ZL350第三百五十章 追寻2013-07-29 20:00:00 “-Keng!- ” 身后一阵彻寒,带着火辣辣的痛感,那是被{sharp การแปล - ZL350第三百五十章 追寻2013-07-29 20:00:00 “-Keng!- ” 身后一阵彻寒,带着火辣辣的痛感,那是被{sharp อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL350第三百五十章 追寻2013-07-29 20:00:00 “


第三百五十章 追寻

2013-07-29 20:00:00

“-Keng!- ”

身后一阵彻寒,带着火辣辣的痛感,那是被{sharp sword} 撕破Defence 的效果,我猛然急停,转身就是一次[Cold Iron Sword] 撩开对方招架,[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 带着[[Wind Blade]] 落下,那SWORDSMAN 立刻倒地。

“-Shasha sha- ……”

抽身急退,避开一片ARCHER 的Attack ,同时给了个[HEAL] 给Flaming Tiger God(Pet) 。

一阵激烈的厮杀之后,雪地上已经是尸横累累,Mass Burial(G-) 的近200人被杀得七零八落,至少阵亡上百人,我的[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 也已经[Kill for Blood] 达到了50层,提升50%Attack 力,更让这群人心惊胆寒了,同时,一轮猛攻之后,我也发现了游戏里的双剑流与现实中略有不同,在格挡与进攻的过程中根本不会像是我现实里那么得心应手,必须要慢慢融合才行。

“-Keng!- ”

抬手将[Cold Iron Sword] 归鞘,我只握着一柄[Emperor Qin’s Sword] ,嗯,双剑流的战skill/tactics* 昙花一现,不能让这群人太了解我的战skill/tactics* 了,否则以后对我也不利,并且Jian Feng Han[V](S) 、Soaring Dragon[FD-GM](M) 、Wang Ze Cheng[HM](RMB-K) 等人也会研究我的战skill/tactics* ,一旦双剑流被剖析完全,那就威力大减了。

Mass Burial(G-) 的一群人只剩下不到一半了,Not Ordinary[MG](B) 提着BATTLE AXE ,气得浑身颤抖的站在那里,眼睛里满是怨毒之色:“CTMD,Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) 到底是不是人,居然一个人能杀掉我们那么多人……”

一名{Elder} LEVEL 玩家低声speaking* :“Guild Master* ,我们的几个控制{skill} 玩家都不在这里,根本奈何不了Xiao Yao Zi Zai(MC) ,据说General Wang Jian[Z-V](S) 带着一支Zhan Long(G) {first division} 的百人团挺进Cold Forest Cemetery 了,我们是撤退?还是召集更多人在Cold Forest Cemetery 跟Zhan Long(G) 继续周旋?”

Not Ordinary[MG](B) 目光{Freeze} :“哼,没有必要跟他们在这里浪费时间,撤退,我们还有更加重要的任务,跟Cang Cheng[HM-1](K) 联系一下,晚上去推Firestone Canyon 里的两个Emperor Tier 阶BOSS,近战Attack 系的玩家由我提供!”

那{Elder} 浑身一颤:“老大?又是我们提供近战系Attack ,每次要杀Emperor Tier 阶BOSS,我们至少要有上百个Brother* 掉LEVEL ,可是Hero Mound(G) {first division} 给我们的都是什么样的补偿啊,一个人100G这算TMD什么补偿,把我们Brother* 当成叫花子打发了?”

Not Ordinary[MG](B) 冷笑speaking* :“你小子就别不满足了,招我的意思去办,尽快选好出发的阵容,另外,这些话千万不要对别人说,我们还有许多地方要仰仗Wang Ze Cheng[HM](RMB-K) 的力量,嘿嘿……你小子不是特别喜欢Cang Tong[ZL](A) Lin Wan Er 吗?好好干,或许……”

{Elder} 狂喜:“或许有机会一亲芳泽?”

Not Ordinary[MG](B) 笑了:“亲你姥姥,你小子要是敢打Lin Wan Er 的主意,Wang Ze Cheng[HM](RMB-K) 绝对会把你碎尸万段,到时候连我都保不住你,我跟你只说一次。”



于是,丢下了100+具尸体,Mass Burial(G-) 主盟的玩家纷纷撤退,而几speaking* 白色光芒闪烁之后,我身后另外17个Zhan Long(G) {first division} 的玩家也纷纷复活了,The King[ZL](B) 回满health ,提着BATTLE AXE 走上前,哈哈笑speaking* :“Guild Master* ,多亏你来了,否则我们非得被24小时循环守尸体不可!”

我将[Emperor Qin’s Sword] 也一起归鞘了,转身笑speaking* :“怎么可能,我们Zhan Long(G) 绝不会允许自己的Brother* 被24小时守尸的,这么丧心病狂的事情,必须全力回击!对了,你们怎么会跟Mass Burial(G-) 的人在这里起了冲突?”


