第397章 暴富纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “老爹……救……救救我……救我……我不想死……老爹……救我……救我!!” 萧狂云紧 การแปล - 第397章 暴富纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “老爹……救……救救我……救我……我不想死……老爹……救我……救我!!” 萧狂云紧 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第397章 暴富纯文字在线阅读本站域名手机同步阅读请访问 “老爹……救

第397章 暴富































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 397 richOnline reading this site domain name cell phone sync read text please visit "Daddy ... ... Save ... ... Help me ... ... Save me ... ... I don't want to die ... ... Torre ... ... Save me ... ... Save me!! ” Xiao Kuangyun held with Shaw vast days of thigh, shivering limbs already paralysed and stand up in extreme fear. As a master Xiao Zong usually enjoy everything, he is extremely afraid of death, just prior, nothing can make him feel the threat of death, only to his fears.Shaw will watch their son was scared of incontinence, purple in the face, wished he could kick his kick. But he is, after all, his own son, also is one of the most loved, however, he could not see his death at the hands of Yun Che, he took a deep breath, Xiang Yunche away: "little brother, you and a tradition of vendetta, Shaw is also clearly a tradition although made people despise scandal of the year, but ... ... Yun brothers and your family are safe and sound, but the good news is, a tradition of the mistake, a sin not unto death, also requested the brothers a lot, to dog son spared Shaw a thankful heart, there will be thick. ” "Sin not to die? "Yun Cheleng smile:" you know, why burning heavenly gate ended it? By contrast, their sins, but much more minor than this son of yours! But the results ... ... From them too the door burnt and burnt deep sorrow, and burn all your name under the disciple, begins at more than 70,000, all die without burial ground! ”Yun Che, Xiao Zong at all awesome, some uncontrolled shivering all over, even Shaw must face becomes pale ... ... His mind very clearly, when Yun Che married a few months ago, Yun Che's strength than when burning heavenly gate ended and has been greatly enhanced, with his unparalleled growth of terror, his strength is even more unfathomable ... ... Exterminate the whole Xiao Zong is enough. After all, Xiao Zong's strength and burning heavenly gate one. If he really rage, shot for the whole Xiao Zong ... ...The worst outcome, Shaw must've thought several times, finally facing debt collection of Yun Che, he is afraid to go on, he placed his body to a minimum, cried, "little brother, had a tradition of, crimes did not, Shaw a Godson, and is very ashamed. However, in your today's identity and altitude, a tradition no matter how strong the last 10 times, there is no longer any threat to you, less likely to have the guts to offend you, it comes to a tradition, I'm afraid ... ... But will stain your identity ... ... If you can mercifully let go of a tradition, Xiao Zong I must be grateful, depending on the cloud in the future little brother first, just to little brother's orders, Xiao Zong I means, must be wansibuci! ”Shaw must plead although language in Xiao Yun, but who knows, he's plead for Xiao Zong as a whole. Burning heavenly gate this precedent, Yun Che certainly possible fury and destroyed Xiao Zong to ... ... After all, Shaw had to do the next thing to be more committed than burning heavenly gate Yun Che. After all, Yun Che's two family members burned worse away, but soon rescued and unharmed. But Shaw, but Yun Che was out of the House, two of his relatives were also closed for three years. Yun Che next, Shaw will hardly believe their ears. "Well ... ... Xiao Zong said seems reasonable, if I kill your son, not only stain his hands, do nothing to, if not kill,...... "Yun Che his Chin on his hand, put on a look of thought.Shaw must hear the sound, Yun Che's words, is to Miss Shaw, Miss Xiao Zong ... ... But naturally, is going to let him get huge benefits. To the moment, Hsiao Yun's death has long been a minor, Xiao Zong's safety is the key! If you can use enough "good" stability following the death, Xiao Zong from the shadow of death, then what a great price, he can accept ... ... After all, no cost, is far more than out of several thousand on good. "As long as the little brother is willing to forego a tradition is to let I ordered Xiao Zong, in the oil pan, Xiao Zong will not hesitate! "Shaw must urgently said. "Hey, Xiao Zong serious, I am a junior, how good was ordered for