不过虽然布满了裂纹,这枚神秘的蛋一直都没有孵化,蛋里面那奇异的漩涡,不停地吸收法则之力,丝毫没有停歇的样子。 聂离感觉到周围的法则之力被吸收 การแปล - 不过虽然布满了裂纹,这枚神秘的蛋一直都没有孵化,蛋里面那奇异的漩涡,不停地吸收法则之力,丝毫没有停歇的样子。 聂离感觉到周围的法则之力被吸收 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
But while covered in cracks, this mystery eggs did not hatch, egg that the strange spiral, constantly absorb the force of law, without stopping. Nie Li felt around the power absorbed by the rule were empty, but not enough, and began to absorb the NIE from the body of the laws of the force, Nie Lili of the law forces pulling back. "This guy is greedy! "The NIE from the depressed, absorbing the force of so many laws, have not hatched. "You have force of law, was not enough to hatch it. "The plume Goddess shook road, have not hatched eggs, actually absorbs the force of so many laws were not enough, the egg is no small matter. Although there is no hatch this egg is thoroughly, NIE faintly feel the eggs inside the beating heart, along with his more and more into the force of law, the egg inside the creature's heart beat stronger and stronger, and Nie Li, and more closely linked. Appears to slow down, wanted to quickly put this egg to hatch, it is not an easy thing. Although plume goddess can provide adequate force of law, but Nie Li decided to hatch it, after all, his force of law can establish contact with it. Nie Li when some lines of research on this egg, Ye Yan flutter down through ancestors more swooped over, stopping on the shoulders of the Nie Li. "Ye Yan ancestor, where have you been, haven't seen you for so long? "The NIE from the ancestor to Ye Yan said," you go this time, shining city is nearly destroyed! ” “那些巫鬼世家的人进攻光辉之城的时候,我都看着呢,巫鬼世家来的这些人还奈何不了光辉之城。这段时间我把冥域世界也逛了一下,打探到一个消息,聂离。你想不想知道?”叶延始祖故意卖了个关子道。 “什么消息?”聂离问道。 “快点说,没人跟你这么闲。”羽焰女神微微皱了一下眉头说道。 “小姑娘,听人说话要有耐心。我好歹也活了上千年了,对待前辈要尊敬知道吗?”叶延始祖说道。看了一眼羽焰,羽焰的身体有点小,也不知道是怎么回事,聂离不尊敬自己这个老头子也就罢了,这个小姑娘也对自己没好气,简直不能忍啊,“聂离,这个小姑娘是你从哪里拐来的?” 听到叶延始祖的话。聂离面色怪异,看了一眼脸色有点不太好的羽焰女神,说道:“叶延始祖,忘记跟你介绍了,这位是羽焰女神,她因为神格崩碎,肉身被毁,重新开始凝聚神体,才变得这么小,只剩下传奇级的修为了。她巅峰时候。是超越传奇之上的灵神!另外忘记补充一点了,人家已经活了数十万年了……” “咳咳,咳咳。”叶延始祖顿时尴尬地咳嗽了起来。瞪了一眼聂离,“你怎么不早说?” 活了千年,在别人活了几十万年的看起来,那简直就跟婴儿没什么差别。自己居然叫对方小姑娘,叶延始祖那叫一个尴尬。不知道聂离究竟是怎么做到的,居然还拐了一个灵神过来。 对于灵神,叶延始祖其实是有一些了解的,那是只在传说和神话里出现的存在,到底是不是真的。谁也不知道。不过他知道的一点是,光辉之城有一块破碎的风雪灵神的神格。那是一件非常强大的宝物。 “快点说吧。”羽焰女神摆了摆手道,她才没兴趣继续讨论年纪谁大谁小的问题。 叶延始祖面色一正。认真地说道:“冥域掌控者准备招收弟子,如果成为冥域掌控者的弟子,就有机会成为冥城的主人,获得冥域掌控者的传承。各个世家的次神级强者都前去参加了,包括巫鬼世家的三个次神级强者,所以在近半年之内,巫鬼世家应该不会再动光辉之城了,毕竟相比于光辉之城,冥域掌控者的传承诱惑更大一些!” “冥域掌控者的传承?”聂离微微皱眉,想了一下道,“要怎么才能成为冥域掌控者?” “听说先要抵达九重死地最高层,在那里就可以见到冥域掌控者。”叶延始祖说道,“据说整个冥域,只要是黑金级以上的强者,都前往九重死地了,甚至包括黑暗公会的妖主、龙煞等人!” 居然连黑暗公会的妖主都出关前往了,可见他们对这件事情多么看重。 “只要达到黑金级就能前往,我们也可以一试。”聂离想了一下道。 “聂离小子,你真想去?”叶延始祖看了看聂离。