The King[ZL](B) 转身,指了指身后的Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM,speaking* :“Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的Elder Brother 本来是在杭州打工的,后来进了蓝水街的一个酒吧里当保安,大约干了3个月不到,就在前段日子,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的Elder Brother 就突然消失了,再也不跟家里联系过,但是Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 认出来,Mass Burial(G-) 的那个Cruising[MG](S) ,就是Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的Elder Brother 去那家酒吧当保安的介绍人,所以Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 一直在追寻线索,就在不久前,进入Cold Forest Cemetery 追踪他们,然后就被[[Ambush]] ,损失惨重……”

我微微一怔,看向Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,迈步走到她的面前,说:“Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,你的Elder Brother ……在蓝水街打工?”


Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 脸上带着担忧:“Elder Brother 快一个月没有跟家里联系了,他……他帮我买完这个游戏头盔之后就好像突然消失了,一样,我好担心他,我去杭州的那个酒吧找过三次,他们都说从来就没有Qing Meng(Brother?) 这个人出现过,我……我好担心Elder Brother ……”

说着,硕大的泪珠顺着Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的脸蛋滑落,她带着哭泣声:“那个Cruising[MG](S) ,我认识他,他就是Elder Brother 当初说的那个朋友,但是他也不认账,说从来没有见过Qing Meng(Brother?) 这个人,我该怎么办……我好担心Elder Brother ,我怕他已经……已经……”

我咬咬牙,心里有种不安的预感,说:“Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,你叫Qin Yu(M) ?”


我深吸了口气,安慰speaking* :“Qin Yu(M) 你不要担心,我会找人帮你追查你Elder Brother Qing Meng(Brother?) 的下落的,放心吧,我在杭州还是有些人脉的,而且现在是法治社会,你Elder Brother 不会有事的,别太担心,你……你现在在哪儿?”


“嗯,你别再来杭州找Elder Brother 了,我会帮你找,好吗?”

Qin Yu(M) 抬头看着我,一双美目满含泪水:“Guild Master* ,你说的是真的吗?你会……你会帮我找到Elder Brother 吗?”

我点头:“嗯,无论如何,我会给你一个交代的,放心吧,我一定能找到你Elder Brother ,你不要太担心了知speaking* 吗?我加你的好友,把手机号码给你,你有什么线索直接打电话给我,但是不要自己去追查了。”

“嗯。”Qin Yu(M) 拿到我的手机号码之后,又看着我:“Guild Master* ,我……我还是担心,Elder Brother 不会已经……会不会已经?”

我无奈一笑,抬手扶着她的肩膀,低头speaking* :“你别胡思乱想了,事情没有你想象得那么糟,要安心一些好吗?”


一旁,The King[ZL](B) 也申请加入我的好友,发来一条消息:“Guild Master* ,小雨的Elder Brother ……是不是真的会出事?我总感觉,你有什么事情在瞒着大家,我也很担心Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,怕她会经受不起这个打击,她在苏州上学,父亲早逝,就一个母亲,全靠Elder Brother 在支撑整个家啊,一旦她的Elder Brother 有什么不测,我担心小雨会受不了这个打击……”

我转身看了看The King[ZL](B) ,回复speaking* :“不用太担心,有些事情不能让你们知speaking* ,但是请相信我,我一定会全力帮Qin Yu(M) 找到她的Elder Brother 。”

The King[ZL](B) 握了握拳:“Guild Master* ,谢谢你……虽然我不知speaking* 你是干什么的,但我知speaking* 你是一个值得信任的人,你一定要帮小雨,她……她真的好可怜……”

我点头,回复:“嗯,你们既然加入了Zhan Long(G) ,那就是我的Brother* Sister* ,我绝不会坐视不理你们的事情,放心吧,不超过半个月,我一定会追查到Qing Meng(Brother?) 的下落。”




不久之后,大雪之中,WANG JIAN(S) 风尘仆仆的带着百人团赶来了,却发现战斗已经结束了,draw sword*** 无奈speaking* :“我勒个去,那么快?”

The King[ZL](B) 笑speaking* :“Guild Master* 你来晚了,Xiao Yao(MC) Guild Master* 已经帮我们解决这些战斗力只有五的渣渣……”

WANG JIAN(S) 嘿嘿一笑:“我就知speaking* ,Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* 在这里肯定能力镇全场,其实我带大家过来是刷怪的,好啦,你们几个加入团队,我们今天就进军Cold Forest Cemetery 的深处了……”



目送大家走远,我没有说什么,回城,把所有的[God Grass] 炼制成了[Godly Mana Restoration] ,但是依旧还有47%的熟练度才能升到10LEVEL 炼丹skill/tactics* ,没有办法,只能继续等等了。

一直到晚上7点多的时候,{went Offline} ,陪Lin Wan Er 、Dong Cheng Yue 吃饭。

“今天Zhan Long(G) 的发展怎么样?”围着小餐桌,Lin Wan Er 笑吟吟的问我。

我{polite smile} 嘴:“呃,还好,就是PK+练LEVEL 嘛……”

Dong Cheng Yue 嘻嘻笑:“Xiao Yao(MC) Elder Brother ,听说你在extending out** 叫Cold Forest Cemetery 的地图里一个人one on one Mass Burial(G-) 的200人,并且打退了他们,好神奇的说,三大主城现在到处都有你的传说了……”


Lin Wan Er 轻笑:“说说吧,双剑流之后,感觉怎么样?”

