我这个婶婶坐在这里都成空气了……” 李梦瑶笑嘻嘻的走上前,挽着婶婶的手:“婶婶说哪儿话,我这不是……太久没有见到哥哥了嘛!咦?这两位……” 终于,小丫头这时候才看到林婉儿、东城月,禁不住的愣住了,梦瑶自小就是婶婶的掌上明珠,被誉为方圆十里第一美女的存在,如今却看到了林婉儿、东城月这种丝毫不输给她的存在,自然就有威胁感了。 “哥哥,她们是?”小丫头拉拉我的手。 我无语,介绍道:“这位是林婉儿,是我的朋友,这位是东城月,也是我的朋友……” “啊?!” 李梦瑶张大了小嘴巴:“林婉儿、东城月,怎么感觉那么耳熟,莫非……莫非是传说中凡书城的苍瞳和苍月?!” 林婉儿微微一愣:“你……你认识我们?” 李梦瑶点头,又看向我:“哥哥……哥哥,别告诉我……八荒城第一人的那个逍遥自在真的是你啊,真的是你吗?” 我笑笑:“是我,怎么了?” 李梦瑶脸蛋瞬间红了,然后精致的肩膀都微微颤抖了,好激动的看着我:“我就说嘛,逍遥自在的游戏形象真的很像是哥哥,但是我没有想到哥哥会那么厉害,我的同学也不信,呜呜……逍遥自在真的是我哥哥啊!” 东城月笑道:“怎么,梦瑶你也玩天命吗?” “没……” 梦瑶摇摇头,说:“我只是看游戏资料而已,暂时还没有钱买游戏头盔,就是很羡慕那些能玩的人,唔……” 林婉儿轻笑:“现在没有问题了,梦瑶不用担心,你哥现在可以为你买啦!” “啊?” 李梦瑶看向我:“哥哥,可以吗?” “嗯!”我认真点头:“下午咱们就去销售点,挑选最高档的头盔给你买一套。” “但是好贵的啊……”李梦瑶抿着红唇,很不忍心的样子。 我禁不住一笑,揽着她的肩膀:“担心什么,你忘了我是逍遥自在了吗?我有一个斩龙这样的后盾行会啊?买一个头盔对哥哥来说简直就是小菜一碟啊!” …… 婶婶在旁戒备的问道:“臭小子,你干什么去了,发财了?” 我想了想:“我升职了……” “升职?什么职位?” 林婉儿镇定道:“保安头子……” 婶婶笑了:“升职就好,我们家的臭小子终于有出息了……” 我:“……” 新的一个月,继续求凹凸票,冲第一!然后叶子明天从厦门回苏州了,明天开始恢复双更,谢谢大家的体谅。 再然后,斩龙在接下来的一段时间里可能会VIP上架,希望大家都能来17K充值一下KB,实实在在的为叶子捧一下钱场,几块钱看一个月斩龙,其实不多,但却可以让斩龙在订阅榜上不输给其他强书,谢谢大家啦~~五百四十六章 土豪金贵宾款2013-11-02 08:00:00 中午,丰盛的一餐,婶婶的厨艺不减当年,林婉儿、东城月也赞不绝口。 下午,带着李梦瑶,去市区买游戏设备了,游戏里转眼两个月,第17批头盔都已经发放了,现在各个售卖点都有盈余的头盔可以出售,不过我们还是选择了市区最繁华地段的一个天命设备旗舰店去购买了,带着李梦瑶、林婉儿、东城月三个人走了进去,三个漂亮MM马上吸引了不少注目。





来到售卖点,是 一个大约25岁上下的MM在值守,一身黑色制服非常好看,天命公司的老板还是挺有眼光的。
















การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Five hundred forty five chapters Limeng Yao
2013-11-01 12:00:00
am the following day, early in the morning to get up. Choose a most clean clothes to wear, late autumn morning has been quite cold, put on a black jacket, with white shirt, looking at herself in the mirror, confidence began to swell. Downstairs, well, Dongcheng month, Ms Lin had been waiting there, I looked more deliberately, but found that Ms Lin, Dongcheng month wear very nice look, and Ms Lin's favorite set of clothes or casual wear called to forget what brand, anyway a 3W +, terribly expensive, but people Diddy money, pocket money of millions, we can not say anything, only hatred directed at her chest full upright 34D fiercely more Kanji Yan. With two MM to the parking lot, I drove out of the campus of A4, today is the weekend, the streets coming and going of many students, two MM's obviously a good mood, the wind blowing open the windows, behind me twitter chatting, this familiar picture makes a kind of enchanted feeling, and I have some fear, once I got used to this kind of life, it is not deep down fighting will disappear without a trace? A soldier, lost the desire to fight, but also to do more? In the street to eat a breakfast, I continued driving on the distance. Ms Lin blinked: "? Azhu you where your aunt in Hangzhou this direction seems a bit wrong thing ......" I cough cough, laughing: "That ...... aunt told me, let me take a wild salmon back, so I went over there to see the distant pond can buy ...... " " well ...... " soon, the car into the country, a creek there, looking for a good long while and finally found a not contaminated green pond, big, a small boat on the water, fishermen are net, I would stop in the pool slowly, then get off a wave far: "? uncle, you have here the salmon do" fishing will ship propped up, kicked the bucket around, haha laughed: "? how young people you want to buy fish" ?? "ah, there are salmon right here ...... it be wild," "you lucky, I just hit a few years ago this was seriously polluted the water, abandoned, nobody governance, clear up these days, did not think really there is fish Well you see, I am fishing for a fish at least ten pounds, just have a salmon, at least a half kilogram, they sell you 100 dollars a pound, 150, or not? " I nodded, aside Ms Lin quickly took out the 150 handed over from the bag, smiled and said:" uncle, where you have a empty bucket, we also sell it, otherwise the fish home to die, 10 dollars, you