[明星專欄-韓孝珠] 1部. 演員韓孝珠「我的故事」Part 1.(翻譯:whchen275 /轉:樂地 / 圖:自選)不知道怎麼樣才能好好 การแปล - [明星專欄-韓孝珠] 1部. 演員韓孝珠「我的故事」Part 1.(翻譯:whchen275 /轉:樂地 / 圖:自選)不知道怎麼樣才能好好 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

[明星專欄-韓孝珠] 1部. 演員韓孝珠「我的故事」Part 1.(翻

[明星專欄-韓孝珠] 1部. 演員韓孝珠「我的故事」Part 1.
(翻譯:whchen275 /轉:樂地 / 圖:自選)



韓孝週的真正面貌誰也都不知道,本人自己也還沒全部了解自身的面貌,讓人更加好奇地想要聽聽看她的故事。 (編輯 注)

大家好,我是韓孝珠。炎夏的天氣,大家過得平安順利嗎。不是小屏幕或大銀幕,像這樣以文字見到各位,感到十分新鮮。以只用作品拜見那樣的韓孝珠為名見到各位,心情真的很好。 ^______^



# 到「微笑小姐」成為藝人之前…


當然我在大會獲獎是作夢也沒想到的。真是什麼膽量啊…^^;; 當時流行拍攝個人照。現在不熟悉,不過知道的人也有的。不是有臉蛋光滑,鼻子不能不變白的那個相片嗎?和朋友們一起去拍的照片提交給了大會。痛下決心想向大家公開,不過可惜沒能找到那張照片。
ㅠ_ㅠ 反正!從首爾來了聯絡。因為申請合格了,來面試看看。從那時起開始煩惱了吧!為什麼呢?因為我媽媽是嚴格的類型,擔心要如何說出我做藝人呢?也不能就那樣獨自上去首爾啊…






那時身上行李箱只有兩件,現在有一個房子了。 10年過去了,現在我在首爾有新的安身之所。可是這個程度的話,算成功了嗎?





啊!上次昇基在專欄上稍微說了我的故事吧?要配合吧,''只要不配合就給我試試看! ''雖然話這樣說,但那有這樣的事。我不僅也是相同立場,還一起努力呢。
不用說昇基當時多緊張了。看看現在演的電視劇,真的做得很好吧。 <The King>時發出光芒,<九家之書>也看得很有趣。

<燦爛的遺產>成員每年見一、二次面。今年初也一起見面了。 <創可貼>上映後嗎…反正問昇基說「我們不是該再做一個作品嗎?」他說「噢,好啊!」下次有機會的話,想再做一部作品看看。劈啪地爆開的浪漫或有趣題材的作品好像都不錯,各位怎麼樣?有好作品的話,請推荐一下~!

# ,韓孝珠24歲的全部

對我來說,除了以外沒有別的能說了。 是我24歲的全部。不記得當時作為常人的韓孝珠的回憶或日常生活。因為日常生活仍然是同伊。拍攝的一年期間雖然緊張,不過認真的面對。回顧的話,是在各種方面留下很多東西的作品。作為演員也是,作為常人也是。

對我來說有越過大山一次的感覺吧。一邊喘不過氣地說我不能走了,一邊也一直上到最高點,是怎麼樣怎麼樣上去下來的感覺嗎?因為這樣經歷了一次,變成非常大的幫助,也知道了人類忍耐的方法,好像什麼都能做的感覺。在拍攝場內,生活非常緊張。用每週挑戰的感覺試驗我。每當那時「因為我是同伊, 過了這段時間,以後這段時間是不讓我後悔的,那麼就努力吧!」以這樣的心情面對。託大家的福我也得獎了。 ^^

懷著主旨和內容全都很清楚,是具有「懷有可貴的心成為可貴的人」主旨的作品。眼下那樣善良的電視劇好像很難再找到了。還有和我所謂「成長」的關係深厚。什麼是那樣常常成長的呢…啊!個子再高的話可不行! ^^;;



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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

[Star Box - Han Hyo Joo] 1. Actress Han Hyo Joo "My Story" part 1.
(Translation: whchen275 / turn: Melody / map: Optional)

do not know how to make good describe this actor. Bright and beautiful actress in history is very suitable for romance or drama actress Han Hyo Joo to describe two of the three days to complete transfiguration. In drama "Brilliant Legacy>, other home theater seize the hearts of the audience. Her areas of activity in order to expand the screen by , etc. I have disclosed various faces of a part, the results big success.

