第三百四十四章 最终排名 读秒结束的瞬间,我已经擎剑冲了出去,烈焰神虎一样沿着自己的轨迹向前冲杀,唐七公子手中萦绕着三枚铜钱,六爻卦正在选取 การแปล - 第三百四十四章 最终排名 读秒结束的瞬间,我已经擎剑冲了出去,烈焰神虎一样沿着自己的轨迹向前冲杀,唐七公子手中萦绕着三枚铜钱,六爻卦正在选取 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第三百四十四章 最终排名 读秒结束的瞬间,我已经擎剑冲了出去,烈焰神虎

第三百四十四章 最终排名
























































苍瞳 VS 方歌阙





































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 344 final rankings Countdown end moments, I have held a sword rushed out, God of flame along its path forward to kill the Tiger, Prince of seven hands around three coins, divinatory Liu Yao was selected! "Brush! ” Red coins fly out, that is a substantial attack blood images! "And BAM! ” In the chest, there was pain, this attack really blood-- "3277! ” Direct 50% of blood is gone, while God Tiger roaring flames killing seven son's body, he flew back, while Wu Ding Jiajia! I immediately thought command, Tiger tail, hard run, successfully MISS the rolling stone giant, suddenly seven son surprised: "I go, why? ” Super remote, my hand is a seven-mountain Shredder chopped seven meteors move above the blade, wrapped around the sword whistled directly over other people and pets! "571! ” "3228! ” Prince of seven frightened, his main attack skills away from the fire three fold, left downtown, are close, but I chose to ranged attacks, this is something he never thought, is a swordsman remote play, this is really sad? One-hand one, prehistoric world! "And BAM! ” "3517! ” And a stone giant yell, blood is going to bottom out, the result is exactly what I want! In desperation, the Prince of seven iron fan, shrinking into inches, this time to shorten the distance, nearly 30 yards, and instantly steps came up to me, hands of Liu Yao GUA turned again, this skill CD time is short, it is no wonder that here he could have been killed! I rush forward, meaning the sea lock each other's skills, Liu Yao GUA offensive moments, my body sank, blade fingering! "Whoa there! ” "739! ” Suddenly up to seven behind my son, my Qin Wangjian affixed to his back, seven son suddenly twisted her neck back, only to hear me saying: "see the full output of terror! ” Outbreak combo + lie + a ride when thousands of ice, back from the attack, even if it is five dice exemption 80% damage, but a series of attack still seven son of sorrow, a final blow when Qin Wangjian directly through his body, did not give him the chance to drink potions, just kill it! …… 1:0, proudly station presence in the, Qin Wangjian walks with in body Qian, behind disillusionment cloak upwind flying, whole people quite unruly and tyrannical, Yes, being four strong in only of a heavy methyl Department players, at now I in many people of mind in the is full China server of most top heavy methyl Department players, show career lethality of while, let field outside countless people for I cheers, applause gave, this achievements sense alone more HI has...... Second, seven kimiko a lot more cautious this time, stood afar off, hands, turned into six lines-Gua, not willing to compete with me positive, might think my damage is horrible and at the same time, frowning: "such strength was also lost to song que, that the spirit of the song que how terrorist attack? ” I bite: "direct three seconds to kill me, you say how? I 200%+ the spirit of resistance! ” 唐七公子下巴都要掉下来了:“我勒个去,不是开玩笑吧?这样的人,怎么打?一会林婉儿跟他对战,岂不是输定了?” 我摇头:“不知道……我只知道你又要输了……” 唐七公子一挥铁骨扇,道:“放心,绝对不会!哼,连输了三局,我要是再输,这哪儿是什么四强赛,简直就像是被轮J一样……” 我忍不住一笑:“要不然呢?” “来,战个痛快吧!” …… 读秒声结束的瞬间,我再次发动冲击,秦王剑低垂,带着小老虎向前猛冲,同时目光注视着六爻卦的动向,只要MISS掉六爻卦,差不多就赢了,第一局没有做好准备,这一次必须要能闪避过去,这对我来说也是一次考验。 唐七公子一双眸子也一样盯着我,带着杀意,刹那间单手一扬,六爻卦出击了! 