第四百八十六章 龙须钩2013-10-02 14:00:00 双手擎剑,长驱直入的抵达池玉清身边,看了一眼斗气之壁被打得只有7%韧性了,马上 การแปล - 第四百八十六章 龙须钩2013-10-02 14:00:00 双手擎剑,长驱直入的抵达池玉清身边,看了一眼斗气之壁被打得只有7%韧性了,马上 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第四百八十六章 龙须钩2013-10-02 14:00:00 双手擎剑

第四百八十六章 龙须钩
2013-10-02 14:00:00






























































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 486 Dragon Beard hook2013-10-02 14:00:00 Hands hold a sword, marched into the arriving Chi Yuqing side, glanced at the vindictive wall was beaten only by 7% of malleable, immediately add, Long Chijian fast cutting, cold iron cross Chi Yuqing belly, leaving a path of blood, while God Tiger, purple flames long around the BOSS, Lin full output. "And BAM! ” Forest small dance of once seven arrows Vertigo success, Chi Yuqing was a fibrillation on Vertigo in has there, and I set in distance of Dragon even crossbow also to Super remote of shot from abuse and to, not to half minutes, Chi Yuqing double knee a soft, slumped kneeling in to, a fire red of hair became messy, hissing of broke has a heap equipment, is does not death, just dying of lying in there. "Swish ... ..." Shallow lean months, Li Mu and others have upgraded, although the BOSS is killed off by me. Go ahead, I turned the Chi Yuqing burst out of the equipment, most basically were leather, including a lavender leather armor, streamlined elegance, there is also a pair of Bracers, then, is a very peculiar weapon, a tapered metal about the size of a fist, back connection with long gold, I do not know what is. First to pick up a light purple leather armor, a warm Chinese classic Palm, hand whisk, attributes appear in the sky, suddenly several assassins players were dumbfounded-- "Breastplate" (Yun) Category: leather Defense: 820 Swift: +108 Manual: +105 Power: +102 Additional: gives users a 17% defence force Additional: increase 24% damage and attack speed Additional: 2000 upgrade users maximum health Special effects: Player assassin attacks increases 25% Stunts: Xian Lin, summoned celestial shield, 12 seconds into the attack an invalid state Required level: 88 …… I am holding chest armor, could not help but smile: "Gee, powerful chest armor of the assassin, come on come on, Wan, GuaGua and coyotes ROLL points to see who had better luck! ” Facing such a good chest, none of the three were polite reason, have entered the ROLL system, the next moment, three points in front of everyone-- 77! 84! 91! …… No low points, but in the end but still won by Lin Waner points raised slightly higher, and Lin Waner level enough, Song Han bad, lean months pale a little bad luck. “喏……” Chest armor gave Lin Waner, I laughed: "put it on, defenses and can improve a lot......" Lin Waner laugh with holding up chest methyl, snow color Cape a Yang, wow a sound, chest methyl has replaced has, suddenly let everyone front a bright, fairy Pro chest methyl a see is high-end goods, a fairy gas dense, and this chest methyl of streamlines is is too chic elegant has, a road Bauhinia spent of methyl leaves emerged in beauty big miss flat of abdominal above, turned out of shoulder methyl one Majesty beautiful, and, war methyl of leaves formed has two a arc nursing body package live big miss pair straight convex rose of 34D, curve is charming, Ready to let everyone stared, not only Li Mu, Wang Jian, who was going to drool, even East side monthly beauty, small dance level were to be silent. "With this guy, together, the pressure is very big say......" Dongcheng months down at two under his Sage robe pride, SIP signature red lips, couldn't resist injustice Kissinger said: "why I don't have as yet? I always think ... ... Xiao Yao Wan son based on the brother could not see me, must have a relationship with this size, hum, carefree brother, I went to Korea to 36E you'll really love me? ” My mouth twitched and looked straight ahead at Lin Waner chest a pair of 34D, saying: "you come on East side, you know, I'm not that shallow people......" "Where your eyes watching that! You bet your mouth is not saliva!? "The indignation month road, Dongcheng. Reach out and touch my mouth, face indifferent: "do not care about these details, now we have to focus on is the BOSS has been killed, this is a victory for us, and we should celebrate......" Lin Waner a look of frustration: "... ... We also continue to look at the following equipment? ” I took out another pair of leather wristbands, reached out and touched on in the wrist, unusually soft, than God arm caught the dragon on my wrist a lot softer, its properties are floating in the air, and sure enough, last BOSS of the second layer is not going to let us down-- "Destroy God