第372章 惨就一个字 作为神凰帝国十三皇子,凤熙辰一生都在荣华和他人的畏惧奉承中度过,何曾受过什么羞辱,更不要说被人一脚把脑袋踩到地下这种 การแปล - 第372章 惨就一个字 作为神凰帝国十三皇子,凤熙辰一生都在荣华和他人的畏惧奉承中度过,何曾受过什么羞辱,更不要说被人一脚把脑袋踩到地下这种 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第372章 惨就一个字 作为神凰帝国十三皇子,凤熙辰一生都在荣华和他人

第372章 惨就一个字



















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 372 bad a Word As the Phoenix God 13 Prince of the Empire, Feng XI-Chen's life were spent in the splendor and others fear to flattery, ever had any shame, not to mention being a foot stepped on his head to the ground this humiliation. His brain a buzz, then break my neck to struggle, but the pressure in his head, there's like a Wanjun mountains, not to mention he's injured now, even full status, it is impossible to break. He tried his best, and only minor twitches, couldn't break free half a mark. He was on the ground head parts, constantly overflowing with inarticulate hoarse moan.Black Chi Chou Yun Che Wolf cut one day hit the blood boiling, black chaos, and seeing horrors of Feng XI-Chen, they nearly all eyes stared at the broken. They refused to smooth any more blood, tumbling and rush to the Yun Che, shouting: "let go of your Highness!! Otherwise ... ... I Phoenix Emperor Shenzong invited you tribes! Makes you want to die! ” All right! Phoenix shenzonglai my tribes in then I'll wait for you! Phoenix Shenzong but you succeed I do not know, but now that you've exported, this wretch beneath my feet, were to die today! Gee, I just want him single-handedly, you made me his life was that before your God Phoenix Empire, Prince's life is used to send a play! ” Voice fall, Yun Che face suddenly turned cold, long que swung, the aura of a terrible moment in the body together, will have to spend. "... ... Stop!! ”To powerful very of Phoenix Shenzong for threat, is instead of didn't up half role, instead was Yun Che directly took to as will killed Phoenix Hee e of reason, Yun Che that no hesitated of action, surprised of black red Chou almost spot knelt down, they now only finally wake up, face Yun Che this work fundamental regardless of consequences of "madman", deterrence, and threat, and intimidation fundamental on didn't half role. Feng XI-e Prince identity there, he will not hesitate to kill him!! They were no match for the Yun Che, Feng XI-Chen's life was in his hands, black red telephone do not venture any more, even though they hate Yun Che cannot be torn to pieces, and also had to strongly pressure expression of anger, black-clad old man strong breath, convergent expressions, gnashing of teeth: "Yun Che! Today ... ... We planted today! You put the Highness ... ... As long as you put your Royal Highness, we won't sell to you today, go! ” "HA HA HA HA! "Yun Che as a joke, looked up and laughed, mocked:" you say, and farting! Say I'm afraid that you do the same to me! "He reached out a finger to two people:" I will not let him, but you do it to me, ... ... Come on!You! "Black old man's face became ugly and almost spewed a mouthful of old blood on the spot. Red clothing old bite has teether, forward a step road: "Yun Che, man work don't too must......" said just said half sentence, he will see Yun Che of face suddenly sank has down, he heart suddenly a missed, suddenly again also can't said half sentence with threat nature words, face and tone also to very fast of speed soft has down: "today of thing, does is we offended prior. As long as ... ... As long as you put the Prince, and then let us go, the thing of today, we can let bygones be bygones ... ... Oh no, when nothing happened! Wouldn't anyone about...... "he glanced around, said:" the presence of the people, I believe there will not be any people spread to ... ... Otherwise, I am Phoenix Shenzong will be ended. ” Although, the Phoenix four words of Shenzong Yun Che it seemed no deterrent, but for other people, that completely to God just like deterrents! Red dress old, all face disease, silent nod wished he could make a sound, their determination to never spread to any person.The remarks, from Phoenix Shenzong's mouth, sounds can say to ingratiate himself to the extreme. In history, there has never been any dark wind one can make Phoenix Emperor Shenzong who was such a posture of almost begging. "Are you? "Yun Che tilted eyes, but the vision is disdain, slowly:" these words to you, is simply an insult to my intelligence. You follow this the Prince come to my pale style flexing were Sofu I a junior to be battered into the dog, if this thing out ... ... Gee, you want to put in jeopardy the entire Phoenix Shenzong humiliation, once-mighty Phoenix Shenzong, would become the butt of national ridicule. Such a consequence, this shit