Recently unique variety show performances winning hearts and easygoing side, to create "beautiful!" The new buzzword of Han Hyo weeks. Remove this has always been the image of her in the film "watchers have> challenged action acting. Even my colleagues also praised the actors, she showed talent for acting action, brought another different look.

Han Hyo-week face who really do not know, I can not understand all his own face, people want to hear more curious to see her story. (Editor's note)

Hello everyone, I am Han Hyo Joo. Summer weather, we do flies safely and smoothly. Not a small screen or the big screen,To see you like this text was very fresh. Meet only works with Han Hyo Joo as the name to see you, and I feel really good.

Unconsciously my debut has 10 years ... I do not know it, but that is the case from the surrounding. Debut 10 years, what kind of feeling? Seems too busy feeling something like that went here. So much so-called 10-year period of special significance, as it had the opportunity to learn through my time. I also write articles, "I have such a face you?" Feel that way, once again a good time to review the past years, I have been excited.

Actress Han Hyo Joo name is called to present the story from the time, to listen to a look at it?

# to "Miss Smile" has become artist before ...

Occasionally someone asks "How do you showbiz's?" Whenever that time although the thought for a moment, but the answer is always "Well ..." bar. High school, a hot summer, and occasionally see ads of the Internet, is the selection of the General Assembly and the smiling lady personally signed up. That karma came until now. Now think of it I do not quite know why the enrollment. At the time before the dream of many, but there is no specific target situation.

Of course, I was dreaming of winning in the General Assembly did not think of.What is really the guts ah ...

;; was popular personal photo shoot. Are not familiar with, but also some people know. Not a smooth face, the nose that can not white photos? And friends together to shoot photos submitted to the General Assembly. Make a determined effort would like to open, but unfortunately could not find the picture.
ㅠ _ ㅠ anyway! From Seoul to the contact. Because application qualified to interview a look. Since then began to worry about it! Why? Because my mother was strict type, worry about how to say what I want to do artists do? Can not just go alone in Seoul ah ...

look wink, there is ultimately beaten consciousness,Always true to her mother say.

"Mom, in fact, because there is such a thing, qualified, but want to come back to Seoul interview if the mother do not, then, did not go."

Because usually do not like fashion and entertainment Mom, I want to suffer scolded, finished in that sentence but after a ha ha laugh. What reaction do?

"You? Artist do?"

Is such a reaction. Fortunately, my mother seems to have a daughter like that the General Assembly passed a student can leave special memories idea. Fortunately, that time is the summer time. Finally clasped her mother's hand comfortably go. Laughing and clasping her hands on, I came to Seoul,Now become so.

Thanks to good results and can be as debut. For formal learning acting came metropolitan area, you can go to cram school. Universities also determined to read acting profession, carrying two high-speed passenger ride alone luggage arrived in Seoul.
At that time only two body trunk, there is now a house. 10 years have passed, and now I have a new in Seoul sanctuary. But this degree, then a success yet?

So now changed Han Hyo Joo. After that luckily met , and other good works, people gradually recognize my face.If I had my mother did not allow me to Seoul, I could not write this article, right? Oh

Later performances , met movies and TV shows, and other works, including works are indispensable and . Of course, there are also many other works, but for Han Hyo Joo, this two works are leaving a lot of things work.

# "people" left in "Brilliant Legacy"

Although in the ratings is difficult to re-experience achieved good results, but compared to that, for me is leaving people works. L base, color yuan,River and a few precious good friends the same age artist. Actually doing the work, then, and many opportunities for seniors, friends and peers, but not easy. I grew up watching carefully together with generations can talk about this and that, too strong and very grateful. Yes and actor colleagues feel different now. Whatever you do after all want to support a friend.

Ah! Last up slightly on the base in the column said my story? To meet it,'' they do not give me a try with! '' While the words to say, but there is such a thing. I not only is the same position, but also to work together yet.
Needless to say l group was more nervous.Now look at the drama played really well done it. shine when, "nine of the book> also look very interesting.

see an annual membership, the second surface. Earlier this year, also met together. after the release of it ... Anyway asked Seung Gi said, "We do not do a work that do?" He says, "Oh, yes!" The next opportunity, I want to do a work look. Crackling burst open ground or funny romantic theme of the works seem good, how about you? There are good works, please recommend some ~!

