第314章 龙神之髓,龙神之魂热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 云澈之所以一定要横穿死亡荒原,重回这个地方也是原因之一。他仰头道:“上次 การแปล - 第314章 龙神之髓,龙神之魂热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 云澈之所以一定要横穿死亡荒原,重回这个地方也是原因之一。他仰头道:“上次 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第314章 龙神之髓,龙神之魂热门推荐:、 、 、 、 、 、 、 云

第314章 龙神之髓,龙神之魂
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
No. 314 of Zhang Longshen marrow, soul of the Dragon GodTop recommended:,,,,,,,, Yun Che must cross the wasteland of death, come back to this place is one of the reasons. He looked up: "last time I leave, you say, as long as I can within three years into the occult, so he gave me spirit of the Dragon God of the nucleus pulposus and the Dragon. ” "Yes, I certainly won't forget. "Old voices came slowly from the sky:" your body, carries a ray of hope for me, I'm better than anyone, hope you can be faster and stronger. You really didn't let me down in this lower plane, in such a short period of time you have such extraordinary progress was especially valuable. ”"Body and mind you now, is enough to afford my bone marrow and the last spirit. Now, they will give you ... ... Please close your eyes, put down all the spirit and ** on the defense. ” Pacific Black Dragon voice fell, Yun Che sky, suddenly appeared a fist size, release the stars shine like crystals, Crystal slowly falling, floating Yun Che in the forehead. "The Dragon God of the spinal cord, may put a bone if the steel, pulp Jintang, you lose blood and power will regenerate at a faster rate, and the endless, endless. Avenue Borobudur tactic gives you great strength, physique and body recovery, the Dragon God of spinal cord gives your body's ability to restore Borobudur far Avenue, tactic, but your strength, resilience, will far exceed mere mortals! And you the same opponent, are bound to not be your opponent. ”"Spirit of the Dragon God, tempered with your virtual soul, give you a far superior-strong spiritual force, your soul, also from this attribute with the Dragon God! ” Star-like Crystal in front of the Yun Che suddenly popped open, a powerful, Ethereal, the vast force air distribution, the moment, Yun Che suddenly feels like being in a myriad of stars. A faint shadow, wanders in front of him ... ... From the Pacific Black Dragon the Dragon God of the spinal cord with the spirit of the OTO, breath from their power in close proximity, but if separated by a universe far away ... ... That is a sense of Ethereal Yun Che never had, that force is the level, is Yun Che could not understand. This unit contains Dragon God of spinal cord with the power of the spirit of the OTO moved slowly to Yun Che, as far as I could see, space lift layers of ripples! Simply natural atmosphere, can lead to distortions in space, which contains the power of powerful, dense, high, it's difficult to imagine."I would like to give you the Dragon God of the spinal cord, and then give you the soul of the Dragon God, and help you to complete the integration. But to see you today, I changed my mind, I will also give you the Dragon God of the spinal cord and the soul of OTO, and it will not help you complete integration ... ... All that is to see for yourself! Let me see, you can rely on your own strength and will and complete fusion of the soul of the Dragon God of pulp and OTO! ” "If you really can do it, you get the benefits, will be far greater than I help you complete! Especially if you own power to conquer and integration after the soul of the Dragon God, maybe, you will have the ability to open my snake Dragon family shocked the world ' areas of soul '! ” As heavy as the sound of the sea, originally colorless powers suddenly burst out of pale blue light, not Yun Che could respond, it suddenly turns into a streamer, rushed to Yun Che eyebrows ... ... Pain from the eyebrows of a cold knife cone-like hit, all pale blue light, all in a moment into his body. Suddenly, a huge no word for force in Yun Che's body spreads, Yun Che felt as if his body was stuffed into a limitless sky ... ... The