距离叶贵人被害一事,已经过了大半月,只是此事仍旧没有进展,熙和宫也渐渐变得冷清起来,甚至宫中的宫女太监常常被各宫的奴才叫去帮忙做事。 不过半 การแปล - 距离叶贵人被害一事,已经过了大半月,只是此事仍旧没有进展,熙和宫也渐渐变得冷清起来,甚至宫中的宫女太监常常被各宫的奴才叫去帮忙做事。 不过半 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
From Ye Gui man was murdered, a half month has passed, but this was not progress, touch of the Palace became deserted, even maids in the Palace eunuchs often is asked to help by the minions of the Palace. But has changed so much in the second half, Luo yan could not help but sigh, Imperial place, man's mask so fast, holding people stepping on people the same exhaust one's abilities. Some things not suitable for aggressive, certainly not fit to die, so the effect is often the best way. Luo yan is not standing still and not rush to attack people, so a shot will be enough, secure enough. Night was cool as water, calm on the surface of a Lotus pond, reflecting the Crescent, Breeze blew, the meniscus is a breeze, with unspeakable beauty. At this moment, only listening to every sound, Crescent shaking violently, broken into pieces of silver in the water. "Come, Ah! Zhao Yin Rong Niangniang fell into the water! ” "Quick, quick launch to the rescue! ” At night until midnight, Feng Jin lie Qian elegant sound vaguely heard noise from the outside of the bed, frowning eyes, "come out here? ” "Your Majesty, outside is a touch of the eunuch in charge of the Palace entrance. "Gao Dezhong drapery in heretics," slaves watched the eunuch in charge looked anxious, seems to be something important. ” Smells would like to sit up, and lay beside him, Qian magnate also sat up and scrambling to put on his robe, "your Majesty, was already at the moment when, not if called eunuchs in charge and ask what things, it's cold outside. ” "Touch of the minions of the Palace I know nothing not to see me. "Move aside and let minions to dress himself, was arranged by Gao Dezhong Nian. Qian people looked at the Emperor's behavior, looking slightly pale, immediately forward and serve the honour to wear clothes, but would like to swing open, "these minions to do is, don't you do it yourself. ” Is no need for her hands, still doesn't think she served as minions agile? Looking almost in the blink of an eye for a good Emperor robe, Qian magnate hesitated, followed the Emperor's feet are out of the room, walked into the room to see a fat eunuch kneeling on the ground, hair is messy, clothing on the mud adhered to the stars, presumably came in a hurry. "The Emperor, the Empress was bad, up to beg your Majesty as Empress," Fu Bao had just said a few words, was interrupted by the emperor. "Is there anything on the road again, I looked at is not trivial. "I have just one, then walked out. Fubao stumbled first, busy up until run out. "Well, what happened? "I have sat in the chariot, expressionless face is like a chill in the night. "Back to the Emperor, the Empress love to sit beside a Lotus pond at night, this evening to listen to Zhu Yun XI with the masters, and sat on the edge, Empress, some hungry girl went to Empress-side snack. Bamboo left soon after, cloud evening heard someone smashing tea, just thought it was a bamboo girl, went to looked at. But is such a time, he heard the voice of the man overboard, ran a look back was masters fall into the water. "Fu Bao tone some nasty, hard to straighten out the words. "If I am not mistaken, Zhao Yin Rong read more water falls into the water should also be nothing to. "I have the frowned, not Zhuang Luo yan started playing add this trick? "Empress General water is Yes, but Empress is was people hit brain fell into water in the of, cures said Empress head Shang of injury some offset, so does not fatal, presumably at Empress perceived wrong, hiding has about is no all hiding past, only will......" Fu treasure voice choked has, "minions are saved up Empress Shi, Empress has coma has, pool in of water dye red has good freshman block, to now Empress are also didn't woke up. ” "Who did this can't believe your nerve?! "Would like to sink my face," you didn't know how to treat the masters of these minions do?! ” Fubao looked weak, finally had to stop misunderstanding. Gao Dezhong feel things differently is a side, touch of the Palace so much things, fubao eunuchs are not a