ZL352 第三百五十二章 圈套2013-07-30 20:00:00 翌日,上午继续探索Cold Forest Cemetery 的地图, การแปล - ZL352 第三百五十二章 圈套2013-07-30 20:00:00 翌日,上午继续探索Cold Forest Cemetery 的地图, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ZL352 第三百五十二章 圈套2013-07-30 20:00:00


第三百五十二章 圈套

2013-07-30 20:00:00

翌日,上午继续探索Cold Forest Cemetery 的地图,又采集到了少许的[God Grass] ,然后到了近中午的时候,Matcha(MK) 的一条信息来了——

“老大,我们{first division} 的The King[ZL](B) ,今天从徐州来苏州了,下午1点到,你知speaking* 吗?”

“不知speaking* ,怎么了?”我问。

Matcha(MK) 打开通讯器,speaking* :“好像是因为Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的事情,据说,Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 在上完课之后就买票坐car** 来杭州了,大概一小时内就能到,应该是因为她Elder Brother 的事情,所以……”

我皱了皱眉:“Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 怎么那么不听话,唉,过来就过来吧,中午接待一下他们两个,我也过去工作室那边。”



“OK! ”


中午,就没有陪Lin Wan Er 、Dong Cheng Yue ,只身前往湘味轩。

包厢内,Matcha(MK) 、Song Han(A) 、RAN MIN(B) 和Glass Fox[ZL](M) 四个人都在,另外还有两个人,一个是正在上学的Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,大约20岁的模样,挺漂亮,7分美女,另外一个就是{first division} 的The King[ZL](B) ,一个20出头的青年,浓眉大眼,一见我来,马上站起身,恭敬speaking* :“Guild Master* !”


Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM眼睛通红,看着我说:“老大,我真的……我真的一点办法都没有,Elder Brother 没有丝毫消息,警方也无法追查到他的下落,我想……我如果能在杭州,或许能找到他,至少……至少我能距离Elder Brother 近一点。”

我吁了口气:“小雨别太担心,会找到你Elder Brother 的,你……你今晚就暂时住在Zhan Long(G) 工作室吧,跟Matcha(MK) 住在一起,这样我能放心一些。”



安顿好Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 和The King[ZL](B) ,我便在工作室里待了一会,查看一下最近工作室的出入细则,虽然我们拥有了National Beauty(-商铺-) 商铺,可谓是日进斗金,但是Zhan Long(G) 工作室丝毫没有染指商铺的资金,所有的收入都来自于大家打到的Equipment 等虚拟物品,好在Matcha(MK) 、RAN MIN(B) 等人的实力提升极快,工作室的总体收入还是非常可观的。

Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 一下午哭了好多次,The King[ZL](B) 细心安慰与照料,我们都能看得出来,这小子确实很关心Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) ,或许这也是爱情萌生的结果,而对于Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 的遭遇,除了祈福我无能为力,Qing Meng(Brother?) 落在了BLOOD SCYTHE 手里,生死难料,只能看DESTINY 了。


Matcha(MK) 笑speaking* :“老大,大半夜的穿得那么帅,要去哪儿?”

“呃……”我愣了愣:“去帮Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 找Elder Brother 啊,哈哈,半夜出门比较方便一些……”

坐在沙发上的Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM马上站起身:“老大,真的吗?虽然……虽然我觉得你是在骗我,我觉得你穿的那么帅,去酒吧还差不多,还带着一把吉他……”

我默默无语:“小雨要信任我,说是去帮你找Elder Brother ,那就是找了……”


Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) 难得的露出一抹笑容:“那老大加油!”

“嗯,在家里{wait for me} 的好消息吧!”



出门,直奔基地,在那里,20人守护者小队行动组已经准备完毕,而我飞快的换上一身行动服,掏出衬衫里的袖章,“啪”一声拍在肩膀上,随后拔出{dual wielding} 军刀插在双腿边的特制袋子里,将小黑绑在身后,手枪配备,由于行动不需要,这次就不带狙击步枪了。

一群人纷纷准备完毕,Wang Xin(Chief) 一挥手,speaking* :“Li Xiao Yao(MC) 带队,Shen Bing 你熟悉那里的环境,你也跟着一起去!”

