遂有多位善长仁翁对此等社会问题,看在眼里,急在心上,于是他们身体力行,带头行善的同时,积极思考,还经常开会商议如何能尽自己绵薄之力, 扶贫济 การแปล - 遂有多位善长仁翁对此等社会问题,看在眼里,急在心上,于是他们身体力行,带头行善的同时,积极思考,还经常开会商议如何能尽自己绵薄之力, 扶贫济 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


遂有多位善长仁翁对此等社会问题,看在眼里,急在心上,于是他们身体力行,带头行善的同时,积极思考,还经常开会商议如何能尽自己绵薄之力, 扶贫济困, 逐渐形成“阴安白骨,阳养其生”的行善方针。当时“阳养其生”还比较容易办到,对贫苦者施些钱财油以解其生活之困; 对生病者施以医药,让其及时得到治疗,早日恢复健康,而“阴安白骨,就比较困难了,因为,若要熊妥善安葬逝者使之入土为安,需要土地,当时泰国政府规定,华人不可以购置土地。善长仁翁们并没有因此而止步退缩,而是积极应对,设想:如果成立一个慈善机构,以机构的名义来购买土地,安置逝者就有了可熊,这样的事在泰京曼谷已有成功的先例。
经过一段时间的酝酿、协商,条件日趋成熟,水到渠成,公元 1 956 年,由东北公司东翁庄文雄德长联合埠众,发起成立乌汶华侨慈善机构(后来更名为乌汶慈善机构),1957 年正式成立第一届董事会,迄今已达 60 年,到目前为止已是第?届董事会。
有了地皮,然而肖时对建设义山庄及善堂均缺乏经验,为使心中之善德变成现实之善举,少走弯路,节省时日,尽快建成义山庄及兽堂。庄文雄德长即与许璧光先生磋商之后,不辞辛劳,也不顾及对自身生意的影响,同赴泰京请玄辰善堂诸位理事先生莅临乌汶,协助乌汶华侨慈善机构筹建义山庄及善堂等各项事宜,并恭请诸佛仙真前来乌汶“开鸾”.当时, 玄辰善堂董事长李成吾德长、总干事陈坤泽德长等诸理事,因乌汶所请,事关善举,众德长均乐意应邀,即择吉日与乩务人员,莅临乌汶府协助建设义山庄事宜,恭诵德典,祈请诸佛仙真,德泽莲城。恩蒙白云道长降鸾,赐乌汶义山庄名为“乌汶怀先山庄”, 赐善堂名为“紫聃阁”,白云道长还赐怀先山庄大门横匾。
至此, 怀先山庄各事筹备就绪, 然后组织董事会, 向泰国政府内政部呈送申请注册报告。 公元 1957 年,内务部批准,发给证明书准许建设“乌汶府慈善机构怀先山庄”。
光阴似箭,转瞬间,到了公元 1981 年,庄明都先生任乌汶慈善机构董事长时,该互助社吴钦茂理事长与庄明都董事长磋商,建议,庄明都董事长即时满口赞成,建立紫聃阁之愿合作兴建“紫聃阁”即将实现,埠众闻悉,兴高采烈,大为欣慰。
庄明都先生与吴钦茂先生再度下谷,与玄辰善堂总干事陈坤泽德长磋商建阁事宜,同时连袂前往朱拉第九巷紫真阁拜访林志熙理事长、黄鹤秘书,将乌汶府建设紫聃阁消息报告, 林理事长与黄秘书闻悉之余, 甚为高兴, 并盛情款待, 交谈十分融洽。 郭德城德兄开特鸾恩蒙教主柳春芳师尊莅鸾乩示,文中提及紫聃阁蒙尘廿八载,今熊重光,师心甚慰,故赐各子,为德奔波,远道参鸾,曰:
同时择吉,于公元 1981 年 11 月 2 日奠基,当时,曼谷玄辰善堂与紫真阁乩务全体理事,前来莲城,协助各项事宜,乌汶府善信闻知,齐齐前往哇嶙火车站,热烈恭迎金炉,人山人海,汽车队之长龙达三公里有余,翌日,诸佛仙真降鸾,首句即赐名为:
柱联为: 紫台佛光德音醒世,
第二联为: 德业弘扬普化苍生登净土,
第三联为: 慈善为怀履仁步德立机构,
乌汶慈善机构紫聃阁排名泰国德教会第三阁。回顾过去,紫聃阁从创阁至今已 60 载。
公元 1984 年 l 月 25 日, 紫聃阁阁宇竣工揭幕。当时曼谷华文报纸曾详细报导。
公元 1985 年启建第一期修骷法会,当时第一任阁长是黄元湖德长,任法会理事长,一连 64 天,功德圆满后,乌汶慈善机构董事长庄明都德长任期届满, 董事会为着阁务前途, 选举庄舜鹏德长为继任董事长. 阁中理事任期已满者, 蒙道济佛尊代关主裁乩选罗英华德长为紫聃阁阁长, 罗阁长自 1993 年荣任后, 即提倡并主持建筑阁后聚仙台,因工程浩大,建至 1996 年才竣工揭幕。翌年,罗阁长即提倡启建第二期修骷法会,一连 55 天,如期功德圆满,甚得埠众赞扬。
乌汶慈善机构紫聃阁福利股,对于救济、恤孤、贫寡、赠棺、义葬事务,人人不辞辛劳,落力以赴,争先恐后,建立德业,因此,在公元 1999 年荣获泰国政府内务部颁赐东北部最光荣的优秀奖。
紫聃阁阁宇建成二十多年来,阁内厅堂逐步增加,设施日趋完善,管理井然有序。例如:_____年,文雄堂落成,______年______堂落成。 .........