圣武战靴猛踩地面,身体急停,单手还不够,我剑锋一转,猛砸地面,“嘭”一声火星四溅,身体借力出现了侧移,几乎硬生生的就从原先的轨迹上偏移开来,六爻卦贴着手臂飞了过去,跳出了一个大大的MISS,真的MISS成功了! 唐七公子看得目光一寒:“擦,这也能MISS,这还是全力加点的战士吗?” 没错,我不是林婉儿,移动速度和转身速度根本比不上,只能硬生生的用这种比较“笨”一点的办法才能完成对六爻卦的闪避操作了,并且这是真的凭操作闪避! Feet punches, swiftly rushed to has Tang seven son, distance he only 8 code around has, Tang seven son quickly shrink to into inch, unfortunately I early expected has, on in shrink to into inch fly out of moments launched has sword edged dash, body "brush" about on station in has Tang seven son of before, skills beat has a step, again success MISS off shrink to into inch! Blade straight, like the glimmer man out to sea! Seven Childe started to show a real melee strength, iron cross fans on top of the blade, sliding the left foot drag force four deflected the pressure taken off most of my left fist into boxing, to my shoulder blade is hard! "And BAM! ” "774! ” I look to him, grinned: "not hurt ... ..." Seven son turned green with: "die you!! ” "And BAM! ” Returned has a fist, homeopathic body sinking a times war boots sweep hit, Qin Wangjian "brush" two flower sword spent fell in Tang seven son of body, up foot once fly kick, Tang seven son suddenly fell fly has out, that stone giant whining roars with rushed came, is was I once tied beast lock to tied live has, flame God Tiger roaring and out, stepped fire strikes grind pressure had has Tang seven son of body. Wu Ding Jiajia, but the rhythm is almost no different from the first inning, I roll on a beat and hacked to death! "Brush! ” Tang seven son into sporadic light fly out has field outside, he playing I is not too good playing, I itself of anti-sex is high, plus flame God Tiger help, and he zhiqian encountered of players greatly different, six Yao GUA although can control, is short time within killed not off I, even I even red dragon Nursing shield Dragon riding will of cure two big stunt are without using on can beat he has! 2:0,季军到手! 传送出场,林婉儿马上笑着祝贺:“恭喜,第三名!” 我点头一笑:“小意思,婉儿去争取冠军吧!” “嗯!” …… 很快的,飞儿再度登上舞台,宣布我获得了季军,随即,万众瞩目的时刻来临,冠军战—— 苍瞳 VS 方歌阙 双方一个是顶尖刺客,一个是顶尖灵术师,并且均拥有读心术,这才是真正的心战对决! 站在清风中,林婉儿的长发轻轻飘扬,衣袂也随之摇摆,身体微微一屈,已然消失在空气中,方歌阙却一脸淡然,雷灵在肩膀上叽叽的叫着,手中纸扇上下摇摆,笑吟吟的看着林婉儿,说:“全力以赴吧苍瞳,我要看看你的真正实力!” 林婉儿匕首低垂,一道道烈焰氤氲在周围,依旧保持着潜行的状态。 读秒结束的瞬间,林婉儿已然冲了出去,一双美丽的眸子紧盯着清风中的方歌阙,突然之间加速,匕首刺向了方歌阙的后背! “刷!” 方歌阙空间折跃了,却只空间折跃了2码距离,他已经洞悉到林婉儿的进攻时机了,纸扇上带着烈焰,直接就是火焰风飞了出去! So near of distance, Lin Waner even has Babel strength also hiding not open, quickly q up behind of giant umbrella, "PA" a sound opened, blocked attack, but party song que of series attack more violent, ice rock moving, and ice fire storm, and ice fire roaring, skills have launched, detonation have Lin Waner urgent back, dang a round attack finished of when, Lin Waner just put iron umbrella unloading to, is found ahead a Rin, party song que elegant of space folding jump directly appeared in Lin Waner before, hands Indigo sea of arrows suddenly a sent! "3712! ” So simple a dash attack, Lin Waner slowly into sporadic light came on! 1:0! Almost all of us are shocked, the ultimate in just 7 seconds in the finals to decide the winner! …… The second, song que is still proudly stands in the field. Lin Waner tactics more concern, from sneaking out of the moment must trace back, wasps blowing leaves, lured off the song que fire wind, surge in knife edge, directly behind the song que to ambushing Vertigo! "Pow!" ” Moments of vertigo, song que face a cold: "Oh, no! ” Was, Lin Waner of attack rhythm--skills + general attack + skills + general attack, this small of details is can at least upgrade 20% of attack speed, times attack zhihou, party song que of really Wu shield toughness only 50% has, on in Vertigo effect is end of when, beauty big miss a sliding step came to he before, rapid received Shang has once chisel hit effect, again to three knife, really Wu shield toughness didn't has! "Brush! ” A pair of snow-arm raised, double edge combination! "4417! ” 切得太狠了,顶尖法师也经不起如此强悍的一击!