# , Han Hyo Joo 24-year-old all

for me,In addition to nothing else to say other than it. is my 24-year-old is all about. As ordinary people do not remember Han Hyo Joo memories or daily life. Because everyday life is still the same in Iraq. During the shooting of the year although nervous, but serious face. Review, then, is leaving a lot of things in a variety of aspects of the works. As an actor, too, as ordinary people too.

for me to have crossed the mountains once the feeling. While breath to say I can not go, while it has been up to the highest point, is how to how to go down feeling? Because it experienced a, becomes a very big help,Also know the way of human endurance, like the feeling of what it can do. In the shooting venue, life is very tense. Weekly challenges with sensory testing me. Whenever that time "because I was with Iraq, after a period of time, after this period of time is to keep my regret, then it up!" In such a mood to face. I trust everyone's blessing won a prize.

With very clear purpose and content of the whole, is a "cherished precious hearts become valuable people" theme work. Right now it seems like kind of hard to find a TV. As well, and I'm so-called "growth" deep relationship.What is so often grow it ... ah! Tall no matter how high it can not do!


Though I said to myself a little bit so, but I unconsciously construct "bright healthy and good character," such an image. That said, I do not think we must take off the image. Does not look very okay? Efforts to get rid of that does not seem necessary. Han Hyo Joo not look like ordinary people but with works made image, showing works if "I was such a look," on the line. Movie is a good example.

Love drama, history, drama and other genres restrictionsFor me like tight jeans, like the works of the image previously mentioned can be solved by chance.

Next one is included , embarrassed and a little burden to the so-called "Never actor" modifiers and , etc., to say to movie-centric story. Han Hyo Joo stories one by one, looking forward to it? 'll Be back soon!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

[star columnist Han Hyo Joo] 1. Actor Han Hyo Joo "my story" Part 1.
(Translation: whchen275 / turn: race / map: optional)

do not know how to properly describe the actor. Bright and beautiful actress, very romantic or historical drama actor to describe Han Hyo Joo three days two head to complete the change. In the TV drama "brilliant legacy >, < > with Iraq seize the family theater the audience's heart. She expanded activities in the field of screen, through the "Light sea, become the king's Man >, < a > and discloses a part of all I have in the face, big success.

.Win the heart and easygoing performance side recently endemic in variety shows, making "beautiful! "New buzzwords of Han Xiaozhou. This time she unloaded always image, in the movie < surveillance researchers > challenge action skills. Even the colleague actors also praised her, on the action skills show to send another face. The true face

Han Xiaozhou who also don't know, I didn't fully understand itself, let a person more curious to hear her story. (editor's note). Hello, I'm Han Hyo Joo. The hot weather, everyone had a safe going. Not the small screen or the big screen,To see you like this word, feel very fresh. In order to meet only works as the Han Hyo Joo name, see you, I feel really good.

imperceptibly my debut also already 10 years... I don't know, but that it is from the surrounding. Debut 10 years, what kind of feeling? As though you have no feeling that ran here. The special significance during the 10 years of the so-called, rather than through this opportunity to have can understand my time. I also wrote "I have such a face?" this feeling, can once again in the past years a good time, I have been excited.

.The name of the actor Han Hyo Joo story from then to now, listening to a have a look?

to "smile" became an artist before miss...

when people ask "how do you enter the entertainment circle? "Then, whenever the thought for a while, but always replied" well... ". High school on a hot summer, I surf on the Internet to see the ads, is smiling Miss selection meeting registration in person. The causes to the until now. Up to now I don't know for what. The dream of many at the time, but there is no specific target condition.

I in the award-winning is never dreamed that the.It is what the guts...

; popular personal photo shoot. Now do not know, but also some people know. Not have the face smooth, nose not invariant that photo white? Submit and friends together to photos to congress. Determined to want to everyone, but unfortunately did not find the photo.
_ anyway! Come from Seoul. Because the application of qualified, come have a look. Since then began to worry! Why? Because my mother is strict type, worrying about how to tell me? Can not be alone to Seoul... Have a look at the final

, beaten,Sincerely said to his mother.

