可怕的兽吼,宛如滚滚雷霆一般,震得光辉之城的城墙微微颤抖,粉尘扑簌簌地掉下来。(..) 看到这一望无际的兽潮,陆飘、杜泽等人都是脸色微微发白 การแปล - 可怕的兽吼,宛如滚滚雷霆一般,震得光辉之城的城墙微微颤抖,粉尘扑簌簌地掉下来。(..) 看到这一望无际的兽潮,陆飘、杜泽等人都是脸色微微发白 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด






































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Terrible roar of the beast, like rolling thunder, shook the walls of the shining city trembled, dust streaming fall off. (.. ) See the endless wave of beast, continental drift, Douzet, who all looked slightly whitish. "My mother's, so much snow beasts, it is dead, and I didn't want to be the snow beasts of shit! "Continental drift cry," God, have pity on me, I am still a Virgin! ” "For nothing! "Xiao Xue kick butt in the continental drift," Blizzard beasts climbed up the wall, I'll kill their stew! ” Douzet on Xiao Xue Shu the thumb, even Xiao Xue is afraid of a woman, they do these men, how would flinch? Continental drift on the mouth even though it was said, but still stay on the wall, he sometimes is the mouth under a point, but the character is, or past lives to die would be less generous without hesitation. Xiaoning and assists Yun stood behind the NIE, did not speak. Assists Yun Ye Zong looks at a distance, as the Duke's daughter, she will naturally not less favourably than other people, in the face of animal tide, she absolutely will not back down, this is the dignity of the snow family! Shining city, guarded by them! Xiaoning was staring back as Nie Li, when in the prison world, she has experienced death, have all faded. If boomers really can destroy the shining city of the beast, then, let her and Nie Li died together. Nie Li in the distance, the forefront of Blizzard beasts, has entered for the first line of Defense, after first downs of sloping lands, tide has speed to slow the March of the beast. A bunch of snow beasts quickly ran across the slope, the front into a bumpy place. When those storm beasts the ground, stepping on the pit, suddenly kicked up a lot of liquid. The liquid touches the snow beasts of fur, pop sound, there have been spontaneous, instant film is formed of fire, who rushed to the front of the snow beasts. Screams in the flames, the fire spread, instantly engulfed at least thousands of snow beasts. Blizzard beasts fear most, is the flame. But the fire cannot burn snow-beasts. Nie Li, in places where potholes perfusion, have red oil, the Red oil added phosphate stones and other objects, a touch of fur will burn, and burning the blazing level. Ordinary degrees of cold simply can't put out. Animal tide road, snow-beasts in front of a mobile, being behind the snow beasts against burst into flames, and make more vigorous fire. After a while, snow beasts the corpses pile up, forming a huge flaming. Just moment, will kill thousands of beasts! In this scene, everyone was shocked, no one could think of, those depressions inside the liquid. That has such a terrible power, blocked all of a sudden Blizzard beasts attack. Ye Zong, Ye Xiu, who at this time is also slightly daileng for a few seconds, then showed a few minutes up, do not know NIE configurations, what exactly is liquid, but it is absolutely killing beasts weapon! "The NIE is this kid is really something, just that one, will save us a lot of effort! "Ye Xiu excited. Ye Zong also showed some appreciation of color in the eyes, NIE did a good job. Chen Hong was surly. He completely unexpectedly, waves of attack of the beast was blocked. "Look over there! "A city guard rush cried. They looked into the distance, saw boom stalled in the first shock of the beast after quickly split into two. Bypassing the flames toward the impact on both sides. "No, in this case, Monster boomers will impact toward the East and West of the city, on both sides of the wall guards is weak. "Ye Zong face a slight change. At this time, only two front end combustion flame arrow, draw two parabolas in the dark. Falls on the next two deep ditches, transient time, two dragon has been toward a distant spread, forming two fiery wall of full up to five or six metres, stretches for thousands of meters. Blizzard beasts hit too fast, can't