苏落朝天翻了个白眼:“宗师级炼药师啊,那得何年何月?难道到那时候,我还得天天见你?” “哼哼,落丫头一朝晋升炼药师就想一脚踹开本王?休想。” การแปล - 苏落朝天翻了个白眼:“宗师级炼药师啊,那得何年何月?难道到那时候,我还得天天见你?” “哼哼,落丫头一朝晋升炼药师就想一脚踹开本王?休想。” อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

















































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Sue falls into the rolled his eyes: "Grand Master chain pharmacist, what year and what month? By that time, I had to see you every day? ” "Hum, falling girl promotion chain pharmacists want to kick King format? Not a chance. "Temple cloud around her like a rogue, whole body against her body. Sue falls silent. The skills that men confuse what really good at all. She is just a little primary chain pharmacists, but he is no match for seven strong, who shut out who? Temple cloud grabs Su left wrist, but at the moment, eyes suddenly flashing a light. "Down girl......" Temple cloud to be choked by his own saliva. This uber girl ... ... Third-order? This ... ... How is that possible? Sue falls he already knows, would not deceive him, triumphant glance at his eyes, "how? ” Temple cloud turned back, take a deep breath, then turned back, grew up on Palm covered her head, heavy with a sigh: "it seems that cultivation of this King had to retreat. ” He really didn't see genius than Sue falls uber. How long until this, but 20 days? From zero to three bands was **** jump, soaring directly. Sue left hand ring chest fly eyebrow: "you have to believe, that there is the existence of true genius. ” Real genius are often lucky enough to burst. Temple cloud say to rub her head, in the minds of pushing himself, despite seven seems very aloof, but who can say well, this girl not to seven after one year? At this moment, suddenly Lee Butler's voice outside. 李管家恭恭敬敬地候在一边,神色郑重道:“殿下,李府的人来了,您看如何处理?” 能让李管家亲自过来,而且要惊动南宫流云的,可见李府来人并不弱。 南宫流云蹙眉,随意挥手:“让凌风去处理了。”转身又要去抱苏落。 李管家也很不想做电灯泡,但情势所逼,他不得不硬着头皮一口气说完:“回殿下,李府的老太爷亲自带着李二公子上门来了,您看要不要见见?” 李家老太爷李魄天,六阶巅峰武者,以一人之力撑起整个李家的繁荣昌盛,是帝都屈指可数的几大高手之一,平日里连皇帝陛下见了都要笑容相待的。 李家老太爷亲自上门?南宫流云漆黑眼眸划过一道异样神采,他搂着苏落盈盈一握的纤腰,凑趣道:“丫头想不想去见见?” 苏落也正在思考这个问题。 她是真没想到,李家老太爷会因为一颗青色晶石,亲自打上门来,而且这还是晋王殿下府上的大门。 她是抵不过李家百年世族,但是所谓大树底下好乘凉,有南宫流云这棵大树在,想必她也吃不了亏。更何况,柳乘风口口声声污蔑她偷了他的青色晶石,哼哼,不给他点教训瞧瞧,还真以为老天第一他第二呢。 苏落挑眉,漫不经心地瞟了南宫流云一眼:“那李家老头,你可打的过?” 好犀利的丫头,一点面子余地就不给他留。南宫流云闻言哈哈笑起来,他宠溺地捏捏苏落的鼻子,笑着点头:“我家落丫头亲眼看着,本王怎么都不会输的。”“那就见吧,好好跟他玩玩。”苏落面上笑意盎然,推南宫流云一下,“你先去,我随后就来。” 南宫流云有些玩味地看了苏落一眼,以他对这丫头的了解,她肯定又要阴人了。不过,他好喜欢这个阴险狡诈的小丫头呢,真是越来越喜欢了呢。 “那好,本王将人给你留着,等你到了再慢慢玩儿。”南宫流云好笑地揉揉她的头。他的落丫头难得有兴致玩人呢,李家那小子真是有福气。 看着南宫流云渐行渐远的背影,苏落眼眸微眯,嘴角勾起一抹狡黠笑意。 晋王府前厅。 晋王殿下慵懒而随意地靠在紫檀木太师椅上,手中一下一下慢悠悠地扣着扶手,漫不经心地斜睨着坐在下首之人。 柳魄天,柳府老太爷,同时也是柳府的顶梁柱,其实此时的他也正在暗中打量着南宫流云。 柳魄天早就知道耳闻晋王殿下乃是当世天才,小小年纪就已经是六阶强者,在年轻一代中简直是翘楚,没人能够望其项背。若是以往,他自然不敢得罪晋王殿下这颗冉冉升起的新星。 但是现在么……柳魄天嘴角勾起一抹得色。他最近运气好到不行,简直如有神助,在昨日竟然一举突破六阶,达到了梦寐以求的七阶!












การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Su drop overturned rolled his eyes: "?? Master-class refining pharmacists ah, that was what month is it that time, I have to see you every day." "Hmmm, once off the girl wanted to kick promoted refining pharmacists flung open the king? never expect. "rogue-like palace clouds around her whole body against her. Sue fell almost silent. The man's ability to reverse black and white it really good. She is little primary refining pharmacists, while he is unrivaled seven bands strong, in the end who despise who? Palace clouds off the wrist grab Su, but the next moment, eyes suddenly flashed a light room. "Fall girl ......" Palace clouds almost to be his own saliva choked. This evildoer girl ...... even third-order it? This ...... how could that be? Sue has been known down to see him, and they also hide from him, and proudly cast a glance at him, "What?" Palace clouds turned backwards, take a deep breath, that she turned around, her slender large palm covered head, heavy sigh: "It seems that the king was a closed-door practice." I have never seen him fall further than the Soviet Union evildoer genius. This long ah, but twenty days, right? From zero to third order, simply **** jump directly soaring. Su off hands ring chest, willfully eyebrow:. "You have to believe that this world is the existence of real genius," but the real genius are often good luck to the explosion. Palace clouds speechless rubbed her head, in the heart remind ourselves that though seven bands seemingly very aloof, but who can say well, this girl is not after one year to seven bands? Just then, suddenly came out of Lee Butler's voice. Lee Butler respectfully waiting in the side, look solemnly: "Your Highness, Lee House of people, you see how to deal with?" let Lee Butler personally come, but also to disturb Palace clouds, we can see Lee House come not weak. Palace clouds frown, random wave: "Ling-feng to deal with." Qubao again turned down the Soviet Union. Lee Butler also very wanted bulb, but forced by the situation, he had to bite the bullet and finished in one breath: "? Back to His Royal Highness, the old man personally took Lee House李二公son to the door, you do not want to meet." Li Li old man soul day, sixth-order peak Warrior, single-handedly propped up the entire Lee's prosperity, it is one of several large master a handful of empire, normally even met with His Majesty the Emperor should treat each other smile. Li old man personally come? Palace clouds dark eyes across a strange look, he hugged Su Yingying a grip waist down, Couqu said: "girl want to meet?" Su fall also are thinking about this issue. She is I did not expect, Li old man because of a blue spar, personally come to play, and this is the king of His Highness the door to your home. Lee arrived, but she was a hundred years clans, but under the so-called good shade tree, this tree has a palace in the clouds, surely she could eat the loss. Moreover, Liu wind keeps slandering she stole his blue spar, hum, do not give him a lesson Look, he really thought God first second of it. Su drop eyebrow, casually glanced a palace clouds: "That Li old man, you can fight over?" Good sharp girl, left him no room for a little face. Palace clouds heard laugh together, he squeezed Chongni Su nose down, smiled and nodded:. "My family watched the girl fall, how the king would not lose." "Then see you, good with play with him. "exuberant smile face down the Soviet Union, pushing clouds at the Palace," You go, I'll follow. " Palace clouds some interesting Su looked down one, with his knowledge of this girl, She certainly have a female person. However, he really like this insidious little girl then, really more like of it. "Well, the king will keep people give you, and so you get to play again slowly." Palace clouds funny rubbed her head. His fall girl playing a rare mood of people do, Lee guy is really lucky. Palace looked at clouds drifting away back, eyes slightly narrowed down the Soviet Union, mouth evoke a touch of sly smile. Jin Palace lobby. His Highness the king lazy and freely against the rosewood armchair, slowly clasp hands about what armrest, ends up sitting casually peered askance person. Liu soul day, Liu Fu old man, also a mainstay of Willow House, in fact at this time he is also secretly looked Palace clouds. Liu soul day but knew when the world heard the king Highness talented, young age is already a sixth-order strong, the younger generation is simply a leader, no one can hold a candle. If in the past, he naturally did not dare to offend the king Highness Fengyun rising star. But now ...... Liu mouth evoke a touch of color yield soul day. He recently lucky to not work, simply by divine intervention, even in yesterday broke through sixth-order, reached the coveted seven bands! Seven bands, now Tanglin country, who would dare soul willow in front of him arrogant and despotic day? Even the king Highness, is the dragon he now have to dive with! Based on advanced after Joseph psychology, he says that the wind in the willows, had almost hand blue spar even missing, which makes high morale now looking for someone to dry rack ready to demonstrate their strong strength of Liu soul day How forbearance under the breath? So, he got to the door with a menacing wind Liu to seek explanation, and that is to discuss that, in fact, to discuss spar. But still he was somewhat sane, because fear of the king of His Highness talent strength and power, so demeanor still converge. In fact, Liu soul day seeking only their own excitement, but to know where the king was His Royal Highness had his first step into the realm of the seven bands, so this doomed him to severely fall a somersault. But Liu soul day do not know, therefore, when he faced the king Highness, with the kind of Yilaomailao tone. I saw him staring at the king Highness look indifferent, cold channel: "Your Highness, I heard that day and stole Lee House rogue blue spar received by His Royal Highness your family, and may have the matter?" Liu soul demeanor day tone, supercilious, all of which show him as a strong seven bands arrogance. Palace only faint clouds cast a glance at him, look indifferent, "Liu soul day, who borrow your courage, the courage to question the king?" Liu soul day arrogantly raised his eyebrows, Liu wind this henchman in the side, said: "His Highness the king , my grandfather is now seven bands strong, and even His Majesty are courtesy of my grandfather, adding your attitude a bit beneath the Prince Imperial demeanor it. " Liu wind this fence, before also afraid Palace clouds No, now we know that his grandfather was promoted to seven bands, attitude flew to turn. Palace clouds of white finger joints reach distinct blue and white porcelain cup, drink a slightly weeping eye, and then meet to squint slightly phoenix eye. Swirling mist rising Meimou will flash him, but after dark shimmering masked, who could not see his Meimou meaning.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Su Luo overturned turned a supercilious: "grand master Lian pharmacists ah, that was what month? Is it that I have to see you every day?" "Hum, fall girl