"mother, in fact, because there is such a thing, qualified, but to come back to Seoul interview. If the mother does not go, will not go. "

because usually don't like fashion and entertainment's mother, I want to catch it, and in that sentence a finished was a laugh. This is what the response?

"you? Artists? "Is this reaction. Thanks to mother like a daughter to leave special memories in the student through that Congress thought. Fortunately, the time is summer vacation time. Finally, hold her hand to the comfortable. Laughing and hold hands came to Seoul i,Now become so.

Thanks to good results and can be as the debut. In order to formally study acting to the capital circle, can go to cram school. University is determined to study acting professional, with two pieces of luggage alone in a high-speed passenger came to Seoul.
then body trunk only two pieces, there is now a house. Over the past 10 years, now I am in Seoul have a new place. But this level, succeeded?

just now Han Hyo Joo. After that, fortunately met < splendid heritage >, < > with Iraq in good works, people gradually recognize my face.If the mother did not allow me to go to Seoul, and now I can't write the article? Hehe later show , met the films and TV plays and other works, among them indispensable work is "brilliant legacy with Iraq > > and <. Of course there are many other works, but for Han Hyo Joo, the two works are left a lot of works.

"people" left "brilliant legacy". Although "brilliant legacy, in terms of ratings made it difficult to re experience the good results, but other than that, for me, is leaving the works of people. Cai Yuan Sheng base,River a few precious age artist friends etc.. In fact do works of words, many predecessors opportunity, however, and friends is not easy. To watch me grow, the same generation can do talk, too strong and to be grateful. Is different and the actor colleagues felt. No matter what all want to give the support of friends.

! The last column in a little told my story? To cope with it, 'as long as it doesn't fit me have a try! "Although the words say so, but that there is such a thing. I not only is the same position, also together. Needless to say l group was much tension.Have a look now in TV dramas, really do very well. < The King > when shine, < nine book, also very interesting.

< brilliant legacy members meet one or two times a year. At the beginning of this year also meet together. < a > after release it... Anyway, ask seunggi said "we are not the next works? "He said," Oh, yeah! "Next time you have the chance, want to do a work have a look. Romantic or interesting crackling burst open work are good, how do you like? There are good works, please recommend to! < >

with Iraq, 24 year old Han Hyo Joo all

for me,In addition to outside Iraq > < with nothing else to say. < > with Iraq was my 24 years old all. Do not remember as ordinary Han Hyo Joo memories or daily life. Because of the daily life is still the same iraq. Shot of the year although nervous, but seriously. Review the words, is to leave a lot in various aspects of the work. As an actor, as ordinary people is.

< with Iraq > to me have crossed the mountains a feeling. He can't breath to say I can't go, he has been to the highest point, what what up feeling down? Because it experienced a, a very big help,Also know that a human patient, as if what all can do to feel. In the station, life is very nervous. By sensory test weekly challenge me. Whenever that time "because I'm with Iraq, after this time, after this period of time is not that I regret, then try it! "In such a mood to face. Support your blessing I award.

< with Iraq > with purpose and content are all very clear, is "a valuable heart become part of the people" theme works. Now that kind of drama as it is very difficult to find. And my so-called "growth" is a relationship of deep.What is so often grow... Ah! Sub high words!

;; although I said a little like that, but I imperceptibly to construct "bright and healthy and good character" of this image. However, I don't think you must take off your image. Looks like is not very good? If there is no effort to get rid of the necessary. Not ordinary people Han Hyo Joo appearance but works as image, if show "I also like this" works on the line. The film < > is a good example of monitoring researchers.

love drama, historical drama genre limit,For me < surveillance researchers > like skinny jeans of the works, said before the image can be solved by chance.

next is include < surveillance researchers >, feel shy and a bit burden, to the sea of so-called "tens of millions of actors" modifier ", become the king's Man > and < a >, say, to film as the center of the story. Han Hyo Joo a story, looking forward to? Come back soon!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
[star-Han Hyo-Joo] 1. Actor Han Hyo-Joo "my story" Part 1.
(Translation: whchen275/Zhuan: Park/Almaty: Xuan)

don't know how to describe this GE model to Actor. Bright and beautiful port Actor, at a proper collection of romantic or Opera Bastille Actor up to describe the history of Han Hyo-Joo 變 TOU completed the second in three days. Television Opera Bastille < 燦 爛 yi estate >,< > catch family gekijou Theater view audience and our heart. Her silver screen large livly aktiviti activity domain depository, Modbus, ASCII < light sea, becoming the king's men >,< chuang 貼 > public open my 擁 some part of a surname model look, resultative large success.