这也是方歌阙在本次大赛里第三次挂掉了! …… 第三场,真正的决胜局! 结果……林婉儿的操作还是慢了一步,在方歌阙雷渊攻击影响下技能没有接上,却被方歌阙一次精准的螺旋冰舞命中,闪烁之后三连发魔法,结束! 2:1,方歌阙众望所归的夺得第一次天命联赛的冠军! …… 大屏幕上,已然出现了三个ID,那是最终英雄崛起的前三名—— 冠军:方歌阙 亚军:苍瞳 季军:逍遥自在 …… “终于结束了……累死我了……”林婉儿靠在我身边,将脸蛋贴在我的肩膀上。 我瞥了她一眼:“跟冠军失之交臂,不觉得可惜吗?” “不觉得……”林婉儿嘴角一扬:“没关系,第二名也不错了,等着抽奖吧,我们打了两天,就冲着这个了……” “嗯!” 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Three hundred and fortieth chapters final rankings instant countdown ended, I have engine sword rushed out flames as God tiger rush forward along its own trajectory,唐七公child hands haunted three coins, Liu Yao Gua is selected ʱ?? "Brush!" red coins fly out, it was a significant attack of the images of blood! ! "Bang" in the chest move, came the pain, it really is an attack blood - "! 3277" is directly 50% of the blood is gone, while the flames roared culling tiger god child's body in唐七公He quickly back, while five small A blessing! I immediately thought command, a small U-turn on the fierce tiger escaped, MISS successfully rolling out the stone giant, suddenly Tang Qigong child was shocked: "I go, how to run it?" ultra long-range, hands that once I cut seven pieces Yue, seven meteor ran over the blade, lingering around in Jian Qi roared out directly enveloped the other characters and pets! "571! " " 3228! " Tang Qigong child was shocked, his main attack skills from the fire Triassic, bloom again so are melee, but I chose a long-range attack, which is something he never imagined, is a swordsman remote play, this is how sad? One hand a prehistoric world! "Bang! " " 3517! " stone giant is heard crying, blood already going to bottom, this is what I want results! In desperation,唐七公child steel frame fan flash, shrink into inch, this is to shorten the distance of nearly 30 yards, and instantly came to me stepping hands Liu Yao Gua turned again, this time a good short CD skills, No wonder he could have been immediate concern here! I fast forward, meaning sea lock each other's skills, just attack Liu Yao Gua moment, my body sank, blade onrush! "Wow Crash! " " 739! " Suddenly he went behind唐七公son, my king sword attached to his back,唐七公child suddenly twisted neck back, only to hear my cold words: " knowledge about the full horrors of swordsmen output it! " skill outbreak, strong batter + Ice + Ikki Tousen, from the back of the attack, even five small armor exempt 80% of attack damage, but still make a series of onslaught唐七公child lose, the final blow when the sword Qin directly ripped through his body, did not give him the chance to drink potions, just so the spike! ...... 1: 0, proudly standing in the field, Qin Zhu sword in front, behind the cloak disillusionment wind blowing, the people unruly and tyrannical, yes, as the semi-finals in a heavy armor system only player at this moment I In many people's minds is the most heavily armored top line players the whole Chinese server, show career lethal same time, so many people of my off cheers, applause, such a sense of accomplishment felt extremely HI ...... second field, Tang Qigong child more cautious this time, stood afar off, turned the hands of Liu Yao Gua, do not want to compete with my front, and perhaps also think my horrible attack, at the same time, frowning: "This kind of strength, will actually losing party song Que, in the end how awful that party song