steward in the Palace run the show, how to do a runner? Pedestrians hurried to the touch of the Palace, but see only a gate at the entrance and the eunuchs, seeing them, face lit up on my knees bowed. Move down the Nian, a touch of the Palace, his brow more and more tightly knit, he is just half the month day, how has become so cold here? Into the main hall, this feeling all the more obvious, touch of the Palace was not a Palace Chamberlain Group, but at least the eunuch maid no less, now masters so much, why do I not see a few minions wait back and forth? Keep small outdoor eunuchs to meet the Emperor, on the surface, immediately reported: "the Emperor's arrival. ” 封谨走进屋内一看,屋内竟只有听竹与云夕伺候在侧,为庄络胭诊脉的也只有一个上了年纪的毛太医。顿时脸色便沉下来,大怒道:“其他的奴才呢,都死了么。昭贤容出了这么大的事情,怎么就一个太医来诊脉,其他当职的太医呢?!” “奴婢去太医院问了,院判说?p> 渌敝档囊缴既ジ渌髯忧肼隽耍罄磁居龅礁战拿剑渌挡皇堑敝埃咀偶保愀排纠锤髯忧肼隽恕!痹葡熳叛劭艄蛟诘厣匣卮鸬馈?p> “那其他奴才呢?”封谨在椅子上坐下,一摸小几上的茶壶,已经没有半分温度,随即气得把茶壶砸在了地上,顿时茶壶摔得四分五裂。 “回皇上,其他宫里的管事太监说,主子不用伺候皇上,宫里又没有什么事情,便借走了一些人,”云夕声音因为气愤与难过有些气愤,“所以现在宫里只有这么几个人伺候。” “朕竟是不知其他宫里伺候的人会不够,”封谨转身对高德忠道,“高德忠,你亲自去请太医院的人,朕倒想瞧瞧这些太医有多忙!” 太医院的院判没有想到皇上身边的高公公会因为昭贤容的事情到太医院,当下便心知不妙,本来这叶贵人是太后侄女,他们哪里还敢多亲近昭贤容,谁会想到被撤了牌子又牵扯到叶贵人被害一事的昭贤容会受皇上重视。 想到皇上的怒火,院判脚有些发抖,忙叫了太医院擅长医骨以及妇金方面的当职太医,匆匆往熙和宫赶。 封谨冷眼看着跪在面前的几个太医,装着滚烫茶水的茶杯砸在几人身边,“还跪在这里作甚,还不去给昭贤容请脉。” 几个太医忙上前给昭贤容请脉,只是一件昭贤容惨白的脸色以及后脑上还在流血的伤口,顿时吸了一口凉气,这伤人的明显是想要昭贤容的命,只是伤口便宜了些,昭贤容才险险保下性命。 过了小半柱香时间,几个太医白着脸跪在封谨面前,“启禀皇上,昭贤容的伤实在凶险,娘娘后脑勺受伤时应该遭受极大的撞击,若是再偏差一些,便有性命之虞。” “朕不想听你们废话,该怎么用药就去用,”封谨接过高德忠呈上的茶,勉强喝了一口,皱起眉头,“这是什么茶叶?” 高德忠看向泡茶的听竹。 “回皇上,近来殿中省说新茶不够,所以这是刚分到的陈茶,”听竹跪在地上,“这已是宫里最好的茶,求皇上恕罪。” “好,很好!”封谨重重搁下茶盏,“来人,把皇后娘娘给朕请来!” 景央宫中,皇后听到昭贤容被人重伤跌入荷花池后,便大感不妙,刚刚让宫女伺候着穿好衣服,给皇上传话的太监便到了。 坐在步辇上,皇后想了很多,但是怎么也想不到居然会有人想至昭贤容于死地,如今不用查叶贵人的死因也便知道,昭贤容是被有心人陷害的。 “昭贤容现如今怎么样了?”皇后侧头问跟在旁边的传话太监。 “回娘娘,方才请脉的太医说,形式非常凶险,若不是伤口略有偏移,昭贤容娘娘便有性命之虞了。” 皇后变了变脸色,若是这样,皇上这会儿只怕正在气头上了。 传话太监有心卖皇后一个好,于是又道:“皇上到熙和宫时,见宫里伺候的奴才不剩多少,诊脉的也只有毛太医一人,当下便发了怒,让高公公亲自去太医院请的太医。奴才方才瞧着,昭贤容伤得挺严重呢,连枕头被子上都沾着血,只怕这次伤得厉害呢。” 皇后点了点头,后宫中见高踩低本是常事,只是这些女人以为庄络胭被撤牌子时皇上在场,就意味着庄络胭再度失了宠,哪里知道皇上还惦记着呢? 等到明日,那些借奴才使唤的,克扣昭贤容份例的,就要等待皇上的怒火了。 “和玉,你叫人去查今晚有哪些宫的奴才靠近过熙和宫,无论是哪个宫,都要清清楚楚明明白白记下来,”皇后整了整情绪,“昭贤容遭这么大罪,可不能放凶手逍遥法外。” “是,娘娘。”和玉连忙应下,心中却有些担忧,不知皇上会不会因此时迁怒娘娘。 本作品来自天天小说网(www.ttshuo.com),大量精品小说,永久免费阅读,敬请收藏关注!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Leaves from the killing of elegant, has been a big half, but the matter is still no progress, Xi and gradually became deserted house, or even the palace eunuchs of the palace each house slaves often called to help things. However, half of the change will be so great, could not help feeling attracted village rouge network harem this place, man's mask becomes really fast, holding people were equally exhausted and stepped effort. Some things do not fit to take the initiative, and certainly not suitable for standing still, so another way to effect is often the best. Chuang network rouge is never standing still is not rashly attack, so one shot will cruel, to secure enough. Yeliangrushui, tranquil lotus pond surface, reflecting a crescent moon, micro wind blows, the meniscus will wind drift, with unspeakable beauty. At this point, just listen to bang bang, meniscus violent shaking, broken down into tranches of silver in the water. "Come ah! Zhaoxian Rong empress into the water! " " Hurry, hurry to save water! " the night until midnight, sealing the honor of lying in bed and stumbled Qian honored to hear the sound coming from outside the ring, frowning opened his eyes, "what trouble it out? " " Emperor, outside the palace steward eunuch Hee and asked to see. "High Dezhong in veil heretics," eunuch slave looking anxiously looked at the steward, the event seems to be happening. " Heard closure would like to sit the body, lying on his side also followed Qian elegant sat up, put on his robe to rush, "the emperor, at the moment already midnight, do not ask if what is called a eunuch steward something cold outside yet. " "Hee and Palace minions I know, nothing I will not see the clamor." I let the side seal the honor to dress themselves, while arrangements so that high-De-zhong Pacers. Emperor Qian looked elegant manners, looking slightly dark, immediately came to serve from the closure would like to dress, but was closed honor to play on, "The subject matter I do that, do not you hands." She does not need to get