serve? " " Oh, well ...... " soon, beauty Missy carrying bucket hit half water bucket, then happily, looking over the scared salmon into the bucket, open A4 trunk, loaded into it, leave, 9:00 a. ...... Speeding all the way, passing the city, entered the town, about 10 o'clock when the car rolled into a university town, through the University City, next to the University City, there has been continuous residential areas, are some of the food, accommodation, cafes and the like facilities where there is a four-story house, hanging above the big words signs - crystal Love Hotels! The car suddenly stopped in front of the hotel, Ms Lin blinked at me, look at the hotel's signature, said: "?? A Zhu, you want to do, stop doing here ...... Could aunt home is here." I nodded : "ah, aunts inn is open ...... is this hotel, ha ha, do not strange, I have lived here as a child, and often work to help my aunt, wash linens or something, but also often bloody bed sheets to wash it ...... " Ms Lin small face flushed," pop "Fenquan beat me:"! laugh your head " side of the East also Giggles month:" I thought Happy brother suddenly want to open, and I took her beat it to open room ...... with two, you okay you? " I glanced at her:" OK, but I do not, I am a man of principle ...... " " Pooh ...... " ...... get off the reception area, familiar the figure came out, some old aunt, but looked at me in astonishment: "brats, you ...... you ...... you ......" she looked around me Ms Lin, Dongcheng month two big beautiful women, for a time. " you "do not come out below, and directly approached a quick photo on my shoulder, like a low voice to the same big horn, he said:" OK, ah boy, all of a sudden come back with two pretty girls, aunt under this point are do not worry ...... " I looked woodenly, Dongcheng month, Ms Lin is Puchi smile, Ms Lin stepped forward, politely said:" aunt Hello, I'm Lee Happy friends, my name is Ms Lin ...... " aunt nodded smile , and "whispered" to me: "this is really beautiful ah Ms Lin, she is good, the future will be able to a son, and the son of a certain handsome, how progress in your relationship going?" I a black line. Ms Lin also face flushed, Dongcheng month Puchi smile, said: "!? Aunt, character not even got off children do, that you do not worry ...... feelings to slowly train Well I'm Dongcheng month, you see how I like." pretty little girl over hill chest before Ms Lin, though not the size, but ...... enough! Aunt grin: "? Dongcheng month this name is really nice to come inside and sit down, do not stand outside the ......" I put a dress fish bucket went in two MM can only sit in the hotel reception hall inside, small in size, small hotels we know everything, two MM are slightly shy, do not know what to say, but aunt fuss, they finally can say that I have worked for two companies hire models, then aunt has been Mengkua figure, two MM's face felt extremely red. Aunt to go shopping, and I am in the habit of washing sheets yard, but fortunately this did not red, sitting next to Ms Lin quietly looked at me, then could not help but itchy, end a vat, help me wash together, Dongcheng month in the yard molested piece aunt possessor Huskies, this is the good cheap husky, one can see the beauty and wags its tail, Dongcheng month touch its head, it all urine ...... ...... until nearly 11 o'clock the aunt came back, finishing in the yard pot vegetables, fish, etc., I was wearing two leather gloves, Qi Jin inherent in the above arm, almost to the washboard to rub off, arms full of foam, it is a pity to see Dongcheng month shook his head: "Oh, Versace was so ruined, no ears ah ......" just then, out came the sound of brakes, head out to see aunt, said: "you are the sister ? back it up " not finished, a beautiful figure walking