第318章 击杀焚莫离 云澈对焚莫离劈出的火龙完全视而不见,龙阙长驱直入,空气迅速被恐怖的重剑力量冲开,形成了一片真空,也将近身的火龙全部冲 การแปล - 第318章 击杀焚莫离 云澈对焚莫离劈出的火龙完全视而不见,龙阙长驱直入,空气迅速被恐怖的重剑力量冲开,形成了一片真空,也将近身的火龙全部冲 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第318章 击杀焚莫离 云澈对焚莫离劈出的火龙完全视而不见,龙阙长驱直

第318章 击杀焚莫离































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
第318章 击杀焚莫离 云澈对焚莫离劈出的火龙完全视而不见,龙阙长驱直入,空气迅速被恐怖的重剑力量冲开,形成了一片真空,也将近身的火龙全部冲灭。 焚莫离顿时勃然变色,他怎么也没想到,此时的云澈竟然强大到只凭剑势便将他的焚天之炎压制到熄灭,前方的剑势,也让他终于明白为什么焚莫然和焚断沧都是被云澈一剑毙命,连重伤的机会都没有。他面容扭曲,再也来不及迎面攻击,拼出全力在身前铸起一道火焰屏障。 砰!!火焰屏障瞬间破碎,但也堪堪阻挡了云澈的攻击,焚莫离惨呼一声倒飞出去,内腑一阵翻山倒海。云澈根本不给他任何喘息的机会,龙阙一挥,三道凤凰破伴随着龙吟凤鸣呼啸飞出,在焚莫离放大的瞳眸中全部轰击在了他倒飞中的身体上。 轰轰轰! 三团凤凰炎在焚莫离的胸口炸开,也在他的胸前印下三个巴掌大的血洞,鲜血涔涔流下,几见内脏。焚莫离捂着伤口,连退十几步,脸上时而苍白,时而赤红……他想过以云澈之前所展露的恐怖实力,或许已足以压制自己,但没想到竟然能压制到这种程度。才不到十息的时间,他已被伤的如此凄惨,而自己,就连反击的机会都没有。 焚天门的其他三人脸上更是没有了一丝的血色……他们焚天门威震天下,万众仰望的大长老,竟然两个照面就身受重创。 “呸!”焚莫离用力的吐出一口鲜血,脸上布满了狰狞,他的愤怒、惊惧、震惊、耻辱,在这一刻全部化作了切骨的怨恨和杀念:“云澈!这是你逼我的……看我把你……撕成……碎片!!” 噗!!!! 近乎癫狂的咆哮声中,焚莫离再次大口一张,喷出大口的血雾……但这一次,他喷出的不再是鲜血,而是……他的精血!焚莫离手中焚天刀当空一挥,让喷出的精血全部淋在刀身之上。一声暴吼,霎时,他的身体忽然爆发出一团足有数十丈之高的紫色火柱,一股沉闷而灼热的气场瞬间笼罩了周围百丈空间。 焚天门的三人齐齐眼睛瞪大,全身僵硬……因为焚莫离竟不惜自损大量精血,来发动焚天门的禁技“焚天之龙”!如果不是他被压制到了根本看不到希望的地步,他绝不可能做出这样的选择。精血损伤,几乎不可能恢复,而之后,焚莫离的玄力也必然大跌,说不定将就此阔别半步王玄,回到天玄境十级……而这辈子,都或许再无回到半步王玄的可能。 他们现在只能祈祷,焚莫离这透支生命和未来的绝境一击,能将云澈彻底的轰杀。 “死吧!!”焚莫离的脸色狰狞可怖,再加上他血肉淋漓的前胸,简直就如从地狱血海中爬出来的恶鬼。他嘶声叫喊,双爪骤然释放,一条足有一丈之粗的紫色炎龙呼啸飞出,直冲云澈。 焚天之龙,云澈不是第一次面对。排位战上,和焚绝壁的交手,他也是在癫狂之下不惜自损精血来发动这一招。但这一招从焚莫离手中释放,与焚绝壁又岂可同日而语。 当初焚绝壁的这一招,他虽然接下,但接的也稍有凶险,而此刻,面对是胜过那时百倍威力的焚天炎龙……云澈却连避让的姿态都没有,面色沉寂,就这么冷冷的看着巨大的紫色炎龙临近,就在炎龙距离自己还有不到半丈距离时,他的龙阙才骤然轰出,就这么直接砸在了炎龙之上。“陨月沉星!!” 云澈的动作,让焚莫离喜出望外,几乎已看到了下一秒云澈被瞬间爆开的焚天之炎完全吞没……但,云澈的这一剑,蕴含的不仅仅是排山倒海般的冲击力,还有对火系能量无与伦比的控制力,龙阙砸在焚天之龙的那一刹那,焚天之龙却没有就此爆开,而是在一声沉闷的响动中忽然改变方向,飞向了一直处在云澈右方的两个焚天门长老。 灼眼的紫芒,映照出了两人绝望到极点的面孔。 轰!!! 焚天之龙轰然炸开,一道火舌冲天而起,直窜起数百丈之外,将天空的一朵残云都快速蒸干,周围百丈的土地,更是化作了一片紫色的火焰海洋,其中的一切,都被无情的焚烧着,就连地面,都在焚烧中缓慢下陷。 这是超越焚莫离极限,透支着他的生命和潜力的禁忌一击,威力恐怖无比,就算是天玄境后期的强者,被正面轰中也会瞬间毙命,更何况那两个天玄境前期的焚天门长老,他们连一丝哀嚎都来不及发出,就被紫色火海吞噬,然后转眼之间化作灰烬。 耗费巨大代价的一击,却没有伤到云澈一根头发,反而轰死了自己的两个同门,焚莫离感觉如同有一个炸弹在脑子里炸开,身体冷的仿若置身冰窟。云澈一个闪身冲向了他,他却毫无反应,似乎精神已完全崩溃。 砰!! 龙阙重重的砸在了焚莫离的胸口,一声巨响,强横的力量疯狂的涌入他的体内,将他的五脏六腑和浑身经脉都摧毁成了碎片,焚莫离“哇”的吐出一口鲜血,落在了几十丈之外的地面上,再也无法站起。 云澈不紧不慢的走过去,居高临下的看着这个当初自己只能仰望的焚天门大长老。焚莫离全身痛苦的抽搐着,双目圆瞪,死死的盯着云澈,喉咙里,却已发不出一丝的声音。开始涣散的双目之中,闪过着浓重的绝望之色。 “焚老狗,我说过,我终有一天,会亲手取了你的狗命!”云澈冷冷的道:“如果不是有他人出手,我两次险些死在你的手上,我的命,可比你的狗命要贵重百万倍!让你用一条命来还,实在太便宜你了!云澈声音一落,龙阙忽然坠下,贯穿了焚莫离的喉咙,焚莫离全身僵挺,外凸的双目涣散出最后的绝望色彩,然后身体一顿,再无声息,死不瞑目。 龙阙拔出,剑身之上点血未沾。看着焚莫离的尸体,云澈的眼眸中不断闪动着异样……在苍风帝国,地玄境可为宗师,天玄境可名震天下,几乎每一个天玄强者的陨落,在苍风帝国的玄界都会引发不同程度的轰动,而今天,不到一刻钟的时间里,他以手中龙阙陨灭了整整六个天玄强者!而这其中,还有两个天玄后期,一个半步王玄! 在排位战时,这样的阶层,对他而言还是望尘莫及的超然存在,而仅仅过去了不过两年的时间,天玄境,甚至半步王玄,都被他轻易的斩杀。如此短的时间跨度,他的实力,已从年轻一辈的层面,跨越到了苍风帝国真正的巅峰层次。 太古苍龙告诉他,在融合龙神之髓和龙神之魂后,他的实力得到了升华,那时,他并无太大的感觉,此时他才明白那是何等程度的升华。 甚至,他连玄罡、连龙魂领域都没有使用过。 转过身来,目光落在了最后一个人的身上,而那个焚天门的长老不知何时已瘫坐在地,在云澈目光落到他身上时,他全身一个激灵,口中发出一声怪叫,连滚带爬的遁逃而去,如同一只被吓破了胆的狗……逃跑的时候,居然连玄渡虚空都忘记了怎么用。焚天门的长老级人物一生养尊处优,受人膜拜,骨子里自然大都是怕死之人。云澈嘲讽的一笑,身体一晃,星神碎影连续发动,十几息后便追到了那人的身后,一剑轰出,下方的地面顿时倾覆,将他狠狠的震翻在地。







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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chapter 318 burning kill Mo