stop, crossed the wall, immediately sent a shrill scream, they all burned up, scramble out of dozens of meters, final body blackened and fell to the ground. A snow-beasts only because a mobile into a wall, and after a while there are thousands of snow beasts, died in the flames. Under these snow-beasts only wall driving and continued toward the shining city of the south wall impact. Ye Zong, who stare, Nie Li seems to have counted up the snow demon brutality into the route, with flames driven snow beasts, Blizzard beasts which have high intelligence, only instinctively avoid flame forward. "Going to the second line of Defense! "The NIE from the corner of his mouth smiled, just as he had expected. Due to the wall on either side of driving, Blizzard beasts have come together in a ball, its intensity is difficult to imagine, and they, and also with a little bit of Mars, which have one or two Mars falls on the ground. Boom Boom! Bursts of shrill explosions, such as the Thunder roaring in ear, even people who are standing on the wall, also couldn't help cover your ears, the sound is terrible. In front of a screen, is even more alarming. Thousands of times the chain of explosions, who crowded in front of the snow beasts, were blown into the sky, a lot of snow beasts were torn into pieces by directly into broken pieces flying. This bombing, at least tens of thousands of snow beasts suddenly wiped out, even including a gold wind and snow beasts and two black gold beasts. Before the fire, Ye Zong, Ye Xiu, who was just a little surprised, but now, it is completely shocked. This explosion is really too horrible! Even the black and gold beasts, are torn to pieces! "The NIE from the kid, what with what? "Ye Zong shudder tunnel. At this point, Shen Hong is trembling in fear, this chain of explosions it's too scary, if prevented, accidentally plot, I'm afraid the Holy family as a whole had to fly! Nie Lirang Alchemist Association, stone, black-scrap more than more than 20 kinds of phosphorus ore, herbs configuration together made the liquid, the liquid is very unstable in the event of fire a terrible explosion occurs, the force of the explosion can be described as devastating. Tens of thousands of snow beasts, not hand-to-hand combat situations was destroyed. Enough to let shining city less die man! Especially the middle and two black gold beasts, it is absolutely horrible! This explosion was too horrible, behind the snow beasts born out of the fear. But the snow beasts were too much, back continued to surge. Blizzard beasts to push in front of. Boom Boom! There were several explosions in droves, and blown up thousands of snow beasts. Armies of snow beasts and moved on, approximation towards the shining city, although the speed is a lot slower, but still more daunting. "In the third line of Defense! "The NIE estimate the distance the snow beasts. Although the armies of snow beasts did not stop. 1.1, but is consumed, the snow beasts consume more, that shining city on this side the loss is smaller. Only kilometers from the shining city walls around the distance, Nie Li picked up a piece of Ming Zhu, toward the distant snow beasts gathered most of the cast out. That sharpened out of bamboo, draws a parabola in the air, landed on the snow beasts, and BAM with a bamboo popped, pharmaceutical flutters scattered inside out. ROAR! Smell the snow beasts of pharmacy. Suddenly her eyes red, crazy, kept companion around the bite, instant mess. A Ming dynasty bamboo weapons in the hands of those who stress shot out. Bamboo inside are potent poisons snow beasts can be maddening, the snow beasts after a smelling, would find itself in the wild, biting kind. Unfortunately, under the rush, Alchemist Association found only a small amount of raw material, produced more than 5,000 more bamboo. Blizzard beasts biting each other each other, and the scene was pandemonium. Average of each Ming Zhu to kill more than 10 only beasts. Wave impact rolling snow beasts waves, one wave out of bamboo were shot out, and there are at least fifty thousand or sixty thousand snow beasts fell to the ground. Wall of sound of city