紫聃阁既是华人华侨祭奠先人举行法事的场所,也是埠众乐于聚会弘扬善德之胜地,每年___月,紫聃阁例行派送大米给那些需会者,___月,九王斋节,免费提供斋饭,农历八月十五日中秋节, 组织联欢晚会,许多华人华侨前来参加, 一边赏月, 一边观赏极具中国特色的文艺节目。
紫聃阁还十分关心教育事业,比如,不定期拔出一些款项给两所华侨学校,帮助增添设备,改善办学条件,每逢儿童节,便会安排资金, 购置图书文具, 送给乌汶华侨公学及乌汶第二华侨学校, 勉励孩子们努力学习。
近二、三十年来,乌汶慈善机构以及属下怀先山庄、紫聃阁的管理已是日趋成熟有序,且一贯兢兢业业,不敢丝毫松懈,终获成绩斐然,埠众有口皆碑。随着华文教育逢勃发展,乌汶慈善机构对学校予以更多的关注,更多的投入。董事会安排了一位副董事长管理乌汶华侨公学,董事会适时筹措资金,支持公学修缮校内建筑,完善教学设备,充实师资力量,公学开设的幼儿园和小学 1-6 年级年年招生满高水平的教学质量一直获得埠众广泛认可,近年来,荣获不少奖项:——————————,——————————等。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Therefore has a number of generous benefactors to these social problems, look in the eye, and urgency in mind, so they practice, leading to do good at the same time, positive thinking, but also often met to discuss how to make their own modest, poverty relief, and gradually formed "Yin white bone, Sun raised its" good policy. At "Yang raised its born" also compared easy do, on poor who Shi some money oil to solutions its life of trapped; on sick who Shi to medicine, let its timely get treatment, early recovery health, and "Yin Ann bones, on compared difficult has, because, to bear properly buried died who makes of buried, needs land, at Thailand Government provides, Chinese not can acquisition land. Generous benefactors did not stop their retreat, but a positive response, it is envisaged that: If you set up a charity, on behalf of the institutions to buy land, placed the deceased had a bear, such things in Bangkok, krung Thai has been successfully implemented. After a period of deliberation, consultation, conditions matured, ripe, 1 956 years jointly by Northeast company wengzhuangwenxiongde long BU, and initiated the establishment of Ubon Ratchathani overseas charities (later renamed to Ubon Ratchathani charities), formally established in 1957, the first Board of Directors, has for more than 60 years, and until now was it? Session of the Board. Ubon Ratchathani charity was set up the first thing to do is to start preparing to purchase land, build villa for righteousness. Later, zhuangwenxiongde long, and finally in the currency selected an area about five kilometres from Ubon Ratchathani 80 or 90 Rai of land. Zhuangwenxiongde long after acquired personal contribution in the name of charity, gave land grants to charity. Land, however xiaoshi for construction and the volunteer Villa charities have little or no experience, to make the hearts of virtue a reality of kindness, detours, save time, Villa and his church built as soon as possible. Zhuangwenxiongde long that and Xu Biguang Mr consultations zhihou, tirelessly, also regardless of and the on itself business of effects, with to Thai Beijing please Xuan e good Hall you governing Mr visit Ubon Ratchathani, assist Ubon Ratchathani overseas charity institutions preparation meaning Villa and the good Hall, the matters, and are kindly invited to all Buddha fairy really came to Ubon Ratchathani "opened Luan". at, Xuan e good Hall Chairman lichengwude long, and total Officer Chen Kun Zed long, all governing, due to Ubon Ratchathani by please, thing shut charity, all de long are willing to was invited to, that optional day and mediums works personnel, Visit the Ubon Ratchathani assists in building heights, Yasuhisa chant de code please, Buddhas, and de Ze Ephraim city. Long down enmengbaiyun road Luan, giving Wu Wenyi Villa named "Wu Wenhuai to Villa", giving charities called "Purple Dan Ko", white clouds Taoist priests give Villa door plaque. Give Villa door couplets: "ambition far send Pingxiang Yu Zikong dreams and I talk to take exotic rest house. ” Gives Villa door couplets: "emperors cannot be dream away empty-handed Seogwipo, Die with no silver spoon shovel dirt poor and belong to the same family. ” At this point, the Villa all things ready first, then the Organization's Board of Directors, to the Thailand Government report of the Ministry of the Interior submitted to apply for registration. In 1957, Ministry of the Interior approved and issued a certificate allowing construction "Ubon Ratchathani charity village." Following this, in Villa plots within the formation, construction of one, two or three vaults and foster point, construction of the ritual Hall, surrounding the construction of the wall design and construction of the Villa's front door and the back door, inlaid clouds long 賜 plaque and couplets. After step by step construction, Villa first and constantly improve, the