once promoted up the pharmacist wanted to kick the folio king? No." Nangong clouds like a rogue around her, the whole body on her body. It was Speechless Su


this man is really nice confuse right and wrong. She is just a small primary refined pharmacist, and he is the seven order strong unmatched, who dislike who ah? Nangong clouds catch falling Su

means, but in the next moment, eyes suddenly flash of light.

"Fall girl......" Nangong clouds almost to be his own slobber choking. This girl

evildoer...... Even the three order? This...... How could it be possible? See he already knew the Su

fall, it will not deceive him at his one eye, feel oneself highly flattered, "how?"

Nangong clouds turned back, take a deep breath, then turned back, slender large palm cover in her head, heavy with a sigh: "it seems the king was closed door practice." I have never seen him

Bisu falls still genius evildoer. It only long ah, twenty days? From zero to three order, it is * * * * jump, directly soaring. Drop your hands around the chest Su

,Waywardly eyebrow: "you have to believe in this world, there is a real genius."

rather the true genius is always good luck to burst.

Nangong cloud has no language to rub her head, in the heart to spur their own, don't look at seven order seems very aloof, but who can say that the good, the girl after a year not to seventh order?

at this time, outside and suddenly spread the voice of Lee butler. Li

respectfully waiting in Butler side, look solemn way: "his highness, Li Fu to the people, you see how to deal with?" Can let the housekeeper come to Li

, but also alerted Nangong cloud, visible Li Fu is not weak.

Nangong clouds cumei,Free hand: "let the Ling Feng to deal with." Turn to hold the Soviet union.

