陆承余开车到酒店时,酒店停车的场地差点不够用,开着他的小奔腾转了一圈,才在角落找到一个停车位停好。 理了一下身上的外套,陆承余下了车,关上车 การแปล - 陆承余开车到酒店时,酒店停车的场地差点不够用,开着他的小奔腾转了一圈,才在角落找到一个停车位停好。 理了一下身上的外套,陆承余下了车,关上车 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Lu Chengyu while driving to the hotel, the site nearly enough parking, driving his small Pentium spinning in a circle, only to find a parking spot in the corner Park. The body of coats, Lu Cheng remaining out of the car, close the door into the hotel lobby. The hotel is famous throughout the city, usually held a reception here, at least one year before the vacancy in advance. Upon entering the lobby, he saw around each side of the platform there is a received gift, appears to be separate for women and men to receive gifts of Visual mind, woman guest was significantly more than the man. Bride's birth, and many know this scene really seem a bit out of the man. Lu Dong and Shen Min was speaking to a middle-aged couple dress up very expensive, he is making no move to disturb, directly in ready to pay cash. Lu Chengyu's uncle and aunt are greeting guests, see Lu Chengyu came, greeted with a smile. "Come," Uncle laughed and took two steps forward, and looked at him and saw he was dressed very smart, short cut, "days gone, usually do not come to our House. ” "I just graduated, and is in need of a good time, usually resting with little time for a little time on top of the bed, and is stable, I'll come. "Lu Chengyu smiled at uncle Lu Yongguo, how can he see Uncle smile politely more than close, this relationship far than near the well. Come up with ready cash, and handed Lu Chengyu is responsible for ING's aunt Lu Suyun, responsible for registering gifts is his second Uncle Lu Changjun, two check sent after the amount of complexion has changed. Lu Suyun joke tone: "where is more than work, driving wages how? "This gift to send, in the same generation is huge. "Working in the city, good boss, pay fine, but a little busy. "Lu Chengyu laughs echo something, look at the time, is now 11.4, waiting for a feast. Lu Suyun Lu Chengyu want to talk things over, I though this nephew sighs and her estranged, but did not continue to pursue, but mild-mannered greeting Lu Chengyu sit up to the second floor dining. With several elders feel free to mention a few words, Lu Cheng Yu on the second floor, wait to eat, he drove all the way here, did not wash my hands, then turned and walked toward the bathroom. Just went to the bathroom door, he heard the son of brother-in-law Lu Liang talked with elder son Sun Junyi in it. "This morning we accompanied brother to meet the bride, why not also called on Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu, bride's girlfriends will not make things difficult for us so long to open. ” "My aunt didn't tell you, aunt more than luck at home influence newcomers, so two days ago to inform Yu Lai to attend the wedding, greet the people this sort of thing, not to call on him. ” "This thing if Yu know, how embarrassing," Sun Jun Yi voice a bit, dry said, "well, handsome, smoothly working, what's not. ” "Three uncles and three uncles ... ..." luliang cough sound, feel that this cannot go on, "well, this thing we just don't know, don't tell on the line. ” 陆承余站在洗手间外面,无声无息的退后几步,然后加重脚步,装作刚刚从拐角处走过来的样子进了洗手间。 孙骏毅与陆梁听到脚步声传来时,就没有说话了,见进来的竟是他们刚才谈到的陆承余,两人脸上表情都有些不自然。 “承余,你什么时候到的,我们刚才还在说你要迟到了,”陆梁擦着手,挤出笑道,“等下我们哥几个坐一桌,好好喝一杯。” 陆承余边洗手边道:“梁哥酒量好,还是别找我这个一杯就倒的人拼酒了,等下新人敬酒我已经喝醉了多尴尬,还是饶了我吧。”