me by your huge Xiao Zong in the oil pan, this son of yours, I can not kill, but......" Yun Che half-squinted: "be ye Xiao Zong, willing to spend much money to buy his life! ”Money? Shaw will slightly startled, he didn't expect, Yun Che wanted, turned out to be money. But immediately, he reflects over ... ... Yun Che but now apparently is on the way to the God Phoenix Empire, and Huang Empire has a black month, Federation of Chambers of Commerce, there are countless Sofu State cannot expect different treasures, to get these things, the most important thing is enough money! If this disaster they fight overshadowed the door being able to use money to eliminate, Shaw must naturally be overjoyed, but he cannot determine Yun Che for, could it be a Xiao Zong they can't afford the astronomical, he held his breath and very carefully: "I do not know ... ... How much it costs me Xiao Zong, to buy a tradition lives? ” Yun Che watch Shaw unique sky, slowly reached out a finger.Shaw unique sky heart lift, very carefully: "... ... Wan Zi Xuan, a coin? ” Purple black coin ... ... Yuen is one of millions of yellow coins, a pale of wind people also do not expect very poor life astronomical. Yun Cheleng smile: "your son's life, worth 10,000 purple Xuan coins? 10 million!! 10 million ... ... Purple black coin! ” "What ... the ... What!! "As a dark wind power level characters, psychological bearing capacity is by no means ordinary people and after Shaw heard this number still being surprised voice. Xiao Zong at the rear of his disciples, but was surprised by this figure to rip directly to the past.10 million ... ... Purple black coin! Qing Yuen, that is 1 billion dollars and 100 billion of yellow and black coin Ah! "How? Your response ... ... Do you feel your son's life, and is not worth the money? "Yun Che light way. Shaw must sound painful: "cloud little brother to the dog son chance for survival, Xiao Mou enough. Just 10 million purple black coin, the number ... ... My Xiao Zong little small it was...... " "You'd better not tell Xiao Zong you cannot afford. "Yun Che Yin's voice interrupted Shaw will:" If you had told me even with a thousand years millions of purple-black coin are not, it is an insult to my intelligence! Your son's life, of course, is not worth the money, then ... ... You Xiao Zong, is worth 10 million! ” Shaw must fiercely gripping the heart, breath was all of a sudden stop, forehead moment cold sweat all over.10 million purple black coin, Xiao Zong did come ... ... Xiao Zong's strength, power and influence, the annual income is a lot, but at the same time, Xiao Zong expenditure is enormous, in order to maintain strength of Xiao Zong, and huge spending every year to train people in the door, for gifted or special status of the younger generation, but also has a great investment. Under the income and expenditures, Xiao Zong balance each year, only hundreds of thousands of purple-black money, Yuen Yun Che opening is 10 million purple coin ... ... Xiao Zong in decades to save money! But for now, this astronomical Shaw must never dare to say no, not even hesitating show because Yun Che has been taking whole Xiao Zong as a threat, his glance at the foot of the Shaw, chest expansion, break, systemic veins stood out straight, almost wished he could personally tear him to pieces. He also hate too spoil the little son, let him live as a color, such as life, build ... ... Eventually rushed down the viselike to disaster.身为萧狂云的父亲,他这个宗主,也是没脸再当下去了。 “唉……”萧绝天长长一叹,道:“若是这一千万能让云小兄弟愿意和我萧宗成为朋友,那我萧宗……” “成为朋友就算了,我云澈只是一个出自流云小城的小人物,哪敢和你们堂堂萧宗做朋友。只是这恩怨,我倒是可是忘了。只要让我别再看到萧狂云这个人,我可以当一切都没发生过,包括那个我不小心杀死的……萧无义!” 云澈的最后一句话一出,所有萧宗之人神色剧变,萧绝天更是精神一凛,再也不敢多说半个字,转过身,向身后的老者传音道:“马上……不管用什么方法,在一刻钟之内,凑齐一千万紫玄币送到这里来……马上去。”老者马上点头,什么话都不敢多说,快速离去……半刻钟的时间不到,他便匆匆赶回,手中,捧着一张紫光闪闪的紫金卡,手捧千亿资产,这个经历了百年风霜的老者双手都在不住的颤抖,仿佛手中托着的是一座万钧山岳。 云澈伸出手掌,瞬间将那张紫金卡吸到了自己手掌之中,然后用意识一扫其中数额…… 里面整整一千万紫玄币……一分不少! 这对于苍风国的四大宗门来说,都是一个不折不扣的天文数字,更不要说对一个人!如果不是还面对着大片萧宗的人,云澈都要忍不住仰头狂笑起来。这笔钱,纵然在神凰帝国,也足够他尽情挥霍了。一个废物的命,让他如此收获,也实在是划算。其实他从一开始,就没想过要灭掉萧宗。虽然同样触犯了他的禁忌,但两者并不相同。萧宗这边,害他,害他爷爷和小姑妈的,只是萧狂云,他还不至于因此迁怒至整个萧宗,但焚天门不一样!掳掠他的家人,不惜一切将他置于死地,是整个宗门高层的决策!甚至不惜一次次的将他逼入忍耐的极限,他若不将之灭门,将来极有反咬的可能。倒是萧宗,再怎么样,态度还是好的,而且已被吓破了胆,绝对不敢与他作对。 云澈把紫金卡收起,然后手掌猛的推出,一声闷响,萧狂云被隔空砸飞,在半空狂喷鲜血,落地时,已是人事不省。 “云儿!”萧绝天虽然对萧狂云愤怒之极,但他毕竟是自己的亲生儿子,他快速的冲了上去,看到萧狂云已全身是血,骨头断了不知道多少根。而云澈已乘着雪凰兽腾空而起,半空传来他狂傲的声音:“放心,他死不了,只不过接下来几个月,他都要在床上度过了,而且今后,他都别想再人道!这样的狗东西,不配拥有后代!你们萧宗最好永远别让他再踏出萧宗之门,若再让我看到他的脸,你们就等着再拿更多的钱赎他的命吧!!” 雪凰兽速度极快,云澈的声音很快就消逝在耳边,萧狂云身前一晃,猛的吐出一口逆血。