involved, or feel She was not I wait agile? The emperor looked almost in the blink of an eye for a good robes, Qian honored hesitated to follow the footsteps of the emperor out of the inner chamber, and went outside the room only to see an extra baggage eunuch knelt on the ground, hair disheveled, hem still stained with mud on the star, presumably came hurriedly. "The emperor, empress bad, ask the emperor for the empress call the shots," said Fu Bao just so few, it was the emperor interrupted. "What is the way to say, I was not looking at what the little things." Closed honor pace just a meal, then walk out. Fubao first froze a moment, only to get up and busy ran out. "Well, how is it?" Seal would like to sit on the Pacers, face deadpan meaning somewhat chill in the night. "Back to the emperor, the past few days the empress lotus ponds at night love to sit, listen Comin to accompany the evening with clouds in the evening bamboo master sitting beside the pool, the empress said some hungry, the girl went to the empress end snacks. Listen Bamboo Gang go soon, I heard someone broke cloud evening tea cup, thought it was listening to bamboo girl, went to looked at. Who would have thought that such a short time, I heard the sound of someone drowning, running back, was actually off the master into the water. "fubao tone of some urgency, rare to straighten out the words. "If I remember correctly, some aqueous Zhaoxian Rong know, fall into the water and should not do fishes." I have the honor frowned seal, do the village began to play Gai rouge network that recruited? "Goddess know water is a right, but the empress is being hit by brain fell into the water, the imperial doctor said on the back of the head injury empress some offset, so it was not fatal, presumably when the empress perceived wrong, hide for a moment, but not all hide In the past, only ...... "fubao voice choking," minions when rescued Goddess, Goddess been in a coma, the pool of water dyed the big piece, and now the empress are not awake. " "Who is so How dare?! "closed honor scowled," You do not know a good wait minions masters?! " fubao looking slightly changed, and finally had to stop confessing. Touches the side of the high-De-zhong think things are different, and the Palace hee such a big thing, not the palace eunuch Fubao a steward over the overall situation, how to do a run errands? A pedestrian rushed Hee and House, but saw only a goalkeeping eunuch door, see them, look happy kneeling salute. I have the honor Pacers closed down, into the palace after Hee and, more wrinkled brow tight, but he did not come to the big half-hee and the Palace, how this became so deserted? Into the main hall, feeling more and more apparent, Xi Shi palace and palace, while not in groups, but that at least some eunuchs ladies, no less, now master such a big thing, but not how to wait on a few minions back and forth? Shou including outdoor eunuch saw little emperor, a happy face, and immediately pass reports: "drive to the emperor." seal the honor went into the house and saw the house actually only listen bamboo and cloud evening wait in the side, the village network popliteal pulse diagnosis The only one of the older imperial hair. Suddenly his face fell when he, furious:. "?! What other minions are dead yet昭贤容such a big thing, how would an imperial doctor to diagnose the troubles, the other when it imperial post" "Slaves to so the hospital asked, the hospital said sentence? p> Lu  spacious stall balloon payment  both ji  Lu Jun hydrazine worry  beard playing  exhausted benches reef magnetic  UN war  take   Lu Jian Huang cutting block spacious Egypt  Even Paul Tsui   countenance  row  correct hammer  beard worry hydrazine Jun forgive! Bi Man-Portuguese  helm Jiao Shao rebel scold operculum box goblet cormorants fed? P> "What about the other I do? "Seal would like to sit down on a chair, touched on a few small teapot, has not a cent of temperature, then angry teapot hit the ground, suddenly fall apart teapot. "Back to the emperor, eunuchs other palace steward said, masters do not serve the emperor, the palace has nothing, he borrowed some people, "says Xi sound as angry and upset some anger," So now house only so few people wait. " "I