son die, of course, but what are you two things, being stripped is light. You two can be said to be the world's people who don't want it out, estimated wishing they could sell all of them, now take this incident as a bargaining chip? You when I was an idiot? ”Yun Che, striking dark red telephone key, let them all play quake. Meanwhile, wake up all the people. How dare they suddenly understood why Yun Che so tough in front of Phoenix Emperor Shenzong of the trio. Yuen as seven of the country's most powerful country, Huang has always been King of the Empire God exists, none of the six other countries swept the edge, six other States even though unite categorically cannot be the God of the Phoenix Empire rival. Emperor Shenzong of Phoenix and Phoenix God Imperial Overlord. Phoenix shenzongdewei ling, from no one can disobey, Shenzong dignity of Phoenix, has never been capable of trampling. But today, the Phoenix King of Shenzong's three black, including a real Prince, in the weakest country of Sofu, was one of only 17 year old young man beating on its own, even the Prince's head being stepped on foot, which spread, called Phoenix Shenzong's biggest ever disgrace! Even Phoenix Shenzong greatly city deterrent will be greatly affected. Founder of the humiliating--Feng XI-Chen as Prince, at most, subject to punishment, and Black-Red House, is likely to be sentenced to death. So, as Yun Che said, though they cannot be with Phoenix Shenzong strength Xiang Yunche retaliation, nor was willing to let these things and the people of the world know. Yun Che seems to start, this is determined by. Chi Chou's face turned a bright red, black, and Red clothing old man was shaking, pointing to Yun Che: "Yun Che, you don't go too far!! ”"I push it!? "Yun Che senran sneers:" I am with you, a complete stranger, no injustice without hatred, you unsolicited on my wedding day, not only verbally taunt me humiliate, cluttering up my wedding ceremony, also tried to kill to me! Now, surprisingly I go too far? Oh, you're the four words, not only very funny, made me very uncomfortable ... ... And freaking me out man, I never let him ... ... More unhappy!! ” Li drink sound, hands long Yun Che que suddenly down hard and fall upon Feng XI-e. Boom!! 狂暴的重剑之力在凤熙辰的身上炸开,清晰无比的骨裂声,和一声来自地下的痛苦嘶吼瞬间传出了很远。这一剑之下,凤熙辰身上的骨头断裂十几处,经脉也破碎十数条,周身血管更是成片爆裂,整个身体如同漏了的血袋,遍体血流。 “殿下!!云澈!!你……” “我什么?”云澈眼睛眯起,重剑再次抡起:“是不是还想继续说我欺人太甚?没关系,你尽管说,就是不知道,我脚底下这个可怜虫还能不能活着抗下我下一剑。” “你……你……你……”黑赤二老遍体发寒,脸色苍白无血,看着半死不活的凤熙辰,半天都说不出一句完整的话来。苍万壑在这时快速的站了出来,道:“云澈,神凰皇子年纪尚幼,所以做事冲动,但毕竟没有造成什么严重后果,他无论有什么错,终究远来是客,现在又得到了教训,他们几人也已经承诺忘记今天的事……如果你真的杀了神凰皇子,对双方都没有好处,你还是把他放了如何?” 云澈当然不是真的想要杀了凤熙辰,否则他早就动手了。把凤熙辰重伤,他们为了颜面和逃避重罚,或许还会极力隐瞒此事,受到的屈辱和重创全部咽到肚子里,但若是真的杀了凤熙辰,那可就是完全不同的另外一个概念了。云澈非常清楚,现在的自己根本不可能是凤凰神宗的对手。 气是要出,人不能杀,而最好的台阶,自然就是苍万壑。他知道苍万壑一定会适时出面。苍万壑说话,原本一脸狂傲的云澈顿时摆出一副尊敬的样子,认真听他说完后,他只考虑了几秒时间,就恭敬的道:“虽然心中愤恨,但既然是皇上之命,云澈自然遵从。” 说完,云澈便把脚从凤熙辰头上移开,然后一脚飞起,将脑袋陷地的凤熙辰踢向了黑赤二老,两人连忙上前,将全身是血的凤熙辰接住。 “哼!你们搅乱我大婚,还想要杀我,我本想将你们全部诛杀在这里,但既然是皇上为你们求情,那我便放你们一马!你们还不向我苍风皇帝谢恩! 苍万壑虽为帝皇,但那些大宗门的核心人物对他从来都是表面恭敬,眼神不屑,有的甚至连表面功夫都懒得做。而今日,大虐凤凰神宗,震撼苍风群雄的云澈对他却是恭恭敬敬,对他的话直接“言听计从”,苍万壑在位这么多年,第一次尝到颜面爆棚的感觉,就连腰杆都不自觉的挺直了不少。他心中对于云澈,顿时生出了无尽的感激。他很明白,云澈这简简单单的一个态度,将让他苍万壑在继位二十多年后,真正成为号令苍风的帝王!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 372 is a word miserable
empire XIII prince as god Phoenix, Feng Xi Chen Ronghua life in fear and adulation of others spent, ever had any shame, not to mention being kicked his head stepped on this ground insult. His brain burst of buzz, then mad to want to struggle, but the pressure in his head, and the body is like a roaring mountain, not to mention he is now injured, even if the state is complete, it is impossible broke away. He pushed hard, the body has only minor seizures, can not get rid of a half minutes. He was the head of the ground portion of the depressed, constantly overflowing with bursts of ugly hoarse sobs. Two old black Red Cloud Che was a hit record Sirius cut systemic blood boiling, mysterious gas chaos, and saw the horrors Feng Xi Chen, they almost break the eyeball stare. They never gave to smooth blood, stumbled toward the cloud Che, screaming and said: "!!!! Otherwise release Highness ...... otherwise I Phoenix Ancestor necessarily punish you let your clan living death" Good what! I'll wait for you to destroy me Ancestor Phoenix clan! Ancestor Phoenix but you can not be successful I do not know, but since you have exported these words, my feet this wretch, had to die today! Gee, I would just want him to single-handedly, but not with you force me to his life, the original Phoenix Empire your God, Prince's life is used to send the play! " sound of a fall, cloud Che Zhou Ranbian face cold, Long Que picked