whole Villa solemn, beautiful atmosphere. Set up after the first Villa charities have arranged special personnel in charge Villa, Ubon Ratchathani Thailand drive overseas Chinese crane Seogwipo, buried, more options, especially less wealthy people, charities can help them deal with the ancestors of the funeral. Charity Charity BU all feel the warmth of love and help each other. Inside the Villa, apart from one or two, three graves near the fence where there's a larger Tomb, which is buried acupuncture point. Years, Ubon Ratchathani Police Council and arms first Villa keep contact and cooperation, once black Timor House within occurred burst accident, has persons accident casualties, if temporarily contact not to relatives, on will will its remains temporarily store arms first Villa, after a time, which has can contact to its relatives of, will by its relatives led go remains, eventually contact not to its relatives of, on by arms first Villa will its buried Yu meaning view within, this is on people of respect and the on life awe of charity, for tie Police Council improved social environment, upgrade moral level up to has good role. In the 50 's of last century when zhuangwenxiongde built upon the establishment of Ubon Ratchathani charities such as, Ubon Ratchathani has to set up the Union, the Director is Mr Wu Qinmao, a member has dozens of, when unions, to relieve, Shi Ji, convergence is duty-bound to popular praise. Because Union members are businessmen, for your business is as busy as a bee every day, unable to free up more time for community service, therefore with the Member's consent, Cha Wang Lu, bought land in the city Surat Thani, two more than Barclays, built temples peaks a little each week consists of two people taking turns in charge. Time flies, suddenly, in 1981, when Brighton Chairman Mr Wu Wen charity, Wu Qinmao, Chairman of consultations with the Chairman of Brighton for the unions, advice, immediate full support, Chairman of Brighton, set up yew Dan GE is willing to co-operate "Purple Dan Pavilion" will come true, BU sources, high spirits and great relief. Brighton and Mr Wu Qinmao Mr Xia gu, Xuan Chen and charities built Pavilion in the Director-General Chen Kun-Zed long consultations and join sleeves purple Club visit to Jura Nineth Xiang Lin Zhixi, Head Secretary of the yellow crane, Ubon Ratchathani construction purple Dan GE news report, apart from reading about Lin and Huang, Director of Secretariat, very happy and gracious hospitality, conversations very well. KAIT Luan Ngernmuen leader Liu Chunfang brother Guo Decheng de master-hand Luan mediums shown, mentioned in Zi Dan Qing court for 28 years, this Xiong Zhongguang, where comfort, it gives each child, de, and have come to Phoenix, said: Electrum huaxing Minchin Le Feng, Filiality. While choosing an auspicious day, Yu A. D. on November 2, 1981 Foundation, at, Bangkok Xuan e good Hall and purple really GE mediums works all governing, came to Ephraim city, assist the matters, Ubon Ratchathani House good letter smell knows, Align Align visiting wow mountain railway station, warm welcomes gold furnace, packed, car team of line up three km more than, day, all Buddha fairy really drop Luan, first sentence that gave name for: Ubon Ratchathani charity purple Dan GE unions. And the plaque, GE, etc Door plaque quadword as follows: de young Ephraim city. Column: purple Buddha deyin awaken, Dan fan GE Xian shadow doctrine. Second: German industry carry forward the common people of pure land, Teaching tone spread lead dust wakes up and the buzz. Third: charity, his shoes renbude State institutions, Assistance for the social pension poverty to save suffering vibration. Ubon Ratchathani charity purple Dan GE ranked Thailand third Pavilion of the German church. In retrospect, Dan purple Club, the Club has 60 members. 