我沉吟一声:“格挡操作空间大大提升,Attack 输出也提升了至少50%左右,唯一的缺陷就是Attack 速度太快,有时候会命中率降低,所以还有很大的锻炼提升空间……”

“嗯,加油!”Lin Wan Er 看着我,却又说:“不过,双剑流要偷偷练习,不能总让别人看到你的战斗录像,特别是双剑流的战skill/tactics* 风格,现在不知speaking* 多少人把你当成假想敌而剖析你的战斗细节呢……”

“嗯嗯,我知speaking* 啦……”


“呃……”我想了想,说:“Wan Er(A) 你和Dong Cheng(M) 回去上线或者休息,我回一趟警局,办点事情……”

“你又要丢下我和Dong Cheng(M) 了……”美女大小姐撅起小嘴,像是邻家女孩一样的撒了个娇。

我差点就抵挡不住说“好,你干嘛我陪你干嘛”,但还是忍住了,说:“好了,Wan Er(A) 乖,这件事情真的对我很重要?”


“嗯,Zhan Long(G) 的一个成员,她的Elder Brother 在杭州蓝水街酒吧失踪了,我要帮她追查她Elder Brother 的下落。”

“好……”Lin Wan Er 温顺的像是一只小猫:“那我回去练LEVEL ,等你回来……”



送两个MM回到女生宿舍,我掏出手机,拨通了Shen Bing 的号码——

“哟,Li Xiao Yao(MC) ?什么事,想我了?”Shen Bing 的声音依旧妩媚得让人融化。

我笑笑:“Shen Bing 姐,帮我个忙!”

“哼,我就知speaking* ,什么事?”

“帮我追查一下Qing Meng(Brother?) 这个人最近一个月的所有网点行为,他失踪了,我怀疑跟BLOOD SCYTHE 有关,你帮我查查好吗?现在就查,我马上来基地。”

“嗯,好,直接来技skill/tactics* 科我的办公室!”

“OK! ”