next moment, his mind a great earthquake, like an undulating Ocean suddenly pouring into his soul. Indescribable sense of Ethereal, heavy, hot hits, Yun Che heart beating up, every pore of the body expanded rapidly all the tendons and crazy twist seems to be all burst. The depths of his soul, a powerful beyond the will of the overwhelming intrusion, vast vastness as if from heaven idea! He has lived through countless baptisms and strong soul, I was trembling, huddled and frightened. This is from the Pacific the pith of the Black Dragon and soul force, is more powerful than ordinary Black Dragon's blood too much power! Than Yun Che's mortal body, above the level I do not know how many times higher. Yun Che violent panting, forehead veins exposed, sweating. But he did not answer, pupil continued to shrink, but has always maintained a ray of cold wake up light. 云澈的躯体本不惧任何火焰,但龙神之髓入体,他分明感觉到仿佛有一缕炽热到极点的火焰在他骨骼中快速窜动,几乎要把他的骨骼全部灼灭刺穿。云澈体内的龙神之血与凤凰之血醒来,同时压制向龙神之髓,然后艰难的将它封存在胸骨之中,然后开始了缓慢的融合…… 龙神之髓的融合虽然不易,但在强大的邪神玄力,和龙神、凤凰血脉的帮助与压制下,也并不是那么的困难,而相比于此,龙神之魂的融合要艰难何止百倍。 如果说云澈的灵魂之海就如一汪清澈而平静的湖水,那么,龙神之魂的涌入,就如在湖水之中投下了一块巨大的冰块……而且,是那种万年不容的万古玄冰! 一汪湖水,要融化这万古玄冰的难度不啻登天!而万古玄冰若要冰封湖水,却是轻而易举! 云澈的脑海之中,出现了一个浩瀚无际的星空……没错,是星空!一处只在传说,但凡人的躯体与精神都根本不可能达到的地方。数不清的星辰星罗棋布,后方,一颗巨大的苍蓝色星球离开很近,它的庞大占据着整个视线。而这时,一声震颤寰宇的龙吟传来,飘渺星空之间,出现了一只全身苍蓝色的龙影,纵然是在万千星辰之间,它依然显得那么庞大……它身长或许有千里、万里、万万里……又或者那根本是一种常人根本无法理解的庞大。 It sends out the atmosphere, rugged, and straight into the soul and with a pressure of the bone marrow. It was ... ... That is God ... ... Pacific Black Dragon!? 吼~~~~ Blue Lan Longying twists and the stars, and suddenly a long swamp, surrounded by thousands of stars in this bubble of long poems, such as fragile, fractured in a Flash, and then as the small dust. Long yin, it easily destroyed countless stars!! Yun Che crazy soul shudder, how horrible this is power! This, God is stronger? In the myths and legends that spread in the community, the true God can trample the Earth against the sky, cast Genesis, can also destroy, destroy stars for God, but between songs. However, that's just myths and legends, are bored by fiction, let children relish the Ethereal story of childhood years. And Yun Che seeing God ... ... The God of animals, it's powerful, than the fairy tale of the true God, and do not know how many times stronger! It will destroy the stars, what music you want, simply a roaring! Stars began to tremble ... ... It comes from his soul trembled, under pressure of the Pacific Black Dragon, seems even they will all bow, it dominates the universe, looking down at all the souls that overlooks heaven and rule, everything has to be under its control. In front of it, Yun Che feel like a speck of dust in front of the stars ... ... Don't struggle with, and even the courage to look directly at all failed to produce. 云澈从来不是一个怯懦之人,纵然是面对强过自己一倍,甚至十倍,几十倍的敌人,他都不会真正恐惧,但,此刻他灵魂之中闯入的,是神兽的灵魂!虽然只是微小的一缕,但毕竟是来自龙神! 巨大苍龙似乎发现了他,一双比星球还庞大的眼睛将他锁定,然后带着庞大到无法形容的威压冲向了他,一瞬间,仿若天地倾覆般的庞大威压把他笼罩 其实,龙神之魂虽然强大,但只有太古苍龙以自己最后的意志引导与控制,可以快速而轻易的与云澈的灵魂融合,但面对此时的云澈,太古苍龙的意志却给了他一个天大的考验……要他以自己的精神力,去融合这缕龙神之魂。它很清楚对一个低等位面的凡人来说难度何其之大,但若是以它的意志来进行融合,云澈对这缕龙神之魂的驾驭顶多只能是四成。 而若他以自己的灵魂意志将龙神之魂融合,不但能在这个过程中让自己的灵魂更加强大,对龙神之魂的驾驭,也将达到完美的十成! 也就是让这丝龙神之魂,完完全全的成为他自己的灵魂! 凡人的确不可能做到,但云澈有几大神诀在身,就未必没有可能! 浩瀚宇宙,就是云澈自己的灵魂之海 而那只巨大的苍龙,就是进入他灵魂之海的苍龙之魂! 他必须在自己的灵魂之海中,将这苍龙之海完全征服与融合!而这个过程,他还必须分散出一部分精神力,去融合进入他骨骼之中的龙神之髓! 龙神之髓的融合若失败,他顶多是身受创伤,但若龙神之魂的融合失败……他的灵魂之海将被直接摧毁!变成一个没有任何意识的活死人! 吼!!! 龙吟声中,整个星空都在战栗,苍龙之影向云澈疾飞而来,巨大的身躯转眼间覆盖了云澈的整个视野,视线中的星空消失不见,只剩下一张几欲将苍穹都一吞而下的弥天大口。 云澈全身僵硬,灵魂激荡……他想要融合龙神之魂,首先需要克服的,就是龙神之魂绝对压制下的灵魂战栗。 狂乱的心跳声清晰的传入到他的心魂之中,苍龙之影越来越近,在云澈的瞳孔之中倒影起一片深邃到极点的湛蓝色……云澈时而颤抖,时而坚硬,就在这时,他原本被压制到沉寂的灵魂之海忽如沸腾的开水一般疯狂的动荡起来,一声咆哮从云澈口中吼出:“这是我的领域……就算你是天地的主宰,进入我的领域,也要乖乖臣服!!” 吼叫声中,云澈眼睛圆瞪,主动冲向了苍龙之影……就如一粒尘埃,悍不畏死的冲向了一颗星辰。R1058章节错误,点此举报(免注册),举报后维护人员会在两分钟内校正章节内容,请耐心等待,并刷新页面。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Marrow Cap 314 Dragon, the Dragon Soul