up, a terrible moment in the blade condensed gas field, will be spent. "live ...... Stop! ! " In so powerful Phoenix Shenzong as a threat, they are not, but did not play the slightest role, but was directly used as kill Chul Yun Feng Xi Chen reason, cloud Che that action without hesitation, almost scared black red old couple kneeling on the spot next, they now finally wake up, in the face of this work cloud Che simply reckless "crazy", deterrence, threats, intimidation did not even the slightest effect. Even Feng Xi Chen prince identity out there, he still would not hesitate to to his life !! They were absolutely not cloud Che opponent, Chen Feng Xi's life he was again in my hand, no longer afraid to live a dark red rash, even if they hate the cloud Che shreds, I had tried to put pressure on the expression of anger, the black man strong breath, convergence expressions, teeth and said: "Cloud Che! Today ...... Today we Renzai! You immediately put Highness ...... as long as you put Highness, today we definitely will not sell to you, go at once! " "Ha ha ha ha! "Cloud Che like listening to a joke, his head and laughed, mocking said:" You This saying simply and fart! I'm afraid to say you like my hands the same! "He held out his finger to the two hook the hook:" I hold him, you'd to my hands, ah, come ...... come ah! you! ! "The old man with a black face becomes very ugly, almost on the spot emitting a blood赤衣old man gritted his teeth, step forward and said:." Yun Chol, doing things must not be too ...... "I say just say the last part, he saw a cloud of Che's face suddenly sink down, his mind suddenly a thump, with suddenly no longer afraid to say the last part of the nature of the threat, then, his face and tone has a very high speed soft down: "Today things indeed we offend earlier. Just ...... as long as you put our prince, then let us leave today than we could let bygones be bygones ...... Oh no, can happen when there is no! Does not anyone talk about ...... "His eyes glanced around, then said:" The presence of the people, I believe there will not be anyone to spread out ...... Otherwise, I will of Phoenix Ancestor Daughter. " Although Phoenix Ancestor words cloud Che seemingly no deterrence, but for others, it is nothing more than a deterrent to God completely!赤衣old man then came out, everyone is illness changed his face, silent, hate spot silent nod, that he will not be spread to anyone determination. these words, spoken from the mouth of the Phoenix Ancestor of the sounds it has been described as the obsequious to the extreme. In the above history, which has never Cang wind country's people who make the Phoenix Ancestor exposed so almost begging gesture. "Is it? "Cloud Che too oblique eyes, eyes are extremely disdain, leisurely said:" You these words, is simply an insult to my intelligence. You follow this shit to me princes Cang wind swagger, he was a junior I Cang wind country to abuse a dog, this thing if spread out ...... Gee, you guys want to hurt the entire Phoenix Ancestor thoroughly discredited, once all-powerful Phoenix Shenzong, States will become the laughing stock of ridicule. The consequences, of course this shit die Prince, but the two of you old thing Well, be cut in pieces are light. The two of you can say is the world's most do not want to spread it to the people, can not wait for the shot to estimate the presence of all the witness, but has now come to take it as a bargaining chip? When I was an idiot you are in? " Che cloud, then the key to Watch black red old couple, let them Juzhen body. It also awoke the presence of all the people who suddenly come to understand why the cloud in front of the Phoenix trio Che dared Ancestor so tyrannical as the strongest country Tianxuan seven countries, God has been King of Phoenix Empire in general exist, no one dared to six other countries swept the edge, even if the other six countries together, it is categorically impossible to God Huang empire opponent. And Phoenix Ancestor, and God's dominant empire Phoenix. Phoenix Ancestor of Wei Ling, from no one can go against Phoenix Shenzong dignity, it has never been capable of trampling. But today, the Phoenix Shenzong three Wang Xuan, including a real prince In the weakest Cang wind country, is one of only seventeen young men alone beat, even Prince's head are stepped on the foot, which if spread out, called Phoenix Shenzong biggest ever disgrace! Even the Phoenix Ancestor deterrent in Tianxuan continent will be greatly affected and the founder of this shame. - Feng Xi Chen as a prince, at most, by some punishment, but two old black and red, is likely to be sentenced to death so, Che said on