guards burst into peals of cheers, they have never thought about it. Against animal tide could in this way, the beast tide hasn't hit the wall yet, dead nearly a hundred thousand of the. Excited, can't wait to get some kind of long bamboo give it a try. Project General of Ming bamboo Warrior, was excited, they want a few people to kill in the past a snow beasts. But now, they cast a piece of bamboo, you can take down more than 10 beasts, it's too easy, so they are. This time all the family home owners are talking about. "This is no way to know who wants to, really an eye-opener for us! ” "Yes, fought with beasts for so many years, never knowing that I can use these methods to kill beasts! ” "These chemicals is the key, if not configure these agents, the General method is invalid on the snow beasts! ” "Configure these agents and come up with these people, is our shining city's hero, if it were not for him, we don't know how many people are going to die! "Holy Ghost family householder laments. "Yes, shining city hero! If you want to reward, he was the first person! "Many owners will not hesitate to praise. Chen Hong has been silence speak, joy, anger, lip color, but the heart is depressed to death, dark Guild in order to put the tidal pull of the beast the shining city, don't know how much it thought, not Murphy is spoiled? But now just kill shiduowanzhi the snow beasts, rear at least close to millions of demon beast, the beast boom is far from over! "This matter, also thanks to the Nie Li, these methods are Nie Li came up with! "Ye Xiu on the side says with a smile. "The genius Nie Li, please? ” "But apart from talent time, this also installs a lot of tricks in mind! ” "What this scheme is simply great wisdom, I most admire is the wise man huyanxiong! "Huyanxiong thumbs way," bloodless kill shiduowanzhi beasts, you who can do it? "(Not to be continued. )
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Terrible beast roar, like rolling thunder general, shook the city's glorious walls trembled, dust Pusu Su fall. (..) to see this endless influx of animals, land drift, D'Souza, who are slightly pale face. "My goodness, so much snow Wicked, which is to be dead, ah, I do not want to become a stool snow Wicked!" Distressed floating land, "God have pity on me, I'm still a virgin ah! " "good for nothing!" Xiao Lu floating on the snow kick ass, "If snow Wicked climb the walls, his aging mother kill them stew!" D'Souza snow against Hsiao erected his thumb, even Xiao snow a woman are not afraid, they do these men, why would flinch? Lu floating lips though not say, but still stayed on the wall, he is a person that is sometimes a little less mouth, but the backbone is still there, otherwise it would be duty-bound to past generous to die of. Shaw condensate from children and Yezi Yun Nie standing behind, did not speak. Yezi Yun looked at the distant leaf cases, as Santo's daughter, she was naturally not worse than others, the face of the beast tide, she is definitely not back down, which is a family of snow dignity! Shining City, to be used by them to guard! Ning Xiao Nie child is staring from the back, in the prison world, she has gone through life and death, and has put everything all bearish. If the beast tide really will destroy the city's glorious, then, let her die together and Nie from it. Nie away toward the distant view, most of the snow in front of evil, has entered the first line of defense area, and after the front undulating, the beast tide traveling speed significantly slow a bit. Wicked group quickly crossed the snow slope, into the top of a potholed place. These snow fall of the Wicked, stepped into the pit, suddenly thrown a lot of liquid. The liquid in the snow touched Wicked fur when plop, spontaneous combustion, and instantly they formed into a sheet of flames, those run ahead of snow Wicked. Screams in the flames, the fire spread, at least instantly engulfed thousands of snow Wicked. Wicked fear of snow, is the flame. But ordinary flame can not be burned in the snow Wicked body. Nie from potholes perfusion in those places, are marked, the marked stone was also added