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL350Chapter No. 350 search2013-07-29 20:00:00 "-Keng!- " Behind a penetrating cold, with burning pain, that is the effect of sharp sword} by {Defence torn, I suddenly stop, and is a [Cold Iron Sword] lift the other parries, [Emperor Qin's Sword] with the [[Wind Blade]] goes down, the SWORDSMAN down immediately. "-Shasha sha- ......" Get quick reset, avoiding the ARCHER Attack, but gave a [HEAL] Flaming Tiger God (Pet). A fierce of fighting zhihou, snow Shang has is corpse cross scarred, Mass Burial (G-) of near 200 people was killed have pieces, at least killed Shang hundred people, I of [Emperor Qin's Sword] also has [Kill for Blood] reached has 50 layer, upgrade 50%Attack force, more let this group people lest appalled has, while, a round stormed zhihou, I also found has game in of double sword flow and reality in the slightly has different, In blocking and attacking the process there is not as handy as it is my reality, must be fusion only slowly. "-Keng!- " Raised [Cold Iron Sword] sheath, I only hold one handle [Emperor Qin's Sword], well, double flow skill/tactics* Flash in the Pan, don't let these people know me and skill/tactics*, or later to me also, and Jian Feng Han[V] (s), Soaring Dragon[FD-GM] (m), Wang Ze Cheng [HM] (RMB-K), who will also look into my skill/tactics*, once the double flow is analyzed completely, it has less power. Mass Burial (G-) by only less than half of a group of persons, Not Ordinary[MG] (b) carrying a BATTLE AXE, he stood trembling, eyes filled with hatred of color: "CTMD,Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) whether people, a person can kill so many of us......" A {Elder} LEVEL player whispers speaking*: "Guild Master*, several of our control {skill} players are not here simply can't Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC), it is said that General Wang Jian[Z-V] (s) with a Zhan Long (G) {first division} person into the Cold Forest Cemetery We retreat? Also called more people with Zhan Long in the Cold Forest Cemetery (G) to continue to deal? ” Not Ordinary[MG] (b) eye {Freeze}: "well, no need to waste time here with their retreat, we have a more important task, and Cang Cheng[HM-1] (k) contact at night to push Firestone two Emperor Tier level BOSS in the Canyon, Melee Attack the player provided by me! ” {Elder} was a quiver: "man? We offer a Melee Attack, and order BOSS to kill Emperor Tier at a time, we should at least have hundreds Brother* LEVEL, but the Hero Mound (G) {first Division} gives us is what kind of compensation, a person 100G it TMD what compensation, as a beggar to kill our Brother*? ” Not Ordinary[MG] (b) sneers at speaking*: "you guys don't meet the, I mean to do, choose a starting lineup as soon as possible, in addition, these words don't say to people, we still have much to rely on Wang Ze Cheng[HM] (RMB-K), hehe ... ... You don't particularly like Cang Tong[ZL] (a) Lin Wan Er do? Good job, perhaps...... " {Elder} Ecstasy: "maybe there is a chance allusions? ” Not Ordinary[MG] (b) laughed: "kiss your grandmother, if you dare to beat Lin Wan Er idea, Wang Ze Cheng[HM] (RMB-K) will definitely get you tore, then even I lose you, I say to you again. ” "Well, I ... ... I know the wrong boss, we retreat? ” "Well, pull! ” Thus, left 100+ bodies, Mass Burial (G-) main Union players have retreated, and after a few speaking* white light flashes, another 17 Zhan Long behind me (G) {first division} players have revived The King[ZL] (b) back to full health, carrying a BATTLE AXE go ahead, laugh speaking*: "Guild Master* Thanks to you, we need to be a 24-hour cycle to keep the body not! ” I will [Emperor Qin's Sword] sheaths, turn around and smile speaking*: "How could we Zhan Long (G) will never allow their Brother* to be 24-hour guard, such a senseless thing, must spare no effort to fight back! Yes, how you get with Mass Burial (G-) people in conflict? ” "Is that ... ..." The King[ZL] (b) turned around, pointed behind Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) MM,speaking*: "Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) of Elder Brother was is in Hangzhou working of, later into has blue water street of a bar in Dang security, about dry has 3 months not to, on in Qian paragraph days, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) of Elder Brother on suddenly disappeared has, again also not with home contact had, but Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) recognized to, Mass Burial (G-) The Cruising[MG] (s), that is, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), the Elder Brother went to the bar when the security reference, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) have been looking for clues, not long ago, into the Cold Forest Cemetery tracked them, and then was [[Ambush]], resulting in heavy losses...... " My slightly stunned, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), stepping out in front of her and said, "Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), your Elder Brother ... ... Working at Blue Water Street? ” "MMM! ” Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) face took on a worried: "Elder Brother for almost a month without contact with his family, he ... ... He helped me buy this game after the helmet just as suddenly disappeared, and I worry about him, I went to Hangzhou three