“风雪巨猿受了重伤,应该无力抵抗了。这张用掉的禁咒卷轴,就先记在账上了!”聂离看了一眼叶宗,暗自心想道,叶宗又欠了他一份人情。 这些就当作聘 การแปล - “风雪巨猿受了重伤,应该无力抵抗了。这张用掉的禁咒卷轴,就先记在账上了!”聂离看了一眼叶宗,暗自心想道,叶宗又欠了他一份人情。 这些就当作聘 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด













































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"The snow was badly injured on great apes should be powerless to resist. This used the forbidden spell scrolls, first recorded in the account! "NIE look at leaves, secretly thinking road, Ye Zong also owes him a favor. As a bride price was good. Nie Li laugh has laugh, he continues to towards addition a only black gold level demon beast swept to, but this he not prepared using legend ban curse scroll has, legend ban curse scroll this things can met not seeking, total also only seven Zhang just, with off a Zhang on less a Zhang, now only left six Zhang has, yihou refers to indefinite what when also with have Shang does. Nie Li also hurts black gold-the strong, only the knife, although it is possible, but troublesome problem. Those places still in the melee, Nie Li had been hidden in the dark, for a chance to start at any time. Though the black gold dagger can break through the defense of the beasts, but the black gold beasts nor a vegetarian, his knife attack is very easy to avoid. Ye Zong here, snow was seriously injured on great apes, then there is a war, weeks condensation trails of ice thorns, glared at Ye Zong. "Beast, you're making me shining city, kill my people, even desperately, will slay you. "Ye Zong thundered a, catalytic, into a sword into a massive sword, snow ⌒ cut down on great apes. At this very moment Ye Zong, as if into a mysterious mood, this cut, gathered a comprehension of the martial arts of his life. Bossy sword cut down, Bang Bang Bang, spikes snow ape week kept breaking. Snow ape roared out a cry, want to save again. Boom! Sword cutting in snow ape body, snow whining on great apes, and fell to the ground, with blood all over the floor. See snow great apes to be thrown on the ground, Ye Zong is not sure. The raging snow ape really is dead, and quickly jumped up, fill up the snow giant ape head sword, blood is stimulated. Snow giant ape finally died out. Ye Zong breathed a sigh of relief. Looked at the fallen snow giant apes, then at the Ye Zong, Chen Hong looks complicated. He felt out, Ye Zong then slash the sword, martial arts seems to have progressed, his heart was full of resentment, such a good chance, but he didn't make it, then looking for opportunities more difficult. In particular, it seems to be hidden around a super strong. No snow the leadership of the great apes and the remaining black gold beasts suddenly seem to be some retreat. Before the attack is not as disciplined. The black gold beasts are thinking of exiting shining city, but was blocked by the shining city of strong live. Was about to leave, helping other black gold beasts, suddenly felt what Ye Zong a sword away snow giant ape head, we saw a glowing demon spirits, rose up slowly. Snow demon spirits of the great ape! Ye Zong stretched his right hand, holding in his hand. And then into the space ring. Seeing this scene, Chen Hong eyes are red. The anger in his heart not willing Ah. Want Ye Zong did not succeed does not say, is so treasured by Ye Zong got demon spirits. In this world, tens of thousands of beasts, there might be a demon beast will be able to have a demon spirit, high demon-beasts of the spirit are more difficult to find. Higher wisdom of the beast and demon, the demon spirit stronger. Thousands of beasts. There may not be a demon beast will be able to open the Euro RSCG. This is a opened a Euro RSCG black gold beasts of demon spirits! Whether Ye Zong Shen Hong's demon spirit, this snow is far great ape! Ye Zong now legendary realm, just a difference, once the integration of the snow demon spirits of the great apes, maybe can let Ye Zong crossed that threshold in one fell swoop. Directly into the realm of the legendary demon spirits Division. The legend, that is how many people dream of Ah! Chen Hong and even had a little hand from Ye Zong to wrest the snow demon spirit ideas on great apes, but he dismissed the idea, his