through the lobby, hand bag" popping "sound floor, long hair fluttering sister look of excitement trot over, his face with joy: "! brother" I looked up at her: "? Meng Yao," the next moment, Limeng Yao with open arms, "Wow," soon flew into my arms, my man and stool down to the ground, she leaned against my arms, face tightly close to my neck, he smiled and said: "brother, I miss you ah ......" my arms full of foam, do not know how to push her, almost to tears: "well, well, Meng Yao hurry station ! up to me all soap bubbles, hurry hurry " " Oh! " 李梦瑶stood up, leaning on my arm, looked at me and grinning:" brother, we have seven months 23 days not seen! " "ah, I remember so clearly?" "Yes, ah, you give me money every month when I was thinking, how was my brother ......" "ha ha ......" I am a little embarrassed to take off the gloves, touch her head: "! brother very well, do not worry," aunt next to the acid does not slip autumn, said: "Oh,女大不中留ah, come back you just remember my brother, and my aunt sitting here as the air ...... " Limeng Yao stepped forward grinning, holding aunt's hand:"!? where is aunt said, I did not see it is not too long ...... Hey brother thing these two ...... " finally, little girl At this time only to see Ms Lin, Dongcheng month, could not help but shocked, Meng Yao aunt's favorite childhood is, as the ten-mile radius of the first beauty of existence, but now saw Ms Lin, East this month did not lose her presence, they will naturally feel the threat. "My brother, are they?" The little girl pulling my hand. I am speechless, introduced: "This is Ms Lin, he is my friend, this is East month, my friend ......" "ah?!" Limeng Yao Da small mouth: "Ms Lin, Dongcheng month, how feel so familiar, does ...... Could it be the legendary bookstore Cang Hitomi and Van Cang month "?! Ms Lin slightly surprised:" you ...... you know us? " Limeng Yao nodded, then looked at me:" my brother ...... brother, do not tell I ...... glorious city the first person that you really are unaffected, ah, really you do? " I smiled:"? I, how the " Limeng Yao face an instant red, then refined shoulders trembling slightly , well excited at me: "I had any brains, easygoing image of the game is really like my brother, but I did not think my brother would be so powerful, my classmates do not believe, really hum ...... unaffected ! my brother ah " Dongcheng month smiles:"? how, Meng Yao destiny do you play " " no ...... " Meng Yao shook his head and said:" I just see the game data only, had no money to buy game helmet it is very envious of people who can play, well ...... " Ms Lin chuckle:"! now there is no problem, Meng Yao do not worry, your brother and now you can buy it " " ah? " 李梦瑶looked at me:" brother ?, can you " "! ah "I nodded seriously:." Let's go to the point of sale in the afternoon, the selection of the most high-end helmet you buy a " " good but expensive ah ...... "Limeng Yao lips pursed, very bear to look. I could not help but smile, clutch her ​​shoulder: "worried about what you forgot I was easygoing yet I have the backing of such a cut dragon guild ah buy a helmet for his brother is simply a piece of cake ah??! " ...... aunt next to the alert and asked:" brats, you do go, make a fortune "? I thought:" I got a promotion ...... " "?? What job promotion, " Ms Lin calm and said:" security chief ...... " aunt laughed:" promotion is like our family brats finally showing great promise ...... " me:" ...... " new month, continue to seek relief tickets, punch first! Then leaves tomorrow from the back to Suzhou, Xiamen, and began to recover more double tomorrow, thank you for understanding. Then again, slaying the dragon might VIP shelves in the next period of time, I hope people will look to recharge 17K KB, real leaves