一旁,全副武装的Shen Bing 笑着点头:“好嘞!”

我瞪眼:“Shen Bing 姐,你也去?”






上car** ,趁着夜色,缓缓的驶入城市深处,午夜12点,car** 子缓缓的停在了小巷之中,我伸手一挥,一群人飞快下car** ,却没有发出太大的声响,Shen Bing 提着一把[[Charge]] 枪就要走,却被我一手抓住,她回眸看我:“小子,你想干嘛?”

我看着她:“Shen Bing 姐,你跟着我走,注意小心……”


前方,一名行动组成员将商场大门的锁给剪掉,一挥手,众人鱼贯而入,在进入商场内的那一刻,Shen Bing 打开了枪支的照明灯,顿时正在整修的商场一角一片通明,Shen Bing 低声speaking* :“就是那扇门,直通向地下室,下去!”


我|Yi Hai| 延伸了出去,却没有感受到任何一丝超能量,至少在5公里内没有任何超能量的迹象,于是有些心里隐隐不安,但是既然来到这里也不可能回头了,便跟着下去,地下密室的楼speaking* 潮湿阴暗,皮靴踩在上面发出噼噼啪啪的轻响,鼻间氤氲着一丝奇异的气味。

“怎么了?”Shen Bing 也注意到我的反应。



“{Human} 血肉的气味……”





“-Keng!- ”

电子锁直接被劈成了两半,发出尖利的报警声,Shen Bing 走上前,伸手拔掉了一条电线,顿时报警声消失,大门开启,传来了更加浓郁的气息。

我[[Haste]] 抬起手,[[Charge]] 枪上的灯光落在阴暗的密室之中,却只见这偌大的密室里到处都是巨大容器,里面有的装载着{Human} 的身躯,有的只是一截肢体,液体泛着水泡,上面还遍布着各种不同颜色的鳞片,那些大约都是实验失败的结果。

“不要动任何东西!”我yelling* 。

Shen Bing 手里捧着仪器:“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,我看到……我看到前方的那个容器里有强烈的Health 反应,这是怎么回事?”

“什么?强烈的Health 反应?”




我急忙喝止,走上前,看了看,容器上面跳动着一个个信号灯,完全看不懂,Shen Bing 也走上前,说:“这里面,应该有{Human} ,或者说是大型的动物……”

“头,开还是不开?”一名守护者队员问speaking* 。

我咬咬牙:“不开难speaking* 还空手而归吗?你们让开,我去开!”

“为什么?”Shen Bing 问。


Shen Bing 一把拉住我:“不行,你是Captain ,你怎么能去做那么危险的事情?!”

我bellowed*** :“Shen Bing 姐,听我的命令,正因为我是Captain ,必须我去,所有人后退,直到确定安全为止,快点!”

一群队员纷纷后退,我则走上前,伸手握住那巨大容器的把手,缓缓开启,顿时“吱吱呀呀”的声音响起,一阵阵蒸气升腾而起,当我探头一看的时候,却猛然一惊,这容易里赫然装着半截{Human} 的躯体,只有胸部到头部那么多,其余的全部切割掉了,并且,这人的眼睛还是睁着的,露出一抹狞笑的看着我:“你终于来了吗?”




倒计时只有1秒而已,就在我喊话的那一刻,就已经看到火光在窜动了,短短的1秒钟内,我直接将气息提升到了巅峰状态,bursts*** 的气形成了气旋{emitting energy}**** 在Body 周围,这是我唯一能想到的自保方法,一转身,猛然张开手臂抱住距离我最近的Shen Bing 。


“-BOOM!- ”

巨大的轰鸣声从身后传来,Body 一片灼热,怀里的Shen Bing 更是一声惊叫,火焰吞噬了至少数十米内的范围,一群守护者的队员急忙扑倒在地来躲避炸弹碎片的assault damage* 。

后背传来痛彻心扉的疼痛,我知speaking* ,我的Qi(tier2) 就算是巅峰也挡不住现代炸弹,并且,我还将气旋扩大来保护怀里的Shen Bing !

