“好吧……”Chen Guo又朝门外望了两眼,终于还是朝楼上去了。 “他回来要给你发个短信吗?”Tang Rou问。 “哦……”Chen G การแปล - “好吧……”Chen Guo又朝门外望了两眼,终于还是朝楼上去了。 “他回来要给你发个短信吗?”Tang Rou问。 “哦……”Chen G อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

“好吧……”Chen Guo又朝门外望了两眼,终于还是朝楼上去了。 “

“好吧……”Chen Guo又朝门外望了两眼,终于还是朝楼上去了。

“他回来要给你发个短信吗?”Tang Rou问。

“哦……”Chen Guo却只是这样应了一声,上去了。

Chen Guo这走了没多会,11点下班的其他工作人员就一个个离开了。这时Yu Xiu鬼鬼祟祟地出现了网吧门口,朝里东张西望了一下后,摸到了前台跟前,朝里一瞅,看到是Tang Rou,松了口气。

“老板呢?”Yu Xiu站直了身子,点烟。

“睡去了。”Tang Rou看到Yu Xiu,应了声后,一边摸出了手机。

“你跑哪去了?”Tang Rou一边发着短信一边问Yu Xiu。

“随便转了转呗!老板现怒气值多少了?”Yu Xiu问。

“难说,你不的时候是0,你这一露面,估计又重成100了。”Tang Rou说。

“其实真不怪我。”Yu Xiu说。

“但你太嘲讽了。”Tang Rou说。

“你进步真快。”Yu Xiu表扬Tang Rou,这妹子现也能运用一些游戏术语了,这是观念上的融合。

“一般吧!”Tang Rou短信发完,***发送。

手机很快又响,Tang Rou翻开一看,笑了。

“老板说你迟到,今天的工资全扣掉了。”Tang Rou给Yu Xiu看短信。

“扣吧扣吧!全扣了也没事,反正包吃住。”Yu Xiu说。

“这样回吗?”Tang Rou问。

“别闹了你。”Yu Xiu无语。

“呵呵,你进来吧,我去那边了。”Tang Rou起身把前台让给了Yu Xiu,她自己去了她通宵的老位置。

两人各自登录游戏,Yu Xiu的Jun Moxiang刚上一线就收到了一条消息:“你暴露了。”

Yu Xiu纳闷,回复:“你是谁?”


“哦哦哦,你啊!”Yu Xiu想起流木这id正是当时黄少天用的那个小号。

“什么暴露了?”Yu Xiu问。

“你那些记录太惊人,蓝溪阁公会的人今天都找来战队了。我们队长的厉害你是知道的,三两下就猜出来Jun Moxiang是你了。”黄少天回道。

“哦?怎么猜的?”Yu Xiu问。

这个过程显然是很曲折的,但是黄少天是什么人?可以怕任何麻烦,就是不会怕话多,再长的事他也愿意去讲。噼里啪啦大爆手速,迅速分了好几段就给Yu Xiu叙述了一下全过程。

“哦,原来是这样,那我暴露了,你也跑不了啊!”Yu Xiu说。


“啧啧,文州的确挺了不起的,只可惜是个手残。”Yu Xiu说。


“那就不是手残了?”Yu Xiu说。




“是啊,所以说他厉害,如果不是手残,真的是个很难应付的对手呢!”Yu Xiu说。



黄少天转答,Yu Xiu很快回复:“来呗,有号吗?”