times at the bar, they all say that there never was Qing Meng (Brother?) this person appeared, I ... ... I worry about Elder Brother...... " With that, big tears rolled down Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) face down, with her crying: "Cruising[MG] (s), I know him, he is the Elder Brother had said that his friend, but he would not admit, said they had never seen a Qing Meng (Brother?) this man, I do ... ... I worry about Elder Brother, I am afraid he has ... ... Have...... " I bite, have an uncomfortable feeling that says, "Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), you call Qin Yu (m)? ” "MMM! ” I took a deep breath, comfort speaking*: "Qin Yu (m) but don't you worry, I will find someone who can help you trace your Elder Brother Qing Meng (Brother?) falling, rest assured, there are some connections I am in Hangzhou, and now is a society ruled by law, your Elder Brother's going to be fine, don't worry, you ... ... Where are you now? ” "I go to school in Suzhou......" "Well, you don't come back to Hangzhou for Elder Brother, I'll find you, okay? ” Qin Yu (m) looked up at me, a pair of beautiful eyes filled with tears: "Guild Master*, are you serious? You will ... ... Do you help me find my Elder Brother? ” I nodded: "well, in any case, I'll give you an account, don't worry, I will find your Elder Brother, you don't worry too much about do you know speaking*? I added you buddy, you cell phone number, do you have any clues to call me directly, but do not themselves follow. ” "Well. "Qin Yu (m) after I got my cell phone number, and look at me:" Guild Master*, I ... ... I was worried that Elder Brother will not have ... ... Will have? ” I smiled, raised his hands on her shoulder, bow speaking*: "you don't entertain, it's not as bad as you think it, want to do some good? ” “嗯……” 一旁,The King[ZL](B) 也申请加入我的好友,发来一条消息:“Guild Master* ,小雨的Elder Brother ……是不是真的会出事?我总感觉,你有什么事情在瞒着大家,我也很担心Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,怕她会经受不起这个打击,她在苏州上学,父亲早逝,就一个母亲,全靠Elder Brother 在支撑整个家啊,一旦她的Elder Brother 有什么不测,我担心小雨会受不了这个打击……” 我转身看了看The King[ZL](B) ,回复speaking* :“不用太担心,有些事情不能让你们知speaking* ,但是请相信我,我一定会全力帮Qin Yu(M) 找到她的Elder Brother 。” The King[ZL](B) 握了握拳:“Guild Master* ,谢谢你……虽然我不知speaking* 你是干什么的,但我知speaking* 你是一个值得信任的人,你一定要帮小雨,她……她真的好可怜……” 我点头,回复:“嗯,你们既然加入了Zhan Long(G) ,那就是我的Brother* Sister* ,我绝不会坐视不理你们的事情,放心吧,不超过半个月,我一定会追查到Qing Meng(Brother?) 的下落。” “嗯,那就好,随时保持联系!” “好……” …… 不久之后,大雪之中,WANG JIAN(S) 风尘仆仆的带着百人团赶来了,却发现战斗已经结束了,draw sword*** 无奈speaking* :“我勒个去,那么快?” The King[ZL](B) 笑speaking* :“Guild Master* 你来晚了,Xiao Yao(MC) Guild Master* 已经帮我们解决这些战斗力只有五的渣渣……” WANG JIAN(S) 嘿嘿一笑:“我就知speaking* ,Xiao Yao(MC) Brother* 在这里肯定能力镇全场,其实我带大家过来是刷怪的,好啦,你们几个加入团队,我们今天就进军Cold Forest Cemetery 的深处了……” “嗯,好嘞!” …… 目送大家走远,我没有说什么,回城,把所有的[God Grass] 炼制成了[Godly Mana Restoration] ,但是依旧还有47%的熟练度才能升到10LEVEL 炼丹skill/tactics* ,没有办法,只能继续等等了。 一直到晚上7点多的时候,{went Offline} ,陪Lin Wan Er 、Dong Cheng Yue 吃饭。 “今天Zhan Long(G) 的发展怎么样?”围着小餐桌,Lin Wan Er 笑吟吟的问我。 我{polite smile} 嘴:“呃,还好,就是PK+练LEVEL 嘛……” Dong Cheng Yue 嘻嘻笑:“Xiao Yao(MC) Elder Brother ,听说你在extending out** 叫Cold Forest Cemetery 的地图里一个人one on one Mass Burial(G-) 的200人,并且打退了他们,好神奇的说,三大主城现在到处都有你的传说了……” 我无语。 Lin Wan Er 轻笑:“说说吧,双剑流之后,感觉怎么样?” 我沉吟一声:“格挡操作空间大大提升,Attack 输出也提升了至少50%左右,唯一的缺陷就是Attack 速度太快,有时候会命中率降低,所以还有很大的锻炼提升空间……” “嗯,加油!”Lin Wan Er 看着我,却又说:“不过,双剑流要偷偷练习,不能总让别人看到你的战斗录像,特别是双剑流的战skill/tactics* 风格,现在不知speaking* 多少人把你当成假想敌而剖析你的战斗细节呢……” “嗯嗯,我知speaking* 啦……” “吃完饭,你有什么打算?” “呃……”我想了想,说:“Wan Er(A) 你和Dong Cheng(M) 回去上线或者休息,我回一趟警局,办点事情……” “你又要丢下我和Dong Cheng(M) 了……”美女大小姐撅起小嘴,像是邻家女孩一样的撒了个娇。 我差点就抵挡不住说“好,你干嘛我陪你干嘛”,但还是忍住了,说:“好了,Wan Er(A) 乖,这件事情真的对我很重要?” “能透露吗?” “嗯,Zhan Long(G) 的一个成员,她的Elder Brother 在杭州蓝水街酒吧失踪了,我要帮她追查她Elder Brother 的下落。” “好……”Lin Wan Er 温顺的像是一只小猫:“那我回去练LEVEL ,等你回来……” “嗯!” …… 送两个MM回到女生宿舍,我掏出手机,拨通了Shen Bing 的号码—— “哟,Li Xiao Yao(MC) ?什么事,想我了?”Shen Bing 的声音依旧妩媚得让人融化。 我笑笑:“Shen Bing 姐,帮我个忙!” “哼,我就知speaking* ,什么事?” “帮我追查一下Qing Meng(Brother?) 这个人最近一个月的所有网点行为,他失踪了,我怀疑跟BLOOD SCYTHE 有关,你帮我查查好吗?现在就查,我马上来基地。” “嗯,好,直接来技skill/tactics* 科我的办公室!” “OK! ”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ZL350 three hundred and fiftieth chapter search 2013-07-29 20:00:00 "-Keng -!" behind him while Toru cold, with burning pain, that is {sharp sword} tear Defence effect, I suddenly stop, turn around that time [Cold Iron Sword] put aside the other parry, [Emperor Qin's Sword] with [[Wind Blade]] down, that SWORDSMAN immediately fell to the ground. "-Shasha Sha- ......" Jitui withdraw to avoid a ARCHER of Attack, while giving a [HEAL] to Flaming Tiger God (Pet). After a burst of intense fighting, the snow is already littered with numerous, Mass Burial (G-) killed nearly 200 people to pieces, killed at least hundreds of people, my [Emperor Qin's Sword] has [Kill for Blood ] reached the 50th floor, lift 50% Attack force, leaving these people scared terrified, and at the same time, after a round onslaught, I also found two swords game flow and the reality is slightly different, in block and attack The process will not like my reality so handy, it must be slowly converged job. "-Keng -!" raising his hand to [Cold Iron Sword] return sheath, I just shook edged [Emperor Qin's Sword], ah, swords flow of battle skill / tactics * flash in the pan, you can not let these people know me too war skill / tactics *, otherwise also negative after me, and Jian Feng Han [V] (S), Soaring Dragon [FD-GM] (M), Wang Ze Cheng [HM] (RMB-K), et al. I will study war skill / tactics *, once swords stream is parsed completely, then the power greatly reduced. Mass Burial (G-) group of people and only less than half, Not Ordinary [MG] (B) carrying BATTLE AXE, stood trembling with anger, his eyes full of color pernicious: "CTMD, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) is not a person in the end, we actually can kill a person so many people ...... " a {Elder} LEVEL players whispered speaking *: "Guild Master *, several of our control {skill} Players are not here simply can not do nothing Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC), said to General Wang Jian [ZV] (S) with a Zhan Long (G) {first division} The Hundred advance Cold Forest Cemetery, we are retreat or more people gather in Cold Forest Cemetery with Zhan Long (G) continue deal "?? Not Ordinary [MG] (B) eyes {Freeze}: "Well, no need to waste time here with them, to retreat, we There are more important tasks, Contact Cang Cheng [HM-1] (K) at night to push Firestone Canyon where two Emperor Tier order BOSS, players melee Attack lines provided by me! " That {Elder} covered with a Shake:? "The boss is we provide melee Attack, a time to kill Emperor Tier order BOSS, we at least hundreds Brother * off LEVEL, but Hero Mound (G) {first division} to what we are kind of compensation, ah, a person 100G TMD is this what compensation, our Brother * as a beggar pass the "? Not Ordinary [MG] (B) sneer speaking *: "you do not satisfy a kid, I mean go trick Office, selected the starting lineup as soon as possible, in addition, these words do not say to others, there are many places we want to rely on Wang Ze Cheng [HM] (RMB-K) of power, hey ...... your kid is not particularly fond of Cang ? Tong [ZL] (A) Lin Wan Er do a good job, maybe ...... " Elder} {ecstasy: "Perhaps there is a pro-Ze opportunity"? Not Ordinary [MG] (B) laughed: "pro your grandma, you If daring boy Lin Wan Er idea, Wang Ze Cheng [HM] (RMB-K) absolutely will you cut to pieces, to the time even I can not hold you, I told you once. " "Well, I ...... I admitted the mistake boss, we retreat now? " "ah, withdraw! " So, leaving 100 + corpses, Mass Burial (G-) Master League players have to retreat, and a few flashes of white light after speaking *, behind me another 17 Zhan Long (G) {first division} of players have risen, The King [ZL] (B) back to full health, carrying BATTLE AXE walked laugh speaking *: "Guild Master *, thanks to you come, otherwise we have to be non-24-hour cycle to keep the body! " I will [Emperor Qin's Sword] go out with the sheath, and turned laughing speaking *: "how could we Zhan Long (G) will never allow his Brother * is, so frenzied thing 24 hours to keep the corpse must efforts to fight back! By the way, how you will follow Mass Burial (G-) people here from the conflict? " "this is ......" The King [ZL] (B) turn, pointed behind Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) MM, speaking *: "Ruo Yu [ZL] (? M) of the Elder Brother could have been working in Hangzhou, and later into a bar street in blue water as a security guard, about three months did not, in the preceding days, Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) The Elder Brother suddenly disappeared , no longer had contact with the family, but Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) recognize, Mass Burial (G-) of the Cruising [MG] (S), is Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) of the Elder Brother go to that bar when the security of the introducer, so Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?) have been looking for clues, just recently, into the Cold Forest Cemetery track them, then it was [[Ambush]], losses ... ... " I slightly hesitated, looking to Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), move coming up to her, saying: "Ruo Yu [ZL] (? M), your Elder Brother ...... Blue Water Street work ? " "ah! " Ruo Yu [ZL] (? M) face with worry: "Elder Brother almost a month no contact with the family, and he helped me ...... He helmet after buying this game as if suddenly disappeared, as I well worried about him, I went to Hangzhou to find that the bar three times, they say never Qing Meng (Brother?) this man appeared, I ...... I worry about Elder Brother ...... " Then, huge tears along Ruo Yu [ZL] (? M) face fall, she took her sobs: "That Cruising [MG] (S), I know him, he is the Elder Brother had said that a friend, but he also admit that never not seen Qing Meng (Brother?) this person, how can I do ...... I worry Elder Brother, I'm afraid he has ...... already ...... " I wound my heart kind of uneasy feeling, said: "Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), you called Qin Yu (M)? " "ah! " I took a deep breath, comfort speaking *: "(? Brother) Qin Yu (M) Do not worry, I'll find someone to help you track down your whereabouts Elder Brother Qing Meng, rest assured, I am in Hangzhou still some contacts , and now is the rule of law, you'll be fine Elder Brother, Do not worry, you ...... Where are you now? " "I go to school in Suzhou ......" "ah, you would not come to Hangzhou to find Elder Brother, I'll help you find, okay? " Qin Yu (M) looked up at me, a pair of beautiful eyes teared up: "Guild Master *, what you say is true? You will ...... you'll help me find Elder Brother it? " I nodded: "ah, anyway, I will give you