All the coffin coffin, with red paint wrote a number of Chinese, permutation of the numbers is not the rule, written very casual seems to be someone in the compiled. A look, the largest number is forty-seven, that is to say, there are at least forty-seven coffins. Think of this train a total of seven cars, a few of the following, if it is all these things? I'm afraid that will be a total of more than 100 in the coffin. Then look at the number of edges, but also to write a four grave east room two, a marker. "Mr. Qi, you see." Zhang Qishan points to the words.
"peer ah." An Qi thought: "this is a big ticket sale,Will soon catch up with the whole year old nine door." The coffin is a look at Sentosa steal out, in order to record the stolen out of the tomb and the region, only the label and notes. Qi beak some doubts, Changsha here Southern tomb, desultorily, don't say illiterate literacy, even if the big to do such a big deal, nor to where steal out of the record. For them, the difference between the price of sand goods only.
they slowly forward, see the coffin like, are different from the tomb, Zhang Qishan puzzled expression, but did not speak
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