脑海里一片空白,只剩下Shen Bing 充满担心的尖叫声。


“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ……Li Xiao Yao(MC) ……”

再次醒来的时候,我已经躺在商场的大厅里了,Shen Bing 泪流满面的扑在我胸前,看到我醒来之后立刻擦着眼泪说:“你终于醒了,你终于醒了,太好了,太好了……”

我费力的动弹了一下Body ,看看周围,说:“Shen Bing 姐,我们……我们中圈套了,是不是?”

Shen Bing 擦着眼泪点头:“嗯,BLOOD SCYTHE 的这群畜生,为我们设下这么一个局……”



我感应了一下Body 的情况,说:“后背被切入了两speaking* 弹片……快点送我回基地。”


其实,幸好是我开启了气旋,否则恐怕两speaking* 弹片绝对能{penetrate} 我的Body ,那就没救了。


回到基地,Wang Xin(Chief) 急得眼睛都红了,一拳轰在桌案上:“畜生,这群丧心病狂的畜生,老子……老子一定要一锅端掉他们!”

我颤巍巍的站起来,伸手一拍Wang Xin(Chief) 的肩膀:“军医到了没有?给我取弹片吧……”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
ZL352 Chapter No. 352 trap2013-07-30 20:00:00 The next day, the morning continued to explore of Cold Forest Cemetery map, also collected a bit of [God Grass], when it was nearly noon and then, Matcha (MK) a piece of information here-- "Boss, we {the first division of The King[ZL}] (b), today from Xuzhou Suzhou, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, do you know speaking*? ” "I do not know speaking*, what's up? "I asked. Matcha (MK) open the transmitters, speaking*: "this seems to be because Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), it is said, Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) ticket after the class is over sit car** in Hangzhou, to within about one hour, it should be because of her Elder Brother, so......" I frown: "Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) why not listen, Oh, come come, greet them at noon, I used to work there. ” "Well, I'm in contact with them, and probably ought to be, then ... ... To provide a box in Hunan style porch? ” "OK, well tell me, I direct the past. ” "OK! " …… At noon, there will be no accompany Lin Wan Er, Dong Cheng Yue, went to Hunan style porch. Box within, Matcha (MK), and Song Han (a,), and RAN MIN (b) and Glass Fox[ZL] (m) four a people are in, addition also has two a people, a is is school of Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), about 20 age of looks, is beautiful, 7 points beauty, addition a is {first division} of The King[ZL] (b), a 20 early of youth, heavy, a see I to, Immediately stood up and respectful speaking*: "Guild Master*! ” I smiled: "no binding, go ahead. ” Ruo Yu[ZL](M?) MM red eyes, looked at me and said: "boss, I really ... ... I really have no way, Elder Brother without the slightest news, police traced his whereabouts, I think ... ... If I can in Hangzhou, might be able to find him, at least ... ... At least I can from the Elder Brother a little bit closer. ” I heaved a sigh: "rain don't worry too much, you'll find your Elder Brother, you ... ... You will be staying in the Zhan Long tonight (G) Studio, with Matcha (MK) lived together, so I can relax a little. ” “嗯……” …… Settled good Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) and The King[ZL] (b), I will in work room in stay has a will, view about recently work room of access rules, although we has has National Beauty (-shops-) shops, can be described as is day into bucket gold, but Zhan Long (G) work room does no encroach on shops of funds, all of income are from Yu everyone playing to of Equipment, virtual items, but Matcha (MK) , And RAN MIN (b), strength upgrading extremely fast, the Studio's overall revenue is very impressive. Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) a afternoon cry has good times, The King[ZL] (b) carefully comfort and care, we are can see have out, this boy does is care Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?), may this is love initiation of results, and for Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) of suffered, except blessing I powerless, Qing Meng (Brother?) fell in has BLOOD SCYTHE hand in, death difficult material, Only DESTINY. Wait until 10 o'clock when I got dressed in a dress, then put on a small black belt, ready to go. Matcha (MK) speaking* a smile: "boss, the middle of the night dressed so cute, where are you going? ” "Uh......" I was stunned: "to Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) looking for Elder Brother, Ah, HA HA, out in the middle is more convenient ... ..." Ruo Yu[ZL on the couch] (m?) MM immediately stood up: "boss, is that true? Although ... ... Although I think you are lying to me, I think you look so handsome, or more like going