她府里乱七八糟一堆事儿,污七八黑一堆人,她要迷药毒药****自卫去的啊。  “你不要这些丹药?那你要什么?”冷药师很是不解,世人不都渴求这些 การแปล - 她府里乱七八糟一堆事儿,污七八黑一堆人,她要迷药毒药****自卫去的啊。  “你不要这些丹药?那你要什么?”冷药师很是不解,世人不都渴求这些 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
她府里乱七八糟一堆事儿,污七八黑一堆人,她要迷药毒药****自卫去的啊。 “你不要这些丹药?那你要什么?”冷药师很是不解,世人不都渴求这些丹药求的快疯了吗? 苏落很实诚地将心里话给说了。 结果,冷药师怒了,眼睛瞪的老大,几乎要吃人的架势,气呼呼道:“老夫岂会炼制那些初级炼药师才会炼制的下三滥的药?你也太看不起老夫了!你可知道,这里的每一颗丹药,都可以换回一车你想要的药丸!” 面对冷药师那副你丫不识货的眼神,苏落深深地自卑了。 原来这里的每一颗药丸都能一车的迷药,她果然是不识货。 冷药师哼一声,甩袖进了内室。 苏落找了个无人的角落,谨慎地将那一小盒子药丸都收进空间去。 冷药师出品,必非凡品。在她没有晋级到高级炼药师之前,这一盒子的丹药对她来说还是很有用处的。 内室,南宫流云静静躺在床上,一头乌黑的墨发泼墨般的散在脑后,锦袍的胸口位置赫然有一滩乌红的鲜血,却仍旧掩盖不住他鹤立人群的光彩。 因为痛,即使昏迷着,他的脸色依旧阴沉得像淤积了三千年的寒冰,双手紧捏成拳头,用力紧握,青筋凸爆,脸上透着一股嗜血阴魅的杀气。 即使病痛,他仍旧是一副尊贵的王者之气,全身上下散发着杀伐果决的霸气。 “将这瓶药剂给他喂下去。”冷药师检查过南宫流云的伤势后,对苏落颔首道。 在冷药师的示意下,苏落扶起南宫流云,让他冰冷僵硬的身子靠在自己身上,艰难地将那碗黑乎乎的药剂喂入他口中。 药剂刚入口的时候,南宫流云并无特殊反应。 过了大约半个时辰,药剂开始在南宫流云身上产生药效。 “将他衣服解开。”冷药师大声吩咐。 苏落解开他的紫色腰带,将他白色的暗纹软袍拉开,露出他精壮有力,泛着淡淡光泽的胸膛。 他的胸膛泛着淡淡的瓷白色,上面有大滴大滴的冷汗流下,冷汗涔涔,颗颗透着琥珀色的光芒,一如晶莹的泪珠。 此时,他呼吸急促,瓷白如玉的胸膛一起一伏,显得十足的狂野和性感,看的苏落灼热地咽了咽口水。 没想到剥开衣服上,这副身材还真是十足的魅惑,几乎完美到极点。 宽肩窄臀,完美的黄金倒三角比例,肌肤纹理细致,线条分明,精壮有力,而且没有一丝赘肉,健美中混合着狂野邪魅,似乎看一眼就会让人想入非非。 只见他周身光华流转,如漫天星辰闪耀,耀眼的几乎让人挪不开眼。 苏落不解地望向冷药师,冷药师颔首道:“不愧是资质绝佳的晋王殿下,即使是昏迷之中,但靠着自己经脉流转依旧能够晋级到七阶。” This promotion to seven? Sue falling circulation of a pair of eyes, eyes flashing a touch of magic in the near future. Suddenly, the cold medicine and AO: "well! ”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Her house was a mess pile of thing, the black dirt seventy-eight bunch of people, she drugged and poison **** self-defense to go ah. "Do not these immortality? What do you want?" The pharmacist was very puzzled cold, people do not have the desire immortality seek faster crazy? Sue is very solid, down to the truth to say. As a result, pharmacists cold anger, eyes wide boss, almost eat human posture, angrily said:? "The old lady how could those primary refining refining refining pharmacists will dirty tricks drug you too despise the old lady! Did you know that every one immortality here, you can exchange for a car you want pills! " face cold pharmacist askew eyes Ah you do not know what the Soviet Union off the deep sense of inferiority. Here's a pill each original can be a car drugged, she really does not know what is. Cold pharmacist hum, Shuaixiu into his chambers. Su off to find a deserted corner, careful to the small box of pills that are incorporated into the space to go. Cold pharmacists produced, will be extraordinary items. Before she did not advance to the Senior refining pharmacists, this box immortality for her is still useful. Within the chamber, Palace clouds lying quietly in bed, a black ink ink like hair scattered in the back, chest position Jin Pao was shocked to have a pool of black blood red, but still could not conceal his heli crowd glory. Because the pain, even if unconscious, his face still gloomy like the three thousand years of ice deposition, his hands clinched into fists, forced clenched, veins protruding explosion, his face reveals a murderous bloodthirsty female charm. Even the pain, he still is a pair of noble king of the air, the body exudes rage decisive domineering. After "this potion feed him go." Pharmacists checked Palace clouds cold injury, the Soviet Union fell nodded. In the cold pharmacist's hands, the Soviet Union fell propped Palace clouds, let him cold and stiff body against himself, struggling to feed the bowl of dark agents of his mouth. Pharmacy entrance just when the palace clouds no special reaction. After about half an hour, he began to produce pharmaceutical efficacy in the palace clouds body. "Untie his clothes." Cold pharmacist told aloud. Su drop untie his purple belt, he Obscure soft white robe opened, exposing him Jingzhuang powerful, glowing light shiny chest. His chest glowing light porcelain white, above big drops of sweat shed, cold sweat oozes, Keke reveals amber light, as crystal tears. At this point, he shortness of breath, chest porcelain white jade with a V, it is full of wild and sexy look of the Soviet Union off the burning ground swallowed. I did not expect ripping the clothes, the pair figure really is full of charm, almost perfect extreme. Broad shoulders and narrow hips, a perfect golden ratio inverted triangle, delicate skin texture, clear lines, Jingzhuang strong, and there is no trace of fat, aerobics mixed with wild Xiemei, it seems it will make people look at the dreams. I saw his whole body Guanghua flow, such as the sky the stars shine, bright little people move without opening the eyes. Su puzzled look down cold pharmacists, pharmacists cold nodded and said:. "Is indeed a great qualification Highness the king, even a coma, but still be able to rely on their own circulation meridians advance to the seven-stage" which advance to the seven bands? Su off a pair of Meimou circulation, eyes flashed a look incredible. Suddenly, cold pharmacist underground passage out: "Oh!"