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Cap 397 riches
text read online site domain synchronous read phone visit "Daddy help me ...... ...... ...... save save me ...... I want to die ...... father ...... ...... save me save me! ! " Xiao Xiao absolutely mad cloud clung day thighs, trembling limbs limp already under extreme fear of stand up. As a usual extravagance all Xiao were young master, he is undoubtedly extremely afraid of death, just before, never what makes him feel the threat of death, only someone of his fears. Xiao day absolutely watch their son was badly scared incontinence, straight gas face purple, wished he could kick him kick. But after all he is his own son, or the most loved one, anyway, he can not watch him die at the hands of cloud Che, he took a deep breath, to the cloud Che hand and said: "Cloud little brother, Your scores and interactive advertisement, Xiaomou is crystal clear, although Quanzai then do the next despised the scandal, but ...... but fortunately little brother and your cloud family are safe, Quanzai it wrong, it can be considered sin to death, Also please clouds little brother a lot of adults, for Quanzai spared Xiaomou certainly grateful heart, there must be thick newspaper " "? sin to death," says Che sneer: "You know, the burning of Tianmen Daughter Why do phase? By contrast, their sins, but all the burning surname subglottic disciples, over the door and down slightly more than seventy your son out! ...... but results from their main home burn too absolute righteousness and burning Lethal main door, and multi-port, all the Victors! " Cloud Che, let Xiao hearts of all present were awe-inspiring, and some whole body uncontrolled shaking up, even Hsiao absolutely heavenly face becomes pale ...... his mind very clear, cloud Che wedding a few months ago, when the strength of the cloud Che than to burn Tianmen Daughter Shiyou has greatly enhanced, to his horror unparalleled growth rate, now he is more deep strength must not be measurement ...... exterminate entire Xiao were fully adequate. After all, the strength and Xiao were burning days half a dozen doors. Under If he really anger, shot for the entire Shaw were then ...... this the worst result, Xiao day must have thought many times, this time finally comes face debt collection cloud Che, he is afraid to want to go, he put the figure into the lowest, pleaded:. "Cloud little brother, Quanzai it before, did not forgive the crime, Xiaomou godson no party, but also very ashamed but now with your identity and altitude, even Quanzai Strong last ten times longer, then you can not have the slightest threat, let alone have the courage to offend you again, you Quanzai shot, then I'm afraid ...... I'm afraid will dirty your identity ...... if you Today can mercifully, let Quanzai, I Xiao were certainly grateful, the future depends on respect for cloud little brother, little brother just to cloud commanded, I Xiao Zong whatever, must million dead without any hesitation! " Xiao day, although the language is absolutely Xiao Yun intercede for mad, but everyone knows that he is in for the entire Shaw were pleading. There are burning Tianmen this precedent, cloud Che is certainly possible to Xiao Zong fury gave off ...... after all, Xiao Yun had to do crazy things under, may be more than the burning of Tianmen violate cloud Che. After all, although cloud Che burned two relatives Tianmen abducted, but were rescued immediately, and unharmed. But Xiao mad cloud, it is to be out of the house cloud Che, his two relatives were also closed for three years. The cloud Che next, let Xiao day absolutely could hardly believe my ears. "Ah ...... Xiao suzerain seems very reasonable to say, if I kill your son, then not only dirty his hands, indeed, nothing at all, but if you do not kill, then ......" Yun Chol hand hold chin, put on a thinking look. Hsiao must-day fairy sound such as the smell, cloud Che's words, actually is clearly mad to let Xiao Yun, Xiao were let go ...... But naturally, is to let him get great benefits. To the moment, Xiao Yun's death has long been mad is secondary, the key is the safety of Xiao Zong! If