第394章 由我一人纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 当天,云澈便离开了冰云仙宫,骑乘雪凰兽一路向南,两天之后,他便回到了苍风皇城, การแปล - 第394章 由我一人纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 当天,云澈便离开了冰云仙宫,骑乘雪凰兽一路向南,两天之后,他便回到了苍风皇城, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第394章 由我一人纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 当天,云

第394章 由我一人



























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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
I chapter No. 394 peopleOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit The same day, Yun Che left the ice cloud fairy, snow Phoenix beasts ride all the way to the South, two days after he returned to the blue wind Imperial, fell to almost touch the moon. Cang Yue and Xiao Lingxi had earlier waited for him here. "Xiao Che!! ” See Yun Che falls from the sky, Xiao Lingxi Johnson called a, swooped up, Yun Che toes just a fall, will be firmly embrace by soft his times indivisibly. Xiao Lingxi around his neck, happy time."Honey, you're back. "Pale moon came, her long hair has been rolled up, beautiful glows with luxurious grace is no ordinary woman can have. "It frightens me! "Xiao Lingxi Yun Che, and stood by, grinning:" I'm sorry Princess, sister, Che son is your husband should hold you up first ... ... Ah Ah! Small clear, do not hold fast to the Princess his wife just after the honeymoon, you went to the ice cloud fairy, hold Princess sister alone in the Moon! Well, I have for sister Princess rough. ” For months, Xiao Lingxi and pale Moon clearly more profound friendship, on paper, Xiao Lingxi Yun Che little aunt, pale Moon Yun Che's wife, but Xiao Lingxi commensurate with the pale Moon usually is the sister, but didn't feel wrong. Yun Che stepped forward, gently in the pale Moon in her arms, guilty: "If snow, my bad, we just get married, I'll leave you for so long. I promise you, after I came back from the Phoenix God, I will accompany you every day. ” Pale Moon gently shook his head, smiling softly: "honey, you are the best man in the world, never said he is not good. Can I marry you, is the lucky happy thing in my life, you will like the Sea Dragon, will fly to a higher place, and I, you never want to do on the road to tie down and drag, what you have just said, enough. ” "If snow......" Yun Che hearts warm, could not hold back the month-hold tight pale, reluctant to separate. She your Princess, but soft as warm light, marry him, also regarded him as their own God, all of it, are for him and wants to ... ... Married after January, left for four consecutive months, when you see her, her beautiful eyes, only joy, not the slightest bit of resentment. This Yun Che even more guilty ... ... Hearts have also been secretly decided that since coming back from Phoenix God, must be accompanied at all times by her side, do a real, worthy of her loving husband.Watching two people in that you love me, and Xiao Lingxi suddenly feel a strange sense of bitter acid from heart to his nose, she simply turned around and look at them, but the lip and nose are high up, small hands continuously wringing my clothes. "Grandpa, where is he now? Have adapted to life here? "Yun Che asked.Pale Moon and smile: "Grandpa he in Sofu sweat too mysterious Temple, managed a second layer of black power, black books. At first, when sweat pores after the disciples know that he's our grandfather, Grandpa is awe, Orient House said, were trembling when they talk to Grandpa ... ... But he has a gentle, even to the bottom sweat disciple no shelf momentum, gradually and sweat of the disciples, mentors are mixed about Grandpa had the respect and love from the heart, rather than for us. Now, my grandpa was there are a large number of friends, young and old, every day is a radiant, sometimes even stayed over there for more than 10 days, are reluctant to return to the Palace to ... ... So, Grandpa there, it doesn't matter. He maybe didn't talk about you now. ” "That's good ... ..." Yun Che smile from the heart. "My father is waiting for you, look at the way he was worried, what should be a very important matter to discuss with you ... ... He is now in the Royal Library. ” "Well, I'm heading out now. ”Yun Che left almost touch the Moon, went straight to the House, had just stepped into the Royal Library, pale among thousands offered meet up: "Che son, finally, you came back. I thought you cloud the ice fairy is just stay for a few days, did not think, even for a few months so long. ” "Look at the way my father, do what is important in a hurry? "Yun Che looked pale look among thousands of road. "Ah! "Pale among thousands with a sigh:" emergency on the article does not, but this thing's impact may be significant to you. Last month, I gave to the bulk of people who have launched concerning the ranking of seven letters, prepare your organization to attend a young generation of talented black war ... ... But seven days ago, I received the ice cloud fairy echo, who refuses to let the lean summer months visiting the Phoenix God. ” "I knew about it, but ice cloud fairy do indeed have their own reasons. "Yun Che Road."Oh, really? "Pale among thousands of Yun Che a glance, then said," 19-year old Wang xuanlan Middle Sofu everlasting first! If she went, and shocked the other six States, not only Yang Wei in China, will also allow the ice cloud fairy palace statement. Ice cloud fairy does not let the lean summer months go, I am really puzzled, but look, you seem to already know the reasons ... ... But, not just the ice cloud fairy, I sent a letter to other doors, also declined. ” Yun Che brow slightly moving, followed: "they refused, not a normal thing? Playing with other people, is the biggest natural gained fame, but if you can not instead of Yang Wei, but only suffered ridicule and humiliation, who doesn't want to mix. ”"That's right. "Pale among thousands of heavy sigh:" in fact, this result, I expected that. Because in the past the row of seven, is true. On the entrance level, our gap with the other six Nations, are indeed too big. Ranking of seven, not including the Phoenix God, other every time out of five fighters, at least, is the occult. But I Sofu, thousand-year history, there has never been an occult below the age of 25 days. In a ranking of seven war, I never were Sofu is a joke, those in the territory of the blue wind extremely gifted, with a pride and confidence to go into the war, as a result, but was battered to pieces, lost all dignity, humiliation and go ... ... Over time, even four big doors, are also no longer were Sofu go by subglottic disciples on behalf of seven countries ranked. Asgard thought ice clouds out of the lean summer months will take the opportunity to pay, unexpectedly, the ice cloud fairy still refuse. ” "The ice cloud fairy does not let the lean summer months went to city Phoenix God, not confident, and do not want to take this achievement but is unable to say to someone special reasons. "Yun Che simple for the ice cloud fairy explains:" the father, since the disciples are reluctant to go to, then the previous ranking of seven war, how do I Chang the wind arrangements for war? ”苍万壑摇头一笑,笑的很是自嘲:“虽然不想参战,去了只能承受嘲笑和耻辱,但却又不得不去,否则,苍风就连最后的尊严也丢失殆尽了。所以,以往几届,都是挑选十名二十五岁以下,在苍风玄府结业后入我皇室势力的一些天才弟子,单纯的应付了事……之后的结果,先皇们也都根本不会去过问,因为那结果纵然是用脚趾头都想的出来。” “……十名?这么说,七国排位战,每国参战者是十个人?”云澈道。“没错。”苍万壑颔首:“每国正式参战的人为十人,但随同的人,可允许一千人!七国排位战每二十五年一届,它在我国很少被提起,因为每次说起,任何苍风国民想到的都是耻辱,但对其他六国而言,都堪称是玄界最大的盛事!甚至,一国帝皇都会放下国事,亲自随同观战,那些强大的宗门,也都会出动最精锐的势力前往,一千的随同人员听似很多,却这一千名额却被那些强大宗门争的头破血流,而不能入这千人随同的,也都会涌往神皇城……甚至为了争夺入场券观战和为本国玄者助威,会提前一个月,甚至几个月便进入神凰城……七国排位战期间,神凰城的喧嚣程度,要远超你的想象。”苍万壑说的没错,“苍风排位战”,在苍风境内,尤其是玄界之中,有着极高的关注度。而“七国排位战”这象征整个天玄大陆最大盛会的五个字,云澈却是几乎从未听人提起过……哪怕是在距离这二十五年才一届的盛会只有不到的一年的时间里……如果不是凤熙辰乱入他和苍月的成婚大典,并交给苍万壑邀请函,云澈甚至都不知道还有“七国排位战”这回事。 而同时,苍万壑简直的几句话,已清晰的勾勒出“七国排位战”在其他六国,乃至整个天玄大陆,是多么盛大的一件事!或许,此刻其他六国八成以上的话题,都是在围绕着即将到来的七国排位战。 那些获得各国参战资格的宗门,也都处在二十五年间最紧张、慎重和兴奋的筹备之中。惟独苍风国,风平浪静,一潭死水,无人关注,无人讨论,仿佛,那是其他大陆的事,与自己毫不相干。 这是一种回避,更是一种无奈,和耻辱。 他甚至可以预想到,在神凰城之中,密密麻麻的涌动着来自六国的玄者们,却基本见不到一个来自苍风的人。在那个盛大的赛场上,每一个人的上场,都会伴随着所在国家参战者的激烈欢呼呐喊,而苍风国的玄者上场………… 那副画面,仅仅是想想,便已是无比的凄惨与悲哀。 云澈忽然抬起头,认真无比的道:“父皇,关于这次的七国排位战,你不用再做其他的安排与准备了。苍风国……就由我一个人来参战!!”键盘坏了,而且坏的偏偏是使用频率极高的“D”键!唉,真是怀念当初那个码完了整本修罗、整本天辰、整本邪龙……价值19元,至今都还未坏的薄膜键盘。相比之下,这个1099大洋的Razer黑寡妇简直渣渣!才一本天谴和四分之一本邪神就挂了!而且他喵的就坏一个键!!就一个键……你说我修还是不修?! 幸好我还有九个备用的机械键盘。 ——————————————————R1058 最快更新,无弹窗阅读请。章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 394 people made ​​me a
text read online site domain name Phone sync read please visit the day, cloud Che left the ice clouds Asgard, riding snow beast all the way south Phoenix, two days later, he returned to the emperor Cang wind City, landed embrace the moon. Xiao Ling Xi Cang month and already waiting for him here early. "Little Che !!" Che looked at clouds from the heavens fall, Xiao Ling Xi Jiaohu cry, swoop up, cloud Che toes just a fall, he was firmly clinging Wen Hong nephrite. Xiao Ling Xi arms around his neck, happy bounce. "Jon, you're back." Cang came over, her hair has been rolled up, it reveals no ordinary woman being beautiful can have the luxury of grace. ! "Oh" Xiao Ling Xi Che release the cloud, on the side, grinning and said:! "I'm sorry princess sister, Che child is your husband, you should hold the first up small fishes ...... Ah Che, also do not hurry to hug your wife princess, finished just a honeymoon, you went ice clouds Asgard, the princess sister alone in the embrace of the moon! Well, I have for the princess sister injustice. " the past few months, Xiao Ling Cang Xi and friendship apparently even more profound, nominally, Xiao Xi Ling Yun Chol is a small aunt, Cang cloud Che's wife, but Xiao Ling Xi Cang month and usually they are sisters of proportionality, and did not feel There is nothing wrong. Yun Chol forward, gently Cang in his arms, guilt and said: "If the snow, my bad, we