把手伸到烘手机下把手上的水吹干,他叹了口气,“这几天一直在忙个策划案,昨晚忙到大半夜才睡,幸好今天堵车不严重,才没有错过新人的婚礼。” 陆梁与孙骏毅听到策划案几个字,猜测陆承余在公司应该混得不错,不然一般刚入职场新人哪里能接触这些东西?想到这,两人脸上的表情又温和了不少。 孙骏毅见陆承余神情自然样子,顿时松了口气,看来表弟是没有听到刚才他们说的话。 他上前勾住陆承余的肩膀道,“你不会喝酒,谁信?不用说了,等下我们几个都要喝,你也跑不掉。” 陆承余笑着反手揽住孙骏毅的肩,作势揍了他一拳,兄弟三人面带笑意出了洗手间,一副哥俩好的模样。 三人离开后,一个关着的厕所隔间门打开,曹京申皱着眉头走了出来,他来参加表妹的婚礼,没有想到陆承余是新郎那边的亲戚,还有刚才那些话…… 有些特别迷信的人,确实忌讳这些,但是这做得也太明显了些,不管陆承余刚才听没有听到这场对话,他觉得以陆承余的情商,也能察觉到这其中的疏远与尴尬。 叹了口气,这亲戚之间的事情,还真不好说。 酒宴开始,陆承余听着司仪在台上各种煽情或者搞笑,他摸了摸有些饿的肚子,早上忘记吃吃早餐,现在看着桌子上孤零零摆着的烟酒糖,就觉得更饿了。 等了没一会儿,开始上菜了,陆承余没有空腹喝酒的习惯,下箸如飞填了好几口吃的到胃里,开始应付这些堂兄弟或者表兄弟的互相敬酒。 尽管陆承余借着敬酒的空隙吃了不少菜垫肚子,但是面对丧心病狂的敬酒模式,他最后还是被灌晕了头,等到新人来敬酒时,一桌的人已经醉得有些分不清东南西北了,反而是陆承余算是这群人中比较像样子的人,面对新人的敬酒他愣是靠已经半醉的脑子想出几句祝福的话,才没有让气氛尴尬下来。 新人后面跟着介绍亲戚们身份的双方父母脸色也好看了些,匆匆把这桌的酒敬完,就走到了另一桌上去了。 酒宴结束后,陆承余摇了摇有些微晕的脑袋,看着同桌的堂表兄弟被伯伯姑姑们扶着离开。酒已经醒了大半的他站起身不快不慢的往门外走,刚走到楼下大堂,听到有人叫自己,回头一看,就看到曹京申大步朝自己走过来。 “喝酒了?”曹京申走到他身边,闻到他身上的酒气,“我送你回去。” 陆承余也不拒绝,把车钥匙给了曹京申,“那叫个人帮我把车开回去。” “开了车来你还喝酒,没人教育你开车不喝酒,喝酒不开车吗?”曹京申推着眼镜道,“你怎么不干脆醉过去算了。”想起宴席前听到的那段对话,他的心情有些复杂,陆承余这样真算得上是有风度了,要是他遇到这种事,可能转身就走,管别人难堪不难堪。按理说,陆承余这样的人,不像是以德报怨的啊,怎么就跟没事发生似的。 还是说陆家人一直是这种态度,陆承余早已经习惯了,所以根本就不在意这些人了? “醉死过去的话,你是要把我背回去吗?”陆承余瞥了曹京申一眼,“我怕你背不动我。” “我发现你喝了酒,嘴巴特别贱,”曹京申拖着陆承余到大堂上的沙发上坐下,“你平时的风度翩翩都被狗吃了吗?” 陆承余看了他一眼,没有说话,但是却用坐姿证明了他还是那个优雅的帅哥,甚至引起了过往的女性同胞的注目。 Cao Jingshen was going to continue to speak, hears the phone ringing, caller is displayed on the screen Yan Mu, he had to answer the phone, let Lu Chengyu. Lu Yongguo right at the door with guests, see Lu Chengyu men sitting together and talking with a suit, look to his sons Lu Dong: "who is that person is your friend? ” Lu Dong looked to, one can recognize people who spoke with Lu Chengyu, it isn't that the very powerful cousin Cao Jingshen Mandy said, how did you meet him? "He is Mandy's cousin, heard the Minister of Hua Ding's Secretary, very powerful person," he lowered his voice and said, "even Mandy spoke to him at home. ” Lu Yongguo and some do not understand, "daughter-in-law at home did not start a company, how to be kind to a Minister of a Secretary? ” Lu Dong too lazy to explain all kinds of differences in the workplace with the father, he thought for a moment: "did more than tell you that where he was working. ” "Where we usually have little time for him," Lu Yongguo saw Lu Chengyu several times, "contact more, what about the things that we're thinking about the dead. "While those things are really the heart, but Lu Chengyu he is not the only one elder and several other people watching, everybody is put people, even if it is intentional, but are too ashamed to do that sort of thing. Frowned, Lu Dong Shen Min to its over, will not continue on this topic. Shen Min after walking next to Lu Dong, also saw Lu Chengyu Cao Jingshen sit together, but she was not surprised. Perhaps subconsciously, she has taught Lu Chengyu stamped with a "very capable" labels, so they know it is normal. 曹京申挂了电话,看了眼仍端坐着的陆承余,“老板就在附近,他等下来送你回去,我下午还有些事情要去办。” “哦。”陆承余揉了揉额头,刚才他恍惚听到曹京申提到了严老三,看来是老板要清算之前的事了,只是因为严穆与严老三的关系,这事才会交由曹京申出面。 见他这副样子,曹京申把手机放进衣兜,“你的车我会让人给你开回去,到时候记得下楼取车钥匙。” 陆承余继续点着头道谢,这副老实的样子,让曹京申也找不出责备的话,但又憋着一口气不上不下。对于他来说,陆承余算是他职场带的半个徒弟,看到他喝醉,不说两句,就觉得心里哪里不对。 过了大概不到十五分钟的时间,曹京申就见到严穆从大门口走了进来,而且脸上的表情显得格外严肃,一见到他们,就几个大步走了过来。 曹京申还没开口,就见严穆从西装裤包里掏出一瓶醒酒药,插上吸管后递到陆承余面前。 “谢谢,”醒酒药味道不好,陆承余喝完后,表情扭曲了几秒钟,他抬头看着严穆,有些尴尬的笑了笑,“又要麻烦老板了。” “烟伤肺,酒伤肝,要有节制。”严穆见他喝完了,拿过空瓶子,扔进旁边的垃圾桶里,“走,我车就停在门外。” “把车停在酒店门口,是不是不太好,保安会不会出来?”陆承余跟着站起身,觉得还是早点上车比较好,万一保安来赶,就丢人了。





การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
































































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Lu Cheng Yu Bian wash side way: "elder brother Liang capacity for liquor, or don't find me this cup fell people drinking, etc. next couple of toast I have drunk too much embarrassment, or let me go." Stretch out a hand to hand dryer to dry under the handle on the water, he sighed, "in the past few days have been busy planning, busy last night to sleep before midnight today, fortunately, the traffic is not serious, didn't miss the couple's wedding."

Lu Liang and Sun Junyi heard plan a few words, have speculated that Lu Chengyu should be mixed well in the company, otherwise the general just into the new workplace where to contact these things? With this in mind, the two face and gentle a lot.

Lu Chengyu drove to the hotel, the hotel parking site almost no enough, drove his small Pentium turn, only in the corner to find a parking place stop.

cut on the body coat, Lu Cheng the rest of the car, closed the door and went into the hotel lobby. This hotel is very famous in the whole city, the general to hold the reception here, at least six months in advance to have a vacancy.

entered the lobby, I saw both sides put a cash money counter, appears to be both sexes separately received the money, visual view, the woman of the guests were significantly more than the man.

bride good family, also know many people,This scene is really the man make some lonely. Lu Dong and Shen Min are with a

to dress very extravagance of middle-aged couples talk, he will not come forward to disturb, directly go inside ready to pay money.

Lu Chengyu's uncle and aunt are greeting guests, see Lu Cheng Yu, then smile to greet up.

"bearing the bad," uncle smile and walk two steps, looked at him, saw that he was dressed very spirit, sidewalk, "better days gone, they didn't come to our house to sit."

"I just graduated, it is the time needed to work, usually less rest time, little time is spent in sleep on it,Work stability, I have to." Lu Chengyu smiled to uncle Lu Yongguo, how can he not see uncle smile on the face of too many too close, the relatives relationship is much more than that in the near well.

out early prepared gift, Lu Chengyu to be responsible for the gifts of aunt Lu Suyun, is responsible for the registration of his uncle Lu Changjun's gift, two people something to send amount, complexion changed to change.

Lu Suyun joke tone: "Cheng Yu where to work, how to pay?" This gift to send, in the peers is rich.

"work in the city, he is a good boss, salaries also appropriate, is busy at."Lu Cheng Yu laughed and two, to look at the time, it's eleven forty, seems to wait a while to the feast.

Lu Suyun heard Lu Chengyu do not want to go work, although the heart sigh the nephew and her estranged, but did not continue to go on, just a mild mannered greeting Lu Cheng Yu to the two floor banquet and sit.

and a few elders casual kind a few words, Lu Chengyu on the two floor, thought to have a meal, he drove all the way, also did not wash his hands, turned to go Restroom.

just went to the Restroom gate, he heard his son Lu Liang and aunt uncle's son Sun Junyi inside talk.

"In the morning we accompany brother house to welcome the bride, why not put bearing Yu also called, have Cheng Yu in the bride's close friend, who also won't embarrass us so long to open the door."