cultivation methods are not suitable for integration on the one hand the snow demon spirits, on the other hand, I am afraid he is no match for Ye Zong, not to mention the secret and a super strong. Ye Zong once stepped into the realm of legends, that's enough headache for Chen Hong. "Congratulations, Castellan, harvested a opening Euro RSCG black gold demon spirits. "Chen Hong while depressing as hell, but still happy road. Ye Zong lightly glanced Shen Hong, he was so quick to put things away, it is worried that Chen Hong will play a crooked idea and said, "brother thanks Shen! "Although the snow demon spirits of the great apes, it may very well make him one foot into the realm of legends, but snow APE is not killed, so he has no intention of giant ape snow demon souls for themselves. If another person, Fusion snow certainly did not hesitate to grasp the demon spirit, but Ye Zong's heart is open, save himself, that he return of the snow giant ape demon spirit, nature is also taken for granted. Whoosh! Nie Li Chi yan flying out through the chest of a black and gold beasts, surrounded by several black gold strong immediately besieged by the black gold beasts killed. More and more black gold strong was liberated, they immediately went to the battlefield, also joined the fray. Soon, a a black and gold beasts were killed. After more than 10 hours, fighting in the shining city slowly calmed down. Shining city outside of those beasts, leaderless, and suffered continuous attacks, began to flee. A grade has been completely disintegrated. Looked devastated the shining city, everyone can't help but shudder, demon beast boom is really awful, but this is the loss of time, waves of every animal in the past, almost all caused at least hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, but this time, the number of deaths but thousands of people, only tens of thousands of injured. Everyone's heart, there is a surviving grateful. "Is over! ” Day night fight in a row, they finally relieved tense chord. Nie Li stood on the wall, looking out to the battlefield, where the eye can see, there are bodies of snow beasts, endless. Think past the terrible wave of beast, his heart no pleasure. It is more dignified. Thousands wave of beast created such a terrible result, that if a front of, billion-class beast recently? Nie Li the urgency more strongly, his arrival has made history of the shining city has changed, but the billion-level animal tide. I'm afraid sooner or later have to face. "Nie Li, are you okay! "After you find Nie Li, continental drift Douzet, who was mobbed, Nie Li suddenly left, they were very upset. "I'm fine! "Nie Li laughed laughed, watching them look of concern, Nie Li a little moved. Past and wrote inscriptions for so many years, but for Nie Li nerves, always able to find lonely. Would have died in the endless void. There are so many people to care for themselves, it feels so good, Nie Li will no longer allow any one person, took them from their side. "Go back and retreat penance! "NIE look at all seriously. "Well. "Douzet, who nodded, looking very serious. This wave of beast, give everyone a warning. Hear what Nie Li, continental drift was suddenly turned into a sad face. : "Say, can not count on me! Even if I don't practice. Fixes for improved very fast! ” "What do you say? "Breasts in their hands, to see a faint smile on landing blows. Continental drift was suddenly deflated. Inspired by the ruins of pedestrians, walking toward the mansion. On this, the city guards are busy, some people holding the corpse crying out loud, others are silently carried the body away. This sad spectacle. Xiao Xue, who flashed eyes can't help but tear. 到处倒塌的城墙砖瓦,令聂离不禁唏嘘感慨了一声。 前世他曾回到过光辉之城,那时的光辉之城,只剩下了断壁残垣,连尸体都见不到了。绝大部分人的尸身。都已经被妖兽吃掉了。曾经玩耍熟悉的地方,都已经变了模样,聂离在其间大哭,但是整个光辉之城只有他空荡荡的回音。 一种无边的孤寂和恐惧,将他吞没。 这一切,恍然如梦。 聂离完全没有想到,自己居然能够借着时空妖灵之书回来,令一切又都重新开始,有很多次,聂离以为这一切都是梦境,夜里做了无数次噩梦。不过周围的这些朋友,让聂离有了一丝真实的感觉。 “聂离,你怎么了?”看到聂离的神情有些异样,叶紫芸疑惑地问道。 聂离收回了目光,摇头笑了笑道:“想起了很多事!我们走吧!” 一行人在暮色中,一行去。 城主府中。 其他人都闭关苦修了,只有聂离被叶宗叫了过去。 “聂离,这一次的大战,你功不可没,我代表整个光辉之城的所有姓感谢你。”叶宗看向聂离,真诚地说道。 叶宗那认真的态,令聂离都有些不好意思的,前世从叶紫芸描述的只言片语中,聂离对叶宗的认识,一直只停留在叶宗是一个严厉的父亲的印象中,这一世接触以来,聂离发现叶宗那严厉冷漠的外表之下,有着一颗赤诚无私的心。









การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Snow was seriously injured great apes should be unable to resist. This spent Jinzhou reel, on the first record in the account it!" Nie glanced off the leaves were, secretly thinking that way, they were owed ​​leaf him a favor. These would be deemed a good dowry. Nie away smiled, he continued toward the other one black gold Wicked snatched, but this time he was not going to use the legendary scroll of Jinzhou, Jinzhou legend reel this stuff can not make the event, but also a total of only seven only, He spent a less one, now there are only six, after Zhibuding what time it is also the lingua franca. Nie also hurt the black gold from the strong level, and only the knife, and although it could be, but pushed up trouble. Those places still in the melee, Nie has been hidden away in the dark, ready to look for opportunities to start with. Although the knife can break through the black gold that Wicked's defense, but black gold Wicked is not a vegetarian, he's still very easy to escape the knife attack. Leaves were here, snow apes seriously injured, hard to have the strength to fight, the body weeks to gather up round after round of ice thorns, leaves were glaring. "Beast, you make me Shining City, kill my people, even if doing all you should be beheaded." Ye were angry Heleyisheng, pushed, turned into a huge sword in the hands of Jian Qi, towards snow apes ⌒ Zhanla down. At this moment the leaves were, as if into a mysterious mood among the cut, gathered his lifelong martial comprehend. That handed Jian Qi Zhanla, bang bang bang, snow ape body weeks stud spikes kept its breaking. Snow apes roar a cry, and then rushed to want. boom! Jian Qi chopped him in the snow, great apes, great apes whine of snow, fell to the ground, stained with blood all over the floor. See snow apes bombers lying on the floor, leaves were still not sure. This violent snow apes is not really dead, and quickly jump up, to the great ape's head on the snow fill the sword, blood lasing. Snow apes finally died thoroughly. Leaves were finally relieved. Looked down to the ground of snow apes, looked at the leaves were, Shen Hong look complicated. He felt it, and leaves were cut last swing that sword, martial trail seems to have progress, his heart full of grievances, such a good opportunity, he did not succeed, and then looking for the next opportunity even harder . In particular, this seems to have hidden around a super strong. Not the leadership of the great apes of snow, and the remaining black gold Wicked suddenly looks a little fear back. When the attack did not like that there are tricks before. Wicked those black gold have wanted to quit the city Shining, Shining City was strong who stop living. Is preparing to leave, to help solve the other black gold Wicked, suddenly felt something, leaves were cut open the snow apes sword head, I saw一枚glowing demon spirits of light, slowly rise up. Snow ape demon spirit! Leaves were stretched right hand, which was held in the hands. Then incorporated into the space ring being. Seeing this, Shen Hong eyes are red. The anger in his heart unwilling to ah. Ye were not successful does not want to say, actually leaves were got so cherished demon spirit. In this world, among the tens of thousands of Wicked, so it may have an evil demon spirit can produce higher-order Wicked demon spirits are more difficult to find. Meanwhile Wicked Wisdom, the more powerful demon spirit. Wicked among ten million. There may not be able to open so a Wicked Euro RSCG. This is a turn of the Euro RSCG's black gold Wicked demon spirit! Whether or Shen Hong Ye cases of demon spirits, are far less than the great apes only snow! Leaves were now from the realm of legend, only a thin line of difference only, once the integration of the snow apes demon spirit, maybe to let the leaves were crossed that threshold in one fell swoop. Directly into the realm of the legendary demon spirits division. Legend, that is how many people dream realm ah! Shen Hong and even a trace of hands to snatch from the