just get married, I left you for so long, I assure you, my God Phoenix. After the country back, I will be with you every day. " Cang gently shook his head, smile softly and said:. "Jon, you are the whole world the best man, he never said he is not good I could marry you, the luckiest of my life happy thing, surely your future as sea dragon, will fly an increasingly high place, and I never want to do you tie him and drag on the road, you just have to say, has been enough. " "If snow ......" Yun Chol took heart warm, tempting the Cang hold tighter, unwilling to be separated. She obviously expensive for a princess, but the soft light water as warm air, after marrying him, it is to him as his day, all in all, are for him and wanted to marry in January after ...... consecutive leave Four months later, when you see her, her beautiful eyes, only joy, not the slightest resentment. This also allows more guilt cloud Che ...... heart has secretly decided to come back from the country after the Phoenix God, must always accompany her, to make a genuine, affectionate and worthy of her husband. They looked at that you love me strong, Xiao Ling Xi suddenly felt a strange sense of sorrow and grief from the heart has been acid to nose, she simply turned away, no longer see them, but the lip and the nose is high High tilt the small hand is constantly wringing clothes. "Grandpa Where is he now? There are not adapted to life here?" Cloud Che asked. Cang slight smile:. "Grandpa He Xuangong in various wind Xuanfu of Tai Xuan Cang temple, the second layer of management, technical books mysterious at first, when Xuanfu disciples know that he is after our grandfather, all of my grandfather was very awe, listening to oriental house owners say they and grandfather spoke in gentle tremble ...... but my grandfather, even on the lowermost shelf Xuanfu disciples have no momentum, gradually and mysterious Fuchu disciples, mentors who are mix, people have a grandpa heartfelt respect and love, rather than because we now have a grandpa over there many young and old friend, every day is ruddy, and sometimes even in even spent ten days there, do not want to come back to the palace ...... So, grandpa over there, you have nothing to worry. He is now empty processing How about you maybe not. " " That's good ...... "Yun Chol heart The smile. "Fu Huang has been waiting for you, look at his anxious look, there should be nothing very important things to discuss with you ...... he is now in the Royal study." "Well, I am now in the past." Cloud Che left embrace the moon, went straight to the palace, just entered the imperial library, Cang myriad meet up on the initiative: "Che child, you finally came back I thought you just stay a few days Asgard ice clouds, did not expect that. turned out to be so long few months. " "Look like Fu Huang, does have something important to the emergency?" Cloud looked and looked Che myriad of Cang Road. "Oh!" Cang myriad sigh: "hurry down really, but something, perhaps a big impact on your start from the last month, I will make another large door launch of each row seven countries concerned. The War of the letter, ready to organize our younger generation who went to war mysterious genius ...... But before seven days, I received ice clouds Asgard echo, they actually refused to let go May God pour summer phoenix country. " "This is something I I know, but ice clouds Asgard do indeed have their own reasons. "Cloud Che Road. "Oh?" Cang Yun Chol myriad looked at, and then said:! "Mid-nineteen-year-old Wang Xuan Cang wind immemorial man if she went first, will shock the other six countries, only Yang Wei of China, will also be Let ice clouds Asgard declare amnesty. So pour ice clouds Asgard summer months let go, I really did not understand, but it looks, you seem to already know the reason ...... but, just ice clouds Asgard, I sent a letter to other cases of the door, but also all refused. " Cloud Che brow slight movement, along said: "? They refuse to do what is not normal outer grips with others, the biggest goal is to scramble won in nature, but If Yang can not go not only prestige, but only suffered ridicule and shame, so any who would not want to mix. " " Yes. "Cang myriad heavy sigh:" In fact, this result, it had expected to because the previous seven countries qualifying battle, basically true. On the mysterious force level, the gap between us and the other six countries, is indeed too big. Seven qualifying battle, not including God Phoenix States, the other five Every country out of the war who are at least Tianxuan territory. But I Cang wind country, years of history, was actually never been a twenty-five of Tianxuan environment. Therefore, in seven countries qualifying battle, My country has always been a joke Cang wind in general exist, those extremely talented in Cang wind territory, with one of arrogance and self-confidence to go to war as a