Que spiritual attack? " I gritted teeth: "?! Direct three skills spike me, you say I'm 200% + more terror of spiritual surgery resistance" 唐七公child should fall to the chin: "I go to Le, is not kidding this man, how to play with him for a while Ms Lin war, would not lose it???" I shook my head: "I do not know ...... just know that you have to lose ...... " 唐七公child waved steel frame fan, said: "! rest assured, will not hum, straight sets three innings, if I lose, this is what the Final Four where, just like being round, like J ...... " I could not help but smile: "? Otherwise it" "!, the battle the enjoyment of it." ...... instant sound countdown ended, I once again launch impact, Qin sword falls, with a small tiger dash forward, but gaze movements Gua Liu Yao, Liu Yao Gua long MISS off, almost on the win, the first game is not ready, this time must be able to dodge the past, which I came to He says this is a test. Tang Qigong child the same pair of eye staring at me, with the intention to kill, instant single hand of a Young, Liu Yao Gua bat! Sheng-boots slammed on the ground, the body stops, one hand is not enough, I Janus a turn, Bash ground, "bang" sound Mars scattered, leveraging the body appears lateral, almost abruptly went from the original offset on the track open, Liu Yao Gua arm close fly past, out of a big MISS, MISS really a success! Tang Qigong child to see the eyes of a cold: "wow, that can MISS, this is the best plus point warriors it?" Yes, I'm not Ms Lin, movement speed and turn rate is nothing compared to only use it abruptly Species more "stupid" a little way to complete the operation of Liu Yao Gua dodge, and this is true with operating dodge! Foot force, and quickly rushed to the唐七公child, only eight yards or so away from his, and唐七公son hurried to shrink into inch, but I had expected, in a moment inch shrink launched a flying sword Blade onrush, the body "brush" about to standing in front of唐七公son, skills the first step, once again successfully shrink into inch MISS off! Sent straight blade, like Kuanglong sea! 唐七公child began to show the real strength of the melee, the steel frame of the shot in the horizontal fan blade, slide left foot drag force, skillfully deflected the force put my shed more than half, left fist gather into a fist at me shoulder armor is severely out! ! "Bang" ! "774" I look at him, grinned: "hurt ......" 唐七公child face green: "You do not die !!" "bang!" answered with a punch, the next body homeopathy Shen first boots Rake, Qin Sword "brush" two Jianhua falls Tang Qigong child's body, got a flying kick heels, Tang Qigong child suddenly fell fly off, that stone giant bellowed roaring rushing, I was once tied to a bondage beast lock live, God tiger roaring flames out, riding the fire raid rolling over Tang Qigong child's body. A five small blessing, but the rhythm is almost no different from the first innings, before being hacked to death I rushed meal chaos hit it! "Brush!" 唐七公child into scattered light flying out of court, he hit me really very good fight, I have a high resistance to itself, with the flames of God tiger back, before he met with the players is very different , Liu Yao Gua although can control, but in a short time can not kill me, even I could not even Red Dragon Shield and Qijiang healing effects do not have to use the two will be able to beat him! 2: 0, runner-hand! Transfer appearances, immediately smiled and congratulated Ms Lin: "Congratulations, third!" I nodded and smiled: "! piece of cake, her beat to win the championship now," ! "ah" ...... Soon, FIR again on stage, announced I got third