holding some money for the field, cut a few dollars a month to see the dragon, in fact, not much , but it can make slaying the dragon in the standings is not lost to other strong subscription book, thank you friends ~ ~ five hundred forty six chapters Tyrant Jingui Bin paragraph 2013-11-02 08:00:00 noon, hearty meal, aunt cooking ever, Ms Lin, Dongcheng month also full of praise. Afternoon, with Limeng Yao, to go downtown to buy a gaming device, an instant game for two months, the first batch of 17 helmets have been issued, each point of sale now have a surplus of helmet can be sold, but we chose the city's most the busiest section of a destiny flagship store to buy the device, with Limeng Yao, Ms Lin, Dongcheng month three people walked in, three beautiful MM immediately attracted a lot of attention. ...... "Brother ......" Limeng Yao from behind pulling my hand, looked around the bright lights, can not help but whispered: "This good upscale Oh ...... you give me to buy games helmet is not particularly expensive?" I smiled: "All right, you feel at ease waiting for fate to enter on the line, although two months later, but I'll take with you, ready to give you a good equipment, grade catch up is very simple." "ah ...... " came to the point of sale, MM is a 25-year-old up and down in about duty, a black uniform very nice, destiny's boss or quite eye. "Hello!" I walked up, polite smile, said: "I ask now there are those levels helmet available for sale?" MM smiled: "Hello handsome, we now have all grades helmet spot, general section, 10,000 yuan a 95% degree of verisimilitude, senior elegant blue section, 5W per set, 97% degree of verisimilitude, Tyrant Jingui Bin section, 10W per set, 99% degree of verisimilitude, which is the highest degree of verisimilitude gaming devices on the market, and the allotment of standby power, personal protective equipment, emergency equipment, etc., to buy a helmet VIP section, you can receive a VIP activation code, get 1-10 points after entering the game charm value Oh ...... " I stared:"? uh players we first entered the game how not what this activation code "? MM smiled:" that ...... you are not more than two months of game time junior players Well, this is a way to enter the game after the compensation of the players, I hope you can understand! " Ms Lin fell on the counter, smiled and said:" a Zhu, Meng Yao to buy a local tyrant金贵宾section of it, with our . the same, but we are not the first wholesale sale of the golden helmet. " I nodded, took out a bank card, said:"? beauty, give me a helmet VIP section of it. " "! ah good " soon , the transaction process is completed, a very delicate box filled with equipment belonging Limeng Yao's game, little girl happy verge of tears, and now destiny has been quite popular, her classmates certainly there are many people playing this game, let her solitary a lone really justified, ah, send her the game helmet, it can be considered a little compensation is not responsible for my brother's right! ...... "How, style like?" I asked laughing. Limeng Yao nodded: "huh, I love ...... is too expensive, and my brother, so you spend a lot of money Oh ......" I smiled: "Nothing ah, aunts do not know you do not know behind has a brother? Killing the dragon such a large guilds, casual forage is of 100-point deduction, rest assured, not bad money ...... " Limeng Yao squint to see me, he smiled and said:" huh, my brother is unaffected, is a hero ! level players, " At this time, the staff behind the MM and Ms Lin stared at me, suddenly," ah "sound exclaimed:"! you ...... God, " she Xiangjian trembling, face

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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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