25th 1984 ad l, purple Dan GE GE Yu completed the opening. Bangkok's Chinese-language newspapers reported in detail at that time. First part of the year 1985 qijian who has a method of meditation, when the first Pavilion long de Huang Yuan Lake long, Ren, Director of the law, for 64 days, after rendering meritorious services, Ubon zhuangmingdude, Chairman of charities long term Board of Directors for the Club's future, election Zhuang Shunpeng Tak, Chairman of Chang as his successor. Club members for a term of full, Meng Daoji Buddha statue of Guan Zi Dan, referee selected luoyinghuade long as their initiation Ko Ko long, Luo Ge long since 1993 after the appointment of calling for and presided over the building after the Court gathered in Sendai, due to huge, built between 1996 and completed until opening. The following year, Luo Ge long advocated qijian II who has a method of meditation would, for 55 days, a fait accompli, BU audience praise. Ubon Ratchathani charity purple Dan GE Welfare Unit, for poverty relief, pension orphan, widow, donated coffin, burial services, everyone took down to scramble, to establish industry and, therefore, in year 1999 won the Thailand Government Award of the Interior gave the honor of a North-East Awards for excellence. Purple Dan Yu-GE GE built more than 20 years, Tower Hall gradually increased, facilities are being improved, well-managed. For example: _____ years, Wen Xiongtang completed, ______ ______ years Hall was completed. ......... Purple Dan GE is Chinese overseas Memorial ancestors held ritual of places, is BU all ready to party promote good de of resort, annually ___ months, purple Dan GE routine delivery rice to those needed will who, ___ months, nine Wang Zhai section, free provides meal, Lunar August 15 Festival, organization Gala Party, many Chinese overseas came to participate in, side Moon, side ornamental very with China features of literary program. Purple Dan GE or concerned with education, for example, from time to time some payments to two Chinese schools, help of equipment, improve teaching conditions, every day, will arrange funds for buying books and stationery, gave overseas Chinese public school and Ubon Ratchathani in Ubon Ratchathani's second overseas Chinese schools, encouraging children to study hard. Last 20 or 30 years, Ubon Ratchathani Zi Dan, charities as well as under the first Villa, club management has become an increasingly mature and orderly, and consistently dedicated, not slacken, was finally given, and BU is well-established. Flourish with the Chinese education, Ubon Ratchathani charity schools will receive more attention, more input. Board arranged for a public school Wu Wen Hua Qiao, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board timely financing, support for public school repairs in school buildings, improve teaching equipment, full faculty, public school offered nursery and primary schools admissions annually with a high level of quality, grade 1-6 BU audience, has been widely recognized in recent years, won many awards:----------,----------.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Then there are a number of good long benefactor of this and other social problems in the eyes, acute in mind, so they personally take the lead in doing good at the same time, positive thinking, and often met to discuss how to be able to do their modest means, helping the poor and gradually form a "security bones Yin and Yang to support their students" to do good policy. At that time, "Yang Yang of its life" is still relatively easy to do, more money for the poor by applying oil to relieve the hardship of their lives; for the sick to medical, allowed to receive timely treatment, early recovery, and "An overcast bones, It is more difficult, because, to bear the proper burial of the dead rest in peace making, need land, when the Thai government regulations, the Chinese can not purchase land. good long benefactor who has not been halted retreat, but a positive response , imagine: If you set up a charity in the name of organizations to buy land, placed the dead there could bear such a thing in Beijing, Bangkok, Thailand has been successful precedent.
After a period of deliberation, consultation, condition matures matter of course, in the year 1956, the Northeast's East Germany Weng Zhuangwen Xiong long joint port congregation, founded the charity Ubon Overseas (later renamed Ubon charity), was formally established in 1957 the first session of the Board, has so far reached 60 years, so far is the first? Board of Directors.
Ubon charity set up to do the first thing is to immediately begin preparations for the purchase of land, construction of righteousness Villa For Later Zhuangwen Xiong de long multi-find, and finally at a distance of Ukraine Timor select a currency area at about eight kilometers, ninety Lay of the land.庄文雄de long personal investment in the name of charity bought the land, they then land donated to charity.