to bars, but also with a guitar ... ... " I say: "light rain trust me, say he's going to help you find your Elder Brother, that is the change......" "Well ... ..." Ruo Yu[ZL] (m?) rare touch of smile: "that old come on! ” "Well, {wait for me} at home good news! ” "Uh huh! ” …… Out, went straight to the base, in there, 20 people guardian who team action group has prepared finished, and I fast of for Shang a action clothing, took shirt in of armbands, "PA" a sound took in shoulder Shang, then pulled out {dual wielding} Saber plug in double leg side of special bag in, will small black tied in behind, pistol equipped with, due to action not need, this on not with sniper rifle has. People are ready, Wang Xin (Chief), a wave of speaking*: "Li Xiao Yao (MC) team, Shen Bing you get familiar with the environment, you go along! ” One side heavily armed Shen Bing smiled and nodded: "OK, OK! ” I stare: "Shen Bing Han, you also go to? ” "Why, I get you down? ” "No, it's just......" "Nothing, just go! “ “好……“ …… Shang car**, while night, slowly of drove into city deep, midnight at 12 o'clock, car** child slowly of stopped in has alley among, I reaches a waved, group people fast Xia car**, is no issued too big of sound, Shen Bing mention with a put [[Charge]] gun will go, is was I hand caught, she review see I: "boy, you wants to dry well? ” I looked at her, "sister Shen Bing, you follow me, be careful ... ..." "All right! ” In front, a member of the action group will market cut off the lock of the door, with a wave of people filed in, at the moment of entering the Mall, Shen Bing opened gun lights, suddenly being refurbished corner of the Mall was brightly lit, Shen Bing speaking* in a low voice: "it was the door, straight to the basement, go on! ” Two members quickly opened the door gently, and felt all the way down. I | Yi Hai| Extend out, but did not feel any hint of super power, at least within 5 km without any signs of power, some vaguely uneasy, but since coming here is unlikely to turn back will go, speaking*, underground Crypt floor wet dark, boots step on it crackling light loud, nose framed between some strange smells. "What's wrong? "Shen Bing also noted my reaction. I frown: "I smell a smell ... ..." "What odor? ” "{Human} flesh smell......" “……” At this time, three members gathered in front of a door, saying: "the head, which is the third layer in the basement below, but the electronic lock on, what should I do? Forcibly break it? ” “让开!” 我抬手拔出小黑,冲上前,凌厉一击! “-Keng!- ” 电子锁直接被劈成了两半,发出尖利的报警声,Shen Bing 走上前,伸手拔掉了一条电线,顿时报警声消失,大门开启,传来了更加浓郁的气息。 我[[Haste]] 抬起手,[[Charge]] 枪上的灯光落在阴暗的密室之中,却只见这偌大的密室里到处都是巨大容器,里面有的装载着{Human} 的身躯,有的只是一截肢体,液体泛着水泡,上面还遍布着各种不同颜色的鳞片,那些大约都是实验失败的结果。 “不要动任何东西!”我yelling* 。 Shen Bing 手里捧着仪器:“Li Xiao Yao(MC) ,我看到……我看到前方的那个容器里有强烈的Health 反应,这是怎么回事?” “什么?强烈的Health 反应?” “嗯!” 一名队员直接飞奔上前,伸手就要打开那矩形钢铁容器的开关。 “住手!” 我急忙喝止,走上前,看了看,容器上面跳动着一个个信号灯,完全看不懂,Shen Bing 也走上前,说:“这里面,应该有{Human} ,或者说是大型的动物……” “头,开还是不开?”一名守护者队员问speaking* 。 我咬咬牙:“不开难speaking* 还空手而归吗?你们让开,我去开!” “为什么?”Shen Bing 问。 “我去比较安全!” Shen Bing 一把拉住我:“不行,你是Captain ,你怎么能去做那么危险的事情?!” 我bellowed*** :“Shen Bing 姐,听我的命令,正因为我是Captain ,必须我去,所有人后退,直到确定安全为止,快点!” 一群队员纷纷后退,我则走上前,伸手握住那巨大容器的把手,缓缓开启,顿时“吱吱呀呀”的声音响起,一阵阵蒸气升腾而起,当我探头一看的时候,却猛然一惊,这容易里赫然装着半截{Human} 的躯体,只有胸部到头部那么多,其余的全部切割掉了,并且,这人的眼睛还是睁着的,露出一抹狞笑的看着我:“你终于来了吗?” 在他头部旁边,赫然是一个微型的计时器!正在滴滴答答的响着。 糟! 我急忙大喝一声:“后退,有炸弹!” 倒计时只有1秒而已,就在我喊话的那一刻,就已经看到火光在窜动了,短短的1秒钟内,我直接将气息提升到了巅峰状态,bursts*** 的气形成了气旋{emitting energy}**** 在Body 周围,这是我唯一能想到的自保方法,一转身,猛然张开手臂抱住距离我最近的Shen Bing 。 …… “-BOOM!- ” 巨大的轰鸣声从身后传来,Body 一片灼热,怀里的Shen Bing 更是一声惊叫,火焰吞噬了至少数十米内的范围,一群守护者的队员急忙扑倒在地来躲避炸弹碎片的assault damage* 。 后背传来痛彻心扉的疼痛,我知speaking* ,我的Qi(tier2) 就算是巅峰也挡不住现代炸弹,并且,我还将气旋扩大来保护怀里的Shen Bing ! 脑海里一片空白,只剩下Shen Bing 充满担心的尖叫声。 …… “Li Xiao Yao(MC) ……Li Xiao Yao(MC) ……” 再次醒来的时候,我已经躺在商场的大厅里了,Shen Bing 泪流满面的扑在我胸前,看到我醒来之后立刻擦着眼泪说:“你终于醒了,你终于醒了,太好了,太好了……” 我费力的动弹了一下Body ,看看周围,说:“Shen Bing 姐,我们……我们中圈套了,是不是?” Shen Bing 擦着眼泪点头:“嗯,BLOOD SCYTHE 的这群畜生,为我们设下这么一个局……” “损失怎么样?” “队员牺牲了一个,伤了6个,你伤得最重……” 我感应了一下Body 的情况,说:“后背被切入了两speaking* 弹片……快点送我回基地。” “嗯。” 其实,幸好是我开启了气旋,否则恐怕两speaking* 弹片绝对能{penetrate} 我的Body ,那就没救了。 …… 回到基地,Wang Xin(Chief) 急得眼睛都红了,一拳轰在桌案上:“畜生,这群丧心病狂的畜生,老子……老子一定要一锅端掉他们!” 我颤巍巍的站起来,伸手一拍Wang Xin(Chief) 的肩膀:“军医到了没有?给我取弹片吧……”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

