“你们是怎么做掌柜的?” 清冷训斥钻入耳中,直击心脏,掌柜们身躯一震,满目惊慌:“大小姐,可是账目不对?” 侯府老夫人每月都会清查账册,一旦 การแปล - “你们是怎么做掌柜的?” 清冷训斥钻入耳中,直击心脏,掌柜们身躯一震,满目惊慌:“大小姐,可是账目不对?” 侯府老夫人每月都会清查账册,一旦 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

“你们是怎么做掌柜的?” 清冷训斥钻入耳中,直击心脏,掌柜们身躯一震,






































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"How do you do the shopkeeper? ” Cold rebuke drill in the ear and hit the heart, shopkeeper body shakes and panic everywhere: "Lady, but accounts wrong? ” Hou family old lady monthly inventory books, once right, would scold them, shove or any person, so, over the years, they were afraid to do anything in the book. "Book is nothing wrong, is the above owe too much, too long! , "Murong snow effect of hand waving, ready to correct the books fall into the dispenser arms. "Door business, allows guest accounting credit, but, credit also to has a degrees, March, May can, one years two years also barely can line, can you see you hand in of books, from 10 years Qian has been credit to now, a points money didn't pay of rogue guest, you was also dare let they in shop in took things, is wants to let shop closed? ” This rogue guest? They don't remember! Shopkeeper puzzled look down look books, write Bill looked at people, all under the face: "Lady, not my humble duty sell their credits, but come to shop to get something, is Wu Hou family person......" "Wu Hou family, now what? Even Mrs Wu Hou Rou come, that is, careful hospitality to you, who allow them to take food only accounts, does not pay? , "Murong snow sharply cut them short, eyes cold as ice. Looked at each other for a glimpse of the shopkeeper, bowed his head, sounds fine if mosquito: "it is ... ... Is she allowed to...... " Murong snow mouth curved a few invisible sarcasm, she knew this would happen. Ten years books heap in with, is is high of a stack, she and no all turned see, only readily turned has several this ten years Qian, five years Qian of books, and see has recently two months of, found from 10 years Qian began, Wu Hou House each quarter will to satin shop tailoring large new clothing, high, in the, low of satin each sample will with Shang ten or twenty horse, Shang to Wu Hou House old lady, Xia to three, girl, rough makes Mammy are of clothes all CD has out! So cut cut for ten years, they only account in the shop, never paid one or two pieces of silver. There are jewelry shop they frequent, the old lady, little lady, the girl can wear jewelry, they each quarter will take several. Every two or three months, Wu Hou family also will go to the vegetarian take away one or two antiques, calligraphy and painting, never pay a dime ... ... No wonder du confidently say that no shop to earn money greedy mother dowry, because shops make money, all fitted into the hole left by Wu Hou family, there is not much more than silver, she wants to corrupt all corruption. "Step-grandmother was so keep an eye on my mother shops? , "Murong snow to pick open the curtains before the Chamber, a faint smile looking at du. Du's glance at her eyes: "your aunt where dresses, jewelry, is to offer the shop business......" "Pay money, called care business, just take things without paying, mind of a ten-year, face no skins! , "Murong snow bluntly interrupted her words, one word:" Wu Hou family, not beggars on the street, just like punk, do something so brazen, they don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed for them. ” "Zoe you kiss aunt, how can you say she is? "Du sternly scolded, eyes flashing at the end of a prey with a sharp, cold mountain. MU Rong Rou being wuanhoufuren, in charge of Wu Hou family backyard power, cutting new clothes, jewelry and other things are her, Murong snow ridiculed Wu Hou family who shamelessly was mocking her. Murong snow disdain croon: "does my mother or her sister-in-law, her brazen sister's dowry just take things in the shop without paying, I even said she is not? ” “你……” Murong snow waved interrupted has she words, light see with she: "don't with I said what, she is I aunt, I this do niece of honor she several sets clothes, jewelry is should of, I is she niece, and parents double died, she how not love love I, monthly in she of dowry shop in, free to I CD several sets clothes, playing several sets jewelry? ” "You ... ..." Murong du finger snow, not to speak for: this small base feet, always love talking to? When did you become so glib? Murong snow Crimson with she, cold cold of road: "I Niang good of dowry shop handed you, was you ' care ' into has now this Deputy mess, again let you continues to ' care ' down, six home shop certainly will closed, trouble following grandmother put this six home shop of contract to I's, I personally care, business of bad, are and following grandmother again irrelevant! ” Du sank slightly lower eyelid: Shen Shi's death, she would see the six shops, however, the pictures also knew that the six shops, such as Mu-Rong Ye, Murong snow grew up, she must return your shop, so she could not openly invaded, only quietly devour! The pictures look very hot, if you do shop books, sure to be found, so she came up with that gave warning law, every now and then go to the shop to get something, quietly shop the evacuation, revenue in his SAC. 10 years, they'll shop moved 7788, after a few years, will complete their six shop, but at this critical juncture, snow found the clue by Murong. If she shops to Murong snow to look after, they can't take things in the shop, the shop also has many valuable objects, so abandoned, hurt some meat! Looked with she MOU end of constantly changes of look, Murong snow know she in wants to what, mouth bent up a wipe taunt: "following grandmother, you pet daughter, wants to to she what, I Sherman, also didn't mood tube, but, please you don't took I Niang of dowry shop are distributed, because, that shop is I Niang left I and I brother of, and you completely has nothing to do! If you insist on staying, I'd be tempted to say to say, shop ten years of ' progress '...... " Du Meng lifted my eyes to Murong snow, eyes flashing at the end of a sharp cold mountain: cheap pork, dare to threaten her! Good, very good! "Not six shop, I have not seen in the eye, you want, all for you! "Du takes a simple ebony box, quick open, picked up a few pages lease papers, angrily threw the Murong of snow:" get out of line, you're not welcome here! ” MU-Rong Xue received the contract, carefully looked at, correct, satisfied nods: "no pain, step-grandmother worry about my aversion to the line enough to contract, there's nothing between us involved, you ask me not to! ” "You ... ..." Duchenne gas-choked, grabbed the front of the Cup smashed in the past: "move on! ” Murong snow croon a cry, holding a curtain thrown forward, only to hear ' bang ' sound, and cup onto the curtains, tea and splash, the Cup into pieces ... ... Six shopkeeper standing on the corner, bowed his head, eyes, nose, nose concept of mind, packed snow and didn't see Murong du thick smoke between the old lady: Zhen Guo of the Hou family chores, they do Shop Manager cannot manage this, dare tube, self-preservation. Du Mu Rong Ye design pawn mother's dowry, she ran away to six paper contracts, du Pont's unsuccessful attack Murong ROU and stolen meters, throwing good money after bad, looked at du was nearly jump out of appearance, feel really comfortable! Murong snow bent the corners with a shallow arc, unhurriedly when everyone walked to the front of dispensers, proudly: "Wu Hou mansion for ten years on credit accounts, cannot condone them, six of you immediately back to the shop, sending man to Wu Hou Fu yaozhang! ”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"? How do you dispensers of"