“哦,已经换人了?”Yu Xiu问。


“***场,谁先到谁建房。”Yu Xiu说。


“久等了啊!”Yu Xiu回道,Jun Moxiang匆忙朝着竞技场那边赶去。



“好啊!”Jun Moxiang进来后Yu Xiu打着招呼。


“是啊,我们这些人,除了游戏什么也不会,还能做什么呢?”Yu Xiu笑着,Jun Moxiang也是千机伞一甩,抖成战矛形态,闪开这一剑后一个龙牙刺了回去。


“就是属性单调了点。”Yu Xiu手下一直未停,方才龙牙过后又是接连几个技能加普通攻击的连续追击,喻文州的流木左躲右闪,根本没有反击的机会。


“希望这一次游戏公司不要再捣乱。”Yu Xiu说。


“对付你还用加油?”Yu Xiu笑。

“有时真羡慕你们这些有手速的疯子。”喻文州感慨着,手下流木却是因为***作没跟上,终于Jun Moxiang接连不断地攻击中中了招。

“你要也有了这样的手速,我们还有得混吗?”Yu Xiu却也没客气,一招命中,连招接连而至。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"Well ... ..." Chen Guo two eyes and looked toward the door again and she finally was upstairs. "He came back to send you a SMS? "Tang Rou asked. "Oh ... ..." Chen Guo should just be a cry goes up. Chen Guo left no will, other staff off at 11 o'clock on the left. Now Yu Xiu secretly came Internet Gate, after looking around for a while, touched up at the front desk, a look inwards, see Tang Rou, relieved. "Boss? "Yu Xiu stood up straight, cigarette. "Go to sleep. "See Yu Xiu Tang Rou, sound, pulled out a cell phone. "Where have you gone? "Tang Rou while sending a text message asking Yu Xiu. "Just a stroll! Boss now how much rage? "Yu asked Xiu. "Hard to say, when you are not is 0, your appearance, an estimated 100. "Tang Rou said. "Don't blame me. "Yu Xiu said. "But you were too sarcastic. "Tang Rou said. "You really fast. "Tang Yu Xiu praise Rou, the sister can now use game terms, this is the idea of integration. "General! "Tang Rou finished text, *** send. Mobile phone again soon, Tang Rou open a look and smiled. "The boss said you were late, today's wages will be deducted off. "Tang Yu Xiu see Rou messages. "Buckle up buckle up! Buckle is also all right, anyway, eat to live. "Yu Xiu said. "Back to you? "Tang Rou asked. "Come on you. "Yu Xiu speechless. "Oh, you come in, I went over there. "To Yu Xiu Tang Rou up to the front desk, she went to her old position overnight. Two people logged, Yu Xiu Jun Moxiang in line will receive a message: "you have exposed. ” Yu Xiu puzzled, reply: "who the hell are you? ” "Relying on rely on!! I few days!!! "Huang Shaotian depressed. "Oh oh oh, you! "Yu Xiu Liu Mu ID is Huang Shaotian was with the trumpet. "What exposes? "Yu asked Xiu. "Your record is amazing, Blue Creek Club Association's people today find was clan. We Captain you know, guess out of the 32 Jun Moxiang is you. "Yellow little back road. "Oh, really? How to guess? "Yu asked Xiu. This process is obviously a very tortuous, but Huang Shaotian who? You can be afraid of any trouble, is not afraid of much, and before long he was prepared to speak. Crackling and explosive hand speed, quickly divided into several segments for Yu Xiu describes the entire process. "Oh, that's it, I exposed, you can escape! "Yu Xiu said. "Yes, the wood is my guess flow. "Huang Shaotian said. "TUT, Guangzhou is great indeed, but unfortunately it is a residue. "Yu Xiu said. "He was standing behind me ... ..." yellow little back road. "It would not be a residual? "Yu Xiu said. "Captain......" Huang Shaotian back to Yu Wenzhou, look innocent. Yu Wenzhou just laughed: "Ah, I did hand residual. ” "Your trash-talking captain is of no use to us. "Yellow little back road. "Yes, so his powerful, if not residual, is really a difficult opponent yet! "Yu Xiu said. Huang Shaotian helpless and look back at Yu Wenzhou. "People wanted to discuss with him two, asked him not to. "Yu Wenzhou laughed. Huang Shaotian go answer, Yu Xiu quickly replied: "come on man, do a number? ” "Use this! "After a short reply. "Oh, have a substitution? "Yu asked Xiu. "Yes! ” "***, Who comes in first House. "Yu Xiu said. "Room No. 45178, code 159. "Yu Wenzhou replied. "Waiting so long! "Yu Xiu road, Jun Moxiang rush over there to get to the arena. Enter the lost room number, password, access to premises, ready, begin. Is still commonly used by small tables, and wooden sword made a point. "Good! "Jun Yu Xiu after the Moxiang came in to say hello. "Good! Heard now do network? "Yu Wenzhou answer then, Liu Mu is already sword rushed up the role. "Yes, those of us who, in addition to the game nothing, can do what? "Yu Xiu smiled, Jun Moxiang and threw thousands of umbrellas, shaking a spear form, beat the sword was stung by a dragon's teeth back. "5 Spear of attack speed, this can be difficult. Your evil isn't so high attack speed, right? "Yu Wenzhou said. "Is the property a bit monotonous. "Yu Xiu men has not stopped, just after the Dragon's teeth and few skills and continuous pursuit of common attacks, Yu Wenzhou Liu Mu left to hide and right, there is no chance of fighting back. "Ready to make a come back? "Yu Wenzhou is spoke. "The hope that this time the games company not to rock the boat. "Yu Xiu said. "Oh, come on! ” "You come on? "Yu Xiu laughed. "Sometimes I envy those of you have the hand speed of maniac. "Yu Wenzhou emotion, under Liu Mu is *** not keep up, and finally in Jun Moxiang's pounding attack. "You have to have the hand speed, do we still have mixed? "Yu Xiu did not mention one hit, to even series.