Mo Yun Chol of burning flames Pichu completely blind, Long Que march, air forces quickly rushed to open terror epee, forming a vacuum, it will close all of the red dragon off . Mo from burning suddenly excitedly color, how he did not think, at this time the cloud Che even strong enough to put just by Jian Shi Yan suppress his days to extinguish burning in front of Jian Shi, let him finally understand why burning Mo natural and burning off Cang are Chul sword killed by clouds, chance are not even seriously injured. His face twisted, never too late to face attack, spell out the full cast plays in front of a flame barrier. Bang! ! Instant flame barrier broken, but also Kankan blocking the cloud Che attack, burning Mo Canhu inverted out soon, while neifu crosses down the sea. Cloud Che did not give him any respite, Long Que wave, accompanied by three break Dragons Fengming Phoenix flying whistling in the burning Mo enlarge Tongmou bombardment of all on his body upside down in . Honghong! Phoenix inflammation in three groups burning Mo's chest exploded, also in his chest printed under three palm blood hole, blood oozes shed, a few see the internal organs. Mo from burning clutching his wound, Annealing dozen paces, his face pale and sometimes, sometimes crimson ...... He thought to expose before the terror cloud Che strength, perhaps sufficient to suppress myself, but I did not expect to actually be able to suppress this degree. Only less than 10 interest of time, he has been hurt so miserable, and myself, we are not even the opportunity to counterattack. The other three face burn days the door is not a hint of color ...... they burn Tianmen Megatron world, millions of people look up to the great elders, even the two face to face sustained heavy losses. "Bah!" Burning Mo from the force of spit blood, his face covered with a hideous, his anger, horror, shock, humiliation, at this moment all turned into resentment and kill osteotomy read: "Cloud Che! This is you forced me ...... I see you ...... ...... torn pieces !! " Poof! ! ! ! Almost frantic roar, burning Mo again a big mouth, big mouth ejection Xue Wu ...... but this time, he is no longer ejected blood, but ...... his essence and blood! Mo from burning hands burning days when the air waved the knife, make fine blood sprayed all over the blade leaching. Puhou soon, instant, his body suddenly broke out a few feet of a group of purple feet high pillar of fire, an dull and burning of the gas field and instantly enveloped the surrounding Baizhang space. Burning Tianmen trio shouted eyes widened, because the burning of body stiffness ...... Mo actually at a lot of fine from the loss of blood, to launch the day the door of the burning ban technology "burn days of the Dragon"! If not, he was pressed to not see the point of hope that he could never make that choice. And blood damage, almost impossible to recover, but after, the mysterious forces are bound to burn Mo crash, maybe half a step away from Wang Xuan will thus return to Tianxuan territory ten ...... but in this life, are perhaps no return Wang Xuan possible to half-step. They can only pray now, the burning of Mo from