Recently in Zong 藝 Program unique sheng in 負 heart and gone with the side and show, make "beautiful port! "New popular names ordered Korea week of filial piety. This time she removed to the image of the future, electronic shadow < on their toes > picking the war 動 for acting. Niche colleagues Actor La Liga will not cease to amaze her, yeah 動 acting is shown to deliver different faces. The true face of

Korea's filial piety week Shui also don't know, Hai I own without full knowledge of their appearance, more curiously 讓 people want Ting Ting read her story. (Editing)

Hello, I'm a Han Hyo-Joo. The Summer Weather, all over peace Shun Lee Ma. Not a small silver screen or large screen,Views like this model to text to you, am very new Xian. With only works thanks to the views that Han Hyo-Joo into views of the model to you, it feels really good.

Do not know their debut also have Bible for 10 years I ... I don't really know yet, not over 從 week 圍 apprised of this model. Debut 10 times, what is the model of Feeling? Seems too busy to run their model, not to have this look no further. Stub 謂 its says 10-year location particularly Yi 義, than say pass over this time quite Club Med can understand my Userboxes/Time. Xie article I "I have this model look Ma?" The Feeling of this model, once again back to 顧 over 歲 good Userboxes/Time of the month, I was Bible-動.

Name is Actor Han Hyo-Joo 從 quite time to fully furnished apartments in the story, Ting a look at Ma?

# To "Miss smile" before becoming Entertainers ...

once in a while some people question "How do you model into play 藝 ring? "When that time 雖 and would like to have a Club Med Ni, a State in the Zhou Dynasty, not over the Director is to answer" why this GE ... ". Hot summer high school era a certain GE inflammatory, occasionally go online, to see the Advertising terms, is Miss smile Xuan pulling Club Med has since furnished accommodation, the Qing. That GE Yuan up until now. Fully furnished apartments in the thinking of coming in, and I don't quite know why furnished accommodation. In the quite hour Dream think a lot before, TI are not over is not standard usage.

Sure then I was Club Med 獲 獎 Dream had no idea.What is 膽 ...

;; When settings pop 攝 GE according to. Fully furnished apartments in unfamiliar, not over some people know. Not Face smooth egg, noses cannot but 變 white that GE photo Ma? Go with friends we took the pictures submitted to the Club Med. Pain decided under public and open to everyone, not over but could find no Zhang photos. _
ㅠ ㅠ anyway! 從 Seoul United a coarse silk fabric was coming in. Because the application had qualified, future 試 look. 從 settings STARTLOG fan 惱! Why do it? Because I'm 媽 媽 yan Genres, Entertainers fear worry how you want to say I do it? You can't be that model 獨 Seoul, ...

look, most 終 beating their awareness,Really yeah 媽 媽 says.

"媽 媽, implement it because of this model, qualified, but coming back to Palma 試. If 媽 媽 not Mandarin, won't go to that model. "

Because usually do not like Huan Fashion 娛 Park 媽 媽, I want to get 罵, but after the finish that sentence Mandarin 講 HA HA laugh. This is what's the Reaction?

「妳? Entertainers Ma? "

Is the Reaction of this model. 虧 媽 媽 seems to have a Daughter get over that model on the big Club Med Students times can leave special memories in my eyes. Fortunately 虧 Userboxes/Time that GE Userboxes/Time is the summer vacation. Finally comfortable to grip hold of 媽 媽 hands. Bian bian laugh grip hold started coming on to me in Seoul,Fully furnished apartments in 變 into this model.