With the land, but when the construction of Shaw Meaning Resort and charities are lack of experience, to make it into reality Virtue heart charity, detours, save time, meaning Hill and beast hall built as soon as possible.庄文雄namely Germany long after consultation with Mr. Xu Biguang, hardworking does not take into account the impact on their own business, Beijing Tong Fu Tai Sin Gentlemen, please, Mr. Xuan Chen governing visit Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon overseas charities assisting the preparation of various matters defined Resort and charities, etc., and respectfully before the Buddhas really cents to Ubon "open phoenix." At that time, Chen Yuen Sin Licheng Wu, chairman of the German long, long Zehnder Director-General Chen Kun and other various directors, Yin Wuwen the request is related to the charity, the public was invited to Germany long are pleased that choose auspicious and mediums officer, to visit Villa Ubon Ratchathani to help build justice matters, Christine German Code of chanting, prayer Buddhas cents true, Deese Liancheng. Enmeng Baiyun Road, a long drop-luan, thanks to Ubon Villa justice called "Ubon Ratchathani Huai first Villa ", thanks to charities called" Purple Dan Court, "Unto pregnant clouds long road to Villa Hengbian door.
thanks to Villa Huai door couplet: "with aspirations far hereby empty Send Pingxiang in a dream,
the first person I Also buried by exotic chat House. "
Villa backdoor give pregnant first couplet: "Health has kings dream Seogwi empty-handed,
without wealth and rank dead buried belong to one. "
At this point, each villa pregnant first thing in the pipeline, then the organization of the Board, the Ministry of Interior to the Thai government report presented to apply for registration. AD 1957, the Interior Ministry approved the construction permit issued certificate "Ubon Ratchathani charity pregnant prior Mountain."
Following this, the first resort in the bosom of land, land leveling and construction of one, two, three vaults and justice support points, built to hold the ritual hall, built in the surrounding walls, design and construction of Villa door and back door, on the door Baiyun Road, gift Mosaic long Hengbian and couplets. After a construction step by step, first conceived Villa continue to improve throughout the Villa looked solemn, beautiful atmosphere.
After the establishment of the first pregnant Hills, charity arranged for the person responsible for the management Villa, Ubon Ratchathani Chinese Overseas Seogwi riding a crane, put to rest, an extra option, especially less well-off people, charities can assist handle ancestors funeral. charity charity, so that the public feel the mutual love and support port warm in the lodge, unlike one, two, three graves near the walls of the place, there is a large tomb, which is justice buried points. Over the years, Ubon Ratchathani police to maintain contact with pregnant prior Mountain and cooperation in the event of a sudden once Ubon Ratchathani accident, there are those casualties, if the moment can not contact relatives, his body will be temporarily stored prior pregnant Hills, after a period of time, which can be linked to their relatives, they made took the bodies of their relatives, and ultimately not contact their relatives, or from a pregnant within the first resort to be buried in the graves, which is respect for human beings and reverence for life charity, with the police to improve the social environment and enhance ethical standards played a good role.
In the 1950's, Germany and long falls庄文雄build charitable institutions established at Ubon Ratchathani, Ubon Ratchathani has to set up a credit union director is Mr. Wu Qinmao, there are dozens of members , when the union work, save for shirts, Shi Ji, convergence is duty-bound, the distance commended. because union members are businessmen, their business every day busy, unable to free up more time to serve the community, Therefore, the consent of the members agreed that the police in the city le Wong Road available piece of land, two more than Levin, built a small temple known large peak every week by a charge of two turns.
Time flies, suddenly, to the year 1981, Mr. Chuang, chairman Ubon all charities, the union president, in consultation with Wu Chin-mao, chairman of Chuang Ming, recommendations, Chuang, chairman of immediate mouthful favor of the establishment is willing to cooperate to build "Purple House Purple Dan Dan Court of "coming soon, port congregation read about, happily, greatly pleased.
Mr. Chong Ming Du and Mr. Wu Qinmao valley again under consultation and Xuan Chen Jian Ge matters LST General Edward Zehnder long, but ran off the ninth visit Jura Lane Purple True House visit Linzhi Xi president, secretary Huang, the construction of Ubon Ratchathani purple Dan House news reports, Huang Lin, chairman and secretary read about it over, very happy, and hospitality, conversation very well. Guo De brother Decatur City Luan Enmeng leader Liu Chunfang Master-hand-luan mediums show, Dan mentioned herein Purple House dust Nianba load, this bear Shigemitsu, division heart even comfort, so give each child, as the German and forth, all the way ginseng Luan, said:
Minchin Star abundance of glorious music,
filial piety the faithful Honesty and Honor whole.