this overdraft life and future impasse blow, able to cloud Che thorough bombers kill. "Go die !!" Mo from burning face grim horror, coupled with his flesh and blood dripping chest, just as crawl out from the sea of blood in hell evil. He hissed cry, claw suddenly released, one foot ten feet thick purple Yan Lung whistling fly, straight cloud Che. Long days of burning, cloud Che was not the first to face. Qualifying battle, and burning cliffs fight, he is also under the madness at since the loss of energy and blood to launch this trick. But this move is released from the burning of Mo from the hands, and the burning of cliffs and how can the same language. This trick had burning cliffs, although he took, but then also a little dangerous, but at the moment, when the face is better than a hundred times the power of cloud burning days Che Yan Lung ...... not even avoid posture are not, looking quiet, so cold look at the huge purple dragon near Yan, Yan Long distance just when he still has not Banzhang distance, he was suddenly blasted Long Que, so a direct hit in the inflammation of the Dragon on. "Meteorite star Shen month !!" cloud Che action, so that the burning of Mo from overjoyed, almost saw the next second cloud Che Yan was instantly burst open burning days completely engulfed ...... But this sword Yun Chol, contains not only a devastating impact, as well as to the fire department of energy unmatched control, Long Que hit the dragon burning days of the moment, the burning dragon days but not this burst open, but in a dull ring suddenly change direction, into the cloud Che has been in the right two burning Tianmen elders. Shakugan Reed Flower, reflects the desperation of the two extreme faces. boom! ! ! Long burning days of crashing explode, a flame soaring into the sky, dart from several Baizhang outside, the sky flower Canyun are quickly evaporated, Baizhang surrounding land, it is turned into a purple flame ocean which all have been burned with ruthless, even ground, it is slowly sinking in incineration. This is beyond the limits of Mo from burning, overdraft his life and potential contraindications blow lances incomparable, even throughout the late Tianxuan strong, be positive boom in will instantly killed, not to mention the two Tianxuan burning throughout the early days of the door elders, they have no time to issue even a trace of crying, it was engulfed in purple flames, then turned into ashes in a moment. Costly expense of a strike, but no injury to the cloud Che a hair, but his two bombers died with the door, burning Mo from feeling like a bomb exploded in the mind, body cold, like exposure through the ice. Yun Chol a sideways toward him, but he did not respond, it seems that the spirit has completely collapsed. Bang! ! Long Que heavy hit in the chest burning Mo, bang, tyrannical power crazy influx of his body, his internal organs and the whole body meridians are destroyed into pieces, burning Mo from "wow" spit a blood, fell to the ground a few feet outside, he can no longer stand up. Yun Chol leisurely walk, condescending looked at the original