you use enough "good" steady this death, let Xiao were out of the shadow of the death, then how great price, he can accept ...... after all, then a high price, but also far better off than in the previous million times. "As long as the cloud client was incensed over Quanzai little brother, is to let me Xiao were ordered by the next pan and Xiao were never hesitate!" Xiao said absolutely urgent day. "Hey, Xiao sovereign too serious, I am a junior, so how you were Xiao huge knife down the mountain on the pan for me, your son, I can not kill, but ......" Yun Chol half narrowed his eyes: "It depends on you Hsiao cases, willing to spend much money to buy his life! ' money? Xiao day absolutely slightly surprised a moment, he totally did not expect cloud of words between Che wanted, turned out to be money. But immediately, he reacted over ...... Che cloud now apparently is on the way to God's way of Phoenix Empire, and God has always Black Moon Empire Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, but also has many in the country can not afford to dream of the wind Cang Yi Bao, To get these things, the most important thing is to have enough money! If this were the door to let them cast off the shadow of catastrophe were able to simply use the money to eliminate, Xiao-day nature is absolutely overjoyed, but he could not determine cloud Che ask for, it will not be a case of them simply can not afford Hsiao astronomical, he held his breath, very carefully and said: "? ...... I do not know how much Shaw were to buy Quanzai life" never looked at Xiao Yun Chol day, slowly stretched out a finger. Xiao day absolutely heart suddenly lifted very carefully and said: "a mysterious purple ...... ten thousand credits?" ten thousand purple mysterious coins ...... mysterious yellow is a million dollars, a wind Cang very poor life nor people's homes dare expect astronomical. Yun Chul sneer: "? Your son's life, on the value of a mere ten thousand purple mysterious coins is ten million ten million ...... !! mysterious purple coins! " " What ...... What !! "As Cang wind overlord class character, mental capacity not ordinary people can and must Hsiao days after hearing this figure, still be scared speechless spot. Rear Xiaozong Di child, but also directly to the surprise of this number ignorant of the past. Ten million ...... still mysterious purple coins! That is billions mysterious green currency, one hundred billion coins mysterious yellow ah! ! "How? ...... You this reaction is not that your son's life, is not worth the money?" Says Che faint Road. Xiao day absolutely sound painful: "The cloud Quanzai little brother gave me the opportunity to survive, Xiaomou grateful just one of millions of mysterious purple currency, this figure ...... ego Xiao were small industry, it is ......." " You'd better not tell you萧宗承overwhelmed, "says Che Yin Cece voice interrupted day absolutely Hsiao words:." If you told me a number of doors have accumulated over thousands of years and even tens of millions of mysterious purple coins are to take no it is an insult to my intelligence! your son's life, of course, is not worth the money, then you this ...... Xiao cases, worth ten million it! " Xiao Meng's absolutely heart wrenching day, breathing is about sub-stop, instant cold sweat on his forehead throughout. A mysterious purple million dollars, were indeed do have ...... Xiao Xiao cases in strength, power, influence, income per year is an astronomical figure, but at the same time, Xiao Zong expenditure is enormous, in order to keep Xiao Zong the strength of the peak, every year it takes to develop a huge number of doors myself, for gifted or special status of the younger generation, but also to have a great investment. Wealth under the income and expenditure, balance Hsiao cases per year, and only a few hundred thousand coins mysterious purple clouds Che is an opening ten million coins ...... That was mysterious purple Xiao cases take decades before she saved ! But now, faced with the astronomical figures, Xiao day absolutely never say half a word, did not dare show it even hesitate, because the cloud Che Xiao clearly has to take