"aunt didn't tell you, uncle mother afraid of bearing more than luck affects in the new, so two days prior notice to the surplus of the wedding, new people this kind of thing, more won't call on him."

"if this let Cheng Yu know, more awkward," Sun Junyi sounds small, dry, "say Cheng Yu achievement is good, handsome, looking for work and smooth, have what not good."

"three uncles and three uncles......" Luliang cough,Think he can't go on, "well, this let's when do not know, do not tell Cheng Yu line."

Lu Chengyu stood outside the Restroom, soundless and stirless stepped back, and then aggravate the footsteps, pretend just came from the corner of the way into the Restroom.

Sun Junyi and Lu Liang heard footsteps coming, no talking, see come in they had talked about Lu Cheng Yu, two face some expressions are not natural.

"Cheng Yu, what time did you get, we just say you're going to be late," Luliang wiping, extrusion laughed, "and we several elder brother sitting at a table, to drink a cup of."

Lu Cheng Yu Bian wash side way: "elder brother Liang capacity for liquor, or don't find me this cup fell people drinking, etc. next couple of toast I have drunk too much embarrassment, or let me go." Stretch out a hand to hand dryer to dry under the handle on the water, he sighed, "in the past few days have been busy planning, busy last night to sleep before midnight today, fortunately, the traffic is not serious, didn't miss the couple's wedding."

Lu Liang and Sun Junyi heard plan a few words, have speculated that Lu Chengyu should be mixed well in the company, otherwise the general just into the new workplace where to contact these things? With this in mind, the two face and gentle a lot.

Sun Junyi see Lu Cheng Yu look natural appearance, immediately loosenned tone, it seems the cousin is not heard what they said.

he stepped forward and caught Lu Chengyu's shoulder, "you can't drink, who believe that? Needless to say, we all want to drink under, you could not run away."

Lu Chengyu smiled and backhand arm around Sun Junyi's shoulder, as if punched him, three brothers with a smile out of Restroom, a pair of brothers to good appearance.

three left, a closed toilet compartment door open, Cao Jingshen frowned and walked out, he came to my cousin's wedding, did not think Lu Chengyu is the groom's side of the family,There are just those words......

some particularly superstitious taboo, indeed these, but it do too obvious, no matter Lu Chengyu just listen to not to have heard this conversation, he felt Lu Chengyu's affection, can also detect which alienated and embarrassment.

sighed, the relatives between things, really can not say.

banquet began, Lu Chengyu listened to the master of ceremonies at the stage of various provocative or funny, he touched some hungry belly, forget to eat breakfast the morning, now look at the table alone put a sugar alcohol, feel more hungry.

and so soon, started serving,Lu Chengyu didn't drink on an empty stomach habits, eat with chopsticks swiftly fill several stuttering into the stomach, begin to deal with these cousins or cousins toast each other.

although Lu Chengyu ate a lot of food belly pad by toast gap, but the face of the model become frenzied toast, he had at last been irrigation dizzy head, until the new people to propose a toast, a table of people have drunk some disoriented, but is Lu Cheng Yu is in this group of people compare like people, in the face of new toast he is distracted by already half drunk mind to come up with a few words of blessing, just don't let the awkwardness down.

The couple followed by introduction of relatives identity of both parents was also good, hurriedly put this table wine King finished, go to another table.

the banquet after the end, Lu Chengyu shook slightly dizzy head, looked at my cousins aunts helped out by uncle. Wine was awake half he stood not fast not slow to go outside, just go downstairs in the lobby, heard someone calling himself, looked back, saw Cao Jingshen strode toward own came.

"drink?" Cao Jingshen went up to him, smell alcohol on him, "I'll take you home."

Lu Chengyu didn't refuse,Give the car key to the Cao Jingshen, "then get someone to help me put the car back."

"opened the car to you still drink, no education you don't drink and drive, do not drink and drive?" Cao Jingshen pushed his glasses, "why don't you just pass." I think that the dialogue before the banquet hear, his mood is somewhat complex, so it is Lu Chengyu with grace, if such a thing he encountered, may be turned away, someone else awkwardness. Arguably, Lu Chengyu such a person, is not return with kindness ah, how with nothing happened.

or said Lu family always is the attitude, Lu Cheng Yu already accustomed to,They simply do not care about these people?

"face the past, you are going to carry me back?" Lu Chengyu glanced at Cao Jingshen, "I am afraid you carry me."

"I found you drink, especially cheap," Cao Jingshen dragged Lu Chengyu to the lobby of the sofa to sit down, "your usual graceful bearing are dogs Have you had dinner yet?"