phosphorus and other things, touched touched the fur will burn, and the extent of the burning blazing. Ordinary degree cold could not extinguish. Beast tide travels among the snow in front of the Wicked simply can not stop, one is behind Wicked contradict the snow into the flames, the fire lie in a more vigorous manner. Just after a moment, the bodies are piling up snow on Wicked, forming a huge Huoyanshan. Just a moment, to kill thousands of Wicked! This scene, so everyone was shocked, no one can think of, those depressions pour liquid inside. Even with such a terrible power, all of a sudden snow blocking the Wicked offensive. At this point leaves cases leaf repair et al., Also slightly Daileng few seconds, then showing a bit gay, I do not know Nie from the configuration, in the end what is liquid, but this is definitely a weapon to kill the Wicked ah! "Nie from this kid really Marketer ah, just this trick, it saved us a lot of effort ah!" Ye Xiuxing Fen authentic. Leaf eyes were also showing a little appreciation for the color, Nie from doing a good job. Shen Hong face clouded over. He totally did not expect the attack beast tide suddenly blocked. "Look over there!" Cried a city guard urgent voice. Everyone looked toward the distance, I saw the beast tide after the first wave of shock blocked, and soon divided into two sets. Bypassing the flames toward the impact on both sides. "No, this is the case, the beast tide will go east and west of the city of shock, and the walls that guard both sides of the weak." Ye Zong face a slightly changed. Just then, I saw two beams of the front end of the combustion flame arrows, draw two parabola in the dark. Landed next two deep ditches among instant of time, two flames have spread towards distant places, forming two hot firewall, fully up to 1.56 meters stretching several kilometers. Some snow Wicked impact too fast, do not stop, crossed the firewall, immediately sent a screaming, their whole body burning up, stumbled rushed out of tens and eventually charred body lying on the ground . One only because the snow could not stop Wicked firewall into being, there are thousands of snow after a moment Wicked, died in the flames being. These snow Wicked firewall only under the driving, continue to move the glorious city of the south walls of impact. Ye Zong, who stare, Nie away seems already considered a good snow Wicked traveling these routes, with flames driven these snow Wicked, Wicked snow have wisdom which is so high, only with instinct to go forward to avoid the flames. "Soon to a second line of defense!" Nie from the mouth smiled, as he expected, everything in general. Since both sides of the firewall of driving, snow Wicked were crowded into a group, its intensive unimaginable, and their body, but also with a little bit of Mars, which has a two Mars landed on the ground. Honghong! Sharp bursts of explosions, like thunder roaring in the ears in general, even if people are standing on the wall, also could not help but covered his ears, the sound is simply horrible. In front of the scene, it is shocking. Chain explosions thousands of times, those who crowded in front of the Wicked snow, blown fly the day, a lot of snow Wicked directly to pieces, into the broken pieces flying in the sky. The bombing, at least tens of thousands of snow Wicked instant wiped out, even among a group of Gold snow Wicked Wicked and two black gold. Before the flames, so that leaves cases leaf Xiu, who is just a little surprised it, but now, it is completely shocked. This explosion is really terrible! Even the black gold grade of evil, have been torn to pieces! "Nie away from that guy, what with anything?" Ye were lingering fear authentic. At this time, Shen Hong is to be frightened by this chain explosion is really horrible, if not anti the point, accidentally with the plot, I am afraid the whole family had to fly overhead divine! Nie let alchemy teacher associations from the phosphate rock, black scrap two dozen minerals, herbs configured together to form a liquid, which is very unstable, once a fire occurs terrible explosion, blast absolute It can be used to