the whole parcel as a threat, he saw a foot of Xiao mad Cloud , chest expansion splitting, systemic veins fly, he almost wished he could own hands to shreds. He also hated himself too spoiled little son, let him become a living, such as life addicted to color Jiunangfandai ...... final ancestry so monstrous disaster. As mad Xiao Yun's father, he of the sovereign, but also people called again when down. "Oh ......" Xiao long day absolutely Yi Tan, said: "If the ten million small brothers are willing to make the cloud and I Xiaozong Cheng as a friend, I Xiao were ......" "be friends even if I just cloud Che a little town from the clouds, and you dare not detract Shaw were friends. Just this grudge, but I'd forgotten. Just let me do not see Xiao cloud mad man, I can be everything had happened, including the one I accidentally killed ...... Xiao nonsense! " Cloud Che last sentence one, all cases of people look upheaval Xiao Xiao never mind a cold day is no longer afraid to say a word about, turned body, to behind the old man acoustic: "Now ...... regardless of the method, within a quarter of an hour, put together a million credits to the mysterious purple ...... immediately go here." The old man nodded once, what would have not say much more, quickly leave ...... less than quarter of an hour and a half, he rushed back, hands, holding a shiny purple card Zhang Ziguang, holding billions of assets, the experience of the centuries old weathered hands We are trembling, as if holding hands is a roaring mountain. Yun Chol out of hand, and instantly goes Zijin card sucked into his palm, and then swept away by consciousness which amount ...... inside full ten million coins mysterious purple ...... a lot of points! This four large doors Cang wind country, it is a fully-fledged astronomical, not to say to a man! If not also face a large Hsiao cases people should not help cloud Che upward laughter. The money, even in God Phoenix Empire, but also enough for him to enjoy squandered. Waste of a life, made ​​him so harvest, but also it is cost-effective. In fact, he From the outset, there is no thought to exterminate Xiao Zong. While also violated his taboo, but the two are not identical. Xiao Zong side, against him, causing his grandfather and aunt's small, but Xiao Yun mad, he is still not therefore anger throughout Hsiao cases, but the door is not the same as the burning of days! Looting his family, he was put to death at all, the whole high-level decision-making of these doors! Even at a time of extreme patience of his horns, if he will not be the Daughter, the future is very likely bite. Xiao touches cases, then how, attitude is still good, but had been too frightened, absolutely can not resist him. Yun Chol put Zijin card away, then shoved the palm launch thud, Xiao Yun was hit fly Taking mad, Kuangpen blood in the air, landing, it is unconscious. "The cloud!" Xiao Xiao absolutely crazy day, although cloud extremely angry, but after all he is his own son, he quickly rushed up, see Xiao mad cloud has a body of blood, broken bones do not know how many root . The cloud has been riding on snow Huang Che beast sky, the air coming from his proud voice: "Do not worry, he will not die, but the next few months, he had to be in bed, and in the future, he again even think about humanity! this dog, deserve to have offspring! You better never let Xiao Zong him to step out of the door, Xiao cases, if more let me see his face, you just wait for a chance to more money redeem his life from me !! " Snow Phoenix beast fast, cloud Che's voice soon disappeared in the ear, Xiao mad cloud body flashed before and shoved against the blood spit. "Sovereign!" Elders around quickly around us. "Call ...... I'm fine." Xiao day absolutely wipe the mouth of blood, waved, he closed his eyes, unable said: "or, at least, Xiao Zong is under warranty, I can finally sleep well ...... inorganic elders carried the cloud go . " ---------- R1058 fastest updates, no popups reading please. Chapter errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The 397th chapter rich
text reading online this domain name mobile phone reading please visit daddy