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
But while full of cracks, While this has not mysterious egg hatching egg inside that strange swirl, constantly absorbing the power of law, did not stop the way. Nie feel around away from the power of law to be absorbed in an instant, but not enough of the way, began to absorb the power of law Nie from the body, Nie from the power of law immediately drew back. "This guy is really greedy!" Nie from depressed authentic, absorb the force of law so much, actually did not hatch. "Your power of law, it is not enough to hatch." Plume goddess shook his head and said, no hatching eggs, actually absorb the force of law so much is not enough, While this egg really is no trivial matter. Although no While eggs will hatch out thoroughly, Nie felt faint from the egg inside that pounding heart, as he injected the law of force, more and more eggs inside the bird creatures getting stronger heartbeat and between Nie away with, resulting in increasingly close ties. It seems too slow a slow, want to suddenly put While this egg to hatch out, really it is not an easy thing. Although the plume goddess can provide sufficient force of law, but Nie decided themselves from it hatched out, after all, their own rule of force can establish some contact with it. Just when Nie away at some of the lines on the eggs While this leaves the extension ancestor flap edge to fly down, stopped at the NIE from the shoulder. "Ye Yan ancestor, where you fly, and so long did not see you?" Nie from the extension to see the leaves ancestor said, "you go this time, the city was almost destroyed the Shining! " " those witch ghost family man attack glorious city of the time, I looked at it, ghost witch family to these people still could not reach the city of Shining. This time I took deep domain world has around a bit, to inquire into a message, Nie away. Do you want to know? "Ye Yan ancestor deliberately sold a related sub-channels. "What news?" He asked Nie away. "Hurry up, said no one told you so busy." Plume goddess slightly frowned said. "The little girl, listening to people talk to have patience. Anyhow, I also lived for thousands of years to treat seniors to respect you know?" Said Ye Yan ancestor. Looked at the plume, the plume of the body a little, do not know how it is, does not respect its own NIE from it when this old man, the girl also for their snappily, simply can not tolerate ah, "Nie away, This girl is from where you come Shui? " hear the words of leaf extension ancestor. Nie from looking weird, looked at his face a little less good plume goddess, said: "Ye Yan ancestor, forgot to tell you described, this is the plume goddess, she had godhead chipping, flesh destroyed, re-start cohesion Godhead, only become so small, only the legendary stage of the repair order. She peak time. is beyond the legend above the Spirit of God! Also forgot to add that, people have lived hundreds of years old ...... " " Keke, Keke. "Ye Yan ancestor suddenly embarrassed cough up. Nie stare away, "how do you say that earlier?" live a thousand years, people living in dozens of years it seems, it is simply just no difference baby. I actually called the other girl, leaf extension called an embarrassing ancestor. I do not know exactly how to do away Nie, actually also turning a Spirit of God over. For the Spirit of God, Ye Yan ancestor of fact, there is some understanding, it is the existence of only appearing in legends and mythology, in the end is not true. Who does not know. But he knew is that there was a broken city Shining snow Spirits of God godhead. It is a very powerful treasure. "Come speak." Plume goddess waved and said, she was not interested in continuing the discussion older who is great who is a small problem. Ye Yan ancestor looking for a positive. Seriously he said: "Ming domain control are prepared to recruit disciples, if it becomes deep domain control of those disciples, have the opportunity to become the owner of the city deep, deep domain to get control of those god-class strong heritage of times each family have to go. He participated, including a family of three sub-witch ghost god-class strong, so in the last six months, the family should not be witch ghost town Shining move, after all, compared to the glory of the city, deep domain control's heritage the temptation even greater! " " deep domain controlled by inheritance? "Nie from slight frown, thought for a moment," to how to become deep domain control person? " " I heard that arrived first to the seventh death the highest level, where it deep domain control who can see. "Ye Yan ancestor said," It is said that the whole deep domain, as long as black gold above the level of the strong, all went to the seventh death, and even dark demon guild master, Longsha et al! " Actually Even dark demon guild master will go out of customs, you can see how much they value these things. "As long as black gold level will be able to go to achieve, we can try." Nie from thought for a moment. "Nie from Boy, you really want to go?" Ye Yan Nie ancestor looked away. "Is not that what you told me the purpose of this message?" The NIE from Baileyiyan leaf extension ancestor, he carefully thought about it, no matter what deep domain controlled by series of strong, to the pleasure of seeing it is always no wrong. Ye Yan ancestor is Nie from through, only embarrassed smile and said: "Ming domain control person to recruit disciples, not only the strength of the recruit, recruit talent certainly extraordinary, at this point, I like you! Just become deep domain control of those disciples, the future city Shuigan Dong