describe the withering. Wicked tens of thousands of snow, in the absence of close combat is blown away. Shining enough to make the city less how many people died! Especially in the middle there are two black gold grade of evil, and it is absolutely horrible existence! This explosion is really horrible, so the back of the snow Wicked birth to fear meaning. But too much snow quantity Wicked, back or keep coming in. Wicked will push in front of the snow. Honghong! After another explosion occurred a few times, and blown up thousands of snow only Wicked. Wicked snow army is on its way, towards the direction of the city's glorious approach, although the speed is a lot slower, but the number is still much too daunting. "To the third line of defense it!" Nie estimate the distance from the snow Wicked. Although the pace of snow Wicked army did not stop. But little by little is consumed, snow Wicked consume, the more glorious the side of the small town that loss. Shining distance from the city walls, only kilometers around, picked up a Ming Nie from bamboo, toward the distant snow Wicked largest gathering place cast out. Ming Flanagan was sharpened bamboo, in the air to draw a parabola, the snow falls among Wicked, bang bang, bamboo burst open, which drifts agents scattered out. roar! Wicked smell snow agents. Suddenly red eyes, crazy up, kept biting companions around, and instantly floundered. A root Ming Zhu in the hands of all the military who lasing out. Bamboo was inside can make snow Wicked mad potent poison, after these evil smell snow, it will fall into madness, biting kind. Unfortunately hastily, alchemy teacher association found only a small amount of raw material, to produce more than five thousand bamboo branch. Wicked snow biting each other to each other, the scene into a chaos. Per root can kill a dozen Ming Zhu Wicked. Wicked snow waves impact the Ming bamboo waves are shot out, there are at least five or six million pieces Wicked snow fell to the ground. City guards on the wall of sound of cheers broke out, they never thought of. Beast can actually deal with the influx of such a method, not the impact of the influx of this beast to the walls of it, has been dead for nearly a dozen ten thousand. One excited, can not wait to also get some kind of long bamboo try. As projected Ming bamboo ordinary Warrior are even more excited about the old days, they want a few people together in order to strangle a snow Wicked. But now, they just cast a piece of bamboo, you can get rid of a dozen evil, it is simply too easy to make them ecstatic. At this point all the family home owners are also talking about. "These do not know who wants nothing, really makes us an eye-opener! " " yes ah, with Wicked fighting for so many years, never knew, was able to use these methods to get rid of evil! " " These agents is the key, if not configured out of these agents, the general approach to snow Wicked is invalid! " " Configuring these agents and methods to come up with these people, we are the glorious city of hero, but for him, We do not know how many people are going to die! "Holy Ming family home owners laments. "Yes ah, the glorious city of hero! If you want a reward, he was the first person!" Public house owners are generous praise. Shen Hong has been silent not speak, joy, anger, without form or color, but his heart was depressed to death, darkness guild beast tide in order to draw to the city's glorious, I do not know how much thought, is it not necessary to come to naught? Fortunately, however, now only kill十多ten thousand snow Wicked, close behind at least one million Wicked it, the influx of animals is far from over! "It's something from that guy have to thank Nie, Nie from these methods are thought out!" Ye repair in the side with a smile. "The genius Nie from you? " " I did not expect in addition to the extraordinary talent, this kid mind also installed a lot of trick! " " Is it a trick of what is simply great wisdom, I admire the most is the male Huyan wise man! " Huyan male thumbs up, "without firing a shot to kill tens of thousands of Wicked, you who can do that?" (To be continued.)