Top Picks:,,,,,,, Yun Chol reason must cross the wilderness of death and return to this place is one of the reasons. He looked up and said:. "The last time I left, you said, as long as I can into the ground mysterious territory within three years, gave the soul and marrow of my Dragon of Dragon" , "there is nothing wrong, of course I Will not forget "old voice from the sky slowly came:" Your body, carrying my ray of hope, I'm better than anyone, want you stronger and faster you really did not let me down, in. The lower planes, you can have in such a short period of time so amazing progress, commendable. " "You are now the body and heart of the sea, is enough to bear up my marrow with the final spirit. I am now, They gave you ...... please put you close your eyes, put the defense on all spiritual and **. " Swire dragon voice down, over the cloud Che, suddenly appeared the size of a fist, the release of starry light of the crystal, Crystal and fell slowly, floating in the clouds before Che foreheads. "Dragon marrow, the bone if you can make steel, pulp if impregnable, you lose blood and strength, regeneration will be faster, and the endless, endless. Avenue Buddha tactic given you strong strength, physique and physical resilience, marrow Dragon's given you the ability to recover the body, although far less than the Buddha Avenue tactics, but your ability to recover strength, will far exceed the mortal! opponent with your same strength, will be doomed to impossible is your opponent. " "Dragon's soul, your spirit will be grown throughout the soul, so you have a strong spiritual force far more than mortal, your soul, it will henceforth have the attributes Dragon!" stars like crystal Suddenly in front of the cloud Che split, a powerful, ethereal, power distributing vast breath out, that moment, Che actually cloud suddenly felt like being in a boundless sky being. A shadow group Ruoyouruowu floating in front of him ...... that is the soul of the Dragon and the Dragon of marrow from the Pacific black dragon, force the breath from their close proximity, but seemed like a distant across a universe ...... it is a cloud Che never felt a sense of ethereal, which shares power level which is the cloud Che impossible to understand. It bears the power cord shares it with Dragon Dragon Soul Che cloud moved slowly, wherever he went, the space actually Dangqi layers of ripples! Just the natural release of breath, can cause distortion of space, the powerful of which the hidden power of, the dense, the higher, simply can not imagine. "I originally wanted to bestow marrow Dragon of you, then gave you the Dragon's soul and help you complete the integration. But today, you see, I changed my mind, I will also grant you Dragon of the Dragon marrow Soul, and it will not help you complete fusion ...... everything, all depends on your own! Let me see if you can rely on its own strength and will, simultaneously with the completion of the integration of marrow Dragon Dragon Soul! " "If you really can do it, you get the benefits will be far greater than I help you complete! especially your own strength to conquer and fusion soul after Dragon, maybe, you will have the ability to open my Dragon Family deter the world of spirits 'dragon spirit realm!' " As heavy sound of the sea among the original colorless forces suddenly burst out pale blue light, yet so cloud Che respond, it will suddenly turn into a streamer, heading for the cloud Che eyebrows ...... surge knife cone-like pain from eyebrows hit, all pale blue light, at the moment not all into his body. Suddenly, an enormous force in the unspeakable cloud Che body spread, cloud Che felt within his body seems to be inserted into a moment ...... next boundless sky, a piece of his heart sea Earthquake , just like the ups and downs of a sudden influx of ocean suddenly his soul. Indescribable ethereal, heavy, burning sensation hit, cloud Che heart pounding up the rapid expansion of every pore of the body, all the tendons crazy twist, it seems that soon all burst. The depths of his soul, a powerful will to unspeakable overwhelming intrusion, a huge expanse, as if from the heavens thoughts! So he has experienced numerous extremely tough baptism and soul, are trembling, huddled and