“殿下,西厂那边的消息。” 西厂,琉月眉眼微动。 西厂乃是后金一个极秘密的皇家组织,或者用现代的话来说是一个机构,一个专门培训间谍的机构。  การแปล - “殿下,西厂那边的消息。” 西厂,琉月眉眼微动。 西厂乃是后金一个极秘密的皇家组织,或者用现代的话来说是一个机构,一个专门培训间谍的机构。  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

“殿下,西厂那边的消息。” 西厂,琉月眉眼微动。 西厂乃是后金一个极秘




















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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
“殿下,西厂那边的消息。” 西厂,琉月眉眼微动。 西厂乃是后金一个极秘密的皇家组织,或者用现代的话来说是一个机构,一个专门培训间谍的机构。 她在天辰国三年,耗费了无数的人力物力,就算是她亲自培养的血影卫,都无法得到后金西厂的消息,也渗透不进去。 因此,她才亲自来这后金。 耳朵一竖,琉月面上不动声色,暗中已经留上了心。 辰飞接过来打开看了一眼后,笑了笑道:“不是什么要紧事,明日在回复他们也不迟。” 那年轻男子一听顿时恩了一声,抬头看了琉月一眼。 琉月也正双手抱胸看着他。 辰飞见此笑道:“琉月,我的侍读,斐严。” 斐严,琉月一听心中顿时一动,姓斐,对了,难怪她觉得他的面相很熟悉,原来是像他,斐成列。 她只见过斐成列两三面,都没仔细看过,因此一瞬间只感觉到有点熟悉,却又有点说不出来像谁。 斐成列最疼爱的小儿子,牺牲掉父母妻儿,只带走了这最小的儿子,不像他还能像谁。 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。 斐成列,藏在后金国,好像石牛入海,她三年时间都没有找到,今日,就这么轻轻松松的撞到了她的眼前。 “流将军。”斐严顿时朝着琉月一拱手。 琉月见此微微的一笑,伸手拍了拍斐严的手,慢条斯理的道:“自家兄弟,无须客气。” 话声中,没有任何人注意,琉月那透明的指甲轻轻的划过了斐严的手背,留下一道斐严本人都没怎察觉到的红痕。 “这话说的好。”辰飞听之很高兴的点了点头。 伸手拍了拍琉月和斐严的肩膀,笑道:“就该是这样,以后你们可以多亲近,互相取长补短。”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Your Highness, West plant side of the news." West plant, Okinawa facial features jog. West plant a very secret but after gold royal organization, or with modern words is an institution, a specially trained spy agency. She Tianchen country for three years, spent countless human and material resources, even if it is the ghost of her personally train guard, could not get the message after Kinsey plant also does not penetrate inside. She therefore gold was personally come to this later. Ears pricked, Okinawa face quietly, secretly already leaving the heart. Chen Fei took to open looked after, smiled and said: "What matters is not the matter, tomorrow in reply to them too late." The young man uttered a sudden grace, looked Okinawa one. Okinawa is also Shuangshoubaoxiong at him. Seeing Chen Fei laughed: "Okinawa, my Shi Du, Yan Fei." Fei Yan, Okinawa one heart suddenly a move, surnamed Fei, yes, no wonder she felt his face is very familiar, turned out to be like him Fiji into columns. She only saw twenty-three face Fiji in a row, did not read carefully, so the moment just feel a little familiar, but a bit speechless to Xiangshui. Fiji as among the most loved son, his wife and children sacrificed their parents, only took this youngest son, like he can Xiangshui. Beyond the pale in hunting, must come not a waste of effort. Fiji in a row, hidden in the Golden State, like Shek into the sea, she did not find time for three years, today, it's so easy to hit her eyes. "Flow generals." Fei Yan suddenly a hand toward Okinawa. Seeing a slight smile Okinawa, Yan Fei hand patted the hand, slowly, said: "his brother, do not hesitate." Initials, Finals, and no one noticed, Okinawa that transparent nail gently across the Fei Yan's back, leaving a Fei Yan did not how she perceived Honghen. "It's a good saying." Chen Fei listen very pleased nodded. Okinawa hand patted and Fei Yan's shoulders, smiled and said: "this is it, after that you can be more close to each other and learn from each other."

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Sir, there's a message west."

the factory, Liu month eyebrow fretting.

Sidel plants but Jin a very secret Royal organization, or modern is an institution, a specially trained spy agencies.

she Tianchen country in three years, at a cost of countless human and material resources, even if it is a ghost who she personally training, is unable to get Jin West news, also penetrated into. She was so dear

, come after this.

ears pricked, Liu moon quietly, secretly has left the heart. Fly over Chen

open eyes, smiled and said: "no matter what,Tomorrow is not too late to reply." The young man immediately en

1, looked up at the grand month one eye. Okinawa is

arms may look at him. Chen Fei

smile: "see this grand month, my page read, Fei yan."

Fei Yan, Ryukyu may listen to heart suddenly move, Xing Fei,. No wonder she felt his physiognomy is very familiar with, the original is like him, Fei into columns.

she only saw Fiji into a column or three, did not carefully read, so a moment only feel a bit familiar, but there is a point to say like who. A list of the most love

Fei son, the sacrifice of the parents and, taking only the youngest son,Unlike him who can be like. Very difficult to find, do not have a waste of time.

Phi into the column, used after Jin, like Shi Niu into the sea, her three years are not found. Today, so easily hit her eyes. "The general flow." Feiyandun toward a month over okinawa.

Ryukyu may see the slight smile, stretched hand to clap to clap Fei Yan to the hand, leisurely of way: "own brothers, need not polite."

voice, without anyone noticing, Ryukyu in the transparent nail gently across the Fei Yan the back of the hand, leaving a Tao Fei Yan I didn't how to perceive the red scar. "This is good."Chen flew to listen to the point of a very happy nod.

stretched hand to clap to take Achilles and Fei Yan shoulder, smiled and said: "that is what it should be. You can close more, learn from each other."
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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