result, they are severely abused, ruined dignity, humiliation and return ...... over time , even though four large doors, is also not let the door disciple on behalf of the seven countries qualifying Cang wind Flights to war. The Asgard ice clouds that pour out of the summer months, it will certainly take the opportunity to Yang Wei, did not expect, even ice clouds Asgard or reject. " "The ice clouds pour summer months destined for Asgard let God Phoenix, am not confident, but do not want to take this won in, but has special reasons can not be said for others." Che simple cloud Asgard for ice clouds, explains: "? Fu Huang, since disciples were reluctant to go, then the previous seven countries qualifying battle, I Cang wind is how to arrange the war" Cang myriad smile shaking his head, laughing very is self-deprecating:. "While not the war, went to the only bear ridicule and humiliation, and yet had to go, otherwise, Cang wind and even the loss of dignity final run out so, in the past sessions, ten are selected twenty-five, after graduation Cang wind Xuanfu into my royal forces some talented disciples, the results simply cope ...... trouble after the first emperor who also would not go to say, because it is the result even toes wants out. " "...... ten? say, seven countries qualifying war, combatants from each country is ten?" Cloud Che Road. . "Yes," Cang myriad nodded: "Every country officially entered the war anthropogenic ten people, but along with the people, can allow seven thousand people every twenty-five years of war the country qualifying session, it is rarely in our country is! Lift, because every start, any Cang wind nationals thought is a shame, but in terms of the other six countries, have called the biggest event Genkai! Even Emperor will lay down a country's affairs, personally accompanied the match, Those doors were strong, but also will go out most elite forces, along with a thousand people to listen like a lot, but it was a thousand places Munekado those powerful struggle badly beaten, but not the accompanying these thousands also will surge to God in order to compete tickets Imperial ...... even the match and cheer for their own mysterious person, one month in advance, or even months will enter the period ...... God Phoenix, seven countries qualifying battle, God Phoenix, The hustle and bustle of the extent to far more than you can imagine. " Cang myriad're right, "Cang wind qualifying battle," Cang wind in the territory, especially among the black community, has a high degree of concern. The "Seven qualifying battle," which symbolizes the continent's largest gathering of the entire Tianxuan five words, cloud Che is almost never heard mentioned ...... even if it is at a distance of twenty-five years before the term of this event not only in a year's time to ...... if not Feng Xi Chen chaos and Cang months into his marriage ceremony and handed Cang myriad invitations, cloud Che did not even know there are "Seven qualifying battle" thing . Meanwhile, Cang myriad just a few words, have a clear outline, "Seven qualifying war" in the other six countries, and the whole continent Tianxuan, how grand a thing! Perhaps now more than eighty percent of the other six topics are ranked in seven countries around the upcoming war. Those countries fought to get qualified Munekado, they are also among twenty-five years in the most tense, cautious and excitement of preparation. But only Cang wind country, calm backwater, no attention, no discussion, as if it was something other continents, with their irrelevant. This is an evasive, it is a frustration, and humiliation. He can even envision, in God Phoenix, among dense surging mysterious makers from the six countries, but basically did not see people one from Cang wind. On the grand arena, everyone's play, will be accompanied by the country's fierce combatants cheered, and the wind Cang mysterious country who play ............ askew picture, just think about it, as it is extremely miserable and sad. Yun Chol suddenly raised his head, very serious and said:. "Fu Huang, of the seven countries on the qualifying battle, you do not do other arrangements with the preparation of the country ...... Cang wind it made ​​me a person to war !! " Keyboard bad, but bad happens is to use a high frequency of "D" key! Oh, really miss the original code over the whole of the Shura, the whole Tianchen, the whole evil dragon ...... value of 19 yuan, so far have not yet broken membrane keyboard. In contrast, the 1099 ocean Razer BlackWidow simply slag slag! Only a quarter of the Cthulhu curse and hung up! And he would meow bad a key! ! On a key ...... You say I repair or not repair? ! Fortunately, I still have nine alternate mechanical keyboard. ------------------ R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 394 by me one
pure text online reading this domain name mobile phone reading please visit