At the same time Optional Kyrgyzstan, in the year November 2, 1981 the foundation, then, Bangkok mysterious Sin Chen Ge mediums and purple really works all members come Liancheng assist various matters, Ubon Ratchathani worshipers heard about, shouted go wow Mountain of the train station, a warm welcome gold furnace, drawing huge crowds, long queues of cars fleet of more than three kilometers, the next day, really Buddhas cents lower Luan, first sentence that is Ciming:
Ubon charity Club Purple Dan union organization.
And given the Hengbian, House Union and other
door hengbian four words are: Dejan Lotus City.
Pillars are: PMO Buddha Deyin Awaken,
Dan Ge Xian Ying doctrine of fans.
The second form is: German industry promote the general board of the Pure Land of the common people,
to teach the child to wake up tone maze dust far and wide guidelines.
The third is: Lu Ren Huai charity step Drake institutions,
mutual aid for the poor this shirt revered vibration society.
Ubon charity purple Dan Church Thailand and Germany ranked third Court House. In retrospect, purple Dan Ge Ge has been 60 from the record carrier.
Year 1984 l 25, Purple Dan Ge Ge Yu completed unveiled. Bangkok was reported in Chinese newspapers had described.
Year 1985 started construction of the first phase of repair skeleton puja was Court's first long yellow yuan Hude long, Ren chairman, a series of 64 days, after the story rather than the chairman Ubon charities Chuang Ming Tudor long term the expiration of the Board of Directors of the Court Service future elections Zhuangshun Peng, chairman of the German long as his successor. Court term in full by the governing Mongolian Dow Buddha statue on behalf of the German customs referee mediums selected long purple Dan Luo Yinghua Court House long, Luo Ge long Since 1993 he served as that advocated and presided Court building after polymer Sendai, due to a huge project, to build and was completed in 1996 opening. The following year, Luo Ge length can start to build the second phase of repair advocate skeleton puja, a series of 55 days, the story rather than as scheduled, all ports are very much appreciated.
Ubon charity purple Dan House Welfare Unit, for relief, Xu Gu, poor widowed, donated coffin, burial justice affairs, everyone tirelessly off the power to go, scramble to build German industry, therefore, won the Thailand in the year 1999 Government Ministry of Internal Affairs bestow northeastern most glorious prize.
Purple Yu Dan Court House built in twenty years, gradually increasing Genei hall, facilities maturing orderly management. For example: _____ years, Fumio hall was completed, the Church completed ______ ______ years. .........
Purple Dan both Chinese and overseas Chinese to pay homage to their ancestors Court held ceremonies in place, the public is willing to get together to carry forward the port of destination Virtue year ___ month, purple Dan Court delivered rice to those who need routine Participants, ___ month, nine king Lent, free Zhaifan, Lunar August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival, organized Festival, many overseas Chinese to attend, while the full moon while watching the unique Chinese cultural programs.
Purple Dan House is also very concerned about the education, for example, from time to time to pull out some of the money overseas two schools to help add equipment to improve school conditions, during the Children's Day, will allocate funds to purchase books stationery, gave Ubon Overseas Public School and Ubon second overseas Chinese schools, and encouraged the children to study hard.
The last two or three decades, Ubon charities and under arms to Villa, purple Dan Court ordered management is maturing, and always hard, not lax, finally got success, port public reputation. With the development of Chinese education flourish, Ubon charities give more attention to the school, more investment. Vice Chairman of the Board arranged for a management Ubon overseas Chinese public school, Board of timely financing to support the public school school building repair, improve teaching facilities to enrich teachers, public schools offer kindergarten and grade 1-6 enrollment in mid-Man a high level of teaching quality has been widely recognized by the public to get the port in recent years, he won many awards: ----------, ---------- like.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hence have many philanthropists such as social problems, look in the eyes, anxious in mind, so they personally, take the lead to do good at the same time, positive thinking, regular meeting to discuss how to do their modest means, helping the poor, has gradually formed a "Yin Ann bones, Yang raise the students" good policy. At that time, "Yang the life cultivation is still relatively easy to accomplish, to poor application of some oil money to solve the difficulties of life; to impose medicine for the ill, to receive timely treatment, will soon be restored to health, and" Yin Ann bones, it is more difficult, because, if to bear proper burial of the dead to be buried the need for land, when the Thai government regulations.Chinese can not buy land. Good benefactors who did not so stop retreat, but a positive response, imagine: if the establishment of a charitable organization, in the name of the institution to buy land, resettlement of the deceased had a bear, such things in Bangkok, Thailand Beijing has been successful precedent.
after a period of time of incubation, negotiation, conditions mature, ripe, AD 1 956 years, by companies in northeast east Weng Wen Zhuang Xiongde combined with long Bu all, initiated the establishment of Ubon Ratchathani overseas charity (later renamed to Ubon Ratchathani charity), formally established in 1957, the first session of the board so far has reached 60 years, so far is the? The session of the board of directors.