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The terrible beast roar, like rolling thunder, shook the shining city walls trembled, dust pususu falls down. (..) see this beast

tidal land stretch as far as eye can see, floating, Du Ze and others are now a little pale.

"alamak, so much snow monster, this is to the dead ah, I don't want to be the snow monster stool!" The floating "God pity me, put on a long face,, I am still a virgin!"

"milksop!" Xiao Xue kick ass in continental drift, "if the snow monster climb over the wall, I give them kill stew!" Xiao Du

Ze on the snow a thumbs up,Even Xiao Xue a woman are not afraid, they do a man, how can you back? Continental drift mouth although say so, but it is still stay in a wall, he sometimes mouth is less a little, but backbone or some, otherwise life will not so boldly generous went to die. Xiao Ninger and Ye Ziyun stood in the Nie, from behind, did not speak.

Ye Ziyun see look at the distance of the leaf, the Duke's daughter, she won't less favorably than others, facing the tide of the beast, she is absolutely will not shrink. This is the dignity of the snow family!

shining city by them, to protect!

Xiao Ninger is staring at the Nie from the back, in the world of black jails, she has experienced life and death, have all bearish. If the beast tide really will destroy the city of glory, so, let her and the Nie from death together.

Nie from towards viewed at a distance, the front of the snow monster, has entered the first line of defense area the, through the front of the ups and downs of slope, monster tide of traveling speed obviously slow for a while. A snow monster dashed quickly across the slope, into the front of a bumpy place. The snow monster

landing, stepped on the pit, suddenly splash a lot of liquid.

The liquid touches on the snow monster fur, plop and the occurrence of spontaneous combustion instantly formed into a piece of flames and those directed at the front of the snow monster. In flames screamed, the fire spread, instantly engulfed at least thousands of snow monster. The snow monster

most afraid of, is the flame. But the ordinary fire cannot burn in the snow monster's body. Nie from the local perfusion of those potholes are marked, these marked with phosphorus stone, etc., touch fur will burn and burning blazing. The general level of the cold can not be extinguished.

monster tide travel,In front of the snow monster did not stop, one is behind the snow monster contradict rushed into the flames, and make the fire more exuberant.

only after a moment, the snow monster body formed a huge pile up like a mountain hand, Flaming Mountains.

just moments, killed thousands of demons! Thanks to this scene, so that all the people are shocked, who can not think, who poured the liquid. There was such a terrible power, suddenly blocked the snow monster offensive.

this time the leaf Zong, ye Xiu et al, but also slightly foolish Leng a few seconds, then showing somewhat lighted, don't know Nie from configuration, in the end what is liquid,But this is absolutely killing monster weapon! "From this kid

Nie really have a light hand ah, is this trick, we will save a lot of effort!" Ye Xiu excited tunnel. In the eyes of Ye Zong

also reveals a bit of appreciation of color, Nie Ligan well. Shen Hong's face darkened. He did not think that the offensive of the beast was blocked at a time. "You see there!" A city guard shouted in a loud voice. You look into the distance to all

, I saw the monster tide after the shock wave is blocked, quickly separated into two groups. Impact on the side of the sea. No, it

",The beast will go to the city tide in the East and west walls on both sides of the shock, the guard is weak." Ye Zong's face a little change.

at this moment, I saw two front flame arrows, draw two parabola in the dark. Fall in the next two deep ditch Road, transient time, two dragon has been toward the distant place spread, forming a two hot firewall, full height of up to five or six meters, stretching several kilometers.

some snow bewitching monster impact velocity is too fast, simply can not stop, rushing through the firewall, immediately issued a sad and shrillly bellow and they all combustion up, stumbled ran out of tens of meters,The charred body fell to the ground. A only snow bewitching monster because can not stop, rushed into the firewall and a moment later and thousands of Snow Demon monster, died in the flames. The wicked only under the snow. The wall of the drive, continue to the south of the city walls of the impact of radiance.

Ye Zong et al stunned to see, from Nie already seem to count the these snow bewitching monster travel route, flames to drive these Snow Demon monster, snow bewitching monsters which have such a high wisdom, only by instinct to avoid flame rushed forward.

"immediately to the second line of defense!" The NIE is a little smile from the mouth of the mouth, everything just as he had expected.

Due to the expulsion of the both sides of the firewall, snow bewitching monsters and squeezed into a group, the intensive degree unimaginable and their body, with a little bit of Mars, which has one or two Mars fell on the ground. Bomb!

bursts of sharp explosive sound, like lightning whistling in the ears through, even if is the people standing on the wall, also could not help but to cover my ears, the sound is simply terrible.

in front of the scene, was even more shocking.

thousands of times the chain of explosions, those crowded in the snow in front of the monster and was blown to fly up the sky, a lot of Snow Demon monster was torn to pieces, meat loaf turned into broken sky dancing.

