还是自己留着吧。 慕容烨不以为然,笑眯眯的道: “妹妹不是拿着娘亲嫁妆的库房钥匙吗......" 慕容雪猛然抬头看向他,清冷眼瞳里寒芒闪烁: “你想卖了娘的嫁妆去换银子斗狗,你就不怕娘在天之灵,会死 不瞑目!” 严厉的训斥响彻耳边,慕容烨一张俊颜瞬间涨的通红,慌忙的摆着手,急急的解释: “不是……不是……娘的嫁 妆里肯定有银子,我只是想要那些银子,其他的东西我绝不动,绝不动! ” 死者为尊的道理他懂,更知道长辈留下的遗产是用来好好珍藏的,不能轻易擅动,他就是再败家,也不会混账到 转卖母亲的嫁妆。 “你怎么知道母亲的嫁妆里有银子?”慕容雪挑眉看着慕容烨,青焰女子出嫁时,嫁妆单子上会写有陪嫁的具体 银两,但为人妻后,再清点嫁妆时,很少会将银子算上,因为,银子是流通货币,随时都会花出去 母亲的陪嫁单子上也写有陪嫁银,她清点嫁妆时,陪嫁银所剩无几,她没有计较,就是因为母亲已经死了十年, 就算她询问银两去向,杜氏也有成百上千的借口敷衍过去。 见她面色平静了下来,慕容烨悄悄松了口气,妹妹不再误会他了,真是太好了! 对上她疑惑的目光,他嘴角微微弯起,墨玉般的眼瞳里闪着点点得意: “我从辉伯那里出来时,偷听到了香巧和 一名小丫鬟在小声谈论女子嫁妆的事,方才知道女子的嫁妆里有陪嫁银。 慕容雪微笑,香巧是杜氏身边的二等丫鬟,深得杜氏信任,慕容烨缺银子了,她就和人谈论嫁妆银,这可不是什 么巧合,而是那个老虔婆故意在搞鬼。 库房的钥匙握在她手里,杜氏不能再明着蚕吞母亲的嫁妆,便利用慕容烨喜好斗狗的缺点,诱使他将嫁妆典当 贱卖,他们趁机低价收购,真是好算计! 杜氏这么猖狂,是嫌自己上次给她的教训不够么?那自己就给杜氏来个印象深刻的教训,让她知道什么叫偷鸡不 成蚀把米,赔了夫人又折兵!
Or they can keep it. MU Rong Ye disagree, smiling: "sister is not holding the mother of dowry: storeroom key......" Murong snow suddenly looked up at him, clear cold cold mount flashes in the eye: "you want to sell mother's dowry to change silver dog fights, you afraid of her soul, would have died disappointed!" harsh scolding through the ear, Mu Rong Ye Zhang Yan moments of red, waving hurriedly, hastily explained: "not ... ... Not ... ... Mother's dowry money, I just want the money, other things I'd never, never move! "The reason for the statue of the deceased he knows, knew the older generation's legacy was used to cherish, cannot easily be good at, he is a prodigal or punk to sell her mother's dowry. "How do you know the money is in mother's dowry?" MU Rong Xue pick eyebrow see with Mu Rong Ye, qingyan woman married Shi, dowry list Shang will wrote has dowry of specific silver, but is wife Hou, again inventory dowry Shi, rarely will will silver is Shang, because, silver is circulation currency, at any time will spent out mother of dowry list Shang also wrote has dowry silver, she inventory dowry Shi, dowry silver left, she no care, is because mother has died has ten years, even she asked Silver went, du's also has hundreds of of excuses perfunctory past. Her complexion is calmed, Mu Rong Ye quietly relieved, my sister is no longer misunderstand him, that's great! Her confused eyes, his mouth slightly bend, MO eyes flashed like a little bit of pride: "I came out from the Hui Bo, overheard incense Qiao and the dowry of a little girl quietly talking about woman things, just know silver dowry is in woman's dowry. Murong snow smile, Hong Qiao is du's side second servant girl, won the trust of Duchenne, Mu Rong Ye were short of money, she would talk about the dowry silver, this is not a coincidence, but the Saint intent on mischief. In her hands the keys of the Treasury, du Ming washed down with silkworm can no longer mother's dowry, the aggressive dog using Mu Rong Ye's shortcomings, lured his dowry pawn sale, they took the opportunity to lower its purchase price was well calculated! Du so rampant, don't think your last lesson to her is enough? then you give du an impressive lesson, let her know what a chicken is not a corrosion-meter, throwing good money after bad!
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Or keep it himself. Murong Ye disagree, smiling: "The sister is not holding Niangqin dowry warehouse key you ......" Murong snow suddenly looked up at him, blinking Hanmang cold eye pupil: "You want to sell your mother dowry enchant silver dog fighting, you are not afraid of your mother passed away, wasted step "severe reprimand ears rang, Zhang Yan Murong Ye a moment the red rose, hastily Bai Zhaoshou, hastily explained:"! not ...... not ... ... there must be mother's dowry money, I just want that money, and other things I will not move, not move! "respect for the dead he knows the truth, but the legacy of their elders know is a good collection of used can not be easily tampered with, then he is a prodigal, nor to resell darn mother's dowry. When the "how do you know there is mother's dowry money?" Murong snow eyebrow looked Murong Ye, blue flame when the married woman would have to write a specific dowry dowry silver on the list, but the wife, and then count the dowry, rarely will count the money, because money is the currency in circulation at any time to spend out on the mother's dowry list also wrote silver dowry when she counted dowry, dowry silver depleted, she did not care, because his mother had died ten years, even if she asked the whereabouts of silver, there are hundreds of Duchenne excuse perfunctory in the past. See her looking calm down, Murong Ye quietly relieved, sister no longer misunderstood him, really great! The eyes of her puzzled, his mouth slightly bent, black jade-like eye pupil shining little proud : "when I come out from the primary Hui, Hong Qiao and overheard a woman talking in a low voice maidservants small dowry thing, just know that the woman's dowry dowry has silver smile snow Murong Hong Qiao is Duchenne around second. maidservants, Duchenne won the trust, Murong Ye lack of money, she would talk about the dowry and silver, this is not a coincidence, but the old Qianpo intentionally dirty tricks. Treasury key grip in her hand, Du Ming can not silkworm swallow the mother's dowry, took advantage of shortcomings Murong Ye favorite dog fighting, would induce him to pawn cheap dowry, they took the opportunity to buy cheap, really good calculation! Duchenne so rampant, is suspected to her own last lesson is not enough What? that gave himself to a Duchenne impressive lesson, let her know what is gained nothing loss to rice, throw good money after bad!
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