Shining? " hear Ye Yan ancestor, then nodded his head Nie away, this is indeed a way out! Plume goddess thought for a moment, although it is extremely deep domain controlled by a mysterious Spirit of God, no one knows anything about him, but one thing is certain is that those who have deep domain control of at least one family of the Wicked family Spirit of God hands. "Nie away, I go along with you Nine kill it." Plume goddess said. There plume goddess's help, that this way, on many safe. After making this decision, ready to pick off Nie went to the seventh death of people, the first thought of the sword segment to segment the sword of flesh, even if the encounter danger, to protect themselves should be no fear. As for the others, in the end with or without, Nie from still hesitating. Nie sword from the section called over. "Section sword, are you willing to go along with me Kokonoe death?" Nie asked to look away from the segment sword. "Where the owner, paragraph sword on the go, but there is a request segment sword." Said one knee paragraph sword. "Get up to speak it, what is your request? " " Before going to the seventh death, I want to personally take a common phenomenon Yi Na Laozei heads! "segment sword eyes, suddenly emitted a terrible coldness, as long as revenge, after even killed, has no regrets. Nie from thought, although the strong level commandant Yi is legend, but in order to segment the sword current strength, should be enough to easily fight with the commandant, the back and forth the prison in the world can not have much time, Nie from eyebrows a challenge, said: "Since So, I'll go with the prison world trip! "back and forth a few days of living hell world will effort, engagement thing, according to a family away and Yezi Yun Nie etiquette are not participating, so do not leave anything Nie thing. "Thank you, master sake." Paragraph sword eyes, full of gratitude color, this day he has waited too long for too long, since parents forced suicide of the moment, he is all the time thinking about revenge. Living hell of the world. Silverwing family after that territory has been Nie et al from violence, Silverwing family for a long time, are caught in a very embarrassing situation, being weighed each of the other family, each family had a living hell for the family thought to this devastated family Silverwing when it is unexpected that the commandant easy to repair sudden leaps and bounds. And commandant easy to give each family home owners have sent a letter to the chief of the General Assembly to convene, elect a new chief. Although it is unclear what the commandant Guizhu Yi Yi in the end play, each family home owners have come participate. Yanwu town center, full of people who gathered for each family. Silverwing Array family, and one gold, black gold grade of the strong unified standard Ginko, coldness eye-catching. Easy and Red Crescent commandant commandant like Zhongxinggongyue general, is surrounded in the middle. Easy commandant pale, but it is flashing eyes intake of coldness, full beholder. "Father, your body hurt ......" commandant Yi Chen Sheng said: "I use our Silverwing family secret law, although repair to the next level, already not going to live, at most only stay a year longer, red month, parent help you seize the chief, and then help you a few uniforms that old devil, the mysterious force that several old devil eating pulp Dan, we can at least reinsurance Silverwing family centennial. parent can only do so much , the rest is up to you myself! " " Father ...... "commandant Crescent Head tearful light. "Do not cry, my daughter commandant easily, how can you crying? I commandant Easy aspect I, murder without calculation, sword countless innocent people, even after death into the jiu hell, God is able to shock ghost kill people!" commandant Yi eyes, passing touch Jieao Yinhen color. "Yes." Commandant Luna dry tears, replied. God Yan family, Wolf strong family and other family were all present, those family home owners, one also proudly standing. This thirteen family, three family is to have the legendary strong, including Silverwing family, God, family and the Wolf family flame, various other family, including Black Dragon family, and so on, there is a strong black gold star. "Sagong Easy, you let us come here, what Guizhu Yi fight, we all know, but you a Silverwing family, wanted to deal with all of us, a bit too arrogant, right?" God Yan Xiao Li family home owners Lengran He said. Li Xiao soon in white, is so quietly stood, just like stagnant water Yue Yuan Zhi general, giving a very strong pressure. Lee next owl, stood a boy, before it is put three knife from the exchange to Nie Li Heng. "Li Xiao, Mo career, the two of you, like me, are legendary level, it has been the two of you are with me discord. Prison world of the living environment, more and more bad than in previous years, and I think We thirteen family, should elect a new chief, to find ways to lead everyone to leave the prison in the world! "commandant Yi Chen Sheng Road. "It's ridiculous, commandant and easy, you know does not go out of the way?" Mo Ya sneer a cry. "Of course, as long as you elect me as chief, I will naturally take you to leave prison in the world." Commandant Yi glanced at the crowd and said, "I have found the world Chuansong Zhen leave prison, but also find the start Chuansong Zhen Stone glorious! "(To be continued)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
However, although full of cracks, the mystery of the egg has not been hatched, the egg inside the strange vortex, constantly absorb the law of the force, did not stop the way.