Lee Butler, but also really do not want to do the electric light bulb, but forced by the situation, he had to bite the scalp said in one breath: "back to your highness, Li Fu of the old gentleman himself with Lee, second son to the door, do you want to see?"

Li Jia Lao Taiye Li Tuotian, six rank peak Wu, with a supporter from the prosperity of the Li Jia, one of the Royal Park is one of the few a few big masters, ferial even his Majesty the emperor see to smile treat. The old man Li

here? Nangong clouds dark eyes across a strange look, he hugged the Su Luo waist Yingying a grip,Couqu said: "girl want to meet?" Su

fall also is thinking about the problem.

she really did not expect, Li Jia Lao Taiye will because of a bright blue spar, personally hit the door, but this is Jin his highness King house door.

she arrived but Li century aristocracy, but the so-called tree good shade, Nangong clouds this tree in, presumably she can't eat Kui. Not to mention, willow wind keeps slander she stole his blue spar, hum, not to teach him a lesson to see see, really think that God his first and second.

Su eyebrow falls, pay no heed to glance at Nangong clouds one eye: "the old man lee,You can play?"

good sharp girl, a little face will not leave him for. Smell speech cloud palace laughing and pet him drowning squeezed Su Luo nose, smiled and nodded: "my fall girl watched, the king will not lose." You see you

", talk to him." Su fell face smiling, push Nangong clouds, "you go first, I will follow." Nangong clouds to see some interesting

Su falls at a glance, to his knowledge of this girl, she must Yin people. However, he likes the cunning little girl, is really more like. "Well,Ben Wang will leave you, waiting for you to play slowly." Nangong clouds funnily rubbed her head. His little girl is a rare person who is a good man. Look at the clouds in Nangong

lopsided back, eyes narrowed down Su, mouth evoke a sly smile. Jin palace hall.

Jin his highness King lazy and optionally by rosewood chair, hands up and slow longly buckle with a handrail, carelessly leers sat in the first person.

Liu soul days, Liu Fu Lao Taiye, is also the pillar of willow house, in fact, at this time he is secretly looked at Nangong clouds.

Liu soul day knew heard Jin his highness king but the genius of the modern world, small age is already six strong order, in the younger generation is simply a leader, no one can hold a candle. If in the past, he did not dare to offend the king Highness the rising star. But now...... Liu Po mouth day brought a color. He had recently had a chance to do so, just as God helped him to break through the six step of the first order, and to achieve the dream of the seven order!

seven order, now the country and who would dare Dongling, in his soul day before Liu bossy? Even the king is your highness, he now also have a hidden dragon! Joseph was advanced based on psychological,In the willow by air that, blue spar had almost hand actually missing the, this let exulted at the moment whenever you want to find someone to do stand to highlight their powerful Liu soul day how to endure the tone?

so he demur does not say, with willow wind blustered door to denounce a view to, say to denounce a view, in fact, beg for spar.

but still he has reason, because of the fear of Jin his highness King gift of strength and power, so behave fairly convergence. In fact, Liu

just his own soul day excited, but did not know how long the first of his Royal Highness the king to step into the realm of order seven,So this time he was destined to fall into a somersault. But the day did not know Liu Po

, so, he faced King highness, the tone is the kind of pride oneself on being a veteran.

I saw he look indifferent to stare at his Highness the king of Jin, cold track: "Your Highness, I heard that day steal Lee House Blue spar thieves were his highness received all the, this is true?" Liu Po day

expression tone, supercilious, reveals all his order seven strong pride.

Nangong clouds light Piao his one eye, indifferent look, "Liu Po days, who borrow your courage, dare to question the king?" Liu Po day arrogant eyebrow,Willow wind the henchman in the side said: "His Highness the king of Jin, my grandfather is now seventh order is strong, is even your majesty are on my grandfather privileges with, your attitude is rather have lost demeanor of a prince of the Empire."

willow wind this fence, before of Nangong clouds fear not, now know his grandfather promotion to seventh order, attitude immediately to the turn.

Nangong cloud joints is clear white finger end up blue and white porcelain cup, hangs Mou slightly watered a mouth, then meet the tiny Mi Feng Mou.

the mist curl rising his dark eyes twinkle beauty and light cover, who can not see his beautiful eyes in meaning.
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