"...... Save...... Help me...... Save me...... I don't want to die...... Dad...... Save me...... Save me!!" Xiao Kuangyun clung to the vast

Xiao days thigh, trembling limbs, already in the extreme fear under the limp stand. As a usual enjoy all Xiao Zong master, he is undoubtedly the extreme fear of death, just before, never, what makes him feel death threats, others only to fear him. Xiao days at his vast
he was scared of incontinence son, straight gas blue in the face,Hate can't kick him away. But he is, after all, his own son, or the love of a, anyway, he can not helplessly looking at he died in the hands of Che Yun. He took a deep breath, Che cloud submissively path: "cloud little brother, your resentment and laudatory, Xiao Mou is crystal clear, laudatory when years although do let people despise the scandal, but... But fortunately, cloud little brothers and your family are safe and laudatory wrong, is a sin not unto death, please also cloud little brother a lot of adults, spared the laudatory, Xiao MOU will Thanksgiving in mind, there must be thick newspaper. "

"not until the crime?" Clouds with a sneer: "do you know,Why burn Tianmen daughter? By contrast, they are more than a little more than a son! But the result...... From them is the door and burning the Lord Justice and door and burning the Lord lethal, and all burned surname door disciple, manmen on seven million wells, all died without burial ground! "
cloud Che's words, let Xiao Zong presence of all the people in awe inspiring, and some systemic are uncontrolled shivered, even Xiao days must face became pale... It is clear in his mind and in a few months ago Che Yun wedding, Che Yun's strength is than the Tianmen Miemen burn and the greatly enhanced, to his horror unparalleled growth rate.Now he must have no bottom strength...... Wipe the Xiao Zong enough. After all, Xiao Zong's strength and burning Tianmen just about the same.

if he really angry, shot for the entire word Xiao zong......
the worst result, Xiao days must have thought many times, now finally in the face of debt collection and to the clouds, he is dare not think again, he put the posture into the lowest, pleaded: "cloud little brother, laudatory, indeed can not forgive sin, Xiao Mou motherhood misdirected, is also extremely ashamed. But now, with your identity and height, even on a strong tradition of ten times, could not have the slightest threat to you,It may not have the courage to offend you, your son to sell them, but...... I will corrupt your identity...... If you today will have mercy, let my son, my Xiao Zong must be grateful, depending on the future cloud little brother for honour, just to cloud the little brother's orders, I Xiao Zong Li and will die again and again. " Xiao
although the language is in the vast day for Xiao Kuangyun to intercede, but who knows, he is in the Xiao Zong. Have a burning Tianmen this precedent, clouds may have absolute fury he Xiao Zong gave out...... After all, Xiao Kuangyun had to do the next thing, to violate the clouds more than burn tianmen. After all,Two family clouds although burned Tianmen abducted, but was soon rescued, but unharmed. But Xiao Kuangyun, is to let the clouds was out of the house, two of his relatives have been closed for three years. The clouds

next words, let Xiao days will hardly believe their ears. "Well...... Xiao Zongzhu said that seems very reasonable, if I kill you this son, not only the pollution of their own hands, but also really nothing, but if you do not kill......" Clouds hand under the chin, put a pair of thinking. The vast sky like Xianyin
Xiao Wen, the word clouds, he clearly wants to miss Xiao Kuangyun,Let go of Xiao zong...... But nature, is to let him get great benefits. At this moment, Xiao Kuangyun's death is a secondary, the key is the safety of Xiao zong! If you can use the "good" of the "good" of the death, so that Xiao Zong from the shadow of death, so what a huge price, he can accept...... After all, the price of a big price, it is far better than the destruction of a good ten million times. "As long as the cloud

little brother let my son, let me Xiao Zong is daoshan, under Youguo, Xiao Zong never hesitate!" The great day is eager to say. Hey, Xiao

"you're my mother, a junior,Do you let the huge Xiao Zong for my hell on the pan, the son of you, I can not kill, but......" Clouds half closed eyes: "to see you Xiao Zong, willing to spend money to buy his life!" Money? Xiao vast day

tiny one Leng, he didn't think, clouds of words between want, it is money. But right now, he's reacting to it...... Che Yun has apparently now is going in the way to the God Phoenix Empire, and the God Phoenix empire is always heiyue chamber of Commerce, more numerous in the Cang breeze country don't have the luxury of Yibao to get these things, the most important is the enough money!

If this let them Zong Memon death cases of shadow of disaster can only spend money to eliminate, Xiao days must naturally be overjoyed. But he is not sure Che Yun to ask for, will not be astronomical figures they Xiao Zonggen the burden, he held his breath and be very careful about the way: "I do not know...... I'm Xiao Zong how much money, to buy a life?" Look at the vast clouds of Xiao

day, slowly stretched out a finger. The heart of the day of the day of the Xiao is suddenly brought up, very careful way: "a...... Ten thousand purple Xuan Yuan?"

ten thousand purple Xuan coins...... Is one hundred million of the Yellow black,
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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