Ubon charity established the first thing to do is to immediately begin preparations for the purchase of land for construction, righteousness villa. Later Zhuang Wenxiong de long to find a piece of land, finally selected about eight, ninety in the Levin District five kilometers from Ubon coin. Zhuang Wenxiong long individual investors in the name of charity to buy the site, then donated to charity.
have land, however Shaw of socialist construction villa and charities are lack of experience, in order to make the heart of virtue into reality of benevolence, detours, save time, as soon as possible to build the righteousness hall villa and animal. After Zhuang Wenxiong and Mr. Xu Biguang de long consultation, hardworking,Tokuzawa Reki also regardless of the impact on their business, Tongfu Jingtai please Xuan Chen Shantang gentlemen director Mr. visit the Ubon Ratchathani, assist Ubon Ratchathani overseas charity righteousness villa and charities to build various matters, and invite the Buddhas Xianzhen came to Ubon Ratchathani "Luan". At that time, Chen Xuan LST Li Cheng, chairman of Wu Dechang, Director General Chen Kun zed long, Zhu director, due to Ubon Ratchathani request is related to the charity, Zhongde length were happy to have been invited to, namely choose an auspicious and mediums provided personnel, visit the Ubon Ratchathani assist construction meaning villa matters, Christine de chant scriptures. Pray Xianzhen of all the Buddhas. Ngernmuen Baiyun Road, long drop Luan, give meaning villa named "Ubon Ubon with first villa",Give charity called "purple laodan Pavilion", Baiyun road also given with first resort hengbian. Give first resort
with poetic couplet: "with strong Pingxiang Zhiyuan send this position empty into the dream, first I chat by
exotic residence also sleep." Give back with first
villa: "a poetic couplet dream to return empty handed military and political leaders,
die without wealth and rank are a buried."
so far, with the first villa all things are ready, then the board of directors, apply for registration report to the government of Thailand to the Ministry of the interior. In 1957, approved by the Ministry of internal affairs, the issue of a certificate to the construction of "charity with the first villa Ubon ratchathani". And then, in the first hill land,Land leveling, build one, two, three graves and support point, build the halls of worship ceremony held, in the surrounding built a fence. Design and construction of villa front door and the back door, door inlaid Baiyun Road, long gave hengbian and couplets. After a step by step construction, with the first villa continuous improvement, the entire villa is solemn mu, beautiful atmosphere.
the establishment of first resort in Wyoming, charity arranged for someone responsible for managing villa, Ubon Ratchathani Province Overseas Chinese riding crane West GUI, buried, the a choice, especially in people life is not rich, the charity can assist the ancestor's funeral. Charity charity,Let the port feel the warmth of mutual love and mutual love. In the villa, unlike in one or two, three and other graves, in the place near the wall, there is a larger tomb, which is the burial of righteousness. Over the years, Ubon Ratchathani Police Bureau and the Huai first villa maintain contact and cooperation, once accidents occur in Ubon Ratchathani, person casualty, if the moment not contact relatives, will the remains of temporary storage of first resort in Wyoming, after a period of time, of which can be linked to their relatives, their relatives collar body, and ultimately linked to their relatives, by the Huai first villa will be buried in the cemetery, which is to respect and reverence for life charity.To cooperate with police station to improve the social environment, improve the moral level played a good role.
in the fifties of the last century, coincides with the zuang Wen Xiong de long preparation for establishment of Ubon Ratchathani charity when, Ubon Ratchathani have been first set up cooperatives, the director is Mr. Wu Qinmao. Members dozens of, when mutual agency, for succor, Shi Ji and convergence are duty bound, near the praise. Due to mutual club are businesses, every day for his business busy to free up more time for social services, so with the consent of the members agreed to, in the city smart observation Wanglu bought the piece of land, Lai and superabundant, built a small peak public temple.Take charge of the custody of the two person in turns every week..
time flies, in a twinkling, in the year 1981, zhuangming Mr. Ren, chairman of Ubon Ratchathani charity, the cooperative Wu Qinmao director long and zhuangming are chairman consultations, suggestions, zhuangming chairman instant readily agree, a purple Danling Pavilion will build cooperation "Purple Danling Pavilion" will come true, bu all read about, elated, big is gratified.