wrist" (Yun) Category: leather Defence: 750 Swift: +105 Manual: +102 Power: +100 Additional: gives users a 17% melee attacks Added: maximum 1500 life upgrade users Added: upgrade 40% stealth speed Special effects: riding the wind, increase speed of 20% Required level: 88 …… "Wow ... ..." small dance little mouth: "assassin's son! An assassin equipped Yes...... " I nodded and said, "come on, or three people ROLL? ” Lin Waner quick exit, saying: "I got a chest plate, you can't be too greedy, you ROLL it? GuaGua 87, could soon rise to 88 equipped...... " Thus, Song Han shallow ROLL with the lean months, then was bad luck, are lean months light direct 100 points took out wristbands. I clapped and said, "If the equipment on the wrist, doing light how much blood? ” Lean months light blinked, smiled: "conversion of property, about 7000 blood, right? Sister, you equip after chest, blood ceiling should be very high? ” Lin Waner PEAR Vortex smile: "Yes, I have 7000+ blood, chest armor adds so much, now in the 9700+ blood, blood assassin will soon become Oh......" Song Han no: "it makes me a little assassin 5700 for ennui? ” Small dance: "if I see it correctly, pale eyes beauty equipment there is 5 Al-Yun, Qi and blood of thousands of normal, Wolf you equipment 1 San yun, how better than with others......" "Yes ... ..." Song Hanyi fist: "I will continue to work hard, trying to get cut before the assassin of Long Hang five! ” Lean months light smirk: "I heard that Li Cheng has several top assassin in search of new Guild, maybe I can contact Oh, Quan Min assassin are at least 6000 blood......" Song Han: "can't love melons......" Lin Waner to the last gear in my hand, saying: "the pig, see what is the last, surprising appearance, do not know what......" “嗯……” I took up last that pieces equipment, a metal vertebral body, holding in hand in, finger in above gently a by, "Kacha" a sound, this vertebral body immediately on deformation extends out has a road thorn barbed, form very Majesty, faint has longyin on, and even then vertebral body of gold line about has chopsticks weight, above dense with power gloss, reaches a brushed, property appeared in air, small partners are moments all shocked has-- "Dragon Beard hook" (Yun) Categories: Deputy Assistant concealed weapon Power: +108 Manual: +105 Spirit: +102 Additional: increase 20% damage Result: pass through objects and realization of fixed and retractable, target and wound in the arm, with the Deputy, weapons and equipment, but you can not use both Required level: 90 Need career: heavy armor of all classes …… "Dark ... ... Concealed weapon? "Li Mu stunned:" this is what happens...... " Lin Waner mouth hooks, light smiled: "see, was a Deputy weapons, such as the equipment upon Li xiaoyao, can be equipped with cold iron sword, but cannot be used together. ” Song Han threw up, HA laughed: "not to say that, this equipment requires 90, seems happy to reach this requirement, Li Mu and Wang Jian far, unfettered directly with it, not so good a loaded weapon is wasted. ” 我点点头,没有矫情,捧着龙须钩道:“那么两位兄弟,这龙须钩我拿了,刚好我缺少一个能够让自己突进的远程工具。” 李牧点头:“嗯,没问题!” 于是,我将龙须钩装备上,顿时一道道金色的龙须缠绕在我的手臂上,那椎体一样缓缓沁入手臂上的甲胄之中,与寒铁剑一起装备,三围属性还是共享到了,随后,要实验一下这个龙须钩到底有多厉害,四周看了看,好像也没有什么目标。 林婉儿仰起脸蛋看着头顶,颀长的脖颈十分迷人,随后低头冲我坏坏的一笑,这笑意,让我有种错觉,我的大小姐不是什么天使,而是一个美丽的小恶魔,跟我足够熟悉了之后已经开始露出狰狞的獠牙了。 默认林婉儿的建议,我抬起左臂,瞄准了头顶上方的第五层环道底部,发动命令,龙须钩锁定! “嗖!” 龙锥带着金线冲天而起,直接延伸了近百米,“铿”一声钻入了五层底部的岩层之中,并且飞速变形卡住锁定,下一刻,几个命令符出现在我的脑海中,嗯,突进! “刷!” 龙须飞速缩短,带着我的身体冲天而起,转眼离开地面百米,“啪”一声,我右手握着龙池剑已经抵在了岩壁底部,深吸一口气,地面上六层的林婉儿等人都快要变成小不点了。 远远的,林婉儿张开双臂,笑着喊道:“阿猪,你快点下来,我们去第七层了呀……” 我脸都绿了,这可怎么下去? 看看龙须钩的命令符,嗯,松开? “啪!” 龙锥果然松开了,而我直接从百米高就坠落下去,李牧、王翦等人看着急忙都大惊失色了:“擦咧,盟主掉下来了,大家快点躲开,别被砸到了!” “嘭!” 猛然撞击六层岩层上,整个人滑出了十几米,气血掉了1W+,灰头土脸的翻身而起,冷静的沉吟一声:“不要问我,我没事……” 林婉儿飞掠上前,扶着我的膝盖:“可是阿猪,你脸都摔平了……” 我:“……”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Four hundred and eightieth chapters asparagus hook
2013-10-02 14:00:00
engine sword with both hands, the march arrived at the pool Yuqing around, looked at the wall of the grudge was beaten only 7% toughness, and immediately re-blessing look, longchi sword, cold iron sword staggered fast cutting in the abdomen pool Yuqing, leaving a Road bloodstains, while flames tiger god, Lin purple dragon around BOSS full output. "Bang!" Seven Arrows dizziness success'm a little dance, pool Yuqing shivers on vertigo in there, and I set up at a distance of Dragon Liannu also ultra long distance shot from abuse, less than half minute, pool Yuqing a soft knees, slumped to his knees on the ground, a fire red hair becomes messy, crashed broke a bunch of equipment, but not dead, just lying there dying. "Brush ......" March dump shallow, Li Mu, who have upgraded, although BOSS finally hit