an explanation, rest assured, I will be able to find your Elder Brother, you do not worry too much knowledge speaking * do? I added your friends, the phone number to you, you have a clue what to call me directly, but do not themselves traced. " "ah. "Qin Yu (M) to get my phone number after he looked at me:" Guild Master *, I ...... I'm still worried, Elder Brother would not have been ...... would not have been? " I am helpless smile, raising his hand leaning on her shoulder, bow speaking *: "You do not cranky, and things are not as bad as you think, to feel at ease some of you? " "ah ......" aside, The King [ZL] (B) also apply to join my friend, sent a message: "Guild Master *, rain Elder Brother ...... is not it really an accident? I always feel that you have something in telling you that I am also very worried Ruo Yu [ZL] (M?), Afraid she would not afford the blow, she go to school in Suzhou, his father died young, just a mother, whole by Elder Brother in supporting the entire family, ah, once she's Elder Brother anything should happen, I fear the rain will not stand the blow ...... " I turned and looked at The King [ZL] (B), Reply speaking *: "do not be too worried that some things can not let you know speaking *, but please believe me, I will spare no effort to help Qin Yu (M) to find her Elder Brother. " The King [ZL] (B) shook his fist: "Guild Master *, thank you for speaking * ...... although I do not know you are doing, but I know speaking * you are a trustworthy person, you have to help the rain she ...... she really poor ...... " I nodded, replies: "ah, since you joined the Zhan Long (G), that is my Brother * Sister *, I will not sit idly by your thing, Rest assured, no more than two weeks, I will be traced to the Qing Meng (Brother?) whereabouts. " "ah, that is good, keep in touch! " "Well ......" ...... Soon after, the snow being, WANG JIAN (S) busy schedule with a hundred people came to the group, but found that the fighting has ended, draw sword *** frustration speaking *: "Le me go, so fast? " The King [ZL] (B) laugh speaking *: "Guild Master * you come late, Xiao Yao (MC) Guild Master * have to help us solve these fighting only five of the slag slag ......" WANG JIAN (S) hehe smile: "I know speaking *, Xiao Yao (MC) Brother * here certainly capability town audience, in fact, I take you over a brush strange, well, you guys join the team, we will enter the Cold Forest Cemetery today The depths of the ...... " "ah, good le! " ...... watched you run away, I did not say anything back to the city, all the [God Grass] refining became [Godly Mana Restoration], but there are still 47% of proficiency in order to rise to 10LEVEL alchemy skill / tactics * there is no way but to continue so the. until 19:00 when many, {went Offline}, to accompany Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng Yue eat. "Zhan Long (G) for the development of today how? "Around the small table, Lin Wan Er smiling asked me. I {polite smile} mouth: "uh, okay, that is, PK + practice LEVEL Well ......" Dong Cheng Yue Giggles: "Xiao Yao (MC) Elder Brother I heard you called map Cold Forest Cemetery of where a person one on one Mass Burial (G-) of 200 people in extending out **, and repulsed them, said good magic, the three main city now everywhere Your legend ...... " I was speechless. Lin Wan Er chuckle: "Tell me, after swords flow, how are you feeling? " I pondered loudly: "Block greatly enhance the operating space, Attack output also improved at least about 50%, the only flaw is the Attack speed is too fast, sometimes lower hit rate, so there is still much room for improvement exercise ...... " "ah, come on! "Lin Wan Er looked at me, but said:" However, swords flow to secretly practice, can not always let others see your fight videos, especially the flow of battle swords skill / tactics * style, I do not know now speaking * How many people think of you as an imaginary enemy and analyze the details of your fighting it ...... " "Er er, I know speaking * it ......" "After dinner, do you have any plans? " "uh ......" I thought, said: "Wan Er (A) you and Dong Cheng (M) to go back on-line or rest, and I trip back to the police station, to do something ......" "You have to leave I and Dong Cheng (M) the ...... "beauty Missy pursed mouth, like the girl next door like a Caesar Johnson. I almost could not withstand say, "Well, I'll show you why you are doing." , but still hold back, he said: "Well, Wan Er (A) good, this thing is really important to me? " "Can you tell it? " "ah, Zhan Long (G) of a member of her Elder Brother in Hangzhou Blue Water Street Bar missing, and I want to help her track down the whereabouts of her Elder Brother. " "Well ......" Lin Wan Er gentle like a kitten: "Then I go back to practice LEVEL, so you come back ......" "ah! " ...... send two MM back to the dormitory, I took the phone and dialed the number of Shen Bing - "yo, Li Xiao Yao (MC)? What is it, like me? "Shen Bing's voice still charming people get melted. I smiled: "Shen Bing sister, do me a favor! " "Well, I know speaking *, what happened? " "help me track down what Qing Meng (Brother?) All outlets behavior of this man last month, he was missing, I suspect with BLOOD SCYTHE related, you help me look good? Now on the investigation, I'll come bases. " "ah, well, directly to the technical skill / tactics * Division of my office! " "OK!"