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Well ......" Chen Guo and two looked toward the door, I finally went upstairs towards. "He came back to give you send a message to you?" Tang Rou asked. "Oh ......" Chen Guo was just so should be a cry, go up. Chen Guo This did not go more will, other staff to work on a 11-point one left. Then Yu Xiu sneaking appeared cafe door, inward looking around a bit later, touched the front reception, a look inward, to see is Tang Rou, relieved. "Boss of it?" Yu Xiu straightened himself, cigarette lighter. "Asleep." Tang Rou see Yu Xiu, should be a sound, the side pulled out a cell phone. "You where to run?" Tang Rou while sending text messages she asked Yu Xiu. "Casually rolled chant! Boss how much value the rage now?" Yu Xiu asked. "Hard to say, you do not when it is 0, you are the appearances, it is estimated to 100 the heavy." Tang Rou said. "In fact, I really do not blame me." Yu Xiu said. "But you too mockery." Tang Rou said. "You really fast progress." Yu Xiu praised Tang Rou, this sister is now also able to use some of the terminology of the game, which is a fusion of conceptual. "Usually it!" Tang Rou SMS finished, *** sent. Soon the phone rang again, Tang Rou turned to look, and smiled. "The boss says you are late, today's wages deducted whole." Tang Rou Yu Xiu to see the message. "Buckle buckle it now! Full deduction of all right, anyway, food, accommodation." Yu Xiu said. "So back to you?" Tang Rou asked. "Knock it off you." Yu Xiu speechless. "Oh, you come in, I went over there." Tang Rou up to the front desk to give the Yu Xiu, she went to her old position overnight. They each log in the game, Yu Xiu Jun Moxiang just on the line received a message: "You're exposed." Yu Xiu wonder, replies: "Who are you? " " I Kaokao !! Kaokao less days !!! "Huang Shao-day depressed. "Oh, you ah!" Yu Xiu think of driftwood that id is the day when the use of the small yellow trumpet. "What is exposed?" Yu Xiu asked. "When your record is amazing, Blue Stream Club Association team got everyone today. We captain terrible you know, San Liangxia guess Jun Moxiang is up to you." Huang replied few days. "Oh? Guess how?" Yu Xiu asked. This process is obviously very tortuous, but Huang Shao-day people? You can be afraid of any trouble, it is not afraid to talk more, and then a long thing he was willing to talk. Crackling large explosion hand speed, quickly divided several paragraphs give Yu Xiu narrative about the whole process. "Oh, is this, that I exposed, you can not run ah!" Yu Xiu said. "Yes ah, have guessed driftwood is me." Few days, said Huang. "Gee, the text states really quite remarkable, but unfortunately was a hand disabled." Yu Xiu said. "He stood behind me it ......" Huang replied few days. "That's not a hand crippled?" Yu Xiu said. "Captain ......" Huang Shao Yu Wen-day look back to the state, innocent expression. Yu Wen state but just smiled: "The truth, ah, I did hand disabled." "You are the captain of our trash is of no use," Huang replied few days. "Yes ah, so that his powerful, if not the hand disability, really is a very difficult opponent to deal with it!" Yu Xiu said. Huang Shao days of frustration, but also a look back at the Yu Wen states. "Hand residual want him to learn from two, and asked him coming." Yu Wen State laughed. A few days turn yellow, Yu Xiu quickly replies: "? To chant, you have a number," "would use this right." After a moment only to reply!. "Oh, have substitutions?" Yu Xiu asked. "Yes ah!" "*** games, whoever to whom building." Yu Xiu said. "No. 45178 rooms, Password 159." Yu Wen states replied. "Waiting ah!" Yu Xiu replied, Jun Moxiang hurry to rush toward the arena there. Approach, lost the room number, enter a password, enter the venue, ready to start. Is still commonly used small swing Odaiba, driftwood put the sword stand iceberg. After "Well!" Jun Moxiang come Yu Xiu hellos. "Well! I heard is to do network management?" Yu Wen State A with words, but it is already the role of driftwood washed up sword. "Yes ah, those of us who, in addition to the game what will not, what can you do?" Yu Xiu smiled, Jun Moxiang also thousands of machines umbrella toss, shaking a spear shape war, out of the way of the sword after a dragon thorn tooth back. "5 IAS war spear, this can be a tough and you are evil but not so high attack speed, right?" Said Yu Wen states. "Is the property monotonous point." Yu Xiu men has not stopped, just after the Aralia is a series of continuous pursuit of several skills plus normal attack, Yu Wen state of driftwood dodged, there is no chance to fight back. "Prepare to get a scattered people back?" Yu Wen state but still talking. "I hope this time the game companies do not make trouble." Yu Xiu said. "Oh, come on!" "You have to deal with the fuel?" Yu Xiu laughed. "Sometimes I really envy you guys have a hand speed of a madman." Yu Wen sigh state, it is because men driftwood *** do not keep up, finally Jun Moxiang after another attack in the move. "You also have this hand speed, we still have to mix it?" Yu Xiu but did not polite, a move hit after another and even move to.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"All right......" Guo Chen looked at the door, and eventually went on to the building. To send a message to you