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Her house at sixes and sevens a bunch of things, and a pile of seven or eight black people, she will go to the ah * * * * self-defense drugged poison. "Don't you

these pills? What do you want?" Cold medicine was very puzzled, the world does not have the desire for immortality crazy? Su

honestly what will fall to say.

results, cold pharmacists anger, eyes boss, almost to eat people's posture and angrily said: "the professor will refining the initial Lian pharmacists will refining in the lower third of the abuse of drugs? You too despise the old man! You know, every immortality here, you can exchange a car you want pills!"

In the face of cold that you don't know what the pharmacist's eyes, Su fall deeply inferiority.

originally each one pill here can a car drugged, she really is not mine.

cold to hum a pharmacist, thrown into the inner sleeve. For a su

one corner, carefully to the small box of pills are collected into space to.

cold pharmacist produced, have special products. Before she has not reached the advanced refined pharmacist, this box of Dan medicine for her or very useful.

chambers, Nangong clouds quietly lying on the bed, a head of black ink hair ink like scattered in the back of the head, chest position of the robe impressively a pool of Wuhong tall blood.But still could not conceal his outstanding brilliance crowd.

because of the pain, even in a coma, his face still gloomy like siltation of the three thousand years of ice, hands clenched into a fist, firmly, convex veins burst, face reveals a a murderous look with bloodthirsty female charm. Even if he is still suffering

, a noble king of the air, the body exudes a decisive ambition to kill. Will this

"potions to feed him." The pharmacist checked Nangong cloud cold injury, the Su Luo nodded. In the cold of the pharmacist

, Su fall propped Nangong clouds, let him cold and stiff body against him,It will be difficult to feed into the bowl of dark potion in his mouth. When the entrance of the Nangong pharmacy

just, clouds have no particular reaction.

after about half an hour, began to produce chemicals in Nangong cloud body effect. "He will unlock the clothes." Cold pharmacist loud command.

Su Luo untie his purple belt, he white dark grain soft robes opened, to reveal a touch of gloss chest he muscular, pan as.

the his chest is suffused with a faint white porcelain, above the large drops of cold sweat streaming, sweat sings, reveals a amber light, like crystal tears.

at this time, his shortness of breath,Porcelain white jade chest heaving, is full of wild and sexy, see the Su Luo hot swallow slobber.

I did not expect to peel the clothes, this figure is really full of charm, almost perfect to the extreme.

broad shoulders and narrow hips, perfect gold inverted triangle proportion, skin texture and meticulous, clear lines, muscular, and there is no trace of fat and strong and handsome mixed with wild evil spirit, it seems that will let a person crackpot. I saw him

our circulation, such as the stars shine bright, almost let people move not to open eyes. Su fell puzzled at the cold

to pharmacists, pharmacists nodded cold:"Not the Kui is excellent qualifications of Jin his highness king, even coma, but on the meridians circulation can still qualify to seventh order." It on a promotion to the seven order? A pair of eyes Su Luo circulation, eye with a flash of unbelievable.

suddenly, cold dark way is a pharmacist: "no good!"
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