place, then, the highly anticipated moment came, title fights - Aoi Hitomi VS party song Que sides a top assassin is a spiritual surgery is the top division, and all have to read minds, this is the real psychological warfare duel ʱ?? Standing in the breeze, long hair lightly fluttering Ms Lin, Yi Mei also will swing, the body slightly bent, had disappeared in the air, but look indifferent party song Que, Lei Ling Jiji cried on the shoulder, paper fan hands up and down swing, smiling, looking at Ms Lin, said: "! Aoi Hitomi go all right, I want to see your true strength," Ms Lin dagger falls, a road dense flames around, still maintained a stealth state ʱ?? Instant countdown ended, Ms Lin already washed out, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at the breeze party song Que, accelerated suddenly, dagger stabbing party song Que's back! "Brush!" party song Que space fold jump up, jump off only space for 2 yards, he has insight into the timing of Ms Lin's attack, and with the flames on a paper fan, the wind is directly flames fly out! So close, even if Ms Lin has great strength is also not immune, hurried behind Jusan Qingqi, "popping" sound open, blocking the attack, but the party song Que successive attacks are more violent, ice-rock movement, Addict storm, Addict roar and other skills have been launched, bombers Ms Lin Jitui, when an attack is finished when Ms Lin had just Tiesan shed, they found a cold front, party song Que elegant space fold jump directly in front of Ms Lin, hands Arrow indigo sea suddenly a delivery! "3712!" so simple a sudden attack, Ms Lin slowly into the sporadic appearances of light! 1: 0! Almost everyone was shocked, actually in the final final seven seconds to decide the winner of the winner! ...... second innings, still proudly stand party song Que field. The more decisive tactical Ms Lin, and from the moment must sneak prolapse Step Behind, Wasps blowing leaves, trick out party song Que flame wind, dagger edge soared, put directly behind the ambush party song Que to vertigo ʱ?? ! "Snapped" moment of vertigo, party song Que face a cold: "! Oh," really, Ms Lin's attack rhythm - normal attack skill + + skills + normal attack, this little detail was able to lift at least 20% attack speed, after several attacks, party song Que Zhenwu shield toughness only 50%, and on when the vertigo effect coming to an end, a sliding beauty Missy came to him, rapid connect a hammering effect, again Mito, Zhenwu shield toughness gone! "Brush!" one pair of snow arm raised, double-edged Combination! "4417!" cut too hard, top Master can not withstand such a powerful blow! This is also the party song Que hang in the contest in the third! ...... The third field, the real decider! Results ...... Ms Lin's operation or a step slow at party song Que Lei Yuan attack impact of skills not connected, he was a party song Que precise spiral ice dance hit, flashes after three bursts of magic, the end! 2: 1, the party song Que awaited destiny to win the league title for the first time! ...... on the big screen, already appeared in three ID, it is the ultimate hero of the rise of the top three - Champion: party song Que Runner-up: Aoi Hitomi Runner-up: free men ...... "is finally over ...... exhausted me ... ... "Ms Lin on my side, will face posted on my shoulder. I glanced at her: "? Missed with the title, it does not feel pity," "do not think ......" Ms Lin Yang mouth: "Never mind, the second is not bad, waiting for the draw it, we played a couple of days, it directed at the ...... " "ah!" The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 344 final ranking