chapter 352 trap

2013-07-30 20:00:00

tomorrow, in the morning to explore the cold forest cemetery map, collected a little [God Grass], and then nearly noon, Matcha (MK) of a message to the
"boss, I have {first division} the King[ZL] (b), today from Xuzhou to Suzhou the and 1 pm to, you know speaking*??" I do not know how to speaking*,

"?" I asked.

Matcha (MK) open communications, speaking*: "this seems to be because Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?),It is said that the Yu[ZL] Ruo (M) in the end after the class to buy a ticket to Hangzhou to, about an hour will be able to, it should be because of her Brother Elder thing, so......"
I frowned: "Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?) how so not obedient, alas, came over, at noon received about they two, and I in the past on the other side of the studio."

"well, I will contact them, probably ought to be, then...... That is in the Xiang Wei Xuan a box?" "Well, well

told me, I direct the past."


at noon, there is no Lin with Wan Er,Cheng Yue Dong, go to Xiang Wei alone.
box, Matcha (MK), song Han (a), ran min (b) and glass Fox[ZL] (m) four people are in, also and two people, a is under school of Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?), about 20 years old appearance, very beautiful, beauty, another is {first division} the King[ZL] (b), a young man in his early twenties, thick eyebrows, saw me, immediately stood up, respectful speaking*: "guild Master*!"