clouds, even if they can not revenge to cloud Che to Phoenix Ancestor's strength, but also not willing to let these things are number of doors and the whole world knows. Yun Chol seem outset, assured of this. black red old couple The face became red one, Chiyi trembling old man, pointing to the cloud Che said: "Cloud Che, you do not go too far! ! " "I go too far! ? "Cloud Che awe-inspiring sneer:" I never met with you, no injustice Wu Chou, you are in my wedding day uninvited, not only to humiliate me verbally taunt, confuse my marriage ceremony, also tried on me Killer! Now turn around and say that I go too far? Oh, you the words, not only ridiculous and extreme, but also makes me very uncomfortable ...... but let me unhappy, I would never let him ...... more accurate! ! " Li He sound, cloud Che Long Que hands suddenly spending, fell fiercely Chen Feng Xi's body. boom !! epee violent force of the phoenix hee Chen's body exploded, crisp, clear sound fractures and a cry of pain from the moment the roar of the underground came very far. Under this sword, Chen Feng Xi body dozen broken bones, meridians also broken several dozen, the whole body is a piece of burst blood vessels throughout the body as drain the blood bags, blood flow over the body. "Your Highness! ! Cloud Che! ! You ...... " "I did? "Cloud Che eyes narrowed, epee picked up again:" Is not want to continue to say that I go too far? It does not matter, even though you say, just do not know, this poor devil under my feet I can not live under the sword of anti next. " "You ...... you ...... you ......" black red old couple over the body chills, pale without blood, looking more dead than alive Feng Xi Chen, half could not say a complete word. Cang myriad fast at this time The stand out, said: "Cloud Che, too young prince Huang God, so the impulse to do things, but after all did not cause any serious consequences, no matter what's wrong with him, after all visitor from afar, and now get a lesson, they almost who has promised to forget what happened today ...... If you really kill God Phoenix prince, no good to both sides, you still put him how? " Yun Chol course not really want to kill Chen Feng Xi, otherwise he would have hands. The injured Chen Feng Xi, and avoid them in order to face heavy fines and perhaps tried to conceal the matter, subject to humiliation and hit all pharynx to the stomach, but if it is really kill Chen Feng Xi, it can be is another completely different concept. Cloud Che is very clear, and now they simply can not be Shenzong Phoenix opponent. gas is to be out, people can not kill, and the best level, nature is Cang myriad. He knew Cang Myriad will come forward in due course. Cang myriad speak, had a look of proud cloud Che suddenly assumed a distinguished look, listen, he said After, he considered only a few seconds, he respectfully said: "Although heart resentment, but since it is the emperor's life, cloud Che naturally follow. " Then, they cloud Che feet away from the head of Feng Xi Chen, then kick flew, his head stuck to Feng Xi Chen kicked black red old couple, quickly stepped forward, the body in blood Xi Chen Feng catch. "Humph! You upset my wedding, want to kill me, I wanted you all to Heaven here, but since it is the emperor to intercede for you, then I will put you on a horse! You do not give thanks to my Cang wind emperor! Cang myriad Although the Emperor, but the central figure of those large door surface has always been respectful of his eyes, disdain, and some even superficial are too lazy to do. And today, a large child Ancestor Phoenix, the wind shook the pack Cang cloud Che is respectfully for him, for his words directly, "toe", Cang myriad reign for so many years, first tasted the face bursting with feeling, even straighten the spine do not consciously lot. Che cloud his mind, suddenly give birth to endless gratitude. He is very clear, a Attitude cloud Che this simple, will make him the throne Cang myriad twenty years later, truly imperial orders Cang wind!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 372 miserable is a word
as the God Phoenix Empire 13 prince, Feng Chen Xi life spent in splendor and others fear flattery, ever received any shame, not to mention a kick to the head stepped on the underground great shame. His brain a burst of Weng Ming, and then fight the life want to struggle, but the pressure on his head and body seems to be the mountain Zuo Wanjun, don't he is injured, even if it is complete, it is impossible to break. Thanks to his best, the body can only small twitch, could do nothing about half. He was on the head part of the ground, overflows with bursts of ugly hoarse moans.