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

chapter 350 pursue

2013-07-29 20:00:00

-Keng! "-
behind a penetrating cold, with a burning pain, it is {sharp torn sword} defence, scram, I suddenly and turned is a [Cold iron Sword] tuck up the other parry, Emperor Qin 's Sword] with a [[Wind Blade]] falls, the SWORDSMAN immediately fell to the ground.

"-Shasha sha-......"

withdraw jitui, avoid a piece of ARCHER Attack, at the same time to a [HEAL] for Flaming Tiger God (Pet). After a fierce fight

,Snow is already dead bodies lying in the numerous, mass burial (g) of nearly 200 people killed at sixes and sevens. At least killed hundreds of people, I [Emperor Qin 's Sword] also has [Kill for Blood] reached the 50 layer, enhance the capacity of 50%Attack, more let this group of people surprised bravery cold. At the same time, after an onslaught, I also found that the twin swords in the game flow and reality is slightly different, in the parry and attack process don't like is my reality so handy. We have to slowly converging to.

"-Keng! -" [Cold Iron Sword]

hand to sheath,I only hold a handle [Emperor Qin 's Sword]. Well, a flash in the pan Shuangjian flow of war skill/tactics*, cannot let this group of people is my war skill/tactics* the, otherwise after the disadvantage, and Jian Feng Han[V] (s), soaring Dragon[FD-GM] (m), and Wang Ze Cheng[HM] RMB-K et al also will my battle skill/tactics*. Once the Shuangjian flow are analyzed completely, that is power big minus the.
mass burial (g) of a group of people only less than half, not Ordinary[MG] (b) provided a battle axe, gas and trembling stood there.Eyes is full of hatred: "ctmd, Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC) in the end is not the person, actually a person can kill so many of us..."
a {Elder} level internationally in a low voice speaking*: "Master* guild, a few of our control players {skill} are not here, don't helpless Xiao Yao Zi Zai (MC), it is said that General Wang Jian[Z-V] (s) with a a Zhan long (g) {first division} hundred regiment marched into cold forest cemetery the, we retreat?Or call for more people in the Cold Forest Cemetery and Zhan Long (G) to deal with?" Eyes of the
not Ordinary[MG] (b) {Freeze}: "hum, not necessary they waste the time in here, retreat, we have more important task, with Cang Cheng[HM-1] (k) contact that evening to push in the Firestone Canyon two emperor tier order boss, near war attack players by providing me with!" The {Elder}

shuddered: "boss? And we provide melee Attack, every time you want to kill Emperor Tier order BOSS,We must have at least level off the hundreds of Brother* but give us the hero mound (g) {first division} are what kind of compensation, a person 100g the TMD what compensation, the we Brother* as beggar sent the? "
not Ordinary[MG] (b) sneer speaking*: "your boy is don't do not meet the, trick I mean to do, as soon as possible to choose the starting lineup. In addition, these words do not to others said, we have many places to rely on Wang Ze Cheng[HM] RMB-K strength,Hei hei...... Your kid is not particularly fond of Tong[ZL] Lin (A) Wan Er Cang it? Have a good job, maybe......" {Elder}: "

ecstasy may have the opportunity to a dear Ze?"
not Ordinary[MG] (b), smiled: "kiss your grandmother, your boy if you dare hit Lin Wan Er idea, Wang Ze Cheng[HM] RMB-K absolute will put you ground corpse 10000, when the time comes I are not retain you, I with you only said once." "Well, I

...... I know the boss, we are now?" "Well,

withdrawal!" So

, abandoned 100 bodies,Burial Mass (G-) the main league players have retreated, and a few speaking* white light flashing, after I left 17 Long Zhan (G) division} {first players have been raised, King[ZL] The (B) back to full health, carrying forward AXE speaking*, ha ha laugh BATTLE: Master* Guild, thanks to you, otherwise we have to be 24 hours to keep the body!" I will

[Emperor Qin 's Sword] together back, turn around with a smile: "how could speaking*,
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