fear. This is the force with soul force marrow from Swire dragon is the dragon's blood than the average much more powerful force! They footer Che's mortal cloud ratio, top level I do not know how many times higher. Yun Chol severe panting, his forehead red with rage, sweat. But his mouth did not say a word, although shrinking the pupil, but always maintained a ray of light cold wake. Cloud Che's body present fear any flames, but Dragon's marrow into the body, he clearly felt as if there is a ray of extreme hot flames quickly ran in his bones, his bones almost put all the burning off pierced. Blood Dragon Cloud Che body and blood of Phoenix woke up, while pressing the pulp of the Dragon, then tough it will be sealed into the sternum, and then began a slow convergence ...... Fusion Dragon's pulp Although less But in a strong Cthulhu mysterious force, and the Dragon, Phoenix blood help and repression, it is not so difficult, but compared to this, the Dragon Soul Fusion difficult to far more than a hundred times. If Che's soul cloud the sea like a puddle of clear and calm lake, then into the Dragon Soul, as being cast in the lake with a huge ice ...... And, is not the kind of years The eternal Xuanbing! A puddle of water, to melt it nothing less than eternal Xuanbing prohibitively difficult! The eternal Xuanbing To Frozen lake, but it is easy! Che cloud minds, there is a vast expanse of sky ...... yes, the stars! Only a legend, but the mortal body and spirit are impossible to reach places. Countless stars dotted the rear, a huge pale blue planet leave close, it's a huge occupy the entire sight. And then, I heard the tremor came Dragons Universe, between misty sky, appeared a pale blue body dragon shadow, even though among thousands of stars, it still seemed so huge height ...... it may have miles, miles, absolutely in ...... Or it is simply an ordinary person can not understand the large. It comes out of the atmosphere, indistinct vast, with a kind of coercion straight into soul and bone marrow. That is ...... that is ...... Pacific Dragon dragon! ? Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ pale blue long shadow in the sky circling winds, suddenly heard shouts, an instant, the surrounding sound of thousands of stars in Dragons in such fragile soap bubbles, instant fragmentation, then as the world's most minor of dust. With straight Zhang Yin, then easily destroy countless stars! ! Cloud Che crazy soul trembling, this is too terrible power! Is this is God's great? In the popular folk myths and legends, the real God can trample the earth, show disdain for the sky, gestures can be Creation, also mieshi, in terms of the destruction of the stars of God, but is the song refers to between. However, it is just myths and legends, is that people are bored fiction, let the children listen to juvenile years relish ethereal story. The cloud Che saw God at this time ...... beast in the true God, it's powerful, than the myth of the true God, I do not know how many times an even stronger! It is going to destroy the stars, what need is curved finger, just a roar! Star began shuddered ...... it was trembling from his soul, under the coercion Swire dragon, it seems even the world should bow, it overlooks the heavens and the earth, overlooking all the creatures, a plan and the rules of Heaven, all the world, We should be under its master. In front of it, cloud Che felt as a dust of stars before ...... let alone to fight it, even the look of courage can not give birth. Yun Chol has never been a timid person, even in the face of stronger than himself doubled, or even ten times, several times the enemy, he will not really fear, but at the moment he entered the soul, is the animal's soul! Although only a tiny wisp, but that is from the Dragon! Huge black dragon seem to find him, a pair of massive than planets but also his eyes locked, and then with a huge indescribable to coercion toward him, the moment, there are like heaven and earth like Pang Dawei overturning pressure him enveloped in fact, the dragon