I smiled: "without restraint, sit down."

Ruo Yu[ZL] (M? MM) red eyes,Look at me and say, "boss, I'm really...... I really didn't have any idea. Brother Elder didn't have any information. The police could not be traced to his whereabouts, I thought...... If I could find him in Hangzhou, at least...... At least I can be close to Brother Elder."

I sighed: "don't worry about the rain, you will find the Elder Brother, you...... You'll be living in the Long Zhan (G) studio for a while tonight, so I can stay with Matcha (MK), so I can rest assured." "Well



settled in Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?) and The King[ZL] (B),I was in the studio stay for a while, check the studio access rules, although we have the national beauty shops -) shops, can be described as Rijindoujin, but Zhan long (g) studio did not encroach on shops in the capital, all the income to self in everybody's equipment and other virtual goods. Fortunately, Matcha (MK), ran min (b), strength increase fast, the studio's overall income is very considerable of recently.

Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?) afternoon cried many times, The King[ZL] (B) careful comfort and care, we can see,This kid really cares about Ruo Yu[ZL] (M., maybe this is love initiation results, and for Ruo Yu[ZL] (m) suffered, in addition to praying there is nothing I can do, the Qing Meng (brother?) fell in the hands of blood SCYTHE, hangs in the balance of life and death, can only see the destiny.

when more than 10 o'clock in the evening, I wear a good clothes, then the black belt, be fully equipped for.

Matcha (MK) speaking* smile: "boss, in the middle of the night dressed so handsome, where to go?"

Er "......" Yu[ZL] Ruo (M?) to find Brother Elder ah, ha ha,Go out in the middle of the night more convenient......"

sitting on the sofa, Ruo Yu[ZL] (M? MM) immediately stood up: "boss, really? Although...... Although I think you are lying to me, I think you are so handsome, go to the bar is also almost, but also with a guitar......" I was

: "rain to trust me, that is to help you find Elder Brother, that is to find the......" "Well


Ruo Yu[ZL] (M?) with a smile: "the boss rare gas!" "Well,

at home {wait for me} good news!"

"uh huh!"


go out,Went straight to the base, where, 20 people guard squad action group has been ready, and I quickly change on clothes, took out his shirt sleeve, "bang" sound of a pat on the shoulder, then pulled out a {dual wielding} saber in in the legs on the edge of the special bag, black tied behind with a pistol, because the action is no need, this time without a sniper rifle the.
a group of people have ready, Wang Xin (chief) with a sweep of his hand, speaking*: "Li Xiao Yao (MC) notch, Shen bing you are familiar with the environment there, you also follow to go!"

side,Heavily armed Shen Bing smiled and nodded: "ok!" I Shen Bing

stare: "sister, you go too?"

"how, if I drag you down?" "No, just

......" What is the

"no, let's go! "Good"

...... "

car**, while the night, slowly sailed into the depths of the city, 12 o'clock midnight, car** slowly stops in the alley, I stretches hand a to flick, a group of people quickly car**, but not a sound too big, Shen Bing provided with a gun [[Charge]] to go, but was caught my hand. She returns to Mou to see me: "boy, why do you want to?"I looked at her:"

Shen Bing sister, if you follow me, be careful......" "Well

ahead, an action group members will be shopping malls door lock to cut off, waved his hand, people get along, in shopping malls that moment, Shen Bing opened the lights in the gun, suddenly being renovated the mall a corner in a blaze, Shen Bing whispered speaking*: "is the door, straight to the basement, down!"

two members quickly opened the door quietly, all the way down. I

|Yi Hai| extended out, but did not feel any hint of super energy,Without any signs of excess energy for at least 5 kilometers, so some heart faint uneasy, but since we come here could not back, then follow down, the underground chamber floor speaking* dark and humid, boots trample in the above make a crackling light ring, nose dense a trace of strange smell.

"how?" Bing Shen also noticed my reaction.

I frowned: "I smell a smell......"

"what smell?" "{Human}

flesh odor......"


at this time, three members around a door in front of the head, said: ",
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