hands of the leaves were snow ape demon spirit of the idea, but he gave up the idea, on the one hand he was practicing the exercises are not suitable for system integration snow demon spirits, on the other hand He is probably not the leaves were rivals, not to mention there is a super-strong secret. Ye were once into the realm of legend, that's enough of a headache Shen Hong. "Congratulations Santo adults, the harvest of an open Euro RSCG's black gold demon spirit." Shen Hong though depressed to death, but still congratulate Road. Ye Zong Shen Hong glanced dismissively that he had been so quick to put things away, it is worried about what will hit Shen Hong evil idea, said: "! That thank Shen brother of the" great apes although snow demon spirit, Indeed it may be able to let his foot into the realm of legend, but apes snow after all, not a homicide, so he does not intend to snow apes of demon spirits themselves. If you do change another person, certainly not hesitate to fusion snow demon spirit of the great apes, but the leaves were the heart is magnanimous, both attempt to save himself, he returned to the great apes snow demon spirit, nature is as it should. Whoosh! Chi Yan Flying Nie shot away, ripped through a black gold Wicked chest, surrounded by several black gold siege of the strong level immediately kill the Wicked bird black gold. More and more black gold strong level was freed, they immediately went to another battlefield, also joined the fray. Soon, one and a black gold Wicked be killed. After more than ten an hour, the fighting inside the city Shining slowly subsided. Those outside the city Wicked Shining, rudderless, and suffered continuous attacks, began to flee. A ten thousand, and finally he was completely collapsed. Shining looked devastated city, everyone can not help but shudder, Wicked beast tide is really terrible, but this is minimal loss of time, and in the past every beast tide, almost all killed at least hundreds of thousands of casualties, This time, however, the number of deaths of thousands of people, tens of thousands of injured and only just. Everyone's heart, there is a surviving lucky. "End it!" continuous day-night of fierce battle, they finally tighten the heartstrings relaxed. Nie from standing on the walls, looked out on the battlefield, where the eye can see, snow Wicked corpses everywhere, stretching endless. Past remembered the terrible beast tide, his heart no pleasure. But it is more dignified. A ten thousand beast tide yet it caused such a terrible result, to time with the past that if the same, one hundred million of the beast tide it? Nie centrifugation more intense sense of urgency, his arrival has made ​​the glorious history of the city has changed, but one hundred million beast tide. I am afraid that sooner or later have to face. "Nie away, are you okay!" We found after Nie away, Miss D'Souza, who have floating around us, Nie away suddenly left, makes them very uneasy. "I'm fine!" Nie away smiled and said, looking at their concerns eyes, can not help but move away Nie. Traces of the past so many years, but for a large section of nerve from Nie, always able to find their own fun loneliness. Probably already died in the endless emptiness. There are so many people care about themselves, this feels so good, Nie away will not allow any one person, put them from his side took. "Go back retreat penance!" Nie from the crowd watching, seriously authentic. "Ah." D'Souza, who nodded his head, and looked exceptionally seriously. The beast tide, gave everyone a wake-up call. Nie hear from, then suddenly turned into a floating Kugua Lian Lu. Said: "!.! Saying, ah can not but count me even if I do not practice the repair is also very Kuaia upgrade" "you say," Shuangshoubaoxiong, faint smile to see the landing float?. Lu floating suddenly deflated. Inspired by the ruins of a pedestrian, towards Santo direction. This, the city guards are busy, some people holding the corpse crying out loud, others are quietly carried the corpse to leave. This sad scene. That Xiao Xue, who could not help