Soul of God, although powerful, but only Swire dragon with his last will guide and control, it can quickly and easily integration with cloud Che's soul, but the face of Che cloud at this time, Swire dragon's will gave him a day big test ...... to his own spiritual power, to the fusion soul of this thread Dragon. It is clear to a mortal lower planes of the big difficulty is to repeat itself, but if it is the will to carry out the integration, this wisp of cloud Che Dragon of soul mastery at most, only four percent. And if his own soul will be the soul of the Dragon of integration, not only to let his soul in the process more powerful, for the control of the soul of the Dragon, will reach the perfect Kazunari! That is, let the soul of this wire Dragon, completely become his own soul! Mortal indeed impossible, but there are a few big cloud Che God tactic in the body, it may not be impossible! Vastness of the universe, is the cloud of his soul Che sea and bird huge black dragon, it is into his soul the soul of the sea dragon! He had in his soul the sea, this sea dragon completely conquered and Fusion! This process, he must also disperse a portion of spiritual force, to the integration into the marrow of his bones among the Dragon! Fusion Dragon's marrow failure if he is mortally trauma at best, but if the failure of fusion of the Dragon Soul sea ...... his soul will be directly destroyed! It becomes a living dead without any sense! roar! ! ! Dragons sound, the whole sky were trembling, the black dragon shadow darting from the cloud Che, great body shortly cloud covering the entire field of vision of Che, the sight of the stars disappear, leaving only a Jiyu will And under the firmament were a mortal swallow big mouth. Yun Chol rigid body, soul stirring ...... he wants Fusion Dragon's soul, you first need to overcome is the soul of the Dragon's soul tremble under absolute repression. Frantic heartbeat clearly passed to his heart and soul into, black dragon shadow getting closer, in the cloud Che reflection among pupils from a deep blue color extreme ...... cloud Che sometimes trembling, sometimes hard, on At this time, he had been pressed to silence the soul of the sea suddenly boiling water as the general turmoil crazy up, roar blast from the cloud Che mouth: "This is my area ...... even if you are the master of the world, into the my field, but also obediently surrender !! " roaring sound, the cloud Che eyes Yuan Deng, the initiative toward a shadow dragon of ...... as a dust, defended not afraid of dying rushed to a star. R1058 section errors Report (free registration), the maintenance staff will report after the correction chapters in two minutes, please be patient, and refresh the page.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Marrow chapter 314 of dragon, the dragon soul
popular recommendation:,,,,,,,,,

cloud Che reason why certain across the wilderness of death and return to this place is one of the reasons. He upward way: "last time I left, you said, as long as I can in three years entered more mysterious territory, gave the marrow of the dragon and the dragon soul."

"is not wrong, of course I won't forget." Hoarse voice from the sky slowly came: "your body, carrying me a ray of hope, I than any people, hope you can faster stronger. You sure did not let me down, in the lower position,You can in such a short period of time has such amazing progress, praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct."
"you are now the body and mind, is enough to afford my marrow and finally mind. I will give them to you now...... Please close your eyes, and let all the spirit and the defense on the * * *."

Swire dragon voice falls, above the clouds, appear suddenly a fist size, release the stars shining crystal, crystal slowly falling, floating in the Che Yun's forehead.

"the dragon of pulp, can let you bone if steel, pith impregnable if, you lose blood and strength will to faster the speed of regeneration, and the endless, endless.
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