, Fortunately, 虧 OK resultative model debut. Into acting for the formal Learning coming to capital circle, you can go to BU 習 University School. University decided to study acting 專 industries, carrying two pieces of luggage bags 獨 chasing after a high-speed guests coming to Seoul.
Upon that time only two pieces of luggage box, fully furnished apartments in a GE houses. 10 over, now I have new shelter in Seoul. But this GE level of Mandarin, count the successful Ma? Fully furnished apartments in

this model 變 into a Han Hyo-Joo. After that, fortunately, chasing after views < 燦 爛 yi estate >,< > such good works, people can we Jian Jian 認 out of my Face.If quite time cons 媽 媽 讓 me to Seoul, I can't this model fully furnished apartments in Xie have articles, right? Hehe

last years show , caught in views electronic works of cinema and Television Opera Bastille, a surname, indispensable work is < 燦 爛 yi estate > < >. Sure then also has many other works, not over yeah Han Hyo-Joo up to say, these two books is to leave a lot of East-West bypass works.

# "Person" left "燦 爛 Yi products"

雖 < 燦 爛 yi estate > 視 resumption rates achieved very good 績 Nan Experience all over again, do not over than the GE, yeah I coming says is to leave man's work. Sheng base, color,River sequences as less good friend Jane 貴 齡 Entertainers. Work from the reality on the Mandarin, and the former 輩 International Club Med a lot, not 齡 friends over and not easy. Look with me into a long, 談 LUN with the generation you can model this model that, too is 謝 穩-solid. Is us Feeling different, and Actor colleagues. To end, no matter what wants to be supported by friends.

Ah! Last time on base in 專 LAN sheng says, my story? To tie it, '' as long as you don't tie it to my 試 試 look! '' 雖 and Mandarin this model says, but there was this model. I not only followed a similar line stance, Hai's work.
Without says Sheng base when times much habdabs.Fully furnished apartments in his Television Opera Bastille, really did very well. hour release light < nine book > also look very interesting.

< 燦 爛 yi estate > members views once or twice a year. Views at the beginning of this year. < Chuang 貼 > after release, MA ... Question anyway, Sheng base says "we not 該 do Ma GE works? "He said," Oh, good! "Next time you have a quite Club Med Mandarin, want to do such a work. Clanking burst open a romantic or interesting problems seems not CUO materials works, how you model? Good works of Mandarin, please recommend something ~!

# < >, Han Hyo-Joo 24 歲 all

yeah I coming says,In addition to < > cons other than don't say. < > Is all that I'm 24 歲. No JI when settings as a Korea xiaozhu memories in my eyes or everyday life of ordinary people. Because daily life is still the same. Location 雖 攝 period habdabs, not over 認 really yeah. 顧 Mandarin, is a surname left many works of East West. As a Actor is also, as a normal person.

< > Yeah I once more over the years say the mountain Feeling. Bian chuan not to say I can't go over Qi, a bian has also been to the highest location on, is how to model how to model future Feeling under Ma? Because this model Bible experience once, 變 into very large assistance,But also know the person class endurance, Feeling like anything can do. 攝 handy inside, life is very habdabs. Each week pick war Feeling 試 驗 I. When that time "because I was with Iraq, over these Userboxes/Time, so this is not 讓 Userboxes/Time I regret, then efforts! "Yeah with this model. A burgeoning everyone, I'm also you win it.

< > 懷 thrust and content are all very clear, is with "懷 貴 heart become 貴 man" theme works. Now that model good Television really Nan again found the Opera Bastille. Lipps, Inc and I 謂 "long" Guan relationship strong.What is that model is often a long ... Ah! GE child no matter how high we can't do Mandarin!


雖 so I say hotel staff that model, but does not know their I built to combine clear-eyed empirical "bright, healthy and good role" the image of this model. 雖 says so, I don't get 慮 have to 脫 the image. Look up to are not very good Ma? As if no effort 擺 GE 脫 that the necessary. Not normal, Korea xiaozhu model but with images of works made to be, if you are using works proclaim v "I was this a surname model child" on the line. Electronic shadow < on their toes > is a good example.

To Estonian Opera Bastille, Opera Bastille, the history of TI the Conference restrictions,Yeah I coming says < on their toes > 緊 cowboy Trousers like a model works, previously said the image can fast Club Med it solutions.

Next is included < on their toes >, embarrassed and hotel staff 負 Dan, to the 謂 "thousand 萬 Actor" 飾 英 語 < light sea, becoming the king's men > < chuang 貼 > waiting inside, says electronic shadow as the Central story. Story of a GE a GE Korea xiaozhu, expecting Ma? Happy Valley last time coming!
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