Nie from feeling to laws around are absorbed from the air, but is not like to absorb Nie from the law in force, Nie Lili will rule pumping the back. "This guy is really greedy!" The NIE is out of the blue, absorbed so much of the law of the force, actually did not hatch out. You

"law of force, it is not enough to hatch." The plume of flame goddess shook his head, not yet hatched eggs,I have had so much law of force is not enough, the egg can really be no trivial matter.

although not the egg completely hatched, vaguely felt the egg inside the beating heart from Nie, with more and more into his rule, egg inside the creature's heart more and stronger and with off the Nie, resulting in a increasingly closely linked.

so slow, want to once put this egg to hatch, really is not an easy thing. . although the plume goddess can provide sufficient law of force, but decided to take it away from the hatch,After all, the force of the law of its own can establish some connections with it.

Nie from the study of the egg number of lines, leaf extension ancestor arris flutter to fly down and stopped at the Nie from the shoulders.

"leaf extension ancestor, flying where you, see you so long?" To see from the Nie leaf extension ancestor said, "this time you go, shining city was almost destroyed!"

"the witch ghost family attack bright city, I have watched, witch family of these people also regrettable shining city. This time I put the giants around the world, to inquire into a message, from nie. Do you want to know?"Ye Yan ancestor deliberately sell off a child together.

"what news?" Asked the nie.

"hurry up and said, no one told you so busy." The plume of flame is tiny tiny to knit the brows to say.

"girl, listen to people to be patient. I somehow also lived for thousands of years, with respect to ancestors know?" Father Ye Yan said. To see a glimpse of the plume, the plume of the body is small, also don't know is how to return a responsibility, Nie from the respect oneself the old man son also fills, the little girl also to his snappily, simply can not tolerate ah, "off the Nie, the little girl is where you turn to?" Hear Ye Yan ancestor.

.Nie from the complexion of weird, see one eye looks not too good plume goddess, said: "leaf extension, the ancestor of the forget with you is introduced, the plume goddess, she because the Godhead chipping, destroyed in the flesh, restart condensation of body and spirit, to become so small, only fix for the legendary class. At the top of her. Is a spirit beyond the legend! Also forget to add a little, people have lived for hundreds of thousands of years......" "Cough, cough." Ye Yan suddenly coughs up ancestor. Staring at the Nie, "why don't you say so?"

lived for thousands of years, appear to live in other hundreds of thousands of years,
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