day, Che Yun and left the ice Asgard, ride snow Phoenix beast a road to the south, two days later. He returned to the Cang breeze imperial, fall in the embrace of the moon.

and Xiao Lingxi have early dawn here waiting for him.

"small che!!"

looking at clouds from the day and fell, Xiao Lingxi lamping, fly flapping the up, cloud Che toes just a fall, he was nephrite Wen Xiang firmly hold. Xiao Lingxi put her arms around his neck, bounce happy.
"husband, you come back." Dawn came, her long hair has been rolled up,Beautiful shows a very unusual woman can have the elegant and graceful. Oh

"!" Xiao Lingxi to Che Yun liberalized, standing on the side, laughing: "I'm sorry princess sister, Che son is your husband, should you go first hold to...... Ah ah! Small Che, do not hurry to hug you princess wife, just after the honeymoon, you went to ice Asgard, the moon princess sister a person to stay in football! Well, I'm all for the princess."

this several months, Xiao Lingxi and Cang month of friendship is obviously more deep, nominally, Xiao Lingxi is Che Yun small aunt, the Cang month is Che Yun's wife.But Xiao Lingxi and the usual sister match, but did not feel anything wrong.

cloud Che stepped forward and gently to the Cang month hold in the arms, guilty: "if snow, is I is not good, we just got married, I left the you so long. I assure you, in my country back from the Phoenix God, I will accompany you every day."
Cang gently shook his head, smiling softly: "husband, you are the world's best man, never say not good. I can marry you, is I this life the most lucky thing, you will like a sea dragon, fly to a place where a higher and higher, and IYou never want to do on the road to tie him down and drag, you just say, enough." "If snow......" Clouds warm my heart, can't help to the tighter, refused to leave. She obviously expensive for the princess, but soft as water heaters, after they marry him is regarded him as their day, everything is for him to... Married after January, continuous four months away, see her, her beautiful eyes only joy, not the slightest bit of resentment. It also makes clouds more guilty...... The heart has secretly decided, since God Phoenix country back, always accompany her side,As a true, and worthy of her loving husband.
looked at two people in that you love my dense, Xiao Lingxi suddenly feeling to a kind of inexplicable sorrow and grief feeling from the heart has been acid to the nose, she simply turned around, not looking at any of them, but lip and nose is high tilt a, hands constantly wringing Cape.

"Grandpa where is he now? Has not adapted to the life here?" Clouds.
dawn and smiled: "Grandpa, he is now in sofu Xuan Fu Tai Xuan Xuan temple, a variety of power, management of second layer Xuan technology books. At the beginning of the time, he was in awe of his grandfather,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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