me killed. Stepped forward, I flip a little pool Yuqing burst out of the equipment, basically Leather majority system in which a lavender Leather, streamlined elegance, in addition to a wrist, after, is a very strange weapon, a metal cone about fist-sized, rear connection with long gold, do not know what it is. First won lavender Leather, a warmth Qinru palm, hand Yifu, attributes appear in the air, suddenly several players were stunned assassin system - [Seonimgyo Breastplate] (holy Yun filter) Category: Leather defense: 820 agility: +108 stamina: +105 strength: +102 additional: 17% of users to enhance the defense added: improve the user 24% attack power and attack speed additional: improve the user point of maximum health by 2000 effects: players assassin attack spells to enhance the effect by 25% stunt: Seonimgyo, call upon a shield, within 12 seconds of entering the inactive state to be attacked requires level: 88 ...... I was holding Seonimgyo breastplate, could not help but chuckle: "Gee, super assassin breastplate Department ah, come on come on, Ms, guagua and coyotes ROLL point, you see who's better luck!" the face of such a good breastplate, all three no kind of reason, and have entered the ROLL-point system, the next moment, three points appear in front of us - 77! 84! 91! ...... Not a low point, but in the end but still points to Ms Lin slightly more astute and win, and that Ms Lin's level is enough, Song Han then some bad, bad luck month pour a shallow point. "Well ......" will Seonimgyo breastplate and gave it to Ms Lin, I laughed and said: "Put it, but also enhance the defense of a large portion of the ......" Ms Lin smiled won breastplate, snow colored cloak of a Young, Wow cry, breastplate has been replaced, and suddenly let everyone shines, Seonimgyo breastplate is a look at offers for higher quality, a Xian Qi dense, and this breastplate flow line is so chic and elegant, and a Road Bauhinia methyl leaves emerge in beauty Missy flat stomach above, the metamorphosis of a dignified and beautiful shoulder armor, and armor blade formed two arcuate body care wrap up the eldest of a pair of upright projections 34D, curve very charming, almost ready to come out like so that everyone stared, not only Li Mu, Wang Jian, who is about to see drool, even the Lower East Side months, I'm a little dance of these beauties also see some speechless. "Together with this guy, big pressure to say ......" East looked down at the two-month group pride themselves under great sage robe, sip sip red lips, could not help looking over grievances, he said: "Why am I without her so there is material? I always feel ...... Happy brother was spotted Ms despise me, must have a relationship with this size, whining, Happy brother and I went to Korea to the whole 36E and you'll really love me? " my mouth twitched, looked straight ahead and look at the chest Ms Lin pair 34D, said: "you do not like this Lower East Side, you know, I am not so superficial people ......" "then your eyes are looking at you dare! mouth saliva not say you do!? "indignant Road, Dongcheng month. I reached for a touch of the mouth, face lightly: "Do not care about these details, and now we have to pay attention to is the BOSS killed, and this is our victory, we should be good to celebrate ......" Ms Lin look of frustration: "That ...... we still continue to look at the next gear, right? " I took out another pair of Leather wrist, hand stroking once on the wrist, abnormal soft, soft happen than God Qinlong my arm on the wrist whose properties are floating in the air, and sure enough, the final penultimate layer BOSS does not let us down - God destroy [wrist] (holy Yun filter) Category: Leather defense: 750 agility: +105 physical : +102 strength: +100 additional: improve the user 17% melee attack power added: 1500 to enhance the user maximum life value added: a 40% increase movement speed users under stealth effects: riding the wind, lifting the user 20 % movement speed requires level: 88 ...... "Oh wow ......" Lin Zhang Zhang mouth small dance: "! Assassin pro-son is also equipped with an assassin department ...... yeah," I nodded and said: "come on, ? ROLL-point or three people, " Ms Lin fast exit, he said:"? I have got Seonimgyo breastplate, it can not be greedy, and you point it guagua ROLL 87, and soon to rise to 88 equipment the ...... " so, Song Han and Moon pour shallow ROLL point, then bad luck or is the direct light poured month took 100 points off the wrist of God. I clapped her hands and said: "If the equipment the wrist, how much blood poured shallow?" March dump light blinked, smiled and said:? "Converted about property, about 7,000 blood