countdown at the end of the moment, I have Qing sword rushed out, flames God tiger like along their path forward rush, Tang seven childe hands haunt three coins, hexagram Gua is selected.


Red Coins fly out, it is greatly attack Qi images!

"bang!" The move came chest

, pain, this is really the attack -- "blood


directly is 50% of the blood no, and flames God tiger growled culling in the Tang seven son, he flew back, also five dice a blessing! I immediately thought

command, the small tiger head fierce escape,The success of MISS stone giant's rolling, suddenly don't seven son big surprised: "I go, how to run?"

ultra distance, my hands is a seven pieces cut Yue, seven star channeling move on top of the blade, lingering in the sword whizzing around the, directly covered each other people and pets! 571

"!" 3228


the Tang seven son frighteneds, his main attack skill from the fire in the Triassic, busy fall do etc. are melee, but I chose to remote attack, this is he absolutely did not think of things, is a swordsman remote play, this is how sad?

a single hand, the world!

"bang!" 3517


The giant stone is a wail, and has almost bottomed out, this is what I want results!

in desperation, Tang seven CHILDES Tiegu fan in a flash, shrink into inch, this is shorten the distance, nearly 30 yards, instantly steps come before me, in the hands of the hexagram hexagrams unreal again, well short of the skills of the CD, no wonder he is able to have immediate concern here!

I quickly rushed forward, the sea lock for each other's skills, is in the hexagram Gua to attack the moment, my body sink, blade dart! "Wow"!" 739


suddenly channeling to Tang and seven behind my son, Qin sword posted on his back,Tang seven son suddenly twisted his neck back, but only to hear my cold of a word: "knowledge about best swordsman exporting terror it!"

skill burst, combo Han Binglie Tousen and attack from the back, even if is five Jia Ding exempt 80% attack damage, but a series of onslaught still let Tang seven son sorrow, the final blow, Qin Jian directly punctured his body, did not give him drink potions of opportunity, then spike!


1-0, proudly standing in the middle of the court, the emperor sword leaning on in front of him, behind disillusionment cloak flying into the wind the unruly and arrogant, yes,Body for the semi-finals only a heavy armor system internationally, at this moment I in the eyes of many people is server in the whole of China's top heavy armor players show career damage at the same time, let the outside countless people cheer for me, a round of applause, the achievement sense indescribably hi...

second, Tang seven son the more cautious and stood at a distance, in the hands of the metamorphosis of a hexagram hexagrams, do not want to with me a confrontation, might well feel my attack power is too scary, at the same time, knit the brows a way: "such strength, will actually lose to the song que, the song que spirit school how many horror?"

I bite: "three skills Seckill me directly,You say more than a terrorist? I 200% of the spirit of resistance!" Don

seven son jaws dropped: "what the hell is not, are you kidding? Such a person, how to fight? While Lin Wan told him to fight, do not lose?" I shook his head: "I don't know...... I just know you're losing......" Don

seven childe waved fan gagger, said: "rest assured, never! Well, even if I lost three games, lost again, where is this what the final four, is like being round J......"

I could not help but laugh: "otherwise?"

", a good fight!"

...... The countdown sound over the moment

,I have once again launched a shock, Qin sword falls, with a small tiger dash forward and gazed at hexagram trigram trends, as long as miss out hexagram Gua, almost won the, the first bureau is not ready, this time must be to be able to dodge the past, which for me is a test.

Tang and seven eyes son also stared at me, with the intention to kill, suddenly a single hand Yang, Liu Yao Gua attack!

shomu boots stomping ground, scram, body, one hand is not enough, my sword, bash on the ground, "bang" sound in a shower of sparks, leveraging the body appeared lateral displacement, almost abruptly is from the original track drift apart.Liu Gua close arm flew past, jumped out of a big MISS, really MISS success! Seven see son

Tang eyes: "cold rub, it can add to the MISS, or soldiers?"

yes, I am not a Lin Wan son, movement speed and turn rate fundamental than not, only abruptly in this "stupid" a little way to complete the hexagram Gua dodge operation, and this is really by operations dodge!

at the foot of the force, quickly rushed to the Tang seven CHILDES, distance he only 8 yards, Tang seven son hurried to shrink into inch. Unfortunately, I had expected the.Will shrink into Cunfei out of the moment in launched blade onrush, body "brush" stand in the front of Tang seven CHILDES, skill beat step once again miss out shrink into inch!

blade direct, like the sea dragon!

Tang seven son began to show real melee strength, Tiegu fan cross shot in the top of the blade, slide your left foot dragging force, 42 dials thousand catties put my strength to unload the half, the left fist together into a fist, against my shoulder armor is hard!

"bang!" 774


I look at him, with a grin: "the pain......" Seven

Tang face green son: "fuck you!!"


responded with a punch, homeopathic body sink a boots Sweeping Strikes, Qin Jian "brush" two flower Hylocereus undatus falls in the Tang seven son, got up and squat a flying kick, Tang seven son immediately fell to fly out, the stone giant ow roared blunt come over, but was I a time bound beast lock to tied trice, flames God tiger roar, fire walking raid crushing the Tang seven childe's body. A

five Ding blessing, but the rhythm is almost with the first two, I rushed a beat chaos hacked!