the tears in the eyes flashed. Brick walls collapsed everywhere, so Nie feeling a cry from help but sigh. He has been back past glory of the city, when the glory of the city, leaving only ruins, their bodies see the. Most people's corpse. Wicked have been eaten. Once familiar place to play, have changed appearance, Nie from crying in the meantime, but the city only his entire Shining empty echo. One kind of endless loneliness and fear, will engulf him. All this, suddenly a dream. Nie from totally did not expect that he was able to come back time and space through the book demon spirits, so all they have to start again, a lot of times, Nie away thinking it was all a dream, a nightmare at night to do countless times. But around these friends, let Nie away with a trace of true feelings. "Nie away, how do you?" To see the look from some strange Nie, Ye Ziyun asked, puzzled. Nie recovered from her eyes, shook his head and smiled and said: "Think a lot of things we go!!" a pedestrian in the twilight, and his party to go. Santo Fuchu. Others are retreat penance, only Nie Ye were called off by the past. "Nie away, this time the war, you contributed, on behalf of all the glorious name of the whole city to thank you." Ye were off to see the NIE, truthfully Road. Leaves were that serious state, so Nie from all embarrassed, a few words from叶紫芸described past Nie from leaf were understanding, has been stuck in the leaves were just a strict father the impression that contact with the world Since, Nie from under the leaves were found that severe cold exterior, with a sincere and selfless heart. Nie from leaf parcel has been greatly improved, of course, some matters of principle, still will not budge from the NIE. Because after rebirth, Nie from clear know what they seek is. "Father of the Bride, are their own side, do not be so polite, and this is what I should be doing within the parts." Nie from smiled. Nie from this little, or so due to the flat, but after a period of time to get along, although Nie from the mouth of a little less, he slowly from this little love Nie, Nie has been put off as their own child-like view of the . Nie leaves were involuntarily put off and put them together leaves cold leaves cold this person unsociable, Ayutthaya deep, never know leaf cold heart in mind, always people there is a faint alert. The NIE away, although always do some things do not fly, but faint in retrospect, everything is a measured step, but also has a deep shrewdness, very casual and is, at least you can feel Nie from doing a lot of things, are well-intentioned. Leaves were cold with the leaves, as part of the first people, due to the similarity of character, so the leaves were beginning to appreciate the leaves relatively cold, but after the NIE appeared from the leaves were found, he appreciated Nie from the character, much too enjoy It leaves a cold. Exactly what change occurs, the leaves were not very clear. Nie from beginning to call him father, he was very well done, I can not wait to leave violent Nie flat meal, but so cried cried, even the leaves were also listen, do not know when he has accepted this title, nothing disgusted. Perhaps Nie away from the start is so calculating, hear more, they become accustomed to. "Anyway, this thing, you are a hero, we all have in mind." Ye Zong said, in addition to his outside, Shining City is now the master of the house for each family, but also all know Nie from credit, Such a big thing, definitely not to say a few words of praise on it, he is Santo, reward and punishment must be done. But he did not know what to reward Nie away. "Yes, Father of the Bride, what kinds of pharmaceutical formulations, so it can not be exposed, and if darkness guild know ......" (To be continued ..)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Snow ape was seriously injured, should be unable to resist the. This is the use of the banned curse scrolls, on the first recorded in the accounts!" The NIE is away from the eyes of a leaf, thought to himself, and the leaf was in his debt. These as a good dowry