zhuangming are Mr. and Mr. Wu Qinmao again Valley, and Xuan Chen Shantang Director General Chen Kun zed long consultations Jian Ge matters. At the same time, both went to Zhu pull the Jiu Xiang purple really Ge visit Zhi Xi Lin, chairman, Secretary of the Yellow Crane, Ubon Ratchathani construction purple Danling Ge news report,Chairman and secretary Lin Huang Wen Yu, very happy, and hospitality, talk very well. De Guo Decheng brother open special Luan Enmeng leader Liu Chunfang Swami to Luan mediums are shown. The mentioned purple Danling Ge dust 28, this bear Chongguang, division heart very comfort, so give the, rushing for Germany, distant reference Luan, said:
Minchin Guangyao Huaxing Le Feng,
, loyalty and filial piety moral standards all.
and pick an auspicious day, in the year 1981 November 2, laid the foundation stone. At that time, Chen Xuan LST in Bangkok and purple real Club Planchette provided all director, came to Ephraim City, to assist in all matters, Ubon Ratchathani good faith diccover, Qi Qi to wow mountain railway station, warmly welcomes the gold stove, huge crowds of people.Car team queue up to three kilometers to spare, the next day, the Buddhas Xianzhen drop Luan, first sentence is the given name: Purple Danling Ge
Ubon Ratchathani charity cooperatives.
and give hengbian with Ge, four words: Gate
hengbian Stankovic liancheng.
column associated: Purple Taiwan Buddha Deyin awaken, Dan Ge
fairy shadow doctrine of many.
second as: German industry promote the popularization to teach people the pure land, as guidelines for dust sub
sound wake maze. The third:
charity for the Huai Lu Ren step Drake mechanism, the Xupin
mutual save bitter social isolation.
Ubon charity purple Thailand de third Ge Dan ranking church pavilion. In the past, Ge Dan purple from a pavilion has been 60 years.
In 1984 l month 25 days, purple Dan Yu Ge Ge completed opening. At that time, the Bangkok Chinese newspaper had detailed reports.
ad 1985 opening and built the first phase of the skull repair method, was first president of Ge long is long yellow Yuanhu, the law will be chairman, 64 days in a row, accolades, Ubon Ratchathani charity chairman zhuangming Dou Dechang upon expiration of his term of office, the board of directors for the sake of GE Wu future. After the election Zhuang Shunpeng long as chairman of a successor. Cabinet members for a term is full, Daoji Meng Buddha Guan referee Planchette selected Luo Yinghua de long long purple Danling Pavilion, Luo Gechang since 1993, the wing either, which advocates and presided over the court building poly Sendai, because a huge project,To build until 1996 was unveiled. The following year, Luo Gechang advocates start building second will repair method will, for 55 days, as well public praise come to a successful issue, bu.
Ubon Ratchathani charity purple Danling Ge welfare unit, for relief, orphans, the poor widow, gift coffin, righteousness funeral affairs. Everyone tirelessly being to go to scramble to establish industry. Therefore, in the year 1999 won the Thai Government Ministry of the interior northeast give the most glorious award of Excellence Award. Dan Yu Ge Ge
purple built more than 20 years, in the Pavilion Hall gradually increased, facilities are maturing, in order management. For example: _____ years, the Xiongtang completed, ______ years ______ hall was completed. ......
purple Danling Pavilion is Chinese Memorial ancestors held ceremonies of the place, and also the port many ready to party to carry forward the good German resort, every month, purple Danling regular cabinet delivery rice to those who can, month, nine kings Zhaijie, free provide vegetarian food, lunar August 15 Mid Autumn Festival, evening party is organized, many overseas Chinese come to participate in, while the full moon, while viewing the very Chinese characteristics art programs.
purple Danling Ge also very concerned about education, for example, from time to time to pull out some money to two Chinese school, help add equipment, improve the conditions for running a school, every children's day will arrange funds, buy books, stationery,For overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese school second Ubon Ubon school, encouraged the children to study hard.
nearly two decades, Ubon Ratchathani charities and subordinate arms first villa, purple Danling Ge management is increasingly mature and orderly and always conscientious, did not dare to relax, was impressive, port many legendary. Along with the Chinese education to flourish, Ubon charitable organizations pay more attention to the school, more investment. Board of directors arrange a vice chairman management Ubon Ratchathani overseas Chinese college, the board of directors timely financing, support college repair school buildings, teaching facilities, teachers and full strength,College opened kindergarten and Primary School Grades 1-6 year after year to recruit students with a high level of teaching quality has been widely recognized port many, in recent years, won the number of awards: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- and so on.
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