"brush!" As the seven son Tang

scattered light flew from the outside, he hit me really not very good play, I own a high resistance,Coupled with the flaming God tiger cheer, and before he met internationally greatly different, hexagram Gua although can control, but a short period of time can not kill me, even I could not even Chilong support shield and dragoons will cure two stunt without using can beat him!

2:0, third!

transfer out, Lin Wan immediately smiled: "Congratulations, congratulations third!"

I nod with a smile: "a little something, we go to fight for the championship!" "Well!"


quickly, fir again mounted the stage, announced, I won the third place, then, the much anticipated moment comes, the championship -

Cang pupil vs party song que

The two sides of a top assassin, a top Lingzhu division, and has a mind reader, this is the real heart war showdown!

standing in the breeze, Lin Wan long hair lightly fluttering, Yimei also follow swing, body slightly bend and disappears in the air, the song que is a face lightly, thunder spirit in the shoulder Jiji cried, the hands of paper fan under the sway, smiling looking at Lin Wan son, said: "go pale pupil, I want to see your true strength!" MS Lin

dagger falls, a dense flame around, still maintained a state of stealth. The end of the countdown

the moment, Lin Wan has rushed out,A pair of beautiful eyes staring at the breeze in the party song que, suddenly accelerated, dagger stabbing party song que back!


the song que space fold jump, but only spatial fold jump 2 yards he has insight into to the Lin Wan son time to attack the, paper fan with flames, directly is the flame of the wind to fly out!

so close distance, Lin Wan son, even with the strength of the sky does not hide, quickly behind the Qingqi giant umbrella, "pa" sound open, blocks the attack, but the song que successive attacks have become more violent, rock and ice, addict storm, Binghuo howling, etc. skills have launched a bomb Lin Wan son urgently back,When after a round of attacks, Lin Wan son just to iron umbrella to unload, was found in front of a Rin, song Fang que elegant space fold jump directly in front of the Lin Wan son, in the hands of indigo sea arrow suddenly send! 3712

"!" A sudden attack

so simple, Lin Wan slowly out of scattered light!


shocked almost everyone, even in the final 7 seconds out!


second, we still proudly stand in the field of song que.

the Lin Wan son more tactical rejects, from stealth prolapse of the moment the vast trace step, blowing leaves the wasps, lured away party song que flame wind,The dagger edge soared, directly behind the party song to ambush dizzy que! PA


vertigo moment, song Fang que face a cold: "oh!"

and, sure enough, Lin Wan son attack rhythm, ordinary skill attack skills normal attack, this small detail can at least 20% attack speed, after several attacks, the song que Zhenwu shield toughness only 50% of the, when the stun effect is coming to an end, our miss a sliding came to him, rapid connected to a chisel hammer effect, another three knife, shield Zhenwu toughness gone!


a pair of snow arm raised, double combination! 4417


cut too hard, the top master was not so powerful! This is also the party song Que in the contest in the third dead!


third games, the real decider! Results...... Lin Waner operation still slow one step, in under the influence of the party song que Lei Yuan attack skills are not connected, but was hit Fang Ge que a precise helical ice dancing, flashing three bursts of magic, the end!

2:1, we won the first song que enjoy popular confidence destiny league!


on the big screen, is already three ID, it is ultimate hero rise before the three -

Champion: party song que

runner up: Cang pupil

Third: be leisurely and carefree...... At the end of the

"...... I'm exhausted......" Lin Wan on my side, will face on my shoulder.

I glanced at her: "don't feel pity to champion just miss the person or opportunity,?" "Don't think......" Lin Wan son a mouth Yang: "it doesn't matter, second place is also good, waiting to draw it, we played two days, directed at this..." "Well!" Starting from this book

17K novel network, the first time to watch the original content!

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