Lu Chengyu glanced at him, did not speak, but the posture proved that he or the elegant handsome, even caused the past women's attention.

Cao Jingshen just want to continue to open, but hear the ringing mobile phone, the caller is displayed on the screen Yan mu, he had to answer the phone,Miss Lu Chengyu. Lu Yongguo is the door to send

guests, see Lu Chengyu and one in Western dress and leather shoes men sit around and talk, could not help but look to the sons of Lu Dong: "who is that man, is your friend?"

Lu Dong twist a head to see go, recognized and Lu Chengyu talking to people who, the very powerful cousin Cao Jingshen this is not small Min said, Cheng Yu knew him?

"he is Xiao's cousin, is heard Huading secretary secretary, very powerful people," he said in a low voice, "even Xiaomin home to he polite."

Lu Yongguo some don't understand, "daughter-in-law home not to open the company's,How should a secretary of the polite?"

Lu Dong bother with father explain all differences of the workplace, he thought: "didn't tell you that Yu Cheng, where does he go to work."

"we usually which have much time to contact with him," Lu Yongguo watched Lu Chengyu several eye contact, "many others said, how do we think of the dead thing." Although those things are really exciting, but Lu Chengyu not only is he so an elder, several other people watching it, everybody is a shameless person, even if really have, but also does not have the face to do that sort of thing.

frowned, Lu Tung saw Shen Minzhao come on her own,Will no longer continue this conversation.

Shen Min walk to Lu Dong side, also saw Lu Chengyu and Cao Jingshen sit together, but she wasn't a bit strange. Perhaps subconsciously, she had called Lu Chengyu a "very competent" label, so two people know is normal.

Cao Jingshen hung up the phone, see the eye still sitting with Lu Chengyu, "the boss was nearby, he and so down to send you back, I still have some things to do." "Oh

." Lu Chengyu rubbed his forehead, he just trance to hear Cao Jingshen mentioned Yan old, appears to be the boss to liquidate the things before, just because the relationship between Mourinho and Yan third,It will be handed over by Cao Jingshen to.

to see him like this, Cao Jingshen put the mobile phone in my pocket, "your car and I'll have you back, I remember that time downstairs to take the car keys."

Lu Chengyu continue to point a tou Dao Xie, this pair of appearance of honesty, let Cao Jingshen can not find the words of reproach, but Biezhao breath suspended in midair. For his part, Lu Cheng Yu is half his apprentice work, see him drunk, not to say a few words, feel wrong.

after about less than fifteen minutes, Cao Jingshen saw Yan Mu came in from the gate, and the expression on the face is particularly serious, seeing them,Several stalked over.

Cao Jingshen also did not speak, see Yan Mu took out a bottle of DIPE the medicine from the trouser suit bag, inserted on Straw handed to Lu Cheng after more than before.

"thank you," the drug doesn't taste good, Lu Cheng Yu after drinking, expression twisting a few seconds, he looked up at Yan Mu, some to embarrassedly smile to smile, "have to trouble the boss."

"smoke lung injury, alcohol liver injury, moderation." Yan Mu saw him finish, took the empty bottle, thrown into the next to the trash, "go, my car is parked outside."

"parked in front of the hotel, Is it right? Not too good, security will not come out?" Lu Chengyu followed the rose,Think it is still early on the car is better, if the security to catch, you disgrace.

"is not good, but I was the boss," Yan Mu and went to the door, found that some people standing at the gate of eyes on Lu Cheng square body, open the door after he knits the brows a way, "do you know these people?"

heard Yan Mu is the hotel boss, Lu Chengyu appears very calm, local tyrants have many properties he can calm. Maybe one day Yan Mu like romantic novel male Lord, casually buy an island, there is doubt that he will not. Because of the rich world, such is not logical.

see today Yan Mu open is the car of fifty million Aston Martin,Looked eye toward the side to see relatives, he when downloading as drunk like lying in the Yan Mu shoulder: "well, know." Don't want to be asked for privacy, he felt that only it's politic to leave.

Yan Mu shoulders slightly froze, he paused, only his hand to hold the Lu Chengyu sat in the copilot, for him to buckle the safety belt, closed the door, then stepping on the accelerator to see local tyrants in the public eyes left.

Lujia know Aston Martin sports car value of relatives, the mood suddenly some complex, more than the original bearing not only read the University of school, after graduation to people they know not so simple, the man is not the parents can have so good?

Lu Dong looked at Aston Martin sports car lost direction, and suddenly felt catlap.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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