cold rebuke drill into the ear and hit the heart, body startled shopkeeper who, everywhere panic: "Missy, but the account does not?"

Ms. Hou Fulao monthly inventory of books, if found wrong, will rebuke them, and also reported that the situation was serious official, so many years, they do not dare to do any hands on books.

"Nothing wrong accounts, are too many outstanding loans above for too long!" Murong snow Su Qing Hui hand, ready to correct the books fall into the arms of their treasurer.

"Open the door to do business, allowing guests billing on credit, however, owed should have a degree, March, May Yes, barely a year or two can do it, you can see your hand books, from a decade ago has been on credit now, rogue guests did not pay a penny, and you even dare to let them in the shop to get something that is not wanted to close down the shop? "

have this rogue guests? How they do not remember!

Dispensers were puzzled look down books, looking at the person writing the above debts, one by one all suffer under the face: "Missy, who was not given a free hand to make their Beizhi owed, but come to the shop to get something is Wuan Hou House people ...... "

" Wuan Hou and how the government? even Wuan Hou Murong wife Sophie in person, that is off, you can entertain careful who they allow to get something you can only accounting, not pay up? "Murong snow snapped their words, his eyes cold as ice.

They look at each other a treasurer, lowered his head, fine if mosquito sound: "Yes ...... old lady is allowed ......"

Murong snow bent mouth touch of a few invisible sarcasm, she knew it would be like this.

Ten books piled up together, is very high stack, she did not look at all, only thumbed through several years ago, five years ago, books, looked last two months, ten years from discovery before the start of every season to Wuan Hou House silk tailoring shop a lot of new clothes, high, medium, low satin every kind will spend a twenty, the old lady to Wuan Hou House, and so the next three maidservants, crude make Mother's clothes are all cut out!

So cut tailoring a decade, they only journal in the shop, I never had to pay one or two silver.

There are jewelry shop, they frequented, old lady, little lady, the little girl can wear jewelry, they will take several sets of quarterly.

Every two or three months, people will go to Wuan Hou House ancient vegetarian take a different antiques, paintings, and never pay a penny ......

no wonder Duchenne confidently say no dowry greedy mother shop to earn money, because shop money, are fitted into the left hole in Wuan Hou House, there is no much more than silver, she did not want to get greedy greedy.