This bombing, for at least a few thousand snow bewitching monster suddenly vanished, even the a group of gold snow bewitching monster and two black gold grade wicked. Before the flames that

, ye Zong, Ye Xiu et al only slightly surprised, and now, is completely shocked. It is really terrible explosion! Even the black level of evil, was torn into pieces! "From that kid

Nie, exactly what?" Ye Zongxin fear tunnel.

at this time, Shen Hong is be scared frightened, this chain explosion really horrible, if not against, a don't be careful the plot,I'm afraid the whole family has to fly!

Nie from let the alchemist Association, phosphate rock, black debris, etc. more than 20 kinds of minerals, herbs configuration together and made it into a liquid, the liquid is very unstable, in the event of fire will be a terrible explosion occurred, the power of the explosion can definitely used to describe the withering. Tens of thousands of snow monster

, not in close combat situations are done. Enough to let the city of glory die many people! Especially in the middle and two black level monster, it is absolutely horrible existence! It is really too terrible to explode, behind the snow monster gives birth to all fear.

But too much snow monster number, kept coming back. The snow monster pushed. Bomb!

continued several explosions, and blew up thousands of snow monster.

Snow Demon army is to move on, toward the bright city direction approximation, although the speed is much slower, but the number is still a surprising number of fear. The third line of defense to

"!" Nie from snow wicked distance estimation. The snow monster will force the pace. Although not stop. But little by little snow monster is consumed, the more consumption, the shining city side of the loss is smaller.

From the glorious city walls are only about km away, Nie from picked up a piece of Ming bamboo, toward the distant snow wicked gather most of the local project out.

the root was sharpened the Ming bamboo, in the air to draw a parabola, falls on the snow monster, bang bang, slub burst open, which the agent wafting scattered out.

roar! The smell of snow monster

reagent. Suddenly crazy, red eyes, kept biting his fellow, instantly a scene of chaos. A

Ming bamboo in the lasing warriors hands out. Bamboo inside can make the snow monster mad poison,After the snow monster smell, it will fall into madness, bite the same. Unfortunately,

haste, Alchemist association found only a small amount of material, produced more than 5000 bamboo festival. Between each other

snow monster bite, the scene a mess. The average root Ming bamboo can kill dozen creature. Impact of

and snow bewitching monster waves, wave after wave of Ming bamboo shot out, and at least 50000 only wicked snow fell in the ground. The walls of the city guards. Burst into loud cheers, they never thought. To deal with the beast tide can actually use such a method, this beast tide has not yet hit the wall,Only the dead close to ten. One by one excited, but also to get some kind of a long bamboo to try.

as for projection Ming bamboo ordinary warriors, but also excited. In the past they want to a few people together to strangle a snow monster. But now they just cast a a piece of bamboo, can kill a dozen monster. It is simply too easy, so they went into raptures. At this time the family home owners, are also There were many discussions.

"these do not know anyone who wants to do, really made us feed one's sight on!" "Yes, with wicked

fighting for so many years, never know,It can kill the monster with these methods!"

"these agents is the key, if the configuration is not the agent, the general method of snow bewitching monster is invalid!"

"configuration of these agents and come up with these methods is the hero of our glorious city, wasn't for him, we don't know how many people die!" San Ming family home with emotion.

"yes, shining city hero! If he is the first person to reward according to sb.'s deserts!" The owners of the generous words of praise.

Shen Hong has been silent does not speak, keep the countenance, but the heart is depressed,The dark guild in order to put the monster tide traction to the shining city, do not know how much thought, it will not waste all the previous efforts? But fortunately it is still just kill more than 1 00000 only snow bewitching monster, rear at least close to millions of the wicked?, the monster tide is far from over.

"this matter, thanks to the boy from the Nie, Nie from these methods are to come out!" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"the genius from Nie?"

"didn't expect that in addition to talented, this kid mind also has a lot of ideas!" "Is it

what ideas, it is great wisdom,I admire the most is the male from the wise man!" From the male thumbs up, "kill about one hundred thousand bewitching monsters gain victory with unstained swords, who can do it?" (to be continued. )
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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