Black red telephone is cloud Che remember Sirius cut hit the systemic blood boiling, Xuan spirit of chaos, and see the horrors of the Feng Chen Xi, they nearly eyeball is staring broken. Two people did not go smoothly into the blood, rolled clouds, screaming: "let go of your highness!! Otherwise...... Otherwise, I must punish you jiuzu Phoenix shenzong! Let you die!"

good ah! I will wait for you to destroy me jiuzu Phoenix shenzong! But I don't know if you can be successful in the Phoenix, but since you have these words, I have to have a poor worm, and today I will not die! Gee, I wanted his feeble force,You are forcing me to his life, the original in your God Phoenix Empire, the prince's life is used to send the play!"

voice a fall, cloud Che face suddenly turned cold, que dragon brandish, a terrible aura moment in blade pool, to hit.

"...... Stop!!"
to the mighty Phoenix God Pope as a threat, but not only did not have the slightest effect, but was Che Yun directly brought as a reason to kill Feng Chen Xi, Che Yun that had no hesitation to action, scared of the dark red telephone almost kneel down on the spot, they are now finally wake up, facing the Che Yun this work simply reckless "madman", deterrence, threat,Intimidation is not the slightest effect. Even the Phoenix bright Chen Prince identity there, he still will not hesitate to kill him!!
the two of them completely is not a cloud of Che opponent, Feng Chen Xi's life was he pinched in hand, black red telephone again also not dare rashly, though they hate not the Che Yun to shreds, also had tried to pressure expressions of anger, black man strong breath, expression of convergence, gnash teeth in hatred of Tao: "cloud Che! Today...... Today we think we have a! You'll put your highness...... As long as you put your highness, today we will never in your hand, go right away!" "Ha ha ha ha!"Che Yun like listening to a great joke, admire a yock, taunt way:" you this words say, simply, and farts! Say I seem afraid of you to my hands!" He stretched out his fingers and asked the two men, "I will not put him, and you will do it to me...... Come on! You!!" Black dress old man a face becomes ugly, almost on the spot a old blood. The red dress man biting teeth, a forward Trail: "clouds, doing things not too overwhelming......" Just say half sentence, he saw the clouds face suddenly sank, his heart suddenly thump,Suddenly again did not dare to say that a half sentence with a threatening nature, his face and tone of voice is also soft down: "today's thing, is indeed our offense first. As long as...... As long as you put our prince, then let us leave, today, we can Let bygones be bygones...... Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! Nor will anyone talk to anyone......" He glanced around, and then said, "there is no one who is going to be there."...... Otherwise, I will be the daughter of God in phoenix." Phoenix Shenzong. Although, four words of clouds don't seem to have any deterrent, but for others,All that is tantamount to God's deterrence! The red coats of the old a, all people are face disease, silent, hate can't spot a sound nod, that he would not spread to any determination.
these words, say from the Phoenix Shenzong people mouth, to sound is humble to the extreme. In history, there has never been a man of the state of the sky, the people of the sky can let the people of the Phoenix God to reveal such a gesture of so almost begging.

"is?" Clouds tilted eyes, eyes are very disdain, slowly: "these words, it is an insult to my iq. You follow this shit to my prince sofu swagger before others,
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