"Following the grandmother is so to help my mother take care of the shop?" Murong snow came before the chamber pick to open the curtain, looked faint smile Duchenne.

Duchenne glanced at her disapprovingly: "Your aunt where they cut clothes, play jewelry, in order to use the service shop business ......"

"took things Fu Yinzi called patronize the business, just take what does not pay, but also peace of mind of a ! is take decades, people called no skin called "Murong snow unceremoniously interrupted her words, stressing each syllable:" dignified Wuan Hou House, not a beggar on the street, even like a jerk, as do so brazen thing, they do not feel ashamed, I am ashamed for them. " "

pro Rouer your aunt, how can you say she? "Duchenne harshly reprimanded, touch sharp eye bottom Shanlue Hanmang.

As Ms. Wu Anhou Murong Sophie, in charge of Wuan Hou House backyard power, cut clothes, jewelry and other things are considered to play her pipe, Murong snow mocking Wuan Hou House brazen person, that is mocking her.

Murong snow disdain croon: "My mother was her sister-in-law it pro, her brazen take what sister-in-law's dowry in the shop without paying, I could not even say a few words she can not?"

"You ......"

Murong snow Baishou She interrupted her, lightly at her: "do not tell me what to say, she is my aunt, my niece's honor her do several sets of clothes, jewelry should be, and I was her niece, and his parents died, she how does not love love me, in her dowry month the shop, I was free to cut several sets of clothes, jewelry sets play? " "

you ...... "Duchenne finger Murong snow, gas speechless: this small cheap hoof, it is not always very quiet? When did you get so eloquent it?

Murong snow squinted her coldly: "My mother good dowry shop to you, by your 'care' has become a pair of mess now, let you continue to 'take care' down, six will definitely shop closed Tait, trouble following six shop grandmother put a contract to me, I look after, business is good or bad, are irrelevant and following the re-grandmother! "

Duchenne slightly sinking eyelids: Shen's death, she took a fancy to six home shop, but, Godfrey also know that six shop, etc. Ye Murong, Murong snow grew up, she must be returned to the shop, so she can not be honest occupation, only to quietly embezzle!

Godfrey's vision is very sinister, if the shop did cook the books, he is sure to be found, so she came up with this trick the cover of darkness law, from time to time to go to the shop to get something, quietly evacuated the shop, their own income bag.

Ten years, they will shop moved in 7788, a few years, six shop will be completely belongs to them, I did not expect at this critical moment, Murong snow found clues.

If she will Murong snow shop to take care of, they will not be able to retake the shop thing, the shop there are many valuable objects, so abandoned, some Routeng!

She looked at the bottom eye constantly changing look, Murong snow know what she was thinking, mouth bent touch of sarcasm: "Following the grandmother, your favorite daughter, wanted to give her something, I have no control, did not feel the tube, but you Do not take my mother's dowry shop do a favor, because it is the shop my mother left me and my brother, has nothing to do with you! If you continue to insist on the helm, I can not help but talk about others, shop ten years 'development' ...... "

Du Meng lift eye to see Murong snow, flashing sharp eye bottom Hanmang: cheap hoof, dare threaten her! good very good!

"Is not six shop, I did not see in the eyes, you want all to you!" Duchenne took an ancient ebony box, quickly open, pick up a few pages of paper deed, angrily toward the Murong snow throwing in the past: "now get out of the Yutang hospital, you are not welcome here!"

Murong snow took the contract, carefully looked at, confirmation, nodded with satisfaction: "Do not bother labor following the grandmother, I am disgusted Yutang hospital , contract hand, involves nothing between us, and you ask me I will not come! " "

you ...... "Du gas choked, grabbed the front of the cup smashed in the past:"! roll "

Murong snow croon, clutching the curtain fling forward, just listen to 'bang' of a sound, hit the cup curtain, scattered tea, cups into pieces ......

six dispensers stand in the corner, he bowed his head, sharp eyes and nose , nose view of the heart, did not see the intense smoke loaded Murong snow and Ms. Du Lao between: State town Houfu the family, which they do shop dispensers to mind, did not dare tube, it self-preservation.

Duchenne design Murong Ye pawn mother dowry, she came here to take away six paper contract, let Murong soft Duchenne and gained nothing loss to rice, throw good money after bad, looking at gas Duchenne was almost hopping appearance, mood really comfortable!

Murong snow bent mouth touch of shallow curvature, waltz walked treasurer who proudly said: "Wuan Hou House credit accounts for a decade, can not condone them, and you immediately return to six-shop, sending folks to Muan Houfu to account! "
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