Posted 2015-07-21 at 14:54
Posts: 83
5.1. All payments will be made via PayPal, Payza
5.2. If you make the deposit by Email you must withdrawal by same Email, if you did not make deposit by Email You can withdraw from any Email...
5.3. The minimum amount paid is $2.00,$3.00,$4.00,$5.00 for upgraded members and $4.00,$8.00,$10.00 for free members. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use.
5.4. The maximum withdraw per day $50 For upgrade members and $20 per day For Free members.
5.5. We usually send Payments it in less than one hour, however in special cases (technical difficulties) it may take maximum of 24 hours.
5.6. All payments will be made Paypal , Payza , no other method of payment is aviable in this moment . You can only request an unlimited amount to be payd to the payment processor you-ve used to make the most of your purchases in monetary amount . The maximum amount you can request to the other payment processors is equal to the value of the purchasses you-ve made through them individually . In the event of equal most value of purchases between two or more payment processors you can make an unlimited payment request for each one that is part of the par.
5.7. Your payment processor must be verified
5.8. User's full name is required for the payment processing.
5.9. Members from Vietnam and Ukraine must have upgraded membership in order to receive payments.
5.10. aecrimbux may require verified Paypal accounts for certain members who we think have questionable account activity.
5.11. you must add minim funds to yours acount from yours paypal , payza , once , to make request payout every time .
« Last Edit: 2015-11-18 at 11:52 by Admin »
Admin Posted 2015-07-21 at 14:54 Admin Posts: 835. PAYMENT TO USERS.5.1. All payments will be made via PayPal, Payza5.2. If you make the deposit by Email you must withdrawal by same Email, if you did not make deposit by Email You can withdraw from any Email... 5.3. The minimum amount paid is $2.00,$3.00,$4.00,$5.00 for upgraded members and $4.00,$8.00,$10.00 for free members. From the amount paid, a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use.5.4. The maximum withdraw per day $50 For upgrade members and $20 per day For Free members.5.5. We usually send Payments it in less than one hour, however in special cases (technical difficulties) it may take maximum of 24 hours.5.6. All payments will be made Paypal , Payza , no other method of payment is aviable in this moment . You can only request an unlimited amount to be payd to the payment processor you-ve used to make the most of your purchases in monetary amount . The maximum amount you can request to the other payment processors is equal to the value of the purchasses you-ve made through them individually . In the event of equal most value of purchases between two or more payment processors you can make an unlimited payment request for each one that is part of the par.5.7. Your payment processor must be verified5.8. User's full name is required for the payment processing.5.9. Members from Vietnam and Ukraine must have upgraded membership in order to receive payments.5.10. aecrimbux may require verified Paypal accounts for certain members who we think have questionable account activity.5.11. you must add minim funds to yours acount from yours paypal , payza , once , to make request payout every time .« Last Edit: 2015-11-18 at 11:52 by Admin »
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