can only look up to their own burning days Gate elders. Mo from painful burning body twitching, eyes Yuan Deng, keeping a close eye cloud Che, throat, they are unable to pronounce the slightest sound. Start being lax eyes flashed with strong color of despair. "Burning old dog, I said, one day I will personally take your pathetic life!" Says Che coldly: "If it is not there someone else shot, I almost died twice in your hands, I life, precious than your pathetic life to a million times! let you use a life to also, too cheap to you! cloud Che sound of a fall, Long Que suddenly falling throughout the Mo from burning throat, burning Mo from the body very stiff, convex eyes lax a final desperate color, then the body meal, no sound, wasted step. Long Que pulled out some blood on the blade did not stick. Mo from watching the burning of corpses, Cloud Che eyes constantly flashing with strange ...... Cang wind Empire, to the mysterious territory for master, Tianxuan territory can shake the world, almost every Tianxuan strong fall in Cang wind Empire genkai will lead to different degrees of sensation, and today, less than a quarter of an hour's time, his hands fall from the sky for a whole six dragon Que Tianxuan strong! And this one, there are two Tianxuan late, a half-step king Hyun! qualifying wartime, this class is for him to catch the transcendental presence, but only two years later, however, Tianxuan territory, even half a step Wang Xuan, have been beheaded him easily. such a short time span, and his strength, from the younger generation level, cross over to the dark green wind Empire the real peak level. Swire dragon told him, after the fusion of soul and marrow Dragon Dragon, he's got strength sublimation, then, he is not much feeling when he realized that is how the degree of sublimation. Indeed, he even mysterious gang, even the Dragon Soul fields are not used. turned, his eyes fell When the last person's body, and that the elders do not know when the burning days of the door has slumped in the cloud Che eyes fell on him, his body a Ji Ling, mouth uttered a shriek, stumbled seeing them away, like a frightened dog was ...... escape when, not even mysterious crossing the void have forgotten how to use. burning Tianmen elders level figures pampered life, the subject of worship, are scared to death of large bones naturally People Cloud Che mocking smile, the body flash, star god broken shadow consecutive start, after more than a dozen interest behind the man's catch, sword blasted, capsized suddenly the ground below, his fiercely turned in shock . The man heard the roar of despair, but soon, he was surprised to find himself actually did not hurt, he rolled over, slumped on the ground, trembling hand look at the clouds Che Long Que, her muscles fear substantial huddle: "less and less ...... ...... Shaoxia mercy! I Shaoxia ...... No ...... no injustice Wu Chou ...... ...... ...... I'm just following orders Shaoxia spare, spare me a stabbed ...... I will definitely return next grateful ...... ...... ...... Shaoxia mercy mercy ...... ! "Hey," says Che chin in his hand, smiling