actually do not know other people will serve the palace is not enough," seal would like to turn to high-De-zhong Road, "High De-zhong, you go and ask the hospital staff too, I should like to see how busy these imperial! " Too hospital courtyard sentence did not expect high father around the emperor because昭贤容things to the hospital too, the moment they knew that bad, would it leaves elegant niece Queen Mother, where they dare more close Zhaoxian Rong, who can not expect to be dismissed sign and involves the killing of昭贤容elegant leaf will be affected by the emperor attention. think the emperor's anger, hospital sentenced foot trembling, Mangjiao too good when the post imperial hospital doctors and women gold aspect of bone, Congcong Wang Xi and Palace rush. would like to sit and watch the seal kneeling in front of several imperial, filled with hot tea cup hit a few people around, "kneeling in here for even, please do not go to Zhaoxian Rong veins. " Several imperial hurried to昭贤容please veins, just a Zhaoxian Rong pale face and the back of the head was still bleeding wounds, suddenly inhaled breath, which is obviously hurtful want Zhaoxian Rong life, just a bit cheaper wound,昭贤容just barely under life insurance. After less than half the time of incense, a few white imperial seal would like to kneel in front of her face, "Qi Bing emperor,昭贤容hurt really dangerous empress back of the head injured should suffer great impact that, if the deviation of some, there lives at risk. " "You want to hear Zhenbu nonsense, how to use medication to go," Feng took the honor goes to the high-De-zhong tea, barely took a sip, frowned, "What is tea? " De-zhong see high tea listening to bamboo. "Back to the emperor, the province recently said the new tea house is not enough, so this is just a share of Chen tea," Listen bamboo kneeling on the ground, "this is the best tea house, seeking emperor indulgences. " "Good, good! "Seal the honor put aside heavy tea cup," Come, we invited to the Queen Goddess! " King of the central palace, the queen heard昭贤容was seriously injured falling into the lotus pond, then great sense of good, just let the ladies ready for him to get dressed, to the emperor went to the messenger of the eunuchs. sitting on the Pacers, Queens like a lot, but can not imagine how someone would actually want to Zhaoxian Rong to death, and now do not check leaf noble cause of death they will know, Zhaoxian Rong is framed by caring people. "Zhaoxian Rong now how? "Queen asked with side head eunuch in the next messenger. "back to the empress, just please veins imperial doctor said, form is very dangerous, if it is wound slightly offset, Yu Zhaoxian Rong will have their lives the empress. " Queen's face changed, changed, and if so, the emperor at the moment I'm afraid of being a fit of anger. messenger eunuch Empress determined to sell a good, so he said: "when Xi and the Palace of the emperor to see how many minions serve not left the palace, diagnose the troubles, only gross imperial one, the moment will be an angry, let yourself go too high father's imperial hospital please. I just looked at, Zhaoxian Rong hurt it quite seriously, even the pillows are stained with blood on the quilt, I'm afraid this time it hurt badly. " Queen nodded, low step height harem see this is common, but these women are thought to be Chepai ​​village rouge network midnight emperor present, it means that once again lost village network rouge pet, know where the emperor still misses him? until tomorrow Those slaves servants by underpaying Zhaoxian Rong parts cases, it is necessary to wait for the emperor of his anger. "and jade, as people go to check you tonight what I been near the palace and the palace hee, whatever the Palace, must clearly plainly down, "Queen straightened mood," Zhao Xianrong was so great sin, can not let the murderer go unpunished. " "Yes, Goddess. "Jade quickly and should be the next heart was a bit worried, I wonder when will this anger emperor empress. This work is from every novel network (www.ttshuo.com), a large number of fine fiction, permanently free reading, please FAVORITE!

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
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