"he come back?" Rou Tang asked. Oh

"......" Guo Chen just like that. Chen Guo this

does not take much, work at 11 other staff one left. When Yu Xiu surreptitious appeared on the Internet bar doorway, face scoop out, touch to the front of the front, toward a Chou, see Tang foundation, breathed a sigh of relief.

"boss?" Yu Xiu stood up, the cigarette lighter.

"sleep." Rou Yu see Xiu Tang,Should be the sound, while touching the phone.

"where did you go?" Rou Tang asked Xiu Yu while texting. "Just turn it! How much is the boss now?" Xiu Yu asked. To say, "don't you

when you are 0, this appearance, estimated again 100." Rou Tang said. "I really don't blame me." Xiu Yu said. "But you are too

at." Rou Tang said. "You really fast progress." Xiu Yu praised Rou Tang, which is a combination of ideas, which is a combination of ideas. In general it

"!" Rou Tang message sent, * * * * * sent.

The phone is very fast and loud, Rou Tang opened a look, laugh.

"the boss says you late, today's full wages deducted." Rou Yu to Xiu Tang to see the message. "It's buckle buckle! The buckle is all right, anyway, the bag eats." Xiu Yu said. This

"back?" Rou Tang asked. Do you

"." Xiu Yu.

"ha ha, you come in, I went there." Rou Tang stood up and offered the reception to Xiu Yu, and she went to her old position all night.

two respective log in the game, Yu Xiu Jun Moxiang on the line just received a message: "you exposed."

Xiu Yu wondered, "who are you?"

"rely on rely on!! It's me, a few days!!!" Huang said less depressed. "Oh, you

ah!" Yu Xiu think this stream of ID is the trumpet when Huang Shaotian used the. What

"exposure?" Xiu Yu asked. "You

those records is amazing, a cabinet Council today are looking for the blue team. We have the captain of the bad you know, three two under the Moxiang Jun guess is you." Huang Shaotian back road. "Oh

? How to guess?" Xiu Yu asked.

this process obviously is very tortuous, but Huang Shaotian is what person? Can be afraid of any trouble,Is not afraid of words more, and then a long thing he would like to talk about. The explosion of crackling hand speed, quickly divided into several sections for Yu Xiu describes the whole process. "Oh, this is the original

, I exposed, you can't run away!" Xiu Yu said. "Yes,

I guess is driftwood." Huang Shaotian said. "Gee, this paper states

is really great, but is a remnant." Xiu Yu said. He stood behind me

"......" Huang Shaotian back road. "It's not remnant

?" Xiu Yu said. "Captain......" Huang Shaotian looked back at Yu Wenzhou, the expression of innocence. Yu Wenzhou just smiled:"The truth is, I do have a hand." "You

this rubbish is of no use to us captain." Huang Shaotian back road. Yeah, so "

he powerful, if not remnant, is really a very difficult opponent!" Xiu Yu said. Huang said less helpless is

, look back Wenzhou yu.

"hand residual and he wanted to learn two, asked him to come." Yu Wenzhou said with a smile. Huang Shaotian turned a Yu

, Xiu quickly replied: "to chant, a number?" "With this!" After a moment to reply. "Oh, have

change?" Xiu Yu asked. "Yes!"

* * * ", who is the first to whom the building.Xiu Yu said. Room 45178, password 159

"." Yu Wenzhou back road.

"waiting!" Xiu Jun, Moxiang Yu hurried to the arena.

approach, lose the room number, password, enter the field, ready to start.

is still used in small table field, put the sword up a corner of driftwood. Oh

"!" Moxiang Yu, Xiu Jun. Oh

"! Heard that do network management?" Yu Wenzhou answer words, the role of driftwood was already rushed up the sword. "Yes, we

these people, in addition to the game what is not, what can be done?" Xiu Yu smiles,Jun Moxiang is a thousand machine umbrella thrown, shaking into war spear shape, out this sword after a stab in the back teeth.

"5 attack speed war spear, this can be difficult. You are not so high attack speed, right?" Yu Wenzhou said. Is a little drab

"attribute." Yu Xiu men has not stopped that satisfies the Longya after is successive a few skills and common attack continuous pursuit, Yu AE driftwood left to hide the right flash, no opportunity to counterattack. A friend

"ready to get back?" Yu Wenzhou was talking.

"hope that this time the game companies don't trouble." Xiu Yu said. "Oh, come on!"

"Do you still use gas?" Xiu Yu.

"sometimes I really envy you the hand speed." Yu Wenzhou said, it is because of his driftwood for * * * did not keep up, finally Jun Moxiang continuously in the attack in the move. You

"has this hand speed, we still have mixed?" Yu Xiu is not polite, a hit, even to a series.
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