at him:. "? are you so afraid to do, if scared the pants of urine, can be more unsightly What is your name," Jian Jian before Henla see cloud Che did not actually start work immediately, also chatted with him from the days, his heart kindled a glimmer of hope, Huang Budie said: "In the next ...... burn off the sea, it is ...... is burning days door to inflammation Court Gezhu ......" "Oh, burning off the sea, the name, is really very domineering, ah, unfortunately, but had such a pair of cheap sex." Cloud Che's face clouded over: "Do not worry, I will not kill you today, even hurt It will not hurt you, will make you safe and sound back burning Tianmen ...... " burn off the sea's face ecstasy of color, almost could not believe my ears. "After you go back and tell you the main door of the burning Lethal, your life, is left to burn my face and the last day the door room! Brahman precipice indeed died because of me, but it is a city he never wanted to stab and burn I earlier! and burning the city must do, is to blame! You come out of the seven dead, including your big elders, but also to kill me first, all deserve to die! If you burn days door to quit, do not then come to my trouble, I can when everything had happened, and never will again go to the door of the burning days you trouble. And if you dare mess with me ...... I do not mind letting the whole burning day the door, become my crush ! The stepping stone " to burn off the sea dare not promise, such as small Jizhuo Mi nodded: "yes, yes, you these words, I guarantee that the word does not leak to the word does not guarantee the main door ...... leak ...... thank ...... thank the grace not to kill Shaoxia ...... " "I am not afraid of you burning days door, and you do not mind a more complete burning of Tianmen became completely dead enemies, but I have recently trifle too much, I do not want to waste energy to ignore some of the indifferent flies! I wish you the main door there is a group of Presbyterians who still have brains ...... roll bar !! " burn off the sea dare not say a word, he hurried to climb since, with this almost embarrassed to retrieve life flee to, and soon disappeared in a cloud of Che's eyes. 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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Chapter 318 kill burn Mo from
clouds to burn Mo from split the fire completely blind, que Long March, the air was quickly terrorist sword power flushes, formed a piece of vacuum, will also be melee dragon all the red death.

burn Mo from suddenly agitatedly change color, he how also have never thought, this time the cloud Che unexpectedly strong to sword power just by the inflammation of his Fantian repression to extinguish, ahead of sword power, also let him finally understand why burn Mo however and burn off Cang is cloud Che sword killed, even injured machine will not have. His face is distorted, and then it is not too late to attack, spell out all the way to cast a flame barrier. Bang!!
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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