Nie from smiled, he continued toward the also a black - bewitching monster grazing. On this occasion, however, he was not prepared to use the legendary forbidden spell scroll, the legendary forbidden spell scrolls this thing can not be met for, a total of only seven Zhang just, spent a little a, now only six piece, the later does not decide when to have it. Nie can hurt black

from the strong level, only the knife,Although you can also, but pushed up trouble. Those places are still in the melee

, from Nie has been hidden in the shadows, always look for opportunities to start. Although the knife can break through the defense of black - bewitching monster, but black - bewitching monster is not a vegetarian, his knife attack is likely to be avoided.

Ye Zong here, snow ape by the injured, and difficult battle force, body week to gather up the road ice thorn, glaring at the leaves. You make me

"beast, shining city, kill my people, even to try to kill you, too." In a voice of thunder pushed the leaf, the hands of the sword, turned into a huge sword,The snow - zhanla down toward the great apes.

at the leaf at the moment cases, as if into a kind of exquisite artistic conception which, the cut, gathered his lifelong Budo insight.

overbearing zhanla sword, bang bang bang, the snow around the root of Gigantopithecus constantly broken spines.

snow roar Gigantopithecus, want to jump.

h! The sword beheaded in the snow

Gigantopithecus body, snow ape wail, fell to the ground, fresh blood on the ground. See the snow is the great ape

on the ground, leaves were still not sure. The raging storm Gigantopithecus Is it right? Really dead, quickly jump up,To head up the snow ape sword, blood lasing. Snow ape finally dead.

Ye Zong breathed a sigh of relief.

looked down on the ground snow Gigantopithecus, looked at the leaves, Shen Hong looked complex. He felt it, leaves a final wave the sword cut, Wu Dao seems to have the progress, his heart full of resentment, such a good opportunity, but he did not succeed, then want to find opportunity is more difficult. In particular, there seems to be a super strong. No snow

Gigantopithecus leadership, the black level monster suddenly seemed a little fear.When the attack did not like before the order. The wicked have black level want to quit the shining city, but the strong men of the city of light block.

is preparing to leave, to help solve other black - bewitching monster, suddenly felt something, Zong leaf sword cut open the snow ape head. I saw a gold with a light for, slowly rise up. This snow ape!

Ye Zong and his right hand, hold them in the hands of. Then put it in the space ring.

to see this scene, Shen Hong eyes are red. He felt the anger unwilling ah. You want to have no success,That was Ye Zong got so cherish this.

in the world, tens of thousands of bewitching monster, it may then a bewitching monster can produce for, high-end wicked for more difficult to find. At the same time the wicked wisdom is high, this is more powerful. Among the thousands of demons. It is not only a monster to open the euro. This is a

just opened a smart black level this monster! Whether in leaves or Shen Hong

this, are far less than the snow ape! Ye Zong now from the legendary state, only a marginal difference only, once the integration of the great apes this snow,Maybe you can let the leaves over the threshold in one fell swoop. This division of the state directly into the legend.

legend, that is how many people dream of the realm!

Shen Hong produces so little hands grab snow big apes might for after the idea from the leaves of the Pope to hand, but he was dismissed the idea, on the one hand, his self-discipline achievement method is not suitable for the snow system for fusion, on the other hand. I'm afraid he isn't leaf ancestor's opponent, not to mention secretly and a super strong. Ye Zong

once into the legendary state, that's enough headache Shen Hong. Congratulations to the Lord, "

a harvest only to open the soul of this black level."Although Shen Hong was depressed, but still on road.

Ye Zong the subtle glanced Shen Hong, why he so soon put things close up, it is worry about Shen Hong will play what slanting idea, way: "thank you brother Shen!" Although snow ape for and indeed likely to can let his foot to step into the realm of legend, but snow Gigantopithecus, after all, is not a homicide, so he does not intend to glom on to snow ape for.

if change to another person, certainly not hesitate to fusion snow big apes might for after the, but leaf ancestor's heart is magnanimous, shot saved himself, he returned to snow big apes might for after all.Natural and should be.


Nie from our shots fly, pierced the a black - bewitching monster's chest and around the siege several gold class strong immediately killed by the black - bewitching monster. More and more black

strong level were freed, they immediately went to another battlefield, also joined the fray. Very soon, a black level monster. After 10

hour, shining city inside the battle slowly calm down. The wicked, outside the city of light. After the encounter no leader in, continuous attacks, began to flee. A million level,
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