sister do it, you are equipped with the Seonimgyo ? after the breastplate, the bar should be high blood limit, " Ms Lin pear vortex smile:" en ah, I originally had 7000 + blood, Seonimgyo breastplate also added so much, is now 9700+ blood , soon to become assassins million blood Oh ...... " Han Song speechless:" it makes me a little blood 5700 assassin feel then ah? " Lin small dance:" If I am not mistaken, it is equipped with a one Cang Hitomi beauty 5 San Yun, a square on the blood is actually normal, you coyotes one equipped also a holy Yun, a how than with others ah ...... " " Yes ah ...... "Song of a cold fist:" I will continue efforts to strive to enter the dragon will cut five assassin! " may light poured Giggles:" I heard the city Jiuli there are several top assassin looking for a new guild, maybe I can go to contact Oh, at least 6000 blood are fully sensitized assassin ...... " Han Song:" the feeling can not love guagua ...... " Ms Lin to see the last of equipment in my hand and said:" a Zhu, the last one to see what is good strange look, do not know what ...... " " ah ...... " Finally, I picked up that piece of equipment, a metal vertebral body, in my hands, touch your finger on it," click "sound, which deformed vertebra immediately extends out of a Road thorns barbs, form very dignified, faint on the Dragons, and connected to the vertebral body weight gold chopsticks around above dense with divine luster, hand Yifu, attribute appears in the air, all the little friends instantly stunned - [hook] asparagus (holy Yun filter) Category: auxiliary deputy shader force: +108 stamina: +105 spiritual surgery: +102 additional: improve the user 20% attack force effect: penetrating object, to achieve a fixed and freely scalable, targeted, wrapped around the arm, also equipped with offhand, but can not be used simultaneously requires level: 90 need Occupation: heavy armor department whole career ...... " ? dark hidden weapon ...... "Li Mu stunned:" this is what happens ...... " Ms Lin mouth evoke, shallow smiles:" read, it is an offhand, just in equipment such as Li Xiao Yao body, with cold iron swords together equipment, but it can not be used. " Han Song Tanshou, haha laughed:" I did not say that the equipment requirements 90, live as if only one brother Happy heavy armor system to reach this requirement, Wang Jian and Li Mu are still . not even close, Happy brother took it directly, or holy Yun is such a good hidden weapon is wasted. " I nodded, not hypocritical, holding asparagus hook said:" so the two brothers, which I hooked asparagus . took, I was just able to make their own lack of a sudden remote tools " Mu nodded:" ah, no problem! " so, I'll hook equipment asparagus, asparagus suddenly a golden road wound on my arm, the vertebral body armor as slowly Qinru arm among the equipment together with the cold iron sword, or share the property measurements, then, to look at this experiment asparagus hook in the end how much, looked around, it did not seem to What is the goal. Ms Lin looked up watching the egg head, slender neck is very charming, and then looked down at me naughty smile, this smile, so I kind of illusion, my eldest is not an angel, but a beautiful little devil, with I'm familiar enough already started to show after a ferocious fangs. Ms Lin default suggestion, I looked left arm, aimed at the bottom of the fifth ring road layer overhead, launch command, asparagus locking hook! "Whoosh!" Long Cone with gold sky, a direct extension of the nearly one hundred meters, "hang" sound drilled into the rock bottom among the five, and the rapid deformation jammed lock, the next moment, several command breaks in my mind, ah, onrush! "Brush!" Asparagus rapid shortened, with my body sky, instant meters off the ground, "pop" sound, my right hand holding a sword longchi already arrived in the bottom of the rock, took a deep breath, ground on six of Ms Lin et al'm about to become a small point. Far, Ms Lin with open arms, smiled and shouted: "A Zhu, you hurry down, we went to the seventh floor ah ......" My face was green, how can this go on? See asparagus hook command character, ah, release? ! "Snapped" Long Cone really let go, and I go directly from the meters fall another job, Li Mu, WANG Jian, who have hastily looked shocked: the "rub blanket, chief fell, we hurry to escape ! Do not smashed up " ,"! bang " suddenly hit on six strata, the people slide ten meters, blood out 1W +, turning the sky depressed, calm pondered loudly:" Do not ask me, I'm fine. ...... " Ms Lin flyby forward, leaning on my knees:" but Azhu, you fall flat face ...... " me:" ...... "

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